#that one person is... always? a sibling or equivalently close friend
elainemorisi · 1 year
not that my friend group is the marrying sort, but several have been, and I am... pretty sure none? have had bridesmaids
this seems real, real correct
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The way the MASH fandom tends to imagine the ages of the characters is fascinating to me. I keep seeing people referring to various main characters (except Potter and Radar) as “middle-aged”. While to my knowledge we do not have an exact age for any of the characters, I don’t think this assumption can be correct.
While references to character ages within the show are all over the place, in keeping with typically nonsensical MASH continuity, we do have concrete information from the cast on this. Alan Alda stated that Hawkeye is in his late 20s. This would make sense both for him and for BJ, Trapper, and all other assorted surgeons, given where they are in their professional and personal lives. The one exception to this would be Charles, who David Ogden Stiers mentioned was intended to be in his mid-30s, which would in turn make sense for Charles specifically, as he is clearly farther along in a surgeon’s career path than the others, he is the only doctor who has multiple specialties (thoracic and pediatric), and personality-wise he generally acts older than the other Swamp Rats.   Real life statistics back this up, as well! The age range of the draft at this time was 18 & 1/2 to 35. (Also, notably, those who served in WWII were exempted from taking part in the Korean War draft, which would be evidence that none of the men in the show besides Potter served in WWII, for what that’s worth.) And that range was heavily weighted toward the lower end. When the show makes a big deal about how young the soldiers they treat are, it’s being absolutely realistic: the average age of a Korean War soldier in 1950 was 19!
The character who most inspired this post, however, I don’t think anyone ever mentioned an age for at any point: Klinger. Almost without exception, I see people talk about Klinger with the assumption that he is the same age as the doctor characters. This has always confused me, because I see no reason that should be true! It makes sense that the doctors would skew quite above the average draftee age of 19 because of the age constraints of their profession, but there is absolutely no reason to assume that same skewing would apply to Klinger, a random enlisted person. 
In fact, there are several pieces of evidence in support of the idea of him being younger, perhaps 19-23. While he does call Radar “kid” a few times, implying he is older than him, they are also very close friends and Radar clearly does not treat him with the same “little sibling” attitude that he does Hawkeye & co. (Plus, Radar and Klinger are given equivalent places in the narrative constantly. In just about every other aspect, we are clearly meant to see them as having “equal status”, so why not in regards to age?)
There’s also the whole Laverne thing. The mere fact of his getting married makes him seem older to a modern audience, but we must remember that back in 1950, people tended to marry earlier than today. (Average age of marriage in 1950 was 20 for women, 23 for men.) Klinger says Laverne was his highschool sweetheart, and it’s implied that they’ve been together steadily since then. We know he very much WANTS to get married and have a family. Given the aforementioned cultural norms, if he’s even in his late 20s, it would be weird that he’s not already married before the show starts.  
Additionally, there’s his apparent position career-wise, which is: he does not have a career yet! He mentions a lot of summer jobs doing various different things, usually helping a family member’s business, which would make total sense for a college-age kid with no socioeconomic opportunity to actually go to college. Given how hardworking and eager to learn Klinger is (remember his multiple correspondence courses--another age-appropriate similarity with Radar), if he were middle-aged, he would surely already have a good blue-collar union profession. (Again, cultural norms: they had not yet invented the horror of the gig economy in the 50s lol.) 
This post is getting way too long, but I do feel quite passionate about this subject, especially with regards to Klinger. The fact that Radar’s age is such a huge part of his character, but Klinger is implicitly treated by the show, and thus seen by the fandom, as much older even though there’s no REASON for that..... It makes me think. Especially given the way youth of color are treated in both reality and fiction. Especially given how despicably the other characters treat him in late seasons, making fun of him for being incompetent and stupid. I know it’s really not that deep! But it just makes me think. 
(On a lighter note, I also think it’s useful to keep in mind the canonical age difference between a 32-34 year old Charles and his 26-29 year old roommates. And his age means he NEARLY aged out of draft eligibility, too!)
(”Where does Margaret come into this?” you ask. I’m honestly not sure! I don’t recall any canonical statement of her age either, in-universe or out. It’s important to note, though, that the average age of nurses was definitely higher than that of the male draftees. I couldn’t find data for Korea specifically, but during WWII, the age requirements for the army nurse corps were 21-40, later 21-45. Again, these are medical professionals, so this increased age makes sense. (And the show actually gives us some older nurse characters!) It makes sense for Margaret to be on the higher end of this spectrum, given her high rank and status, but not super high, given that she’s highly skilled and extremely ambitious.)
But beyond individual characters, I wish the age thing were more concrete and acknowledged, just for the sake of the whole tone of the show! I really wish they’d gone out of their way to portray the truth: that aside from the medical professionals, the average age of the enlisted men at the 4077th should be nineteen years old. That all of their patients really are just babies to these doctors (and to the older nurses as well!). It would really help drive home some of the points the series tried so hard to make.
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maochira · 1 year
HELLO FROM YOUR INBOX!! I just discovered this blog when I went on a Kaiser rampage yesterday, and I have been going absolutely INSANE about your writing! I love your writing so much, I've been binging on it and I just want to take a good chomp of your writing, I love your personality and how interactive you are with your messages! Gotta admit that my holy grail of of best writers in my notes app has you on Number #1 !!
You can adjust this as you wish but May I request for headcanons for a Besties to a kind of Found family relationship with Kaiser?? The reader and Kaiser kind of have a bestie but also sibling duo dynamic, cause I feel as if he gives out annoying brother vibes; The type to walk in to your room randomly, flex and admire himself in the mirror and then leave the room and not even close the door. (Is this an excuse to get Spa nights and be the equivalent of asian gossip aunties with Kaiser? Yes, yes it is.)
My only other request for you is to take care of yourself and have a great week!! Giving you all the love in the world ❤️❤️
OH MY 😭😭ANON YOU'RE TOO SWEET😭😭💟 This means I'm two people's favourite Blue Lock writer JKSJAASDKJASDKHAKH Also yeah I always love writing these lil notes at the beginning of my posts!! It gives me the chance to interact with you guys a little more cause like?? I always get excited over people requesting from me😭😭💟
Anyways! I'm making this part of the NEL assistant series cause it fits!
Requests open! - writing event - series masterlist
Series synopsis: you, Claire (@deerangle3 ) and Mao (me) are assistants in the Neo Egoist League
-at first when you started working, you were excited to get to know Kaiser. But then quickly figured out he's kind of an ass
-in the beginning, he didn't treat you or any of the other assistants as well as he should have, so you actually disliked him for a bit
-but as you and the other assistants started spending more time with the team outside of working hours, especially in the evenings, Kaiser got to know you better and he started seeing you less as a worker and more as a person
-somehow, both of you warmed up to each other and to the confusion of Claire and Mao, you and Kaiser became close friends
-you get some deeper insight into what Kaiser is like as a person. He's still uh. Himself. But he treats you with much more respect than the way he treats everyone else
-the way you treat each other somewhat resembles the way siblings usually treat each other. It's something you don't actually notice by yourself, it's something others point out but you always say it's untrue
-well, you think that way until you joke about it towards Kaiser and he tells you "Yeah, I've been treating you like a sibling, haven't I?" and then it kinda hits you
-until that point, you've never seriously thought of him as some sort of brother figure in your life, but when he's the one saying it, you figure it must be true
-but hey, who are you to complain? Kaiser rarely thinks of anyone as highly as he thinks of himself, and by being a brother figure to you, that means he thinks of you higher than of other people
-he definitely sees you above the other assistants. He thinks Claire and Mao are annoying and often rants about them in front of you. But like, they're your coworkers and best friends so sometimes you have little arguments with Kaiser on how annoying they really are
-Kaiser actually has fair points in the arguments so you can't really blame him for thinking Claire and Mao are annoying
-as much as you try to be professional during working hours, you often can't hold yourself back from teasing Kaiser while he's at soccer practice. Sometimes you just yell something at him and Noa looks at you with a "Can you please get yourself together?" gaze that makes you want to laugh, but you don't want to make a too bad impression on him, so you at least try to keep those silly comments about Kaiser in your head
-if the assistants ever become a conversation topic, Kaiser always talks about how you're the best and doing the best work out of everyone. He literally does not give a shit about Claire and Mao, only about you
-that's flattering (to you) and insulting (to Claire and Mao) at the same time
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jils-things · 2 months
QUEEN MY HEART GOES TO ALL OF YOUR S/IS. but emme and game jaide have my heart so I'm asking 1, 5, 9 and 16 for any of those two beautiful chaos gods ladies 🐗
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FOR YOU MY MAN i draw the og girlies 💥💥💥💥 MWA
1. what are the basics of your self insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.?
emerald, or emme for short, then jaide evergreen as you know! their heights tend to be the same for all of my inserts unless said other wise and all of them are 5'2-3 :3 now their birthdays - usually i just assume all of their birthdays to be the same as mine - february 16. but if you REALLY wanna know when they were made exactly, emme was made on november 19, 2022 (WHAT THE HELL) and jaide was made on february 9, 2023... emme is older by 3 months LMFAOOOO
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
ummm emme can swim to the seafoam islands no life tubes or shit 🙄🙄🙄 i thought you knew that /JJJ JOKES ASIDE i think emme's a pretty brave girl, but she's only brave because she doesn't recognize danger even if she's supposed to by instinct. that's probably why she didn't fear shinto in the first place! i totally see emme to be like ed from ed edd n eddy, she's just a chunk of brick that can't be swayed tbh unless it was glitchy because girlie likes him a bit too much PFPFPTT
jaide is a natural when it come to catching, i would also say she's really smart in reading pokemon psychological behavior (as opposed to jaide STONE. she reads emotions) (jaide studied for it. she was in school for some time unlike red and blue who just jumped straight into battling)
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING BUT EMME IS OBVIOUSLY CLOSE WITH THE CARTRIDGE GANG 💥💥 but if we gotta talk about the more canon side, grey is definitely her closest friend - mostly because grey kinda decided to follow her since she was brave enough to handle shinto by herself. i dont think emme has much friends?? (ouch) because she's a bit ... out there and i'd imagine a lot of people are kinda terrified of her but if you actually bother to befriend her she'd like you a whole lot! very compassionate even!
aside from red, blue and leaf (semi canon), jaide interacts with many professors across the region so she'd definitely be close with professor kukui and sonia! many of the professors are a bit too mature for her youthful personality but the aforementioned are totally flexible with anyone 💥 lyra (and kris?) too, thanks to ethan! i can totally see jaide having the most random ass connections just for a comedic bit where someone's like "jaide they know you???" (is probably someone high ranking) and she just winks eheeee yuh huh
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
EMME IS A RANGER. I'VE CONFIRMED IT, YES. I ONLY REALIZED RECENTLY THAT RANGERS ARE THE PERFECT DESCRIPTION FOR HER. they're almost like a police equivalent and remember how i'd say she's the type to help look for missing 'mons? yuh. we will expand on the ranger concept from here on out now!!!!
i've always imagined jaide if she was in the games - she acted like your rival except she's your sister and she follows ethan around to tip him and give him necessary things (and maybe is the one to deliver whatever their mom buys using ethan's money PFPFPTT) and you'd have those single battles with her and she would continuously grow to be more proud of ethan, and does meet him moments before the elite 4 heheh maybe there's a sequence where they bond at the national park wiwiwiw yk sibling things sibling things... ate jaide on the way.... <333
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delusionaid · 5 months
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Headcanon: Wriothesley edition #54r - Christmas (ramble)
I have a cold and my brain is clogged so this meta has no structure or punchline, I'd apologize but I'm not even sorry. I bolded things for curious yet lazy readers like myself.
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I SAW A CHRISTMAS TREE AND PRESENTS ON OFFICIAL ART therefore Christmas (or its Teyvat equivalent) exists in Fontaine (and Mondstadt) until proven otherwise so that's what I'll use in my writing because I love Christmas. Thank you for coming to my TE/D Talk.
That being said, most things that follow are NOT EXACTLY CHIPPER so if you're looking for a fun uplifting Christmas meta, please move along <;.<
The way Wriothesley perceives Christmas nowadays is strongly influenced by how he experienced it growing up. I hc that nowadays he likes it - he's not over the moon about it, but he likes the atmosphere, he likes getting gifts for the few people he considers friends, he likes the way the city is decorated and even the special holiday menu that's free for everyone at the coupon cafeteria. Sigewinne's special Christmas Shake not so much, but that's a different story..
I imagine the cafeteria to be decorated for Christmas. They have a tree (a real one, so it smells nice) with ornaments that are (by now) mostly created by inmates over the years, from all sorts of materials, such as straw stars, paper angels, tiny wooden toys and figurines, glass ornaments and lights. (I'm personally not a fan of super kitschy trees, but I leave it up to your imagination how colorful or sparkly the tree looks ;) )
There's also garlands and Christmas lights that give the whole area a warm and welcoming atmosphere that Wriothesley appreciates especially. Why?? Stay tuned!
There are no decorations inside Wriothesley's office or bedroom. He doesn't object to Sigewinne or anyone else bringing him decorations or putting them up, but he doesn't put in the effort of doing it himself. He's firmly seated in an oddly indifferent mindset after dreaming of all things Christmas during a time when he couldn't have it and then suddenly having the opportunity to get everything he wants but no longer needing its magic because of how fundamentally his life changed in general. It's bittersweet, in a way, when by the time your wishes come within reach you've forgotten how to dream. But he's not broken up about it.
Growing up the "family" Wriothesley lived with did "celebrate" Christmas but it wasn't much of a celebration at all. Their "parents" recognized the date and the traditions surrounding it being a thing, but there were no presents for the children, no special decorations aside from a wreath at their door and no special meal on Christmas Eve. No songs were sung nor did they ever go to any of the manifold events taking place in Fontaine during this time of the year. For a number of years Wriothesley didn't even know other families would celebrate a certain way, but once he heard of it and learned more about it he began to harbor a wish to experience it some day. Of course neither he or any of his siblings dared to ask it of their parents.
Things hardly improved after Wriothesley ran away and lived in the streets. He had no money and no real place to live, often went to sleep hungry and cold. There were no presents for him, no games and no Christmas meals, but he did enjoy walking through the city and looking at the way the shops and streets were decorated, figuring - in a way - these decorations were for him, too. Out of all the decorations the lights were always his favorites. They made the whole street look enchanted, like little fairies dancing around the trees and buildings, and when it snowed and everything was covered in a clean white blanket they sparkled like the ocean in the moonlight. Sometimes he would close his eyes a little bit until all he could see was a sea of blurry lights and imagine them to emit a bit of warmth for him.
On occasion he would see little groups of people sing carols in the streets and get the songs stuck in his head for days to come, never learning the words to them.
Although he likes the aspect of giving and receiving gifts and decorating to get the festive spirit, what he likes most about Christmas is the concept of getting together with loved ones and appreciating them. He was all for the opportunity for a Christmas celebration at the Meropide, figuring that no one who wanted company on that night should be alone or go hungry. At the same time, of course, nobody is forced to attend.
In some ways Christmas is a reminder of things Wriothesley doesn't have - and never will - but at the same time it is also a reminder of all the people he does have in his life, whatever their connection to him may be. As such it remains a bittersweet holidays but one he looks forward to with definite joy, regardless.
Tl;dr bla bla Christmas lights, pls make Wrio a hot chocolate.
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Zuko Did the Honorable Thing by Challenging Azula to the Final Agni Kai
Lately, there seems to be a popular strain of thought in ATLA fandom that the 16 year old Zuko was dishonorable in accepting his clearly mentally unstable sister’s Agni Kai challenge for the Fire Nation throne.
Or that the 16 year old Zuko challenging the 14 year old Azula to an Agni Kai is the same as the middle aged Ozai challenging the 13 year old Zuko to an Agni Kai due to “disrespecting” him in his war council meeting.
But when you look at the complete context, not only is there no equivalence whatsoever between Ozai’s challenge and Zuko’s acceptance, but also Zuko did the honorable and most sensible thing he could have considering the circumstances.
For it is it sad that Azula’s mental state deteriorated so hard that Zuko, who she is normally superior to, believed he could take her one on one?
It is sad that two siblings, who, despite all that happened between them, do deep down care for each other, and yet, instead of being able to resolve their issues peacefully, instead have to fight each other till one of them is dead or subdued due to being on the opposite sides of a war that started long before either of them was born?
It is sad that Iroh said that he could not fight his younger brother because history would negatively view two siblings fighting for the throne while in the same breath sending his underage surrogate son to fight his underage niece to death? 
Or that instead of subduing Azula himself with a handful of his fellow White Lotus members, Iroh instead deliberately choose to leave the fate of the Fire Nation and his remaining non-Ozai family in two teenagers' hands (Zuko and Katara) in favor of going on an ego trip liberating Ba Sing Se? Especially since TV!Iroh, even when out of shape, has hype and feats that suggest that he can easily defeat TV!Azula without hurting her or getting himself hurt?
It is sad that Ozai, if he knew that Zuko was going to challenge his prodigy for the, as far as he knows, now worthless Fire Nation throne, would probably encourage it since in his twisted mind, either Azula gets to “redeem” herself for “failures” and for lying to his face about the Avatar’s survival, or Zuko will have done the world a favor by eliminating his “disappointing” daughter, who was not worthy of his “love” after all?
It is sad that instead of getting a real chance to heal and atone for her actions after getting involuntarily psych warded, Azula instead got abused in her asylum to the point that her mental health further degraded, causing fans, and probably everyone in-universe outside of Zuko and Ursa after the actions she took because of said degraded mental health, to believe that she was always a psycho and/or that she had “second chance”, and yet threw it away?
But the key point is that Azula was the agent of a genocidal, imperialist, colonizing regime, and was going to continue perpetuating violence on the world if she took the throne. Meanwhile, Zuko was an anti-imperialist seeking to take the throne so he could stop the Fire Nation’s unjust and vile war of aggression. 
And that Azula, even if she was mentally stable, was not going to be peacefully persuaded that everything she had been taught was wrong. Nor was she going to be peacefully persuaded that the world would never trust her on the throne, especially when Zuko, who at the point of the Agni Kai had shown he was a committed anti-imperialist, was a viable claimant and had a close connection with the Avatar.
For while we, the audience, know that Azula does have inner conflict and wishes that there was another path to take other than the one her father set out for her, Zuko and Katara don’t know that.
But what they do know is that: Azula is the hyper-competent Fire Princess who hunted them across the Earth Kingdom; that Azula is the person who overthrew Ba Sing Se with just two friends while also managing to turn Zuko and put a lightning bolt in Aang’s back; that she helped suggest  the “let’s burn the Earth Kingdom” plan, or at best suggested scorched earth tactics; that she actively encouraged the cruel treatment of prisoners of war like Suki; and that she started actively hunting them again once Team Avatar made a public reappearance on the Day of Black Sun.
And in Zuko’s case, Azula was his secondary abuser from childhood, attempted to kill him several times, and, as far as he knows, killed the love of his life after she saved him and half of Team Avatar from boiling alive in the Boiling Rock.
Also, Zuko was probably thinking ahead to when he needed to assert authority once he, Aang, and Katara successfully overthrew Ozai’s regime, and thus needed some way to legitimize his claiming of power.
For as far as the average Fire Nation citizen would be concerned, Zuko would be the traitorous crown prince who turned on his nation just when they were going to fulfill Sozin’s dream for the world in favor joining the demonic Air Nation Avatar so he could overthrow his highly regarded father and war hero sister so he could take the throne for himself.
And to make things even worse, Zuko’s only real domestic allies would be: the traitorous former Crown Prince General Iroh, the traitorous deserters Jeong Jeong, Piandao, and Chey, and the treasonous Ladies Mai and Ty Lee, if the Ladies miraculous survived being executed by Azula as far as Zuko is concerned.
So when Azula not only appears to be severely off her A-game, but also gift-wraps Zuko the means to legitimately take the throne, Zuko did what any sensible person would have done and accepted it, a choice that is vindicated by canon.
For even after Aang de-bends Ozai before allowing Zuko to jail him, and Zuko manages to involuntary psych ward Azula after winning their Agni Kai, Zuko constantly faces assassination attempts in Ozai’s name, and even an organized Ozai restoration movement in the form of the New Ozai Society, barely managing to survive all these threats to his life.
(Legacy tells us that Zuko officially won the Agni Kai even though Azula burned him, presumably because she attacked a non-duelist.)
So if Ozai, who had been defeated by a fully realized Avatar at the height of his power and spiritually mutilated as punishment for his transgressions against balance, was still was able to invoke such feelings in the Fire Nation population, imagine what would have happened if Zuko, instead of fighting Azula in an Agni Kai, instead decided to jump her in a 2 v 1 with a “snow peasant” before forcing the Fire Sages at fire and/or ice point to crown him Fire Lord?
Well, in my opinion, either Azula becomes an especially potent martyr if she dies, even compared to the scenarios where Azula dies in the Agni Kai since at least Agni Kais have the built in assumption that you are willingly risking your life by engaging in one, or, assuming that the 2 v 1 still ends with Azula alive and involuntarily psych warded instead of being killed, Zuko would have probably faced an Azula restoration movement. 
And in the latter scenario, assuming that Azula manages to escape Zuko’s custody like she does in canon due to Aang's unwillingness to use energybending except as an alternative to summary execution and Zuko’s selfish desire to find Mommy at all costs, even if it means putting the post-war order in danger, instead of Azula eventually realizing that no one will support her claim to the throne, and thus her "realization" that her destiny is to “help” Zuko, Azula instead would have joined up with the movement and easily dispatched Zuko and his friends/allies before restoring the old regime en route to restarting the Hundred Year War.
And obviously Zuko wants to keep on living alongside his friends and allies so that they can, among other things, build the world of peace and love that they desire instead of the world of hatred and subjugation that the Fire Nation created during the Hundred Year War.
Not to mention, at the time of Azula’s challenge, Zuko didn’t even know that energybending was a thing, making it more crucial that he delegitimize Azula, for even if she was jailed or psych warded, if she managed to escape his custody, she could easily train to surpass him once again before attempting to violently overthrow him.
And before you call this fear unfounded, Azula did canonically manage to surpass Zuko again post-Sozin Comet, and has attempted, and is still attempting to, overthrow Zuko, either by outright overthrowing him, or by turning him into her puppet.
But to wrap things up, while it is tragic that that the Final Agni Kai had to happen, that Azula never got the help she needed after loosing, and that the Agni Kai is used to demonize Azula, the fact is that considering what Azula was fighting for, and the fact that Zuko needed all the help in legitimize his rule while also delegitimizing his main probable rival claimant and her potential to be a potent martyr if he did end up having to kill her, Zuko did the honorable and sensible thing by accepting Azula’s Agni Kai challenge.
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cybrthrillz · 14 days
hello!!!!! been scrolling through your blog a bit and it's made me want to know more about these royal high guards? Your art of them has me 😳😳😳 (/pos) and am now intrigued to know more about them, is there like... lore or story with them something? Characters, cuz I did not know royal high had that tbh, or is it all just fanon and hc stuff
i have not played royal high in FOREVER and my pathetic tablet can barely handle playing it (😭😭😭) so I am just curious to know more about them
Also your art is SO SHAUIJFV‼️💥‼️🌹‼️😳💥‼️😳❤️HPCLACAV❤️‼️😳🌹❤️❤️🌹‼️IDKBS😳❤️❤️ ODHHAAHXUMQB/pos
i am. so sorry to say that the royale high guards have almost zero story or lore outside of their dialogues which are not even available to read on the wiki so they're all gone after each campus 3 update :( you'd have to be an avid royale high player to really know much about them, like me @orbeater @sapphymayeyeplease know a LOT about them lmfao so if i miss anything here then they can surely add some more info! im just gonna go over the three i post about the most
first off, ill talk about royale high campus 3 itself! campus 3, along with the guards were released to the public on august 2023. the guards are all lined up on the bridge at the front of the castle, which is the magical school for fairies of various different elements (now most of the guards have been moved to different positions inside the castle's heart though) the school has a headmistress, which is basically just the principal of said school. as far as we know, she has no official design yet nor an in game appearance, but she does have an office you can visit for a quest. quests are randomized tasks given to you that you can complete and gain exp as a reward, which you use to level up and receive diamonds, the in game currency at royale high.
royale high takes place in the enchantraverse, which is home to various magical beings. it has its own logic and culture and history, and its own version of earth's holidays! christmas is glitterfrost, valentines day is everfriend, halloween is royalloween. these are not perfect equivalents, as the enchantraverse's holidays are much more nuanced and have their own meanings and history.
the sage (green-ish grey) colored guard
goes by exclusively he/him pronouns
he is incredibly stuck up and takes his job very seriously. hates fucking everyone and hates having to participate in festivities. really has like no friends or doesn't want to admit that he does. he used to get gifts from many different people during glitterfrost before moving to royale high. he likes sour candy and chocolate with nuts in them.
i started the headcanon that guard alexander is his little sibling but UNFORTUNATELY its not real
the green colored guard
goes by exclusively they/them pronouns. this was changed to exclusively he/him in february during the everfriend season because the devs fucking suck and erased the one piece of all-year-round rep that we had. this is the one time it's ok to misgender someone! alex still goes by they/them! fuck you!
they have a crush on poppy, an upperclassman character who also serves as a tutorial guide in the game. they are implied to be somewhat close with zalia, as she always makes sure they're not falling asleep on duty. they're a student knight, maybe a little too laid back. they say "like" a lot. they love chili, snacks, and napping. loves all food. also loves their grandmama.
in the front office inside the castle, where you can talk to poppy, there's a chance that something will play from the speakers of the radio on her desk, and you can hear voice lines from alex trying to ask poppy out on a date
the light blue colored guard
goes by exclusively he/him pronouns
he is a self insert of the co-dev for royale high, launcelot. he's married to royale high's creator, barbie
very chill, outgoing personality. he thinks guard hans is annoying. he has a dog named cupcake. dressed up as a disney princess for royalloween one time
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asfateentertwines · 1 year
Rotxo love
This is how I view Rotxo in my writing, he needs some focus
So first things first, physically, Rotxo is short for a na'vi
Poor boy is the na'vi equivalent of a human 5'8" - he's not really that short but also, he will be bullied relentlessly
However, he is b u i l t
He's bulky and puts on muscle easily. (Though he has a little bit of a dad bod cause as he should - like as close as fat muscular as a na'vi body can be lmao)
He keeps the sides of his head shaved and the top in a half braided, half curly look that reaches about his mid-shoulder blades
Google says na'vi are 10' so he's like ,,, 9'6"? short king
Partially why he relishes having a human mate cause like ,, he can't talk shit
He wears an obscene amount of beads and jewelry - he is the oldest brother of his 8 siblings (poor boy has three older sisters and three younger, he is one of two boys in the whole house) and they don't mess around in decorating their big brother
Onto personality, he's a big softie
But he's aggressively protective of his family - something he got from growing up with Ronal as his third mom
He grew up prepared to be Ao'nungs right hand, but he didn't always have the drive to be a warrior
He liked the idea but never felt connected to it. It was just a part of the future he was meant to reach
it wasn't until he was pulling desperately at a bomb on Payakans fin and watching Lo'ak sob over his bleeding brother that he realized why he was going to be a warrior
He always mentally attributes his finding reason in his training to Lo'ak and his strength
So he starts training and learning to fight with a newfound passion
Having always been Ao'nungs right hand, its his plan to follow at his side once he's chief and protect their people
Family is the most important thing in their culture and Tonowari has been such a prominent figure in his life that it's his goal to live and die for them
...he needs some help with the self-love and valuing his worth too man
It's part of how he and Spider bond
He's made a majority of his life around Ao'nung and being there for the clan that he forgot to care about himself or really learn about himself as his own person
He finds out he likes cooking while trying to figure out how to not poison Spider after an unfortunate courting accident
He and Lo'ak bond by combining fighting styles and their culture
It's the culture that also helps him bond with Kiri, a surprise to everyone except Spider who knew they'd get on from the start
However, his favorite hobby is fishing - which he gets teased for relentlessly
For all his mischief and jokes, he's an old man at heart
He 100% can and will disappear become he was just vibing out on the water for hours and lost track of time
During which he also attempts to bring home little gifts constantly
He gets it from his little siblings but he's the type to bring you a rock he found and say it was pretty and reminded him of you
So all of his friends have jars of shells, rocks, flowers, etc that he finds for them
However, he also has a habit of collecting strays
He just takes shit home
An octopus was the worst until he showed up two orphaned ash boys that never left
Spider is passionate that its why he fell for him and very smugly holds up that he has a solid argument
But honestly Rotxo just cannot stand someone being alone
He grew up surrounded by so much love and so many people he cared for that the thought of someone being alone when he could fix it makes him feel sick
He is fucking terrified of crabs tho
Tsireya hung one from his loincloth when they were children and ah...things got pinched
Ao'nung used it to torture him growing up and now the one thing he struggle to accept as Ewya's are crabs
Honestly crustaceans in general
He hates them
Learning Spider could eat them was a blessing and a curse
Cause one, easy food to find and two, he gets to see them die (sorry Ewya) but that also means he has to help catch crabs for his family
As teens, it wasn't horrible. But by the time they are grown with 4 kids, it's actually his nightmare
He is a practical joker
He brings it out in Ao'nung too and they can rival Lo'ak and Spider for the amount of mischief they get into
Though theirs is normally innocent and not death or war inducing
The worst thing they ever did was sink a fishing ship - Lo'ak and Spider got kidnapped, they're doing fine
Constantly torn between big brother instinct and little brother instinct
He's the big brother but also,,, 3 big sisters feels like he should have a pass
He isn't as close to them as he'd like
The oldest two are mated to other water clans and the oldest still home is distant, they don't get on super well, but he was close with all three when he was a child
Well, they played a lot.
His mothers are both very doting parents and very loving, but for some reason there was always a disconnect with his directly older sister
The other two are still friendly and loving when they visit, just not as common in his life anymore while she is just ... separate. She hasn't been herself in years
It makes him the acting oldest and he takes that very seriously
He has three little sisters and then the youngest of the family is another boy, all of which are a decent amount younger than him
It wasn't planned that way but he likes having the gap between them, it gives him enough distance to care for them but enough closeness to enjoy them still
They're as much the bane of his existence as they are the joy of it
He will boast about them relentlessly while also trying to drown one because 8 kids was simply 7 too many
Tuk loves the littles though and so he spends a lot of time babysitting with Spider or Neteyam - the two that really get the big brother thing in the two ways he normally expresses it
All in all, he is a big family-loving, lowkey gym buff, softie that needs to learn to love himself
But, until he does, he has a small army prepared to do it for him
I need to keep expanding on this but I needed these thoughts out. Rotxo really hasn't gotten the development he deserves and I can't wait to see how he gets fleshed out
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mossfeathers · 2 months
Thanks again for responding and sharing. I'm glad these asks make you happy ^^
(You don't have to look further into Harvest Moon but If you do look for a lets play of sorts or something Harvest Moon DS/DS Cute & Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town/More Friends of Mineral Town (Gameboy) are the ones that from my knowledge look the most visually similar to Stardew Valley. But Harvest Moon Animal Parade takes place in a coastal/island-like town.)
The dynamics seem like they'll be really fun! It was also nice to hear the reasoning behind it all. You've put a lot of thought into how they interact. I'm excited for future scenarios ^^ I really enjoyed reading all of it. Also thanks for talking about them as siblings. You don't have to apologize for not answering tho, you can always not answer, I'll understand.
Addionally, I think it's really cool how the lionfish worked out ^^
Okay so for BigB's tail, I wanted to give proper ideas, I only came up with three sorta suggestions so I’ll also share my thought process a bit so that maybe that instead will help you further decide what you do or don’t want. So my first thought was a shark. I’m not entirely sure that’s, like, equivalent to Scar being a lionfish but I think that the reason I considered the idea is that sharks can be dangerous but, like, also they’re not as dangerous to humans as they're portrayed? Ya know what I mean, like I think it’s gotten better but like they were more feared than need be. Like I’m struggling with the words but do you get what I’m saying and the correlation? Idk. If not that's okay. I wasn’t really sure about sharks anyway. Next,
I searched for fish that burrowed. And I did this because I was thinking about why canary!BigB and rabbit!BigB exist and if I recall correctly him being in the mines/underground alot were overlapping points. (I woulda considered satyr!BigB but I know nothing about that. And thinking about it now dogs like to dig too and sometimes he’s got dog ears because double life so I think this is an okay hole I went down). I’m too indecisive and picky  and wasn't sure what kind of fish you'd like though so I only have three fish to present to you as options so hopefully if none of these strike a chord with you. This whole thing helps somehow:
1, The Bonnethead Shark. Yea I found a shark that burrows. So even though I wasn’t entirely sure about sharks and I gave up on finding small sharks, I thought I’d share this one. Besides sharks are cool even if many fear them & Jimmy & Grian come to think BigB's cool right? So maybe that lines up?
(Also did you know that sharks used to be called "sea dogs" and that there is a Dogfish Shark, I didn't do much research so I can't give it as a suggestion but I just looked it up while typing this so I thought I'd mention it.)
2, The Yellow Headed Jawfish, this fish was honestly just too pretty for me not to recommend. It’s got a bit of blue in its fins (and that’s really all I can give you on blue fish). Plus on a site that sells fish they were described as “playful and like to people watch” so I thought it might be fitting. Note though, if you look up this fish, you might come across images of it carrying lots of eggs in its mouth. That’s something they do, carry their eggs in their mouth. I did see a term for it but I forgot what it was. But if that’s gonna be too disturbing you might wanna be cautious(wasn't the first few images when I looked it up) or maybe not look it up just in case. But it is really pretty in my opinion if you do.
And lastly there's the Southern Stargazer. I guess it is considered an ugly fish so heads up on that? Personally, I do think looking at a close up of it's face while it's buried can be a bit spooky but also I think otherwise it's a bit fun to look at & its tail is neat. And it turns out they're also venomous, not enough to kill, but it's still painful, can cause swelling and induce shock. ("also" because Scar's a lionfish)
Speaking of, this fish is the closest one I found in terms of size to Lionfish not sure that matters to you but yea
I did attempt looking for, like, actually blue fish but like the Cichlid is a freshwater fish and Idk if it's a funny or cruel irony to suggest a damselfish when they are actually seen as food to lionfish if in a tank together. Especially when I don't know if it's true for all damselfish or just the yellow tailed ones. (Plus they don't do great in solitude which kept being a thing for blue fish but I think I mainly found, like, river fish.) But I guess this difficulty is probably part of the reason you said it didn't have to be a blue fish lol
Thanks for sharing what you do have so far for the side characters :3 Question: For the pub, does it include the arcade area and/or would the stage be in that general area?
Also it seems like a cool idea to include more creatures. Besides the spirits are there any you're thinking of but haven't decided who it could be? Or alternatively, any others you think you'd want to be something supernatural but haven't decided what yet?
And if it's not too much to ask, do you think that on an events timeline the potential Pearl arc would be closer to the beginning or further down the line.
And yea it's totally fine for you to leave it in the ask box, I'm glad you find it's something you'd want to look back at at all ^^ Thank you for your time and thanks again for sharing your thoughts/ideas.
anon i love you so much. genuinely you are the BEST. im so sorry for letting this rot in the inbox for so long, i both forgot about it and just didn't even know how to respond since this is so good (and also wanted to get some more polished drawings of all 3 possible fish, but my motivation just wasn't having it so just a couple doodles im sorry). genuinely so sorry about how long this took, time just got away from me.
I absolutely LOVE your idea for bigb as a shark, when I first read that I think I genuinely yelled out in excitement. You're a GENIUS. That's such a good idea, I really enjoy it and you got your point across well! I love canary/rabbit!bigb (my design for him is a bunny so this is RIGHT up my alley) and I love the idea of a burrowing fish and bonnethead shark is absolutely GENIUS. He was really fun to draw too!! Thank you SO much for the suggestion! I think I want a scaled fish design, though, but I still appreciate this one so much since it was SUCH an interesting idea. Sharks are sea puppies, dogs dig, rabbits also dig, so burrowing. Very logical line of thought from me.
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Oh this guy is GORGEOUS!!!!! So pretty and so lovely. I think fish and the ocean is so cool so I thought the egg carrying is actually so fascinating so don't worry, both of the little warnings you gave about weird fish weren't necessary fish are awesome and cool forever. I don't know what to say, just a very pretty fish and fun to draw!!
The stargazer is SO HANDSOME!!! I can't believe its considered ugly :( I love that little connection to Scar's lionfish-ness, this is such a cool fish (the fins are gorgeous)
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Thank you SO much for the fish suggestions! I really liked the yellow headed jawfish, the colors were just so gorgeous, so I think i'm gonna go with that one! Genuinely can't thank you enough for this, I was losing my mind over that.
Answering questions time! Here's a little doodle of what the saloon looks like! (names still pending but probably something moon or dogwarts related) Theres a kitchen and backstage area somewhere but that doesnt matter right now :)
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Man, I had one draft of this response where I had everything written out for other creatures but my computer restarted and didn't save it but I will try my best to write it out again!
I like the idea of fae or some kind of land-based creature, but I feel like fae are a really complex species and just in general such a large world to also incorporate if I do go for any land-based creatures, so I don't think I will sadly. Trying to think about this in terms of how I would tell the story in an actual piece of writing instead of these posts of loads of exposition, yknow? So, final verdict, no cool land creatures (except maybe werewolf because i am a sucker for some rendog werewolf fun) . I love avian stuff though so a very high likelihood of birds coming into play in at least some form? Birds are just so cool to me. Also, there are probably gonna be a decent variety in sea creature species! Like there are sirens, standard merfolk, and selkies so far but if I can think of another type of sea creature then i'll probably add them in. On the topic of sea creatures, an updated list on all the merfolk! (also if you want to see some other hermit mermaids, or mermits, check out jalo-parker's art from the past few weeks! we thought up some fish designs just for his own use and they're really cute, and if some of the humans were mermaids they would 100% be those) Scar lionfish, Bigb yellowheaded jawfish, Bub whale shark, Cleo sea nettle jellyfish, Etho AND Bdubs selkies, Joe Hills leaf sheep nudibranch, and even though Martyn is a human if he was a mermaid he would be a mimic octopus! These aren't all of the merfolk, they're just the ones i've decided on and assigned a fish (or selkie) to :)
Also don't worry! I actually already have a barebones timeline for what I think is going to happen with the plot points I know so far! Jimmy and Grian move, hang out for like 4 days, then the whole siren plotline starts and ends, since everyone is now happy they have a good few months of just bonding with the merfolk and the townsfolk which I can't wait to think about more, then Pearl's whole arc starts! I think that's the natural progression of the plot as the stakes in Pearl's arc is the actual apocalypse bringing the end of the universe which is just a little bit more intense. I don't know a whole lot of the details about that quite yet though.
Thank you so much for the ask again! I genuinely can't apologize enough for how long this took to answer, and I hope it doesn't discourage you from sending another one in. I absolutely love seeing your opinions and ideas :) Thanks for listening to my rambling about my ideas again :D
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GoW Best friend Baldur x Reader Headcannons
▪︎ Warnings: a little cussing, angst at the final 5 points, death.
▪︎ Word count: 1,335
▪︎ A/N: Best Friend Baldur might be my favourite thing ever. I love him platonically so so much omg. Here are some of my headcannons for him as a best friend!
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• Bestfriend! Baldur knew he liked your personality when you two first met and tried to kill each other and instead cracked so many jokes and had so much fun he forgot what he what he even tried to do in the first place.
• Bestfriend! Baldur who knew you two would be close friends when you poured water for the both of you one night "I can't taste that shit" "If someone said 'I can taste the water' I'd be worried".
• Bestfriend! Baldur dubbed you his closest friend when he noticed you never ate or drank in front of him even if you were hungry or thirsty.
• Bestfriend! Baldur had the love language of words. Because he couldn't feel, when you two hung out your touch would be telling each other affirmations. "I care about you, you know that?" "I know." It made you realise just how important words are when it comes to showing care.
• Bestfriend! Baldur has the voice of a dying animal but loves to sing. His favourite things to sing are sea shanties or the equivalent of "Another Irish drinking song" - which would be his favourite if he was in the modern world - and he loves it when you join in and sing equally as bad, even if you can actually sing.
• Bestfriend! Baldur loves music and knows how to play instruments really well, if you give him any and a few hours or days, he would learn the basics and play it like he had played it his entire life. When he was over at your house, he would play you music all the time. You even had a little Baldur corner filled with all of his favourite instruments he can play.
• Bestfriend! Baldur doesn't care how high he flies with his dragon because he doesn't feel a thing, but, when you became part of his life and rode with him, he always made sure to fly slowly and close to the ground much to your chagrin.
• Bestfriend! Baldur loves comedy. He would spend most of your time together telling crude and vulgar jokes that never ceased to make you laugh. One of his favourite activities is you and him just sitting together somewhere and trying to see who can make either the best joke or the worst.
• Bestfriend! Baldur likes to tattoo himself he hopes that through it he can feel anything. But, when you two were sitting alone and he was working on his leg and you reach an arm out and said "I want one" He never hesitated and gave you tattoos all over one side of your body that matched his own over time. Eventually he tattooed your name on himself in a prayer reserved for siblings or family members, soon enough, you asked for a matching one with his name.
• Bestfriend! Baldur liked making bets and dares with you, especially crazy ones. "Bet you can't climb the wall of Asgrad", "....try me". This was how you met Heimdall and eventually everyone else after you went to the great lodge.
• Bestfriend! Baldur definitely arm wrestles you. He wins every time but he likes to sit down and do it anyway. Over time, you actually became strong enough to hold your own against him and even win at times which he delighted in. This became the way you two said hello to each other, no words, you see each other, you arm wrestle.
• Bestfriend! Baldur has zero self care for obvious reasons but when you two met, he began letting you braid his hair and beard. If the day happens to be a day where you want it slow, he just sits down and let's you play with his hair as much as you like. He found the activity partially boring but since you two had the most in depth conversations during this time he also found it relaxing.
• Bestfriend! Baldur loves to fight and since you have the best friend you also have the pleasure of him trying to get you two to have a friendly match. At first you were against it, but ever since he offered to personally train you and you two have been doing it none stop to the point where it became second nature to 'play' fight.
• Bestfriend! Baldur doesn't like when his touched outside of wrestling or play fighting because it reminded him of his curse but when you flopped down on his lap with your head rested on his thighs after a really bad day he let you stay and would run his hand through your hair. He realised that you do so much to make him comfortable around you so he let you have this for an hour everyday. You never told him he was accidentally pulling your hair sometimes.
• Bestfriend! Baldur spent most of his life without intimacy and he yearned to feel that way again, to feel so close to someone and to hold and kiss and be able to love and be loved by them but he never had that or understood platonic intimacy or love until he met you. You were often the person he went to first for anything, if he was frustrated he would vent to you, if he was happy he would go and share it with you first, if he wanted something he always told you first. But beyond that, you were the one who always offered him that verbal platonic intimacy he needed.
• Bestfriend! Baldur and you had this almost psychic connection. If anything happened to the other you would feel it. If he had a angry day you found yourself anticipating and preparing for it unconsciously, if something bad happened to you he would be in front of your door because "I jus'knew", he never was wrong.
• Bestfriend! Baldur's last moment when he said "snow" was because he wanted to feel the world around him, feel the snow touch his skin for the first time in years. But he also remembered all the time you and him had snow ball fights or made snow valkyries on the ground or created snow men only two throw each other at them, his last thought was he wanted to do all those things again with you one last time.
• Bestfriend! Baldur's death was something your felt like a void in your chest. Like something had been suddenly ripped away. You only understood when he never showed up again
• Bestfriend! Baldur's mother, Freya, watched you from her front door with confused eyes until you said "He-He was my best friend". She held you close to her chest as you both cried together, her quietly listening through her tears as you tried to tell her all the things you two did through choked sobes.
• Bestfriend! Baldur's mother, Freya, became like your own family. She would teach you all that she knew and listen to you as you spoke of him, she would hold you when things became hard, and read you stories she would read to him as a child. She became so much like family to you, you accidentally called her mom a few times and she let you. Eventually you were known as Child of Freya and Sibling of Baldur.
• Bestfriend! Baldur's mother, Freya and you got close because both of you were looking for a peice of him in each other. She found a peice of him in you in the shape of the habits he had that you picked up, in the instruments you played that used to belong to him, in the way you joked and told stories, and in the stories about him you gave. In her you saw the qualities in him that he never knew he got from her, like her penitent for singing or humming, like the way she let you rest your head on her thighs after a hard day.
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astarab1aze · 3 months
➥ Crovita
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⸻Technical Information. // Face, Voice, etc.
01. Faceclaim. Enigma   [ Musaigen ] 02. Voice Claim. Arwen / Liv Tyler [ LOTR ] 03. VG Faceclaim. Nyotengu [ Dead or Alive ]
⸻Profile Information. // Name, Age, etc.
01. Name. Karasuka Kuraime   [ Redacted Information ] 02. Alias. Crovita   [ Primary name ] 03. Sex. All sex organs are cloacal. [ Female ] 04. Gender. Female    05. Age. 129, physically early-30s   [ Dependent ] 06. Birth Date. September 24th   [ Libra ] 07. Blood Type. Sub-type HAA+ 08. Race. Crow Harpy, Japanese by nationality ; Japanese by ethnicity. 09. Marital Status. Single   [ Multiship ] 10. Orientation. Bisexual   [ Leans toward women ] 11. Residence. Chimachi, a hidden nightfolk haven in Tokyo, Japan 
⸻Physical Information. // Body, Equipment, Family, etc.
17. Physical Description. Her appearance is altogether rather youthful ; She has long raven hair that reaches the midpoint of her back, silky soft, an oil-slick shine to it, and she typically keeps it down with her fringe oscillating between hime-cut or straight-cut. Smooth and well-maintained. Her eyes are heterochromic, the right being piercing gold and the left a rich royal purple - a vivid representation of her magic as well as genetics. They are always framed by smoky eyeshadow and thick, long lashes. Her skin tone is a pale beige and she usually wears a layer of makeup that accentuates the curves and angles of her face, with winged eyeliner and a point at the inner corners of both eyes, black lipstick or gloss. She stands at an odd 6'1" / 185cm, rather tall and long-legged. She has a classic coke-bottle body shape, curvy and generally proportioned well, though her breasts are exceptional, pillowy, and just the sort of thing you'd want to rest your head on. She can be seen wearing modified kimono with gothic motifs, black, purple, and gold in color, as well as goth-style club outfits and really anything that highlights her sex appeal. She also wears a black crow skull half-mask to conceal her identity (and also for the aesthetic). Similarly to Asuka, she has beauty marks in random places on her body, with her most noteable being the one on her left breast and the other just below her lower lip (also on the left). While she's able to concel her harpy appearance, she is still very much a harpy ; Her feathers are sleek oil-slick, sweeping and sturdy, with her arms serving as her wings in much the same way as Asuka. Taloned fingers at the end to function as hands. Her tail feathers are long and some curve upward at the end, but are stiff and otherwise perfect for flight and balance. Both legs are relatively human to a certain point, til about mid-thigh, before making way for tufts of feathers, leather black skin, and finally more talons. She has a number of scars both on her face and all over her body, but she hides them with prejudice.
13. Equipment. Crovita is prepared for anything, so she's got a few infinite pockets sewn into her kimono and they're all filled with: Tungskin, singing stones, knives, explosive alchemical reagents, scrying glass, invisibility potions, healing draughts, a blackwyrm whistle, husbandry tools, witchlights, flamedancers, money, drugs, a cellphone, and honestly a lot more. 14. Occupation. JDR agent, specialized in organized crime & espionage ; She's effectively the equivalent to an FBI agent and has been working for the JDR for about 30 years. 15. Job Performance. Exceptional ; Her superiors at the JDR give her a lot of leeway in her work, allowing her the wiggle room to play both long and short games 16. Children. Asuka Kuraime (21M), whom she bore with Tethis Surna, a long-time close friend she was once married to for a decade or so (and also the longest living harpy possessing enough power to crack a planet). 17. Siblings. None
⸻Personality Information. // Likes, Strengths, etc.
18. Likes. The night, night markets, making beefy men squirm, money, champagne, girl scout cookies, matcha lattes, black lipstick, anything that accentuates her cleavage, expensive lingerie, witch-fingers, bloody delights (high in iron!), flirting, drinking sake, ballroom dancing, gothic nightclubs, cute girls, fishnets, dried mackerel, plain white rice with bonito flakes and seaweed, anything Asuka does with his painting, Asuka's feathers, the picture of Asuka as a baby she keeps on her desk, etc.  19. Dislikes. Her JDR superiors, every government with an INC department, literally the INC, most criminals, most people, stuffy by the book types, not working / keeping herself busy, being controlled, cottonmouth cakes, scarbuncle cheese, daytime, the ocean, anyone with an ego the size of Texas, Sanguinarians, harpy hunters, etc. 
20. Positive Traits. Nurturing. Loving. Doting. Independent. Resilient. Resourceful. Intelligent. Motherly. Understanding. Playful. Protective. Careful. Deliberate. Thorough. Supportive. 21. Negative Traits. Secretive. Distrustful. Overbearing. Selfishly selfless. Blunt at times. Moody. Loud. Manipulative. Possessive. 22. Goals. To put away as many criminals as she can, even if that means sending them off to the Triangulary or prisons like it, to protect Asuka. 23. Desires. For Asuka to be happy. She wants nothing for herself. 24. Alignment. Neutral Good
25. Personality. Crovita is a very complicated woman. She comes across as a sensual delight, happy to make your night, pepper you with inky black kisses and dote on you till morning - and to a degree, she quite literally is. But you'll never know who she is, what's important to her, who's important to her, what her name is, if you'll see her again. She's mysterious and beautiful, and means business when it comes down to brass tacks; A brutal businesswoman with an appetite for control and long battles of attrition, choke out the competition. She uses her skills to tip the scales in her favor, always ensuring she comes out of any scenario on top, even when the outcome is too much of an unknown to even bother gambling with. A natural at negotiation, steering a conversation, and risk assessment. But she's horribly closed off from most emotional attachments, denying herself the distraction from work and Asuka. She's a focused, capable woman, and she's always got a trick up her sleeve in any given situation. But her love for her son may sometimes cloud her judgment. Anyone she loves especially will end up smothered by her in some way, whether by too thorough check-ins or by genuinely too much affection. She's overbearing and overprotective, and although it all comes from such a place of love and care, it is often too much. It's a good sign, if she feels protective like this toward you, but it can also be the opposite depending on your perspective.
⸻Sorcery Information. // Element, Talent, etc.
26. Element. Aerial, Necrotic, Shadow - high manipulation skill ; The older a harpy is, the more elements they can acquire and control, usually about every 50 years depending on the harpy. 27. Shapeshifting. Low-level Multishifting - she can transform into an odd array of animals and inanimate objects, though she is imperfect in practice ; If you know what to look for, you'll notice ; She can also hide her harpy features this way. 28. Utility. Illusions, dispelling, wards, binding, trapping, alchemy, husbandry, curses, magical theory & history, economics, investigation, forensics, criminal justice - she knows a lot of things and can put them well to practice. 29. Specialization. Shadow magic - the resulting sub-school of magic between necromancy and illusions ; This allows her to become a shadow, become invisible, manipulate shadows, create them, and just about everything else. She's quite adept at it too, being the modern pioneer of a lost school. 30. Graduate School. Chimachi Prefectural School & Tokyo Sorcier Academy - two of the several magic schools in Japan with astounding repute ; Dedicated and rigorous, the educational environment is competitive and tense, but focused entirely on quality.  31. Classification. Anthromorph, Shade-Class Retributor - anthromorphs are nightfolk with presenting beast-oriented primary or secondary physical characteristics ; A Shade-Class Retributor is more or less an agent dedicated specifically to undercover operations, organized crime, espionage, assassination, and long-term government investigations - versatile, and with much more responsibility.
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⸻Background Information. // Past to Present.
    Crovita learned early on in her life what it meant to be a harpy; Everyone in the world wanted her dead, if only to pluck the eyes from her head and rip the feathers from her skin - hell, even remove her talons for the especially horrific sorts of poisons. A harpy's body parts, physical manifestations of the avian creatures they were part, are incredibly valuable, containing within an untapped well of incredible magical power with specific natures. Eyes, especially, for an array of applications, feathers for flight and safety, talons for strength and death, organs for vitality, flesh for protection. She watched countless harpies die over the course of her life, slaughtered at the hands of harpy hunters and poachers all looking to sell harpy bodies for very expensive parts.
This did not serve to weaken her mentality, rather it strengthened it, pushing her to reach for balance in the world and safety for her people; And as she aged, as she grew, she honed a vast number of skills, training under Tethis Surna following her graduation from Chimachi Prefectural School - who fostered her unique talent for weaving types of magic together (necrotic, illusions) and creating new ones (shadow), thus reviving lost schools of magic. She learned a great deal from him, allowing her to steel herself and her resolve when she believed herself ready to take the next step and become a sorcier, a necessary evil. To make the world a better place for herself and people like her, for the family she one day hoped to have, she would have to be in peak condition, strong, fierce, and powerful, and suffer the consequences of it if necessary.
Somewhere along the way, she sort of fell in love with Tethis, around the early 90's; They'd already been together for years in a mentorship, what could be the harm? At about this time, she entered the Chimachi Sorcier Academy and began her training as a sorcier, not long after marrying Tethis. In this time, much of her focus was on her work, but inklings of that family she'd wanted came bubbling to the surface. Many discussions were had between her and Tethis, and it was clear that whatever children they had would not be born of love. Tethis was too cold, too mechanical, too logical, time having worn away the best of his emotions - she was just too blind and too busy to have seen it. Even so, she was resolved in thinking it wouldn't matter if Tethis loved their child or not; She would, and if it made matters better, she wouldn't hold him responsible for it - she just wanted a family. And he gave her one. Soon after, they filed for divorce; It was a clean break.
When Asuka hatched from his egg, Crovita fell in love all over again, and her life changed dramatically in the blink of an eye. Her sense of purpose was renewed, underscored, and highlighted, and she knew that no matter the circumstances, this baby was all that mattered. Unusual and weak though he was, at first. Still she loved him, even though he couldn't fly, even though his feathers were weak and flimsy, even though he had a weak constitution and looked a bit more like his father than she'd have liked - she loved him. He was precious, and she would protect him always, no matter the cost. She would need help, however, so she hired help and forged a vow of silence, magically preventing them from ever revealing any information about herself or Asuka, even under threat. Asuka was home-schooled, cared for by nannies, and kept under surveillance in order to protect him. Crovita couldn't take any risks, not with her baby.
She nurtured his every whim, however. If he wanted to dance, she'd hire a private instructor. If he wanted to play an instrument, she'd hire a private instructor. If he wanted to paint, if he wanted to sing, if he wanted to swim, anything he wanted - she'd hire someone to teach him how - always and exclusively harpies. Painting seemed to be what he liked best, so she nurtured this interest in particular, buying every kind of paint in every color, all sorts of paint brushes, canvas, you name it - and set him up with a meeting with Cedric Montgomery, a renowned gallery curator, critic, and seller. Asuka's natural talent and interest in the arts led him down a career path that would ensure his health and safety, especially given Cedric's generous funding of his artwork.
Around the time Asuka struck a deal with Cedric, Crovita met a young sorcier by the name of Kaede Shikabane, who she took quite a liking to. Being stuck at work the majority of her time, they became friends, and she took him under her wing, looking out for him, protecting him, and vouching for him if ever he needed it. In a sense, she saw him as a sort of...little brother, or even an adoptive son. She was the reason Senkei saw any consequences for what he did to Kaede, once she learned of it; They have a unique bond, and don't get to see each other much these days, but like Asuka, she would go to hell and back for him.
Presently, she's trying to strike a balance between work and motherhood (an endless process), to give Asuka more independence and hunting down harpy hunters (also an endless process).
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Spidersona THE SEQUEL!
As mentioned previously I was able to see the new Spider-Verse movie AND IT WAS AWESOME!! I also have a ton of points that I need to scream about! If you need the basics that'll be here and if you want her origin that's here
Thoughts on the characters
Firstly, I saw the movie and really am in love with Miguel's character. Though no shame here, but X-readers who say he's sadistic did we watch the same movie? Talking about the same man?? Yes, he is rough and quick to temper with Miles BUT sadistic?? No, I can't see it but you do you!
I LOVE HOW THEY FLESHED OUT GWEN AND MILES! My baby siblings. My heart aches for them so bad
I'm surprised but not displeased by the pronunciation of Hobie's name. All in all very cool guy!
Spidersona Development (Spoiler Territory!)
Miles is the original anomaly, yes! BUT my s/i deals with Miguel first since all that he saw in their universe was too much to ignore.
That being said, where Miles was ignored, I was brought into Spider Society almost like an experiment since my 'canon' is so different.
For example, a Spider-person can't save the police commander they're close to. Rebecca doesn't have that. Her 'equivalent' was her dad being Military Captain who walked out on her a year into being Spider-Man. Yet Rebecca doesn't feel remorseful for not keeping him around. If anything, she resents him.
She also has a unique power as well. She can teleport. It's only when she feels threatened and when the threat isn't looking (IE Blinking, peripheral vision, stuff like that). She used to think it was only small distances but now is not sure. It does drain her though.
Yes, she is a little shit about it to Miguel.
She also has never glitched within other dimensions, even without Miguel's Multiverse Wristband.
She believes that this is because she got her powers from the Web-Weaver who may or may not have a hand in the Web of Life that connects all spider-people together. As she puts it to Miguel, "I got my powers from him and his purpose is to hunt me down! Wouldn't be fun for him if I got glitchy on the run... Not to mention things like the time-loop had to be a pocket-dimension."
Miguel has no reason not to believe it, given the evidence he's seen, but HATES it nonetheless since it can contradict all he believes in if the two discuss for too long.
Miguel makes her wear a wristband anyway. "Just so he can keep track of her" But Rebecca is sure while Jessica Drew, Lyla, and Peter B. know that there's another reason..!
She and Lyla are besties who try to get their leader to lighten up out of care for him.
Rebecca does joke about stealing Lyla away if the grumpiness ever gets too much for her.
Rebecca is always quick to try and defend Miles and the other teen spiders who get in Miguel's way.
In times during Across The Spider-Verse, Miguel has her working with him a lot. Even going as far as to trust her with certain things such as helping her hunt down Miles.
But she can understand where the kids are coming from and approaches Gwen, Hobie, and Pavitr to work with them since the Web of Life, Canon Events, and everything don't make sense to her. She believes she can't be the only exception to this. She also wants to keep families together and well since she knows the pain of a broken one.
This has led to a moment where Miguel lashes out as a confession and yells "YOU'RE THE EXCEPTION! To... to the Web of Life, to the Arachnoid Humanoid Poly-Multiverse, to ME!"
Rebecca is both flattered and softened since she knew he had feelings and she felt the same BUT SHE HATES being 'the exception'
Misc Stuff
When she first saw The Spot she low-key fangirled! He reminds her of the art style of one of her fave vocaloid songs music videos "Dramaturgy"
She pauses the fight so that she can show him if he's willing!
She wants to be his friend but also DON'T DESTROY THINGS PLEASE!!
She will try to hear out villains before just beating them up.
She can and has killed a villain since they were really into doing some beyond messed up shit. No qualms about it either...
She always has music on or is playing a game, sometimes both, in her downtime.
Miguel scolded her about it one time and she served him 3 doctor's notes. He can't say she isn't prepared.
She likes to use her webbing like a whip as her main form of combat style!
Her main goal is to make those around her days a little brighter. If she does so, then she's happy!
Gwen has her music, Miles has art, Rebecca has her writing!
She's always listening to something different and said music often contrasts her outfit (IE She has a pretty pink dress on with ribbons and frills? It's emo and punk-rock. She's wearing black, ripped pants, and her combat boots? It's cutesy-vocaloid and chill lofi on her phone)
Rarely ever wears her spider suit in Spider Society since she usually just pops in whenever.
She's into theater and musicals too! (So goodness help everyone)
She gets more injuries in her civilian life than she does as Spider-Girl
Taglist: @disneymarina @maskedanarchy-ships @floweringforgetfulness @singingdeepinme @violetsandmilk @nyandereneko @canongf @goldenworldsabound @wanderers-wife
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mutatedangels-a · 9 months
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˙ ˖ ✶ Introducing... Katydid Suwan
Twenty years since the Battle of the Breach that closed the portal and sealed Kaiju away from the human world for good, it's the year 2045...
Full bio under the cut. Katy is a test muse Pacific Rim OC living exclusively and rent-free at mutatedangels. Message me if you'd like to plot! ˙ ˖ ✶
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Age: 26 (March 27)
Pronouns: She/her
Residence: Seoul, Korea
Hometown: Pak Kret, Thailand
Primary occupation: Deejay
Secondary occupation: Jaeger pilot in training — future pilot of Silver Sparrow
FC: Lalisa Manoban
Katydid Suwan is a city slicker in Seoul, South Korea, calling it her new home after a Kaiju attack destroyed her home in provincial Thailand when she was just 6 years old. Now, at the age of 26, she couch-hops between friends' apartments while her eldest brother, Benjie, trains in the Jaeger program, famous for rescuing the world all those years ago. Katydid swore away from machines and monsters, preferring the lifestyle of a deejay, mixing beats and playing at clubs.
The Jaeger program hears of a covert operation mining the Pacific Rim for rare materials and resources found only at the Breach. During a mission to investigate the operation, Benjie, piloting a Jaeger by the code name Silver Sparrow with his best friend, and one other Jaeger duo encountered a mecha-Kaiju and were defeated in combat. Silver Sparrow was destroyed in battle, killing both Benjie and his best friend; the other Kaiju duo lived to tell the tale and relay the news to Katydid.
Spurred by revenge, Katydid enlisted in the Jaeger program with full intention of bringing justice to her brother's death. Except, she has a few problems: She has never piloted a Jaeger before and has to be trained from the ground-up. And she needs a partner. The only thing she's got to keep her going is her brother's motto while piloting Silver Sparrow: "Be light as a feather, stiff as a board."
Personality-wise, Katydid is quite hotheaded, stubborn, and closed-off. She has always been critical of the Jaeger program, as well as other efforts by the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps, believing their interference has caused the death of millions of innocent people—including, now, her entire family.
Wanted connections:
A sibling (can replace Benjie, or be a Benjie-equivalent who doesn't die)
A Jaeger pilot partner
Other connections outside of Pacific Rim verse. Open to AUs and plots of all kinds!
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marshallmaevik · 8 months
The Maeviks
Details about Marshall's immediate family: her fathers, and her three younger siblings. The page is also available to view on the wiki with photos here.
Oryo Maevik (Anupam Kher fc)
Oryo grew up in quite a large family of his own, but always had more in common with and spent more time with Siyan, the neighbor kid.
He had an affinity for building and repairing vehicles, and he always knew he wanted to do something big with his skills.  It wasn’t hard to convince Siyan, an excellent repairman in his own right.
Between him and his husband, Oryo is the more practical and serious one.  While they both have a large work ethic, it was him that made sure their goals had a way of lifting off the ground.
His other special interest is in dinosaurs, and he named his kids after his favorite dinosaur-centered television program.
Siyan Maevik (Erick Avari fc)
Siyan is the more soft-spoken of the two, but is also the more well-read, even somewhat-smarter of them.
He graduated with a series of certifications under his belt, and has been reading about one book every two days ever since he was a young boy.  Their home is overflowing with books.
He always knew he would want to have several kids and be a dad, and he set up the surrogacy for his children. 
Regularly enjoys the taste of black liquorice (He received a regular Mickey Mouse get well soon card as opposed to a Pluto one from Marshall, and it’s now framed in his office.  Even though they know they maybe shouldn't be, Siyan and Oryo are proud of their now-pirate daughter).
Holly Maevik (Aysha Kala fc)
The second-oldest in the Maevik family.
She has a positive and cheerful energy, is honest to the point of blunt-ness, and is very open.
Her extroverted personality, her knowledge of vehicle repair, and her passion for her work makes her the ideal CEO.
When asked by her parents or her younger siblings, she’ll say she’s married to her work and doesn’t have time for anything else like romantic partners, but really she’s never had a crush or even had an urge to date anyone.  Besides, being with someone means having to share her king-sized bed.
She and Marshall grew up very close and still consider each other great friends.
Will Maevik (Nik Dodani fc)
Third oldest. Next to youngest?
Even from a young kid, Will had been the erkuss equivalent of a squirrel, always fidgeting with something, bouncing off of walls, getting distracted in class.  He was given an official ADHD diagnosis to accompany this.
Chaotic neutral.
He has a very comfortable job managing the technical aspects of his parents’ company, and it gives him a lot of time for his many side projects.  Mainly website development.  His website creations range from either useful or very not-useful.  For example, he created a website that has one singular picture of Jeff from the Wiggles, and he refuses to sell off the jeff.com domain to a very adamant stranger named Jeff.
Will has had one girlfriend throughout high school and now, and they would like to get married, but they both keep putting it off.  Simply because they would both like a larger wedding, but don’t want to actually plan one.
Rick Maevik (Seerat Kapoor fc)
The baby of the family.
Rick has next to no memories of when they used to live on Kor’Sel’Koo, and only really knows the version of the dads that owned Maevik Motors.
She wasn’t favored by their parents, per se, but she did receive a lot more leniency on just about everything.  With responsibilities covered by her older siblings, Rick didn’t have to work much for the company, save for starring in the occasional commercial.  She had a lot of freedom to hang out with friends, date, and her free spirit meant she racked up many wild stories to share.
After she graduated school, Rick knew she wanted to act more, and so she auditioned and landed several more gigs in commercials, and had a small role in a tv drama series on Kraysha called Glass House.
She’s currently taking up a regular modeling gig for a soda company.
After a series of partners, Rick met her now wife on the set of Glass House, they had a huge wedding about two years ago, and the two live in Different City.
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yukinojou · 2 years
The Sandman - rewatch the first...
Some notes on rewatch, to continue from previous babble:
It's amazing how good CGI can look when composited into practical sets where the light on the actors and the set bits nearest to them freaking matches. The pan towards the decayed Dream realm works because that light is there, right on the floor and the actors, and the CGI is matched to all the real textures. Can someone show it to Disney plzkthx?
The red lamps in Roderick's office being lit in the morning of Jessamy's death are a Thing.
Cain and Abel are so perfectly in sync.
I like the rapid cutting in the Hecatae scene much better on second watch, though I still wish we had a close-up on the last shot, the CGI would hit more.
Joanna is really both more practical and more quietly self-destructive than John. Less picturesque, more despairing in a way. More closed off. I still love her messy flat and office.
We don't get Rachel's dad plastered all over the walls, but we do get security guards plastered all over an elevator. That is one picturesque effect.
I do wonder whether the Corinthian didn't push Ethel into her sacrifice play, just a little. But I suspect he was planning on John taking the amulet, not this. Still, he always rolls along with the changes in the plot.
The choice for white light drifting from above in Lucifer's reception room is Something. It does make for moments when live actors and practical sets look like CGI alas, and even worse when there's actual CGI of Satanic St Peter's Square.
That last shot of Lucifer in episode 4 is freaking perfect. So much pride, which is all Lucifer should be about.
There's a doctoral thesis in how much the 24 Hours rewrite focuses on Bette as a writer and writers' fears and stories in general. Morpheus is the Prince of Stories, he's basically the God of Writers, and gods the burning manuscript thing still hurts, the way it's an equivalent to everyone else mutilating and killing themselves.
Lighting two people with skin tones as different as Tom and Kirby must have been a pain. Look at the bench scene, in shots where there's only Tom his skin looks like three tones darker because the camera isn't compensating for all that range.
Tom absolutely nails "younger brother with embarrassing older sister" acting. Like, whoa, the eyerolls alone. They have a perfect sibling vibe.
Come to think of it, Mason and Donna nail it too. The moment where Desire cuddles Despair's crocs is to die for.
Dear Hob, you have a serious case of heart eyes for your friend. And nope, the song choices in the 80s scene aren't helping.
Liking Rose much better this time around, because she does have that writer's remove from the events, that analysing touch. She's usually very in control of herself.
Oh gods, Carl isn't a new character. He's a genderswapped Carla, Lyta's friend who appears in both The Doll's House (like, one panel while Lyta learns that Daniel is Dream's) and The Kindly Ones. So when the Corinthian finds Lyta's home burned to the ground, it's going to be that little bit more personal for him.
In the Doll House arc, Dream suddenly gets texture to his face. It does correspond to his frequently unshaven state in the comics, but I think it’s also a factor of how he’s seen by Rose, who does not expect fae-like perfection. Compare and contrast his skin/makeup in A Hope in Hell for peak inhumanity.
Still utterly amused by the riff on SFF lit conventions. They are exactly like that, complete with the deep hobby conversations with people you've just met.
I love the fact Unity's last sequence has her in a nightie with her upper arms bare - very often a societal taboo for a woman of her age and shape - and no bra. She has the shape of family members of mine❤️
I love the fact someone finally noticed that Gwendolyne Christie has a very renaissance face. Can't wait for season two.
Skipping Dream of a Thousand Cats until I can watch it with my cats, who are still on holidays.
Calliope story / presentation upgrades are good, but dear gods the CASTING. That show should get the best-casting-of-all-time award, because Arthur Darville just disappears into book!Madoc and at the same time gives him so much nuance. Sir Derek Jacobi is having so much fun being sleazy. And then you have Amita Suman, whose deep beautiful eyes steal every scene she's in. Which isn't even touching on Mellisanthi Mahut and how she's a muse statue come to life. (That hair at the end, too!)
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sebsaaed · 1 year
[nonbinary he/they] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [SEB SAEED]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [MENA MASSOUD]. You must be the [THIRTY TWO] year old [DRUMMER]. Word is you’re [CHARISMATIC] but can also be a bit [STUBBORN] and your favorite song is [CHERRY BOMB BY THE RUNAWAYS]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
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has always been really close with his family even if he doesn't always agree with their values.
was in an arranged marriage with their best family friend's daughter since diapers. though he fell in love with her brother instead. she ended up being gay too so they decided they'd play along for the sake of their parents but would remain just best friends.
their parents found out and it was a huge fiasco. his boyfriend and best friend were forced to move back to india when seb was in high school.
it was around then that he found his love for music. specifically drumming. he wasn't an angry person at all but loved being able to release his true emotions through drumming.
he was twenty when him, xavier and the rest of their band started playing together and it was immediately a new found family. a safe place where they all accepted one another, no questions asked.
he's the equivalent of a human teddy bear. genuinely loves most people and wears his heart on his sleeve. can be dramatic af and sensitive but it's just who he is.
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