#the Walworth farce
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Don’t you just love this family? 🥰
Domhnall, Brian and Brendan Gleeson in their dressing room at Olympia Theatre
(The Walworth Farce, 2015)
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tomatette · 10 months
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Such a lovely pairing. Aren't they gorgeous?
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gleesonarchive · 4 months
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The Happiest of Birthdays to Enda Walsh! 💛🎉
He's the incredible playwright who wrote some productions Domhnall and his family have been a part of, including; The Walworth Farce, and Medicine (just to name a couple)!
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huxs-side-part · 2 years
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This picture never fails to put a smile on my face
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Okay! @stankhead just tagged me in their brand new tag game about our top artistic influences. I really really love this and am honestly very grateful to grem for giving me a little opportunity to be reflective about this right now; for context, i am about two weeks out from graduating with an MFA in creative writing (fiction track) from [redacted prominent midwestern university w decently-renowned 40 yr old mfa which has been attacked in recent years by humanities-hating admin, there you go, now everybody who follows the chronicle of higher ed can probably dox my ass] and so it’s nice, at this transition moment, to take a step back and think about the influences that have shaped my writing on a global level. I think it’s super useful and i’m typing this in a word doc so i can hang onto it for later. Okay enough chit chat. I’m gunna try to limit this to no more than like 4 or 5
Carmen Maria Machado—CMM is one of my biggest, most direct, and most obvious influences. She came to my college campus to lead a workshop and give a reading in the months leading up to the publication of her body and other parties. I was a sophomore (or maybe this was late freshman year?????) and encountering her work totally and completely shifted what i write and how i write. Complete reframe on what speculative fiction was and what it could do. HBaOP went on to have a big impact on me (esp. formally weird stories like Especially Heinous) but at the moment i was obsessed with her stories the husband stitch and my body, herself
Peak Cracked Dot Com—but especially everything DOB touched when he was there! I was a regular cracked reader from the age of 11 to the exact day that all those layoffs happened, and by regular i mean that every day i had access to the internet i read/watched/listened every piece of new content they published, whether or not i gave a shit about the subject matter. Cracked’s influence on me is less easy to tangibly track than CMM, but i literally boiled my forming brain in that site and i think the style permeates me work. Cracked had this strand of pedantry that necessitated dwelling with strange research and subject matter and letting things sort of spiral and cook and letting the obsession change the voice. (also, subject matter—this article inspired an obsession w Dorothy Arnold which became a story that will be published later this year.) It had a huge impact on my sense of humor and the way i approach dialogue, even when i’m not conscious of that. For dialogue i am especially thinking of video content like after hours and agents of cracked (the way the “swaim proving that that guy fu-u-u-cks goats” monologue hits in this ep *changed me forever). In general, i think my approach to narrative voice was really impacted by the fact that i spend my adolescence reading DOB’s old “my brief time as (blank)” articles and shit like “yer gramma was built like a brick shit-house in her day”
*if you click that link fair warning that the video is from like 2010 and def has some stuff that makes me uncomfortable in hindsight, including at least one use of the r word
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy—man. This is one of the great novels of all time, isn’t it???? i was assigned it in ib english senior year of high school and i’ve tried to read it at least once a year since. Pieces of the language regularly float back to me—“a viable, dieable age” “a sariflapping” “the time was ten to two” “the history woman in the history house.” Roy does things with language that i didn’t know you could do—makes paragraphs which are so thick and lush that they feel humid and green. Sticks words together to make new and better ones. Talks frankly about the story being told by the story. Like, that’s one of the things that’s so brilliant, right? From go, you know that sophie mol and velutha will die. The question is not what will happen in the story but how the story will be told and how it will mean to us. The language bears that out. It has totally suffused in my brain, it’s a lens through which i read everything. Also i think it’s about time for my annual reread of this book, ha.
What the moon brought by Sadie rose weilerstein—see, this is why i love this tag. I would not have pegged this book as an influence before being tasked w this reflexive task, but it looms large in my mind!!! My copy of this book—a collection of stories about sisters Ruth and Debbie as they go through their jewish year in the american suburbs, living their lives and observing jewish holy days—was ancient, falling apart; it had been purchased for my mother and her siblings in the early 60s. i was obsessed with it. it was the first book i read which treated Judaism as a fact of american life, if that made sense? Or the first book where i was conscious of Judaism as a force shaping story, time, etc. i mean it’s literally about what the moon brought; a recognition of the lunar jewish calendar. A different kind of time keeping. It told me that jewish stories were and are interesting, singular, rich, and worth pursuing. including a picture of the cover bc i love the cover :)
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The fourth state of matter by jo ann beard—this essay is amazing, not that i am the first to say so. It’s worth reading, though i’ll warn that its content (it’s about a shooting that happened on a college campus) can obviously be tough to deal with. This has a very direct impact in my mind. My first creative writing prof ever used this essay to teach us about psychic distance, and learning about psychic distance was like—not like getting a new tool in my little writer’s toolkit, but like having the key that unlocked the kit in the first place.
There’s more, of course there’s more, but this is a thousand words so i’ll call it here. again, thank u gremlin for coming up with this tag it’s lovely and so useful. i'll tag @pintobordeaux and @januariat but i really genuinely encourage anybody who sees this post to do this kind of accounting. it's really useful and illuminating :)
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avoca · 2 years
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Since it’s World Theatre Day, a collection of photos of Domhnall on stage.
1. American buffalo
2. Great expectations
3. The well of the saints
4. Macbeth
5. Medicine
6. The lieutenant of Inishmore
7. The walworth farce
(If you repost some credit would be nice. Just saying).
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queenofhuxtrash · 4 years
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This is why I love Domhnall Gleeson and no one can change my mind.
But damm can we take a moment to appreciate those fineeeee legs—
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probablynotamoonman · 4 years
In Edna Walsh's "The Walworth Farce" A father and his two sons recreate a warped reenactment of their last days in Ireland through a constantly evolving script in their flat. The trio rehearse and revise complex rituals despite any dangers to themselves, some remaining in character even to the point of their deaths. In Red Vs Blue season three, the 56th episode of the show we see Sarge coordinating the reds under fire, Donut is ordered to scream like a woman, Grif is ordered to shield Sarge and Simmons is told to compliment his commanding officer. They each fall into their usual rolls, Donut being overly "feminine", Grif being dismissive, Simmons a kiss ass and Sarge insulting Grif. Even when a rocket is fired at them, Sarge simply yells "incoming" and the foursome duck in unison before returning to their assigned/chosen roles. In this essay I will
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get you a man who can do both
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kiyofan · 5 years
Help please!
I... Don't know how to explain this but... I suddenly want Blake from The Walworth Farce to be in a Kylux Adjacent ship, but I know near to nothing about him other than him living secluded with his father and younger(?) brother in his house and playing every night the story of their lives and he being the one playing every single female role.
So... Does anyone has more information about this character? Pictures, gift, vídeos, interviews, whatever you have at hand to help me get to know this Donut role a bit more.
I'd be eternally grateful.
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threi · 6 years
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my favorite  domhnall`s look   
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domhnallgleesonhaven · 3 months
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Happy World Theatre Day 2024!
The amazing promotional photoshoot for The Walworth Farce, 2015.
📸 Richard Gilligan
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pickingwinkles · 7 years
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The Walworth Farce sweet lord Domhnut himself what I wouldn’t give to have seen this.
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gleesonarchive · 10 months
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Brendan And Domhnall Gleeson at The Walworth Farce First Day of Rehearsals
📷 Patrick Redmond (12.04.2014)
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saltyseazdgx · 7 years
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What I would give to see the Gleesons perform The Walworth Farce!
(Look at those legs!!)
images via contactmusic and thewalworthfarce.com
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sherrenaz · 7 years
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