#the full collection baby
emry-stars-art · 7 months
I love your art and I just want you to know that many of my soft andreil moments I’ve written for WIPs have been inspired by your amazing art of them cuddling <3 they’re great inspo!!
~ @rekikiri
OMG THANK YOU! 💕 Every once in a while I go back to look at the cuddles bc 1) they’re so nice to draw I wanna do it again and 2) I love reading the comments on them 😅
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I have. feelings about them
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puppyeared · 10 months
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Doodles from stream
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musubiki · 2 months
hello! quick question, i know this is very soon after you posted the comic of young lime trying to bully mochi, and i’m sorry if a question like this has been asked before, but when mochi sees the candy bits and is able to recognize what spells they could be used in and the effects they have, is that from studying magic a lot or is it like a natural identification ability/instinct that she has? thank you!! i hope you have a good day :)
oh thats a great question actually!!!! it comes from studying!!!!
as a kid she was already trying to be a very diligent witch-to-be!! she would spend a lot of time with her mom while she was making spells, so between reading a lot of spellbooks + hanging out when her mom was making potions + wanting to be like her mom, shes good at spotting things that could be used in spells even from an early age!!
(that being said, as a kid she still messed up a lot on the right ingredients. shed bring home random items and be like "I got us spell ingredients!!" and tiramisu would be like "Oh!! Thanks sweetie!!" and didnt have the heart to tell her that whatever she brought home was some useless piece of grass or something jkldj)
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tomfowlery · 25 days
Went out to the city with a close friend and managed to snag some comic delights! Can't wait to start these.
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sillybeanies · 4 months
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today's beanie: all three sizes of Rover the Dog!! (beanie buddy, beanie baby and jingle beanie)
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a stationhouse owner helping her riders beat a hard level in super mario land, 1860s.
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trynadollsiesplay · 11 months
@myondolls Gosh, your answer was good for my last question 🤩. I'm still getting my head around it 🤯. But you seem like you know your way around a doll (rainbow high specifically) so I wanted to ask about it!
Story time: When I only had, like, 5 rainbow high dolls, I pulled some of their hands off to get a jacket on them (before knowing it was a trap). Each time the wrist broke - like in that last post - but further down the wrist-discs rod, so it still basically clicked back into place. It still comes off again if you extend the hand too far (because the rod falls out). And that is sort of a problem ☹.
I have questions about that. And I don't want to break my own doll open to look deep inside, so I thought I'd ask.
a) How far down does that discs pin go? is it all the way down to the elbow?
b) why doesn't the disks pins end (deeper in the arm) fall out when you break it at the wrist. It seems pretty tight in there, and I don't get why. Especially when there are so many people customising arms and hands in the doll customising world. It seems counter-productive to my uneducated brain for it to not do that.
If anyone has thoughts on this, or wants to take on some community doll education for the sake of us uneducated doll collectors, feel free to add on. (I just realised I could probably google this. But it's always nice to hear it from people, yk?)
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anywayhereskirkwall · 7 months
another fun thing about the romancable characters of bg3 is that nearly all of them would be the most annoying person alive if they ever had kids. they absolutely think their kid is better than your kid in every conceivable way and they are telling everyone. they would get into brawls at pta meetings and little league games. the only exceptions are wyll and halsin because they have the tact to not actually say it out loud.
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sexynetra · 10 months
Couldn’t sleep last night, who wants to see baby Marshie in Willy Wonka Jr
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folklauerate · 1 year
I think I might be the worst fic writer in the world bc I do not know how to add my fics to collections (other then the Employed Tom Dorset one I quite literally moderate) to increase readership and more to that matter I don’t give a single flying fuck about readership or “engagement” or “how a fic performs” anymore 😭 caring about that is a TRAP and it takes away from actual enjoyment of creating something out of love and for the sake of creating it and because the idea keeps you up in the middle of the night and finds you on long drives and won’t go away until you put pen to paper and the cursor on the page and write it down. Writing to try and please the audience you cannot see and who doesn’t exist and is a figment of your imagination is a surefire way to make you hate yourself when something doesn’t “do” the way you think it will and damn we need to move away from language around “performance” when it comes to fanfiction entirely. Fanfiction exists outside the capitalist economy, it is one of the true joyful beautiful wonderful acts of creating just to create that cannot be monetized and that’s so damn important to me.
At the end of the day I am quite literally only ever really writing for myself. I write what I want how I want when I want and hit post. I have opinions on my own writing and think some wips are shittier than others because I wrote them fast and dirty and didn’t give a flying fuck about editing or whatever, I just wanted it out and done. It’s nice when my friends read it and care, I like having the opinions of people whose work I respect as well. It’s always flattering when other people I don’t know read it and strangers leave comments or people send anons and DMs. It’s an absolute mind fuck to think people are discussing words I wrote amongst themselves and not involving me but it’s gratifying to hear because the work did what it was supposed to do; it was scraped out of a part of me and put out into the world and became whatever it needed to become for the person reading it, and that’s cool but also I can’t think about that without it getting overwhelming a little bit, I can’t.
All that to say… fuck a fic collection I “should” be putting works in and fuck a “time” to post and fuck “engagement” and fuck it all to hell. I write to soothe the gremlin inside me who lives under a bridge like a troll in a fairytale and I’m really better for it 😭
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mycological-mariner · 10 months
Genuinely don’t know what we were supposed to learn in science class by filling a balloon and holding a blow torch to it besides there’s gonna be an explosion, but that was fun. I want to blow up balloons with blow torches again
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Cobalt the Leopard
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Born April 27
Hunting in the dead of night Shadows cast an eerie sight Wondering under starry skies Ill disappear before your eyes
"Have you ever seen a more stylish leopard? This dazzling, blue and tan leopard is named Cobalt. A fashionista at heart - you can't find a leopart like this in the wild!"
- shop.ty.com description
Released spring 2023!
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lesbeet · 2 years
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pinkeoni · 11 months
Heather Holloway’s fuckass bangs
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shipping-all-ships · 2 years
Akatsuki Roommates AU
The front door banged up open while Deidara was on the leather couch scrolling through twitter, slamming hard against the wall from the kick it had received.
“We’re back, fuckers!” Hidan announced as he sauntered in, a mannequin under one arm and an ice-cream cone in his other hand.
“Kakuzu is going to kill you for putting a hole in the wall, hm.” Deidara said, glancing up from his phone in time to see Sasori enter, two mannequin’s in his arms, and kick the door closed with his foot. “Welcome back, Danna.”
Sasori gave no acknowledgement, throwing his mannequin’s down onto the foyer floor and kneeling, starting to strip them and asses their limbs. Hidan tossed his own onto the pile before turning to glare at Deidara.
“What bullshit, I don’t get a welcome back?” Hidan gripped, slinking over to the couch and leaning against the back, one arm slinging around Deidara’s shoulder and a wide grin stretching across his face. “You know, blondie, I really like hanging out with your man. He’s cool and he even brought me ice-cream. I think I might be in love. He’s our man now.”
Deidara rolled his eyes, irritation and possession crawling under his skin. “Get off, your heavy.”
“Rude. Our man didn’t say that when I leaned on him,” Hidan said, brining the cone to his mouth for a lick, only for Deidara to lean in and bite off the pile of ice-cream on top. Hidan stared at the cone in shock. “My ice-cream.”
“Our ice-cream.” Deidara managed to say around his mouthful, trying not to grimace at the feel of the cold food on his teeth.
“You dick! Give me that back!” Hidan yelled, quickly shoving himself over the back of the couch and onto Deidara, resulting in both of them ending up on the floor, barely missing the coffee table.
They wrestled for a few moments before Hidan got Deidara pinned and squished his cheeks with one hand, leaning down to lick into Deidara’s mouth. Deidara shrieked, which just opened his mouth more, which let more of Hidan’s tongue into his mouth. 
Deidara managed to throw him off, skittering away and wailing in agony, wiping at his tongue. “You licked my mouth! Danna, he frenched me!” 
“You shouldn’t have stole my ice-cream, bitch!” Hidan said around his now mouthful of ice-cream, looking around at the carpet. “Fuck, where did the rest go?”
“Kakuzu is going to kill you for getting ice-cream on his couch and carpet.” Sasori said, finally looking up from his work. There was a pile of clothes in his arms, as well as two seperate piles of mannequin parts. “The couch is easy to wipe off but that carpet is an antique and will likely stain.”
“Fuck me!” Hidan groaned, flopping back onto the floor and glancing under the couch. “Oh, there it is.”
Sasori watched him pick up the cone and start eating it before turning to Deidara. “Here, you can have these. There kids sizes but you never wear real shirts that fit anyway.”
Deidara immediately stopped his wailing, brightening up as he hurried over to Sasori. “Really? Thank you, Danna! I’ve been meaning to go shopping for new shirts, hm!”
His current shirt was a hot pink crop top that read Baby Slut in glittering purple letters, so Sasori agreed with that assessment, even if the shirt was true.
“Wow, you got over that shit fast,” Hidan commented, watching as Sasori gathered up his mannequin parts and Deidara was assessing each shirt. He was still on the floor and munching on his cone.
Both men began to make their way upstairs, leaving Hidan alone until a dark shadow appeared from the kitchen doorway.
“Hidan, what the fuck did you do to my carpet?!”
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yeyinde · 1 year
will you show us your toy shelf 👉👈 after you've rearranged them ofc
It's def a WIP until I get the rest in and the others unboxed, but here is the stuff from my older collection that still out!
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