#the Rodrigues family
spurgie-cousin · 20 days
Jill translation: “My son is now an eligible bachelor! Are there any God honoring Proverbs 31 young ladies in my internet audience/Plexus downline?”
Samuel seems like a pretty eligible bachelor by fundie standards, I wonder who he'll end up with 👀 he's cute and I've always gotten the vibe that he's a little more outgoing than his brothers, and he seems to have more hobbies and practical skills. I bet Jill mailed copies of his senior pictures (with an emphasis on the belt buckle) to every high-profile fundie family within a 200 mile radius.
Kaylee and Nurie both got married at 21, Timothy will be 24 during his wedding this year, Phillip will be 21 in July, and Sam will be 20 in November of this year. Jill was 19 when she got married to David, who was 25. It'll be interesting to see if that trend of the girls getting married younger than the guys continues or if some of the boys get married relatively young too.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
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This is a part of Felix I really like. When it comes to Rodrigue, as long as Rodrigue is safe, Felix is his usually tsun self... but as soon as anything dangerous happens to him (in both games) Felix gets anxious.
It's a nice detail because it makes sense for him to feel that way after losing Glenn, and since this is in VW, he's also, presumably at this point, lost Dimitri. It makes sense that if something felt off about his family (i.e. Dimitri is basically his brother, thus family. Dimitri literally sees Rodrigue as his second father) that he would get uncomfortable.
What I love about it is how much it speaks to his real feelings. He can act uppity and vocal all he wants, but as soon as something happens to these people he claims he doesn't like or care about, it makes him antsy. For all the nonsense he talks about them, as soon as something happens to them, he struggles to accept it (such as why, in his AM advice box note, you have to tell him that that's just the way life is sometimes when he's grieving about his father).
For all of Felix's complaining about Rodrigue, as soon as Rodrigue suddenly isn't able to update him regularly or communicate with him during a war, he becomes uneasy. He's not suddenly grateful like oh finally the old man shut up. He gets nervous that they've suddenly had little to no contact. He's unsettled not knowing what's going on with Rodrigue.
I love this line because it's who Felix really is, without all the posturing. He'll act tough and angry in front of them, but as soon as something goes wrong, he wants to know what's happening. He's afraid of not knowing what's going on. He's afraid that the Kingdom could be in a bad situation, or worse for him, that his father could be in a dangerous situation.
If he didn't care about Faerghus or his father anymore, why would it bother him not to get updates? If Rodrigue was in contact with Felix despite Felix being in the Alliance army, Rodrigue obviously had no issue with that and still took the time and effort to remain in contact with him. Plus, if Felix says this now, it means they'd been pretty regularly exchanging information up to that point and it's just recently started to go quiet, and Felix is uncomfortable with that. He wants to know what's happening.
It's so rare that he acts like this, but when he does it's very powerful. It's sincere and genuine - something he usually is not. He hides his feelings about people if they're safe in front of him. If they're not in front of him and could be in danger, he's worried.
I just wish we had more lines like this because they're so good for his character and help to get him past the issue Houses often has with tropey aspects of characters being their entire personality. In Hopes it's handled significantly better imo, but before we had AG Felix we only really had crumbs of who Felix really was and the parts of himself that he hid from others.
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pathetic-gamer · 10 months
thinking about Faerghus's first and last lines of defense
Thinking about these two fathers who call out for their king as they die, and their children who swear they will somehow achieve what their fathers could not
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thinking about these two who were failed by their fathers in the face of great tragedy, returning to fight by their sides to the very end, calling out in helplessness as they fall, and their fathers having only vengeance to offer in return
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thinking about these two who have been failed by their fathers in the face of great tragedy, seeing another tragedy and choosing to turn against their fathers as if that can somehow correct the past - only to cry out to their fathers in the end
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I'm soooooooo normal about them
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fundieshaderoom · 4 months
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Hallie Coverett Judge speaks on JillPM and the Timmy/Heidi Engagement
SS from FB and Reddit
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Main MGR cast as parents
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This started off as a shitpost but by the end I realize I kind of just made it realistic and probably started venting. Not saying which but some of these are based off real events.
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I would like to say "You're fucked." on all of them but that would be cheating so I guess this will be best to worst.
Raiden: He already is a father so that puts him way ahead of everyone else. You probably won't see him around much due to "work". Seems like the kind of guy to feel bad about it and then spoil you when he returns. You don't know why he's so secretive but you grow up thinking that he's a spy.
Samuel: His father was murdered while he was young and he hasn't moved on from it. Would probably keep thinking he's going to fuck everything up and worries about you being able to defend yourself. He trains you the same way his family has done for generations and makes sure that you become a skilled fighter. Would tell constant dad jokes.
Armstrong: You'll rarely ever see him and when you do then it will most likely be your family being together in a televised event. Expect to grow up with many security precautions like needing guards while travelling (should he become president) and you'll probably be expected to try out for collage football. At least he makes the mother of all omletes though.
Mistral: She has extra arms that would be helpful with caring for a baby (feeding, changing, rocking etc.). She killed the guys that murdered her parents so she'll probably kill anyone that tries to get close to you. You don't get to complain about not visiting grandma's like everyone else or she hands you a knife and makes you learn how to stab a swarm of dwarf gekkos.
And we have a tie for worst. Sundowner and Monsoon.
In no particular order
Sundowner: Let's be honest. You were probably adopted because let's face it. Who's going near this man and surviving? He picks you out of the rest because he sees all your anger issues and thinks it will be like having his own mini me around. He will encourage you to fight and get bloody even if it's from something as small as squashing a bug to shanking another child on the school yard with a pencil. It doesn't matter to him. After all kids are cruel and he wants a worthy successor that he can mold.
Monsoon: How the he'll did this guy end up becoming a father? You aren't really sure how you ended up existing but that doesn't really matter. It's a similar situation to Raiden but worse. This guy used to work for the mafia so expect to grow up with body guards so that you aren't kidnapped or killed. He'll take his limbs apart and put body parts in your pocket and then complain about a toddler being afraid of him. "Why are kids so weak?" Will be serious one moment probably disociating and then make a joke about memes. Fails to realized that trauma is also passed down genetically meaning you're pretty much fucked.
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fundieinfoplace · 7 months
Breaking News: Jill announcing in 3...2...
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Timothy Rodrigues and Heidi Coverett are engaged.
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moeblob · 2 years
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Belated Father’s Day to Rodrigue (mug given by Sylvain, much to Felix’s frustration).
I love how I was talking to Indigo and we’re like “wow you really win ‘better dad’ by doing literally nothing aside from existing in your son’s life and being average”. I mean. Rodrigue? Compared to most? Better Dad. It’s such a tragedy you literally default to being better by being okay. (Jeralt is Best Dad.)
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duggardata · 1 year
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J–Rod says she has “an exciting announcement” for later today. Stand by!
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duggarsetal · 11 months
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Did I miss something? Are they engaged?
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wtffundiefamilies · 7 months
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This account is a treasure but these fundies are bonkers. Also please tell me what differentiates a good Olive Garden from a less good one.
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spurgie-cousin · 10 days
i'm trying to make a "worst of" compilation for both the Rodrigues and Collins family, does anyone have a good source for clips, or even just individual clips?? for the Collins family i'm specifically focusing on the parentification of Karissa's daughters.
I've been combing through reddit for a long time and it's really hard to search for specific video clips, so I've just been scrolling through all of them 😩 and only gotten like 2 or 3 in an hour I'm at my wit's end
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
Something that SEEERIOUSLY isn’t talked about enough among Rodrigue fans is how Rodrigue (almost? or generally) always refers to Dimitri as “Your/His Highness” except in the moment that Dimitri’s life was at risk right in front of Rodrigue and Rodrigue shielded him with his own body.
Rodrigue is always respectful and aware of their stations, but none of that matters when Dimitri is almost killed. Rodrigue reacts emotionally without station in mind, forgetting to refer to him in an “appropriate” manner and reacting instead in a more intimate manner (i.e. using a person’s name instead of their title).
Most people wouldn’t dare to refer to their prince by their first name, but Rodrigue forgets all that the moment Dimtiri is in danger. He follows up that familial intimacy by calling Dimitri “my boy”. In a way it’s like Rodrigue's formalities are just forced expectations that are ingrained into him, because his actual instinct is to refer to Dimitri in a familial way. If he doesn’t have time to think about what he’s saying, it will be Dimitri’s name that he uses because that’s how he truly thinks of Dimitri.
He doesn’t solely view Dimitri as his prince. He views Dimitri as family, and in a setting where royalty exists, it’s so important to the relationship in question when that societal expectation is broken, simply because it tells you exactly what that character thinks of their royalty.
When royalty’s life is in danger, it would even make sense for people to hesitate because if they do anything, they might also be in danger and generally humans instinctually prioritize their own life (even if they do really want to step in to help). That typically is not the case with humans regarding loved ones, where that instinct instead changes to an instinct where they automatically step in to protect people dear to them - especially parents to their children. Parents - not just in humans but in most forms of life (cats, dogs, etc) - are extremely protective of their children and react without a second - even a first - thought, because it’s not a thought at all when they see their children in danger. It’s a base reaction.
Rodrigue wasn’t witnessing his prince being attacked. He was witnessing his son being attacked, and he reacted as a father would - not as a knight, a vassal or anyone under Dimitri’s station and how they would be expected to react to protect him. Dimitri didn’t have to be his blood son for him to react the same way a blood parent would. Dimitri wasn’t born to him but he was Rodrigue’s son all the same and he couldn’t accept his boy being harmed.
I love that his reaction is exactly the same as what Lambert would have done. I love that in that one moment when he didn’t have time to think about his word choice, such important stations meant absolutely nothing to him. I love that what was important to him was Dimitri the person, and not Dimitri the prince. I love that at the very end, he died knowing his boy was safe and alive. I love that, when he starts reusing “Your Highness”, it’s only after the immediate danger has passed and he has time to actually process his word choice again, because it really drives home how quickly and thoughtlessly he reacted to seeing Dimitri in danger when he dropped formalities to use his first name.
He also didn’t tell him to live for the people or live because he was a prince. He wanted Dimitri to remember to live for himself and likely died with the hope that those being his last words would be taken much more heavily and sincerely, and give Dimitri a lot to think about in regard to caring for himself as a person and not just seeing himself as a prince/future king, because Rodrigue also saw him as a person.
Not only did Rodrigue protect his son (which mind you must have been extremely important to him after already losing a son. Can you imagine how devastated he would be to lose another child? This time he saved a son from death, which he was unable to do previously and he wasn’t present to be able to even try), but he gave Dimitri the thing Dimitri desired the most from those he loved: he treated Dimitri like a regular person who needed to live his own life for himself, and in the single most critical moment to Rodrigue, forgot to use titles and formalities and openly expressed his true feelings just by using Dimitri’s name alone.
Dimitri never liked all those stuffy behaviors and titles. He just wanted to be a person. Rodrigue, his family, gave him that at Rodrigue’s very end, explicitly informing Dimitri that was how this man always thought of him just from that one moment of Rodrigue’s feelings slipping through. He was always keeping up appearances, but Dimitri was always just Dimitri to him.
Also, Rodrigue says “please tell me it wasn’t in vain”. Remember, Rodrigue’s son died in vain. Glenn didn’t actually get to protect Dimitri. Earlier, Rodrigue stated that Dimitri’s injuries left him on the verge of death. Glenn didn’t die protecting him. Glenn died in a tragedy. Nothing Glenn did that day that led to his death actually helped Dimitri survive. Dimitri survived because Gilbert found him in time.
Rodrigue knows that and doesn’t want another person dear to Dimitri to die a death that didn’t need to happen. He also doesn’t want it to be in vain because if it was, he would have died being unable to protect his son. Rodrigue “died for what he believed in”, but he died because he thoughtlessly, without hesitation, died to save his son. He believed in Dimitri, but he also believed Dimitri to be his child as much as Glenn and Felix ever were.
Even though Glenn did die in vain, he attempted to die keeping his best friend alive. He believed in his best friend, just like Lambert believed in his son to be able to saved if he ever went astray.
Before Rodrigue dies, he last thoughts are of Lambert, but also his promise to Lambert, which was about Dimtiri.
Rodrigue was always thinking of his family throughout the whole game (literally, he brings up Felix to Byleth regularly and brings up Glenn throughout the story as well), and that extended to Lambert and Dimtiri. At the very last, he literally died like he lived, and that was for his family.
#DCB Comments#Rodrigue#Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius#I just love that Rodrigue wasn't living solely as the right hand of a king#It wasn't about who was in power that he acted like he did for them#If you notice too he never really talks about Rufus as if he simply doesn't care for him either way#Rufus is still part of the royal family but he doesn't get the same treatment from Rodrigue as Lambert and Dimitri#It's not about ''they're my king and prince''. It's not about being in a slightly lesser station than them that he saved Dimitri#For him it was always about family first and his position after even if HE himself didn't realize that#If Rufus was about to die would Rodrigue die for him? Probably not. He may be a royal but if Rodrigue died for him#he couldn't be alive to watch over the people he actually cares about. Say Rufus was about to die but Lambert and Dimitri weren't even there#Here he wouldn't even have a choice to make of ''do I die for Rufus or live for them''. I think he simply just... wouldn't do it#He might /fight/ to keep him alive but I don't think he would shield Rufus with his own body. That line of thinking makes me think#that again it's not about status. It's about who he considers family and who is important to him just like any other person would react#It's bc he loves those two that he behaves the way he does and does what he does for them. I think if he didn't love the people in power#he wouldn't treat them like he does simply bc they're in power. I think he only treats him like he does bc of affection#Like I really think if Rodrigue had to choose between Faerghus or Dimitri and/or Lambert that he'd pick those two over#Faerghus itself bc tbh Rodrigue is really just like anyone else. He has priorities preferences and biases#I ofc think he'd be torn abt it but I think he'd ultimately choose people he sees as family over anything else#i love you rodrigue achille fraldarius
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blaiddydbrokeit · 1 year
how do you think dimitri responds to the fraldarius family taking on the mantle of shield?
Honestly I think that as a child he would have been extremely enamored by the idea, especially with how close he is to Felix and Glenn. But because of the Tragedy affecting his perspective on what it means to be a shield with how Glenn basically became a meat shield despite joking about it, he actually grows the resent the concept that it's something that can be viewed so lightly.
Consider that he does view Rodrigue as a father figure, but that while Rodrigue does care for him like a son, Rodrigue still has it somewhere in him that is ready to act as the shield to a liege rather than a father to a son. The fact that this comes to fruition with Rodrigue fatally throwing himself between Fleche's blade and Dimitri's back - literally meat shielding, actually makes Dimitri realize in its aftermath that his perspective is also a little bit selfish. Rodrigue did it because it was more than duty or his promise to Lambert. To safeguard Dimitri, to be a shield for the future of their homeland was as big a part of his self-identity as a Fraldarius as being a fatherly figure, and were Dimitri to resent that, it would be like mocking their fundamental generational identity. Glenn died because he cared, and not just out of duty. No sane man would willingly walk into death without their self-preservation kicking in, especially not out of nothing but duty.
As a result, I feel like Dimitri does subsequently reconcile that such a position is something of a hard truth. It remained a generational identity for all of some 400 years for a reason, instead of becoming obsolete, but that the tradition need not necessarily be to such extremes in every case. Where he can, he begins to emphasize that a shield's duty is to protect, not to break and shatter in the name of protection. To prioritize one's life over throwing it away without a second thought to protect him. Doubly so when you consider that Felix himself shares a similar sentiment about not throwing a life away just to be a shield out of duty, especially after his father and brother died taking it to a logical, yet painful extreme. I would think that this would be a strong basis for how Felix and Dimitri's bond is rekindled following the end of the war, and it actually makes for a far more stable and strong foundation in the new age of peacekeeping.
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fundieshaderoom · 3 months
Heidi Coverett and Timothy Rodrigues Front-Hug Before Marriage
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At Heidi's house. I need Jill's thoughts.
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fundieinfoplace · 2 months
Breaking News: Baby Keller #3 is
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Holy crap its a girl and I feel sorry for her... Nathan, Nurie, Nehemiah and Newman will be welcoming a baby girl N coming here soon in July
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