#that'll depend on future me lmao
konaharts · 3 months
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Vox accidentally confessing how bad he's down for Alastor before backpedaling is my favorite fanart trope, and here is my contribution.
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napo-leo-art · 1 year
A-Z headcanons. There are many that make me curious, I hope you are in a writing mood. :)
For Gavin Green, Fluff, Touch, Yack
And for Levi Song, Escape, Question, Upcoming
Almost always haha, thank you for the questions! Sorry this took so long to answer. I'm going to put it under a read more since I think it's going to get long.
Fluff :: What hits their soft spot? Does anything them into emotional goo?
Gavin's soft spot is located directly under his best emotional defenses (his sarcasm and his charm). So basically, anytime he tries to do the fun, unbothered, dependable guy act and someone gives him a chance to just be genuine and open instead. (Mason happened to do this a lot in Wayhaven Book 3 haha)
Also: people who just generally find it in them to worry about him. He knows from experience that (unfortunately) it's very easy for him to get treated like a doormat.
Touch :: How do they handle contact? Is their personal bubble big?
Gavin's in a personally very neutral touch space for the majority of people- he doesn't mind people casually touching him even if they aren't particularly close. At the same time, he doesn't really pursue touch from people, and usually just lets them touch him first (friends or otherwise). He's kind of a master of teasing contact from partners/dates because he can usually hold off of it a lot longer than they can.
Yack :: What’s their favorite thing to talk about? What do they go on about?
LMAO I'm just deciding this now, but horror movies. Especially old horror movies or indie ones that are a bit weird. He doesn't scare easily and if people enjoy the topic, it's nice to hear their opinions or any little facts they know about whatever movies come up.
Escape :: What do they do to destress? How successful is it? Answered here! Question :: How often do they feel doubt? What topics are they defensive about?
Levi tries not to let doubt sink in at all, because he knows it can turn into something that spirals really fast. If he did let himself look into it more, he would get very defensive about the way that he treats the Rangers and anyone else in his life that he's pushed away. For example, making Herald his 'nemesis' when he hardly knew him, and then realizing how much shit he denied or outright ignored about Herald in favor of maintaining what he had already decided about him (like that he was an ignorant newbie, not a pretty smart and observant ex-vigilante and all that). Mostly because y'know, going down the path of realizing that everyone is a better person than he assumed they were is going to really mess up everything Levi has felt like he had to do (like deal with being a Re-Gene alone).
Upcoming :: How much do they think of the future? Do they make long-term plans?
Despite being a tactician, I don't think Levi really has a long-term plan? I think he's accepted that he's going to burn out eventually and he might as well burn as bright and hot as he can before he does. If he's able to take down a lot of people with him, that's all the better. He doesn't have a goal that he thinks will last, he's already accepted that he'll die young and he's just decided he wants a hand in controlling how that'll happen.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
thoughts about the future of "the stars and their children", and future paths:
i'm unsure what philza's play is here for the fate of tommy and wilbur. at present, my hypothesis is that he's trying to antagonize wilbur to force him to learn how to play politics; this is a form of training in and of itself. i do not think he currently cares for his best interests, especially since wilbur is the spare and has tommy's ear, so dividing them would make it easier to influence tommy
gaining familial connections to crimeboys is probably the best way for emerald duo to gain political control over the planet; it's much easier to convince someone to make [x] decision if they've got warm ties to you, etc etc. unsure if the antarctic empire is a hegemonic one (like the delian league, or the early roman republic), but even if antarctica doesn't directly influence Eldingvegr's politics, it has a sizable amount of control over it
furthermore, it would make ruling much more palatable to Eldingvegr's citizens. tommy is presumably very well liked, and therefore that goodwill might extend to any of his psuedo family members.
actually in hindsight the antarctic empire is definitely hegemonic. mantle strikes me as a vassal state like the british raj lmao. it produces water (and fuel + oxygen for deep space travel; hydrogen and oxygen gas) and jack else so it's probably very profitable
the main cast is correct. tommy and wilbur do not have much leverage as philza's guests, and as political players in general. should crimeboys solicit emerald!duo's help in taking back their planet, that leaves a natural power vacuum for their benefactors to jump back in. i'm also curious as to why *themis* isn't kicking up more of a fuss—are they having internal conflict? have they decided to wash their hands of the situation for fear of entangling with the essempi or with antarctica? etc etc. tommy could make a plea for their assistance -> play up blood ties and sovereignty, and use the threat of themis's displeasure to convince philza to back off, but 50/50 on whether that'll work
crimeboys's main disadvantage is their lack of information; emeraldduo can throttle what they receive and how they get it, especially if it's offworld news. on the flip side, they're getting more intel on the dynamics of the antarctic empire by being in that palace lol
their other main disadvantage is wilbur's cratering mental stability
this is also speculation but imo one of their biggest advantages is time. the longer they wait, the more time dream has to ship blaziphane (100% i've misspelled that lmao), which makes emeraldduo jittery and forces them to play hardball with crimeboys to get them on board, or go all-in with an invasion to take the blaziphane trade back
and i don't think i need to mention that military campaigns are costly in terms of man-power and money esp as dream is probably not a pushover
anyway, thank you for letting me talk on your blog! looking forward to see what happens next :D -🦜
ooo interesting hypothesis ;) as always I don't comment on theories but again, interesting!
yeah you see the main reason philza and technoblade are still negotiating with tommy and wilbur is precisely bc they dont want to deal with the fallout of the population hating them if some random strangers took over. having tommy, the royal heir, on their side or possibly even having a familial connection to them would certainly help make the situation more palatable
also yeah I'd say hegemonic definitely isn't wrong. I'd say most of the planets under AE's rule are vassal states in some way or another, but the level of control AE exerts over the planets highly varies just depending on the individual planet. the thing is, schlatt is pretty content to let phil and techno have final say on a lot of things regarding mantle, and it IS a very profitable planet for them to have under their control. but even if schlatt wasn't okay with that control, mantle really didn't have a lot of power on its own prior to joining the Empire, so the situation would've ended up the same anyway. in comparison, phil exerts far less control on kinoko, primarily because kinoko was a fairly powerful planet on its own prior to becoming part of the empire, so they still have quite a bit of their own standing
i'm hesitant to compare any of the planets under antarctic rule to real world examples like the british raj mostly because so many real world examples like that were heavily rooted in racism and/or white supremacy and the idea that western culture was the 'civilized' culture, whereas stars is sci fi space fiction about block men. I just don't want to risk people thinking i'm trying to put real world things like that in a positive light, or think i'm not portraying those kind of power dynamics accurately and making them out to be better than they were, because that's not what i'm trying to portray. i'm just trying to write complicated space politics yknow?? that's just a disclaimer i wanted to put out there
themis will eventually be brought up again! though I will say, it's been mentioned a few times by a few characters that themis doesn't seem to care a whole lot for tommy and wilbur, so keep that in mind :)
the thing is, even though you're right and emerald duo have access to more off planet information that tommy and wilbur don't, pretty much no one in the galaxy outside of Essempi knows wtf is going on on Eldingvegr rn. the planet has essentially been cut off from everyone else, so emduo really doesn't have a whole lot more info on Eldingvegr than tommy and wilbur do atm
hm, while I see the logic, just curious why phil and techno would need to try and get moving before dream ships out the blaziphane? it's not as if they can't just get more blaziphane after they take Eldingvegr over. there's not really a race against that I'd say. it's not like there's one singular shipment of blaziphane for the rest of time. it's a continuous source that they regularly send shipments out for
oh yeah military campaigns are very costly, so taking Eldingvegr back won't be a walk in the park
tysm for the thoughts!! love hearing what you guys think!
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tabsterfm · 1 year
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And so, the cycle begins anew! Fun fact, the Metal Empire one still had the Grandlocomon I raised on it like half a year ago. Here's to her chugging along in digi-stasis.
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And now, they're born! Extremely love the Baby I Digimon sprites where it's just a wee little blob of barely any detail. Shame that design philosophy can only work for so long, huh?
One reason I really like these devices is for their close-ups as seen here. The gimmick is directly taken from the X series, my 2nd favorite v-pet series right next to the Pen20ths because damn, nothing can top those rosters. Shame the PenZ's method of training is no where near as fun as it was on the PenOGs, where instead of having to spend time with your Digimon to see what shake requirement is needed and recognizing certain patterns with certain attributes of Digimon to help you in future raising endeavors, the PenZ just kinda cheats by just telling you how much to shake. Extreme bummer.
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And here are the Baby IIs! Wanyamon is an absolute blast and one of my favorite Baby IIs out there. Wish it had a proper evo line to go with it. The teardrop guy is a little goofy, but I guess it fits the theme of weird things being made out of scrap metal or something??? Idk, depending how my run goes, that'll be another thing I talk about with the PenZs that I, really do not like.
One thing to notice about all these pictures is that, for some reason, the Nature Spirits device's screen has a lot of "pixel shadow" on it for a lack of a better term. This is because, seemingly, the LCD screen is somehow higher above than it usually is supposed to be, which causes the pixels to cast a shadow. I'm not sure if this is a wave-1-exclusive issue or I got me a bad quality-controlled device, but it will make taking pictures of it a little difficult, so sorry in advance if the Nature Spirits device isn't the most photogenic.
That's it for them as of now! They'll probably evolve at some point tomorrow, where I'll keep yall posted as to what I got! Thanks for reading, and until next time, this is TabsterFM raising off... that sounded better in my head lmao.
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keravnous · 2 years
1, 4, 5, & 20 for the meta asks?
Hi Kaj, hihi
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Well, I am technically still writing the Outlaws AU pt.2 but I can't really connect with the universe rn. I am planning a Billy/Stu short atm, maybe that'll be published one day.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Es war ein warmer September; später Altweibersommer voll gelblichem Licht und Gluthitze und Mamie Taylor in dickwandigen Gläsern, während die dichten, noch ein paar Wochen grün verbleibenden Blätter, nur widerwillig Sonnenstrahlen auf das schon trockene Gras warfen. Hier und da blühten, vor dem fast weiß-leuchtenden klassizistischen Herrenhaus, ebenso weiße Blumen im Gras. In kleiner Entfernung plätscherte ein Bach und die Grillen zirpten.
Francois beobachtete die Zitronenschale, die sich fein gerieben in seinem Glas kringelte und ließ den Drink in seiner Hand von links nach rechts schwenken, beobachtete wie der gelbe Wurm hin- und herschaukelte. Die Hitze machte ihn verrückt, legte sich drückend auf seinen Nacken und zog sich triefend durch seine Kleidung, sodass er schon am Vormittag ein starkes Bedürfnis nach einem eiskalten Bad empfand. Er stand mit nackten Füßen im knöchelhohen Gras, eine Hand um das immer weniger kühlende Glas gelegt, sich mit der anderen auf seinen Mallet aufstützend, beide Hemdsärmel bis zu den Ellenbogen hochgekrempelt. Er war froh, dass seine Patienten ihn nicht derart leger sehen mussten. Der Gedanke jagte ihm beinah einen Schauer über den Rücken und er seufzte leise, bei dem Gedanken an die kurze, verfehlte Erfrischung.
Vor ihm, einige Meter entfernt und den Strohhut etwas schief auf seinem unbändigen Schopf Haar sitzend, balancierte Lord Henry durch Leimkraut und Schafgarbe, die sich hell im warmen Licht von seinem Leinen absetzten. Obwohl sie beide im Schatten einer Weide standen, legte Henry die Hand an die Stirn, als er zu ihm herübersah.
There's just something about the scenario that seems nearly too peaceful to me, while there's still a certain doom looming over everything. It's like a painting and a little ominous and eerie, with sunshine and dark clouds right next to each other. I still don't know how I did that, it just happend lol, I like it a lot
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Uh, probably Jeffrey not necessarily being but feeling lonely a lot of the time orrrrrr Francois. I liked writing him a lot because he's questioning himself and his perception a lot. I do, too.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
A lot of the dialogues that don't seem to fit entirely or seem a little too much like small talk (always depending on the scene and the prior/overall atmosphere) are like that because they - well - because they happend elsewhere. I know that none of my friends read my stories but if they would, they porbably would recognize a scentence or two they may or may not have said once. Another example for that is "there's a bull and a matador (duelling in the sky)". Both, the the painting and the discussion Justus and Hugenay are having about it, are taken from a course I took back in my second semester.
If my stories happen to have a meta (I wouldn't call it that lmao), it would probably be that I like to include the characters in real historic events. You know, as someone who did partake in them, at least a little. Hugenay with his robberies, Francois being a medic at the french-prussian war from 1870/71 or the christmas au special I wrote for the 3 detectives! So there would be at least like a very small chance that Just, Bob and Peter have read about Francois in an article about european wars.
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