#the fking EYES 👀 though
sir-klauz ¡ 2 years
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feel like I’m in a dressing room, toilets have no right looking this cool+having comfy chairs in them (it’s appreciated, hiding from social erks to collect oneself a bit would be so comfortable if more were actually pleasant)
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alyjojo ¡ 8 hours
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Thinking of You - June 🤞 2024 - Leo
Whole of their energy towards Leo: 7 Swords
The sneaky liar, probably a cheater, someone that’s had you involved in a third party. Or that’s you and they’re just aware of it. Could be either side. Someone is beyond pissed at the lack of growth in this connection, which could’ve been like…marriage, baby mama, an actual commitment between you. Or baby mama is who you’re/they’re cheating with, that’s possible too. Doesn’t have to be, could just be suspected, and messages are here. I don’t see actions but I do see someone beyond livid at secret anything for any reason in this connection and whoever has done it is deemed immature af and “can’t grow up” - both Empress & Judgment rev are not going anywhere but in circles. Now because Felon and Trap are here - these two feminine cards rev can be showing me it’s not a person at all, but some kind of illegal activity are these “sneaky messages” and they’re fking up a family dynamic because they can’t grow up. What and how, I don’t know, that’s not for everyone. Some are messages and nothing else. Third wheel can also be a friend, a coworker, the neighbor that’s always trying to talk to you and bake you pies 🥧 Anyone that’s an issue.
Feelings: Judgment rev
They feel like either they didn’t learn “the first time”, they should’ve known better and just ended it - or they’re blaming you for never learning your lesson and making a change for the better. The Lovers rev would show a separation or disconnect, they may have ended it or you did. 10 Cups and 10 Pentacles are here - this is what you had and someone “threw it away”. I’m seeing the wounded person, and it’s not all that wounded either it’s angry, and more like okay then, your loss. Angry at themselves the most. Or mad at themselves for having done whatever they did, could be that too.
Intentions: 10 Pentacles
They intend to go from 10 to 9, the single card, financially stable and secure on their own - no more family dynamic. Or whatever you had. There is new love here with Queen of Pentacles, feels like their energy. Definitely not the type to feel wounded and cry their eyes out (though they may, privately), but rather the type to dust their hands off and get their shit together, cutting this off for good. Have a nice life. Onto the next thing that’s meant for them, they’re already considering new love - or know you are/maybe already have one.
Actions: 6 Pentacles
This looks like an attempt to be nice to you, especially if you have kids in common or have to interact still. They have a lot of deep feelings they’re holding back, or they just know you love them deeply and they hurt you - they’re trying to keep it casual & kind, because they know either they or you have a vicious mouth that will lash out appropriately for whatever actions have occurred…but they’d rather not go there. “If you can’t say something nice…” Trying to be the bigger person, act in a mature way, and maybe not speaking at all, or very little. That anger is barely kept under the surface though 👀
Their side:
- Sneaky Messages
- You confuse me.
Your side:
- Felon
- I need space for personal growth.
Trap 🪤
Victim - Allure - Trick
Third Wheel 🕸️
Enemy - Distrust - Flirtatiousness
Possible signs:
Virgo, Libra, Taurus & Scorpio
If you’re dealing with:
10 Swords rev, King of Cups rev underneath. Either you have intense feelings of hurt and betrayal, or someone else does and you’re left with the clean-up after the disaster of an ending, break-up, argument, separation etc. Being rev shows improvement. But this is and will still be very heavy in your energy for a while - and you know people love to put in their two cents, or you could be seeking it even.
Aries - either talks to you once and falls off the map, could be dealing with illness, possibly who you’re ending a connection with, the communication is going dead silent
Taurus - a new love that’s moving along beautifully, neither side is holding back or bringing outside issues into this, it’s all love ❤️
Gemini - guarded and speaking their mind about feeling a lack of reciprocation from you, they’re very happy but are you? Or switch it.
Cancer - avoiding you and playing it safe because they have a million emotions and find you very attractive…so they keep their distance? Maybe that makes sense to you idk
Leo - heartbroken you’ve made no effort to come towards them, they hoped you would
Virgo - wants no repeats of disasters, thanks, blames you for the last one 💁🏽
Libra - stringing you along? Or that’s switched. The emotions aren’t genuine, or reciprocated, but they’re not being open about it or letting go either
Scorpio - releasing you, they feel they don’t have a choice
Sagittarius - apologizing and doing the right thing, or trying to anyway
Capricorn - could be trying to charm your pants off or lovebomb, slick with words, kinda full of it but they just want to impress you
Aquarius - working hard on a plan, you could work together or they’re just helping you with some practical thing they’re good at
Pisces - beyond overwhelmed and not feeling in tune with themselves, you make them feel like they’re going bananas 🍌 - or switch it
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