#that they can somehow be the main character of the rpc.
eclipsecrowned · 9 months
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If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why? // @queencvbra
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The constant holier than thou 'the entire community should cater to me personally' schtick. It's been around forever, it's why this site got such a reputation for superfluous application of cancel culture, but I've noticed it seems to have risen from the dead lately.
People who think others should only write content that appeals to to their own lifestyle, people who think going into a collaborative hobby without regard for the limits or problems of their followers makes them a superior being, people who don't understand why some people might not be comfortable with all facets of a canon or even fanon, couching misogyny and biphobia in alleged support of other communities...
These are just examples I have seen more than once. Members of my community taking it for a personal attack if people write romantic/sexual dynamics or discuss their own personal lives on the dash. Those who believe that because they do not tag triggers or in any way 'cater' to the audience they expect to interact with they're somehow the ones victimized when people curate their experiences away from them. I've caught so much Hell just for saying I don't care for a major franchise and find the writing of canon stale at best and genuinely insulting at worst, and I am not the only one. People who believe all M/F is het and thus inferior, because like, why would an amazing awesome man ever want to stick his dick an inferior pussy?
I think too many people on this site have a stick up their ass about things that, and I say this with all due respect, do not matter outside of their own comfort. Unless the content is being written to actively harm, unless it is problematic content that out and out reflects the hateful or harmful beliefs of its author, unless people are genuinely at risk because the content exists, then block and move on. You should always block and move on if the content is anything less than that, and by the same card, stop acting so surprised if other people block and move on if you act like a self-righteous dickhead for forgetting this is a collaborative hobby that takes partners and their myriad views/experiences/comfort into account.
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clawsextended · 2 months
it escapes not my perception that a) the quality of selina’s relationships and b) the way those relationships are treated when it comes to this blog. and as a lesbian? frankly it really sucks.
the entire rpc is. like. rife with lesbophobia. which will be met with the inevitably rallying cry of ‘but i love lesbians!!’ and honestly? that’s such a performative statement to me it’s exhausting by now. it is lip service and it can be so tiring when frequently it hasn’t gone unnoticed that people tend to treat her more shallowly than a lot of other characters i write, and whether knowingly or unknowingly, her relationships get minimized and reduced.
which isn’t me calling anyone out. or saying anything specifically. i’ve been here a long time — selina’s been with me a long time. i’ve been writing her over on my main, and i was writing her on disco before that. and it’s just a lot that i’ve dealt with and witnessed over time on here.
the amount of interactions i’ve had are innumerable where it’s ’dude has a crush on selina, selina has to let them down about it’ and that’s to be expected, to some extent, i think. but when that’s a very first thought on so many occasions it gives me pause. when she’s had so many toxic situationships not intended that way whatsoever and then ended up in them on basis of it being reduced or minimized. how much more apprehensive i have to feel approaching anyone on this account because a) my selina is undoubtedly the least popular iteration i could’ve chosen and b) she’s a lesbian and somehow this seems to make her interactions with most men either shallow or overlooked.
it doesn’t escape me when there are a plethora of both canon and crossover possibilities that end up brushed aside because it’s not a shipping interaction. it’s frankly upsetting and disappointing to know that writing bruce every interaction anybody approached me with was a desire to ship, and there were many, and on selina i consistently have to walk on eggshells feeling like i’m intruding and receive one-word responses to concepts i’m passionate about, if they’re not overlooked or ignored. it just sucks to feel and it sucks to see.
idk just be nicer to lesbians.
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flockrest · 8 months
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mun(day) questions / @sentinaels, @vigilantdesert, & @stygicniron
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thank you lots for these! ♡ very fun to think about and answer! all under the cut because it's a doozy. i am not a concise person, what can i say :'D
when did you first start writing?
in the roleplaying context, ten years ago ( half of which i took a hiatus for aslfkjsdl )! core memory, no joke, i can still very keenly remember weird details of the day it all started. as a hobby, this started way back before i even hit secondary school! i was not an objectively good writer, but no tween really is. i had lots of fun and all the cringefail phases i've gone through since have helped me get to where i am now in my writing development — i can at least say i'm happy with where i'm at with that! and i'm still having fun! ♡
in what language did you start writing?
online? english....my beloathed. very ironic, i know aslkfjdsl
if your mother tongue is not the language you write now, what caused you to switch languages?
quite honestly for the engagement! then simply because i feel i got better at writing in english than i could in vietnamese — my education for both differed, especially in my adolescent years, and i've practiced literacy in this context more for english than i have for viet.
i am still very insecure about my grasp of english in online spaces though ( my writing process involves a lot of me searching up even the simplest words to ensure their meaning and that they will convey what i want you to feel, i still forget words or mix phrases up — sorry to my dm buddies when this happens btw — and my editing is so time-consuming because i have to often cut things or rephrase them to avoid being redundant ), which is why i have that it's my second language disclaimer alfjslfk
what was the first muse that you’ve written?
my first ever muse was my lovely queen zelda from twilight princess! she saw me through a lot of my roleplaying firsts, honestly. she still holds such a special place in my heart because of all the experiences writing her allowed me to make, as well as all the wonderful people i befriended through her that i still haven't forgotten about to this day!
( i always find myself missing one in particular when the mood hits, because we were years-long mains during what felt like the peak of the zelda rpc prime and she was as close to an exclusive affiliate i'd ever get. i hope you've been doing super well out there, my liege!! if we ever somehow get to writing again, y'all will just not be ready for my unhinged status over her link, and my zelda, and the midzelink we've crafted entire worlds over, and that is a promise aflkjdsj )
do you still write your first muse?
unfortunately, no! i have dipped in and out with her before, but i don't know if i'll ever return to her now when i've got so many others wrangling for my time and energy...i think i would like to if i got the opportunity to regularly write with twilight princess muses again :) zelda was a more character-contained muse, in that i studied less of the world-lore around her and more of her, her dynamics, and her relationships, so activity would be very slow and pretty contingent on level of interest from others aslkfdjf
what caused you to start writing? what was your key point?
okay. don't laugh at me please. i'm pretty sure this is a connecting point for a few of us. but for fanfic purposes, of course asflkjds i started reading fics before i started writing any, and only began doing so because there was such a dearth of the stories that catered specifically to my niche whims and wants that past ray was like "FINE. i'll do it myself"
now, fr, you gotta promise to not laugh at me. the want for a more interactive experience didn't really hit until i discovered tumblr ask blogs, wherein i wanted to have a try at running one myself! then that evolved into more writing than art...then i just leaned into roleplaying wholeheartedly asflkjdf everybody say thank you to artists for inspiring artists!
have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
not that i can think of, no! i don't tend to pick up muses i don't feel super invested in. if it's meh in the more oh this character SUCKS sense, then i guess. rauru? like i love that funky fellow, or at least huge parts of him that i'll steal from nintendo because man what the fuck were they doing with him, but he seems to be my most polarising muse in terms of audience reception aflksjdla this isn't a dig at anyone for that btw!!
how far do you go with divergencies when it comes to your canon muse?
as far as it'll take for me to be satisfied with them! this ofc differs with every muse, but i try to keep general characterisations unchanged — or at least the parts of them that stand out to me and feel crucial to who my muses are.
e.g. i ignored the entirety of the hidden world when it came to writing toothless from httyd, because its depiction of his behaviour ( and hence, implicated thoughts ) was so extremely Bad Tier, i was flabbergasted that it came from the same writer as httyd2. there was, imo, such a huge gap between the toothless of httyd2 and the toothless of the hidden world in terms of characterisation and character development ( ESPECIALLY with what it did to his bond with hiccup. i'm still infuriated about that ) that i had an entire rewrite where things might've ended the same way, but it would've taken a different road for berk to get there in the works.
that's when canon has disappointed me to the extreme, though aflkdslj i have misgivings about totk, yes, but i doubt you'll be seeing unprompted >2.5k words essays from me regarding my birdies or even rauru ( if only because nintendo didn't give us enough about him to make me feel like they fucked up beyond words ) anytime soon.
with rauru, anyway, it's more of a..."i am construing him differently; you couldn't make him palatable despite clearly wanting to do so, so i'm making him 'palatable' ( in the HE AND HIS FAULTS ARE SO INTERESTING I WANT TO EXPLORE THEM IN A WAY THAT DOESN'T HAVE ME GAGGING sense ); also i think you make him way too important without actually committing to the bit, so i'm gonna give him so many complexes about it" case.
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acceptedmyself · 1 year
Hey all. Those that are left anyway. Long time no see.
I have been doing alright, but I’ve also been extremely busy as of late. For good reasons, mind you. I am now doing what I love for a living, and though I recently went through a breakup, I have never felt more happy to put myself out there and live my life to the fullest. I feel really grateful for everything I could achieve in these past year.
(Also I might have gotten slightly addicted to FFXIV so there’s also that.)
So, now, for the stuff that’s a bit less nice: As you probably guessed by this year of utter silence, I don’t think I will be ever returning to this blog.
It really pains me to say this because Genji is still a character I love, and I have genuinely enjoyed writing him for all these years; not to mention I got some amazing stories going on here, and I am grateful I got to meet all of you. Nothing will ever change that.
But the fact is, I am now completely emotionally divorced from Overwatch as a series. In huge part because I do not think the people it belongs to deserve devoted fans like us. The various sexual harassment incidents at Activision were already a thing that made me refuse to continue actively engaging with their products. And then, them killing the first game for a pseudo-sequel that did not deliver anything it announced and only forced the whole thing into adopting a somehow even more predatory business model was just the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.
Now, playing the game and writing collaborative fanfic is two different things for sure. I would gladly reclaim Genji as my own and keep interacting with you all here. But at this point, the lore of the series is such a muddied mess of permanent retcons, nonsensical storylines, and shallow newer characters that I don’t see myself ever wanting to try and engage with it ever again. And, well, that’s kind of a problem to write a world with other people.
Ngl, we all knew it’d be bad when Michael and Jeff jumped ship, we just didn’t think they would fuck it up that badly. (In hindsight, though, this is the WoW people. Of course they were gonna fuck it up.)
The addition of a character as fascinating and attractive as Ramattra might have changed my mind last year, but that’s a siren’s song I’m willing to ignore because there’s no saving the dumpster fire that the franchise in its entirety has become in my eyes. OW2 signed a death warrant for a game that helped me recover from a pretty dark time in my life, and that is heartbreaking to say the least. I highly doubt they will prove me wrong anytime soon. I feel like I’ve waited long enough for them to pull their shit together.
So, with this here post, I’m just officially announcing I’m retiring from this RPC. You can hit me up on my main if you wish to stay in touch.
Thank you all for sticking with me for so long. I wish you all the love and success in the world.
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「 ありがとう、そしてさらばだ 」
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rpbetter · 3 years
There's a very popular masterlist blog, who was at first quietly ignoring all the genderbend blogs who reblogged their posts, and later said outright that they won't add any genderbends, because apparently genderbends are "transphobic" somehow. It pisses me off, because who made this asshole in charge the RPC? Who gave them the right to decide who does or doesn't "belong" in the community? I'd respect them more if they were at least consistent, but they're fine with listing whitewashed muses.
I'm not sure if this is the same person, or if someone was inspired to vent about another masterlist blog. Either way, that's fine! I'm just not sure whether to thank you for giving more information or not!
That's definitely upsetting, I agree. If you're going to decide one thing is offensive to a whole group of people you may or may not be a part of, you really should be consistent, yes. Whitewashing muses isn't something that has a large debate around it. Most everyone can agree that this is incredibly wrong, the only time I have ever seen an argument about it was in regards to how that whitewashing was being done and whether the canon itself had done the same thing. If it had, did that make the RPers and other fans going along with it alright, still wrong, less wrong, or more wrong.
Like the simplest of things, "it is never alright to whitewash" does have discourse, yes. That isn't the only example, it isn't even the only one stemming from fandom issues. If you spend five minutes in the Harry Potter fandom, you will land on some of that, for instance, centering around whether it was or was not author intent to make some main characters definite ethnicities, whether it was fandom entirely, or whether the author picked that up from fandom in the course of being wildly problematic herself, pulling one of those "I meant that all along" things for points. If it exists, no matter how clear the center message is, it has a difference of opinion somewhere as you get farther from that core message.
The issue I have here is that not everyone in the trans community agrees that genderbending characters is transphobic, that is the center of the issue. I think talking over those who do not feel it is transphobic, but rather, regardless of whether they want to see it or not, recognize that it is an important step some people take on understanding their own gender perceptions, is still talking over trans people. Because it literally is.
People do use genderbending for understanding and exploration. They also use it for reasons as simple as the sort of characters that are popular - they tend to be male, it's a common complaint. Perhaps you are only comfortable writing female muses, but love this male canon, so you genderbend. It's also differently transforming a character than making them trans. Making a character a different, cis gender means that you are very likely changing a great deal about their canon experiences if you are writing them realistically at all. Like our world, the worlds we create tend to be gendered to some degree. It is also possible that someone wants to remove that from the canon world and have their muse still experiencing things in the same way. And, yes, some people do use this for reasons that others do not like, it can be used in some ways I don't like. I'm not a big fan of it, honestly, but I'm a huge fan of letting people explore fiction in whatever way they choose regardless of whether I, personally, enjoy it.
Everyone has their reasons and their reasons are equally valid, that cannot be said for something like whitewashing. At all.
Many identities fit under the trans umbrella, and unlike racism, one's perspective on exploring their own gender is going to be as varied as there are people doing that exploring. You cannot exclude a group of those people by telling them, trans people, that they are transphobic. It's alright if you feel that way, or if it bothers you for any other reason, but it's problematic in itself to insist that everyone else feels that way.
Are they also going to spend the time to police gendered comments that elicit dysphoria? What about the commentary that has terf ideology laced through it? Are they going to go through every blog weekly to be certain no one is putting out the idea that All Men but not uwu transmascs? I could keep going, there is an endless list of problems when it comes just to our choices in dialogue, and because we live in a gendered world we're trying to work on, as well as online where we come into contact with clever marketing for bad shit, literally everyone here has said or done something.
Things that were common until recently are now extremely gross. Change is great, change is what is needed, but change doesn't happen smoothly and doesn't keep going smoothly if we're all pointing fingers at who used the wrong term, enjoyed the wrong fictional tropes, had the wrong ideas - even about themselves.
Not to mention that it's irrational to expect everyone to agree on something so potentially charged when there are so many of us. Again, using the difference in whitewashing, if you think whitewashing a muse by erasing their canon experiences or appearance is alright, you have a problem. If you think genderbending is okay because fourteen-year-old you unintentionally was using it as an outlet to explore the trans adult you became, you are not a problem, your experience is valid, you should not be spoken over. Racism has hard lines that this simply does not. Yes, transphobia does have hard lines, but those lines tend to look like bathroom bills, terfs, and otherwise obvious things. If it is part of someone's life experience that they were racist to some degree, but grew from that point, that's great...but none of them will say that it's alright to be racist, it might help someone become anti-racist if they're racist first, so, everyone go out and pick at least one race to vehemently and irrationally despise. Said no one, ever.
I still don't think I'm making the difference clear, but at the risk of being too repetitive, I'm going to hope I'm wrong. There is a difference here between whitewashing and genderbent characters, much of that difference is had in the trans community itself, of which no members need be silenced.
So, yes, I do find it incredibly gross that they're alright with racism but not with someone potentially exploring gender. It feels performative, at best. It feels like someone has been listening to only one side of the discussion, has caved to pressure, and is now doing something potentially transphobic themselves, at worst.
Again, like anything, there is the potential for misuse and upsetting things to happen when genderbending. However, I'd rather see a dozen people making a cis male character into a cis female character purely to write in graphic sexual assault that fetishizes, etc. etc. etc., than I would see a single instance of someone making that character trans and then proceeding to fetishize them. That is what I've seen come out of this debate, and it bothers me.
While, yes, I will defend people's right to do things that bother me in fiction, it is upsetting that the takeaway seems to have been giving permission for muns to call writing a trans character "representation" while they're only in it to write a soft boi transmasc getting railed constantly. It's even more upsetting when many of those bits of "representation" are also at least hedging on racism and complimentary of toxic masculinity. Transmasc characters are usually those who don't fit the Western ideal of physical masculinity, while transfem characters are often those who do. It's alright to make a canon cis female who is black and has non-white, feminine ideal features and build transfem and go on and on about how hot it is, she's your strong wifey. It's alright to do the opposite with a canon cis male, very often of an Asian or Latino ethnicity, they were already ascribing upsetting things about his sexual preferences and personality based on how non-Western-masc he was. Except, no, none of that is alright! It hits multiple points of not being alright.
I'd really rather we were not encouraging that by making muns feel forced to explore gender in only one way. Unless someone is openly transphobic, no one wants to be accused of that. By forcing this issue through fear, all that happens is people feeling good about themselves for doing differently terrible things, or people not writing those characters at all. Not everyone is comfortable writing a trans character, and that's perfectly alright. If someone does not feel like they can do so in a respectful, knowledgeable, and normally nuanced way, they shouldn't. They should go ahead and write the character cisgender.
It, unfortunately, doesn't come up because we have so few canon trans characters, but it should go without saying that one should never erase them being canonically trans in order to write them comfortably as cis. (Just as one should not erase a marginalized canon sexuality or a character's race.) I only mean wanting to play around with a character's canon, cis, gender.
Whole point here is - the opinion of genderbending varies widely among the trans community. An act of boldface racism does not. If you're omitting genderbent characters because they make you feel uncomfortable, you're not impartial enough, you're risking omitting and shaming the very people you're "protecting." While still allowing whitewashing to go on. I definitely see why this has bothered you, Anon! This really should either be entirely impartial as to what someone is choosing to write, or personal bias admitted and warned of.
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haleyjames · 3 years
Sierra has opened another town rp called phoenixrpg.
She has posted on the main, admitting that it’s her. Since then, she’s posted other asks about her time as admin/owner of wilmingtonroleplay. I’m making this post to talk about what she’s answered, and to warn people away from her manipulation tactics. I’m throwing this under a read more because there’s screenshots/it’s a little long lmao.
This was the first ask she answered about her “handling” of the group:
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I’ve underlined what I first want to address. Allowing fc switches and poor diversity were the LEAST of what she did in Wilmington. What about all the  people she bullied? Her outright racism? Excluding others? Manipulating and gaslighting people? Getting all her minions to do her dirty work and send ppl anon hate? Facilitating and protecting catfishers? Admitting to the two things she does in this post is tactical. It’s admitting to SOME wrongdoing, but only things that barely even skim the surface of her behaviour. She’s taking ownership ONLY for the bare minimum to make it seem like she IS taking accountability for her overall actions and IS open to actually talking and addressing things. By this piss-poor answer, that’s not the case. She has A LOT more to answer for than this--as an admin AND as a person. 
The answer to the next ask is somehow even worse.
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I had to highlight a huge chunk of it lmao. The anonymous person uses the word ABUSE in their message, and Sierra is still going on about other bullshit? The lesser stuff. Is racism “failed diversity?” Is that what we’re calling it? It wasn’t about how Sierra “handled situations”--it was about her bullying people, her gaslighting and manipulating people. Yeah, sure, that tied into her work as an admin, but?? What is this small list of her lesser crimes? “...as far as Wilmington was concerned, those were my downfalls with modding.” Yeah. That’s not the question the person posed to you. And maybe those were your failures as an admin on the technical side of things, but wow... this is NOTHING in comparison to everything she really did and how she really treated people.
“I... will always be very upfront and honest about what’s going down.” If the answer to this ask and the one before it are any indication, SHE WON’T. This is so very much DOWNPLAYED, it’s disgusting. Taking the slightest accountability for the smallest of things she did... and I mean, is it really? Is there any apology here? No. There’s some admittance, and then “no one’s word is gospel and time will tell”. Time has already told us what we need to know. Wilmington was open for how long? How long have I been doing this? How many pages do I have on my page that are filled with people’s experience with her and Emma and Kelly and Wilmington and what they’ve done?
It really astounds me that this is how she answered an ask that point-blank calls her behaviour abusive and unsafe. I don’t know why I’m surprised by now. But, anyway. If she wants to address these small things, let’s do it.
“Face switches that didn’t match up.” When literally four months ago you joined a group called charmingrp with an Inbar Lavi FC and then changed it to a Michelle Veintimilla FC without any sort of bio/name changes. 
“Failed avenues of diversity.” Also recently, when you continually showed how fucking racist you are.
“I have and always will be very upfront and honest about what’s going down.” Oh, like when you deleted Wilmington and hid for a few months until my blog got flagged and then suddenly reappeared in the rpc? Without addressing the racist or abusive behaviour at all that made you finally delete your group? Sure. 
Literally nothing has changed, if you ask me. Next message further proves this:
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I didn’t highlight anything because it’s all BULLSHIT. Given your history with uh, what did you call it? “Failed avenues of diversity”--or the fact that Wilmington FINALLY closed after so long because you and Emma were finally called out on your racism--you’d think you would actually put in some EFFORT and try and show the world that you’re not. But you are. This stance is so incredibly lazy and irresponsible, and then with the added context of everything else that’s happened in the past? It only makes it even worse! Like!!!!!!! You talk about your failures as an admin in previous posts and then this is your answer?? This is so cheap and YUCK. What are you even doing as an admin then, huh??
This diversity rule she pulled out of her ass in the answer to the message isn’t even in the rules on the main??? There’s nothing about it AT ALL. See here:
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Beth said it best, if I do say so:
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Sierra is playing a Christina Milian OC and a Casey Deidrick OC. (NOTE: This is who Beth is referring to when she says ‘cooler hands’. The original ‘cooler hands’ is in reference to Sierra’s Chris Wood OC in Wilmington.) Christina is Cuban. The character’s name is DANIELLE TYLER, which is probably the whitest name I’ve ever seen before. I asked Beth about this (who is Cuban) and this is what she had to say:
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Which, given everything, is the most reasonable and most unsurprising explanation. Again: it’s lazy and is just more proof of her being racist. 
I mean, GOD ashfjdlfl. This was after only THREE MESSAGES posted. Like. I don’t know what else to tell you. Things aren’t ever going to change. Already you can tell they haven’t. I really really caution people on staying away from this group, and this group of people. I’m sure there’ll be more to say as more gets posted and the group gets more exposure from the tags, but for now, this is all I’ve got. Sigh. Please stay safe out there everybody!!!! 
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//I know it ain’t munday but have had a few apparently some discrepancies over what my blog is, cuz there’s been some soft blocking of mutuals which is literally whatever, customize your experience I ALWAYS uphold that, just know if you’ve not communicated with someone they literally can’t fix, or stand by as the case may be, whatever it is or isn’t a problem.
What I do enjoy it though is when it’s people who followed, but didn’t send my rules passcode back, as though I don’t communicate what you’ll find here somewhere??? So slapping some of it on the dash since it’s so hard to read apparently:
I’m Taggerung, she/they. I’m 27, and have been on this godsforsaken site since 2011 with Nilza’s original blog before I made this one for Rogue. As such, I’ve seen the rpc at its ‘MCU is in diapers, pre-nippocalypse glory bullshit’. Read: I’m jaded af, my humor is often darker still, and it’s not remotely all due to this site.
You can and will find regular aesthetic and musing postings (I am not a source blog to follow only to glean from these as some like to do- mutuals please feel like you can reblog, I’m speaking of the people that NEVER write and literally act as though my blog says musespo or rph or something somewhere). I run a queue that posts 6xd during EST waking hours, and I don’t confine myself to just that if I see something that works, I’ll reblog from the dash then and there. These can and will be dark, violent, smexy, or otherwise nsfw a lot of the time because I’m a grown adult and it applies to my muses. Smexy is always tagged, but if you’re shy about any of that stuff here, it’s littered in my writing as well- these aren’t sunshine and rainbows 24/7 characters.
Rogue is not my only muse, nor do I pretend like she’s my only muse to gain followers or something. I don’t actually pay attention to the follow count cuz it’s irrelevant to writing. I’m sorry if you thought just because she’s a main muse I named my blog for when it was a solo muse blog that she’s the only thing I focus on. No. I don’t push any of my OCs on people, cuz truly I don’t like writing with people that don’t want them, but you will see OC content on here. Not just Rogue, and not just Sara.
This is a Purity Culture and dictating what people can and can’t write no fly zone. This isn’t Catholicism, we don’t do different levels of writing evil/problematic/messed up deeds is somehow less evil based on how well you villainize other fucked up shit to ‘soften’ how your own fucked up shit looks standing next to it here. Meaning pro-villains being villains, the good guy doesn’t always win and bad things happen, mun ≠ muse, write what the fuck you want to, and writing is FICTION are golden rules around here.
I can’t stand the ‘clean dash’ concept and refuse to join in. See point one- I’m old school, and getting to know someone via ooc and other non-thread posts to me is vital. As such I don’t apologize for my ooc, I don’t tag it tbd to give false impressions, and I never am bothered by your ooc posts being visible. There’s no such thing as “too much ooc”.
I am a multi-para/novella preferred writer, as such some of my threads can be lengthy. They are the main focus and won’t be getting tagged ‘long post’ just because you need more than half a thumb swipe to get past, the shit is frankly insulting and lazy. If it’s a giant ooc post? Sure. But three scrolls does not a long post make ya bums. The color of the sky? THAT is a long post.
I will never post callouts or ooc drama with a mun, just salt with problematic behaviors as a general. If there’s a problem with an actual mun it gets settled in DMs (or it doesn’t, some people aren’t looking to communicate), but if you’re looking for me to spread witch hunts for you? Not happening.
My inbox is always open. I may be a very blunt person who doesn’t believe in bullshitting people, but I’m also never going to just pop off on you if you need to voice something even if we don’t agree. If anything, I’ll probably be thanking you for communicating.
Okay, that SHOULD cover everything that offends everyone! :D
I’ll repeat that I believe if someone writes something that makes you uncomfortable to follow- you should just unfollow them and it’s not a bad thing to do so. It’s far better than disparaging them for staying in their own lane keeping their peanut butter out your chocolate. Just know nothing I do around here should be coming out of left field for anyone, I really don’t have the energy for fake, shit’s exhausting. What you see is me.
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nabooarchived · 3 years
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Anonymous said: hi i was the one that asked whether youre hard of hearing. there was a reason, hence the follow up (which i think people are allowed to do, anons arent inherently rude) anyway! I had seen a post like 2 years back regarding how to write hard if hearing or deaf characters. It mentioned something about how saying they read lips is a no no ? Idk, something to look into! Just a heads up. 😌
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       hey there again! there’s nothing wrong with asking about this sort of thing as its something thats genuinely good to talk about, the only real anxiety inducing thing about receiving these sorts of messages is the anonymity of it. i’d feel a lot more comfortable talking about it when i know who it’s coming from or when it’s an actual conversation i can hold with someone with a proper back and forth discussion. but you have your reasons for staying anonymous and i trust that your intentions are harmless, just very scary for me seeing the rpc’s history with callout posts❤
       it would be super insightful to have a link if you have one, i’ll try to do my own scouring to do my own research. however not everyone’s disabilities are the exact same, as everyone has different needs and experiences. theres two reasons as to why i have symphony read lips, the main one being, to put it bluntly, my deaf father is able to read lips 🤷‍♀️ he grew up in poverty in el salvador so he unfortunately didn’t have the luxury of having a hearing aid growing up, so he had to make due with sign language and he somehow learned how to read lips. obviously there’s some caveats to this, like he can only understand when someone is speaking spanish lol and even then he struggles with different spanish dialects. he can also better understand some people over others, like close family and even then he misses some words so he much prefers sign. it hasn’t been much of an issue the past couple of years since he’s gotten a hearing aid, but it’s still a skill he has. reason number two is, if i’m being honest, the convenience. i can definitely see how problematic that may seem at a glance. but seeing as we’re a bunch of nerds writing about space wizards that in one film featured a blind man taking on a whole group of stormtroopers by himself, it doesn’t seem impossible to find a hearing impaired individual with the ability to read lips since, you know, i happen to live with one 🧍‍♀️ and even then half my threads involve symphony having a translating handmaiden with her or even my WRITING PARTNER’S MUSE signing to symphony because they are awesome and i love them. so take that as you will
       obviously you shouldn’t go around expecting every deaf person you happen to interact with to read your lips bc thats stupid and shitty. my father’s needs and experiences don’t mirror every person that is hearing impaired. i’d like to think that he’s pretty unique and i love him :) thats not to say i wont take advice or suggestions on things i could be doing better, i would just rather do that off anon :)
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sir-huffman · 3 years
tagged by: @songzhong​ (hello, here’s a wall of text, and I enjoyed reading about you Mao!) tagging: @you on the dash - aka you see this you’re tagged.
———  BASICS!​
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Name: Duke ( any pronouns, but most use masculine  )
Face Claims:       - Itsuki Kamiyama from GOTH (professional like above)       - Suga from Night of Drizzling Rain (general)
1) I am an ISTJ and a Taurus...so take that what you will. I’d like to say I’m friendly, but tend to put a very large wall (of text) up so people know what they’re getting into with me and to give an explanation for my actions...as such I am very introverted and only have so much energy for interaction. This leaves me seldom to contact people in the RPC unless I have a specific idea in mind for our muses...which honestly I never do. The best is for me to just chuck a meme at people and see how our muses vibe. After that, well uh...yeah. I’m one of those RPers who have more people I interact IC than OOC cuz OOC interaction takes a lot out of me unless we somehow vibe well.
And by vibe well, I mean our muses generally interact well and aren’t apathetic towards each other. There are so many muns that I respect and consider friends and admire from afar, but we’re not close due to just our muses just not vibing as well as others (which is totes fine it’s just how things sometimes go, ya know?).
( you’ll find that I write a lot hence the read more )
2) I am very stubborn and have a little bit of tunnel vision in my own HCs and world crafting. My muses tend to be people who hold an authoritative and demanding presence where their opinions are stated as truth...which is the complete opposite of my own personality. But I’ve learned that I have to kinda draw my lines and I feel like I can probably give people whiplash between my timid and nervous nature and when it comes to defining my muses. Honestly I’m just very flexible with molding my muses to help fit for interaction, but I do have hard lines and like to make it clear if I’m bending my characters vs how they would naturally act...I tend to make my muses push overs unless I’m like 100% comfy...and even them I make them push overs...hence the amount of my crack threads because I have no sense control and just wanna have fun...with my tight assed muses.
3) That said...I’m just a meme. My main reputation is just being that one mun who RPs a Team Rocket OC with 6 Magikarps. But I truly just have two sides. The very crackish side where (1) I’ll just throw our muses in ridiculous situations and (2) the very angst heavy side that usually only talked about due to my muses handling trauma and very apathetic and nonchalant towards breaking hearts. And as I write this out I feel like I’m giving people whiplash on whoever is reading this since they see Huffman here and is like “oh, how cute what a soft boy” and then I bring up Morax who is just a monstrosity of a muse where I’m toning him down 99% of the time because...well...(*looks at hands*) he’ll end up killing a muse 99% of the time if I don’t stop him and that isn’t fun to RP.
My first experience in RPing in general was on an old website called TinierMe and also a mobile app called VampiresLIVE (lol). However I officially started RPing on Tumblr in 2014 as a Gijinka!Groudon blog originally known as theruleroftheland. After that I’ve slowly branched out of the Pokemon RPC but hold a strong connection with the friends I’ve made there (or kinda, I’m horrible at keeping contact with others since I disappear for months/years at a time). But I’ve found I’m most comfortable writing on tumblr due to the amount of formatting and organization that comes with RPing on here.
I’m slowly branching out to Discord (thank you to my dear RP partners over there who are patient with me because I’m slow) and becoming more accustom with being social over there.
Gender: 100% male to RP as. I find that I gravitate towards males since I have disconnection with male muses from myself and I like having that wall. Writing females get a little too personal for my own comfort so having that extra layer of distance really helps. Also it helps me look at things differently.
Multi or Single: 
I prefer single-muse blogs to run as I like keeping things strictly relating to my muse on one blog and another muse on another. Over the years I’ve been interested in throwing my old muses onto a multi-muse blog but honestly I can never bring myself making a multi-fandom multi-muse blog due to my own heavy need for organization.
As for shipping, I work under what I call a Quasi-Single shipping (aka multi- and single- ship). I operate under the impression that my muses are in an overarching timeline of their life that is heavily affected by their relationships. As such the MULTISHIP aspect is prone to have cheating and relationship overlap. I’m into having muses naturally engage in threesomes, foursomes, lying, cheating, misunderstandings, fights, break ups, get back togethers, etc. with all muses and muns participating together in the joy of it all. Jealousy and questioning of my muses’ relationships and actions are welcomed as I like having the sense that my muses are human and things aren’t so cookie cutter.
That said I am also SINGLESHIP in the sense that most of my muses are not polyamorous and are very much interested in having an end goal relationship where they settle down and marry. With who and how that happens really depends on both my muse and my partner’s muse. So whoever my muse is really shooting to get married to and actively advances will be my main single ship partner...or really whoever is going to influence my muse the most and I can see my muse actually yearning for (which honestly isn’t that many muses *cries*).
That said...Huffman in particular is going to be really hard to single-ship with as he is 100% dedicated his entire life to his lord and savior Lord Barbatos and this is the thanks he gets to Mondstadt and he will betray his own lover and such for Mondstadt.
He is also a(ego)romantic so he has a huge disconnection with serious relationships as he will honestly treat them just like he treats every other citizen in Mondstadt and it can slowly get to any of his partners since he just thinks is just apart of his job as a partner...which is the same job he has with the people of Mondstadt.
Fluff: Generally I don’t find myself interested in fluff, but I realized that is only because of my previous muses couldn’t handle fluff at all. For this particular blog (Huffman) fluff is honestly the only thing that I can offer due to the nature of his character. Fluff with the undertone of angst is going to happen a lot, it’s not going to be sugary sweet fluff but just a result of Huffman’s very grounded and relaxed nature. He is calm and level headed, very rational (a little too rational) and very determined to make sure everyone is happy...and as such angst won’t really happen because Huffman tries to avoid such things naturally.
Angst: I enjoy angst, I’m that person who loves crying and my favorite tropes (especially in shipping) is unrequited love especially when it’s with a character who has so much love and dedication to one person. As such, I find that I’m more inclined to talk about angst than actually RPing it. I’m very slow (really really slow) when it comes to RPing unless it’s crack or relaxed banter. So when it comes to angst, I like to set time aside and fully write it out...making me having to respond weeks to months later...haha sorry. Also I naturally have muses who are apathetic towards angst and other muses feelings that is hard for me to write because I’m the opposite and I get heavily invested...it takes a lot out of me.
That said...most of my angst comes from very slow burns rather than actually writing it out. It’s more of the anticipation of the heartache, breakup, betrayal, cheating, etc. that I’m more inclined to talk about than actually RP...as stated above my muses are generally cold hearted and very accepting of any consequence to their actions...they tend to be planners and expect karma to creep up on them someday.
Smut: I am very particular about smut. I personally like talking about it but actually writing it takes a lot more time for me to do. There are some words that I refuse to write (which happens to be a lot of the smutty words lol) due to how I read them in my head irks me and doesn’t flow right (my worst subject in school was English so I don’t know many words okay). As such, it takes time for me to fully write smut and even then the way I tackle it is very action oriented rather than immersive (I like to think) so uh...RIP my rp partners who want to write smut since I usually respond when I’m half asleep and have no filter and probably stare at me like “wtf did I just read?”. I’m sorry my smut partners who have to deal with me.
plot/ memes:
Memes: I’m more inclined to send memes than actually get around to responding to them. I like keeping my thread count low because I’m slow and usually memes require immediate interaction (something that I may or may not have the time for). However, most of my threads come from memes that will fizzle out over time and I eventually drop without warning- it just how it goes.
Plots: I like plotting and defining pre-established relationships. Having to start everyone off with a blank slate isn’t something I like unless it just seems natural for our muses (ie. for Huffman he probs doesn’t know many Liyue characters, but he definitely is close to Mondstadt characters at least on a name basis). As such, I tend to like establishing relationships and then going from there so I know how Huffman will interact with them.
Plotted threads, however, take a lot out of me as I like coining an idea and then having a starter be written and then go from there. If there are checkpoints to happen, I get awkward because my muses are 95% certain to shift the narrative based on what is being written and the situation that arises. So heavily plotted threads isn’t good, but defining the trajectory of a relationship is something I’m down for...mostly because I’m a quasi-single ship and 99% of my muses relationships are going to fail naturally - which is something hard to bring up when there is ship talking happen.
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alexis-vaughn · 3 years
Get to know the mun! Repost, don’t reblog.
———  𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒.
(PEN)NAME: Serena
PRONOUNS: she/her
ZODIAC SIGN: Gemini, Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
1! ♡    Japan is my favorite country and I feel very connected to the culture and people. I visit it every 1-2 years and also lived a while in tokyo and really loved it. I really am homesick due to the pandemic cause I couldn’t travel there last year :(
2! ♡ I’m a big fan of sailor moon and you will find pieces of merchandise and stuff from it everywhere in my flat. That’s also where I got my love for pink from so nearly half of my flat is pink... walls, furniture, clothes, carpets, blankets, decorations etc (also my hair is pink since 10 years if I don’t change it when the color runs out 😂) and some people think I live here with a daughter I don’t have when they come in the first time 😂
3! ♡  If I love something, I start collecting it right away. I can’t go half in, I’m always all in cause I’m very passionate about everything I love. No matter if certain franchises, bands, brands, candy etc 👀 (my biggest collections are cups, frogs, unicorns, Pokémon, sailor moon, Dir en grey, TWD, rilakkuma, snowmen, clothes, plushees, jewelry and of course everything pink)
I started roleplaying on Myspace in 2006. I started with one single muse, but back then exclusivity was a big thing and things like multi shipping didn’t really exist, so I created more than one version of this character very soon so I could have different profiles and partners. It got way out of hand so in the end I had like 10 profiles and some of them with multi muses where you could request muses and ugh 😂 crazy times. I left for a few years after the drama took over (jealousy is a big thing in rpc it seems, also affecting rl back then 🙄) and rl got too busy. I started writing Rick in 2019 and tried different platforms like Amino and even Twitter for rp, but deleted them after one day 😂 after reading randomly some rps on tumblr on my timeline, I created these profiles in 2020, after I struggled a whole year with the decision if I really dare to put up another Rick on here or just go with Alexis, cause I was highly aware of how jealousy in rp between different portrayals of a main character could affect the fun (like I made the experience in 2006 already), but in the end I’m very happy I put my two babies on here and that my portrayal of Rick got accepted, cause I met so many great people and love you all so much 🥺 I’m so happy to see different portrayals of every character and I’m glad a lot changed since back then, even if some problems are still there. But I love this place so thank u 🥺
Anti Hero’s. Yes, many claim that Rick is the typical “hero” persona, but I definitely don’t think so. He can be such a beast and has such a troubled soul, that I absolutely love to play a complex character like him. Complexity is important for me, that’s why also my Alex has so many different traits, some that I see in myself and some I just love to watch to get inspired by it. Even in the past I loved characters like Prue from Charmed (who many fans hated cause she was a bit bitchy or seemed cold) or Buffy (who had this struggle about her depression and the love triangle) and of course Sailor Moon (yes, she is an Anti hero for me cause SPOILER in one version of her story she killed everyone and was reborn to change this past and yes she also had love triangles and let’s be honest she was not a good fighter 😂) who I never considered the “perfect hero’s” as well. I just like that concept ♥︎
———  𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅  /  𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓  /  𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓.  
FLUFF:  I love fluff cause I’m a hopeless romantic. But I could never write only fluff. Usually my characters are deeply struggling and it needs a while until they get fluffy in a relationship, but if they do it gets very corny. But the best fluff is the one after a big plot of struggles and angst cause then it feels even more rewarding.
ANGST:  my favorite ♥︎ I think angst is the reason why I rp and also why I prefer to write complicated relationships. In friendship or family rp there is not much angst included for me and that’s why I rather focus on complex stories with difficult topics cause I use rp to compensate things that happen in my life and that works best with angst for me.
SMUT: I love smut! I love to read it, I love to create it, but sometimes I absolutely despite anything I write 😂 I always think smut is my weakest point to write, but I love to read and play it so much that I’m sometimes only in the mood for smut for example when I’m in a bad mood. Somehow it helps me compensating when I feel bad. But yeah, I adore it and have nearly no limits, but I consider myself a horrible smut writer 😂 (in my fanfic the next chapter would include smut and I postpone to write it since over a year now cause I’m so scared to ruin it 😂)
PLOT / MEMES: I love plotting! I actually need a good communication with the other mun to develop a nice complex story, cause if I click with the mun, I could write hundreds of parallel stories and characters with them. I need that kind of trust for writing tbh cause this is my safe place and I create friendships here. That’s why I have no time for hate or ignorance or jealousy cause this is something I love and the muns are giving me a chance to connect. But I absolutely don’t mind starting with memes and short threads to see how it’s going and jump from thread to thread if motivation fades for one certain part. Sometimes you just wanna write a short meme and not continue a thread/story, but that’s really an individual thing.
Tagged by: @betaofthedead thank u ♥︎
Tagging: @mettleborn @justacomedy @wexarethewalkingxdead @gcverncr @mxlodic @merlexxdixon and everyone who wants
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ayakoito · 3 years
Mun Views: 1-20 🤭🤭
Okay, you want that so here we GO:
1. On formatting. - Except for sometimes writing some words in italics for emphasis, I don't do it, but if others do it, I have no problem with it. But when it's really blatantly overdone with small font on blogs, I wonder if it's really a little unnecessary because no one can read it or if my eyes are just bad due to age.
2. On OCs. - I am an OC blog so COME AT ME WITH YOUR OCs!
3. On smut. - I love it and do it on all three of my blogs! Also, it's very interesting to see/read how your RP partner describes certain things and what words are used.
4. On your fandom. - I’m not in one.
5. On exclusivity. - To be honest, I don't understand "exclusivity". Is it the same as "selective"? I can understand that not everyone wants to write with everyone, but when I myself come across a blog that is "selective" I'm more like "Okay, I'll find other blogs to follow because you certainly don't want to write with ME" 😂
6. On 'burnbookisms'/anti-blogs. - Wtf is that??? 7. On hate. - Pretty stupid and is not supported. If you want hate go hate yourself. 8. On positivity. - YES, always! Although I'm never sure if it will be appreciated because I'm pretty anxious about some things and stupid. 9. On OOC posts. - If you feel like writing about yourself and your life, just do it. If others aren't up for it, let them and unfollow you. It's that simple. 10. On URLs. - URLs are URLs... ??
11. On your character. - It sometimes annoys me that they are not fully developed, but since I make little effort to do so, I guess that's the way it should be. But when I have an inspiration or people ask me certain things about my characters, it often helps me. Or when I have threads where something happens that presents new things about them. But all in all, I like them, I think. 12. On your own writing. - It's quite okay, I think. I'm not the best and I don't always write huge paragraphs like some people expect. But then again, it always depends on the situation and whether huge paragraphs are necessary at all.
13. On following back. - When someone follows me, I check their blog to see if I'm even interested in following back, so I don't do it automatically. If I follow someone and they follow me back, I think that's great because I think the person is interested in writing with me.
14. On one-liners. No problem if the situation just doesn't call for more, but I usually only find this okay with any shenanigans going on between characters aka crack RP.
15. On tumblr. - Oh boy, don't get me started on Tumblr. I've been on Tumblr with my personal blog since 2011 and at first I thought it was a pretty nice site until I found out how much people suck at it. Tumblr actually really sucks, but over time I figured out which people I could and couldn't follow, so my dashboard only contained content that actually interested me.
The RPC is a whole different ballgame again. I had quite a bit of trouble even writing with anyone in the beginning. I thought people were cool and easy, but somehow I didn't like it at all. Until I eventually found a connection and even friends. My experience has improved significantly, although many people still behave strangely by ignoring others, because they seem to feel like something better, because they are ELITE RP'er or what so ever... We are all here to have fun and sometimes you shouldn't take it all so seriously.
16. On roleplaying in general. - It's fun, even if sometimes I just don't feel like it or rather don't have time and am tired. It's also not easy with a full-time job, but ultimately I love it very much ❤️
17. On multi-muse blogs. - To be honest, I was skeptical at first, but in the meantime I was taught better and if you want, you can all come to me with your Mumu-Blogs! I myself have already thought about how it would be to simply bring my babies together in a Mumu-Blog, but actually I like it as it is now. Has its advantages.
18. On side blogs. - Ayako is my main and Lian and Matthew are my side blogs. Of course it would be much cooler if all three had the same possibilities like sending asks, replying to posts etc., but I don't want to create three different e-mail addresses and open three browsers to write with each of them individually.
19. On icon/gif/image use. - I really appreciate it! But also understand if you have a thread with over 100 posts and not for every reply an icon / gif ready. Or there's just way too little content for your faceclaim (like me with Matthew...) If you prefer not to use icons or gifs at all, that's totally fine with me too!
20. On 'popular' blogs. - I don't know... If they're popular because they have awesome characters and can write really well, good for them! I myself often feel like I don't fit in because I'm not cool enough 😂
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mrfunnybone · 4 years
FILL OUT & REPOST ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. TAGGED BY: Stolen from @battleshell TAGGING: @ladydreemurr @wdvoided @puzzlebones @flametendingbartender, @the-judge-of-bones @witchandateashop, and @bravest
MY MUSE IS:   CANON / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. [Some would say overly so.]
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ somehow...yes? Apparently?]
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ Yes. Most players agree that Sans fight is one of the toughest in the game, and the Gaster Blasters do pack a punch.]
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. [ Underrated? Certainly not. Overrated? Hmm..]
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO [Hot take, but as of now, there are no CANON facts 100% supporting the idea that Sans was tied to main story plot elements. If you took him out, the actual story wouldn’t change much, you would just go straight to Asgore’s fight. ]
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ Sans is one of the main monsters that the MC interacts with, and acts as the Judge near the end of the game, which reveals a lot of unknown information to the MC.]
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. [ The scene in Grillby’s seems to suggest that, at least in Snowdin, Sans is well-known and well-liked.]
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. [ While fellow Grillby customers and a few other Snowdin residents seem to like him, he’s also seen to irritate other characters with his laziness, bad jokes, or shenanigans. Even Undyne admits that she’d fire him, but he always manages to do the bare minimum to avoid it being justified.]
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?  — I do! Though I also offer my own spin on San’s backstory and my own interpretation of canon hints. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! AKA TRY TO LIST EVERYTHING, WHICH MAKES YOUR MUSE INTERESTING IN YOUR OPINION TO MAKE THEM SPICY FOR YOUR MUTUALS.  —  Jokes in the face of nihilism and a juxtaposition to the field of science, Sans is full of contradictions in a fairly entertaining and interesting way. He appears to be incredibly intelligent, but talks and dresses like he’s any ol’ joe. He appears to have symptoms of depression but still acts fairly chummy. He is both one of the hardest fights you’ll apparently face and yet only needs one hit to be defeated. Sans apparently cares for nothing and yet also holds his brother in very high esteem. He appears difficult to get close to, yet he bonded with a stranger over bad jokes and kept a promise to her even though he never even knew her name. Sans can be defined by both what he is and what he appears to be. 
NOW THE OPPOSITE, LIST EVERYTHING WHY YOUR MUSE COULD NOT BE SO INTERESTING (EVEN IF YOU MAY NOT AGREE, WHAT DOES THE FANDOM PERHAPS THINK?).  —  Sans is credited with far more than he’s actually due by the fandom. He doesn’t seem to really care for you, the player, like Toriel or other monsters do. He’s not a hero, past or present, like Gerson or Undyne. He doesn’t really help avoid the player getting hurt or captured like Papyrus does. He doesn’t push the plot forward and he doesn’t take action; as a character, Sans is purely reactive, and if he were the Main Character, that would be a huge flaw. 
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?  —  I first joined the Tumblr RPC as a Frisk RP Blog, way back in the day, and that was because I stumbled across a Sans RP blog that I found very interesting. This character that I had largely not put too much thought in during the game suddenly had a very complex narrative and I loved reading his dialogue (it didn’t hurt that the mun was clearly a talented writer). Eventually, I realized I wanted to try my hand at writing him too, and so I started my own Sans RP blog.
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?  —  you guys. The fandom, the artists, the other Sans/Undertale RP blogs, the fanfiction authors— when I start getting bored or stale, you suddenly present this indie game, and by extension Sans, in a new angle that draws me back in. Thank you. 
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ Some of my old favorites in the Sans RP game, I think, did a bit better job of consistently getting his character right. Still, I hope I give him justice too.]
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? 
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO 
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO [ Often! When I’m actively writing him, anyway.]
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? [ I am! Like I said, I think there have been others who did it better, but I wouldn’t say my portrayal is bad.]
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. [ Most of the time! Sometimes I get writer's anxiety, and it doesn’t help that Tumblr gets me at my rawest. I have no editor, my posts normally receive just a brief proof-reading, and I’m sometimes experimenting for the first time with a particular genre/scene/style. I wouldn’t point to all of my writing here as my best or strongest work, but I can write solid stuff.]
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / SORTA. [ I wouldn’t say I’m sensitive in terms of people criticizing me, personally, but I am sensitive to other people. When something bad or unfair happens to someone, I usually feel upset for them. It can get very emotionally exhausting.] 
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?  —  I would say so! In general, I’m used to critiques for both writing and art, as I’ve taken courses that incorporated both heavily. 
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?  —  Not necessarily! I’m always interested in hearing different takes, but if someone said, “I don’t agree,” and didn’t follow up with an explanation on their own, I wouldn’t ask for one. 
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?  —  Kind of the same as above. I would be interested in hearing why if they offered up why, but otherwise, I’m not really going to ask because they don’t OWE ME an explanation. For example, I like a lot of books, and I don’t like a lot of books, and that’s not really a judge of their quality as much as it is my own personal taste. Number one rule as a writer, you have to learn and accept that your stuff won’t appeal to everyone. 
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?  —  I get it, haha. Characters that are hyped up like Sans are easy to get annoyed by. Even if he wasn’t hyped up, though, again, it makes sense that someone wouldn’t like him. Just like a book, a character can’t appeal to everyone. 
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?  —  Please do! It’s embarrassing when I catch them later, hahaha. 
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?   —  I think so! I try to be, anyway. Sometimes I worry I’m too casual with slipping into IM’s or commenting on posts, but so far I don’t think I’ve scared anyone off, so that’s good. 
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mediioxumate · 4 years
send  🌻 and i’ll talk about whatever! || @offiiciium  || accepting!
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🌻 - break no fucking mercy run i guess asdjkfhaksfd so uuuhhh yeets under a cut so no one hates me ajksfdhalksdf
🌻 - much like with fenrich, i have yet to start watching nge but i’m already down to give everything to shinji ikari which is impressive, you are so powerful. 
🌻 - i’m excited about it bc similar to dr i have somehow managed to avoid ?? most spoilers, i know some memes and stuff here and there
🌻 - more dr3 thoughts because i have a lot. i don’t love the amount of faked out deaths, it’s a little overdone. especially that they’ve used it SPECIFICALLY on the survivors so they know we’re attached, it feels cheap. 
🌻 - also chiaki shouldn’t be there like i love her but it LITERALLY makes no sense, and I know some of the spoilers about her and chisa. but also her entire interactions with hajime in the beginning are so good and just punched me in the how much i love that ship tbh.
🌻 - similar vein, i want to write up formal posts, but i feel like the dr3 falling to despair explanations don’t line up to me. as far as i’m concerned, there’s a solid base for every sdr2 character to be exploited - all of them are unhappy or unsatisfied in some way or another - and in particular, it’s heavily tied to their talents. getting master manipulator junko involved, and exploiting that bitterness towards hope’s peak, it doesn’t seem like a stretch to have her exploit those tensions to her advantage.
🌻 - oh also hagakure’s design glow up in dr3 almost makes me want to care him. almost. i do wish they’d do something with his character other than make him stupid but alas. 
🌻 - i want more toko. just in general. her character has so much potential and i felt like we started to get it in UDG and then the game was OVER and that’s just horrible. she deserves so much. and to kiss komaru a lot. 
🌻 - on the topic of UDG tho i am SICK of the little green bitch!! done with her!! can i get five LESS i’m OVER it!!!!
🌻 - i really need to read the mukuro novel, i’m very curious about her, she seems like such an interesting character but i haven’t touched her much yet. i also wanna read dr0 or at least a summary. i’ve never had a hyperfixation ever in my entire life. 
🌻 - i started playing dr2 on my phone at lunch today and i have to say the phone interface is way better than i expected! they take up a stupid amount of space and are 100% worth it lol
🌻 - i love playing imessage games but i am so bad at them i lose ALL the time lol, my current kick is battleship, but can go for darts, chess, and filler!!
🌻 - my Anxiety phone game is solitaire - it gives me something to do with my hands to help me pay attention. 
🌻 - my Mindless game is arknights when i’m farming! just throw on auto deploys while i watch things or draw or write haha
🌻 - i also play lovenikki, which is my before bed game.
🌻 - maybe video games own my life more than previously calculated 
🌻 - on theme, i’ve been thinking about finally properly finishing pokemon shield, i finished most of the main story but i have caught legendary buppo yet and i need to ksjfhasjlkfd
🌻 - my favorite pokemon are stufful and furret and noibat and ninetales!! i have a type. fire types are my personal niche and favorite!!
🌻 - my first tumblr rpc was pokemon!! i think my love of fire types started when i wrote chili, but i also wrote jasmine, mei, and an oc!
🌻 - i also used to have a few harvest moon OCs in a harvest moon rp group!! i miss them... one day i will revamp them, they’re good kids - laura and kinta were the names :0 
🌻 - my favorite harvest moon game is magical melody but specifically with the game cube add on that let you port in the mineral town characters, absolutely top tier!! i miss playing it so much. second fave is harvest moon ds. in both of these i marry ann bc i’m predictable. 
🌻 - close second for a wonderful life! it was my first harvest moon game and it meant i could marry celia over and over and over and over again. i love her. she’s so good. another wonderful life sucked bc the bachelors were shit. give me the same quality as the women or perish. but hmds cute was good, i love the mineral town boys 
🌻 - i didn’t know stardew valley could be multi player but i think it can be so i think someone should play with me 
🌻 - i made a joke that izuru kamukura is just mew two and now i physically can’t stop thinking about it
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vagabcnds · 4 years
i have tossed around making this post for months now, gone back and forth with myself and my friends about if it would even be worth posting this. honestly, i don’t know if telling my side of this is going to do any good, but i think it’s time that i added some more information to this whole situation so that even more people can see that our friends (and i use that term with as much sarcasm as possible) @seattlehqrpg​ , as well as her other rp @canterlotislandhq​​ , have not changed, and will not change. this is indeed another psa about this woman, but with some more information and one on one conversations with the woman. 
hey hi, hello, so, my name is maig, i’ve been around the rpc for over a decade, and right now you might recognize my multifandom : @hiddenwashington​ . we’re an appless multifandom that i started up two years ago. and over those two years, we have dealt with jasmine, jazzy, jackie, jacqueline, whatever j name she wants to call herself this time, on and off, for that duration. 
and just to clear up some information from other psas, i do not believe this is the same nova/jazzy that was terrorizing groups last year with attacking and fighting admins. we’ve spoken with j multiple times, as well as jazzy/nova, and honestly i can tell for sure these are not the same people. unfortunately, there is more than one bad egg in the rpc.
i have a ton of screenshots, so forgive me for not using them all. a link to a google drive will be at the end of this, for all of the screenshots i have of stolen asks, interactions, etc. but i’ll just be using key information for this specific post. or else we’ll be here all day.
when we first encountered j (we’ll just use “j” for now since she focuses on whatever name we call her more than the content of the psas. and all her aliases start with it idk), we thought she was just another person who wanted to join but sort of went about it the wrong way. we first got an anon on the main, asking if our current ginny (that being me) would be willing to give her up. because j wanted to play her. 
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we had gotten an anon asking about if we were welcoming towards people with social anxiety (or something like that. it’s been two years now since this all happened so specifics are a little fuzzy. like i said we’ve been dealing with her for so long.) i pretty much hit her with “i’m not willing to drop her because i still want to play her but hmu on my character account and we can chat about other characters for you to play”. i had no idea that answering it would lead us down this rabbit hole i’m writing about today. we sorta chatted, she kinda just rambled to me about how she wanted to write someone not like her so she could have a challenge. valid. i tried helping out, i didn’t really know what fandoms she was into so i said what i could and then went onto the main. when i got back onto my account, she had taken it upon herself to critique my portrayal of ginny, asking if she would ever say ‘dick’. she kept messaging me, sandwiching that comment between other questions. i told her i didn’t appreciate unsolicited critiques. i tried to move past it but she kept at me about it. telling me she hadn’t read the books in 10 years. and only read one. the last one, in 3 hours. idk overall it was a weird conversation and i sort of thought that was the end of it. 
honestly, i’m not gonna spend a TON of time on this already too long psa going on about every interaction we had with her, every crazy thing she said. most importantly, we accepted her in, thinking she was just a little wild but us talking to her covered it. she ended up going in active over easter or spring break or something, wanted to take up another character, we told her to wait to pick her activity up. ya know, standard admin business. and then she started attacking us. telling us we didn’t care about her, about what she went through not having a computer or whatever. she started sending us anons about how her friend stole her money and we don’t care about her and we all hate her so why should she stay. it was kinda insane. again, check the google doc for all that. she ended up leaving, we got some anons about how she never joined other rps because of admins like us. just random things here and there, some anons about how dare we talk to people like we did. just random shit that really only she could come up with. but we had an rp to run, lives to get on with, tv shows to binge, idk fam. life goes on. 
honestly, we sort of forgot about this whole mess for like close to a year? that was when we started getting ims. from her. we knew bc it was the same accounts as before. she uses the same ones over and over, it’s easy to keep track of her. it’s sort of why we never felt the need to bring anything up, we always thought she was just stealing from us and we knew when it was her and when to refuse to accept the questions. this is where we enter phase two of hidden’s journey with “j” : the thief. 
this is one of our earliest encounters. before she started sending them on anon. 
(for some quick context, she would send us questions for fcs, ask if a character was open and then go around trying to poach our members for her group)
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tw suicidal thoughts for this next picture 
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honestly this goes on for like 10 more pictures, so instead of spamming here, the full conversation is in the google drive under the folder : a fight that almost was
she eventually goes on to call me out as the admin talking to her, i tell her again to message me off the main so that we could get back to actually admining our group. she hits me up, calls me “a cute ginny mun”, and then proceeds to ask me to help her fill out Her Own Application for ginny for her own group!! 
the tiktok video of “did a full one eightyyy” is all that is going through my head from this specific encounter. 
anyways. this is when the stealing really amped up, for not just us, but for the entire rpc. around this time, we had stupidly let her back into the group, i had wanted to keep my eye on her personally. see what she was stealing from the inside. idk i was dumb. this is also around the time the first psa about her came around. 
enter, phase three. it’s similar to phase two, but this time, “j” must tell everyone she is in fact Not A Thief™
so, during this time, it was around may of last year? while she was in the group, she started stealing more, we were catching her in the act, and we eventually had to kick her out of hidden. it’s not really a shock but ya know. gotta do what you gotta do. 
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she was going by jasmine at the time. anyways. this is also before her current group @seattlehqrpg​ , when she still had @manilahq and @forgottenfriendshiphq or whatever she changed that too. she was getting a ton of “hate” over there. mainly anons telling her to stop stealing from other creators. valid. 
anyways, she would blame us for all of the stealing, that we were the true thieves. idk we were her scapegoats for a long time. i can confirm to you all now, i have never, nor have any of my admins, sent her any messages to steal fcs or anything to “attack” her. honestly we try to forget she exists but she just makes it so hard to ignore her with all of this. 
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anyways, this has been our song and dance with “j” for a while now. we get an anon, we answer, she steals from us in a matter of hours. i’m sure everyone can attest to that similar situation. i mean, here’s just like a couple instances. i have hundreds in the google docs, dating back years. this behavior doesn’t change.
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i mean, she has even gone as far as to steal our plot. sure, it’s not exactly original. every multifandom somehow brings all these characters to a city by magic or something. but the mention of the witch, the alternate universe city, the memories. it just all around reads plagiarism. 
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so, check the google doc for more evidence i guess if you really need to! 
but, some things we’ve noticed, beyond her just stealing asks and plots and EVENTS ??? AND NOW TASKS ??? check out this post for the tasks, and this other psa for the event. because that shit is so fucked. 
she has also straight up stolen replies and claimed them as her own. my friend and fellow admin, was in her rp for a hot minute, and played pacifica northwest. (some information is crossed out for privacy) this was from us talking about the plagiarism, of her stealing from my friend while “j” was in hidden, which we both admin.
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this is her post
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and this is "j”’s, while she was in hidden.
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i mean, same gif and everything friends. 
she constantly goes on about how she doesn’t look at other rps, how she doesn’t have time, that she’s running five other groups, but honey, we’re running those groups for you with all the stealing!! i mean, just as further proof that she is constantly looking at other groups, including hidden, to an obsessive amount. a member left her group (who then went and joined us we believe), and this was her unfollow for them. (i feel so sorry for that member to be called out like this?? how uncomfortable do you have to make your former and current members???)
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and hidden’s character count that same day ??? coincidence, i think not.
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listen, this isn’t meant to stir up more drama, i know it will and that’s kinda why i put this off. everyone had sort of said what needed to be said? it didn’t feel necessary to repeat the same shit we all knew. but with more of this happening, with her stealing plots, tasks and events. it felt like this was the time to strike, to get this awareness back up. she needs to stop, and if we all ban together, maybe we can stop it? i don’t know. but i have hope that this can all change if we have each other’s backs. 
this has been hiddenwashington’s side of the story, i’m sure there are still more groups out there with stories or stolen asks. and i am sorry to anyone who has had to deal with her. but just, do yourselves a favor and look out for anyone with a j alias, 21+. she/her, from pst. who also uses “RPG” a lot. 
a lot of this stuff is old, but she’s still doing this in @seattlehqrpg​​ i just grabbed these screenshots because it’s what i had on hand. but anyways. here is the link to the google drive with all of our screenshots we have complied.
if you have any questions, comments, concerns, what have you: my inbox (including anons), ims and everything are open and i am more than happy to chat!! please come talk with me about anything!!!
stay safe, and thanks for joining me on this season of To Catch a Plagiarizer. 
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tenyxshx-a · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥  This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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My muse is: canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Are they underrated? YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main story? YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO
How’s their reputation? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL
How strictly do you follow canon?
Pretty strictly honestly? I know people like to portray me as some canon-divergent or AU Doflamingo but I do insist that my Doflamingo is as close to canon as possible. Of course I add more emotional stuff to him but he’s still the Doflamingo we know and love from One Piece!
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals. 
I mean, shallow things first, he’s good looking. That aside, Doflamingo loves to play yet also takes things seriously. You want someone to hold a good conversation with? He’s good at that. You want someone who’s interested in more serious talk? He can do that. You want someone to spar with? He can take you on. You want someone to have fun with? His sense of having fun may be different but he’s in no way boring. Doflamingo is a man with many sides, and he’s very good at adapting to the companionship he’s with.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).
Doflamingo is a man with many sides, that also means he might exactly be what the other person doesn’t want. Doflamingo is very stubborn and whimsical so it can be hard to keep up. He also doesn’t like not getting his way so he can grow angry at that. Doflamingo is also sadistic, with little to no regard to the opinions of those around him.
What inspired you to rp your muse?
Honestly, it’s hard to describe. I just loved him after seeing him at the marineford war arc. He was cool looking, he had a giant feather coat (and I love birds), he was intriguing and ngl, his voice actor Hideyuki Tanaka also won me over. From that moment on I just kept on loving him more. With every detail I just got more interested. If it weren’t for Doflamingo I probably wouldn’t have kept on going on with watching One Piece.
What keeps your inspiration going?
Everything honestly? I just get inspired by almost anything! It’s not that I don’t have any inspiration to write him, it’s usually that I don’t have energy or emotional capacity to deal with tumblr rpc. But I’ve never ran out of inspiration for him.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice? YES / NO (I wish I could say yes, but t//mblr really makes me doubt it so *shrug*)
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO (not on here, but I love writing headcanon! I just don’t like sharing them. )
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO (same as the hc, I usually don’t write them on here)
Do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO (same as with giving the character justice, I wish I could say yes but on here, I feel like my portrayal isn’t good so there’s no confidence here!)
Are you confident in your writing? YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
I like to think I do? I just... Listen to it. I get a shitton of crap for my portrayal, both voiced in words and actions so regardless of whether I take it well or not, I take it. I like to try and learn things out of it. Granted, I rarely get criticism on here, I just get like... Hate... Or insults. Fun.
A lot of people nowadays don’t even know what criticism is and what isn’t.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?
Absolutely! I’m awkward at answering them though, because it feels like answering in your muse’s place? And sometimes you just know your answer isn’t what most people think about your muse so you’re kind of stuck between giving the obvious one or revealing your headcanons? But I love answering questions, they’re a great way to further develop your portrayal and they usually write faster than threads!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?
Not really. Half of the time they let you know anyways why they don’t agree lmao. People have their own hc. As long as someone doesn’t bash mine I won’t really take note of it? If someone disagrees that’s fine, if that someone proceeds to make a hc. completely the opposite of it and ends up explaining it like an ass, then I end up knowing why but wishing I didn’t.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
Like I take it on here, which is just accept it. People don’t owe you a liking to your portrayal. Everyone has different tastes, opinions and views so really, there’s nothing to do about it. I do prefer if people would just ignore it and move on but some people get really heated over not liking your portrayal. If someone openly and continuously disagrees and bashes I might not take it and tell them to fuck off.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
Hard if it’s openly expressed towards me, otherwise it’s live and let live. Not everyone’s gonna like the character you like, and honestly, that means more to like for you. I’ve had one person openly hate on Doflamingo though and it was very exhausting. I took it not personally but I still kind of got hurt about it? Granted there was more going on with that person but... It hurts if people express their hate about a character you love to you. If they stay away with their hate I don’t really pay attention to it.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?
Definitely! English is not my first language... Not even my second one either! And there’s nothing more hateful than rereading something on your blog you really love and then finally noticing a grammatical error... or a spelling mistake... It hurts Dx!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
I try to be, and I do think I’m wayyy more easy going than when I first started RPing. But even if you think of yourself as easy going, it’s how people view you that ends up telling whether or not you are easy-going!
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
➸  Tagger: @despairforme​ (thank you snail!!! ♥)
➸  Tagging: @mcnypieces​, you reading this, and people like me who should be on hiatus but are not on hiatus!
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. image:
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO. Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. (It depends? I think she’s gorgeous lol) Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. (She should be and I’ll fight anyone that says otherwise) Are they underrated?  YES / NO. Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. (cue argument that Ichigo and Rukia are two halves of a main protag) Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO. How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. How strictly do you follow canon?  —  I follow canon pretty much up to the last few chapters (although I do rp the ending ship as well) so it’s really flexible within canon. Ichiruki is my OTP but RenRuki is my second favorite. I do not believe Rukia would have been fine with everything going back to “status quo” in the Soul Society so that’s where I refuse to follow canon at all. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Rukia is one of the most selfless characters in this series. She would not hesitate to risk her life to save a stranger. She doesn’t tolerate bullying or any abuse of power. Frequently she puts the needs of others above her own. Rukia takes her duties as a soul reaper very seriously but is not a blind rule follower. If a rule doesn’t match her morals, she’ll ignore it. She’ll come across like a noble (because she technically is one by adoption) but she can go from sipping plum wine elegantly in a super expensive silk kimono that will take your breath away to pickpocketing your valuables, sweeping your legs out from under you and fighting dirty. Can you ask for more?
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — Well she’s not particularly striking physically. She’s very small and doesn’t look very intimidating. Rukia is also not very friendly naturally. This doesn’t mean she’s rude, she just doesn’t let very many people into her inner circle. She’s not very physically affectionate with those outside her group and is a little awkward with receiving it from others. Also while Rukia doesn’t lie, she would say somewhat neutral things rather than hurt someone’s feelings. I think some of the fandom might think she’s weak and constantly just getting rescued by someone stronger than her, I severely disagree with this (and have words for Kubo about that). Her bankai I think is one of the most powerful but in a quiet way. (No one else has to actually die for the bankai, do they? Yeah, she’s bad ass.)
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —   When I first started watching Bleach, I connected with Rukia instantly on a very personal level. I loved everything about her and she resonated with me a lot. I feel like I can understand her easily and it just flowed. When I first joined the RPC, there was no question as to which character I would be doing. She’s the only one I’ve very really roleplayed. I cosplay her at cons and I just love everything about her, flaws and all.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —   Honestly, that connection did not waver, even during my hiatus. I love the fan art and fan fics, head canons, etc. I love exploring her character and developing her beyond what Kubo gave us. 
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. ( I hope) Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. (YES and I love it) Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO. Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. (sometimes?) Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. (sometimes?) Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — ahh so I take criticism super personally even when I know it’s not meant so I guess it depends on the delivery? I will probably mull it over for a few days before the sting is gone. So if you have some, just be nice? lol
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  YES YES YES! I absolutely love head canons and questions that make me think about what my character would do or think. I welcome them all the time and I don’t care how silly or obscure they may sound so send them my way!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Sure. I mean, if it’s just a difference on opinion without much fact to back either one, then it’s probably just going to be an agree to disagree. But if it’s something that they have more information on that refutes something I said (like canon evidence), please share! It could be that I didn’t know or we interpreted it differently. I welcome that kind of debate or conversation. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I certainly don’t believe everyone has to like my way of writing Rukia. If they don’t like it, I would probably just say they can ignore it or unfollow (because why would you follow me if you don’t like what I write? I mean, come on.) 
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  Well, if it’s like  they just can’t stand my character at all, again... you can unfollow me anytime? Why would you follow an rp blog of a character you dislike so strongly? I mean, I don’t mind anyone following me if they keep it to themselves but if someone is going to be upset anytime they see my writing or my character on their dash, doesn’t it make sense to not follow? I’m not sure what the purpose of this question is but again, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  So I’m human like anyone else. Sometimes I’m typing on my phone, sometimes I’m typing really fast, sometimes I’m distracted by my toddler or work. I don’t mind gentle corrections but if I feel that I have to proofread my threads or posts before posting them because of someone pointing out errors, it’s really going to make me hesitant to write. So I guess what I’m saying is if you want do so kindly and every so often, that’s fine but if you get to be a stickler about it, it’s going to make me less likely to interact with you. 
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I would like to think I am? This is probably a better question for my partners but I don’t think I’m too strict?
That’s about it, congrats for filling out! tagged by @bleachintothemultiverse​ Tagging: @wild-pineapple-butt​, @nightbeat-cat​, @deivorous​, @toomanydamnmuses​, @glacies-tempestatem​, @t-hitsugaya​, @toshiro-hitsugaya​, and anyone else that wants to do this lol 
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