#its also important because it marks a real shift in labor rhetoric toward the openly militant
left-hand-of-dorkness · 11 months
a very satisfyingly righteous thing is happening with teamsters truck drivers right now. the company in question sucks so much they’ve almost gone bankrupt like five times in the last twenty years. they squeezed a huge pay cut plus an end to pension contributions out of the union during the recession. they squandered $700 million in pandemic bailout funds. (i can also say with inside info they suck so much they forgot to factor in daylight savings time the last time they redid their bid schedules so turn drivers have to just wait an extra hour for loads until the time changes again lmfao)
now they’re in mega debt that’s all coming due at once and they want to change the work rules of the current contract to squeeze more money out of labor and are crying to the teamsters that if they don’t come to the table the company will implode and the union president said nah dawg we’re done bailing your ass out and tweeted a picture of a gravestone with the company logo on it
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