#the mandalorian chapter 9
pbandjeveryday · 1 year
I’m rewatching Mandalorian and wow I love how this show de-villified the Tusken raiders/sand people.
They’re still portrayed as a brutal group, and their attacks and killings aren’t ignored, but The Mandalorian gives them layers that were never shown in the movies. We get to see them conduct trade, protect each other, and struggle with the more dangerous aspects of the desert. They have a rich history. They have their own sign language. They have pet dogs. And suddenly they seem like people instead of monsters.
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It’s a great reminder that just because you can’t see someone’s face, doesn’t mean they don’t have one. Which I guess is fitting for a show with a main character whose face is always hidden.
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dindjarindiaries · 8 months
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kryzobi-wan · 8 months
The Sound of Mandalore
Chapter 9/20: A Very Fine Jedi
Read on AO3
<;< Chapter 8
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Obi-Wan had been pacing back and forth relentlessly when the door to his room finally slid open, allowing Anakin entrance. He walked in carrying a big bag, which he set down on Obi-Wan’s bed. As he began to unzip it, Obi-Wan broke his anxious silence.
“Anakin, what are you doing here?” he said, wringing his hands. He had not expected to see his young friend anywhere near Mandalore. It was sort of like two very different worlds colliding and his brain couldn’t make sense of it.
“Senator Amidala asked me to escort her,” Anakin answered with a poorly concealed smile. “I wanted to see what you were up to. And she thought you might need some help socializing with the elite of Mandalore.”
“I take offense to that,” Obi-Wan replied, though the words held no bite. His mind was in panic mode, and any high-level thought seemed decidedly impossible at this time. “H—how are things at the temple?” he asked, “The war—”
“It’s good,” Anakin said reassuringly. “I might be getting a padawan soon!”
“What?!” If his eyes could have popped out of his skull, they would have.
Anakin began pulling out some finer clothes from the bag, and as he did, Obi-Wan expressed his concern. “As much as I appreciate the gesture, I highly doubt anything of yours will fit me.”
“They’re not mine, they’re for you. Another of Padmé’s brilliant ideas.” Anakin grinned, “We picked them up just in case, and it looks like we were right. Did you really not bring anything nicer, Master?”
“You’ll forgive me if I wasn’t expecting to be attending a high-class party while assigned here as a teacher.” Obi-Wan thought for the second time tonight about the whole reason he’d been sent away in the first place: his attachment. In the eyes of the council, that meant his attachment most of all to Anakin. “Did the council really approve of your being sent to visit me?” he asked, glancing doubtfully at his young apprentice.
The look Anakin gave was all the answer he needed. “Well, maybe not specifically. Technically I am on a meditative retreat.”
Obi-Wan sighed and rubbed his hand over his forehead. This boy would be the death of him.
“Here,” Anakin said, placing an elegant set of navy-blue clothes with silver accents in Obi-Wan’s arms. They were Mandalorian in design, and much more form fitting than his usual robes, though still loose enough to move around comfortably.
“Are you sure?” he asked uncertainly.
“Absolutely. I’ll see you down there, Master.” Anakin clapped Obi-Wan on the shoulder, who could only stare back as if stunned, and Anakin exited the room.
“Always on the move,” Obi-Wan muttered to himself, sighing as he laid out the clothes on the bed. Well, might as well get this over with.
After putting the clothes on, Obi-Wan surveyed his appearance in the mirror, fidgeting with the hem of the shirt and his sleeves. He was used to much wider sleeves, and these ones almost itched with how close they were to his skin. They were nice enough, though. The dark navy cape with a powder blue lining resting on his shoulders was a fine touch. He would definitely fit in with the party.
A knock came at the door, and Obi-Wan called out that it was okay to enter, wondering what Anakin could possibly want with him now. Instead, Tal Merrik came in, taking in the Jedi’s appearance as he did.
“You clean up nice, Kenobi,” he observed, just a hint of something hidden behind his compliment. Before he could even process that the Senator had invaded his room, he spoke again. “Satine won’t be able to keep her eyes off you.”
Obi-Wan froze for a moment, ice filling his veins. What had given him that idea? He averted his gaze and began to fold his old robes up, placing them on the bed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, hoping his voice wouldn’t betray him. “Is there something I can do for you, Senator?”
“Oh, please,” Merrik sneered, “Nobody is that clueless, especially not a Jedi. That much I know.” When Obi-Wan didn’t answer, he continued. “She could hardly look away when all you wore were those drab beige rags, imagine how she’ll behave now you’re dressed as well as Mandalorian royalty!”
“She looks at me no differently than she looks at anyone else,” Obi-Wan continued to deflect, finding it suddenly very difficult to breathe. “She is a very kind and generous ruler.”
Merrik raised his eyebrows. “There’s no need to be so defensive, Master Jedi, you two clearly have a history. You’re a powerful Jedi in the prime of his life, I’d be concerned if Satine didn’t notice you. Who doesn’t love a good forbidden romance every once in a while?”
“I do hope you’re joking,” Obi-Wan said, trying to force a laugh but failing miserably. Fear, instead, took root in his response.
“Not at all. There is nothing more irresistible to a woman than a man who is in love with her.”
Obi-Wan felt his stomach give a sickening twist. “In love with her?” he said with a rasp.
“It’s quite obvious, Master Kenobi,” Merrik said innocently, “Oh, but I forgot… you Jedi are not supposed to love. How unfortunate, especially because she thinks she’s in love with you.”
The floor dropped out from beneath Obi-Wan. He couldn’t breathe. What he was saying couldn’t be true, it just couldn’t.
“That’s impossible,” he countered, forcing himself to believe the words. “Any feelings she may have had ended a long time ago.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” the Senator spoke.
Could he be telling the truth? They had done practically nothing but argue since he arrived. It had been well over a decade and a half. They were different people now, had different responsibilities. His mind ran off with him.
“In any case, I am sure she’ll get over it soon enough,” Merrik finished, “She is a duchess, after all.”
Oh, yes, she was the Duchess.
And he was a Jedi.
Obi-Wan was mortified. Not only had he been personally struggling with his attachments—the entire purpose for him being here—he had evidently been so obvious about it, that even a total stranger had picked up on it. Did everyone see it? Had they been whispering about his infatuation with the Duchess behind his back all this time? And where was this idea that she was in love with him coming from? He couldn’t allow himself to think about it.
Already, he had failed the Jedi Council—failed the mission they sent him on and the personal growth they’d hoped he would achieve. If anything, he was in worse shape than he’d started out in.
He knew he shouldn’t blame the Council for sending him headfirst into an environment that would inevitably reignite his feelings for Satine, but what did they expect would happen? He hadn’t been near her in so long, he could have forgotten about her, never seen her again. Perhaps that would have been better.
Leaving her the first time was one of the hardest things he’d done, it was foolish to believe that sending him to Mandalore wouldn’t dredge up old hurt. He had been foolish to think he’d be able to manage it.
“I cannot stay here,” he said, immediately turning to grab a stack of his clothes to throw in his luggage crate. For once in his life, he was listening to his instinct to run instead of fight. This was one problem that couldn’t be solved with a lightsaber, and he didn’t trust himself to solve it diplomatically. Not right now.
Merrik watched as he threw things haphazardly in the box. “I’ll be sorry to see you go. It’s a shame that things had to turn out this way. Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked, still utilizing that nasty false friendliness that Obi-Wan was now starting to pick up on. This man was jealous. He had intentions with Satine, and he saw Obi-Wan as a threat.
There were so many things wrong with that, that he wouldn’t even know where to begin.
Words—one of his most reliable weapons—for once failed him, so he shook his head no. He had revealed too much already. He required deep meditation to move past what Merrik had revealed to be the truth:
That Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was still hopelessly, madly, every bit in love with Satine as he had been all those years ago.
He couldn’t possibly leave fast enough.
“I commend you Jedi,” Merrik spoke idly, “to swear a life of no attachment, to deny oneself of one’s deepest desires… it is truly a sacrifice to be commended.”
It took all of Obi-Wan’s restraint not to throw Merrik forcefully from the room. He did not want to hear any more about how he was supposedly the ‘perfect Jedi.’ He didn’t. He’d come all the way here to work past his attachment problem, and had only made it worse. If word of this got back to the Jedi Council, he’d be in deeper trouble than he already was.
“Say nothing of this to Satine,” he instead ordered in clipped tones.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Merrik replied, suppressing a smirk as he turned to exit the room. “Goodbye, Master Kenobi. I’m sure you’ll make a very fine member of the Jedi Council.”
After he had gone, Obi-Wan slung his Jedi robe over his fine clothes, concealing them mostly from view. Leaning heavily against his luggage crate, he forced himself to take a moment to breathe. That conversation had taken so much out of him, and it completely upset the balance he thought he’d finally found.
He remembered all those years ago, those last few hours spent with Satine. He’d told her he loved her. She said it too. And yet, they both agreed he would have to leave. Sure, they had entertained the idea of him staying for a while, but it was in the way that children spoke of traveling to some far-flung galaxy beyond the unknown regions. It was impossible, but it was such a nice thought that they pretended it could be true right up until the very end. When it came time to leave, he had prayed that she would say the word, that they could live in their childish fantasy, but the ramp to their shuttle closed and she disappeared from view. He had never been so unbalanced in his life.
It took a great deal of counseling, mostly from Qui-Gon, to regain some semblance of the Jedi Padawan he’d been before he ever met her. He flung himself back into his studies, into following the Jedi Code to the letter, much to the chagrin of his old Master. He convinced himself that he was unattached, all while ignoring those strings of his heart that remained connected to Satine, and even some to Qui-Gon. Those he hadn’t truly noticed were there until suddenly they weren’t, severed in a reactor core on Naboo.
Now that balance was gone again. All that work, for nothing. Tal Merrik had seen right through him, perhaps even seen him more clearly than he saw himself. He realized now that he’d been fooling himself for the last sixteen odd years. He’d never stopped looking for her. He watched every single speech she made on the HoloNet. He kept a box of keepsakes from their year together under his bed.
Now try telling him that that was the behavior of an unattached Jedi. You would be wrong.
The only thing there was to do was leave. Now. Before it could go any further than it already had. He had made a promise to the Jedi. A promise to himself, and to her. This was the way he could do good in the galaxy, and the galaxy needed him now more than ever. He would go back to the Temple and do whatever it took to get past this. He had to.
He didn’t know who he would be if he didn’t.
When Senator Merrik returned to the party, he came up beside Hondo, who was now being forcefully held at bay by a guard. For reasons unknown, he was still being allowed to sip serenely from a glass, enjoying the celebration from afar.
“Oh good, you’re back,” he said to the Senator, “I’m hoping that Jedi can use his mind tricks on the Duchess. I want those children in the competition.” Merrik rolled his eyes, accepting a glass from one of the servants that passed by. “For Mandalore, of course. You have to do it!” the pirate finished, grabbing two more glasses of his own.
“Wouldn’t do you any harm either, now would it, Mr. Ohnaka,” Merrik responded sarcastically.
Hondo chuckled, proud of himself. “You know, I did think of that.”
They were silent for a moment, observing the Duchess as she spoke with Merrik’s fellow Senator from Naboo.
“I do think it would be good for her,” Merrik mused, “She spends entirely too much time in this palace. I think it’s time we get her away from the stresses of Mandalorian politics for a moment, surely no harm can come from that.”
“Precisely my opinion,” Hondo agreed.
Merrik handed off his now empty glass to Hondo, who was starting to struggle juggling four glasses at once. “I shall talk to her,” he stated, “No need to involve the Jedi.”
With that, he headed off to find Satine, interrupting her conversation with a bow.
“May I have this dance, Duchess?” he asked, reaching his arm out toward her.
Satine hesitated for only a moment before bowing in return and excusing herself from her other companions. She accepted his outstretched hand and allowed herself to be pulled to the center of the ballroom and away from the others.
Obi-Wan could hear the gently flowing music as it echoed down the deserted hall. His luggage crate hovered behind him, struggling to keep up with his quickened pace.
As he turned the corner, he just about ran into Anakin, who exclaimed, “Woah, Obi-Wan!” placing his hands on his shoulders and immediately noting the brown outer layer he wore. Obi-Wan stopped. “Where are you going with that on? You know you don’t always need to be wearing your robe, right?” his young friend said teasingly, fiddling with the rough fabric of the collar.
“Anakin, I need to leave,” Obi-Wan said, offering no further explanation.
Anakin glanced over his shoulder to scan for Padmé, but he couldn’t see her at the moment. “Right now?” he asked, studying Obi-Wan’s face. He looked anguished.
“Please, Anakin, I can’t stay here.”
His pained eyes pleaded with Anakin, betraying more emotion than he’d ever seen from his old Master, which silenced any further questioning he might have let escape his mouth.
“Okay, just let me go get Padmé, I’ll meet you at my ship.”
Obi-Wan nodded gratefully, his eyes strangely out of focus. Anakin was unsettled enough by this behavior to assume whatever was happening was of the utmost urgency, and he’d do whatever he could to help his distressed friend. Anakin patted Obi-Wan on the shoulder and rushed off to find the Senator.
The throne room had been vacated in favor of the ballroom by this point in the evening, and Obi-Wan stopped in the center of it. His hands fiddled with a small device containing a holorecording before he worked up the courage to place it on her throne. He took one last look around the chamber, resting for just a moment longer on the stained-glass detailing before turning and exiting through the grand entry doors.
They closed behind him with a thud.
He was leaving. Here on Mandalore, he’d been suffocating, unable to draw a breath. And now, he truly believed that the only place where he could be saved was back at the Jedi Temple, forsaking his mission and even his direct orders from the Council.
He’d never tell them what led him to behave so uncharacteristically, not unless forced. But he had to get back, and soon.
Until then, he wouldn’t be able to breathe.
Chapter 10 >>
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cobbssecondbelt · 1 year
I know we are all worried about the pacing of this season's plot, but let's not forget the past two seasons weren't much different.
The "real action" always started only towards the sixth episode (with Greef's holocall in s1 and Grogu's kidnapping in s2). Before that, we had a general idea of what the quest was, but the stakes weren't too high. Heck, the main antagonist of the show was only introduced in the seventh episode of season 1. The first half of a season usually takes its time with side quests and little hints and installements and then it really delivers in the last 3 episodes.
So yeah, season 3 feels like it's dragging a little bit and the plot sure is less clear than in the precedent seasons, but it's not exactly a huge change from what we've seen in the past.
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aliiok · 1 year
Chapter 9
Through the Stars
mando x reader
Summary: a short in-between chapter that i felt didn't quite fit with the next one! no warnings
Note: If you've read this far, I just wanted to say thank you, and I appreciate you <3
After you witnessed the kid use the Force for the first time, you couldn't help but wonder why the Mandalorian hadn't told you about his abilities before. You thought about all the things you had seen in your years of studying, and how this was something you had only read about in ancient texts. There were rumors, of course, about a Jedi helping the rebellion win the war. But you weren’t quite sure what to make of it. It was incredible to see the power of the Force with your own eyes, but it also left you with many questions.
Afterwards, you tried to talk to Mando about it, but he didn't seem interested in discussing it. You wondered if it had to do with his past, or if he just didn't want to dwell on the subject. Either way, you couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated. You wanted to know more about the child’s abilities and what it could mean for his future.
As you sat there, lost in thought after the conversation, he waddled over to you and tugged on your pant leg. You looked down at him, and he gazed up at you with his big, innocent eyes. You knew that no matter what the future held for him, you would do everything in your power to protect him and keep him safe.
Soon after that, the Mandalorian left. He was following the tracking data from the homing beacon you found together on Shivao. You were to stay with a mechanic he introduced you to named Peli. Peli was a tough, no-nonsense woman who was instantly skeptical of you. However, after seeing how willing you were to help her work, she warmed up to you quickly.
Over the next few days, you worked with Peli on repairing and upgrading various droids and equipment. She taught you a lot about how to repair and maintain machinery, and you found yourself enjoying the work more than you thought you would. It was satisfying to take something broken and make it work again. You didn’t have much experience beforehand working with these kinds of things, but it wasn’t too difficult for you to pick up new skills. It seemed that was all you’d been doing lately, anyway.
One morning, you woke up to the sound of Peli clanging pots and pans together in the kitchen. You spent your days helping out around the workshop and watching over the little one, taking breaks to rest and let your shoulder continue to heal. You were feeling much better, but still needed to take it easy for a little while longer.
You slowly sat up, careful not to jostle your shoulder too much. The kid was sleeping soundly beside you, snuggled up against your side. You smiled at the sight of the little guy, feeling grateful for his safety.
You got up and made your way to the kitchen, where Peli was already hard at work making food. She looked up as you entered, a smile on her face.
"Morning, sleepyhead. How's the shoulder feeling today?"
"Much better, thank you," you replied with a grateful smile. "Is there anything I can help with?"
Peli shook her head. "Nah, I've got everything under control here. You just focus on getting better and taking care of the kid. Speaking of which, I've gotta run some errands in town. You mind being alone for a bit?"
"Of course not," you said."We'll be just fine."
As the days passed by, you found yourself constantly replaying the events in your mind, each detail etched into your memory with painful clarity. The attack, the injuries, the feeling of helplessness as you failed to protect the child - it all weighed heavily on your mind, leaving you feeling scared and vulnerable.
Despite your best efforts, you couldn't shake the feeling that you had let the kid down. That you had failed in your duty to protect him, and that he had been put in danger because of your shortcomings. The doubts and insecurities that had plagued you before were now amplified, leaving you feeling even less confident in your abilities as a protector.
But even in the midst of all this doubt and fear, there was a glimmer of determination that burned within you. A fierce resolve to do better, to be better, to never let the child or his father down again. You knew that it wouldn't be easy, that there would be more challenges and obstacles to overcome, but you were ready to face them. To push through the fear and uncertainty, and emerge better on the other side.
As you looked back on the events that had transpired, you realized that while you may have been scared and unsure of yourself in the moment, you had never truly given up. You had kept fighting, kept pushing forward, until your attacker was dead. And that, perhaps, was the greatest lesson of all - that even in the face of overwhelming adversity, you could find the strength to keep going.
Days turned into a week and still, there was no sign of Mando.
Today, while Peli was working on a droid in the garage, she struck up a conversation with you.
"You know, you're pretty good with that kid," she said, looking up from her work. "You're a natural caretaker."
You smiled, feeling a sense of pride at the compliment. "Thanks, Peli. I've always liked kids."
"Yeah, well, not everyone's cut out for it," she replied. "But you seem to have a real knack for it."
You shrugged. "I guess I just like taking care of people."
Peli nodded, turning back to her work. "Well, it shows. Maybe you should consider settling down and starting a family someday."
Your heart sank at the mention of settling down. You had dreams of adventure, exploring ancient ruins, unearthing forgotten civilizations, and piecing together the mysteries of the past through your archeological endeavors. The thrill of discovery and the allure of the unknown always beckoned you. The thought of being tied to one place, anchored by the routines and responsibilities of a settled life, seemed suffocating at times. But as you looked down at the child nestled in your arms, a wave of tenderness washed over you, softening the edges of your restless spirit. You couldn't help but imagine the joy of passing on your love for knowledge and exploration to the next generation, of imparting the wonders of the galaxy's history to a new curious mind. The idea of building a family, grounded in the love and shared experiences, began to flicker as a distant possibility in your mind, a seed of warmth and longing taking root. Maybe, just maybe, there could be a balance between adventure and stability, between the thrill of uncharted territories and the comfort of a loving home.
"I'm actually an archaeologist," you said, fidgeting with your hands.
Peli raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Well, look at you, all fancy and academic. That's quite a departure from bounty hunting."
You gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, I guess it is. It's always been my passion, though."
Peli leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "Tell me more. What's the most interesting artifact you've ever found?"
Your face lit up with excitement. "Oh, there are so many! But I think the most fascinating one I've ever come across was on Plexis. It was a small, intricately carved statue that my professor believed to be thousands of years old. It was so well-preserved, it looked like it had just been made."
You went on rambling for a bit, but Peli actually seemed interested.
But as she returned to her work, your thoughts turned to the Mandalorian. You wondered where he was, what he was doing, and quite anxiously, if he would ever come back. It was a feeling of uncertainty that you were trying hard to shake.
The heat of the day had dissipated, replaced by a warm breeze that carried the scent of Tatooine's sand and spices. The sun was setting over the planet as the dwindling light spilled into Peli's garage. You were sitting on a crate, watching the kid play with some loose wires on the floor.
Just then, the outside door slid open, and your heart skipped a beat. He was back. The Mandalorian strode in, and for a moment you couldn't take your eyes off him. You felt a rush of relief and joy to see him, but also a pang of guilt for your thoughts of him not returning.
Mando’s armor was covered in a dried, green substance. He was carrying his rifle over his shoulders, with items strapped onto it. Most notably, there was an extra set of rough-looking Mandalorian armor, with the paint chipped off over half of it. It seems he hadn’t found quite what he was looking for.
He didn't say much, but he didn't need to. His presence alone was enough to make you feel at ease. He made his way over to the child, who was babbling excitedly and reaching up for him. Mando scooped the little one up in his arms, and you couldn't help but smile at the sight.
From what you got from their conversation, the homing beacon was tracking the set of armor that Mando had found. It had been a dead end. Peli, though, had a lead for him.
You weren't really listening, as you were distracted by the fire. It was cooking a massive piece of meat, its tantalizing aroma wafting through the air, filling your senses. The steady flame danced in a mesmerizing rhythm, casting a warm glow around you.
Lost in your own thoughts, you let your gaze wander to the vast expanse of the night sky above. Countless stars twinkled and shimmered, a breathtaking view that seemed to hold endless possibilities. As you nestled closer to the comforting warmth of the artificial fire, a sense of tranquility washed over you, soothing the restlessness that had tugged at your heart.
Something stirred something within you, a blend of uncertainty and hope. You were unsure of what the future held, where your path would ultimately lead. The life of an archaeologist had always been one of constant movement, chasing the remnants of the past across the galaxy. But now, there was a yearning for something more.
In the crackling embers, you found yourself drawn to the enigmatic figure of the Mandalorian and the innocent child he protected. Their presence had intertwined with your own journey, weaving a tapestry of unexpected companionship and shared experiences. A flicker of affection warmed your chest, the knowledge that you cared for them, and they held a special place in your heart.
With a contented sigh, you leaned back slightly, allowing the noise of the fire and the twinkling stars above to guide your thoughts into a peaceful state of contemplation.
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creature-song · 2 years
Chapters: 1/9 Fandom: The Mandalorian (TV), Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Din Djarin/Cobb Vanth Characters: Din Djarin, Grogu | Baby Yoda, Cobb Vanth, Boba Fett, Fennec Shand Additional Tags: Touch-Starved Din Djarin, Softness, Sensory Overload, Overstimulation, my PwP accidentally grew a plot, Loneliness, spoilers for the mandalorian and boba fett, Canon Compliant, tag will be updated as i go Summary:
Din is shaking. He doesn’t mean to be. It has been too long, since hands that were not his own had loosened the clasps of his armour. He feels shockingly vulnerable without it. His armour has been laid in ordered piles in the corner against the wall, and now even the armour seems vulnerable. A mere handful of shining Beskar, not enough to cover his body, not enough to protect him.
Cobb Vanth taps the side of his helmet. “You good, Mando?”
“Yeah. Yes. I’m good.”
Din follows the Marshall of Mos Pelgo home after their fight with the Krayt Dragon, and then finds himself stumbling back to him, caught in his orbit and unwilling to fight the pull of it.
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oflgtfol · 1 year
man and like theoretically im down for din and bo katan becoming friends but i wish they like, ARGUED? like maybe i just like slow burn friendships especially enemies to friends but its like come on they have fundamental differences in how they view their culture, we have bo katan say a few disparaging words and din mostly just saying whatever to it but like they both have mean streaks let it boil over till they start fighting about it. and THEN have them start to see each others sides and come around to reconciling + becoming friends
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themandaloriandaily · 8 months
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THE MANDALORIAN Chapter 9: The Marshal
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gay · 6 months
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THE MANDALORIAN Chapter 9: The Marshal
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olyphantgifs · 8 months
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Timothy Olyphant as Cobb Vanth THE MANDALORIAN: CHAPTER 9: THE MARSHAL Release Date: October 30, 2020
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dindjarindiaries · 8 months
I need Pedro to be in the suit at least once in season 4 PLEASE
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swsource · 9 months
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Chapter 9: The Marshal
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ak-vintage · 2 months
Quarry (Series Master List)
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Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x f!reader
Summary: Din Djarin is on what he expects to be his last bounty hunt for Greef Karga. After all, Nevarro is swiftly moving away from its previous reputation as a Guild member’s paradise, and Din has more important concerns now, like finding a Jedi to train his mysterious foundling. However, after capturing a wanted starship engineer who would rather go anywhere other than “home,” the Mandalorian is forced to reassess his priorities.
Your taste of freedom had been brief but glorious. Now you are a prisoner of the most infamous bounty hunter in the Outer Rim – it’s only a matter of time before he turns you in. There isn’t much you would not do to keep from being sent home, but as you find yourself growing closer to your captor and his strange little companion, you start to wonder whether escape is really what you want.
Set after Chapter 13: The Jedi but before Chapter 14: The Tragedy.
Tags & Warnings: 18+ MDNI, slow burn romance, minimal descriptors of reader character, dual POV, canon-typical violence, sexual tension, light angst, mutual pining, SMUT (Each chapter will have specific warnings, please check them before reading!)
Status: Ongoing
Read on AO3
Main Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Part 1
Chapter 9 - Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - NEW! 6/9/24
Coming soon...
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rebel-ahsoka · 5 months
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THE MANDALORIAN Chapter 9: The Marshall
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cobbssecondbelt · 2 years
Currently rewatching Chapter 9 and the way the only thing Jo says to Cobb when she hands him the detonator is a knowing ''Careful, Marshal'' makes me think he definetly did something stupid with explosives at least once in past.
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penvisions · 11 months
of beskar and kyber {{masterlist}}
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Fandom: The Mandalorian (Star Wars Universe)
Pairing: Din Djarin x Force Sensitive! Reader (the Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader)
Summary: You’ve been on the run for as long as you can remember, from a lot of different people and a lot of different things. Everyone seems to see you as either a prize to show off or a captive to exploit. You had been successful in keeping a low profile and evading brief captures. That is until your mother contracted the Guild and the Mandalorian came to possess your tracking fob. 
Will he be the reason your freedom is no longer something attainable or will he be the one to help you achieve it in ways you never anticipated? 
Word Count: 177.3k - ongoing
Warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, plot heavy, very dialogue heavy in later chapters, reader has rich lore that will slowly be explored and brought to light, mentions of sa trauma (brief but integral to reader's character), canon typical violence
A/N: whew, okay. i have so much excitement for this fic. i have been editing a nearly 30k document for months now flushing out details and scenes and plotlines. this is a labor of love, i’m putting so much thought into each chapter before i post and making sure it’s all cohesive before posting! please feel free to share with me your thoughts on this one!!  ♡
ao3 link || main masterlist
chapter 1 || chapter 2 || chapter 3 || chapter 4 || chapter 5
chapter 6 || chapter 7 || chapter 8 || chapter 9 || chapter 10
chapter 11 || chapter 12 || chapter 13 || chapter 14 || chapter 15
chapter 16 || chapter 17 || chapter 18 || chapter 19 || chapter 20 ** NEW
chapter 21 || chapter 22 || chapter 23 || chapter 24 || chapter 25
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