#the greatest medical ninja in the world
zanypaintertriumph · 10 months
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Ninjago Fic Request: Jay x Nya; Nya running on a treadmill while connected to a heart monitor as part of a stress test, Nya's heart beating faster and faster, harder and harder, causing Jay to become very worried about Nya's health.
I’m so sorry I took forever writing this 😰
Nya's sneakers pounded against the treadmill as the heart monitor beeped steadily. With each passing minute, her heart raced faster, mirroring the increasing speed of the treadmill. Jay, watching from the side, furrowed his brow, concern growing with every elevated beat.
The room echoed with the rhythmic sounds of exertion, and Nya's determination was evident in her focused gaze. The stress test was meant to push her limits, but as her heart thumped louder, Jay couldn't shake the worry creeping into his thoughts.
Nya's steady breaths turned into gasps, and Jay couldn't ignore the anxiety building within him. He approached the treadmill, his voice filled with concern, "Nya, maybe you should slow down a bit. We can reschedule this test."
But Nya, fueled by determination, shook her head. "I need to push through, Jay. It's just a test," she panted, her voice strained. The heart monitor, however, told a different story, its beeps racing in sync with Nya's escalating heart rate.
As the treadmill sped up, Jay's worry deepened. He reached out, gently touching Nya's arm, "I know you're strong, but your health comes first. Let's not risk it."
Reluctantly, Nya agreed, and they slowed down the treadmill together. As Nya stepped off, a wave of dizziness hit her, and Jay steadied her with a concerned look. "We need to get you checked out, Nya. Your health is more important than any test."
Together, they left the room, Jay supporting Nya as they headed to the medical facility. The concern etched on Jay's face mirrored his internal turmoil, realizing that sometimes the greatest battles are not fought with fists but with the delicate rhythms of the heart.
“Don’t worry Jay, as long as she rests she should be fine,” Zane said as he completed the checkup on his friend.
Zane's reassurance brought a slight comfort to Jay, who continued to support Nya as they left the medical facility.
The hallway outside the medical facility was quiet, contrasting with the intensity of the treadmill room they had just left. Nya leaned on Jay for support, her breathing gradually returning to a more steady pace. Despite the reassurance from Zane, Jay couldn't shake the worry that had settled in the pit of his stomach.
As they walked, Nya mustered a weak smile. "I guess I underestimated that stress test. Thought I could handle it."
Jay returned a small smile, relieved that Nya seemed to be in good spirits despite the ordeal. "It's okay, Nya. We all have our limits, and it's important to listen to our bodies."
Zane, walking alongside them, chimed in, "Absolutely. It's better to be cautious, especially when it comes to your health."
They reached a quiet sitting area, and Jay helped Nya settle into a chair. Zane continued, "I'll prepare a report for Sensei Wu, explaining what happened during the stress test. He'll understand the importance of prioritizing health over pushing too hard."
Nya nodded appreciatively, her focus on recovering. Jay, still concerned, asked, "Do you need anything, Nya? Water, maybe?"
"I'll be fine, Jay. Just need a moment to catch my breath," she replied, her gaze grateful.
As Jay sat beside her, he couldn't help but reflect on the fine line between determination and recklessness. In their world of ninja battles and challenges, it was easy to forget the importance of self-care. Soon he spoke up again, “Nya I need you to promise me you will take care of yourself. I can’t imagine losing you.”
Nya placed a reassuring hand on Jay’s cheek, her smile radiating with love and appreciation. “I’ll do my best, but only if you promise to do the same.”
Jay gazed into Nya's eyes, a mix of relief and love evident in his expression. "Deal," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. In that quiet moment, amidst the echoes of their recent ordeal, they both understood the gravity of prioritizing their well-being.
“You’re too good for me Jay Walker,” Nya whispered pulling her boyfriend into a kiss.
The kiss lingered, a shared moment of reassurance and gratitude. Jay couldn't help but smile against Nya's lips, appreciating the love and strength they found in each other. The hallway, once a quiet backdrop to their concern, now bore witness to a connection that surpassed the challenges they faced.
Zane, respecting their moment, discreetly left to deliver his report to Sensei Wu. As the couple pulled away, Jay looked into Nya's eyes, a renewed sense of commitment shining in his gaze.
"Nya, we're a team in everything, including taking care of ourselves. We can face any challenge, but only if we're at our best."
Nya nodded, her hand finding Jay's. "I promise, Jay. No more underestimating my limits. We'll tackle whatever comes our way, together."
As they sat in the quiet sitting area, hand in hand, they understood that strength wasn't just about facing external foes but also about acknowledging vulnerability and caring for each other. The echoes of the treadmill room were replaced with the shared heartbeat of two individuals, ready to navigate the delicate rhythms of life together.
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penpenpencil · 8 days
I feel like ROTTMNT’s magic system hasn’t been explored nearly enough. Like, now that (most) world ending threats are gone, the turtles could totally learn more spells and explore more things they could possibly do with their ninpo and mystics. Since we know that future Mikey was “the greatest mystic warrior”, why aren’t potential future/additional abilities explored for all of them?
We see Mikey float, incinerate kraang monsters, open a portal through time, throw multiple large objects (including, but not limited to A FUCKING SKYSCRAPER) and he’s probably capable of much more with the proper training. I know that his kusari-fundo could catch on fire and that it had some sort of demon inside it, but it’d be sick if Mikey could just….spontaneously combust and become a flaming cannonball. Or just, become glow stick or some shit. Or even make other things float! Like imagine if the reason he could throw something as large as a skyscraper was because he literally made it lighter than air.
And like, we clearly see that Leo is able to teleport and make portals, but he’s also super fast? Even without powers he can move unnaturally fast (probably thanks to Draxxum) and even thinks quickly. Plus there’s that image of him at the end of the movie with the lighting which I desperately need more of because of course he has lighting! Also, there was a fic somewhere (a few actually now that I think about it) that talk about how actual teleportation is impossible but come up with brilliant solutions, for example: portaling through a pocket dimension to get somewhere else (Portal Pocket Dimension by DefinitelyaUseraname), or speeding up individual atoms in order to “disappear” and “reform” somewhere else (Neon Void by sugar pastels). Granted, one is a “safer” option regarding the fabric of reality but still.
Also, if the “Rise Medic Leo” headcanon fits the 2k12 thing where Leo has “healing hands”, I’m totally taking it and running.
Also, Raph and Donnie? I’m not quite sure what secondary skill Donnie might get but you can’t tell me that Raph doesn’t get some sort of illusion/size changing ability in the future. Like come on. He can literally make duplicates of himself that look exactly like him that can confuse the Shredder. And he can change the size of his full body construct too! If he can make a large version of himself, why can’t we get tiny Raph too? He could totally learn illusion spells or work with Donnie to figure out what the different types of constructs they can make. Maybe not Hypno illusions but something similar probably.
I was kinda thinking about giving Donnie some sort of x-ray vision or the ability to like- take a pencil and turn it into a rifle or something? But honestly, his aim is only second to April so maybe some sort of enhanced vision or even a tech-telepathy thing would be best? If the rest of the Hamato Clan had magic abilities like the turtles, what would they have? I just assume that the Hamato Clan always has the basic “turn x into weapon” and “Ninja Mind Meld” stuff, but it’d be cool if there were other abilities like healing that were specific to the clan member. Maybe these secondary abilities I’m thinking of (healing, speed, strength, etc.) are just that instead of a Yokai specific thing? Idk, magic systems are fun.
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izumaki-naruto · 5 months
tsunade's arc
When we're introduced to Tsunade, she's at rock bottom. She's a medical ninja who's afraid of blood. She's broke and constantly on the run from loan sharks. She hasn't been back to the village in years—in fact, she's completely uninvolved with the shinobi world. She's rude and she engages in self-destructive behavior by gambling and drinking all the time. It's easy to dismiss her, like Naruto does, as a shallow, unlikeable old woman.
But then we learn that all this is because she's running from her past. Her brother and partner are both dead, and the reason she's so callous towards Naruto in particular is because he reminds her of them to the point that's it's painful.
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(chapter 159)
Tsunade's most prized possession is her necklace: in particular, it's the necklace that's brought bad luck to the only other people who have worn it, her brother and her partner.
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(chapter 160) (He died the literal day after she gave it to him? Jesus Christ.)
Obviously, the necklace represents the dream to be Hokage—to love and protect the village. She first gave it to Nawaki as an acknowledgement of his dream, and to prove her belief in him. She reclaimed the necklace after he died, then met Dan sometime afterward.
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(chapter 160)
Nawaki's death was initially what drove her to, if not become a medical ninja, then push for greater medical access. She knew what loss felt like and wanted to prevent anyone else from experiencing that tragedy. And she wanted Nawaki's death to mean something; even if she couldn't be Hokage, she could bring a small piece of his dream to fruition by protecting the people of Konoha via healing.
Though the Hokage disagreed with her proposal, she met Dan, another person who knew the loss of a younger sibling and agreed with her ideals. He, like Nawaki, hoped to protect the village, and he envisioned a brighter future without the heavy spectre of violent, premature death.
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(chapter 160)
Tsunade saw herself in Dan because of their similar trauma and the desire they both had to improve the village. But more importantly, she saw Nawaki in Dan—his kindness, his drive, his optimism. Her belief in Dan was so strong that she, once again, gave away her necklace, entrusting him with the protection of the village and its future...
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... but, once again, to tragic results.
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This was the moment she truly lost everything. Her loved ones, both current and the echoes of the one long gone. Her hope for a brighter future. Her belief in the village. And, most importantly, her belief in herself. If even she, the greatest medical ninja alive, couldn't save the one she loved most, then what was the point anymore? Significant change was impossible. She was destined to fail from the start.
And that's what led her to her situation at the beginning of the arc. She was consumed by grief, blaming herself and running away, burying Nawaki and Dan's (and her!) dreams along with their memory.
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Then Naruto comes along and inspires her with his endless determination, as he does.
(chapter 163)
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(chapter 166) (what a cool panel)
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(chapter 167) (it's always the left hand!)
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(chapter 167)
She sees history replay: another young man risks his life for the title "Hokage," but this time he manages two impossible achievements. Not only does he block the fatal attack, he counterattacks with the justsu she bet he couldn't master. Naruto lives, and it's like Nawaki and Dan live on through him. By saving him, she is saving them. And thus, a third impossible thing happens. Tsunade feels hope for the first time in years.
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(chapter 168)
Naruto proves that the ideal Hokage that Nawaki and Dan wanted to achieve—the Hokage that protects and improves the village—is possible. Tsunade entrusts her necklace to him with the belief that he can fulfill that role, having defied all the cards stacked against him through sheer determination.
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(chapter 169)
But Nawaki and Dan weren't the only ones who imagined a better future for the village. Tsunade had her own dreams once: a world where children don't have to pointlessly die. When Tsunade saves Naruto's life, first with medical jutsu and then by blocking Orochimaru with her own body, she remembers her aspirations and regains the confidence that she can make a difference. She loses her fear of blood along with her self-blame and defeatism. And thus, Konoha's fifth Hokage is born.
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(chapter 169)
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Tsunade also has the superior thematic forehead-related gesture of affection
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purpleajisai · 7 months
Chapter 3: Gone
> Chapter 1
> Chapter 2
Happy Madara Monday!
Notes: This chapter will have angst, major character death and will be heavy on descriptions (mentions of physical wounds and blood). Madara is 27, same for Fuyumi and Izuna is 24. By far, the longest chapter of this fic.
Battles were a common occurrence to any shinobi. The clash between the Senju and the Uchiha, although regular, was a sight to behold. It was a place where the strife between the greatest and most powerful ninja in the world happened almost daily, and both clans had the reputation of producing prodigies at least once per generation. Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju had risen to their respective clan’s leadership and were bound to face each other at any given chance, for nobody else could match each other’s strength. And just as those two men had to confront each other, their younger brothers were in the same position.
Tobirama Senju and Izuna Uchiha were stuck in a long duel, where their techniques were constantly outshining each other. Kenjutsu, ninjutsu, taijutsu, tantojutsu… The clash of metal against metal and the sounds of the elements of nature being summoned was drowned by the screams of less talented ninja being slaughtered left and right on both sides. At some point, somehow, Tobirama managed to outperform the Sharingan.
An unknown, new jutsu cut through Izuna’s flesh without giving the young man a chance to use his virtuous eyes to defend himself. In the span of a millisecond, he felt a sharp pain all across his internal organs and coughed up blood. Izuna would have fallen to the ground had it not been for Madara's immediate decision to leave Hashirama and rush to aid his beloved little brother.
“Izuna! Hang in there, I’ll save you!”
The younger Uchiha was unable to answer as all he could do was rest himself against his brother, the burning ache of his insides being numbing and the metallic taste of blood filling his mouth. As Madara balanced his brother’s weight on himself and put Izuna’s arm around his shoulders to give him support, Hashirama approached them holding his sword.
“Hashirama…”, Madara said with a silent yet aggressive and suspecting voice.
“Madara, you can’t win against me. Why don’t we end this?”. The Senju leader stuck his sword on the ground and began to try and convince his old friend to make their childhood dream come true. He had a series of valid points. Madara was about to walk towards his rival’s friendly gesture but his brother finally mustered enough strength to speak.
“No, elder brother…”, Izuna said with strain in his voice. Blood was dripping from the side of his mouth.
“Don’t let yourself be fooled…”, he coughed up some more blood, “Have you forgotten that these bastards have killed our clansmen?”
Madara’s crimson pupils went from his hurt brother to Hashirama, and his expression hardened once more. He retrieved a small smoke bomb from his pocket and used it to take his brother to safety. The Uchiha clan leader and his brother disappeared in a cloud of grey smoke, leaving a confused Hashirama behind.
Now that Madara had retreated from the battlefield, the other Uchiha forces felt like surrendering but a strong and commanding voice caught their attention. Lieutenant Fuyumi…
“Everyone! Back to your formations, now!”, she exclaimed at the top of her lungs.
“Yes, lieutenant!”, some shinobi replied. Her quick wit and natural leading abilities were like a breath of fresh air for the worried and demoralised Uchiha forces, because with Madara gone they felt almost defenceless.
While Fuyumi did her best to gather what was left of the troops, Madara was dragging Izuna back to safety in their home. He kicked the medical building’s door open and his sharingan swirled menacingly at the doctors inside.
“Find me a bed instantly! My brother requires immediate assistance!”, he cried out.
“Elder brother…”, Izuna whispered, “... water, please…”
The doctors were quick to assist the wounded man, laying him down and wiping off the blood from his slashed abdomen. Another kick opened the infirmary’s door and yet another sharingan announced its gloomy presence.
“Madara! How’s Izuna? We managed to escape the Senju with no more casualties!”, Fuyumi cried out. As soon as she saw Izuna on a bed, pale from blood loss and shivering in pain, she clasped her hand over her mouth trying not to scream. Was that a piece of his… gut sticking out of the wound? It was better not to ask. Madara was frozen in his place, his sharingan swirling out of control and his eyes opened so wide it seemed they were going to burst out of their sockets. Everything became a blur to him, the screams of the doctors to each other across the room became a muffled background noise and the throbbing pain of an oncoming migraine started to make him slightly nauseous.
“Madara… Madara, snap out of it! Give the doctors some space!”, Fuyumi yelled to her friend, but to no avail. She had to drag him out of the building, the man being so stunned he became a dead weight.
About two weeks later…
Madara had broken his work and duty ethic to get Izuna to be treated in his home by pressing on the doctors with his authority as clan leader. The younger brother was laying in bed, frail and barely making progress, if not going back in his recovery. He was being spoon fed a warm bowl of miso soup by Madara, struggling to swallow as his slashed stomach caused more internal bleeding with each bite of food he consumed, the digestive acids corroding his other organs from inside.
“Elder brother, give me some water, please. It burns too much. I can’t drink another spoonful…”
The troubled older man quickly complied with his little brother’s wishes and helped him take some sips of water. He put a hand on Izuna’s forehead and scowled at the scorching hot feeling. The fever outbursts were getting more frequent, to the point of becoming more of a constant in the shinobi’s state. Madara tried to put a towel with cold water over Izuna’s forehead, but his brother looked away and rejected the help.
“I fear that it won’t do much, elder brother. I’m slowly approaching a point of no return. The wound isn’t closing as it should, the medical ninjutsu is barely helping to control the internal bleeding, and I feel like throwing up blood every single time I inhale.” Izuna’s voice was a bit ragged and raspy, the phlegm on his lungs and the fever making him even more uncomfortable.
“Oh, shut up, you’ll recover soon! The wound is already halfway closed, see?”, Madara opened his brother’s light cotton kimono slightly to reveal the progress of the cicatrization.
“Brother, don’t you see that ugly yellow thing over the scab? It’s an infection! It’s not healing, it’s getting worse!”, Izuna cried out in a more stressed voice. He was right, the sword that had caused him such a wound had probably been contaminated from a long day in the battlefield.
“But… the antibio-”
“I don’t have much time left whether you want it or not, so listen up, elder brother!”, Izuna exclaimed in anger. He never snapped at Madara, it was usually the other way around.
Madara flinched at the sudden aggressiveness of Izuna. That scream was enough to make him understand his current reality and face the fact that Izuna was going to be gone, very soon. His facial expression was slowly becoming sorrowful, as if anticipating the grief he’d feel. And Izuna noticed that. The only thing that he did not want was for his dear elder brother to suffer, and yet he had to say goodbye. He put a hand on Madara’s shoulder and his voice became softer.
“Elder brother, don’t worry. Please don’t be sad in advance. You will be just fine! You’re an amazing clan leader, a wonderful shinobi and an even better brother. I know that I’m quite annoying sometimes, but I don’t mean wrong when I say that you should sleep properly. Your dedication is admirable and as strong as iron, but you should learn to take breaks.”
“No, no, let me finish. Look, I’m not getting out of this one. I won’t make it to your wedding day or meet my nieces and nephews and be a cool uncle, but I need you to promise me that when the time comes, you will marry out of love and won’t ever accept one of those pesky arrangements we’ve dealt with so many times.” As soon as he said this, Izuna coughed and a droplet of blood fell down his lip. Tears had been welling up in Madara’s eyes and a few rolled down his cheeks.
“I’m so sorry, Izuna. I failed again, I couldn’t save you…”
“Doesn’t matter right now. Just make that promise to me, alright? As a last favour to me.” The younger brother lowered his hand from Madara’s shoulder and made the gesture of a pinky promise. This caused the troubled clan leader to chuckle softly and wipe some of his tears.
“Pinky promise, really? Aren’t we a bit too old for that?”
“Oh, just do it!”
“Fine, fine… I pinky promise that I’ll do as you say.”
Both let out a quiet and brief laugh, then interlocked their fingers. The wholesome moment was ruined because Izuna began to cough again, this time some blood clots coming from his mouth. Madara knew that the clock was ticking.
The next day…
A loud thud noise followed by hoarse coughing and water flowing made Madara rush to his brother’s room. When he stepped in, he saw the jug of water on the ground, ruining the delicate tatami. He quickly knelt to place himself to Izuna’s level and checked if he had hurt himself.
“Sorry elder brother, I’m having trouble with space perception. The light is annoying me quite a lot… eugh!”
“It must be the fever. Don’t worry, I’m going a bit blind too. I’ll close the curtain, you just sit here.”
“As if I could go anywhere else… haha!”
Madara rolled his eyes and chuckled at the joke. Izuna had always kept that snarky sense of humour, ever since they were children. But the laughter turned into concern as Izuna’s giggling became coughing once again. The young man knew that his brother would try and help as he had always done, so he made a gesture to stop Madara. Then, Izuna sat upright and his face scrunched up in pain.
“Elder brother, we must talk about something important.”
“About your son? Don’t worry, I’m taking care of him very well.”
“No, I already know that I can trust you with my boy. I’m referring to your eyes.”
“My eyes? What about them?”
“You’re going blind. And you know why that is, don’t you?”
Madara didn’t answer immediately. Yes, he knew why he was losing his vision slowly. The cost of the power of the mangekyo sharingan was that the user would progressively lose the light in their sight, and Madara was rushing to that fate. He made a slight hesitation noise and Izuna decided to go on. It was a sensitive topic, but Izuna didn’t have much time left.
“I won’t beat around the bush as I don’t like to waste time. My dying wish is that you take my eyes and replace yours so that you can continue using the power of the mangekyo sharingan to protect our clan”, he said with an authoritative voice.
“Take your eyes?! I blatantly refuse!”
“And I’m not taking no for an answer!”, Izuna cried out at the top of his damaged lungs, surprising Madara.
“But what about you?”
“I’m going to die, I don’t need eyeballs! You will have to move on without me, elder brother! This is your reality!”
Those words were like a stab to Madara’s heart. His little brother had always been there with him, and now he was supposed to move on? Lead a clan all by himself? The moment of reflection was cut short by fleshy sounds and an eyeball suddenly falling on his palm. Madara nearly jumped in shock and it took him some effort to distinguish what had been happening while he was deep in thought. A second eyeball was placed on his palm and he was finally able to articulate a word.
“Izuna… you don’t have to do this…”
“It doesn’t hurt much if I bite my tongue. Take these.”
“How are you so sure that I will regain my vision if I take your eyes?”
“The ancient legends say so. And we don’t have many other options. I entrust the future of this clan to you.”
A small smile appeared in the lips of the dying man and droplets of blood kept streaming down his cheeks. Then, he laid down in the bed letting out a long sigh, one hand over the bandages of his wound. It was a good thing that Madara was nearly blind, because if he had seen Izuna’s empty eye sockets he would have never recovered.
“I was truly blessed to have you as a brother. Go, take these and defend our clan as you have always done.”
“I will. In your honour, and in the honour of our parents and siblings.”
“Thanks, elder brother…”
And so, the great shinobi known to the world as Izuna Uchiha succumbed to his fatal wounds in front of his cherished older brother, after long weeks of agony. Madara didn’t move for some seconds, and then he put a towel over his little brother’s eyes. A single tear rolled down his cheek, his fist clenched over his thigh and he was about to give in to grief, when he remembered the eyeballs in his hand. He stood up and began to perform an improvised surgery on himself.
It was as if he had been moving robotically. When he sat down next to the cold body, he could finally see Izuna clearly after so many months of his vision becoming grayer. And when the cruel reality of the death of his little brother hit, he couldn’t handle it anymore.
The advisors walking around the main house of the Uchiha were shivering in fear upon hearing the desperate, agonising wails and sobs coming from Madara. It sounded as if a wolf was howling in panic. Everyone sympathised with the pain of losing a loved one, but nobody dared approach him in such a moment. In front of the closed door of Izuna’s room, stood the bravest generals of the mighty Uchiha clan, afraid of being next to their leader. The door finally slid open and a smaller figure entered the room, sitting next to Madara.
“Madara! Oh, goodness!”, Fuyumi cried out once she saw the scene. She was quick to close the door behind her so the most nosy advisors didn’t bother the grieving leader.
“He’s gone! Gone for good, Fuyumi! And I couldn’t do anything about it!”, Madara said in a ragged voice, trying to wipe the blood off his face using the moisture of his tears.
Fuyumi didn’t know what to do for a second as her brain pieced up the information. It wasn’t long before she understood everything that had happened, and she didn’t uncover Izuna’s face because she knew it would be nasty. She brought herself to wrapping one arm around her friend’s shoulders and using her free hand to wipe the man’s bloody face. Madara didn’t reject her touch because he was too busy weeping and trying not to drop to the floor with the intense migraine he was suffering. His mind kept flashing memories that weren’t his, the many points of view in Izuna’s life were being transferred to his consciousness.
“Hey, listen now…”, her voice was quiet and reassuring, almost protective.
“My little brother… he gave me his eyes…”
“I know, I know. And this may sound cliche but he’s in a better place now. I don’t really know what else to do to comfort you, but I swear I’ll be here. You know you can trust me, right?”
“Please get me something for this damn headache and tell my sister in law about this. I can’t see her face now, I would die of shame.”
“Are you ready to stay some time all alone? I just arrived here…”
“No. But I need your help with that.” Madara pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to stop crying. No matter how hard he tried, the tears didn’t stop flowing.
The rest of the afternoon was a blurry slideshow of people muttering condolences and embalmers running around the house. Madara finally came back to his senses when Fuyumi slid his bedroom door open and offered him a cup of green tea. As he drank, she damped a towel with chamomile tea and used it to soothe his puffy eyes.
“Thanks. And sorry that you had to deal with me earlier.”
“Pfft. I’ve dealt with you all my life, idiot. You can trust me for anything, and I mean anything. Just relax a bit. I’ll stay in your guest room for the night, okay?”
“No. Please, don’t leave just now. I’m embarrassed to say this but I can’t deal with this by myself. And I refuse to speak about my feelings to my men, they’ll think I’m weak.”
Fuyumi didn’t say anything else, she nodded and put the towel down. Then, she picked up one of Madara’s bedsheets and wrapped it around his shoulders to keep him warm. Madara felt like maybe, just maybe, even after Izuna had passed he wouldn’t be all alone.
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narutocharacterpolls · 10 months
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Reasons for submission under the cut
was instrumental in the success of the story - he may not have won against Madara, but he put fear in him and had it not been for hacks, he would have decimated him where no one else could
believes whole-heartedly in his student to the point of dedicating his life to making him a splendid ninja
came from nothing, worked his way up from nothing, and is now considered to be one of the greatest shinobi to have come out of the Hidden Leaf. People know and fear him
made Itachi bail. That man was ready to fight everyone else, but packed it up when Gai came on the scene
kicked Jiraiya in the face and never properly apologized
great salesperson - always has a spare jumpsuit to give to passers-by and hook them on his favorite brand. True influencer and fashion icon
had a bowl cut before it was cool
was a great friend to Kakashi, and was there for him during the highs and lows of his horrifically stressful life. Arguably saved Kakashi's life with his constant support, and the story could not have happened without him. Is considered by Kakashi - one of the most powerful and infamous shinobi in the world - to be his equal and his best friend
loves kids. Supports his own students like he was their father, and equally takes pride in Naruto and protected Sasuke after Sasuke's first run in with Itachi
in the anime, he is shown to be hard on the outside but clearly permissive in that he would sneak Chouji food in the middle of a mission and try to push Naruto into figuring out who Minato was
confident in himself and confident in others - he is everyone's biggest cheerleader and he isn't just talk; he'll work hard with you. When he says he'll do something, nothing will stop him and he will follow his promises even when no one is watching.
hot. Man has pretty privilege
amazing, supportive teacher and friend
he is always trying to be positive in such a dark world and cheer up those around him
he's so good to Lee, Tenten, and Neji, you can just tell how much he cares about those kids
his speech to Lee was super moving. He knew Lee was scared and made sure to be there for him
he was ready and willing to die to defeat Madara in order to save the others
an actual decent upstanding father figure
unbridled whimsy
excellent tits
ninja info cards
using medical ninjutsu as a weapon is cool as hell
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forthereaderinserts · 2 years
Trauma and general headcannons for borderlands y/n being placed i to naruto:
- it takes them months and months to control their 'survivor mode' to not kill anyone around the rookie 9.
- They hate the calm life that everyone keeps trying to push them towards. The idea of being sitting in one spot for too long makes their skin crawl and makes them nervous
- They're prone to anxiety attacks due to the fact that they aren't used to the lind of calmness and peace that exist inside villiages for the most part.
- They miss having a goal. Sure they get missions here, but nothing like the save the planet stuff from back home.
- They've learned they hate having to abide by laws.
- They're genuinely wary and fearful around animals at first since every animal they've interacted with on pandora are hostile and will eat you.
- high distrust of doctors and medical professionals thanks to the things hyperion scientists and medical professionals have done.
- Murder is an okay solution to their problems as far as they're concerned.
- Ironically they'd probably hang best with the akatsuki and depending on the kind of vault hunter they are they'd probably get along best with Hidan. Purely becuase he acts similarly to a lot of people from pandora, so he reminds them of home.
- no one can understand why they want to go back, but even if their life would be better here they just can't adapt to a normal life anymore.
- The people y/n hangs with in the naruto world get transported to pandora with y/n for a month and learn why they are the way they are.
Switch that around with ninja y/n on Pandora and you have literally the greatest assassin ever
But with family trauma this time
Lilith: So why did you come to Pandora?
You: my entire family got murdered in one night so I’m just here now.
Lilith: your..entire family?
You: Yeah, mom, dad, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and like all of my cousins.
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skylerskyhigh · 2 years
Rottmnt headcanon idea dump
I had a random thought about Rise Leo and Future Leo. What shows would they have liked?
Personally, I know Rise Leo loves Sci-Fi/Action stuff. He loves Jupiter Jim and Lou Jitsu after all. Obviously he would have liked shows like Star Trek and Star Wars. But I like to imagine that he would also enjoy some medical shows like The Good Doctor. Especially if we lean into the headcanon that Leo is the medic of the group.
He seems to have an interest in crime stuff as well as the satisfying payoff of strategic thinking, so Criminal Minds, NCIS and FBI would interest him too. He might even use those shows to pick up a few tricks.
As for Future Leo (if he gets sent to the past instead of dying), this might be more of a stretch but I just wanna put it in anyway. I think he would have liked Supernatural.
I know it deals with the apocalypse stuff but I have some plausible ways it could work.
I think Future Leo would have wanted that for himself. Dealing with the apocalypse has made him a bit jaded, dealing with survival's guilt, guilt for causing the apocalypse, and losing his brothers. He couldn't stand any Sci-Fi anymore because he didn't want to be reminded by it. Being the "greatest ninja warrior" would have chipped away at his psyche and when he lands back in the past, he would feel unsure about where he stands in this world.
Maybe he finds Supernatural thinking it's a similar story to his and he feels like watching it would be punishment for what he did. Like a bad coping mechanism. He watches the story about two brothers who fight against supernatural forces. He watched as these two brothers fight against forces way stronger than them and come out alive every time. How Sam and Dean would face every enemy and prevail through it together, because family is all they have. Family business and all.
Watching it hurt, but at the same time, it felt like retribution for his mistakes. But overtime, he fell in love with the show's theme about family, found family, free will and sheer determination. He is charmed by all the humour that, while he doesn't understand most of the "old" jokes, he loves the newer ones. The blood and gore got to him sometimes and he would take a break from it but would always come back to watch the next episode.
I think he would lean into Dean's vibe. Wears plaid shirts with a jacket on top. Cranks up his confidence and suave. Quotes the show with his dry humour, knowing full well his younger counterparts wouldn't understand and if they did, they would groan out loud. Maybe he'd join in the Supernatural fandom style of "We have a gif for everything" and send every gif imaginable at his brothers.
What started as a self punishment became a sort of bad comfort show that developed into a deep love for it.
Anyway, that's my headcanon. I'm totally putting this in a fic if I have the opportunity.
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teetlestansecond · 2 years
oc headcanon dump !!
Talise! 🪴
their best friend in the whole world is Mikey, no question about it.
they met April in middle school and lured her into their illegal potion-selling business. they ran it for two years together before getting caught.
the potions were nothing special, talise just had access to luster dust and would make concoctions of random liquids and toss in a little dust to make it look fancy, or for a drinkable option they'd use gatorade or a specific juice with a little luster dust. they and April made a surprising amount of money and even after getting caught their principal was impressed with how tightly run the operation was.
Talise is a self-care legend. they make their own face masks and sugar scrubs and regularly have April and the guys over to decompress and take care of themselves. they always make tea and the group will sit around pampering themselves while spilling their own tea, it's all-around a great time. Leo in particular loves dropping in for self-care sessions.
their favorite genre of music is rock but like, 2000's screamo and dad rock.
talise can play the guitar and base, and has a small collection of instruments in their room.
they're a firm believer that magic and science coexist and actually compliment each other, but they intentionally claim that magic is capable of more than science just to see Donnie get mad.
talise is a powerful psychic, and can manipulate mystic energy, which is all pretty nifty stuff if you ask them.
of all the things they can do, though, their favorite thing to do is to lift others with their mind. they used to lift Mikey a lot, but post-movie Mikey learns how to levitate pretty quickly and now the two of them just float around the lair and terrorize everyone else.
talise was that kid that offered to pierce your ears during recess with an ice cube and an apple slice and they never once had any of their "clients" get infected.
atari! 👾
mom friend of the year.
her purse is so big and carries the solution to every problem she's so ready for everything.
she, Raph, and Cassandra are all joined at the hip they love each other so much and help each other through so much.
Atari isn't much of a fighter but she'll knock you out cold if she has to, she was taught self-defense by literal ninjas you do not want to fuck with her.
Leo is 100% the family medic, but he learned a lot of what he knows from Atari.
she may be short and the boys may be very protective of her, but Atari is very much the big sister here. she's six years older than Raph and she won't be letting him or anyone else forget it.
taught Mikey how to bake, they regularly bake together!
she loves interior design and has helped everyone in her circle redecorate at least once before.
she worked as an er nurse for three months before deciding she wasn't a huge fan of the hospital scene and switched to working in a doctor's office as a physician's assistant.
she's a dancing queen!!!!!! she loves to dance and has a soft spot for disco but she doesn't talk about it often.
vinny! 🧪
Leo's single greatest regret in life was getting Vinny to hang out with Donnie. they're a terrifying duo and Leo lives in perpetual fear of them.
she's very science-minded, and where Donnie excels in robotics and technology she has a knack for chemistry and biology.
Vinny knows where her mother lives and visits her often, but only to check on her from a distance. after over a half of a decade she feels like she's missed her chance to properly reunite and settles for this instead.
she used to take piano and drum lessons, and when she snuck out during her battle nexus days she continued learning, and has since picked up guitar as well.
Vinny is bilingual and speaks Spanish and English!
she's highly competitive and stubborn, if you start a debate with her she won't drop it until she's won.
she's the same species as the Geico gecko and she's mad about it, don't bring it up.
she has a cloaking necklace that she occasionally wears if she wants to go out and explore.
she's a huge fan of Lou Jitsu and bonded with Splinter before any of the turtles because of her admiration for him and because of their shared experiences as nexus champions. she's especially fond of teasing him over his past relationship with Big Mama.
Vinny loves old cartoons, Darkwing Duck is her favorite!
Rhys! 🪩
he gets unexpectedly close with Cassandra that's his best friend!!
he's also bilingual and speaks Spanish and English.
street dancing is his thing, especially hip hop and popping, but Rhys has a love for more formal dancing as well and is learning new styles.
he can't stand clothes and wears them sparingly. it's not like he has a need for them, you know?
like regular painted turtles, Rhys' shell sheds and has rings you can use to see how old he is.
he's a very talented swimmer, and takes every opportunity to get in the water whenever possible.
Rhys also has a cloaking watch, but he doesn't like cloaking and only keeps the watch to let others borrow it whenever they want to.
along with dancing, Rhys also enjoys playing basketball and will beat just about anyone.
100% the type to play devil's advocate just for the chaos of it all.
also 100% a theater kid, he's making it everyone's problem.
Artemisia! 🫖
she picks her favorite color based on which of the turtles is her favorite brother.
if Artemisia likes you, she lets you know by stealing an article of clothing.
absolutely ruthless with the "it's because i'm blind, isn't it?" jokes just because she enjoys how people respond.
technically she still lives with Draxum, but after learning everything she considers Splinter her dad and spends a lot of time in the lair with his side of the family.
more often than not she spends her nights in the lair, drinking tea with Leo and gossiping.
she and April have girls' nights every weekend, absolutely no one knows what they get up to and they're sworn to secrecy about it.
100% a pop princess, she's an Ariana Grande stan and will fight you if you say anything about it.
she used to grow out her hair and wear high ponytails, but cut it after getting gum caught in it once and hasn't looked back.
this girl lives for the drama. she knows everyone's secrets and is the one person who will actually keep those secrets to herself.
y2k fashion queen, it's everyone's problem.
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nerdarena2 · 1 year
Have You Spent Your Childhood Watching Naruto? What’s Your Favorite Naruto Character?
No matter how busy your day might be, we always look out for a relaxation moment. Some prefer grabbing a coffee, some prefer reading books and some prefer watching movies or TV series. But when it comes to movies & tv series we come across various options in various genres. One it which has a deep cult following in the entertainment segment is the Japanese version of the animation. Also known as anime, though been introduced to kids first as of its appearance. It has grabbed the audience of its expectation in various age groups residing in various parts of the world. But any movie or series gets its emphasis through characters only & below are some of the prime characters of one of the finest anime series called “Naruto.”
   Prime Characters Of Naruto
 Though having an amazing storyline the character adds an actual value and roadmap Naruto:
 Naruto Uzumaki
 One of the prime protagonists of the Naruto series, Naruto Uzumaki jinchukiri of the nine tales on the day of birth. The fate that shunned him throughout his childhood & after joining team Kakashi, worked hard on being a Hokage one day. But within these years of hard work he did succeed in becoming one of the finest ninjas and the hero of his village. And If you are a true fan of naruto and you wish to purchase such anime items online then you can find these at anime figurines india.
 Sasuke Uchiha
 The older brother of Itachi and one of the last surviving members of the Konohagakure Uchiha clan. That is when Sasuke Uchiha made it his life's mission on killing Itachi and avenging the death of the members of his clan. This leads him to a journey of his skill development but simultaneously he also developed a rage toward revenge. After learning the truth of his brother's sacrifice and contributing a major role in the Fourth Shinobi World War & being happily redeemed by Naruto. Sasuke decided on returning to Konoha and dedicate his life to helping protect the village. And if you are a true fan of naruto and you wish to purchase such anime items online then you can find these at anime figurines india.
 Kakashi Hatake
 One of the most talented ninjas in his village and has regularly been looked for advice and leadership. Despite his personal dislike for responsibility, Kakashi has always believed in teamwork. After the Fourth Shinobi World War, he became the sixth Hokage of Konoha. And If you are a true fan of naruto and you wish to purchase such anime items online then you can find these at anime figurines india.
 Haruno Sakura
 One of the kunoichis of Konohagakure, when she was assigned to Team 7 could find the drawbacks of her abilities very quickly. But after training under Sannin Tsunade she did overcome these drawbacks and became one of the greatest medical-nin in the world. And If you are a true fan of naruto and you wish to purchase such anime items online then you can find these at anime figurines india.
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 To know more: https://nerdarena.in/collections/naruto
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zanypaintertriumph · 11 months
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celestiel · 2 years
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“ you do know who you’re talking to, right? ” hailed as the world’s greatest medical-nin, tsunade hardly needed jiraiya panting and sweating over her while she healed from a mere flesh wound. “ if you’re lonely and need someone to pester, just say that and i’ll give you some work to do. but drop the whole chivalry act. i’m fine. it’s those rogue ninja you should be worried about. we don’t have enough jōnin to counter an attack if they decide to try again.”
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                                                                                                                                 @jeezraiya​​      /     continued.
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darkcreationnerd · 3 years
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A conflicted mother and Sarada
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primnroses · 2 years
― The difference between the Byakugō no In, Yin Seal:Release and Creation Rebirth.
The information presented in this post has been checked and revised. My aim is not to hate or to discredit any of the characters mentioned. Please read about me for further information.
This post will contain evidence in picture format directly from the manga Naruto (1999 - 2014) created by Masashi Kishimoto and published by Shueisha in 1999. I will also use information from the official databooks of Naruto.
This informative post will explain differences of the Strength of  aHundred (Byakugō no In), Yin Seal:Release and Creation Rebirth due to the difficulty of grasping the notion of the three techniques. I will use information present in the Naruto anime because it includes character development within canon compliance.
This meta has been crossposted in AO3.
I give my permission to use or share this post with informative purposes as long as you credit me.
I do not support the anime or the work of Studio Pierrot in regards to Naruto because I consider it over exaggerated and beyond biased. Furthermore, these fillers include some actions that these characters are unable to do in the canon according to official sources and they also generate unnecessary debate.
Please, take this into consideration.
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The Strength of a Hundred Seal (百豪の印, Byakugō no In) is a sealing technique introduced in Naruto chapter 153, borne by Tsunade. This Seal takes the shape of a purple diamond and is positioned in the center of her forehead.
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In chapter 169, the manga reveals the utility of this unique seal. When Tsunade releases this seal, it shines and a series of lines start covering her face.
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After the Seal has been unleashed, the makes the hand sign of the tiger (寅, Tora) and the Byakugō no In disappears, leaving the trail of lines behind. This technique is called Yin Seal:Release (陰封印・解, Infūin:Kai) or Reserve Seal:Release.
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The release of the seal allows Tsunade to use another technique called Creation Rebirth (創造再生, Sōzō Saisei), also known as Mitotic Regeneration or Ninja Art: Mitotic Regeneration.
The Creation Rebirth jutsu heals Tsunade’s most fatal injuries without Medical Ninjutsu.
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Once this technique is used, the seal disappears from her forehead. 
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Tsunade, the greatest medic in the world at the time, explains that she developed this technique by storing chakra on her forehead and releasing it all at once to accelerate the division of cells and accelerate the building process.
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This jutsu has regenerative properties rather than the healing properties like the bases of Medical Ninjutsu. 
The Creation Rebirth serves, in part, as a substitution of the Mystical Palm Technique, also known as Medical Ninjutsu, which normally requires hand seals and wastes large quantities of chakra.
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The proficiency required to master this technique has made it known as “the absolute pinnacle of Medical Ninjutsu”.
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This regenerative technique, the Creation Rebirth, was created by Tsunade herself, as people like Orochimaru and Madara Uchiha have never heard of this technique before. 
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To elaborate this technique, Tsunade probably took inspiration from her grandfather, Hashirama Senju, who boasted large quantities of chakra and did not need to form seals to heal his body.
Hashirama used a similar regeneration ability according to Madara Uchiha and the fourth databook.
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This is the ultimate reason why the Creation Rebirth cannot work without the chakra reserves of the Strength of a Hundred Seal (百豪の印, Byakugō no In).
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To perform Medical Ninjutsu, the user wastes big portions of chakra to accelerate the natural healing processes of the body. The more healing techniques the medic-ninja uses, the higher the proportion of used reserves.
For this reason, Hashirama Senju’s proficiency with Medical Ninjutsu and his vast reserves of chakra allowed him to use regenerative techniques without the use of hand sings or seals.
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However, the Creation Rebirth presents a disadvantage to the user: it shortens the lifespan.
According to Shizune, Tsunade's disciple, the number of times the cells can be divided is limited and speeding this process shortens the lifespan of the person.
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It falls into the category of forbidden jutsu (禁術, Kinjutsu), are techniques not recommended among shinobi because of the life threatening conditions they have.
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The Creation Rebirth (創造再生, Sōzō Saisei) is a S-rank forbidden regeneration technique classified as Ninjutsu and the Medical Ninjutsu subcategory, which is, as aforementioned, a healing technique that wastes large quantities of chakra.
This jutsu covers all the qualities of a forbidden technique: it shortens the lifespan, therefore it poses a danger to the users life; and it goes against the laws of nature, as it is impossible to regenerate limbs and organs from scratch or accelerate the division of cells at such speed rate.
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Tsunade uses the large reserves of chakra stored inside the Strength of a Hundred Seal to use this regeneration technique.
So, in essence, the Strength of a Hundred and the Creation Rebirth are linked by the chakra inside the Seal. The Creation Rebirth needs the reserves inside it in order to be able to replicate the cell division and allow regeneration because these two actions require vasts amounts of chakra.
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To explain this a bit further, the Creation Rebirth (創造再生, Sōzō Saisei) is a technique, created by Tsunade, that is “stored inside” a sealing jutsu (封印術, fūinjutsu) called the Strength of a Hundred Seal (百豪の印, Byakugō no In). The jutsu cannot be used without the Seal unless the user possesses high reserves of chakra, thus both techniques are “linked”.
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These Seal’s only purpose is to store quantities of chakra inside to be used by the person bearing it. When released, this Seal amplifies the abilities, the performance and the power of the jutsu, as the chakra extends around the body.
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The amount of chakra that can be stored inside the Seal seems to be limitless and there is no confirmation about the capacity of the Strength of a Hundred.
Apparently, by the time of the war and after Sakura had used its reserve a few times, the Seal has more chakra inside than a single clone of Six Paths Kurama Mode.
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These reserves can also be used as a Chakra Transfer Technique to boost other people’s jutsu and act as a large pool of chakra for others to take advantage of.
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It is unknown how much time it took Tsunade to reunite the amount of chakra necessary to manifest the Seal.
According to Shizune, the Strength of a Hundred Seal is a jutsu that requires extremely precise and delicate control to amass chakra in the same place for 3 years. It would not be wrong to address this jutsu as "the pinnacle of chakra control" as well.
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This is also explored in the anime episode 408. I am not an author that includes the work of Studio Pierrot in my works, but the explanation given here matches the manga and it serves as an explanation.
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As the manga says, Sakura spent 3 years continuously controlling her chakra to store it in a reserve that would later become the Strength of a Hundred Seal.
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Once Sakura awakened this Seal in chapter 632, her strength was vastly increased. She said that once she achieved her full power, she would be able to unleash it.
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Once Sakura completed the Seal, she did not need to redirect a portion of her reserves to a different reservoir, being able to attack on full power. 
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However, she did not release the Seal at that exact moment, as in she did not release the same power that Tsunde used during her fight with Madara, which amplifies her physical prowess.
The fact that Sakura used an even greater destructive power might lead to believe that the mere awakening of the Seal augments the user’s abilities to some extent. This is not like that. The manga already confirms that Sakura was limiting her chakra during those three years, further explained by the anime, and it explains the reason why Sakura was able to release her truly massively destructive power:
The manga had never shown Sakura Haruno’s full strength prior to getting the Seal.
The anime mentions that her chakra reserves had become low due to the effect and attention Sakura is directing to the completion of the Seal. This led her to faint or to be prohibited to perform Medical Ninjutsu or go into battle by Tsunade.
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To counter this impediment, Sakura created a second reserve, so she would direct chakra to the Seal and dedicated another smaller reserve to use in battle and healing. This explains why Sakura ultimately could fight and heal during those three years. 
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Contrary to popular belief, the Strength of a Hundred Seal was not created by Tsunade. According to the Boruto manga chapter 36, the Strength of a Hundred Seal exists since the age of the Sage of Six Paths.
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Mito Uzumaki bore a mark on her forehead similar to the Strength of a Hundred Seal. However, it is unconfirmed if this mark is the seal or not. If it were the case, Tsunade must have probably taken inspiration from her grandmother to store chakra.
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When used together, the Strength of a Hundred and the Creation Rebirth are known as Ninja Art: Creation Rebirth - Strength of a Hundred Technique (忍法創造再生 百豪の術, Ninpō Sōzō Saisei — Byakugō no Jutsu) and is known as the ultimate regeneration technique.
Altogether, the Ninja Art: Creation Rebirth - Strength of a Hundred Technique is an S-rank supplementary ninjutsu, classified as well as Kinjutsu and Medical Ninjutsu.
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The medic that completes this jutsu is able to fight in the battlefront according to Tsunade’s medic rules.
As long as this jutsu is activated, the user will not die.
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The Ninja Art: Creation Rebirth - Strength of a Hundred Technique makes its novel debut in Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze. Sakura releases the seal after being impaled by one of Kido’s pseudo-Jinchūriki tails and stops her from dying. She also uses the amplified power that the chakra stored inside provides.
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In order to release this powerful technique, Tsunade uses Yin Seal:Release (陰封印・解, Infūin:Kai) or Reserve Seal:Release.
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Basically, Yin Seal:Release is the hand sign of the tiger used in order to release the seal and the Creation Rebirth. It is not another name used to denote the Seal or the jutsu.
The Strength of a Hundred Seal is a sealing jutsu (封印術, fūinjutsu) that requires unsealing in order to access its power. It is only a means of releasing that power. 
The Strength of a Hundred Seal is also described as a Yin Seal in the name of that technique despite being known as Byakugō no In, but it is possible that it is referring to the nature of the seal. 
How can Tsunade make a Yin Release technique if she does not possess it said transformation? This sealing jutsu is located in one point of the body, the center of the user’s forehead to be exact. This means that the user needs to gather their mental energy (Yin) to concentrate their chakra in one sigle point. Stamina is based on Yin and Yang energies indifferently of their transformation into chakra. Every ninja possess Yin and Yang energies, which are unrelated to Yin and Yang Releases.
Sealing jutsu are not ninjutsu, which means that it is perfectly possible to achieve it because chakra is not involved. Ninjutsu outside of the five elements falls into the Yin or Yang category, sealing jutsu not being ninjutsu and, thus, not needing chakra.
Tsunade uses this hand seal again in chapter 562 to access the Creation Rebirth jutsu.
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However, there have been changes since its debut in chapter 169. After using this jutsu once, the seal does not disappear from her forehead.
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This hand seal is not strictly necessary to release the Strength of a Hundred Seal. Tsunade did not use hand seals when she fought Madara.
Sakura Haruno mastered this technique and made no use of hand seals to release its power either.
The name Yin does not make Medical Ninjutsu a Yin Release ninjutsu type.
In fact, Medical Ninjutsu leans more towards Yang Release, as it is a technique that deals with the body and regenerates physical energy.
Every single medic-ninja known in the series has a Yang affinity. The known medic-ninjas in the series have this chakra nature except for Shizune or C, but this is because their chakra affinities have not been shown in the fourth databook.
― Tsunade: Yang ― Sakura: Yin and Yang ― Shizune: not shown ― Rin: Yang ― Kabuto: Yin and Yang ― Ino: Yin and Yang ― C: not shown
Elemental chakra is the only type that, once transformed into a technique, does not require Yin or Yang Release, as these affinities exist outside of the five elements.
Techniques outside of the five elements, like Hiden jutsu (秘伝, hiden), are linked to these two Release types. For example, the Nara Clan and the Yamanaka Clan techniques are linked to Yin Release and Akimichi Clan techniques are linked to Yang Release.
If logic is applied, Medical Ninjutsu responds to the physical energy of Yang Release. Tsunade does not possess Yin Release, but this factor does not matter as it is a sealing jutsu and hand seal the requirement to release the power.
Still, there is no written confirmation about the nature type of Medical Ninjutsu or the nature type of Seal releases, despite healing techniques being semi-confirmed to be of Yang Release type.
In addition to the Creation Rebirth, the Strength of a Hundred Seal is also linked to Katsuyu.
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Katsuyu is a giant slug that has regenerative properties and can heal the most fatal of wounds.
The ability to summon Katsuyu is linked to the Strength of a Hundred Seal itself, meaning that without the Seal, Katsuyu cannot be called. Sakura was never shown summoning Katsuyu until she awakened the Seal and Tsunade is shown bearing it in a flashback from the Third Hokage in chapter 634.
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Shizune has never been seen calling Katsuyu due to not having the Strength of a Hundred Seal.
On the contrary, the anime shows Tsunade without the seal in the same flashback. This is a mistake from the animation studio.
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Katsuyu originates from the Shikkotsu Forest and its true size is completely unknown. Working together with two Strength of a Hundred Seal users, Tsunade says that herself and Sakura can summon at least one-tenth of its body, even with double chakra reserves.
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It is probably the most powerful summon in the series as it is practically indestructible.
Katsuyu was able to protect people and survive Pain’s destructive Shinra Tensei and Naruto’s tailed transformation.
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Its mollusk body can divide itself into multiple tiny fragments to avoid attacks and also turn itself into a liquid to share its properties with people standing on the floor.
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The ability to divide its body in tiny fractions functions like Shadow Clones. The divided fragments can relay information to each other and, at the same time, to other people within unlimited distances.
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This technique is called Slug Great Division.
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Katsuyu also acts as a sensory technique too due to the summon being connected to the chakra of the injured, in order to heal them, and the master. Katsuyu is able to relay Kakashi’s condition to Tsunade through their connection, as the slug is connected to the Byakugō no In.
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Katsuyu can absorb chakra from the reserve of the Strength of a Hundred Seal to transform it into healing jutsu and cure any person. This jutsu is called Immense Network Healing and its functioning depends on the quantity of chakra from the Seal.
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This is explained by Katsuyu itself in chapter 635. The ability to use the Immense Healing Network depends on the Seal. This would also explain why Katsuyu does not have a summoning limit time like the rest of summons.
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Like any other summon, the user can benefit from the animal’s techniques in battle. Sakura and Tsunade add Katsuyu’s abilities to their ninjutsu arsenal in battle, as this summon is only achievable with the Strength of a Hundred Seal, also making it unique. 
Among these techniques are offense-oriented Tongue Tooth Sticky Acid or evasion skill of the Slug Great Division. 
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When the chakra of the Seal has been completely exhausted, the mark disappears. Although the ANBU says that Tsunade has shared the Creation Rebirth instead of healing chakra, I think it is not exactly that.
Tsunade must have shared the chakra stored inside the Strength of a Hundred Seal to boost Katsuyu’s natural healing properties but not the regeneration jutsu, as it is a very powerful technique to use with every single inhabitant of Konoha all at once. This is an assumption of mine.
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As a side effect, Tsunade returns to her wrinkly and older appeareance. Tsunade uses the chakra inside the Seal to appear younger, so the moment this seal disappears, the effects are reverted.
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There might be a reason why Tsunade looks older than Jiraiya despite being the same age and also being an Uzumaki, a clan known to live long lives.
There is the possibility that the extended use of the Creation Rebirth had taken a toll on Tsunade's health, as it is a technique that consumes the body. It is also possible that her body has grown accustomed to being in a constant young transformation causing a dependance, but I think it is more likely to be due to the Creation Rebirth.
Tsunade uses the chakra inside the Strength of a Hundred Seal to maintain the effects of a special Transformation Jutsu and keep a youthful appearance. This is something she does on purpose, it is not something that comes with having the Seal.
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Sakura, on the other hand, boosts the Seal by not wasting any chakra to appear younger. This causes Sakura to have more chakra reserves stored than Tsunade because she is not directing any to the transformation jutsu.
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Sakura does not use the chakra to look younger in Naruto Gaiden.
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This is the known information about the Ninja Art: Creation Rebirth - Strength of a Hundred Technique and its halves: the Strength of a Hundred Seal, the Creation Rebirth and the means to release the power with Yin Seal:Release.
To sum up, the regeneration technique is the Creation Rebirth which can only be used with the vast chakra reserves of the Strength of a Hundred Seal and the Yin Seal: Release is only the hand seal required to unleash the power of this technique. It is not strictly necessary to activate this jutsu so it does not need to be mentioned.
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crazedtmnt · 2 years
A Monster, Part 1 (Dad!Raph)
Hehehe... I felt particularly mean today. Time for some dad!turtle angst.
I decided to use my OC for Raph’s kid, but you can insert any kid you want. This boy’s name is Antonio, a two-fold reference to both Antonio di Puccio Pisano, an Italian Renaissance artist, and Antonio Rodríguez Luna, a Spanish painter (Antonio’s mom is my OC Margot, a Mexican American and arts lover).
I wrote this with 2003 Raph in mind, but I think it fits bayverse too (and probably the others too).
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“Not so tough now, are you?! You bastard!” Raph spat, launching another punch at the whimpering man’s face. The attack resounded in the air with a satisfying crack—doubtlessly a sign of a broken jaw. The sound and subsequent howling of pain brought a frenzied grin to Raph’s face.
This was one of Bishop’s men. More specifically, the last of a group who had attempted to kidnap Raph’s son. The rest were all in bloody heaps on the ground; alive, but now with the prospect of rather expense medical bills on the way. It only took Raph about thirty minutes to track the bastards down and save his son, who was now safely hidden away in the warehouse behind him. However, the idiots still wanted a fight and a fight they got.
Raph didn’t even need his brothers for this one. Once he realized his son was taken, he charged off without a thought. They were no doubt close behind as he finished off the last of the men, but Raph didn’t care. What mattered was his son’s safety and making sure Bishop thought twice before ever attempting such an act again.
“Tell your boss,” Raph growled, gripping the man’s throat, “if he EVER tries this shit again, you guys won’t be leaving in an ambulance. You’ll be leaving in a BODY BAG!”
With these last words, he threw the man to the ground and stomped down hard on his left leg. Like with the jaw before, a loud crack rang through the air, followed by pained sobbing. There was no fight left. Every man would now have to crawl away and leave their dignity behind.
Panting, Raph let his adrenaline start to ebb away, gazing at the broken bodies before him with a satisfied smile. But as the roaring in his ears quieted down, he heard a different sort of sobbing behind him.
He turned slowly, only to see his four-year-old son gaping at him with wide, tear-filled eyes. His little limbs trembled, and each sniffle seemed to be muffled, as if he was trying to conceal his presence. But it was those eyes that held Raph’s attention. Day by day, he saw so many emotions in them, and they only grew more expressive with age.
His eyes would sparkle with excitement when he saw cool characters on TV. They would shine with curiosity when he discovered something new and glint with mischief as he snuck up on his uncles to scare them. And when he looked at Raph, his eyes shone with the utmost admiration and joy. It was like his dad was the greatest hero in the world to him. Raph worked hard every day to maintain that look in his son’s eyes—to be the best dad for his little boy.
But right now, all that shone in his son’s eyes was pure terror.
“Antonio…” Raph tried to sound reassuring, but a lump formed in his throat. Glancing around again, he realized just how much blood was on the ground. It seeped from each beaten man, streaming down the road and into sewer grates. Even in a family of ninja, this carnage was too much for a small child.
Shaking, Raph looked down at his hands. The once green scales now matched the crimson hue of his mask. Blood was splattered across his entire body—and most of it wasn’t his.
The lump in Raph’s throat became suffocating. How long had Antonio been watching his massacre?
Clenching his shaking, stained hands, Raph stepped forward slightly. “Hey… Toni, it’s okay…” Antonio flinched, shifting his feet back. Raph tried desperately not to notice. “The bad men are gone now… We can go home.”
Raph took another step forward, stretching his bloodied hands towards his son. As his hands raised up, a particular light on the warehouse made the red stains glow brighter. Antonio recoiled sharply.
“NO!” He threw his hands up, flinging himself back so hard that he toppled over. Now on the ground, Antonio held his hands above his head, cowering. “No, stay back! Don’t… Don’t hurt me!”
Something broke in Raphael that day. He stopped moving, stopped responding. Even when his brothers finally arrived on the scene. Even when asked what happened. Even when they checked him over for injuries. Even when Antonio was gently led into the tank, wailing in his uncle Mikey’s arms. Raph barely registered walking into the tank himself. Not a word escaped his lips.
However, there was no stopping the tears that poured down his face.
Sometimes, when Raph and his brothers were sparring, Antonio would peek into the dojo and watch the excitement. He could barely tear his eyes away from his dad, watching each blow with bated breath. And at the end of every session, he ran to his dad cheering. Those nights were filled with warm conversations and innocent promises to become a ninja like him one day. It never failed to fill Raph’s heart and put him to sleep with a smile on his face.
Tonight’s battle, on the other hand, had no playful spirit, no show of skill, and no real victor. It was simply Raph giving into his worst urges, as he let his child watch as he beat several men half to death. And in turn, Antonio greeted his father with no admiration or wonder, but plain fear. He didn’t look at him like a hero—he looked at him like a monster.
The realization hit Raph like a ton of bricks and he refused to leave the tank, even once back at the lair. His brothers simply let him be, unable to do anything. Instead, they took the sobbing Antonio to his mother.
Raph watched his son disappear, his head hung low with guilt. There was no fixing this. His son saw him as a monster because he WAS a monster…
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