#the fuck around era is ending
left-hand-of-dorkness · 11 months
a very satisfyingly righteous thing is happening with teamsters truck drivers right now. the company in question sucks so much they’ve almost gone bankrupt like five times in the last twenty years. they squeezed a huge pay cut plus an end to pension contributions out of the union during the recession. they squandered $700 million in pandemic bailout funds. (i can also say with inside info they suck so much they forgot to factor in daylight savings time the last time they redid their bid schedules so turn drivers have to just wait an extra hour for loads until the time changes again lmfao)
now they’re in mega debt that’s all coming due at once and they want to change the work rules of the current contract to squeeze more money out of labor and are crying to the teamsters that if they don’t come to the table the company will implode and the union president said nah dawg we’re done bailing your ass out and tweeted a picture of a gravestone with the company logo on it
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aq2003 · 4 months
my personal hot take of the day is that you cannot fully appreciate ten if you don't also appreciate martha and the dynamic they have
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pop-punklouis · 6 months
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
I still think it's insanely hot of Jack to be evil. Like literally rip to the whole world but seeing a man be evil because he simply wanted to is literally so cool and sexy. I know I wanna throw myself under a table to hide every time I see him be evil but that's irrelevant. It's still the ever.
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geddyqueer · 2 months
@sleeplittleearth tagged me for five songs i've been listening to lately.
rush - the weapon, but specifically this live version from the p/g tour with the count floyd intro.
warren zevon - something bad happened to a clown
greta van fleet - the indigo streak
REM - so fast so numb, but specifically the perfect square live version
shearwater - radio silence
i dithered about whether to put the actual last five songs i listened to (all rush) or the five songs i have pressed repeat on most recently (these) but in the end variety won out.
i'm tagging @sleepnoises @fourpatch @jeffgoldblumsmulletinthe90s @stevehairingtit @weimarweekly @power-chords @woolysocks @mediokra and anyone else if you're in the mood
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cleromancy · 3 months
like i cant stress enough that the "everyone tim loves dying on him" era lasted from 2005 to 2009, when red robin started, and red robin didn't end until 2011 and kept the angst train moving that whole time. that's a very substantial chunk of time and development and anyone who expects everyone to just pretend it never happened or tim just ~got over it is not a serious person
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gemharvest · 7 months
I think its funny that the music for that recent Disney movie was so bad that people are trying to say the lyrics were AI generated. Yesss kick the mouse while he's down.
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So many people protesting Rand’s Jesus bingo on that post because it included ‘generally nice and kind’………..they know nothing……
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imreallyloveleee · 2 months
I was fully ready to declare the BCS blu rays the worst packaging for any product in history...and then the DVD set of The Americans arrived at my door
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allofuswantgwinam · 3 months
i just feel like life would feel just a lil better with someone who was just for me
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pyriteplates · 1 year
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isdalinarhot · 1 year
fic idea. ive started writing it but i wanna make sure i can commit to it before posting it anywhere. basically the gist of it is. sadeas dies and then immediately afterward goes back in time to blackthorn days after he and dalinar hook up for the first time. and he has all his memories of the last 50 years but he is in the body of himself as an 18 year old and so hes like i can use this foreknowledge to assassinate dalinar once alethkar is unified. hehehehe #schemes. anyway dalinar is like haha we should get married and sadeas, seeing a perfect opportunity to get close to him to Fucking Kill Him, is like yeah actually we Should get married. And So They Get Married
and then the rest of the fic is. well from sadeas's perspective hes finding more depths to dalinar than he first percieved due to being around him in contexts other than Battle and Bar and Sex and like, keeps on making excuses for himself as to why hes not fucking assassinating dalinar and hes like almighty fucking storm it im going soft. and he is dragged kicking and screaming onto dalinar's side for most dalinar things. maybe he falls in love i havent decided yet how im gonna do that in a way that feels natural and in character to sadeas. meanwhile dalinar (a romantic at heart) is living in domestic murdery matrimonial bliss and is like im so lucky :) like he is living out the typical fluff slowburn fanfic life in between the guilt complexes and the addictions and all that nonsense but sadeas keeps on finding himself in increasingly soft fluffy domestic circumstances and is internally like ????? WHAT IS HAPPENING ????????????
and it would alternate chapters between sadeas pov and dalinar pov and the dalinar pov chapters are all like wow i love my husband 🥰 fluff schlock and the sadeas pov chapters are sadeas slowly going through de-piece-of-shit-ification over the course of thirty years while absolutely confused about it the whole time
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dramarants · 1 year
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the-force-awakens · 6 months
Yes yes yes!!!! Even in the movies, the whole “at least he’s not on fire!” “What’s left of him isn’t on fire!” scene to me felt very much like a friendly/familial bickering, they weren’t being rude or mean to each other, they were both a little shocked at the state of everything and that’s how they communicate
Yes, exactly! Even when they're bickering, they're both very visibly enjoying themselves. Poe's barely restraining the urge to smile, you can see it in his eyes, and Rey doesn't even try to stop herself from smiling when she whips out the "you're difficult". Poe's also smiling when he approaches her, even as he starts being sarcastic??? Like...they like each other, they just bicker as a love language?
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Like these are not the expressions of two people who hate each other. They're exasperated by each other right now, sure, but the banter is so familiar for them by this point that they're also enjoying it underneath the frustration.
It also irks me (but just goes to show how frankly astoundingly little the fandom actually pays attention to these characters/can't read them) because we know what Poe and Rey look like when they're interacting with characters they hate/cannot stand...and that energy is not here?
by contrast, think of poe's expression uh. any time he's dealing with the first order, or his anger with holdo when he believes she's just leading them to their deaths. think of rey's absolute fury at teedo or legitimately any interaction with ren (barring the five minutes she gave him the benefit of the doubt and he instead chose to be the one true dick) - Rey does not minimize her anger or frustration with people. She sure as hell doesn't smile smugly at people she hates and can't stand, she's a feral little sand gremlin and if she doesn't like you, you're gonna fucking know it.
And altho their banter/bickering match does deteriorate into a genuine argument, let's see what else happens here shall we? Poe puts his two cents in ("you're the best fighter we have, we need you. out there, not here") and walks away before it can get any worse, allowing them to cool off. And Rey is visibly okay with this, she doesn't look worried when Poe walks off, instead she just has that "fuck my friend rightfully called me out on my shit that I don't want to unpack yet" look. Like, Rey is the queen of abandonment issues - after knowing Finn for a day, him leaving in tfa was enough to hurtle her into a traumatic flashback turned Force vision; and there's no doubt the throne room made that worse.
And look, I'm also the queen of abandonment issues, it's one reason why I relate so heavily to Rey. Which is why Rey's lack of a reaction to Poe walking away strikes me so profoundly: because Rey isn't afraid he won't come back. It takes a seriously deep level of friendship to achieve that. I experience that with my qpps 99% of the time, and that other 1% is when my anxiety is really awful but even underneath that I know they won't leave me. Rey seems as confident in Poe not leaving her as a friend, as I am my committed platonic life partners. Let that sink in for a minute.
which is just another point for me for my qpp jedistormpilot hc tyvm
What happens after that, is that when Rey decides to leave to find the wayfinder, she isn't surprised when Poe shows up to (as far as she knows, tho we know he and finn were planning on going) say goodbye, and immediately makes sure they're on good terms before she leaves, just in case.
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Poe also checks in on her before they leave because he notices she's acting strangely/drinking in the scenery like she won't see it again, and promptly spends...a lot of the movie worrying about her?
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He grounds her several times in the novelization(s).......but is also one of the reasons Rey snaps in the desert with Ren and the transport. In the junior novelization (iirc), she thinks about all the horrible things Ren has done to her and her friends, and one of the things she thinks before she loses control is how he tortured Poe. And then (I can't remember in which novelization) it's Poe's voice who snaps her out of her shell-shocked daze following the transport blowing up. In the regular one, he also gently tells her in the ship to go take a minute and he'll take care of the flying so she can just....have a breather and process what happened and doesn't hold what happened against her in the least (which we also see in the movie).
And BONUS points he trusts her instinctively aboard the Steadfast when she gets a Force feeling (I think the line in the novel is something like "when she got that look, a fellow knew he ought just to follow"? Or it may have been another scene I can't remember). Like.....they're friends. I don't know how much more explicit the movie could have made it, unless folks wanted them sharing a secret handshake or wanted them to briefly pause the movie to add a powerpoint presentation text above their heads going "they're friends". They bicker and they argue and they get exasperated with each other, especially over their similarities (because Rey is a lot like Poe), but they genuinely love and care for one another, and to be quite honest saying otherwise is a huge fucking disservice to how much Daisy and Oscar put into crafting their dynamic.
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agnesandhilda · 1 year
harlot (honorific)
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pcstan · 1 year
OMG ANOTHER EARLY SEASONS TRUTHER thats exactly why i love them the show felt so fun and young and not old and tired
i still love seasons 4-8 but 1-3 are my favorites (i barely watch anything afterwards. late 2000s-modern south park just tends to bore me or feels depressing most of the time but there are definitely exceptions) i still watch the new stuff but i dont really rewatch it usually
i thought this season STARTED great but kinda fell off after like episode 2 (i did like the last 2 more though) the ai episode was astronomically boring to me fsr
anyway apologies for this little rant but i am just happy to finally find someone with similar thoughts as me
Never be sorry for your rants!! I love when people agree with me cuz it makes me feel like I'm right (which I am♡)
I'm such an earlier seasons type of guy. The second chef stopped having an important role in the series everything went dark. 1 to 3 is really just the golden era of SP episodes and yet so many people skip them (just like they skip rpdr season 1 to 3 even tho season 3 is the most iconic in the franchise,,,really makes you think 💔💔). The newer seasons are literally just Trey's projection diary where every character is Trey Jr. Honestly I'm guessing that's why PC doesn't get a lot of screen time anymore, cuz he's an actual good dad and partner and God forbid a male character not hate and despise his wife and kids.
I need more people to discuss SP with like in a socratic circle.
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