#the next one here on my queue is smth i hear from a friend a lot bcs she rlly likes the band
noxtivagus · 2 years
a different kind of pain when songs remind you of memories T_T
#🌙.rambles#this one i'm listening to rn as i start writing this#i rmber listening to a lot when i missed someone#a friend on ffxiv that i ended up really enjoying talking to#i rmber for that whole week we spent considerable time together n#i grew attached i guess. it's been ages since we last talked but i think i'll never forget him#the next one here on my queue is smth i hear from a friend a lot bcs she rlly likes the band#these memories ache so much. remembrance really hurts#that aside#i'm doing rather well tonight compared to other days#but now my struggle is#how do i help others.#sometimes i'm absolutely fucking shit when it comes to words n comfort n showing that i care n i'm listening#but it's not like i can#idk pat someone's head or hold their hand or hug them through a fucking screen T_T#yk complimenting others really makes me happy#the words i say really come from my heart. so. yeah#earlier i was cheering a friend on n#i think she's pretty insecure bcs she sees herself as weird#i told her i loved her weird self either way. no matter what. bcs she's my friend n i love her#in that convo she said at some point that she personally doesn't find me weird tho. n she called me cool#i. uhm. >///< FUCK WHENEVER PPL TELL ME STUFF ABT MYSELF N HOW THEY SEE ME#UWAHH!!?! 🥺🫠 my poor heart#i rmber months ago when i comforted same said person she#she wrote smth to me back n said. she loves how dependable i am#🥹 having words written back to me means sm to me#anyways she's like a sister to me i love her so much i hope she doesn't see this bcs that's embarrassing but#really in short. if i've really let you in my life then goddamn you have no idea how much you mean to me#i'm incredibly loyal n passionate about loving so. yeah.#i want the best for the people i love n it's just enough for me to be able to contribute to that even a little
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israbelle · 6 years
voltron - episodes 1-2
so, i’ve actually watched the first three episodes already, since about 80% way through with ep 3 i had the idea for this blog to begin with, so i’ll just be grouping in some of the reactions i had for two of them — i originally wanted to do all 3 but it ended up taking too long so, 2 today and i’ll do 3 tomorrow — in a short thing before it really starts
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“they’re gonna die, aren’t they”
-me, two seconds before they got captured by the killer aliens
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“i don’t know who this girl is yet, but i love her!”  at that point my friend’s only response was girl??? and i soon realized my mistake
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aand i already love the dynamic, i’m a sucker for rivals i guess
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i’m disappointed that wasn’t followed up by “...i guess you did just have to knock”
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“i dont know who she is, but she’s an elf lady and she said ‘Father!” and fell down and i love her already”  
lance, you’re horrible at flirting
ohhh man, she’s epic as well as graceful!
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my god, it’s an eccentric elf uncle and i love him sm
also him and lance? amazing comedic potential 
side note, hunk looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle from behind
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don’t tell me you don’t see it 
partially unrelated, but my internet is trash atm so the image quality is probably pretty bad, nothing i can do unfortunately
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damnit lance, i wanted to hear that lore >:[
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they’re not gonna be peaceful, are they
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aand, called it 
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rover had better be part of the team forever
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oh hey, a plot point
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word of the day: quiznak. verb (used with object), adjective, noun 1. meaning “something has gone wrong”, used reginionally by residents of Fictional World
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amazing, absolutely wonderful. i love it  then the mandatory “TEAMWORK is the answer!” lmao
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the show is called voltron, i dont think i could call this post a voltron post without including a picture of... voltron
episode one’s a blast, now the other two i’ve seen before, (other than the fact that ive seen the first three episodes before, i’m going in 100% blind)
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me too, lance
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ah, it must suck being the shortest :3c
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or the comic relief, really
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...my point still stands
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i like it when aliens have different terminology, but i also like knowing what that terminology means... i hope i see a yalmor (yalmore sounds better?) someday soon!  
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who’s this guy, and what does he have to do with shiro ?? wasn't shiro a complete prisoner; did he fight his way out or smth? 
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ahah, amazing, i love this 
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summary of voltron: everyone but shiro sucks at riding a lion
hmm, this next part shows us into the minds of the characters!! im gonna take that as the queue to see what theyre about 
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keith’s thinkin about a house that looks to be by the beach, i think it’s his?  either it’s his childhood home, and he’s remembering it, or it’s what he’s purposefully imagining as what he’d think appropriate for part of a “clear your mind” exercise; a calm, serene place! it might be both, though? maybe things will be known more after we know more about him! 
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at first i thought lance was thinking of a bunch of ladies, which wouldn’t be too far off his personality tbh, but there’s at least 4 guys in that group (which i guess could just suggest he’s bi but nah) but also,, what looks to be an old lady and two little kids? so i think it’s just his friends and family; although i don’t think i see anyone from the main group here? so that could either mean it’s solely his family, OR it’s just a metaphorical representation of “friends and family” 
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hunk’s, as the joke character, has.... the simplest thing. He Likes Food. any deep dark secrets? nah,, he just likes food. if they ever have a buildup to one, it’ll probably be something like “i actually like pineapple pizza!”
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hey voltron, i cant take a screenshot of your video properly if you make it only appear for a few frames.... thanks.. anyways, pidge’s is a picture of him and his girlfriend, the same picture as that one that was shown earlier that i forgot to comment on. i... cannot parse this screenshot i took (it’s the best one i got after 5 tries, trust me) so i’m gonna go back to that other picture for reference
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isn’t pidge supposed to be really really short? how short is his girlfriend??  anyways, he’s standing outside of the space station with her, which makes sense, and honestly i think he just really cares about her? although, i wonder what happened to her ?? youd think she’d be around more often, or if they broke up that such a happy singular memory would be the one thing to come up? yeah, the picture is rational, but the memory itself would probably be something more eventful if they had broken up or something. idk, this one’s the most confusing
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shiro is thinking of literally the exact same station that pidge & girl were in front of, so it’s the station that the... kerberos(?) mission left off in. it’s something he values a lot, and something he obviously remembers a lot, since the memory wipe and all, so it makes sense that he’d be thinking of it 
ywow, that was a lot of text, dang!!
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ooh, the gladiator sounds interesting ...jee, they sure all failed pretty fast
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ywow, they sure failed pretty hard also, on another note i really like this hairstyle/outfit 
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...amazing, i love this guy everyone in this show is just amazing, i cant wait to see what comes out of this-
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or, not, cool music and plotpoints are good too
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a psycheout x2 combo! i guess we’re at the food again!
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food fights are always funny
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wooo! teamwork, finally! i wonder how long it’ll last before someone inevitably mucks something up...
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voltron again!! and this time hunk didn’t get there ten minutes late
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the comedy in this show is sometimes just, gold
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there’s that photo again.... i kind of doubt it’s his girlfriend, honestly, judging by his reactions; unless she died somehow ? idk though, not yet at least
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hoo boy, whatever “this beast” is i’m sure it’ll be a biiig problem later in the show!!
anyways, that’s the end of episode two, and it’s gettin pretty late here ha so i’m gonna finish up here! i thought i could do 3 episodes in a day, but i think i’m gonna stay to 1-2 episodes each instead, depending. seeya!!
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