#that secretly everyone must hate me because my friends have shown me that they don't like me
lyxchen · 10 months
Sometimes I forget that people like me. Not everyone secretly hates me actually and I have to remember that!!
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chrisdiels-babygirl · 3 years
Chapter three: I will always keep you safe
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Amora found herself wide awake on Friday morning she couldn't sleep, she briefly thought about her date with the man she'd met in Maria's café on Tuesday, she had to admit the thought of going out with him tonight made her feel a little queezy and a little unnerved, the only reason she had said yes was because her best friend Carol had been going on and on about how Amora needed to put herself out their more and date some guys, Amora remembered how Carol joked one time and said "you never know you might meet Mr right", but if Amora was being completely honest with herself she was also disappointed about how Christopher hadn't asked her on a date, she would much rather go out with him than the guy from the café, she then allowed her thoughts to wander to Christopher and how she'd grown so fond of their interactions in the mornings, she now knew how he liked his coffee, that the intimidating man who was always with him was called zabdiel, that he and Chris had been best friends basically their whole lives along with their three other best friends and how he was not actually that intimidating once you got to know him, rather he was more like a gigantic teddy bear, but zabdiel told her never to tell anyone else that because he had a reputation to up hold, which Amora remembered made her laugh in the moment.
Amora was just peacefully laying on her back facing up at the ceiling when suddenly she heard loud rapid knocking on her front door, she got out of bed and padded across the floor wondering who the hell it could be at this time in the morning.
Amora opened the door to two men with caramel like skin, both had black hair but one of them also had a beard and a pair of black sun glasses on, Amora gave them a questioning look, she had no idea who they were and thought to herself they must have the wrong apartment. The man without the sun glasses spoke first "are you Amora" he asked her, Amora wanted to know how the hell he knew her name and where she lived, she cautiously nodded her head yes. The man with the sun glasses on then stepped forward and forcefully grabbed Amora's wrist and said "you need to come with us", she panicked, where they trying to kidnap her, she tried to yank her wrist back "I'm not going anywhere with you" her voice raising and becoming more panicked, when suddenly in walked through her door zabdiel, "zabdiel" Amora yelled with relief as she ran to hug him, he carefully tucked her in his arms, she gazed up at him as she pointed a finger back at the other two men "their trying to kidnap me" she frantically told him, zabdiel looked up from her face and the gentle look he had been looking at Amora with vanished and was replaced by the mean glare she knew all to well, "what does she mean you tried to kidnap her" he asked coldly, the guy who had previously grabbed Amora stood forward and said "we told her she had to come with us" "thats it" zabdiel snapped, he was loosing his patience, the two men stood back with their heads hung low. Zabdiel turned to Amora "I'm sorry about these two idiots they appear to have left their manor's at home" zabdiel said staring at them with a look that could have killed them, he then turned to Amora and his gentle gaze was back "Christopher sent me to get you, he needs to talk to you" Amora looked at zabdiel with an apologetic look on her face and said "I'm sorry zabdi, but I've work, can it not wait till later", the two men behind her raising their heads with shocked looks on their faces at the mention of the nickname, as they both knew very well he hated that nickname and they were even more surprised when zabdiel didnt give out to her for it, "No it can't wait, Amora please its important" he said it so softly she almost mistook it for a whisper, she nervously bit her lip and pondered the idea, Amora strolled over to her nightstand to pick up her phone, she dialed her work number and told them she was sick and she wouldn't be in today, zabdiel smiled at her, grateful that he had managed to persuade her, "why don't you get dressed we'll wait outside the door for you.
Amora stepped outside her apartment door and zabdiel was right there just like he told her he would be, to tell the truth the other two men made her uneasy and she didnt really want to be left alone with them. Amora sat next to zabdiel in the car, the whole time her eyes never left her lap, she felt intimidated under the other two men's gaze.
Finally the car pulled up to a house that appeared to be more like a mansion. Amora stepped out of the car and zabdiel led her into the house, the other two men walked ahead of them into what she presumed to be the living room. As soon as Amora stepped foot into the living room her eyes wandered around the room, she first noticed Christopher, which made her feel a little more at ease, she didnt know why but she just felt safe around him, she noticed another man he was short with beautiful dark skin that was covered in tattoos and he had blonde hair, he didnt look as intimidating as the two who'd shown up at her door with zabdiel, there was also a girl, who Amora noticed had beautiful caramel coloured skin, short black hair and her arms were also covered in colourful tattoos, she sat on the sofa with a bored expression on her face. Amora's eyes flickered back to Christopher, he walked closer to her and looked at zabdiel "was everything alright" he asked while his gaze flickered between zabdiel and her, zabdiel looked over at the two men they'd arrived with and then back to Chris "Joel and Erick scared the shit out of her, but apart from that yeah everything is fine", Amora thought to herself so thats their names, Christopher sharply turned his head towards them with a mean and cold stare on his face, the two men instantly hung their heads low knowing they were in for it later. Christopher turned to Amora and with a soft look in his eyes he said to her "we need to talk, I have to tell you some important things", the girl on the sofa snickered under her breath but Christopher still heard her and he was not remotely impressed. Christopher stuck his hand out for Amora to grab onto, she quickly looked up at zabdiel as if asking if she should go with him, zabdiel gently nodded his head yes, Amora softly placed her hand in Chris' as he was leading her off she heard the man with the sun glasses say "$5 says she runs for the hills when he tells her", she then heard zabdiel smack him over the back of the head and say "Cállate pendejo".
*Amora's POV*
As I sat on a leather chair in what appeared to be Christopher's office, I nervously played with the hem of my sun dress waiting on him to talk. He looked nervous, like he didnt know how to start or if he even wanted to. Christopher looked up with a solemn look on his face and I suddenly knew that whatever Chris was about to say was serious. "Amora I have to tell you something important, but you have to promise to stay calmb and not freak out ok?" I nodded my head yes, he took a deep breath and with a stone cold expression he said "Amora I'm in a gang", I laughed "yeah right, and I'm secretly related to the queen of England", "Amora I'm not joking I'm the leader of a very well known gang", he then went on to explain how the rest of the guys outside are also apart of his gang, his most important members, but he then also went on to explain how he had many enemies but his main rival was an american gang and that the man who I was supposed to go out with tonight was apart of that gang and he was really trying to kidnap me and he then explained how I'd have to go away with him at least until he could eliminate the threat against my life. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and like I was gonna pass out, Christopher quickly noticed how pale I'd gotten all of a sudden "Amora why don't you lay down on the sofa, I know this is a lot of information to process" he helped me to the sofa in the corner of his office, I layed down "I can't believe this someone's trying to kill me" I gasped out, Chris looked me in the eyes "I will always protect you Amora, I'll never let anything happen to you" was the last thing I heard before passing out.
*Narrator's POV*
Amora woke up to the faint sound of talking in the distance, she sat up, the office was now empty, the door left slightly ajar. She tip toed out of the office so as to not draw any attention to herself, she peeked around the corner of the living room to see Christopher telling everyone to start packing as they would be leaving early tomorrow morning, Christopher caught Amora out of the corner of his eye, he instantly turned his attention to her "you're awake, are you ok bonita?" he rushed to her side to check her like a worried mother, Amora shyly smiled at his concern, "we're leaving, where are we going?", Christopher gave her a sorrowful look "yes we have to leave to keep you safe cariño". The girl Amora recognized from earlier scoffed "this is bullshit" Chris snapped his head in her direction so sharply Amora thought he'd break his neck "Cállate Natalie" Amora had never heard Chris sound so mean, "oh come on Chris this is fucking bullshit and you know it, we're all just supposed to pack up and move to protect little miss princess there huh, tell me why we shouldn't just give that little bitch to jonah right now, better her dead than us", Christopher was seething with anger and Amora felt the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, she turned and ran back to Christopher's office where she had previously been, as she closed the door she could hear Chris screaming at Natalie, before now Amora would have never been able to picture Chris so angry, then again she'd only known him a week, but she couldn't believe it, her Chris who was so gentle and sweet with her was actually a well known gang leader, this sounded like something straight out of a book. Amora sat on the sofa crying, she didnt want to die, she heard a gentle knock on the door and Chris poked his head in, he quickly scanned her face and seen the tears streaming down her pink cheeks, her eyes were puffy and looked sore from her rubbing them, he quickly sat down and cradled Amora on his lap, running his fingers through her hair while he rubbed her back with his other hand, making soothing shushing noises "Amora don't listen to her, she's just a bitter, selfish bitch and besides didnt I tell you I'd always protect you and I'd never let anything happen to you" he softly spoke looking into her tear filled eyes, Amora wiped her eyes one last time, sniffling as she nodded her head yes, "well I always keep my promises cariño".
Later that night Amora found herself struggling to fall asleep in the big dark room Christopher had previously shown her to after her little break down, she felt restless and a little scared she was in a strange house. Amora sighed she couldn't take it anymore, she yanked the sheets off her body her bare legs cold as she was only wearing one of Christopher's t shirts as a nightdress, she tip toed out of her room and down to the door at the end of the hallway, she gently opened the door, it squeaking in the process, Christopher lay asleep in the bed his mouth wide open with soft snores leaving his perfect lips, Amora had to stop herself from giggling at how cute he looked, she carefully tip toed across the floor but one of the floor boards creaked Christopher being startled sat upright on the bed his eyes quickly focused on Amora standing in front of him wearing his t shirt, her curls messy and a tired look on her face, concern flashed across his face "Lo que está mal cariño" he watched as she shifted from one foot to the other with a shy look on her face "I couldn't sleep and I was wondering if I could stay in here with you" she timidly replied while figiting with the hem of his t shirt she was wearing, a sleepy smile made its way onto Chris' face "Por supuesto que puedes bebé" he softly whispered while pulling the blanket back for her, she climbed into the bed, Christopher pulled the covers over them and then enveloped her in his embrace "¿Es este bebé bien", she nodded her head against his chest inhaling his scent. Amora drifted off to sleep wondering what tomorrow would bring.
Hey guys this is chapter three of The Gang Leader I hope you liked it😊
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bakugou-simp · 4 years
⚠️SPOILERS for bnha, and the heroes rising movie⚠️
I have rarely voiced these opinions, but I think it's about time I did.
See, there is a fine difference between ships and what is more likely to be canon, for me at least. As of right now I do not believe that bkdk will come anywhere near to being a canon romantic relationship, not only because of the type of manga/anime bnha is but also because of the development and change that would need to happen in order for it to even be possible. For the type of manga, I also believe Izuku or Katsuki being with anyone of the same sex is also out of the question. Horikoshi has put two transgender characters (and supposedly a bisexual character) in his manga, yes, but I do not see us getting anything more than that.
I am a multishipper through and through however, and I ship almost anything you can name that isn't incest, pedophilia, or abusive. Kirideku, for instance, and Todobaku as well. I like those ships, I think they're very cute and make a lot of sense. The only ships I don't like (I won't name them) I dislike purely because of the people who ship them. The way they act completely disgusts me.
But let's take a look at why BakuDeku, in my opinion, is commonly misunderstood.
I think there are a lot of misconceptions about the BakuDeku ship, and I don't say this just because I personally ship it.
Season 1, as soon as Katsuki was introduced I hated his guts. I couldn't stand watching him bully Izuku, let alone telling him to go and jump off of a building. I wanted to reach through the screen and punch him myself. I don't take things like that lightly, and so I thought to myself I will never like this character. Even as time went on, season 2 and all the way up to season 3, I couldn't stand him.
He was an abusive person terrified of his childhood friend becoming something that perhaps he feared that he himself could not. He's disgusting towards everyone, showing only disrespect and arrogance.
When he was kidnapped is when things started to change for me.
Not just his reaction alone-- "Deku, stay back"--but also Izuku's. Izuku is one to forgive way too easily, in my opinion, but I doubt he forgives someone if he truly doesn't think they deserve it. So for whatever reason, Izuku thinks Bakugou deserves his trust and forgiveness.
If you look at it like this-- Izuku knowing Katsuki better than anyone else, not only from his observations but as well from his up close interactions with the other. Taking this into account, maybe Izuku knows something we don't about Katsuki. We know for sure his mother was borderline abusive--as seen from that conversation with Todoroki as well as just how she treats him--, but is that all? We can't know for certain, but it seems that Izuku might.
Let's say that none of that is true, let's go ahead and say that Katauki is just what he seems to be: an arrogant prick with a superiority complex. Even so it's impossible to say that he hasn't changed at all.
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Take this scene for example. Just from this scene alone, from this one thing that he tells a kid he doesn't even know, you can see how much he's grown from when he was 14 years old.
This is turning into more of a Bakugou thing rather than a bkdk one, but hang in there. This is important too.
He has gone from believing that he is the best of those around him, thinking that everyone else will only get in his way, to recognizing that he has weaknesses just like everyone else. That in its self is a feat to be praised, but top that off with the realization that if he keeps putting others down he'll never see his own weaknesses and you've got one heck of a character development process. Granted, that won't be enough to make up for things he has done in his past.
So let's take a look at his past, shall we?
Raised in a home with, while loving, a push over father and a brash and aggressive mother. Whether or not she realized what she was doing, or even if she had been raised in the same way and doesn't see it as wrong, the way she yelled at him undoubtedly rooted something not short of some sort of trauma (disclaimer: I am no expert on trauma) into him. Not only that, but she probably pushed him to be better. Constantly; be better, you aren't good enough, you call that trying? So on, and so on.
Being told his entire life that his quirk is amazing, those around him letting him believe he is an undeniable leader, all of that has made him into what we see in the beginning.
Even before he got his quirk he probably thought he was better than those around him and that they also knew that, that they would follow him for protection or some sort of recognition from great power.
So, we have a 14 year old who thinks the world eats out of his hands. He sees Izuku, quirkless Izuku, as something not worth his time. Someone as great as him has no reason to play around with someone as worthless as Deku.
There is obviously the hinted at miscommunication, as shown during the Deku vs Kacchan 2 fight. The fact that apparently Katsuki sees everything Izuku does as looking down on him, mocking him, calling him weak and so on.
As a person who struggles with this, I can assure you it really is hard to tell the difference between someone genuinely wanting to help and secretly saying they don't think you can do it. Obviously I realize not everyone looks down on me, but because of the need to be independent and to prove myself to those around me, it feels like every outstretched hand is going to burn me when I grab it. Katsuki is far worse in that regard than I am, so I can only imagine how hard it is to admit to himself that someone is offering help and not mockery.
So let's say this entire time, their entire lives spent together, Katsuki has seen Izuku--someone who was quirkless--as one of the many people who doubts his abilities. Of course he's going to treat him worse than he treats others, but none of that makes it okay. None of that, any of this, erases what has been done.
That being said it does create a bridge for his redemption, for a deserved forgiveness, and yes I truly do believe he will earn that forgiveness.
It's going to take a long time for him to grow into the fact that accepting help doesn't equal to accepting defeat, and that offering it doesn't equal to the belief of weakness.
Katsuki, in my opinion, started to see his faults around the time be befriended Kirishima. Kirishima is strong, so obviously Katsuki is going to want him on his side, but there is more to it than that. I truly believe that Kirishima sparked the change in Katsuki, or at least held the match for the flame to be sparked.
Kirishima and Katsuki's friendship is what I imagine Izuku and Katsukis's might have been like if Izuku had gotten a quirk, as that is all that mattered to Katsuki. He never cared much about the person attatched to the quirk, only how it might help him. Meeting Kirishima, a person who believes everyone is strong and that they can do anything they want with the resources handed to them, must have irritated the piss out of him. Another person who seemed to think that the weak could be strong.
Being around that kind of thinking will eventually rub off on you, however. Even off onto someone like Katsuki. Especially after seeing Izuku's potential with his own two eyes.
So all of those thoughts of Izuku being a weak nobody turned instead to thoughts of Izuku being a threat to him and his goal. It's better than the first, but it really doesn't do well for them being anything other than rivals.
So, right now in his character development process? BakuDeku even being friends seems like a far off thought.
So now, let's take a look at Izuku.
His entire life he's been told by Katsuki that he is lesser, he will amount to nothing, he's completely worthless. That never stopped him from arguing, denying, or wanting to be a hero. Finding out he has no quirk didn't stop him, and being told he might as well die didn't stop him.
Izuku is a wonderful person with a huge heart, a heart that wants to save every single person it comes across, and a heart that sees the best in everyone around it.
He went from being someone in the background, never standing out or doing extraordinary things to a person who will stop at nothing to save one single life. He no longer lingers at the sides, or fears his own abilities. He strikes with confidence in himself, in his peers, teammates, and all of those around him. He uses the hearts of those he wishes to save as a boost to help him win the day.
Meeting Iida and Uraraka, and many other amazing individuals, helped him realize that there are people who believe in him and want to see him succeed. Not everyone will treat him like Kacchan, or only see him as being in the way.
Do I believe that he had to have resented Katsuki in some way for some amount of time? Absolutely. In fact, he might still.
Him forgiving Katsuki wasn't out of the others development at all. It was out of his own achievements, his own confidence, that he was able to come past all of that negativity and believe in himself as a hero. For that reason, he was able to at least not hurt from what Katsuki done to him, if he hasn't yet forgiven him.
Sadly I don't have a lot to say about Izuku's development, or his thought process, but I do know that Katsuki has always been his image of victory, and I do now believe that he can finally see himself as his own image of victory. Or at least, more than just his tormentor.
Heroes Rising
I want to talk a little about the events of heroes rising, dispite it not being a canon part of the universe. It has been said that the movie was what Horikoshi imagined the end of bnha to be, and that is what I'm going with here.
In the movie Katsuki is still his usual superior self, treating Izuku the same as he always has. When there is no immediate danger, and even during a fight neither of them expected to walk away from. Now this may be do to Horikoshi changing it to fit more into just an alternate period of the present instead of perhaps a more time skipping version, but I am not aware of that being false nor true.
Even so, Izuku showed the same amount of care for every individual person as he always does. Katsuki on the other hand, he seemed to care just a little more than his typical self.
Even going as far as to use Sero's actual name when he's calling out, concerned for the other.
Especially, in the way he treated Izuku suggesting giving him one for all just so they could win the battle.
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They both knew what this would mean for Izuku, and it's pretty obvious Katsuki didn't want to do it at first, but he's not clueless. He knew that Izuku was right, without two one for all's they and everyone on the island would have died. Throughout the process never once does he say anything about himself, he's only ever concerned about what would happen to Izuku and about saving the island.
Izuku was willing to give up his dream for an entire island, because that is his dream. His dream is to save lives and become the greatest hero, and saving an entire island is exactly that. He trusted Katsuki because he knew All Might would, and if All Might would trust this quirk with a person such as Katsuki, clearly others besides us, Katsuki and Izuku can see his development.
Their Relationship
Now, in regards to the actual conversation of misconceptions. I do believe that at first glance, that being not taking into consideration home life and miscommunications among these two in their own time, any sort of romantic relationship for these two would be seen as abusive. Because right now, if they both weren't more busy with training to be heroes rather than relationships and for some reason decided to be together, that's what it would be. Katsuki has a lot of things to sort through in his own head, and after he gets that settled they both have a long road to being able to be anything close to friends.
So being rivals is the best for them at the moment. They are each others core motivation, the reason they push and push themselves even when there's nothing left to push. Which over time is going to build a strong connection, more than what they have.
Eventually I do believe they could be friends, a hero duo is even more likely as they've already proven just now as training heroes that they work well together.
That being said if anything romantic were to come of it, it would be in a much later date.
Another misconception might be that bkdk shippers either ignore the way Katsuki has treated Izuku or just don't see it at all, which may very well be true about a lot of younger (or even older) people who might just see their rivalry as some sort of romantic tension. Which happens a lot in anime. However many of us see this ship and see the development, the huge development that will take place in order to be something more, and that is something we would absolutely love to see.
Shipping (for me personally)
I think that most ships in this fandom have good reasons for being shipped, and even if they don't as I've said there is a difference between shipping something and thinking it will become canon.
Personally, I think any ship becoming canon would ruin the manga. I see bnha as something that is perfect without any building romance, that being said a little background romance wouldn't hurt.
As far as relationships among the students goes, I'd hate to see any of them actually start dating. At this age, when they're doing things that are far more important, it doesn't seem like the right decision at all. That doesn't stop me from reading fanfictions, or looking at fanart, or saying that I ship two or more characters together. It's all harmless fun, until you turn into an Anti. I have absolutely no respect for antis and I severely hope they never interact with me.
In conclusion
I do not think that bkdk will be a canon ship in the mangas current timeline. That however, doesn't mean I can't ship them or think that eventually something could come of all of their character development.
Like it or not a good part of Izuku, his development, his personality, his dreams and life goal come from Katsuki. They come from knowing him nearly his entire life, from seeing him as a symbol of victory since they were kids and even up until now.
You can dislike bakudeku as a ship, you can ship other things and all that, but to deny that they aren't important to each others entire character-- and yes I do mean both of them, Katsukis's character also revolves a lot around Izuku--is to be blinded by your "hate" for the ship or even for Katsuki as a character. BakuDeku as a friendship/rivalship is way more important than as a relationship, and I think that's something everyone who loves either of them needs to respect.
The entire reason that they are were they are right now is because of All Might, their shared admiration for a strong hero for different aspects of said hero. That he never loses, and that he always saves everyone. Both traits make up their own respective heroes, Izuku and Katsuki happening to be opposites on that spectrum.
Their current existence thrives off of each other. Where they once looked to All Might for motivation, they now find it amongst themselves. As seen many times, when Katsuki asks Izuku "when are you going to hurry up and make that quirk your own?" You can choose to see that as him looking down on Izuku, but all I see is him wanting Izuku at his fullest potential so they can both give their all against each other, while at the same time with each other (though I doubt the second part is what Katsuki is thinking, those are just my thoughts.)
All in all, they push each other to be better, and I can't help but respect that.
(I'm sure there will be at least one person who will come around and reblog this just to say how much they disagree with me and why I'm wrong, so if you're that person I'd appreciate it if you just didn't. Your opinions are your opinions, but I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong so I don't want to see you telling me that. Thank you.)
posted on tue, Aug 25th
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