#that and the bobby driscoll thing
stillchasingfairies · 2 years
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Don’t call, bobbydriscoll.com has vanished. </3
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blackopals-world · 4 months
-The Lil's Lullabies-
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The Crewel household
Crewel: Good night my little pups. Don't worry I'll play your favorites.
Tailor!Yuu: *humming in their sleep*
Maid!Yuu: *dozing off*
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The Trein Household
Trein: Remember, you only get to listen to music if you try to sleep.
Noble!Yuu: Yes, Father.
Writer!Yuu: *Already hiding their books under their pillow to sneak read*
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The Vargas Household
Vargas: *Fell asleep already and snoring like a bear. The kids but on their own playlists*
Special Forces!Yuu: *using Vargas as a pillow*
Disciplinary Officer!Yuu:
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The Charon Household
Lazarus: You have to sleep in beds.
Marin Biologist!Yuu: * in the tub* No!
Nurse!Yuu: *under a table* Never!
Vet!Yuu: *swinging in their hammock* Nope!
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End of Part 1
Part 2
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Zoomer Huey, I tend to see people saying why Gen z don’t have sex much.
These journalists surprisedly have WORSE self awareness than there boomer relatives
Here a hint https://x.com/swannmarcus89/status/1762582001507323991?s=46
And gender dynamics are…nuked in the fields they are surveying. Women and girls are told that all men are predators and misandry is left unchecked
Also, why Hollywood act surprised about the sex abuse?
We all heard about the casting coach, and how suspiciously people from working class backgrounds like Micheal Jackson (yes his dad had his music connections. But essentially mj was a slave and was arguably was the first black child star unless I’m missing someone) and Walt Disney (though not as bad) are painted as monsters while the actual monsters are protected for decades
I mean look at Judy Garland, she was a sweet person and she did help the LBGT in Hollywood and supported the civil rights movement
But her “crazy” behavior makes more sense because she was sexually abused at a extremely young age
And she not the only one, Shirley Temple, the boy who played at the first LA Dennis the Manis
Oh and the Peter Pan actor (a lot of people leave out the part where ALL of Hollywood basically says he can choke and die because he was “too” Disney)
But sorry about the Gen stuff, but the false rape accusations, maybe if you guys didn’t view men (especially white ones) the same way Nazis viewed the Jews while saying all the working class men were Weinstein.
My Gen would have more sex
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Entertainment industry has been like that since the beginning of forever, probably less so when women weren't allowed to participate but still a thing I'm sure.
As for Judy Garland it was nice to see people come out swinging in her defense when someone tried to start shit over well
She was not in control of her carer, saying no was not an option for her with this, but dumbasses that can only think in terms of today's standards never think about that.
Jay North (Dennis the Menace) did ok, so did Shirley Temple, plenty of others not so much, more recently we can look at Drew Barrymore and RDJ who both had fairly public meltdowns and problems.
Drew was ruined since her first film was ET and Spielberg takes care of the kids on set, going beyond the legal requirements.
Bobby Driscol was the Peter Pan VA top of his Wiki article.
Robert "Bobby" Cletus Driscoll (March 3, 1937 – c. March 30, 1968) was an American actor who performed on film and television from 1943 to 1960. He starred in some of the Walt Disney Studios' best-known live-action pictures of that period: Song of the South (1946), So Dear to My Heart (1949), and Treasure Island (1950), as well as RKO's The Window (1949). He served as the animation model and provided the voice for the title role in Peter Pan (1953). He received an Academy Juvenile Award for outstanding performances in So Dear to My Heart and The Window.
He just fell into the child actor pit, where he wasn't "cute" anymore couldn't get gigs and couldn't adjust to not being in the spotlight, the way he went and nobody knowing is awful to think about still.
Jackie Coogan, on the other hand was a different story.
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His parents sucked and as a result there's a series of laws named after him California's Coogan Law all about protecting the earnings of child actors from their parents. % goes into a trust iirc.
He ended up OK in the end though
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The false accusation thing, #me too hurt women because #believe women was taken advantage of to such a degree that even this coming out to light
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has still probably not cleared up for the trooper, and men are opting to not mentor women because of not wanting to risk a false accusation, everyone screams about how rare they are, to which I say so what, why should they assume the risk even if it's minor
Former VP Mike Pence came out and said he won't be alone with a woman that's not his wife in order to ensure that there is no possibility of someone making a claim of impropriety.
And he got this response
Why is anyone going to put their neck on the line when something like what he said is going to get this kind of response.
Maybe instead of crying about how rare false accusations are they should focus on shaming the people making them and coming up with solutions to keep them from happening.
You know instead of blaming the victims of the false accusations.
All this and so much more going on that isn't in this ask goes to the I don't blame people for not having as much sex, it's actually kinda nice too, fewer std's this way.
I went on a couple tangents, hope that's ok
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For a mostly-zen guy, you seem to have it out on Disney. What’s been eating you exactly?
Okay, look, the Bobby Driscoll controversy is only the tip of the iceberg, but it’s a really good way to explain how soulless Disney is as a corporation. I love a lot of the films under the Disney brand (Toy Story, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, The Emperor’s New Groove, The Incredibles, Up, Tangled, Soul, Encanto, and so much more), but the actual corporation in charge of the creators behind these films thrives on a false image.
They constantly act like they’re this all-loving beacon of family goodness, yet they’ll do whatever it takes to make some kind of money, whether it’s prematurely cancelling projects for having LGBT content like The Owl House, monopolizing beloved franchises by making countless spinoffs to the point of exhaustion like with Star Wars and the MCU, exploiting critical backlash to their products by making it out to be like only the “toxic” fans hate their projects like with The Last Jedi and Captain Marvel, providing base-level representation and expecting to be praised for it like with Eternals and the Mulan remake, constantly making live-action remakes of classic films that either barely improve on the original like with The Lion King remake, or make so many changes you’re questioning what the hell they’re thinking like with the Cruella de Vil movie, and supporting terrible people like the Chinese concentration camp they filmed one of their movies nearby.
While I admire a lot of creative minds like Alex Hirsch, Dana Terrance, Brad Bird, and Dave Filoni, I have little to no respect for Disney as a company. They have screwed over their talent if it isn’t profitable, and outside of social media sites like this one, never gets called out for their shady business practices. What makes it worse is that they’re such a huge media juggernaut, it’s impossible to even boycott them or make some kind of changes. Just look at what Alex Hirsch and Dana Terrance had to go through to get any form of LGBT representation in the House of Mouse. Outside of them, nobody is willing to stand up to this terrible company and how doing things like censoring LGBT scenes in other countries is influencing the media industry as a whole.
I’m just so fucking tired of the stuff they pull...
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theburgessobserver · 3 months
Local news
Last night January 16th hail fell upon our town,However this was no ordinary hailstorm as the hail was perfectly round with a dot in the middle.The experts are confused and so is the town.Some believe that this was caused by a freak of nature there are even beliefs that it may have been caused by a supernatural phenomenon namely aliens.Though research is inconclusive, some say it might have been a publicity stunt by the Cheerio Company but no one has come forth it is also important to note that such a stunt would be very difficult to conduct.
More on pages 2-4
Scientist have just discovered the legendary Missing Link a fish/ape hybrid it was thawed out of ice and it seems to have been perfectly preserved by the ice,however it was discovered that it was only 2 million years old which means that it's not our link but it is to something much different. As noted it looked like nothing ever seen and its existence has lead experts to question what really is this oddity of nature?
More on pages 5-6
Metro City loves Pat Boone.
as he tops the charts.Records and Hearts broken.
More on page 7
Yes the newest nuclear bomb Castle Bravo is recorded as the most powerful explosion ever conducted. It was so bright that the fireball turned the night into day.With a power of yield 15 megatons of TnT. It unbelievable power was created here last night.One that was far more powerful than anything ever created!
Pages 6-7
Lucky Dragon 5 incident!
+Scientists conduct research on the effect of fallout on a grub.
Page 8
Last night a radar picked up an unidentified flying object in the sky not far from Burgess!Could it be responsible for the Cheerio hail?
Page 9
Sports results
-NHL playoffs
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Playing toninght in our local Movie Theater:
War of the Worlds starring Gene Barry and Ann Robinson Sci-Fi
Our rating 10/10
Riot in Cell Block 11 Neville Brand Emilie Mayer Drama/Noir
Our rating 8/10
Peter Pan starring Bobby Driscoll Bill Thompson Margaret Kerry Animated family.
Our rating 10/10
Also:Compilation shorts:
Pluto's Heart Throb,Lion Around,Cold War,Casey Bats Again,Susie the Blue Coupe and Cold Storage
Theater Plays:
Waiting for Godot
at 7.PM
Howdy Doody 6-8 PM
I Love Lucy 8-9 PM
Our miss Brooks 9-10 PM
Better take your umbrellas out ,it will be cloudy with a chance of cereal shaped hail coming from the skies above.
Also seeing as there are tons of cereal hale covering the roads it is a snow day today.
Editors Note:According to Peter Ramsey, on January 16, 1954, Jack Frost caused Cheerio-shaped hail to rain down on Burgess.
Based on a true story and events.
And around the same time back then Castle Bravo went off.
I am proud to present the first issue of the Burgess Observer newspaper.
I have done it to chronicle the town(and to a degree the world) and have it on a semi-real life backdrop(ei some real life events) to detail more about it(an expansion if you may).To make it feel more real and lived in(after all it feels like a place you could just go to with working theaters/cinemas/communities).And also integrate some things into this wonderful world.
And also see how they would explain such supernatural occurrences/beings….
Please tell me your honest opinion and the pros and cons(what should i change or improve upon and how)
Also remeber that a comment will make the author much happier,and make the world a slightly better place. And Commenting,Following and favoriting me and my works will inspire me to do more!And i will always listen to your questions and suggestion
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marciabrady · 11 months
Hey, I saw your response regarding Walt Disney. I recently read how he dropped Bobby Driscoll a few months after Peter Pan came out. His contract was far from expiring. It didn’t make sense to me and I felt so bad about Bobby’s early death. I was just wondering if you’ve read about this and if so, how does it make you feel about Walt?
Hi there! This is an interesting question and I'm glad you learning about Bobby- his life is definitely a fascinating one. I've known about Bobby for some time and I've heard people speak about it who knew him, Walt, and his family. Ultimately, what Bobby went through wasn't okay and should never be treated as anything other than the atrocity it was. When it comes to child stars though, it's difficult to just blame one person- for instance, those who have endeared themselves to Judy Garland or Elizabeth Taylor tend to pit all of their problems on the back of Louis B. Mayer, and while Mayer was indeed controversial, there were also people like Katharine Hepburn who said that he was a very fine man that was extremely fair and, in the case of Judy specifically, most of her problems seemed to boil down to her mother.
Ultimately, there are too many moving parts to try to pin down one cause as-to what happened so I'm not entirely comfortable with scapegoating Walt. From what I understand, Bobby was developing acne and was growing out of the little boy parts that made him famous so he wasn't marketable anymore to continue playing the types of roles that he did and that was what lead to them terminating his contract. The film industry is a business, so as harsh as that is, it happens to a lot of child stars unfortunately and it's close to impossible to say whether that was Walt's actual decision, or he was just the one that had to deliver the news to Bobby, or if a creative team behind Walt made the decision and he's getting pinned with it because he was the face of Disney. Like I said, all of these things are really difficult to say because...for instance, with Adriana Caselotti- even though we'd heard Walt blacklisted her, she also brought him up favorably, calling upon his spirit when she needed help, guidance, or to perfect a recording when she continued to voice Snow White. When they backdoored her by bringing Snow White on the Oscars with another voice actress, when they brought her in to voice a deleted scene and then used that for reference for her replacement without telling her and edited her out, and even when she sued Disney for not giving her a proceed of the VHS sales, she almost always said: "Walt wouldn't have permitted this." Even Ilene Woods pretty much ghosted the company after the way that they mistreated her and there was a lot of shady business from other executives that Walt took the fall for at the time, when he never perpetuated it in the first place and she continued to speak about him extremely favorably for the rest of her life. So, like I said, it's really hard to retroactively pin the tragedy of someone's life on one person. If Walt was complicit, that wasn't okay and there was a lot of inappropriate things that happened in the film industry in general at that time period, and even now, that we're still trying to correct. That's also why no one should ever blindly idolize a human, as we're all capable of fault. Ultimately, like I said, I don't view Walt's entire life on the spectrum of one decision he did or didn't make and I think the contributions he gave to the world and the joy and imagination he filled it with in other aspects of his life are the things I'm grateful for.
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So I as a writer and artist was thoroughly disappointed by Disney wish and instantly thought that there was another film they released last year that would be so much better for their celebrations
Chip and Dale the Rescue Rangers movie
Number one Chip and Dale could have been the Disney 100 movie just like Who Framed Roger rabbit it is the perfect movie to put in all sorts of references and nostalgia,
Rename it though to Chip and Dale secrets and lies slogan
"Some secrets just won't stay in the Disney Archives"
Now for the story
First of all take out the whole Peter Pan thing that was just wrong we all know what happened with Bobby Driscoll unfortunately instead bring in Oswald the Lucky Rabbit as the Villian, now you could play with this and have it either be him being a jilted personality like Epic Mickey or we could play around with the whole antiheroes idea something has happened to cause him to trip offline most likely something related to Charles Mintz.
If we go with the villain idea have him bootlegging make him be the antithesis of Mickey the opposite side he's just trying to survive because Disney won't give him any work despite having his rights back,
Number two have a bit of fun with the other Disney characters sure the title is Chip and Dale but you can have fun with it bring in Mickey Mouse Goofy Donald and all of them
Maybe add to their lore while you're at it you know maybe it would be cool to see Mickey and Minnie married or Donald taking care of the triplets with Jose and Panchito, Disney would never go for the whole LGBTQA thing but you know it would be funny if they were all just roommates trying to take care of the triplets and be good mentors to them.
Make Daisy a major fashion icon for several companies we could all see that make her the face of them
Have Goofy and Max still at home just doing their thing, bring in Roxanne,
And yes bring in Ortensia and if they can do 101 Dalmatians I really think the animators would get a kick out of animating 420 little rabbits running around as a gag that they follow her like a freaking Shepherd, especially with how tall Chip and Dale are it would be like them walking in the middle of a crowd.
And I'm pretty sure you could keep the rest of the story the same except for the factor take out the stupid they were born in 1980 I had a really cool idea where it shows chip and Dale's creator sketching on an animation drawing board as the camera zooms into the back of his head but you see Chip and Dale hop off the page and Scurry off and we kind of follow them throughout their years until the modern day with Dale narrating
It started in 1942, well for Disney it started in 1923, but for me and my brother it started in 1942. We were Chip and Dale causing mischief and trouble since the day we hopped off that animation table.
There was no amount of chaos that we wouldn't cause even to the point that it ticked off Walt Disney, he put us in time out a couple times. But we still never listened,
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medea10 · 10 months
My Review of Peter Pan no Bouken
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Nearing the end of watching Little Lord Fauntleroy, instead of airing the preview for the next episode there was a preview for an upcoming anime that was going to air in it’s current timeslot. When you watch these World Masterpiece Theater animes in their original video format, you come upon that. In the past, I saw previews for other series I have yet to watch like Heidi and The Bush Babies. What do we have here this time?
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Peter Pan?!
Peter Pan is an anime?! For real?! Okay, we’re watching this.
All I can say is, who hasn’t heard of Peter Pan? How many movies and television shows have been made that was loosely based off this fairy tale? Too many to count! Hook, Finding Neverland, Pan, Walt Disney’s Peter Pan, Peter Pan starring Mary Martin, Tinkerbell, the live-action Peter Pan in 2003, Return to Neverland, Chip n’ Dale Rescue Rangers, Peter Pan and the Pirates on FOX Kids, Once Upon a Time…It’s just endless! Add to that a new Disney live-action reboot to the tale starring Jude Law. So, this story is never going to die. And it shouldn’t! I grew up with the story. I’ve watched several plays. I’ve seen many movie adaptations. Because I have a boomer parent, I watched the Mary Martin Broadway version. But as we all know, the one I know front-to-back would be Walt Disney’s 1953 animated feature film starring Bobby Driscoll, Hans Conried, and Katherine Beaumont.
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I know this film is canceled eight ways from Sunday and I don’t care. Disney+ has advisory notices everywhere with this one. And if I’m not mistaking, if you’re under 7 on Disney+, you’re not even allowed to watch this without parental permission. I’ll save the bitching about that for a different day. I liked this film. Disney’s Peter Pan is one of my guilty pleasures despite outdated stereotypes and major sexism. At least I know the Japanese version won’t sing a song called, “What Makes the Red Man Red”. I’m curious to see Japan’s take on this tale as these World Masterpiece Theater classics seem to be very accurate in their telling of the stories. And they’ve got 41 episodes to do so.
I do have to wonder though. Aren’t the main characters of the World Masterpiece Theater animes supposed to deal with heavy subject matter? The Darling children have it easy compared to nearly every other character from the other animes. They’re not orphaned. They’re not put to work in slave conditions. They're not escaping Nazis. Their home was not burned to the ground by Confederate soldiers. That’s a foreshadow to what I watch after Peter Pan. These kids get to hang out in Neverland with a boy that never grew up. Then again, it is a literary classic and I suppose they wanted to change things up with a more light-hearted story.
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The story was created by Scottish playwright/novelist J.M. Barrie. Peter Pan is the story about a free-spirited and mischievous young boy who can fly and never grows older. Peter Pan lives in Neverland with a fairy named Tinkerbell. He spends his days hanging with other kids who didn’t grow up named the lost boys, conversing with the mermaids, dodging danger from the Indians, and occasionally fighting against the notorious pirate, Captain Hook.
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But as we all know the story truly begins with the Darling family. Wendy, John, and Michael Darling are spirited children who are well taken care of by their loving and strict parents and a watchful dog named Nana. The children have recently been having dreams about the titular character. It’s an uncommon phenomenon for children their age to dream about a boy that never ages named Peter Pan. It’s just that there’s no book to prove his existence. But Peter Pan has found a fascination with the Darling household and shows up several times. After losing his shadow, Peter ends up meeting Wendy, John, and Michael. Peter tells them all about the place he lives, Neverland. Next thing you know, they’re covered in pixie dust and they’re flying from the UK all the way to Neverland.
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Here, Wendy and her brothers spend their time hanging out with the lost boys, conversing with the mermaids, dodging danger from the Indians, and…okay, you get the idea. The Darling children are getting the Neverland experience.
BETWEEN THE DUB AND THE SUB: You ain’t gonna believe this. This anime has a dub. Not just one, but two dubs. In 1993, Sky One in the UK aired this anime (under the name Peter Pan: The Animated Series) and gave it a dub. Not to be confused with the other shows that went as Peter Pan: The Animated Series. This, I’m okay with. Real British people voicing real British characters. Thank you! Yeah, I praise that here, but when the UK dubs for Crayon Shin Chan and Urusei Yatsura, I make cringe faces. The other dub was done by Saban. Wow, how dated can you get with that company? Due to the limited data, I can’t really talk about the dub here. As usual, we get a few veterans from the World Masterpiece Theater animes and a few well-known voice actors early in their career. One more addition, it’s quite clever that Chiako Otsuka not only played Captain Hook here, but he was also the Japanese dub voice for many Disney movies that feature Hook (as well as some of the Kingdom Hearts games) and continued to do so before passing away several years ago. The more we know!
*Peter Pan is played by Noriko Hidaka (known for Kikyo on InuYasha, Akane on Ranma ½, Near on Death Note, Soujirou on Rurouni Kenshin, Ursula on Little Witch Academia, and Bellemire on One Piece)
*Wendy is played by Naoko Matsui (known for Misora on Death Note, Noriko on Itazura na Kiss, Monet on One Piece, Shikamaru’s mother on Naruto, and Bridget on Little Lord Fauntleroy)
*John is played by Kyouko Hamura
*Michael is played by Yuriko Fuchizaki (known for Anthy on Revolutionary Girl Utena, Hiro on Fruits Basket, Cyprine on Sailor Moon S, and Megumi on Ah My Goddess)
*Tinkerbell is played by Sumi Shimamoto (known for Ishizu on YGO, Kanata on Lucky Star, Sara on Princess Sara, and Mitsuba on Gintama)
*Captain Hook is played by Chiako Otsuka (known for Gol D. Roger on One Piece, Arthur on Hellsing, and Tao Pai Pai on Dragon Ball) [R.I.P.]
SHIPPING: Wait…what?! There should be no talk of shipping here.
Oh, but in episode six John has a crush on Tiger Lily. And then John continues to be all blushy around her throughout the series.
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John and Tiger Lily? What sick fan-fiction tripe is this?! I’ve never seen any poppycock related to what I just wrote anywhere. Tiger Lily is supposed to have a crush on Peter and hate Wendy. Not on a yandere level like Tinkerbell, but still. Japan, do better!
To be honest, there is one ship I support in the Peter Pan universe and no, it is not Peter Pan x Wendy. That was never something I supported, not even as a kid.
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I actually support Captain Hook x the crocodile. Yes, I am pro this. Even three-year old me would support this.
ACCURATE OR NOT: Time to see if this adaptation stacks up well compared to the original source material.
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*This adaptation has fewer Lost Boys. Many of the adaptations are pretty loose when it comes to the lost boys in terms of how many there are and their names. Originally, there were six. So, we seem to be missing Nibs and the twins. I guess that’s one thing Disney’s Peter Pan got right and they didn’t even say their names.
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*Not sure if all of these places in Neverland truly existed in the original text. Because here, it feels like there are a lot of places that even Peter Pan has never heard of or been to. Pretty sure Peter Pan has been in Neverland since God farted out the solar system. So, why would he question any part of the land he’s lived in his whole life? And don’t get me started on Tinkerbell’s situation. That’s a fairy-hole I don’t feel like traveling down.
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*There was potential of a really threatening antagonist for this series with Darkness and her ambitions of stealing dreams from children. And it’s up to her granddaughter Luna to save this woman and show her the right way. Too bad Darkness and Luna do not exist in the original material. Hey, if this series is gonna be 41 episodes, you’ve gotta stretch it out as much as possible.
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*Yeah, little Rascal here doesn’t exist outside the anime. Just like every other cute animal featured in these animes. Okay, go join the rest of the animals like Chouchou, Milky Ann, Piccolo, and Caesar that never existed.
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*Mama Hook. Surely, she existed. I mean, Hook was originally a fellow who studied at the best schools of England including Eton and Oxford. It’s just that I don’t think she was ever mentioned in the novel. Other adaptations, very rarely. Even Disney didn’t have a Mama Hook until 2011 where they got Sharon Osbourne of all people. In the anime, it is always implied that Hook’s mother passed away, but he loves her so dearly. Every so often, he will talk about her.
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THIS GODDAMN ANIMATION: I swore I would never yell about the Nippon animation for the World Masterpiece Theater collection. And it’s great that many of the Nippon animators went on to do greater pieces including movies for Studio Ghibli. But I can’t hold it in with this one. This is just bad. The animation quality went down after Little Lord Fauntleroy and it really shows. I keep wanting to wipe away Peter Pan’s mouth because I think he has a chocolate milk stain. And this might be bias on my part, but most of the Captain Hooks I’ve watched were (for a lack of a better term) PILFs. This Captain Hook looks like he belongs in that Oingo Boingo ending theme from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Pt. 3.
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ENDING: Depending on what Peter Pan adaptation you watch; chances are the ending will be different. Some will end with the Darling children back home with their parents, some end with the Darling children bringing the Lost Boys with them back home, and other endings show the future where Wendy is all grown up with her daughter Jane. And most of the non-Disney live-action ones will do something way out of left field, I turn off the TV in disgust and howl at the moon.
While I’m on a tangent, why did Pan have a scene where they’re singing Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit?
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While most adaptations will showcase a Peter Pan vs. Captain Hook showdown, this series has Darkness and Luna. Darkness has plans for her granddaughter and Neverland. She plans to use this Black Mirror that will destroy Neverland. But of course, Darkness is too old to carry out anything and is missing a few things to make this come true. That’s where Luna comes in as she tries to groom her to become her successor. Luna has been hesitant and defiant against doing her grandmother’s bidding. Unfortunately, things do not go well when Captain Hook and the pirates get involved in this family squabble as well. Peter Pan and Wendy are friends with Luna and help her when she’s around, so yeah, they’re caught up in this mess too.
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The pet raccoon Rascal was holding this special key that Darkness needs to make her dream into a nightmarish reality. Once everything was in place, Darkness was able to use her granddaughter’s body as a vessel in order to take over. The Luna that Peter and Wendy knew no longer exists. She’s out to destroy Neverland. Captain Hook is one for destruction, but even he knows to not fuck with the natural order of Neverland. Thankfully, Wendy was able to break through to Luna. The black mirror that Darkness has been harping about for several episodes is now the white mirror and peace can continue across the land. Okay, we’re at the final episode at this point. Is that all?
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Wendy and her brothers feel like their time in Neverland is over after everything that has just happened. Yeah, just randomly bring up going home now. Absolutely no talks about leaving prior to this moment. Sure, they mention their lives in London every now and then while in Neverland but never talked about wanting to return. In this version, Wendy, John, and Michael leave without bringing back the lost boys.
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After returning from Neverland, Wendy and the boys would always remember their time in Neverland…at first. In time, they will gradually forget what transpired there until it felt like nothing more than a dream. Peter promised to come visit. But days turn to weeks. Weeks to months, months to years. But one night, many years later, Peter Pan returns to the nursery to find Wendy’s daughter Jane. Better late than never!
Ehhh…not my favorite Peter Pan adaptation and right now my least favorite of the World Masterpiece Theater collection. I think for me, when it comes to Peter Pan, I prefer it to be in movie form and not a 41-episode trilogy. Frankly, this series bored me more than you would think. The addition this anime made with the black mirror, Darkness, and Luna piqued my interest slightly. It’s new to the Peter Pan story and stepping into unfamiliar territory, but it caught my attention for a short while. But to be blunt, I would rather stick to the movies I’ve grown up to enjoy.
Does that mean you’ll watch Disney’s latest Peter Pan & Wendy now?
Fuck naw. Disney can suck on a huge tray of dicks with their live-action reboots. After what they did to The Lion King, I wash my hands of that.
But if you are curious about the Peter Pan anime…good luck finding it.
Now that Peter Pan is over, it’s time I pick up another World Masterpiece Theater classic where we go back to America.
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Way back when in 1863, now part of the American lore.
(psst...It's Little Women)
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powderkiwi · 2 years
I was watching the video Lonely by Justin Bieber the other day on YouTube, Jacob Tremblay plays Justin’s younger self in the video.
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Whilst I understand this song is very personal to Justin, I wonder if Jacob may identify with a lot of the lyrics too.
I was watching Jacob working on Luca in one of those behind the camera docos, he was constantly looking for direction and more over approval of his performance from the director.
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When he was younger Jacob in many ways could rely on his cuteness and marketable voice to assist him in getting a role, that with his exceptional acting ability was a trifecta. As he’s growing up, the first two factors which made him so appealing are slowly becoming a memory, he now has to rely on his acting ability alone and there are heaps of good teen actors out there he has to compete with.
He must feel under a considerable amount of pressure, there are echos of the Bobby Driscoll saga here in its earliest days, I hope for Jacob’s sake he has the right people around him…having a yes crowd around you is never good, something Justin realised was a significant factor in some of the more torrid moments in his career.
Jacob seems like a great person, but don’t forget most things we see on screen and in interviews are a persona created to meet our expectations (fans) and those of possible future employers. (Producers) I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, it’s his job… every actor, writer, director.. sod it human being, does the same thing. We very rarely show people who we truly are..it keeps us safe, a barrier between the sometimes beautiful, but more often than not ugly world within which we live.
Jacob is after all a working tween as he says in #Goodboys, who earns a significant amount of income. His family, agents, all benefit financially from his success. He therefore carries a huge load on his young shoulders and I hope that he remembers that he’s first and foremost still a kid, When he’s older, will he look back at this period of his life as an opportunity lost. So many former child actors have shared how they really regret missing their childhood because they were always working. Money isn’t everything, happiness cannot be purchased, it comes from the environment you live in and the people that surround and influence your choices. Honesty, integrity and love are the values we should all look for in our friends and partners, as an ancient knight once said” Choose wisely”,
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Have you watched the Chip and Dale movie? If so, whats your opinion on Peter Pan being the main villain?
I did a couple days ago!
I think the way they did it was in seriously poor taste (Considering how very similar they made his story to Bobby Driscoll's.). It was bad enough, but they didn't even have soul enough to give him a happy ending- even a little bit of hope? Maybe have Wendy turn up to visit him in prison, or he sees the error of his ways, but no- they just used a tragedy as a villain story with no apology.
The thing is though, they totally coulda made Peter a really cool villain without the blatant disrespect? Peter isn't supposed to grow up- which means he will never learn right from wrong. Everything's a game for him. He's obnoxious.
If the writers really wanted to make him a creepy middle aged man for the shock factor, that would've worked! Make him a child star that never moved on from his roll and grew into a terrible adult.
But- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sorry 😅 I will finish there.
To finish on a high note though!- I LOVED Captain Putty XD And Chip N Dale themselves were very cute ^^
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stillchasingfairies · 2 years
Okay I really like your answers! And I do have more questions to ask :) What do you think about Sweet Pete in the Rescue Rangers film? And the whole controversy of Bobby Driscoll and his tragic life? Do you think Disney shouldn't have made Peter a villain? Why or why not?
I have super mixed feelings about Sweet Pete— it’s so complicated. My jaw literally dropped when he shared his backstory, which is beat for beat like what happened to Bobby, almost using a direct quote from him about being thrown in the trash. I expected Pete to be redeemed by the end of the movie so I was hopeful at first. But once he morphed into that insane toon mashup & there was no going back… I was heartbroken. I can’t even watch the end of the movie again because it’s so upsetting to me. I do rewatch Pete’s scenes up to the point where he morphs.
That’s why I’m so grateful for the Peter Pan community here which sees Sweet Pete for more than what they did to him in the movie. Personally I really wish that they hadn’t villainized him at all. It comes across as a horrible attack on Bobby. It’s quite heartless.
It could’ve been easily remedied with a scene where perhaps Wendy shows up & reminds him that there is still good inside him & that he doesn’t have to do these awful things in order to be happy. Instead really don’t know what the writers were trying to achieve here… It almost seems half baked. And like, they HAD to know, right? They had to know about Bobby Driscoll’s tragic story. And yet they wrote Peter like this anyway. It seems quite mean spirited.
So yes I really wish they hadn’t made Peter a villain. I do however LOVE to see him grown up! I think he’s so handsome & fun! So I’m grateful for that aspect of Sweet Pete… I just think the writers went too far.
Poor Bobby. Just let him Rest In Peace. 💚✨
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paradisehoney · 1 year
songs about escapism
here’s just a few songs about escapism. the first time i consciously sought out escapism was in 6th grade, so that’d be around 12 or 13 years old. planes symbolized escapism for me. i didn’t have to know where the plane was going, i just wanted to be somewhere else. and you know, music and movies and art can be a way of escapism. i don’t really think it has to be a negative thing, it’s a survival instinct in a way. escapism is almost like a genre of hope, you’re not taking that last step to the point of no return but you know you still can belong, you just don’t how to achieve that at that moment. ☁️ let me know your thoughts on it, i’m really fascinated with others’ relationship to it. also let me know if you’d like a playlist of more songs about it. 🖤🤍
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krakenguard · 2 years
Yeah, that whole thing with Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers is absolutely, utterly foul.
And I am not buying it for a single second that the movie writers were unaware of Bobby Driscoll's fate when they practically used his fate for the backstory of Sweet Pete.
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wordwizards · 2 years
I only recommend checking out the Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers movie for all the insane cameos, as well as Ugly Sonic [the original movie design of Sonic]. Otherwise, it's not really all that great, and the villain is Peter Pan, with a disturbingly similar story to Peter's original voice actor Bobby Driscoll [who also played Jim Hawkins in the 1950s Treasure Island movie]. Honestly, they should have just used Julius the Cat as the villain, it wouldn't have been disrespectful that way.
I've seen that version of Treasure Island! I didn't know they were the same person, but it's very sad what happened to him. Which makes the Peter Pan thing in that movie definitely...interesting I guess. (I can't tell if it's like...a bizarre memorial...or haha look what happened to Bobby. But on cartoon.)
I might check out the movie for the cameos like you said though, but I agree about Julius the Cat. It'd be cool to have a rubberhose 'toon doing those physics in a real world scenario, especially a villain rubberhose 'toon. 👀
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bubbachaa · 2 years
Do you have a favorite Peter Pan adaptation? And if so, which one and why? And what is it you like about Sweet Pete in general? :)
I do and its these two! They're dark stories are where Peter pan is actually the most evil person you could ever know. It's should have been included but there are trigger warning in darling girl (and definitely rated r) ---> Rape & SA, Murder, Thoughts of Suicide, Physical Abuse, Mental Abuse, Death/murder of Children/young adults, and Forcefully injecting children with drugs/blood.
But I really really really love lost boy cause of how it was about captain hook and Peter pan (won't reveal spoilers) 😫
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My favorite thing about sweet pete is his body 💀 (I AM LITERALLY A CHUBBY LOVER OKAY????) but personally his attitude toward Hollywood, how he makes fun of Hollywood constant remakes and bringing awareness to Bobby driscoll. So I never really saw the movie as a bad thing like most people do.
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taki118 · 2 years
Thoughts on the Chip n Dale movie
So i finally watched and I think i can best summarize my feelings up with “If this wasn’t by Disney I’d like it more.” cause like there is a lot of good commentary here on animation and hollywood but because it’s Disney those things feel kinda wrong. 
- The animation: Sooooo there is 2D animation in this for background characters but its not traditional, its likely flash but anytime these characters have to do anything of substance they are made into a cell shaded CGI. Why? cost saving most likely and because Disney doesnt really have a 2D department anymore. Yeah so like the CGI surgery joke is kinda funny until you remember that Disney basically forced their 2D movies in the 2010s to fail because they wanted to invest more heavily in CGI animation due to Dreamworks success in the medium. After the Princess and the Frog sold poorly in theaters compared to Tangled (mostly due to poor marketing and timing mind you) that gave Disney all they needed to drop the department, with all the projects and employees in it, which also kinda killed the medium in the country at least on a big projects. All the references to Roger Rabbit feel a little gross as that was a marvel of 2D animation and Disney themselves see no actual value in it so blatantly that their “2D” characters arent actually 2D. 
- Ugly Sonic: First off there is the implications the studio didn’t actually get permission since they have to thank their lawyers for him and don’t want to talk much about the acquisition. Which makes you question the other non-Disney cameos. But also you have to wonder if this were another studio would Disney so willingly allow a character like this be used in such a way? Like yes he’s a hero in a sense but does that out weigh how much they make fun of his design?
- The Rescue Rangers: Outside of the base premise the other characters are really just window dressing. While you can see the difference in Chip and Dales stage persona and actual personality the same can’t really be said of the other characters. The only one who feels different is Zipper mostly for a joke. I also just need to throw this out here Chip and Dale were staples of Disney before and after the series. In fact the original premise of Rescue Rangers was an entirely new cast Chip and Dale did not exist in the original pitch. Higher ups suggested using them for marketability. I dunno what my point is here but the Rescue Rangers are such an after thought of the film that they make a joke about Gadget as a person and character are basically the same thing.
- Bootlegging and Reboots: The movie constantly makes jokes about Reboots but never out right condones them cause lets be real out of all the companies utilizing nostalgia and re-using old IPs Disney is the worst. Instead they shift the focus to bootlegs as being worse. It’s depicted as disgusting, criminal practice that destroys the integrity of a work for a cheap buck. Yet you can say the same of reboots. Also its not surprising a company like Disney that clings to their IPs would approve of a script that makes bootlegging this horrible fate for characters. (even though Disney’s actual reuse of characters has done more damage to their IPs than any bootleg) Again were it another studio making fun of bootlegs it’d be funny but with Disney mmmmm yeah not so much.
- Sweet Pete: So this is the big one, I feel like everyone has heard of the Bobby Driscoll parallels to their take on Peter Pan but if not. The child actor for Peter Pan Bobby Driscoll was promised a long career with the company and signed a contract only for then to retract it when he hit puberty,  he then fell into a downward spiral and eventually died of a drug overdoes. So um yeahhhhhhhh. Either it was an accident and someone checking the script wasnt doing their job or they overlooked it. Or they knew but didn’t care. Either way not a good look, a really disgusting look honestly. According to an interview the intent for the villain was commentary on child stars and had considered using Charlie Brown. But um yeahhhhh thats not much better. Cause see there is NO sympathy for the character, no real introspection on the lives of child actors or the practice. And I can only assume thats cause Disney has a LONG and on going history of child actors. So much like the reboot statements you can’t really condone a practice you actively engage in. I mean with all we know about child actors this kind of character would be repulsive no matter what but when you know about the company it came from, and this bit of history its just so much worse. 
Overall any messages the film makes are undermined by the Disney company and their history. I think a lot of people have over looked these things because the film is a competent nostalgia grab, and its sad how low the bar is.
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