#thats such a thing actually ive seen it mildly here n there but its like omg theyre hot ... BOTH WAYS ...
ironmanstan · 1 year
you know that thing where like men will wear dresses or be feminine for a gimmick or as a trend etc which is all well and good but then theres people who can only handle seeing a man in a dress as a gimmick or as like a Thing where it's not casual or an everyday thing like they can only handle it when its specifically for a Bit bc they could never take a man just casually in a dress as anything casual, it'd be an affront to them for you to think a man in a dress can be anything but a gimmick so if you try to do it casually you're insane, and if you do it as a bit you are agreeing with them (youre not but they think you are). anyway this is how people are with genderfluid characters they can never just exist and casually be genderfluid they Have to be some sort of shapeshifting or weird over the top mystical being and it has to be a gimmick or it has to fit their persona or something for you to even consider them genderfluid because nobody could possibly casually be that without it being some sort of set piece for a punchline. how often do u see people even hc characters as genderfluid just cus. yknow.
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Podcast Room | Jeff Wittek
Description: Y/n takes Erin's place in the 'eat my pussy' bit and Jeff really wants to.
Requested?: Yes by anonymous : maybe you could do one like the erin bit in the new vlog but with y/n instead of erin.
A/N: ive typed and read the word pussy way too many times now lmao but i loved this ugh thank you for requesting it ily
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"Can you come to the car with me for a minute?" David asked her. She was instantly nervous.
"I don't know what you're doing but I don't like it." She said as she stood up off of the couch and followed him outside.
"Don't worry I'm not giving you another car." He joked with her as they climbed into his Tesla.
"I would actually like another car, it's the fact that I'm not getting a car that's making me nervous." She watched as he adjusted the camera to fit both of them in the frame.
"Stop worrying, I just wanna ask you a question." David's smile filled his face and she could tell he was about to say something stupid.
"Okay?" She responded, waiting for him to ask her the question.
"Can I have your pussy?" David sounded serious. Y/n was just confused about what the 22 year old was asking her.
"What do you mean have it? Like, am I supposed to just take it off and give it to you?" She giggled, David laughed as well.
"Like, can I taste your pussy?" David was laughing through his words, and so was y/n.
"You're more like a little brother to me. Sorry, David." She was still trying to figure out what was up. David reached down between her legs and under her seat. She freaked out for a second as she wondered what he was reaching for.
"No, I meant this pussy." David's laugh echoed through the car as he showed her an energy drink with the word 'pussy' on it.
"What, are you twelve or something?" She took the can from him and he did his stupid little muppet dive. "Where did you get this?" She attempted to read the rest of the label, but none of it was in English.
"Natalie ordered it for me." He kept laughing and she just smiled at her idiotic friend. "I wanna try it on Erin now, can you get in the back?" He asked and put the can back under her seat.
"Yeah." She opened the door and exited the car. David brought Erin into the car and asked her the same question. Erin laughed and reminded him that she was engaged and the three of them laughed even harder. They went through the same thing with Carly and the four of them continued to make jokes for a few minutes.
"Everybody's gonna go nuts when they hear David asking to eat our pussies." Y/n joked and everyone laughed.
"The amount of fan-fiction that people will write about this bit is gonna be insane." Carly added.
"Which one of you wants to do this to the boys?" David asked the car.
"I'm not doing it, I can't act for shit." Carly placed a hand on her chest as she eliminated herself.
"Well, y/n is the only single one here, so the boys are more likely to say yes." Erin pointed out.
"Oh, yeah, thats funnier. Y/n, can you do it?" David turned around in his seat and looked at her.
"Uh, yeah, I'll try not to laugh too hard." She was already giggling just thinking about it.
"Okay, we're gonna be filming in here and I'm gonna leave, what are you gonna say?" He looked her in the eye with a childish grin on his face as she said it.
"Do you wanna taste my pussy?" Her acting sounded convincing, and she held it in as long as possible before laughing.
"That's great! Okay, I'm gonna put the drink in the side of this door, and you're gonna sit here." David explained how everything would work and they switched seats. Carly and Erin went inside and sent Josh out to the car.
"Why are you in the driver's seat?" Josh asked as he climbed into the passengers seat. David poked his head between the seats and answered.
"I wanted to be in between you two so I'm in the middle of the frame." David started more conversation as if this was a regular car bit and then he made an excuse to leave. He muttered something about boxes and then it was just y/n and Josh Peck. It was silent for a few minutes, y/n was nervous but excited. Josh just looked at his phone until she had the courage to ask him.
"Hey, Josh, can I ask you something?" She looked at him and watched him lock his phone.
"Yeah, sure." He turned to her, studying her face for a moment.
"Do you wanna taste my pussy?" She did everything she could not to laugh. "I mean, I know you're married and all, but still." The air was thick and awkward between them.
"I also have a kid, but yes." Josh replied, confusing her greatly. They were both instantly judging eachother very quickly.
"Really?" She asked.
"Yeah, its cool." He waited for a moment before adding "You know that camera is recording, right? David's gonna love this for the vlog."
"Shit." Her acting kept getting better. "I didn't think it was recording. Tomorrow is Valentine's and. . ." She reached down into the door as she spoke and grabbed the drink. ". . . I would love for you to taste my pussy." She turned the can to show Josh. He started laughing and David ran out of the house and hopped in the car again.
"That was really uncomfortable." Josh went over his thoughts with David and then they reset the prank and did it again with Casey. He also said yes, but he knew she was kidding and played along. Y/n was most nervous for the next person.
Y/n and Jeff were pretty close. They mildly flirted a lot and spent a lot of time together hanging out. The fans shipped them and they both knew they liked eachother, but they refused to acknowledge it. Jeff got in the car with David and they all made conversation until David used his stupid excuse to leave.
"You look really good today." Jeff said to her. She blushed as looked at him.
"Thank you." She smiled and looked down at her legs, quiet for a moment. "Hey, can I ask you something?" She turned to face him completely.
"Yeah, of course." Jeff furrowed his brow for a split second and wondered what she was about to say.
"Do you wanna eat my pussy?" She asked. She realized she said eat instead of taste and was kind of embarrassed. She really did want him to eat her out. Jeff's face went through a few different expressions before it landed on a soft smile.
"What? When?" His voice sounded amused as he asked for clarity. He made a cute high pitched giggle while she responded.
"I don't know, whenever you want? Valentine's day is tomorrow and we're both single so. . ." She left her response open-ended, only slightly acting now.
"Could I try the lips on your face first?" He asked her, catching her completely off-guard.
"I mean, yeah, but. . ." She reached for the drink in the door, but before she could show it to him he grabbed her face with his hands. He pulled her head towards his and connected their lips. They molded together nicely and her nerves lit up as he lightly bit her bottom lip. They pulled away and she held the drink towards him.
"What is that?" He asked. She turned the label towards him so he could read it.
"My pussy." She started to laugh, but she was still astounded by what had just happened. David, Carly, and Erin had watched from the door, and all of their jaws were still dropped from what they'd seen.
"Oh, shit." Jeff looked at the camera as he realized what had just happened. "I forgot it was on." He pointed at the camera as he looked at her.
"Yeah, it was just a bit for the vlog." She smiled as David walked up to the car.
"I don't think I can use that in the vlog." David chuckled as he sat in the back seat.
"My bad." Jeff was awkwardly silent, making y/n's heart sink a little bit.
They reset the bit and did it one more time with Dom. It went as expected even though y/n was still thinking about Jeff and the feeling of his lips on hers. Once she finally got to go inside she noticed Jeff staring at her very intently. The whole group hung out for a little while longer but nobody mentioned the kiss. Nobody paid attention to Jeff as he walked up to y/n.
"I still do wanna eat your pussy." He whispered into her ear. She instantly felt tingles and butterflies when she heard the word pussy in his accent. Later in the afternoon the two of them slipped away into the podcast room, away from everybody else.
"Where did Y/n and Jeff go?" Carly asked the rest of the group.
"I think they went in the podcast room, I heard something in there when I went to get my charger from my room." David explained. Carly and Erin nodded, but Jason hadn't heard about their kiss yet and was very confused.
"Why did they go in there?" Jason asked.
"Jeff probably went in there to eat her pussy." Erin joked. David did a muppet dive into the couch as he laughed.
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