#the best I can do is tavros with a can of silly string
incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 months
Vriska: Faeries are not real 8ut I wish thwy were so I could spr8y one with raid
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abundantchewtoys · 4 years
Homestuck Candy p33-36: War, Clowns, Spiders, and Frozen Pizza
So, we kind of already started reading page 33 before quitting, previously. So I'm psyched for John's awkward greeting of Vriska Lalonde after just having seen her dancestor roll of into the underbrush, heheh.
Also, I'm getting the feeling that the Postscriptum could end up being the Candy path's intermidquel. In that it could very much take place, here, as Lord English arrives. Well, it depends on how many pages are going to be spent on his arrival and Calliope's fight to dispose of him, of course.
But it would be funny if the Candy path had its own Postscriptum that's an intermidquel for the Meat path!
Page 33
... Wow.
Vriska L. was happier to see John than I would have thought! Hahah, she thought she wouldn't have to deal with her parents when war came 'round. Keep dreaming, girl!
Rose was wearing an Alternian military armour! That's a cool visual.
But most importantly... It turns out Rose actually DOES remember that fateful morning - 16 years ago, apparently, so they're around 39 now. That was a very special exchange. Rose remembers (or has started remembering again, after one of John's outburts), but she has kind of stopped CARING. She's no longer concerned with an alpha timelines and shoulds and coulds, and even states she believes this timeline's events are not really that important. (Which is still weird to hear, given how invested she is in the cause.) Still, it's good to know John has someone who shares his feelings in this regard!
I guess knowledge really can be a burden, and we saw how it ate up Meat Rose. So I understand how a "veil" like this can help Rose. It's the better variant of being too drunk, with too much of a migraine, to focus on her powers, like in the Game Over timeline. It kind of feels as if this timeline is shielded by something, Voiding out canon influences. :P
What she says, how these events do not have to fit a narrative, is probably also a stab at readers being at a loss at how events are unfolding in the Candy path. MST3K mantra and all. It's not canon, so don't throw such a fit. :P Guess the sweetness that comes with Candy came in a few unexpected shapes!
As for John... When he talked about finality and such, I thought two things can happen now. One is... This page ending with THE END. (Which it didn't.) The other is... John deciding to let go of his fears and misgivings about this timeline, about relevance. He might go make up with Roxy and Harry Anderson, and fall into the role of a father as if no time has passed at all.
I'm seriously doubting he's going to end up fighting Lord English when he arrives. Don't get me wrong, it would be awesome. Candy John finishing what Meat John started, even though he chose to stay instead of go. Lord English being his final boss battle in both timelines, an inescapable foe to the end. But this talk about finality being up to him, seems more to imply he's going to give up on some of the things he worried about.
Granted, I still would like him to free Tavros from Jane's influence, I just hope it isn't a lost cause.
Page 34
First, Harry Anderson and Vriska blasé calling each other to comment on the boring parts of the war front proceedings they're on opposite sides of? Perfection. Just, perfect rendition of the teen spirit.
Okay, secondly, I guess it's quite heartbreaking to see Harry Anderson & John's relationship has dropped to a low point here, but alas, living up to the high standards set for him by Dad Egbert was never in the cards for John. It's the Jake genes, he has potential for horrible weak, sobbing overreactions. Also, parental neglectfulness, apparently. :( Even though it's mostly unwilling from John's end.
But thirdly? Yeah. Vriska L.'s oversized ego was in need of a quick deflation, lest it grow to Serket proportions. What better way then to have an image branded into your thinking pan of possibly the worst romantic pairup in the history of Paradox Space? :Page
Also the fact that their shrieks echo Vriska being sucked into a black hole and also irrelevance. Circumstantial simultaneousness never felt so karmic.
Page 35
Okay, first, yeah, it was pretty obvious to me Gamzee was deliberately hate-flirting with (Vriska) there.
Well. I guess if anyone could keep down the clown, they must have had ALL THE LUCK, in the end. Though... That would mean this Gamzee never finds Calliope and Caliborn, which seems like an unexpected turn of events.
So... In keeping with the strings of random events that seem to happen in this timeline a lot... I think chances are high that Jane finds Gamzee's body at some point in the future, and revives him?
Gamzee's end was certainly karmic when you consider what he did to Equius. And he's been a fairly awful person for all his live, even if he never crossed some lines in this timeline vs. the Game Over timeline.
Still, poor (Vriska). She can't keep the lid on this, not outside of canon anyway. WE know - the fandom will have discussed this in depth.
At least now it is time for the meeting we've all been waiting for. I want to see how (Vriska) handles being on the non-alpha side of a conversation between Vriska's, now. They're near the same age, aren't they? (Vriska) was nearing 8 sweeps as well, she mentioned it to Meenah before the army was assembled.
But they're even more different than the old (Vriska) was different to her. And current (Vriska) has just had the bedrock of her personality drilled into, she admitted as much.
Props to whoever decided their first exchange should mirror Dave and Davesprite's.
Page 36
Okay, THAT was unexpected.
For one, go Jake! Finally got the nerve to just stand Jane up and leave that abusive relationship. That's something I don't see him work the courage up to do in any other universe, any time soon, unfortunately. As for Tavros... Eesh, I wonder just how similar, genetically, he and John are. They're probably closer than him and Harry Anderson, seeing how John mentioned it, courtesy of Roxy's genes.
It was wonderful to see John and Jake have a healthy heart-to-heart. It reminded me of their conversation on the endgame platform! Jake was very right in defending himself, since John wasn't in the situation he was in, he was an onlooker. A well-meaning one, that extended a hand, but Jake was just lacking the strength at the time to take it.
And okay, it's true, Jake might have switched into hopeful mode a bit too quick, courtesy of the low truthful stat of this timeline. But who cares?! He's silly, he's hopeful, and he might go on to be a better man!
As for John... I think what he needed most was someone to tell him, really LET HIM KNOW and FEEL, to his face, that he personally shouldn't feel like he has to have the weight of the world on his shoulders. But also, that he should keep his eyes on what he values most. Lest the dread for the bigger picture rob him of all the little wonders, the small hours, that matter most in a life.
For John, that means he should reconcile with Roxy and Harry Anderson, regardless of how "real" they all are. Because that's his legacy. Trying to be the best dad he can be, faulty as he still is, as a normal human being.
It's the best thing that could happen, it seems, John and Jake meeting up. The best for both of them! ... Guess I'm shipping John <> Jake now.
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