#that was probably the hardest one to execute lmfao
davekitties · 8 months
I got the 8F shiny mew from Pokemon Red!!!
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Look at her GB mark!! Took around 11 and a half hours to set up, but it's finally done and I also just defeated Mewtwo with her so she now has a mighty mark!!! Now to think of her name 😊
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flyingonice · 7 years
30th september
Hi guys !
Everything’s going smoothly for me. As I said, I started my first real lessons this month. I had 3 lessons this far and I absolutly love it ! The first awkard impression, when you know nothing and noone, is gone. Our beginner group is really friendly :) And our training (one hour per lesson) is hard-working. But I love that ! Our teacher is kind and helps us to correct our mistakes, but she takes the time to compliment us too. She said that we work hard ;)
So, what did we learn or improved...
-lunges -”arabesques” (I have a good posture on my L foot !) -sit-ups and work on edges (Fd and Bd) -backwards stroking (stil don’t like them tho) -forwards crossovers, better clockwise -backwards crossovers by lifting the foot (feels awkward haha but they’re way better than when I tried in public lessons) -”pas de géant”  -”cygne” -improved mohawk  -improved 3-turns, inside, R and L foot (guess which one is better lol) -switching Fd to Bd, the right way to execute it, on the front part of the blades (feels awesome) -one foot Bd glide (aweful ahah) -improved some basics spinning, found the soft spot (I guess that doesn’t even exist on rental skates lmfao)
I keep going to public lessons once or twice by week for a minimum of 2 hours. I exercise when I feel like it and have improved a little bit of my flexibility. 
I probably will attend another 1 hour lesson, starting in December, with a great coach and no more than 6 pupils hehe ! I’m so excited for this ! 
All in all, the hardest part was to take the first step, decide to buy my skates and go on lessons. But that’s so worth it. I can’t even understand how I did all these figures on rental skates before. I was so afraid to do Fd crossovers because my edges didn’t catch on the ices. Now I do it without fear... it’s so liberating. That would be my best advice : 
Buy your own skates !!
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
asks for fanfic writers: #10-30
 Oh wow *_* First off thank you for the ask??? and your curiosity too lmaoo I know a lot of my answers will probably be boring but oh well, here goes! 
how do you do your researches? 
Well, I feel like I don’t write super complex AUs, so I rarely go into super in depth research, but when I do I usually just start with a google search or visit writing help blogs. I have several bookmarks on character analyses, strengths, virtues, and ways of showing emotion that really help me write sometimes when I’m struggling. Reading fics that are similar to what I’m going for also helps A TON omg. So yeah, nothing specific, but I do have my go-tos ^^
do you listen to music when writing?
Yes lol all the time. Half of my fics are based on specific songs as is? Like seriously name one and I could give you the song behind it honestly lmfao. So usually when a fic is inspired by a song or genre I tend to listen to it while I write!
favorite place to write
I’d say I write most productively when I’m sitting at a desk or table to be honest, when I’m on break from school I write at my parents’ dining room table because it’s really peaceful and in a closed off section of the house. Otherwise though, I write in bed because I’m lazy af orz
hardest character to write
For K, I’d say Yata (besides all the minor characters, who can be tough too, but I feel like I have a bit of wiggle room for them at least). While I don’t dislike how I write Yata, it’s always a lot harder for me than writing Saruhiko for some reason. Plus there’s lots of authors who I admire that write him SO AMAZINGLY and I’m just…I am but a pleb. 
easiest character to write
Saruhiko because I am difficult and emo just like he is -shot- In all honestly though, it’s mostly because exploring his character and thinking about how he’d act in certain situations is a lot easier and more fun for me for some reason, I don’t know ha. But yeah, I’d say writing Saruhiko is a lot more fluid for me! 
hardest verse to write
Oh man, definitely Shaking in My Skull for K project pft. It’s my favorite verse really, but sometimes it gives me a lot of issues plot wise. I worry about making it too boring or slow, and sometimes I wonder if I explain things enough, and it’s always a fight between dialogue and actions klsdnfkdsj *cough* But yeah, it’s troublesome but it’s one of my favorite ideas so I must go on lol
easiest verse to write
Nothing is easy for me to write because I suffer lmfao. But errr, maybe There You Are? Mm don’t get me wrong I know I must’ve struggled with it when I was writing it but compared to the stuff I write now, I think I finished it rather quickly, and even wrote a sequel pretty painlessly so ^^
favorite AU to write 
I love weird AUs lmaooo, like as much as coffee shops and model aus and fake dating are the best (I could read them all day ffff) I love stuff involving supernatural elements and special abilities or really weird first meetings? Like even if it’s not supernatural force just…really strange, unique scenarios always get me very excited
favorite pairing to write 
HOW DARE LOL I have no idea orz Tbh I’ve written saru-mi for so long that it’ll always hold a special place in my heart, and while I’m expanding my fandoms, it’ll definitely hold one of my top spots for a long time ^^ I love my boys ; ;
favorite fandom to write
I really haven’t written for many fandoms so I can’t say either way honestly fffff, I love K, but I also love HQ (especially right now ahh) but it really depends on the mood I’m in. Lately I’ve had pretty bad writer’s block too so I haven’t been writing much for either orz
favorite character to write
Again I’d say Saruhiko for this, because exploring his personality and thought process is so interesting and fun to me, he’s really complex but also a pain in the butt and I love him *_*
least favorite character to write
Probably Mikoto xD I really don’t get why, he’s just so reserved with words and I am a dialogue whore so that’s probably why haha
favorite story you’ve ever written
I don’t think I can pick honestly, I’m very attached to my ideas ha (whether or not I execute them well) but fffff out of my finished stuff I’d say At Your Service or Keep It in the Chat, mostly because they were super fun and silly and those are my favorite types of fics ^^
least favorite story you’ve ever written
Pencils and Paper probably, I just personally don’t think it was my best writing looking back. I wish I could’ve done it more justice, because the request was super cute and amazing, but weh I think it was wasted on me because I was still a newcomer in the fandom :P
favorite scene you’ve ever written
Oooo that’s so hard *sweats* FFF I feel like its from a fic I haven’t posted yet honestly lmao but out of what I have posted, maybe the scene in Shaking in My Skill chapter 5 where the S4 squad mourns Saruhiko, I just really love writing S4 family ughhh I adore them so much, and I got to write my brotp SaruSeri too so it was great!
favorite line you’ve ever written
Damn lmao that’s so many to choose from…hmm this one from my kuro-tsuki fic? It’s the most recent one I remember ha
Kuroo closed the gap between them as if he were the tide pulled by the moon, giving into the gravitational forces of his emotions, of Tsukishima standing so closed off but there, willing despite it all.
story you’re most proud of
Either Shaking in My Skull or one I have not yet finished or posted, it’s a saru-mi fic lmao so hopefully one day it sees the light of day. 
best review you ever got
I got a really sweet review on Chasing the Rush a little over a month ago from ckttt_sabi and it honestly made my day. Especially to get a comment so nice on my first fic for the pairing…it honestly made me so happy. They told me they loved my characterizations and how the characters interacted and how they wanted to see more from me, so I was really flattered. It meant a lot
worst review you ever got 
I’ve gotten quite a few where people would complain about how my smut fics shouldn’t be misaru they should be saru-mi, and it was just really annoying. Not necessarily negative but meh, its a big letdown to get a comment and that’s all it says -shrugs- 
favorite story/poem of another author
If we are talking fanfic, from K one of my favorite fics (tho there are a ton) would have to be Peak (Call Time) by melonsflesh on ao3 @yatatsukki
and for HQ I would have to say…Hidden Gem by realmSpinner omg it’s ongoing but it’s an amazing fic *_*
hardest part of writing
Everything lmao (just kidding), ummm for me, it’s definitely trying to keep the story from being too stiff. As in like…I feel like I tend to just rattle off actions in fics like “oh this happened and then he did this and then he said this” and I always have to try to flesh stuff out and put in details to make it more real and entertaining I think. 
Once again, thanks so much for the ask!
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