#the forest and its details
hiking-thoughts · 3 months
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how I love to see all the little details while hiking. winter in itself is a form of art.
at Cypress Provincial Park, B.C
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thinking about puppet tattoo parlors. A wall covered in so many different thread colors to choose from - swatches of different types of stitch for different textures / effects. modified handheld sewing machines for tattooing with multiple settings for the different stitches. individual needles + embroidery thread as stick n pokes...
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liquidstar · 2 months
april fools is over so now im going to be slash srs instead of slash j. im going to post a little excerpt from one of the oc writing practices ive been doing :) again im not super experienced for a variety of reasons but im doing my best here.
but im going to try and put my self conciousness to the side (thats probably an important part of the practice too, right?) since this isnt final version either way, i can just say im sharing a WIP! so for now it will go the way of most of my other oc stuff..... under the cut
the only context you need is that this would be the opening scene for the story. if i post others i'll have to give more context bc most of them are taken from the middle of something. anyway here goes:
“I love you
I've loved you since the beginning
From when you were only stardust
To when you will rejoin the stars
When everyone will be together again
Understand, you don’t simply live in the universe
You are part of it, taking on a form uniquely alive
You are the universe giving love back to itself
I love you so much”
A lone girl jolts awake, crying a plea into the empty air. Tears stream down her cheeks, as she calls for someone she doesn't know. Her heart aches with a nameless yearning that fades with the memory of her dream. Still, against her will, the emotions linger. A profound sense of love consumes her, an agonizing, grieving love, meant for her. She sighs and wipes away her tears. It was an absurd dream, a ridiculous notion.
As her conscious mind clears, she takes in her surroundings; a forest drowned in the pale blue light of dawn. Her sleeping bag, now encased in dew, was laid on the cold grass. She sits for a while, gazing at the faint sliver of the rising sun’s glow with an indistinct expression, and eventually stands up.
The lone girl begins her daily routine by braiding her hair. With a wave of her hand, she freezes dew on a rock, creating herself a mirror. Her fingers carefully weave her brown locks into a braid, now adorned with a snowflake clip and a scarlet ribbon. She throws on a long blue half-skirt over her shorts, matching her shirt. She forces on a pair of black boots and cuffs on her arm. Lastly, she grabs a moon-themed spear, and she's ready for the day.
Before setting off, she made sure to pack all her belongings, including her numerous hand-drawn maps and a compass. However, she also stops to look into the bag deeper, foolishly expecting to find something new. Instead, she only sighs, "Still no food."
She puts on the backpack and trudges forward anyway, ignoring the hunger pains as best she can. She hums to keep herself distracted.
As she walks, the trees tower above her, shrouding the horizon and taunting her. Birds occasionally fly into view, but seem to disappear in an instant. She wonders if her eyes are playing tricks on her.
The lone girl scribbles on her maps, trying to record a labyrinth of identical tree trunks and twisted paths. This proves useless, as this elliptical forest has her going in circles. Exasperated, she fidgets with her compass, only to see the needle is frantically twitching around. She presses it gently to her forehead and quietly complains, “Don't tell me you're broken…”
Her train of thought was cut short by the sudden sound of running water, so loud she can’t fathom how she’s only now begun to hear it. She decided to put off one problem for another. Following the sound through some shrubs, she quickly finds the source.
Her spear at the ready, she approaches the stream. Scanning its depths for signs of fish, she walks cautiously. Her posture was awkward, her expression was uncertain, betraying her lack of experience. She held her spear to her chest with both arms as she encroached the water’s edge.
She inhales in preparation, removes her skirt and boots, and enters the water with slow, careful steps. The very surface of the stream begins to freeze as it makes contact with her skin. Tiny, thin crystals of ice form as she steps further in. Breathing deeper, as she tries to control the frost, she makes her way to the center of the stream. She stands waiting for fish.
Rather than throwing her spear to hunt, like the intended purpose, she stabs at the water. She’s not good at this, however, and only ends up scaring other potential prey away. She makes several attempts at this but is unsuccessful each time. Refusing to quit, her repeated strikes become more desperate and uncoordinated with each failure. Her growing frustration only makes the water freeze deeper, eventually solidifying around her legs. She yelps, now in a panic, and begins to frantically stab at the ice to free herself.
A mess.
Escaping this ordeal, the lone girl abandons any further attempt at fishing. It probably isn't her calling anyway. She trudges on, lost, wet, cold, and hungry.
She looks at her compass again, her face reflecting in its glass. “You're broken,” she tiredly states, as she feels her eyes begin to well with tears.
“No! No no no! Don't cry! Don't cry Polaris,” The lone girl, Polaris, reassures herself, “Last time you cried you froze your eyelids shut, and that really hurt,” She whines aloud.
Polaris takes a deep breath, slaps her cheeks, and swallows her tears. She elects to follow the river, her only hope of escape, pursuing the promise of a village just beyond this enigmatic forest. She daydreams of a warm meal in a cozy restaurant, and maybe a cold desert too. A glimmer of determination returns to her stride, as she continues her hum from before.
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sparingiscaring · 4 months
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So... Leigh and Emery weren't my first attempts at drawing a Parabolan reflection! Here is Wadiya's - my Bag a Legend PC!
Wadiya's reflection is one fused with the Vake, and presenting as one. They are based on Curators, with anatomy most similar to a Vampire bat, but lack both claws and eyes. Wadiya delights paradoxically in gaining inhumanity, hunting, and light, while her reflection is inhuman, but is unable to hunt or see. The Peligin-blood staining to her skin is missing, as are Wadiya's scars, and her Parabolan reflection is far, FAR meeker as a result.
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Sissy redesign !! i support womens rights but more importantly i support womens wrongs
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hydrachop · 4 months
terrafirmacraft is so fun i spent 6 hours playing and i just right now got my first crafting table
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satelliteduster · 10 months
i just had the weirdest fucking dream ive ever experienced in a while and i wont go into detail on the whole thing bc i need to highlight a very specific section that rocked me to my core
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there was a slightly more important subconscious message that i actually got from the dream but the one i got from this section in particular was "my art needs to get insanely weird so fucking soon." because good fucking god
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backpackofposts · 1 year
Similar to how the Minecraft cave spider is slightly smaller than the average spider model, I think glow squids should have a smaller model than the normal squid
#Which makes sense too since a lot of bioluminescent squids are smaller than your traditional/more common squid#and I just think it would be a fun little detail#like the squid having a smaller size would change absolutely none of its mechanics it’s purely aesthetic#like there are so many non-functional that were originally in Minecraft#that I find it funny when Mojang tries to claim they couldn’t add something because it wasn’t practical or realistic#cough cough fireflies cough like dude you made ocelots completely obsolete when making cats a different animal#my beef with Mojang is simple: they haven’t been updating the game they have been revamping and re-branding it#nether update? no fuck no! they added a lot of new Contant but they did not improve upon any pre-existing elements#but what about the zombie Pigman weren’t they updated? no they were replaced by something inspired by them#with a zombie version to calm the crowd.#because if they’re their own species now with their own spawning structures then who the fuck do the nether fortress is belong to!?#The nether update added a lot of things that were inspired off of pre-existing things in the nether but none of them are direct improvements#for example the nether wart forest would you are unable to get nether wart from#The new soul sand valley is interesting but I wish your soul Sand actually looked like it had souls in it like the classic stuff#and I think the new sand could be improved upon if you made it look like there were hands of the souls#because I always thought you walked slowly on soul Sand because the souls were trying to drag you down with them✨#it’s funny how much Minecraft is treated like a Game for all ages because when you really look at it I think it’s actually quite dark#but take what I say with a pinch of salt because I’m just rambling and this post was originally about squids#glow squid#minecraft glow squid#bioluminescent squid#bioluminescent#Minecraft#squid#Minecraft squid#bioluminescence#caves and cliffs#minecraft nether
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
but like speaking seriously. i genuinely, truly wish this was still the age of terrible shovelware games and not. whatever the fuck is happening now between the mobile gaming market, microtransactions, and. the everything of it. it’s not that shovelware is good, it’s that it’s interesting! it’s not any less corporate in its goals, but it’s less… evil? you know? you pay for shovelware game, you still get a game, as terrible as it might be. it won’t have ads in it, it won’t ask you to pay more money once you’ve bought it, it’ll just be almost innocently terrible on its disc in its entirety, entertaining to shit on with friends and an enigma as to what went into its creation. i have a genuine little place in my heart for awful tie-in games, especially when you can tell that for however bad they are, there was one person on that team that you can tell gave a shit. (and sometimes there wasn’t. but that’s still fun. the game still had to be made, someone still had to make choices about it’s creation, and those choices can be fascinating!)
#idk man sometimes i just sit and think about that guardians of gahoole video game#because like i said. its a tie-in. objectively shovelware. but its also like. weirdly detailed???#its made to tie-in with the movie released around the same time. it mirrors the plot of the movie.#actually it fleshes out that plot and makes it even better in conjuction but thats besides the point#the point is that that game? has so many references not to the movie. but to the BOOK SERIES!!!!#you get an eagle as a follower in that game!!! an eagle!!! they dont even show up in the movie and yet you end up in the desert of kuneer#and an eagle joins your party!#the ga’hoole tree is rendered so lovingly and you can fly around and explore it. and so is the forest of tyto and kuneer! places that only#show up for a bit in the movie!#THE BEAKS!!! THE BEAKS ARE IN THE GAME!!! THE BEAKS ARE NEVER EVEN MENTIONED IN THE MOVIE AND YET!!!#HAGSFIENDS ARE IN THE GAME AND THOSE ARE BOOK ONLY TOO!!!!#SOMEONE HERE CARED!!!!! someone here cared. and they will never know that i love them for that. they will never know how much they made my#time playing that game even better because i knew all those details from the books and i appreciated every one.#and its like. thats it you know? thats the point. someone made this. in the end someone made this and whether they loved making it or hated#it. they still made a piece of art that we can dissect and understand and enjoy.#and you just. thats all gone with shit like mobile games and microtransactions and endless horse armor level dlcs and. you get it.#in my eyes. even ninja gingerbreadman 2 has more artistic social and philosophical value. than a thousand hours in that new shit diablo game
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nordinarilygood · 9 months
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Hey guys! Finally a new art piece haha. I wanted to paint a stormy sea but the tape didnt stick well… The painting looked totally destroyed but I did my best to make a good one out of it. i hope you like it. See ya.
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infizero · 1 year
#SPRINGTRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP#LETS FUCKING GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#jury is still technically out on whether at this point in time hes actually springtrap or if its still just william using the spring bonnie#suit. latter is more likely considering the knife and the fact that he was shown alive previously in the movie but you never know#the wear and tear on the suit doesnt look severe enough to be springtrap it just looks worn down cause of the age of it#also YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT KID IN THE CAR BEING DRIVEN AWAY FROM MIKE IN THAT FOREST DREAM SEQUENCE THING IS NOT THE CRYING CHILD#WHY DID THEY SPECIFICALLY SINGLE OUT THAT ONE KID. AND WHY DID THEY SHOW MIKE LOOKING SO DISTRESSED ABOUT IT#FOR SUREEEEE THATS HIS LITTLE BROTHER DUDE CMON#also im glad we have more details on mike and abby's situation but also i'd like more YOU GUYS ARE SIBLINGS RIGHT? why is mike seemingly#taking care of you on his own? please tell me all about your living situation at the beginning of the movie please so i can know exactly#what happened smile. tho hes probably gonna be vague about it and just be like ''its just me and abby now'' <- BECAUSE OF WHAT!#anyways. if the kid in the car ISNT the cc stand-in i will eat my fucking hat im so sure of it#anyways IM JUST SO EXCITED RAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#oh oh also VANESSA IS SUS AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean she was sus from the get go considering her name is literally vanessa. but like#HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE ANIMATRONICS BEING POSSESSED??????? the murders i understand cuz ur a police officer#BUT YOU SHOULDNT KNOW ABOUT THE GHOST CHILDREN>???????? HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!#UR WORKING WITH AFTON FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!#serena.txt
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birdmenanime · 2 years
if i wasnt so busy i would be making so much birdmen content rn [clenches fist]
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cosmicheartz · 1 year
more Patty stuff + rambling abt her wishing star path
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The wishing star would be similar to Goldi in the sense that it guides Patty and attempts to teach her to properly process her grief. The path isn't inherently dangerous like Puss and Kitty's but it's not an easy path.
Patty's grief is a mix between absent grief and inhibited grief. It leans more towards the latter since she distracts herself by running the bakery. I also think she's on the bargaining stage as the whole reason she's going after the wishing star is because she wants to bring back her father.
The first area would be called memory lane. it would show memories of the person who is present in the area.
So for Patty that would mean memories of her childhood and her father. I don't think she'd be able to experience this area though because she hasn't gotten her hands on the map yet. she does get through the pocket full of posies without issue
i think the second area is where the movie deviates a tiny bit because she does get her hands on the map for a short period of time instead of Goldie and the bears after the Jack Horner fight where Perrito gets captured by him. This area is either called Mourning Meadows or Garden of Grief and it basically is kinda like the memories of the mist episode of the sumo anime where it summons the spirits of the departed but with the caveat that the spirit is always constantly out of reach so no matter how hard you try or how fast you run you'll never be able to reunite. Goldie and the bears end up getting the map from her without too much of a fight because the map fell out of Patty's bag.
As for the third area, I haven't really figured it out yet and Patty doesn't get to experience the area anyways since the rest of the movie plays out more or less like the canon version. She's isn't present in the wishing star battle as she ends up getting there after everything went down. 
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autumndragons · 2 years
my kingdom for an imade-id-adding nature blog
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picavecalyx · 2 years
Silva's ability to talk to pokemon and hear their hearts really does come down to. She does not hear the pokemon noises, she hears the words. The hearing the heart makes her capable of feeling what they're feeling. Which is why she might not be able to hear what Keyley is saying--because Keyley is mute--but she can hear their heart and how they're feeling.
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yandereshingeki · 1 month
loveliest forest, missed u lots! which was ur y/n moment ure talking abt? yes im back on my nosy bs ... LMAO <3
AAAGEHSGAGA i feel like this is way too tmi but ill answer it very vaguely under the cut
boinked in a closet for 3 hours
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