#thanks for the ask!! <3
cringefailvox · 3 months
I hope we get crinegfail Alastor moments in season 2. I feel like he’s managed to get the audience to see him the way he wants to be seen and not the way he actually is (deeply performative attention hungry loser with attachment issues)
LITERALLY. 90% of this guy's intimidation factor is built on his reputation and little flashy power displays alone, and much like vox i think he covers up vast chasms of loserfailure with a grin and a clever attitude and everyone just BELIEVES HIM. i want him deconstructed bit by bit, crushed under the pressure of his own mounting instability and the unwanted intrusion of Found Family worming into all the little cracks in his armor until he can't tell apart his masks from his self. i want everyone to see him for who he really is when he isn't performing and then shock him by still caring about him anyway. i want him DRAGGED kicking and screaming into authentic connections with other people. or else i want him to get exponentially worse until he violently self-destructs and ruins everything. works for me either way
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oneiroy · 4 months
[ trail ] a trail of kisses along the partner's jawline or collarbone
honestly i had reblogged these prompts mostly to keep as inspiration for the upcoming ockiss week, but since you sent in a prompt i'm going to show a little sneak peek of what i've been cooking!
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gonna try to have 7 ryss x fornax gposes ready to go (already a few done), and maybe also take more friendly smooch gposes with mutuals' ocs (already one done but i'd love to get some more too) >:D
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carefulfears · 1 year
Yes! It’s especially insane with Phoebe bc like the show goes out of it’s way to explicitly show how fucked up she was idk how people forget it
yep yep yep!! it's quite literally the entire point of the episode. but i still see people all the time like...calling mulder stupid for "trusting" her and making jokes about the way he behaves around her and it's just like...please don't piss me off. same exact thing with diana.
fire is one of my favorite episodes though i think it's such an interesting look at mulder's character and example of the ways that he views and interacts with people close to him
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because he understands and acknowledges from the very beginning that phoebe's just there to fuck with him, that she made the trip from boston to DC to bring him in on the investigation for no reason other than knowing that it will scare him
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he knows what she’s doing, and he still agrees to help her
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his only concession being that scully not be involved
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noting that he's not going to "put her through" phoebe's games
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this is something that we've seen him do before, with his former partner jerry earlier in season one, who broke into his office and stole his work.
it's clear throughout ghost in the machine that mulder isn't comfortable working with him, but helps him anyway because jerry asked him to
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and builds him up when jerry is feeling insecure
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he infamously does it again with diana, always affording her the benefit of the doubt and defending her
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and with his parents, consistently coming whenever they call, despite all of their lies and neglect
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(side note from pulling ghost in the machine caps but his ties in this ep are soooo classic baby spooky i miss s1 soooo much)
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anyway, this is the dynamic that fire circles around, and the only time in the episode that mulder pushes back against phoebe is when he cracks this joke about having a "refined technique" with women who cheat
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which he apologizes for instantly, recognizing that it upset her
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fire is also one of the best portrayals of the true sign of a toxic/abusive relationship: not realizing anything is wrong with it until you tell your best friend
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i see criticism of this episode sometimes that interprets it as glorifying phoebe, portraying her as sexy and her behavior as righteous, but i disagree.
i don't think that you can base the episode's stance on phoebe on mulder's behavior, he's responding to her through a very warped and controlled lens. just because he views her in a positive light, doesn't mean that we should as the audience.
whereas, scully is immediately wary of phoebe and critical of her, even before knowing the context for her actions.
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this shot is my favorite lmao. she is contemplating murder. she is wondering if she could get away with it.
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her lil passive aggressive "bye bitch" finger wave
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her "mmmmyeah sure sherlock"
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her watchful eye as she hangs in the doorway while mulder and phoebe meet with the arson specialist
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she literally sits at his desk in his chair and waits for him just to make this sherlock holmes joke 😭😭😭 they are BEST friends
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now, this is when she finds out the true history with phoebe, and the reason behind her visit. and it's when mulder tells her that she's off the case.
and from that point, scully starts investigating the murders herself, consulting her own sources to put together her own theories
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while these two do absolutely fuck all
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she shows up uninvited at the event in boston, having SOLVED THE CASE HER-FUCKING-SELF
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and she's the only one who gives a fuck when mulder gets hurt
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while phoebe shakes hands and schmoozes at the party
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sweetie pie making sure her partner gets some water and some rest
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now, dana 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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after making sure mulder is okay (and getting a peek at him shirtless) she shows him the evidence that she found, telling him that she just "didn't know a whole lot about arson" so took the opportunity to do some research "for my own edification, of course" GIRLLLLL
and they identify the groundskeeper as the murderer based on the information that she gathered
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the face of a woman who single-handedly solved a string of serial murders to get her best friend's bitch of an ex away from him. she is truly an inspiration to us all.
and she has 1 more sherlock holmes joke in her.
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so, anyway, mulder is visibly uncomfortable around phoebe from the start, and this is something that scully picks up on immediately, even before being told any information about phoebe or her motives
and this is an ongoing theme from the very beginning, as mulder is generally unaggressive and compassionate to a fault, leaving scully feeling a responsibility to be conscious and wary of their surroundings.
scully isn't being jealous towards phoebe, just like she isn't "taking things personally" with diana. she understands this about mulder and how exploitable it is, and she's fiercely protective of both him and the kindhearted qualities that leave him vulnerable to these situations
anyway TLDR let me see any of you call either of them stupid again
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moss-sprout · 20 days
Hi! Do you have a favorite nevermore character?? I started reading it a bit ago and it's probably one of my favorite webcomics ( up there with castle swimmer and realta)
Hi!! Glad to find another nevermore fan!! I personally really like Lenore and Pluto!! Lenore is really smart and resourceful and she makes for an interesting protagonist, and I like Pluto's character development (I also kinda relate to him lol)
Thanks for reaching out to me! I also read Realta and Castle Swimmer!! Message me anytime if u wanna talk about them! I feel like the Webtoon community is so small its kinda hard to find people to connect with who enjoy the same webcomics :]
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silvercap · 5 months
for the whump drabble ask game... "frozen" and your character of choice please <33
For sure!! I got a little carried away on this one, haha. Something about spooky rotting frost BOWs...
Leon's so cold.
The frigid snow around him seems to have crawled into his very bones, the relentless blizzard pelting him with icy flakes that stick to his hair and cut through his jacket with every gust of wind. His toes ache as he runs, numb flesh pulsing painfully whenever his boots catch on the icy terrain, the cold leather doing nothing to hold in the heat. All he can see through the blinding snowfall are the forest's towering trees. The frozen air stings his lungs, gasping breaths turned painful in the plummeting temperatures, but he can't stop now. He can hear those creatures behind him, chittering voices crackling like breaking ice as they pursue him into the fading afternoon light. Blood drips from the wound in Leon's side, three vicious claw marks that sap his strength and leave a crimson trail behind him in the snow, undoubtedly leaving the perfect path for BOWs to follow.
He can't keep this up for much longer.
A shriek echoes over the trees, and Leon redoubles his pace, but a moment later he's slamming into the ground as something cold collides with his back. Stunned, he can only tuck into a roll, crying out when the grayish figure atop him sinks grotesque claws into the meat of his shoulder. In the blur of his vision he can just make out its withered, frostbitten skin, sheer cold emanating from its atrophied muscles like it's just been submerged in liquid nitrogen. Leon thrashes, wishing he still had his gun. The creature hisses, unnaturally long fangs visible in the twisted mess of its mouth. Leon grunts, bucking his hips to dislodge the thing and seizing the opportunity to reach for the single combat knife he has sheathed at his hip. He plunges it deep into the thing's neck, but not before its claws sink deeper, agony jolting through his shoulder as icy needles carve paths of cold deep into his arm. The monster slumps as Leon forces the blade upwards into its mushy skull, collapsing over him in a blanket of icy, rotted flesh.
"Fuck," Leon pants, gritting his teeth. He pushes tentatively at the claws embedded in his shoulder, groaning as they shift. His numb fingers are clumsy when he pulls back the shredded fabric of his jacket, breath catching at the sight of frostbitten wounds already turned a waxy white and frosted at the edges. They sting as if he's doused them in acid, and Leon's body suddenly feels several degrees colder.
Not good.
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miabrown007 · 5 months
what is Schrödinger's Enemy 👀
because I'm not predictable or anything, Schrödinger's Enemy is a fake-dating enemy spies fic.
this would have been my fic for the Eras fest, because I got 1989 as my album -> set at the end of the communist regime in Easter Europe. in the power void both the French mafia and the Guardian Order strive for seizing influence over the Eastern Block in the background. they send their agents for negotiations, but competing forces make the playground unpredictable. for that reason, Adrien and Marinette are given the order to get close to the other and, before the diplomatic negotiations could begin in earnest, capture the other--dead or alive
The floor disappears from under Marinette's stilettos, and she gasps out in surprise. Adrien’s hand is warm and steady on her shoulder blade as he holds her in the dip. He smiles down at her from behind his black mask, that maddening, infuriating, world-shattering smile of his that she used to hate so much. Funny how much a person can change in just a couple months. “Don’t you dare drop me,” she warns playfully—even though she rather enjoys it all. The way he can still surprise her—even though, since the end of her rigorous training, no one should be able to achieve such feats. The way she never feels scared by his side—even though he’s the most dangerous plaything she’s ever had. He pulls her to her feet, his stride never breaking as he maneuvers them farther away from a cluster of his men on the dance floor. “Would never dream of it, m’lady.”
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tmrsunset · 3 months
✉️ Do you think movieverse Minho got a letter from Newt too ? Perhaps in different, sad circumstances ? ✉️
well i like to think that newt wrote one for minho too, in the death cure. they've known each other for as long as they both remember, been through so much together and also my minewt heart won't let me believe otherwise.
he might have hidden the letter somewhere instead of just handing it to minho, though, but i believe he figured it out and it got to minho in the end. (i actually wrote a fic about that djdhchsjsh)
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blondiest · 4 months
Strange ask, but what if Near was shy in bed?
mm. in a sexual context i don't usually think of near as shy so much as awkward / stilted, or occasionally bashful / self-conscious -- all of which can be elements of shyness, i suppose, but i think his character calls for some nuance here. i guess i mostly hesitate to describe him as simply shy in this case because i do not see him as innocent or naive (which i feel the phrase "shy in bed" can obliquely imply), but rather inexperienced and understandably nervous.
once he and mello are a solidly established couple / once near is no longer quite so inexperienced i can imagine he might affect some sort of demureness in. uh. a kinky way (<- thinking in particular of holdyouhostage near but possibly applicable to any number of universes) and i also think he probably has a bit of a thing for (mild) humiliation / degradation which -- that isn't the same thing as shyness, exactly, but there's a degree of embarrassment involved, so it feels linked? i guess?
i think it's probably easier to explain what i mean by examples, so i'll be including below the cut some snippets from already-posted works (plus one from an unposted WIP)
from i want to hold you hostage:
Near, despite his flushed cheeks and shaking hands, manages to give him an amused look. “I thought you said you weren’t going to be gentle with me this time.” Mello glares. “That doesn’t mean I wanna fucking injure you.” “Ah.” Near pauses awkwardly. “No, I wasn’t too sore.” “Good,” Mello says. “You could’ve just answered the first time instead of being a brat about it, you know.” Near pushes himself up onto his elbows and affects what Mello guesses is meant to be coquettishness. The actual result of the attempt is a comically strange expression, looking mostly like a mixture of clumsy flirtation and confusion, the oddness of it all enhanced further by Near’s very obvious erection tenting the front of his boxers. “Are you going to punish me?” He asks, and— it’s clearly meant to be a joke, and it’s meant to be a fucking stupid one at that, but there’s a thread of blistering vulnerability strung through the middle, one that wraps itself around Mello’s heart and tugs. The rush of unwilling affection quickly sours into frustration, so he pushes Near down flat on his back, then crawls over him, leering. “I’m going to ruin you,” he vows, a mean flash of glee hitting him when Near’s eyes dilate and the line of his throat bobs. “Now take off your underwear, and open your fucking mouth.”
from shot in the dark:
“Relax,” Mello mutters, pausing his assault on Near’s mouth momentarily. “I don’t bite. Or— not as hard as you do, anyway.” Near watches through his lashes as Mello smirks, amused by his own cleverness, and closes in again, nipping Near’s bottom lip. It’s a joke, but Near can’t tell if he’s being laughed at or if he’s meant to find it funny, too. Though he does try to relax, he fails quickly and miserably— if anything, he grows stiffer, more uncomfortable as he wallows in the knowledge of his own ignorance. Less than ten seconds into the renewed bout of attention, Mello withdraws, frowning. “What’s wrong with you?” He pokes Near in the cheek with the barrel of the gun. “It’s like kissing a fucking plank of wood.” Near bristles and turns his head, breaking Mello's grip on his face. “I don’t know what to do,” he says, irritated. The smug look that Mello gives him in response to this confession does not reduce his irritation. “Aw. You’re blushing.”
from nothing hurts like you do:
“You’re even pretty here,” Mello teases. Then, without warning, he presses a wet kiss to Near’s entrance. A stuttering, shocked gasp escapes Near, his fists tightening in the sheets. He was expecting to maybe feel Mello’s thumb, slicked with spit, not his tongue. “Mel— Mello,” he turns his face to the side to say, openly scandalized. Mello just hums and licks at him again, slow and languid. Near goes hot all over.
from early arrival:
The instant Mello’s fingers wrap around him, Near makes a sound. It’s too loud, but he can’t stop it. He can’t stop from thrusting into Mello’s grasp, either, or from shuddering and spilling over the older boy’s fist before he can stroke him even once more. When Near manages to open his eyes a second later, his first instinct is to be self-conscious over it. He’s twenty-one, and coming with little more than a single touch, keening and whining, seems immature, unbecoming, but— “Holy shit,” Mello hisses. “Near, holy shit, that was so fucking hot, I—”
and finally, from a mysterious mysterious femslash WIP:
“What do you think about?” Mello asks. Near has never felt so shy, but she’s eager enough to please Mello that she stammers out an answer anyway. “I— k-kissing, and— touching.” “Touching where?” Mello asks, batting her lashes coquettishly as she ever-so-lightly traces the slight curves of Near’s body through her baggy clothes. “All over,” Near says hoarsely. “You’re so cute, getting off just thinking about kissing and touching me,” Mello smiles coyly, a little condescending. “That’s barely even dirty.” Mello is absolutely patronizing her, but Near doesn’t really mind because she sounded like she meant it when she called Near cute.
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my-deer-friend · 5 months
5, 10, 13, 18 for historical figure asks 😉
5. What is the most ridiculous statement on them you have ever read?
Hands down this one.
Their colleague, Alexander Hamilton also thought highly of [Laurens]--though this judgement may have been clouded by the fact that he seems to have had a crush on Laurens for he certainly sent him love letters, which Laurens, who had a wife back in England, ignored.
Eric Stockdale, Middle Temple lawyers and the American Revolution (2007)
Oh, Eric. 😐
10. What is your favourite quote by / about them?
I really love the way his friend Alexander Garden gushes about him in his Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America:
His general character is so well known, and has been so ably depicted by others, that I have little to say that can increase its celebrity. His extensive information, and classical knowledge, obtained the respect of the learned. His polite and easy behaviour, insured distinction in every polished society. The warmth of his heart, gained the affection of his friends, his sincerity their confidence and esteem. His patriotic integrity commanded the veneration of his countrymen--his intrepidity their unlimited applause.
A real Enlightenment Man, that.
13. If you had the chance to meet them, what is the first thing you would ask them?
Answered here, but bonus bonus question: favourite myth or figure from antiquity.
18. What is a trait you share with your favourite historical figure?
Stubborn, probably - the "I've already made up my mind, so don't try to tell me different" kind.
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thelordofgifs · 5 months
6 and 18 for the New Year Writing asks?
(fanfic asks for the new year)
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
I think it's going to be the Maedhros & Maglor post-canon reunion fic. I need them to TALK dammit. And hoping to have it ready by m&m week in February, if time allows!
18. Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method? 
With my current longfic, tfs, I post as I write. Which can be very fun - I love how kind and enthusiastic all my readers are! - but also rather stressful, and leads to a rather choppy update schedule (see: the 2+ month gap between parts 30 and 31). For my next longfic I definitely wanted to have the whole thing written before I post, which makes retroactively editing easier as well as lowering the pressure to update on a schedule.
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nostalgic-bee · 11 days
Hi!! Thanks for the ask!
🦋- already answered but I can think of three more, helpful, passionate, supportive
🌿- I don’t think I have one specific one but usually a pair of nice pants, a button up shirt and a jean jacket
🎵- birds of a feather by Billie Eilish, I’ve never listened to her music much but I’ve seen posts about her recent album and got curious and decided to listen to a few songs
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darlingod · 7 months
Mainly TFoTA and then every so often/rarely I’ll post Shatter Me, ToG, ACoTaR, SoC, Red Queen, OUaBH (haven’t finished last book yet, I’m stalling with around 40 pages left, don’t spoil it I will cry so hard)
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profbastard · 1 year
NOOO THE LAST RESPONSE TO ANOTHER ASK WAS SO SAD??? literal why does Luigi HATE HIMSELF AUGHH, well, hates his OTHER self in a sense.
Speaking of which, was Luigi always kind of a bastard in this au or did he change because he became aware of how much he hated himself in that kind of light?
HVAC Luigi is what happens when you take the average Luigi’s potentially toxic traits and turn the dial from 10 to 1000.
A fact repeatedly emphasized in Mario games is that Luigi is insecure, melodramatic, and seemingly compensates for his inferiority complex by self-aggrandizing juuuust a bit to cheer himself up and motivate himself simultaneously. (“Luigi number one! Luigi’s the best! Go L-man! 😅)
These traits take the front and center with HVAC Luigi. So it’s partially nature and partially nurture that turned him... how he is. Up until taking charge of the family business, he genuinely was a loser, an astronomically unlucky Luigi compared to other Weegies in the multiverse.
He was already a controlling, inauthentic prick when his universe’s E Gadd (who works as an expert engineer for Luigi) accidentally opened that first portal to a parallel universe, sharing his discovery with the brothers. Surveillance drones were sent through various portals, seeking other Luigis (and Marios) using their biosignature.
HVAC Luigi, at first excited by the discovery, saw more and more of himself. Nearly all Luigis letting their older brothers take charge, take fame, and being happy about it. In a matter of days, HVAC Luigi felt his insides twist and churn before finally something snapped, disgusted by the reality of his nature, his supposed destiny to be a loser.
All those Luigis perfectly mirroring his deepest insecurities in the flesh.
Something had to be done.
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vagueandominousvibes · 2 months
🐳 If you were a Zelda character, what race would you be?
Realistically? A hylian. But I would love love love to be rito.
💃 Favourite BotW Outfit?
Stealth gear. Always. Makes combat and harvesting so much easier.
✨️ What piece of the Triforce would you wield?
I feel like a lot of people would say Wisdom, and I guess I can sort of see where they're coming from?
🙊 Unpopular Zelda Opinions?
More of a headcanon than and an opinion, but it's certainly not one I've seen much of: BotW and TotK come after Skyward Sword in the timeline, but before Four Swords. When Zelda goes back in time in TotK, she goes back to pre-Demise. No, I'm not taking criticism at this time.
For an actual opinion: I, personally, can't stand Revali's attitude. I'm not hating on anyone who likes him or ships him with any if the other main characters, I just personally Do Not Like Him. I think he's the only LoZ character I've encountered so far who the mere thought of makes pure rage well up inside me.
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skinnyscottishbloke · 2 months
R for the fandom ask?
Oooh fun one! Thanks : )
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Well the one that immediately springs to mind is the Doctor and Donna from Doctor Who. They just have such a solid friendship, almost sibling vibe and they call each other out on their bs but also are ride or dies. When I tell you that the 60th anniversary specials made me cry my ass off…I am not kidding. Lol. Part of that dynamic probably comes from David and Catherine’s besties vibe so honorable mention to them as well.
Shoutout to my Sense8 cluster for always supporting each other too. I love their found family friendship dynamics so much.
Send me a letter from this list
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dragonairice · 1 day
20, 24, 33, and 48 for hte ask game :3?
Helllloooo mutual :D
20. what is your comfort item (if you have one)?
Probably my childhood teddy bear- my brother got it for me on my seventh birthday and I've had them ever since :)
24. favorite word? any language.
The f word /j
gfdshhgd no but honestly I think my favourite word is 'queer', because it can mean weird or it can mean LGBTQ+ and brother I am both
Since its any language I also really like the word 'gato' because kitty :3
33. what compliments do you love to hear?
I LOVE when people compliment my singing voice because,, aughh I've worked so hard to get good at music. I've never had a good understanding of music, I find it hard to recognise songs even if I've heard them a million times, and when I was younger I was a terrible singer. But I WANTED to be good and so I practiced and I watched videos about it and I think I'm pretty good now,,, One of my friends once told me "I like it when you sing, it suits you" and idk that just makes me so happy <33
48. lamps or overhead lighting?
I use both so often that I have to say it's ENTIRELY dependent on context- but I think I prefer lamps
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