#the forbidden one is .. if you know you know where it is 🥴🥴
beemot · 2 months
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[ray × gale]
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ramblingoak · 11 months
what about forbidden kisses with a soft Secondo…maybe with the “I really wanna kiss you” prompt 🥴
Yes! I love soft Secondo. I hope this hits the spot Anon 💙
Sap I secondo x gn!reader
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~ You and Secondo are participating in a ritual where you aren't allowed to see each other and each day is getting harder ~
(nsfw, 18+ only mdni, 1,500 words)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
It had been nine days since you had last touched Secondo.
Nine days since you’d spoken to him, since you’d even seen him. There were still five days left of this and you weren’t sure if you were going to make it. Of all the stupid rituals you’d been involved in since you’d joined the church this was the worst. Two weeks of not having any sort of contact with your lover was torture, especially when you lived and worked in the same damn building.
‘The magic is stronger with the time apart’ was the explanation you’d been given. A ritual to bless the church, to bless Lucifer and his followers. The built up emotions of two separated lovers finally joining together again. A fortnight of solitude where neither person was allowed to even bring themselves pleasure.
It was all bullshit.
You trekked down the hall towards your temporary room. A sullen and dark thing tucked at the end of some random hallway. As it came into view you saw the familiar form of one of Copia’s ghouls as they lazily lounged against the wall next to the door. Imperator didn’t trust any of Secondo’s to keep you apart, which was smart of her. You knew they were suffering in their own way, dealing with an increasingly irate Papa as the ritual prep dragged on. The ghoul, Swiss you believed, offered you a quick nod as you slipped by and grasped the doorknob.
“You drew the short straw, huh?” When the ghoul remained quiet you tilted your head at them. “Is everything ok? Swiss?”
At first he didn’t answer, only glancing quickly back down the hall before leaning close.
“Just be quiet, ok?”
“What? Quiet? What do you mean?”
“Well one, we don’t want anyone to hear you guys and give it away.” Swiss leaned back against the wall, holding two fingers up before he continued. “Two, I don’t want to hear you guys. At all. For the love of Satan, please be quiet.”
Before you could respond the door to your temporary room opened and Secondo’s irritated face appeared.
“Would you rather stand out here and talk to this idiota or come in here and kiss me?”
You ignored Swiss’s indignant ‘hey!’ and rushed up to your Papa.
“I really want to kiss you, of course I do.”
“Bene. Get in here now.”
You let out a historical sounding laugh as Secondo grabbed your hand and pulled you into the dark room. He exchanged a few words with Swiss before the door was shut and you were both alone.
“Secondo, what if someone needs you?”
“I told everyone I had a migraine and to leave me the fuck alone unless they wanted to die.”
When he took a few steps towards you, you couldn’t help but take a few back.
“What if someone comes looking for me?”
“Swiss is supposed to give me a signal.”
“Which is what?”
Secondo growled when you moved away again, looming over you when the back of your legs hit the bed and you sat down.
“I don’t know, he’ll scream or something. I thought you wanted to kiss me?”
“Oh I do, but I also don’t want to get in trouble.” He didn’t seem impressed by your answer, crossing his arms in front of his chest and glancing around the room. “Are you pouting?”
“Of course not.”
“It looks like you’re pouting to me.”
“I don’t…pout.”
You jumped up from the bed and stood close enough to feel the heat radiating from him. He wasn’t wearing the mitre, but his robes glittered in the light coming in through the drapes. There were spots where his paint had faded away, something you normally helped him with. Your heart ached knowing he didn’t have anyone else to do little things like that for him with you gone. He stayed still when you reached up and ran a finger along his bottom lip.
“Nope, that’s definitely a pout.”
“Oh for the love of…will you shut up?”
“Make me.”
Both of you stared at each other for a moment before he reached out to grasp your elbows and yank you towards him. His mouth was demanding, but soft. Secondo knew what you liked, he knew what you could take and no amount of time away would change that. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, something you normally did multiple times a day and you didn’t realize how much you had missed it.
Secondo’s hands roamed over your back before he settled both of them on your ass. He squeezed and kneaded your flesh, somehow pressing you even closer to him. His hard dick pushed against you and you couldn’t help but moan into his mouth. He pulled away a bit and let out a dirty chuckle.
“Did you miss your Papa?”
“Hmm, just a little.”
He rolled his eyes before leaning in to kiss you again. The taste of his face paint slid against your tongue as you slipped it inside of his mouth. He eagerly moved his own against yours, teasing flicks that made you whimper in the back of your throat. When he nipped at your tongue you gasped, much louder than you intended and you both froze.
There was hardly an inch between you as you stared wildly into each others eyes. You let yours wander a bit and you couldn’t help but smile at the state of his paint. It was especially bad around his mouth, for obvious reasons, but there were smudges from your hands as well. He sighed and leaned forward to press a kiss onto the tip of your nose.
“You don’t look any better, my darling.”
“I don’t feel like myself unless I have some of your paint on me.”
His features softened and he leaned close again, this time pressing a brief kiss to your lips.
Before you could grumble a response, a loud shrieking sound erupted from the hallway. You quickly backed away from Secondo when the door opened and the light flicked on. Copia was standing in the doorway in his glittering robes, looking back and forth between you. You couldn’t read the look on his face, but when you glanced up at Secondo he was wearing one of defiance. It probably would have been more effective if his paint wasn’t all over the place.
“Well? Do you two have anything to say for yourselves?”
“Did Swiss fall asleep?”
“Ah no, he was on his phone. Didn’t notice me sneaking up on him.”
You slapped a hand over your mouth to stifle your giggle when you saw Swiss’s head pop into the doorway. One look at Secondo and he quickly disappeared, his footsteps echoing loudly as he escaped down the hallway. Oh well, time to try to salvage this. With the most sincere face you could muster you stepped up to stand beside Secondo, lowering your eyes to the floor before you spoke.
“I’m sorry, Papa.”
Copia’s snort made you look up and you relaxed a bit at Copia’s easy smile.
“No, you’re not.” When you opened your mouth to respond he waved a hand at you and his brother. “It’s fine. We’ll just pretend this never happened, eh?”
“What?” Secondo’s surprised question echoed how you felt. “What about the ritual?”
“I doubt there is ever any passion lacking between you two. I’m sure Lucifer will be pleased no matter how long the uh, anticipation has been building.” Copia stepped forward and reached for your hand, pressing a quick kiss to the back before dropping it and then giving Secondo an awkward pat on the shoulder. “Besides if you ‘make it’ the whole time Terzo owes me a case of wine!”
He winked at you and then turned around and headed back towards the door. You glanced up at Secondo, but his face was impossible to read. When you looked back towards Copia he was smiling at you again.
“Just try to be quiet, eh? Make sure my brother is cleaned up and on his way early ok?”
You gave Copia a thumb’s up, watching as he turned and left, closing the door behind him. When Secondo remained still you sighed and moved to stand in front of him.
“Are you ok, Papa?”
“What? Yes, fine. I’m fine.”
He certainly didn’t sound convincing but you let it slide. You reached out and rested your hand on his stomach, slowly sliding it up his chest until you felt his heart beating under your hand.
“Are you sure?” He gave you a nod and brought a hand up to cover yours. The leather of his gloves felt good against your skin and you smiled when he pulled your hand up to kiss your palm. “So…what do you want to do now?”
He looked at you thoughtfully for a moment, his eyes tracing your features before he kissed your palm again.
“I really want to kiss you.”
You smiled, pulling your hand from his to poke the tip of his nose.
Secondo let out a laugh, quickly nodding before tugging you close. His lips quickly found yours again and you lost yourself in his kisses. It wasn’t long before you both were naked and stretched out on the bed, familiarizing yourselves with each other’s bodies once more. You didn’t sleep much that night, wanting to use all the time together you had before you would have to separate again.
Neither one of you were very quiet.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
my masterlist
my ao3
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celestialprincesse · 3 months
(I know how you want it, baby, just like this
Know you're thinking' 'bout it, baby, just one kiss
While you're lookin' at 'em, baby, read my lips
I know what you want, but you can't have this)
ANGE! THAT LAST LINE?? Ohhhh your wrinkly mind! I hope you were talking about the Ariana grande song! Truly Nikto x hyperfem coded. Pls!!
*lil side note I’ve been meaning to ask you about, the king!simon x fae!reader. Would love ur thoughts because it’s all I’ve been thinking about since you posted it a few days ago but haven’t been so busy with classes
I was I was! Been listening to Ariana whilst I've been studying lately n soo much of her stuff makes me think of Nik & my sweet girly💕 They're j soooo forbidden love pining for something you want but can't have coded and it makes me SICK🥴
Also, King!Simon n Faerie!reader is something I've been stewing on in the back of my silly little brain for a bit now. I've got literally nothing in terms of plot, but I do have vibes!! Lots of Simon being very grumpy and mean and closed off, maybe faerie reader is arranged to marry him as some kind of peace offering or bargain. Sort of a long standing sacrifice thing? Like every generation the Faeries send one of their own to be wed to the king, the deal being that the royal line remains strong with half fae sons and daughters and in exchange they leave the faeries alone?? I'm not really too sure on where I want to take it yet, but it's definitely something I'd like to write at some point??
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
Rainy Days - Professor Butler Pt. II
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Character/Fandom: Austin Butler
Requested: yes! - several of y'all asked for part 2 haha
Prompt: You've been seeing Professor Butler for several months now, and you're getting tired of all this sneaking around. Is he gonna grow a pair and commit or not? [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: None!
Rating: Pg-13   ||     Word Count: 4061
A/N: this is the ghost of mila since i'll be at a work event when this is posted lmao 👻
happy birthday to the sexiest man alive 2022 🥴🥴 i hope y'all enjoy part 2. also i did not know that Agnetha from ABBA was dead and i am...very sad about that
Read part one here!
🦋 mila
You spritz yourself one last time with perfume before hectically grabbing the strap to your purse and blasting out the door. You’re running late to meet your…well, you aren’t really sure what he is to you. He’s everything and nothing at the same time. As far as everyone else is concerned, he’s professor to you. But in private, in the quiet moments when it’s just you and he, he’s so much more than that. Boyfriend, lover, friend with benefits. You aren’t sure what title fits your relationship best. And never have you used any of those words to describe him. Boyfriend is too formal, lover too sexual, and friend with benefits too distant. He is your…your Austin. That’s the only word that feels right to say. And as you glance at your watch, you realize just how late you are to meet him.
You sprint across the street and a car beeps at you. You throw up a hand and mutter a ‘sorry’ even though you know they can’t hear you. After you round the corner to get to a bridge, you stop and take a moment to collect yourself. You brush your hair back and push it into place, straighten your clothes, dab some sweat from your forehead. You take a few deep breaths to calm your racing heart that’s beating out of your chest, not from the sprint to the park but from the thought of getting to see him again. No matter how many times you do this, how many times you meet him for your - what’s become a weekly - walk through the park just off-campus, you never stop feeling like you’re sneaking around. You never stop getting that adrenaline rush that comes with doing something forbidden. Perhaps that’s because there is always a chance, just a small one, that someone will recognize the two of you together.
You smile as you approach your usual meeting place: a fountain in the middle of the park, a secluded area where you’ve never actually seen another person besides the two of you. Even from the back, you can tell the figure sitting on the bench is him, his gorgeous blonde curls reflecting the golden rays of afternoon sunlight. You peer over his shoulder to see a book flapped open on his lap, as usual, and bite your lip at how academic he is. How handsome he is just doing the thing he loves most. You always cherish these moments, and you’ve gotten very good at picking them up after pining after him in class for so long. These candid moments of him just…existing. You’ve never seen a man exist so charmingly before. You slink up behind him, making sure to be as quiet as possible, and throw your arms around his chest. You allow your lips to hover by his ear.
“Hi Aus,” you whisper in a low voice. 
When his head jerks up from the words on the novel’s page, you can tell your surprise attack was successful. You take advantage of the distraction, running your fingers across the half-open flap of his dress shirt. He chuckles deeply and tilts his head back, a handsome smirk resting on his lips. He reaches up to remove his sunglasses, pushing the golden locks aside with the frames. His other hand moves to rest on your arm, stroking your skin with his thumb.
“Hey you,” he responds. “You’re late.”
“Fashionably,” you roll your eyes.
“You were never late to my class,” he counters.
“I would never disrespect the curriculum like that.”
He lifts your arms over his head, still holding onto them as he uses his thick thighs to push himself to stand. He turns, holding you out at arm's length to take you in. You’ve worn your favorite sundress today, one that you know makes your breasts look amazing. You know he’s noticed that when his eyes drop down to your breasts and then return to your eyes.
“What about this curriculum?” he asks, jerking you toward him. You crash into his chest and giggle, sliding your hands up the shirt and onto the nape of his neck, absentmindedly playing with the extra curly hair there. He leans down, gently brushing his lips against yours. You smirk against him, darting your tongue out to touch his lips before you lean back.
“Oh, I prefer the internship portion of this curriculum. You know, the practicum component where I get to put my skills to work.”
He smirks before pulling you taut against him and crashing his mouth down onto yours. He slips his tongue between your lips, wet and warm as it traces figures along your sensitive skin. You moan into his mouth, your fingers crawling their way into his hair. His hands slip to your ass and he hoists you up onto his hips, walking backward until your back hits what you assume to be the trunk of a tree. You moan again as his hips press into yours. You bite onto his bottom lip, pulling it out and he groans in response before releasing your lips.
“You’ve been studying, baby,” he growls, breathless. “A+.”
You just smirk and hop down. He intertwines his fingers into yours, spinning you around to his side. He snatches his book up, and you start on the path that you’ve trodden so many times before. You both know it by heart now, so you can focus your whole attention on each other.
“What are you reading, Aus?” you ask, gesturing to the book.
“Agnetha Faltskog - The Girl With the Golden Hair.”
He flips the book to show you the cover depicting a beautiful blonde woman. You smile.
“Who’s that?”
“She was one of the members of ABBA. Unfortunately, she died not too long ago, so I wanted to read more about her. It’s very interesting so far.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I love ABBA.”
“They’re one of my favorites. They were certainly a talented group and they produced tons and tons of hits.”
“Enough for two movies and a musical,” you reply with a chuckle, and he laughs. “Hey…”
You stop, glancing down a path that you both gloss by every time you take this walk. You point toward it, pulling on his arm.
“Why don’t we go this way?”
Austin shrugs and redirects his steps to go down the path you’ve chosen. You get back to talking about ABBA and what he’s reading. Then, you talk about what you’re reading and doing. You trudge along the path, making conversation until you start to hear noises in the distance. Your eyes tear themselves away from Austin’s for the first time in a while to notice that you’re approaching a clearing in the woods.
As you emerge into the clearing, the sounds of old 80s music and roller skates on wood flood into your ears. An outdoor roller rink. You smile and point. Austin nods but as you take a step closer you feel him release your fingers and, just out of the corner of your eye, you watch as he shoves his hand into his pocket. For some reason, a sense of embarrassment seeps into your chest.
He does this frequently. Whenever you’re out in public where other people might see you, actually. You know that Austin lives in constant fear of being found out and tattled on by a student or a faculty member. So far, you’ve accepted and lived with it since you understand the risk it poses to his career. But you won’t lie and say that it doesn’t bother you. Actually, as you walk toward the rink to look closer, your brain starts to run through all the times he’d released your fingers, distanced himself from you, he even acted like he didn’t know you on one risky close encounter. It’s a bit embarrassing for you, especially since you’re sure that anyone can see the adoration you hold for him on your face. As you step up to the rink, you’re starting to get a little pissed off, actually. You glance over at him to see a dumb smile playing on his lips as if everything is just dandy. In the afternoon light of the day, he looks so handsome.
But you kinda wanna punch him in the face right now. You should be able to grab his face and kiss him, snuggle underneath his arm, hold his hand. You’re basically a couple…aren’t you? Suddenly, your body is overwhelmed with the need to know if what you feel for him is returned. Until this moment you haven’t questioned it, but now…
Your fingers dance along the banister and onto his fingers. You grab at them, but he snakes them away and shoots you a look like a parent would to a disobedient child. You clench your jaw and then try again, this time sliding your entire body in front of him. He steps back, away from you, and shakes his head.
“Don’t do that.”
You can tell by his tone and body language that he’s starting to get irritated. Good. You smirk, your fingers traveling to his belt loops and hooking into them to yank him against you.
“What? I just wanna be close to you. Don’t you wanna be close to me?”
You press your chest into his and drop your hands to his pelvis, curving them ever so close to his crotch. He sighs deeply, moving his fingers to your shoulders and attempting to push you off of him. But you stay clinging to him, refusing to be removed.
“Come onnnnnn. Just one little kissie. No one will even notice.”
He falters for a moment, and you can practically see the conflict in his eyes, a mixture of disappointment and temptation. He wants you, you can tell, but he doesn’t know if he should take you. Although your heart is racing with the embarrassment of your actions, you’re just so tired of hiding. You could never say it out loud, but you’re pretty sure that you’re in love with this man. You’re not expecting a marriage proposal or anything like that but just some recognition would be nice. You just want to flaunt him, show the whole world that he’s yours.
You hook your finger into the belt loop of his pants and yank him harder against you as your other hand pulls down on his neck. You strain your own neck upward, pushing your chin out to try desperately to connect your lips to his. He begins to move down toward you, but his head jerks back harshly and hands fly to your wrists, sternly removing them from his body. He pushes you back, holding you at arm's length again.
“No. I’ve told you no before. We just can’t do it. It’s inappropriate. That was the deal when we first got together. I told you that we wouldn’t be able to tell anyone, at least not until you graduate in May. I’m sorry, but I can’t risk either or both of us getting into trouble with the university.”
You stare up at him, the unfeeling coldness in his eyes making your fingers clench into fists at your sides. As you calculate your next movement, splats of chilling rain begin to fall onto your skin. You aren’t completely sure what overcomes you, but you find yourself reaching out and firmly shoving his chest. He stumbles back a few steps, his eyes widening and mouth popping open with shock.
“How can you treat me like this?” you shout. “Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don’t like sneaking around and hiding? Did my feelings ever even cross your mind?” You know that what you’re saying is bullshit, but you say it anyway. “No, I’m sure they didn’t. You don’t want us to get in trouble with the university? Us, Austin? Or you?? Don’t think I haven’t heard the gossip that you’re up for tenure already. God forbid the university board should find out that you’re having an affair with me. Bye-bye tenure. That’s the real reason isn’t it?”
“Don’t be petty, Y/N. Of course that’s not the reason. But I just can’t go around shouting to the world that I’m fucking a student,” he spits back.
“So that’s all I am to you, then? Just some student you’re fucking?? I’m just some kind of sugar baby to you, is that it? Someone to pass the time with, something to use?”
“No!” he yells back, taking a step forward so that he’s towering over you. You stick your neck out, challenging him.
“Then what the hell am I to you?”
“No, answer my question. What am I to you? Am I your girlfriend or not?”
He says nothing, and you can tell that he’s trying to contain his emotions in the presence of the other people around, some of which could be faculty or students.
“Answer. Me. Austin.”
He stays quiet, his eyes flicking around to take in all the bystanders who are beginning to notice your little quabble thanks to the volume of your voice.
“Fucking answer the question, Austin!” you yell even louder, reaching out to shove him again. “Just say it. Say I’m your girlfriend. Say it!”
“You’re not my girlfriend!!”
His sudden shift in tone shocks you, and you feel heat crawling into your cheeks as you glance around at all the observers watching your drama go down. When you glare back at his eyes, they flash with a moment of concern and guilt. He says nothing and realization begins to dawn on you.
“Whatever. You know what, I don’t care. I’m leaving. Don’t contact me, and I’ll drop your stupid class. Goodbye, Professor Butler. I hope you enjoy your tenure.”
You spin on your heel too quickly for him to respond. You know that nothing you’ve said is true nor does it make any logical sense. But you are so infuriated, so frustrated, so enraged that you just want to be anywhere but next to him. The rain begins to fall harder. And harder. And harder. The drops are freezing cold and you find it ironic. The timing. It’s almost as if you have started the downpour that’s ensuing.
In a matter of moments, what are just a few raindrops pitter-pattering here and there turn into a full-fledged shower. You cross your arms over your chest, shivering as your skin and dress start to soak through. You trudge through the grass which is quickly becoming a muddy mess, not caring what you might look like. You’re pretty sure you’re crying but with the raindrops trickling down your cheeks, you can’t be sure. Just as you’re about to cross the street, you feel someone’s hand on your arm. Whirling around with rage, you raise your arm to strike whatever is clutching onto you.
Austin’s open palm wraps around your wrist to stop it from colliding with his perfect face. You cower as soon as you make eye contact with him, immediately recognizing the fury in his face. His grip on your wrist is firm but not painful.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he growls, and you’re thrown back to all the times in the past few months that you’ve been with Austin. The times that he’d fucked your brains out with eyes like that. The first time that you’d slept together, when he had asked you that exact same question.
“Going back to my dorm so I can get drunk off my ass and update my Tinder profile,” you say, half-joking and maybe half-not.
“Y/N, don’t be like this. Why can’t you just understand? I need this job.”
“Do you? Do you need it more than you need me? Cause if so, then I guess all this bullshit in the past few months has been for nothing.”
You try to pull away, but his hand snakes onto your waist, pulling you against him.
“I need it because of you, don’t you understand? I want to be able to help you! Your student loans, your books, food! Whatever you need. I want to be able to provide for you!”
You have to admit that the sentiment makes your heart flutter for a moment, but you push that feeling down. You’re enjoying the power of your anger too much and making him feel guilty is way too fun.
“You don’t need to provide for me,” you shout. “That’s why I’m getting a fucking college degree. So I can provide for myself.”
You turn to stalk away but whirl back around when something occurs to you.
“So that is it, then? I am just some kind of sugar baby to you. You disgust me.”
This time around, with the combination of your rage and impatience, you’re strong enough to rip away from his grasp. You stomp quickly across the wet sidewalk, splashing puddles of muddy and dirty water up onto your legs.
“You’re not my fucking sugar baby,” suddenly Austin is right next to you. Damn his long legs. You try to speed up, but this is pretty much the fastest you can physically walk and you just have no chance against Austin’s lanky figure. He’s matching your pace with every step.
“Then why won’t you say that I’m your girlfriend? Make up your mind, Austin. I can’t keep sneaking around and waiting for you to accept me. To be proud of me. To show me off. It’s embarrassing to have to tell everyone I’m single when I’m not. I’m embarrassed that you don’t want to show me off. Is there something wrong with me? What, am I not good enough for your hoity-toity professor friends?”
“No. That’s not it. You’re very, very bright and an amazing person. We both know that-”
“Then why? Why won’t you accept me? Why do we have to continue to hide? I hate this. I hate lying to my parents, my friends, the people who are closest to me. Because you know what?? I want to tell them. I want to tell everyone. I want everyone to know. I lo…I like you so much. So so much, and I can’t tell anyone about it! No one!”
You’re definitely crying now. At this point, you’ve both stopped in the middle of the street. Your fists are splayed out behind you to offset the force of your screams. You’re breathing heavily, between the fast walking, the crying, the freezing rain shaking your body, and the anger. Shockingly, not a single car is passing by on either side of the street. You should probably move and that thought crosses your mind for a quick second, but lord knows you’re too stubborn to move before he does.
“And you think it doesn’t kill me? Not to tell anyone about you? Not to show you off? Goddamn it, Y/N/, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever known. You’re beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous, the hottest person I’ve ever seen. You’re ethereal, it’s unreal. And you’re funny and quirky and quick-witted. And so smart and sure of yourself. You’re so talented and everything about you makes my heart race. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you, but I cannot ruin your life. I will not ruin our lives like this. I need the job so I can…”
He hesitates, suddenly realizing how many confessions he’s just spat at you. Your heart is thudding against your chest so loud that it’s drowning out the sounds of the harsh rain on the rooftops of the buildings along the street. You don’t know what to do. He loves you. He’s said it. Officially.
But he needs the job so he can…what??
“So you can what?” you ask, your eyes flicking between his.
A moment of tense silence passes between you as you wait for him to answer your question. You take a step forward, leaning your head up to gaze into his deep blue eyes. You raise your hand to his face, brushing a thumb over the slick cheek covered in cold rain. You watch as a few drops of water roll off his plump parted lips and you want more than anything to suck all the drops up. To taste the water on him.
Just as he’s about to answer, you jump at the sound of a loud beep. You glance to the side to see a black sedan racing toward you. Austin instincitvely pulls you against him, spinning around so that his back is facing the oncoming traffic. His arms slide under your armpits and lift you up so that you’re hovering above the ground. He walks forward onto the sidewalk. The car drives past with a beep, the window barely rolled down as the driver angrily shouts obscenities at you.
You continue to walk backward, pulling Austin underneath an awning on the nearest building. You press your back against the brick wall, absentminedely sticking your tongue out to catch a drop of water falling off your nose. He slides in next to you and you both try to catch your breaths.
“So you can what?” you ask.
“You were saying that you…you need the job so you can something, but you didn’t finish.”
“Oh…it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
“Are you in some kind of trouble?” you ask, reaching to grab his hands. “Maybe I can help. Is something wrong?”
“No, no. It’s nothing like that,” he gazes into your eyes and then chuckles, shaking his head. “It’s…just some dumb idea I had.”
“What? You can tell me. Anything.”
He glances up at you again, and you can tell he’s weighing his options.
“Well…it’s stupid, but I was just saying that…I need the job to start saving for a…ring…”
Your breath catches in your throat and with the wet air and rain dripping down your face you start to cough. You bend over at the waist, coughing your lungs up as Austin rubs your back soothingly.
“Woah, woah, baby girl. Deep breaths, honey, deep breaths.”
“A…ring?” you sputter. “Like a…like a wedding ring?”
“No, no!” he holds his hands out in front of him with wide eyes. “Dear god no. I may be older, but I’m still way too young to be ready for marriage. No, I just thought that…well maybe you could wear it and think of me. And that could kind of show people that you’re taken.”
“So…like a promise ring?”
“Uh…yeah, like a promise ring, I guess.”
You watch the Adam’s apple in his throat bob up and down as he gulps nervously. You bite your lip to keep the smile from spreading too widely across your face.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I do want to show you off. I really do. I just truly don’t want you to get in trouble. The university has a very strict policy about this kind of stuff, even if it is consensual. And more than that, I want to be able to provide for you if I ever get the chance to. I know it’s crazy to think this far in the future since we’ve only been seeing each other for a few months, but…like I said out there. Y/N, I’ve never loved anyone as much as I’ve love you, baby.”
His hand reaches up to cup your cheek and you lean into his touch.
“I just wanna make everything good for you. Like I told you before, this won’t be easy, but I’ll take care of you. And maybe…maybe we can head up to my parent’s house this weekend. They’re hosting a dinner with some of their old friends and they invited me. I wasn’t gonna go so that I could stay here and spend time with you, but maybe I can bring you along.”
A huge smile spreads across your face. You raise yourself up on your tip-toes to press a chaste kiss to his lips. He kisses you back and you can feel the corners of his mouth curl up into a smile. When you pull back, you nudge his nose with yours.
“I love you, too. And I would love to go.”
“Alright. Let’s do it. But in the meantime, let’s get you inside before you freeze to death,” he says, wrapping his arms around you and guiding you toward the corner of the sidewalk. “I like you wet but not like this.”
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Reblogs, likes, comments + feedback are extremely appreciated! Please help support your content creators!
**If you notice any triggers or grammatical errors that I missed, please let me know! :)
taglist: @mrsjna @floralcyanide @austinbutler17 @slutforsomegoodlettuce @cb97slut @datsavageavenger @misspygmypie @yourfriendhenrywinter @queenslandlover-93 @kittenlittle24 @slutforblueeyes @theliterarybeldam @guns-n-queen @x-earthangel @adoreyouusugar @butler-trouble @kaycinema @mamaspresley @dontbesussis @littledanette @yagirlalexx @hangmanswhore @dark-as-love @adoreyouusugar @gemstone9 @austin-butlers-gf @dollfaceyourfear @dances-and-dolly-dresses @coldonexx @austin-butlers-gf @sagesolsticewrites @mommy-maia @atombombbibunny @lexlexl3x @solo-pitstop-vibes @hopefulinlove @lordandmistress @domaniquessidehoe @deitysdream
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Sooo, if we're talking about Shisui pairings, would you be willing to talk about Shisui/Tobirama? You've got two fics on it, so clearly there's something about it that appeals to you, and I'd love to hear about it! I know in your Eye of the Beholder fic you have a little bit of Tobirama foaming at the mouth trying to figure out how Shisui out sped him and then being exasperated at how he fucked up his body to keep fighting (and being startled at how friendly and chatty Shisui was?), which is a great dynamic. So you've already got me hooked on it, I'd just like to hear your more in depth analysis/reasoning/ideas if you have any 😁
Hey, Anon!
So, I've just come from answering another ask wondering about my Shisui/Tobirama, so I absolutely CAN talk about Tobirama!
Far from considering Shisui as interchangeable with Kagami in this pairing, I think they work really well for a bunch of reasons!
Let's look at the context 😌
Shisui: (at risk of sounding like a broken record)
Genius, in a hands-on and not braggy way (he's not mad scientist like Tobirama but he's not a Genius of Hard Work like Gai either, it's all about the subtle cleverness and the perfection of the simple into the inescapable)
Skilled, he is THE fastest Shinobi of all time
Resourceful, he literally was like "Undetectable Unbreakable Reality Eyes OR Speed lane?? NO QUESTION" and yeeted his Mangekyou off to one side lol
Loyal, he has no hint of the illusive 'Curse of Hatred' even if he is unfortunately afflicted with 'Melodramatic Uchiha Bitch' (why, why, why the cliffffff)
Shisui is, despite what I just said, hard to fluster and he has social skills (so many Tobirama ships are Uchiha flailing in his direction whilst he's trying to be productive 🤣) as well as professionalism and A Life™ (hence why, in New Leaf, I think Kagami& Shisui's bloodline is most likely through Hikaku)
Shisui loves peace more than his clan, he loves konoha more than his clan, but he will defend his people even if they hate him for it
He fucks around with space, time, reality, and jutsu
He will do anything for those he considers important (even abstract constructs like Peace and Konoha) and he's amazing with kids, he is that parenting meme where he's carrying Sasuke out of the ocean by his foot and laughing whilst simultaneously cuddling shy Itachi in a blanket 🤭
He's a genius mad scientist, his goals outweigh the ethnics (did anyone try the zombie resurrection? I thought the zombie resurrection was lovely) as well as coming up with, presumably, most of the techniques in the Not-So-Forbidden-Scroll Naruto stole
He's emotional (impatience and disgust are emotions, Tobirama ffs) and he feels deeply (why work through grief when you can try to cheat death?) and he was able to devote himself so much to Hashirama's dream as well as sacrifice himself for his beloved students, one of whom was Uchiha Kagami
His Hokage tenure is a pretty divisive topic in this fandom but you can't tell me that Hashirama was writing laws and planning sewage systems 🥴 Tobirama was practical AND detail-oriented, a good leader and a good planner
He loves children, if he just wanted to instruct people then he'd do lectures and rewrite all the handbooks but he takes on personal and young kids to nurture them, and he might be younger but he's more of the older brother to Hashirama as well as Kawarama and Itama, the only people to actually be older siblings to him are Touka and Mito
He's adaptable, he didn't believe in peace because he didn't trust that it wouldn't be a trap and wipe out his clan. Tobirama was fixated on the continued survival of his clan, even though he knew it was a pointless cycle of death and destruction, but he was able to flip to building and maintaining the village, something many others couldn't do. Tobirama, who had been the face of Senju viciousness all his life, was able to become the Nidaime and bolster peace and unity...
He might craft insane new Jutsu but nothing beats the stunning simplicity of water manipulation
Tobirama is quiet and thoughtful but, whilst he is more concerned with his own work etc, he isn't callous or oblivious, he's too well trained for that, and his bluntness is reassuring because lying is a different skill and purpose
So, together... ✨
Shisui is fast enough, physically and mentally, to keep up with Tobirama as well as make Tobirama have to chase him a good amount of the time... Whereas Tobirama is resourceful and determined enough to follow Shisui through any trial as equals, something unprecedented for either of them. Shisui can be quiet and easygoing and calm, which suits Tobirama well, and Tobirama can also be argumentative and nosey to match Shisui's inquisitive nature!
Skills wise, I love that the mind-bogglingly simple perfection of Shisui's Shunshin is enough to have Tobirama wringing himself in knots over undervaluing the smallest movements and uses of chakra, once he finishes being pissed he will be enamoured. Shisui, in turn, is from a world where jutsu creation has kinda died! The Uzumaki are wiped out, the Uchiha have regressed into their compound, the geniuses like Minato are dead... You just have Kakashi, nicking techniques left and right, and bloodlines growing more and more extinct because of the Bloody Mist etc etc etc... So not only is the Warring Clans Era filled with long-dead legends but it also has Tobirama, the OG Big Name in invention, who does what no one Shisui had ever met before could do.
Also, in the case where Shisui spills the beans about the future, the two of them will be the perfect dream team to make Konoha and, frankly, the whole system far better than the first time around. Tobirama knows how things develope, what Jutsu he's made in the future, and can tailor his processes so much more efficiently. Shisui, with Tobirama (and, therefore, Hashirama) can safeguard in a similar way. They basically align so nicely, both technically and ideologically, that a platonic or professional partnership is also very much ideal.
Romantically, Shisui and Tobirama have the balance to be very fulfilling for each other. They are well suited in energy and their innovative mentalities, they are both hardened killers with tenderness/softness reserved for younger generations/the future, and they are both ridiculously beautiful lol.
Shisui and Tobirama are also self destructive in similar ways, Shisui in that he will hurt himself (rip his fucking eye out 🤦) in the heat of the moment whilst Tobirama won't care if Hashirama hates him so long as he successfully protects him (like killing Izuna, which must've hurt Hashirama's dreams for peace but Tobirama would see as a worthwhile price to take out a huge threat). Together... Tobirama would like 'a plan that damages you??? Not a viable plan, idiot!' and Shisui would be like 'sacrifice your reputation etc to protect those you love? I would never fall of it!' and they'd live happily ever after 🤭
The Nidaime was one of the sources of Uchiha resentment in the village, he gave them the Police Force which caused problems, and he taught Shisui's would-be murderer, Danzo
Shisui, to match, is an Uchiha who is literally Tobirama's worst nightmare 🤣 a Mangekyou that is undetectable, unbreakable, and he wouldn't even know it was impacting him, regardless of his chakra control or how good of a sensor he is
So it's funny and ironic too 🤣
Hope you enjoyed this rant, Anon, have a great day/night ✨
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chloe-b-tea · 1 year
Welcome to another edition of #ChloeBsTea where your girl Chlo always keeps you in the know. It’s been a quiet couple of weeks but I guess it was a little TOO quiet cause the #Sinclair7 are at it again with their antics! (I think we all knew it would just be a matter of time)
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What did they do now you ask? Wednesday was random room sweep day and while I know a few students are against this claiming it’s infringing on their personal space which their parents pay for.. if you don’t have anything to hide it shouldn’t be a problem. Unfortunately the #Sinclair7 had PLENTY to hide, almost all of them getting 💥BUSTED💥 with forbidden/illegal items in their rooms!
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Students Unique Axen-Lin and Simone Graves-Mills were spotted by sources getting an extra work out in as they cleaned the closets in the gym. Student Pierre Clement is reported to have Saturday detention due to empty THC pens found in his room 🙅🏼‍♀️Say No! to drugs kids!
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Student Nyomi Tarantino was seen getting into a 🔥 HEATED 🔥 conversation with one of the security guards during the room sweeps was was given In School Suspension! When will they learn to just comply?
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Student Nico Vegas was spared as he wasn’t on campus. Last seen with his father, superstar singer Ant Vegas at the Super Bowl he’s yet to return to campus but we’re assuming nothing was found in the room he shares with Pierre because P was the only one who got in trouble! We hate to see the swift fall from grace and we’re praying that you rid yourself of all these bad influences P!
No word on students Jiya Hernandez or Emery Lin as it wasn’t made clear if anything was found in their rooms but speaking of the two of them last post I told y’all there may be a secret couple heating up and you heard it here first.. well it seems recently the couple made it somewhat IG official at Nyomi’s recent birthday bash and as usual you know your girl Chlo is coming with 🧾 🧾🧾
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Back in August there were a few rumblings but the two had seemingly gone their separate ways but never breaking communication as seen below:
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Then low and behold at Nyomi’s party. Holy strategically placed hands Batman!!
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I mean this is the look of L-O-V-E LOOOOOOOVE if I ever saw it!
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Just keep it PG-13 in the hallways ladies, you know we have strict rules here at Sinclair 🥴
Well that’s been ChloeB’s Tea for the week of February 13th! Please remember to subscribe and share and as for where you can find your girl this weekend I’ll be kicking off my Saturday being a teacher’s aide for detention to help get some merit credit for school service. Please remember only students who have detention can be on site, any trespassers will be given ISS/detention for the following week 😏
Ta-Ta for now!
Xoxo Chlo 💋
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papirouge · 1 year
I give a bombastic side eye to these hyper political evangelical christians who love to shame Muslims for not eating pork and praying and dressing well when in the Bible we’re also called by God to wear good clothes, not eat pork and pray kneeling down too. Girls are called to veil during service but i always get some evil eye from them when I do it in church.
And then they are hyper capitalist too. Like I’ve seen them trying to sell clothes calling themselves “gods warriors” INSIDE a church once. I pray for them because I want them to turn away from this corrupted path but man, living in an area where there’s so many of them is difficult . And don’t get me started on their views of Jewish people, particularly jewish girls - plenty of antisemitism.
Hm.. I'm going to correct you right off : Jesus actually abolished the forbidden food prescription. I see this argument rehashed by a lot of Muslims (who somehow think they know the Bible better than.... actual Christians??) but... come on, Marc 7:14-19 is right over here 🥴 In Jesus own words :
Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.” After he had left the crowd and entered the house, his disciples asked him about this parable. “Are you so dull?” he asked. “Don’t you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them? For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body"
And I really like this passage because..... it's so true. So many people pretend having a moral superiority over what they eat or -more like- refuse to eat, when they themselves don't ponder whether they are THEMSELVES impure. Sorry but considering the criminal rates of Muslim men in the Western hemisphere, it's not like eating "pure" food made them any holier than the average kuffar eating pork 👀 even today I woke up with one hurling horrible slurs to a man..... and those are the same people refusing to eat pork because it's impure.... Bestie, every pig on the surface of this blue earth is more pure than a fool like you hurling slurs at people - instead of looking to eat pure food, maybe you should clean the dirt in your heart & soul making you such a disgusting human being ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I'm on the edge of "good clothes" because "good clothes" ≠ dressing up. The Bible calls us to be modest and simple - not outwardly fashionable. Pastor compulsively wearing suits or being over fashionable are a red flag🚩. I'm not saying we should attend church like we rolled out of bed, but the concept of "church clothing" is not biblical. Jesus dragged the pharisees over that.
There's also no compulsory "prayer position" in the Bible. Some biblical character prayed on the knee, other laying on the floor, etc. Muslims also try to lecture Christians about it, literally making "rules" that don't even exist (you'll also see them be shook at Christians praying in restroom - like sorry, Abdelmalik chan, my God is omniscient omnipresent and omnipresent and isn't afraid to be around *some* places💀)
TBH, Muslims have a very weird obsession with Christianism, which is very weird bc they see Christianism through the lens of Islam and its extremely rigid (and lowkey ridiculous rules) while NEVER remotely checking whether what they assumed about Christianism was actually backed up by the Bible 💀 that's why whenever they are corrected by Christians who know the Bible, they resort to LYING (I'll never forget a Muslim who literally made up a chapter from a book the book had only 6 chapters and he said it was in the 8th chapter lmaoooooo to back up his lies lmao). Those people are truly bewildered ; deep down they are obsessed to debunk the Bible (saying it's falsified etc) but in the same time, they "need" the Bible bc the Quran talks more about Jesus than Mohamed(!!?) so they can't totally erase its validity - this cognitive dissonance makes them sound delusional and highkey deceptive whenever they talk about the Bible tbh
I veil to but I never cared about people's perception in church (tbh it's been ages I didn't attend church).
I'm a bit iffy on Christian fashion because it can easily become a cash grab. When making my own market study, I stumbled upon plentiful of "Christian brands" that were pretty much.....hoodies with a cross /biblical verses slapped on 💀 ...nothing truly creative or unique - just sweatshop fashion but this time "glorifying Jesus". It was more merch at this point.
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doskorogorpg · 9 months
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Welcome to Do Skorogo RPG! Please make sure you scan over the CHECKLIST, send in your account to the main in the next 24 hours, and follow everyone on the FOLLOW LIST. Varyis's faceclaim has been changed to Vico Ortiz.
NAME : rey
AGE : 30
PRONOUNS : she / her
ACTIVITY LEVEL : 6 - 8 depending on my work week and how far behind i am on my assignments 🤠 always around on mobile to plot on discord though
ANYTHING ELSE? no triggers, just a thank you again for answering all my questions, this has been a super fun app to write! i apologise in advance for the sheer length of it 🥴
DESIRED ROLE : varyis zhuk
i am... a sucker for an assassin character ( one of my longest muses is bucky barnes 🧍) and i really have such a soft spot for people who can cause incredible damage but are good people at heart ( i'm looking @ you inej ). varyis' backstory was also a big draw considering their family name and how they're continuously running from it, and i think their past catching up to them will be so insanely fun to watch play out in various character dynamics / plots further down the line.
FACECLAIM : vico ortiz
GENDER & SEXUALITY : non-binary pansexual.
sasha is the only one to know varyis' family name — they've been going by varyis or 'v' since the first time meeting svetlana, avoiding and refusing to answer questions about their past or where they came from. it's their most tightly guarded secret, one they're deathly afraid of coming out for fear of the zhuk name completely undermining everything they are to the team.  
varyis has big black cat energy. they're quiet, preferring to observe rather than be the focus of attention ; touch is a no-go unless they trust you, and they will lash out if this boundary isn't respected ( they once broke a man's hand for refusing to let go of their arm when he was warned — he got off lightly. ). however, expect a more affectionate side for those they're closest to, physical contact like hugs or an arm across the shoulder freely given when their barriers are down.  
one of the first things varyis did after they left their home behind was cut their hair. it had always been forbidden, a strict rule enforced so as to keep up appearances ( your hair is beautiful long, why would you want it short ? ). the action was freeing in a way they didn't even realise it could be, a cutting away of their past, a shedding of skin to become someone new, someone that felt authentically them. their hair has stayed short ever since.  
they have a big sweet tooth, the candies and sweets of starosva unmatched by anywhere else they've visited. the bird's milk cake from dine like kings has been their favourite since childhood and every so often varyis has an incredible craving for it, the dessert being one of the few guilty pleasures they miss from their old life.  
since they were young varyis had their own horse ; a symbol of status and wealth, the chestnut brown mare grew as varyis did, the two forging a strong bond as varyis spent a lot of their formative years in the stables learning to ride. leaving panya behind was one of the hardest decisions they ever made — it was too risky, the horse well-associated with varyis and too recognisable — and to this day varyis still feels guilty for abandoning her.  
being a zhuk meant that varyis wanted for little growing up, able to follow their every whim when it came to new hobbies or skills they wanted to learn. art — to their parent's chagrin — wasn't their strong suit, but they learned that their artistry lay within dance instead. this study of movement lay the foundation for their work as an assassin, an awareness of space and the lightness of feet heavily contributing to their ability to stay hidden.  
varyis is a fan of high vantage points ( think hawkeye ), feeling most comfortable in spaces where they can observe from above, usually unnoticed. their agility and core / upper body strength means that — much like inej — they can disappear and reappear in seconds, often surprising members of the party by jumping down from high places without warning ( their favourite past-time is catching maksim off guard ).  
they have two siblings : an older brother, ilya — the family's pride and joy — and a younger brother dima. being a middle child meant that varyis was often overlooked by their parents, more so as they grew into their gender identity and rebelled against the expectations of womanhood. this made it easier to traverse life of the elite unnoticed and unbothered, attention focused on ilya's ever-growing popularity and dima's transition from boy to man.  
ilya — older by 4 years — was the person in their family varyis was closest to growing up. he shouldered the responsibility of eldest child while also giving varyis the attention they didn't get from their parents ; he never treated them as fragile despite them being the only zhuk daughter, play fighting when they were younger turning into teaching actual fighting behind their parent's back after varyis is forbidden to learn because it's "not fitting for their station". their heart broke the first time when ilya joined the king's army. their heart broke a second when ilya returned from azov with a wild glee in his eyes varyis had never seen before, the celebration afterwards at how many grisha lives were taken being the final push varyis needed to leave for good.  
they're 13 when they meet nika. an inferni encased in a prison of paper, a former advisor for king kirill left to rot in the royal library in case the new king had any use for him. the irony wasn't lost on varyis, and the two struck up a conversation every time they snuck out from parties or gatherings or meetings their parents had to attend and found themselves within the towering shelves. their conversations over the years were always secretive and varyis never mentioned nika to anyone, just left the library with a new collection of books and words that would help them form their own opinion of grisha outside of their family's warped view. nika is who varyis turns to, distraught, after the events of azov ; he's who places that final seed of leaving, and shows varyis an old servant tunnel he's forced to use to keep himself out of sight of the elite while in the castle — it doesn't lead outside but it would allow varyis to avoid the grand hall where post-azov celebrations are taking place.  
nika is later framed for varyis' disappearance, blamed as an act of revenge for azov. it was no secret that varyis favoured the library, their parents unaware that it was cared for by a grisha. the last known sighting of varyis had been heading in the library's direction and nothing afterwards, which only meant one thing in their eyes. nika's execution is a public affair, one varyis forces themselves to watch from a nearby rooftop if only to solidify their reasoning for leaving. the guilt haunts them to this day.  
nika's nickname for varyis was 'little bird' because of the bird's milk cake that they smuggled in to share with nika after he had mentioned it was his birthday a few days before. the name stuck, even when varyis was older.
obviously the biggest plot point that would be super interesting to delve into would be varyis' family name coming to light and how that would impact their dynamics with the team. would they all think differently of them? would there be some like igor that may turn violent? would they be outcast? there are so many facets to this reveal i could go on for days.  
whether this is before or after the group finds out about varyis' past, i'd like them to have to use their knowledge of the elite in some way on a mission — for example at a ball where they need to blend in and varyis is exceptionally good at knowing the right dances, or they need a distraction in starosva and varyis can use their charm / familiarity of the area to keep their mark occupied in conversation. if this is before the reveal it could be a 👀 moment, a reason to question how varyis can blend in so well.  
this is another big one : varyis having to face their family, or even use them as a way to get into the palace. nika's execution due to the belief that he had a hand in varyis' disappearance means that the zhuk family are under the assumption they're dead — especially as there's been no word of them being used by grisha as a political prisoner ( which could be an idea in the future for the group — a bargaining tool, perhaps, which varyis agrees to ). the thought that varyis is a traitor won't have crossed their mind ( too blinded by their own hatred of grisha ), so a scenario where they either see varyis in action and it's undeniable who they are now ( i can see them coming face-to-face with ilya when he's on duty and having to make a split second decision between killing or mercy ), or varyis being welcomed back into the fold and having that internal battle that — even though this is for the greater good and will help the group — them pretending to have been caught by grisha will only make things worse. i am very open to going wherever the plot needs to with this one, i have many many thoughts.
to preface this, i don't see varyis being a big talker unless they're around people they're comfortable with. they're not shy, rather taking in information and only speaking up when they feel they have something to add. i've gone with two different scenarios so you can see this in action : the first is a question from a stranger, the second is from a grisha on the team, probably either maksim, katya or sasha.
How far would you go for your crew? 
the bar is crowded, question almost swallowed up by the din of many raised voices fighting to be heard over the rest. they're sat in a corner, back to the wall, hands cupped around a regrettably empty goblet that maksim had disappeared to re-fill ; varyis had noticed the man lingering on the edge of their conversation but had paid him no mind as the talk was harmless. that was until he sat himself down in maksim's empty seat, sudden proximity enough to make varyis immediately on edge.
❛ how far ? ❜ their voice is perfected nonchalance but there's a low note if you know them well enough, a warning in the smile that doesn't quite reach their eyes, ❛ as far as i have to. ❜ the goblet spins between index finger and thumb before stilling, varyis leaning forward in their seat to close some of the distance between the two, ❛ why, how far do you think i need to go ? ❜
What would you do if you got your hands on the circlet? 
there's a silence between the pair that's comforting, dependable in the same way as the stars that decorate the night sky above. varyis is lost in thought when the question breaks their concentration, words almost feeling raw, lined with an edge they can't quite place.
they shift, breaking the shared touch of shoulders to look their friend in the eyes, expression falling from relaxed to serious, ❛ well — i'd run first, that seems like the most sensible option. ❜ a touch of humour delivered with a fleeting smile, an attempt at lightening the mood, ❛ then i'd find you. or mikhail. or someone more qualified to take care of it. ❜ there's a beat of silence while varyis wrestles with a sudden wave of vulnerability, their tone laced with more intensity than before when they continue, ❛ i'd give my life if it meant keeping it out of the hands of the king. ❜
the celebrations run into their fifth hour and show no sign of abating. many guests are drunk, both on the alcohol freely provided and the fevered excitement that warps familiar faces — faces varyis has grown up with — into bloodthirsty caricatures. they had hardened their heart against the vitriol whispered between table-mates at state dinners, at the casual comments slipped into conversation by ilya's dryga friends. but this was overt. this was agonising and sickening all at once, fingers clutched so tightly around their cup of wine that they turn white ; there was no denying the poison that had seeped into their society, no denying that the longer they stayed the harder it would be to hold up their mask. this wasn't their home. perhaps it never had been.
slipping from the grand hall is easy. they nod in a couple's direction, keep their head down until they reach the library doors and push through ; the smell of the books hits them, comforting and bittersweet, and they can barely shut the door before letting out a sob, hands immediately clasping over their mouth to smother any further sound. tears blur their vision as they run for the nearest bookshelf, heading three rows deep into the library before collapsing onto the floor, body shaking as a flood of emotions washes through them as if controlled by a tidemaker's hands.
{ little bird ? } the voice comes from their elbow, softened syllables that only make them cry harder ; nika opens his arms on instinct and varyis buries themself within his embrace, taking deep, shuddering breaths to try and wrestle back some control. ❛ i'm sorry, ❜ the words are raw, rough at the edges as varyis finally pulls back and meets nika's eyes, the warmth they see there almost sending them back into the depths of despair, ❛ it's evil. they're evil. ❜
nika is quiet, observing as varyis wipes furiously at their eyes, letting them speak heavy words into the shared silence of the library, ❛ i can't stay here. how can i look any of them in the face after this ? i need to leave. ❜ realisation dawns then and repeated words are quieter but laced with the fire of resolution, ❛ i need to leave. ❜
a hand is extended then, and varyis thinks they see a tinge of sadness in nika's gaze as he speaks, { i can help you get out if that's what you want, but you have to be prepared for the consequences }. they nod, take nika's hand, and are pulled to their feet, following the inferni towards a small door nestled within the far side of the library, barely big enough for nika to fit through without stooping. { this passage will take you to the entrance hall. you'll be able to avoid most of the partygoers but i can't help you past the guards, that'll be up to you. are you sure you want to do this ? } varyis' throat is tight as they nod once more ; their very bones feel like they're shaking but they know deep in their soul this is the right thing to do. they couldn't stay. not anymore.
❛ come with me. ❜ it's a plea, a frantic grasp of something steady, even as nika shakes his head. tears begin to fall anew, and varyis bites their lip, the weight of understanding that they'd be alone settling on their shoulders, { i can't go with you. we would be caught before we left the castle. but you ? you can go anywhere you set your mind to. } varyis' smile is a small, fleeting thing as they lean in for another hug, squeezing as tight as they can for a last moment of peace before they let go. nika's last words follow them down the corridor as they leave the warmth of the library behind, setting out for paths unknown, { fly free, little bird. don't let them cage you anymore. }
INSPO : x / x / x / x / x / x / x
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softsapphicsiren · 2 years
Ask post: 7, 15, 18 :innocent:
7. what’s the most unusual fantasy you’ve ever had?
oh god i daydream with whatever my little brain gives me constantly, which is most often just weird and inspired by media i consume. i have recently been thinking a lot about corset ripping…. the forbiddenness of it all. the pure desperation. the metaphor of it being freeing. i used to wear corsets for a job and knowing how orgasmic it feels to take it off at the end of the day, i’ve wanted to experiment with using that to my advantage with a sub and seeing if i can drop them right from corset into subspace 🥴
15. favorite sex position?
ummmm the one where you're on your knees doing whatever i say? 😅
18. perfect date idea?
same as above surprise me! my dream date is one that is catered to my interests that i don't have to plan one moment of. i get off on feeling seen. no cheat sheets for you.
bunny’s asks
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Sorry again for being inactive, here are my last answers for January TC challenge💜
Day 22: What’s a little detail you’ve noticed about them that you aren’t even sure they’re aware of? Do the run their hand through their hair often? Do they subconsciously bite their lip? 
I don't know if he's aware of it but he ALWAYS crosses his legs, never seen him sitting straight, always legs crossed🥰
Day 23: If they weren’t a teacher, what do you think they should be? 
I know that he's been an Art Director for documentary movies and he generally worked behind the camera. He told me he regrets not becoming a real photographer that he had just learned all the basics in a course and now when he walks through photographic exhibitions he wishes he would have done this properly🤍
Day 24: Do you think other people in your school may have feelings towards them too? Why? 
Actually...no. Most students don't like him and his subject. His personality is really extra and many don't understand this. But since the new school year there is a new female student that I catched talking with him a lot, even after lessons...which made me worry a little tho
Day 25: What are their classes like? Do they talk a lot? Is it mostly independent work? Are there a lot of notes? 
He talks NON STOP which I personally love! The class still requires independent work a lot so we had also days where we didn't even get to see him cause we filmed or took pictures outside!📸
Day 26: How would you describe their personality?
Humorous...like his jokes are so bad that they are funny already, really smart, a typical know-all...sometimes a bit too much, in need of harmony, high sense of justice, ambitious, fond of children...when he talks about his daughters he's so full of love, a little awkward, just a bit stuffy🤗
Day 27: What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever worn?
Well nothing he wears is weird, he dresses very youthfull for his age but the "weirdest" things were a red hoodie with a black fish on it and shoes where his initials were printed in golden letters🤭
Day 28: What’s something you don’t quite fancy about them? A quirk you find odd? A physical trait that you aren’t a fan of?
He seems to be a very picky eater and doesn't eat sugar at all...he tries to avoid sugery foods at all costs...that is something I actually don't quite fancy about him🥴 That makes it really hard to buy him presents that are not that expensive tho...
Day 29: How long have you had a crush on them?
In a few days it's exactly two years🥲
Day 30: Write a poem (short or long) about your TC.
Violet, so passionate and kind Violet, so attractive and beautiful in mind Violet, so mysterious and magical Violet, so forbidden and untouchable💜
Day 31: Do you have anyone in your life who knows about your TC? Anyone you can talk to?
I have a very understanding environment. I told everyone I'm close to. Most of them support and understand, some try to convince me it's wrong, some just don't mind but none of them were weirded out, I'm very lucky with that! And no one would ever tell him or tell anyone else🦋
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xuseokgyu · 2 years
aaah dont say sorry!! its okay take as much time as you need to answer, there is no rush <3 its so wild that its so hot there, since its really REALLY cold here ???? literally -10°C in the mornings. i always freeze my ass off when im waiting for the bus😭 where are you from, if you dont mind me asking?
AAAH im so happy to hear that you are leaving your job and working towards something new that brings you more joy and happiness 🥰 i'll be rooting for you! I dont have many news, ive just been studying a lot since im in my senior year and have graduation exams starting march🥴 im doing fine, over-all. today was really hard for me mentally, but im hoping that the next days will be better 😊 i hope u dont mind me oversharing aaaaaaa
and to actually fulfill my purpose here and get to know you good enough to make u a lil something, here are some mandatory questions 😎😎
1. your favorite fic trope/genre!
2. your bias/biases!
also i dont need a special tag, the one u used is fine! 🥰 thank you for keeping the asks pinned, it makes it easier for me to find your answers 🥺 -caratadmirer
Oohh good luck on your exams!! Do you know or have an idea of what you’re going to do after school? And I don’t mind over sharing I do it all the time hahaha
Now for your questions...
I don’t know about a trope... maybe angst with a happy ending? I don’t like things to be easy, the thing that hooks me to a story is hardships, longing and me wanting to know how could they possibly end together... I guess I like “forbidden loves” or “enemies to lovers”, like, the characters have to work for it you know?
And my svt bias are xuseokgyu *shocked pikachu face* hahaha If I had to explain my connection to each I guess -Hao is my baby, I must protect, and I live to see him giggling and happy -DK is my soulmate as in we are very similar, and I’m constantly intrigued and attracted to the way he doesn’t know how good he is (not only talent wise but visual too... the man is STUNNING but he doesn’t realize) I have the urge to praise -and Gyu is my menace, is a love/hate relationship, I’m constantly rolling my eyes when he is all confident and model like... like, we get it, chill... but then there’s the puppy/dorky/clumsy side of him that just melts my heart
Hope these days have been treating you better <3
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