#thank you for being such a rockstar Nein
andaniellight · 2 years
Fanfic Reader ask game:
🥰 Your comfort fics that you can re-read several times and still love them?
🍭 Favorite fic trope?
🥣 Least favorite fic trope?
🪠 Weirdest fic you ever read? :D
AAAA!!! :D :D :D <3 <3
🥰 Your comfort fics that you can re-read several times and still love them?
[Sounds of rustling and things cluttering]
Let me list them first because they're various fandoms, all of them are in my AO3 bookmark (some are stored as an open tab on my phone still to this day!):
underneath the braided sky by gwalchca
This one is 킹덤 | Kingdom (TV 2019) fanfiction! One shot light read. Hit the emotional aspect way harder than I expected. I remember staying up late til 4 in the morning because I kept re-reading the thing.
I'm clean out of air in my lungs by StrikerEureka
Buzzfeed Unsolved slash! I read this around... 2 - 3 years ago? Back when I was obsessed with Demon Shane so bad. It's really well-written, and by well-written I mean it successfully inspired and motivated me to write a fic for different fandom. THE SPOOK GOT ME GOOD! I still remember the thrill tbh.
It has continuation, and here's the link to the entire series called Precious Metal!
Matchmaker, Matchmaker by prosodiical
I think this fic got me obsessed with 5+1 Thing kind of fics without me realizing at first? It's Newt Scamander/Original Percival Graves slash fic. It's really sweet and funny, never failed to bring a stupid grin to my face whenever I randomly think about it tbh.
Basic Instincts by manic_intent
OKAY, tbh I'm very picky with ABO tropes, but this one has Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics tag, and I thought. Heh, why not?
Turned out, it's really good. And really hot as well wtf. Lives inside my head rent free. I also read a couple of other fics written by the same author because the author is just. SO SKILLFUL.
All of NanaGo (呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen) fics written by AO3 user Newlight tbh
The entire list of Moon Knight System fics that I made the other day (here)
This list of my favorite Frank Castle/Matt Murdock fics (including the ones on the reply!)
That's all for now I guess.... sorry for listing so many 😂😂😂
🍭 Favorite fic trope?
🥣 Least favorite fic trope?
Already answered here! :D
Alright, maybe this one isn't exactly "the least favorite", but I get disinterested so quickly with fast-paced romance. Yes, even for my own favorite pairings tbh.... things have to be BUILT. SLOWLY. FIRST.
🪠 Weirdest fic you ever read?
Oh God. I wanted so bad to get rid of this out of my goddamn mind, but, like, last year someone talked about a slash fic between Gojo Satoru and A TOILET.
I need to get brainwashed after remembering it again.
(Qs from this Fanfic Reader Ask Game!)
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krisseycrystal · 3 years
kiss prompt: out of envy/jealousy aa | klapollo | drabble | requested by @moominquartz (thanks babe!!) [read on ao3]
The realization washes over Apollo from the top of his forehead to his toes, and he can’t help the awed, cocky smile that stretches across his face. He leans back and crosses his arms over his chest. “Wait. What was that?”
Klavier seems to realize what he’s done a second too late. “Ach. I mean—”
“—I can’t believe it. You’re jealous.”
“Wha—no. No. Nein. No.” Klavier quickly shakes his head. “A world-renowned rockstar does not get jealous, Herr Forehead. No.”
“Uh-huh.” Apollo nods, slowly. He continues nodding and steps back, pivoting around the lazy shift of his weight. His shoes squeak against the smooth polish of the defense lobby floor. “I’ve gotta—wait, let me just—let me just take this moment in.” He breathes in deep enough that his chest swells with it. “Wow. Klavier Gavin is jealous of me. Apollo Justice. Have I entered some bizarro dimension?”
Klavier scoffs. “You’re overexaggerating.”
“Oh, I’m just calling it as I see it.”
“And what, pray tell, do you think you are seeing, Herr Forehead?”
“You being petty about how grateful my client was for her not-guilty verdict.” Apollo’s next grin is all teeth and terribly cheeky. “I mean, hell, I didn’t even know you could make your face do that, Klav.”
“Do what?”
“Turn the same color as your jacket.”
Klavier huffs. His eyebrows furrow and set Apollo off all over again. “Herr Forehead, now wait just one moment—stop laughing—are you telling me you think I was jealous of you by receiving a very familiar thank you from a client?”
Apollo’s shoulders shake. “Aren’t you?”
Now, it is Klavier’s turn to laugh. A wide and fond smile spreads across his face as he leans in, slipping a hand around Apollo’s back and pulling him in. “Ah. Ah-ha-ha. My dear, dear Schatz— ”
“—uh, why are you talking like that—”
“—because I am realizing now how very lucky I am that you are just so very, very gay.”
Color spreads across Apollo’s face from high on his cheeks. “Should I be insulted? What’s happening?”
“The truth is: yes, I was jealous. But it is not that I was jealous of you for receiving such attention from a lovely young lady.” Klavier hums with amusement. With both hands loosely on the small of Apollo’s back, he leans to Apollo’s ear. “However, I may have been jealous that someone else was trying to make moves on you.”
“I—” Apollo stutters himself to silence. “Oh.”
“Oh,” Klavier echoes with a smile. He places a soft kiss on Apollo’s cheek and leans back.
He has about half a second to recognize the determined look on Apollo’s face for what it is before his world fills with Apollo. His lips are warm with the taste of Apollo, and he can only breathe in Apollo. His fingers dig into the black back of Apollo’s waistcoat; he hitches a breath at the way Apollo cradles his cheeks and pulls him into the kiss. The way he moves Klavier’s head just right to kiss him better. Deeper.
Apollo’s brown eyes are firm when he pulls back. “You know you don’t actually have to be jealous, right?”
Klavier blinks. “I—”
“—being jealous suggests that there’s something you want that you don’t already have. But you do. So stop worrying, okay?”
Apollo frowns. Klavier hadn’t realized Apollo had risen to his toes until Apollo rocks his weight back into Klavier’s hands still at his back. “Anyway…sorry, I just…thought I should say that.”
Klavier smiles.
This time, when he leans forward, he places a kiss on Apollo’s brow. It is as much a, You’re right, as a, Thank you, and, I love you, at the same time as he murmurs, soft and warm, “I’m glad you did.”
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keysmashtitles · 4 years
To Be a Woman
Read on Ao3
Word Count: 1,157
TW: Sexual Harassment (if i missed any, let me know and i’ll add them!)
Ema leaned down to examine the footprint she was currently taking a cast of. The fop stood next to her, seeming incredibly bored with everything going on at the moment, and she truly couldn’t blame him. Science, specifically forensics, seeing as how that was what she was currently working on, wasn’t an interest for everyone, and Ema respected that. Raucous laughter came from somewhere to her left, but she ignored it. Or, well, she tried to, but the fop kept tapping her shoulder.
“What is it, Mr. Gavin? Can’t you see I’m trying to take a cast of this footprint, here?” Ema snapped when she stood up straight to address him.
Klavier, much to her surprise, looked uneasy, and he never looked uneasy. “Fräulein Detective, are you okay?” he asked.
“Uh… yeah?” Ema said. Did she miss something? “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Oh, I suppose you did not hear them then,” Klavier mused.
“Hear who?” Ema asked. “You can’t just ask if I’m okay and then not explain your reasoning.”
Klavier grimaced. “Are you sure you want to know what they said?”
That gave her pause. The Klavier Gavin, unshakable Rockstar Prosecutor and lead guitarist of the Gavinners, was asking if she wanted to know instead of outright telling her. It was almost enough to make her say no, forget it, but Ema was and would always continue to be curious by nature, so she persisted. She rolled her eyes. It probably wasn’t even that bad.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” she said.
“It wasn’t very tasteful,” Klavier warned.
“I work with the police, I hear distasteful things every day,” Ema huffed. “Are you going to tell me, or am I going to have to go track down the people who said it and make them say it to my face?”
Klavier shook his head. “Nein, I will tell you.” He looked over his shoulder before stepping closer, bringing his voice down to a whisper. “They called you their ‘baby mama.’”
Something within Ema died. Like a switch being flipped, her brain shut down in that moment and replayed Klavier’s statement over and over until she was sure she was sick. She stared off blankly at the policemen continuing their investigation close by. A feeling like bees buzzing under her skin spread throughout her whole body, and it only served to make her feel worse. Suddenly she felt too exposed, like she had come to work today in only her underwear, and she buttoned up her lab coat to try and hide her figure.
“Fräulein Detective…?” Klavier asked worriedly when Ema didn’t respond. “Are you okay?”
Ema snapped back to reality so quickly she was surprised she didn’t get whiplash. “I’m fine!” she said. “So what if a couple of immature chuckleheads call me names? It’s not like I care.”
“Ja, but you were staring off at nothing for a minute there, and—“
“I said I’m fine, Mr. Gavin,” Ema hissed. If they kept talking about it, she was sure she would break. “Can we get back to actual work now?”
“Of course,” Klavier said. “I believe your cast is dry now.”
Ema grumbled out a few unsavory things and squatted down this time to examine her work. So what if it caused her lab coat to bunch up awkwardly in her lap? With her shoulders hunched over in this position, the shape of her body would be hidden from uninvited onlookers, and she liked it that way, thank you very much. She was certain, as she gently pried her cast from the mold, that she had never hated her body more than she currently did.
— — —
The first thing Ema did upon arriving home was take off her lab coat. The afternoon had gotten uncomfortably warm, but she couldn’t bring herself to take it off, much less unbutton it, when those people who made that comment could have been lurking nearby. She hung it up on the coat rack and drifted listlessly to her bedroom. She kicked off her platforms and began changing out of her work clothes. Every piece of clothing that was removed was given its own special attention as Ema tried to come up with a reason as to why it would contribute to the objectification of her body. By her standards, and more importantly, her boss’ standards, her clothes were very much so work appropriate, so why? Why did those people…?
When she stood in nothing but her underwear, Ema turned to her full length mirror. She brought her hands up to rest on her stomach—or maybe she was trying to hide it. At this point, she couldn’t tell which was more likely. Her thoughts brought forth images of her cradling a stomach swollen with pregnancy, and she shook her head to get rid of them. Ema took the skin on either side of her belly button and pinched it hard. She winced, but it brought no relief to her turmoil. Eventually she forced herself to look herself in her reflection’s eye, and she whispered out one phrase.
“Baby mama.”
Ema’s vision blurred at that, like she had just been violently shaken. She stumbled back and grabbed her bed for support. Her phone buzzed with an incoming text, and Ema happily tore her gaze away from her mirror to read it. Instead of it being from the fop, like she expected, her phone displayed one new message from Apollo.
Apollo > Hey, are you okay? Klavier told me you had a rough day at work today <7:12 P.M.>
Klavier had told someone? That in and of itself was bad enough (though, Ema noted, Apollo didn’t state specifics, so she wondered just how much Klavier told him), but the person he decided to tell was Apollo Justice? He was practically a walking lie detector. Ema wondered if his ability worked over text, and she figured it probably didn’t, so she decided to lie.
Ema > Yeah, I’m fine. Tell the fop to mind his own business and stop spreading mine, though. <7:14 P.M.>
Apollo > Got it! See you tomorrow. <7:15 P.M.>
Ema didn’t answer. She dumped her phone on her bed and looked back at her mirror. Her arms wrapped around her stomach again. Why her? No one had shown her any interest in school, so why her? Why now? Realizing she was shaking, Ema decided to crawl into bed. She didn’t have any energy left to expend, and despite her stomach’s low grumbling, she couldn’t be bothered to go get anything to eat. Her arms snaked their way around her stomach once again when she was laying down properly, and she brought her legs up to her chest in a modified fetal position. Maybe here, in the safety of her own home, of her own bed, that comment couldn’t reach her.
Maybe, in another universe highly unlike her own, Ema wouldn’t have to worry about being sexually harassed while at work.
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synnefo-nefeli · 4 years
12 Days of Ficmas: Day 3
Fandom: Ace Attorney
Pairing: Klapollo
Prompt:  Flirty Decorating; klav and apollo are neighbours for a while and every christmas apollo asks klav's help decorating his place (he smol :'( ) that's basically his way of (kinda?) flirting with him and klav doesn't catch on to it for way too long so polly just spells it out for him in the end lol! ((Idk if this is how it works but ;;; ja))
Note: Hi anon, thanks for the prompt.  Sorry that this wasn’t the exact prompt!! But thank you for the cute premise! 
“I am sorry, come again?” Klavier asked not just for clarification but also just to see Herr Justice’s face scrunch up in that adorable way he tended to do when he was flustered.
Apollo furiously rubbed at the back of his neck, “Umm... I just wanted to ask if you could help me hang up some decorations...” and then quickly mumbled, “since you’re- uh- taller than me.”  
The blush deepened and Klavier felt himself flutter at how adorable Apollo could be sometimes.  
“Oh, that’s what I thought you said,” he grinned, knowing that it would rile Apollo up - just the way he liked it.   “It’s a gut thing I moved into the same apartment complex as you - you’ve been needing a lot of help.”
He’d mentioned it before; ever since he’d chosen to live in the same apartment complex has his courtroom rival, Apollo had been making a lot of social and neighborly calls.  This was odd considering how much Apollo was amazed and wondered why Klavier Gavin, Rockstar and Prosecutor, would want to “slum it” in the apartments Apollo could barely afford on his flakey income from the WAA.
And admittedly, Klavier had chosen the complex just to poke the bear a bit where Apollo was concerned, but then upon looking into the apartments he realized that it wouldn’t be so bad living closer to the Court House, being nearby to socialize with his colleagues; not too mention considering his changes in careers, some downsizing was needed.
So he moved in, much to Apollo’s (loud) wonderment. And soon, he and Apollo began seeing more of each other than Klavier would have anticipated.  Especially considering that Apollo had been the one initiating their interactions.
Klavier definitely had a crush on his rival, but he was pretty sure Apollo wasn’t interested in anything more than a professional friendship.
“So, where do you need help?’ Klavier asked as he surveyed the considerable amount of boxes that littered Apollo’s usually clean apartment, “Are all of these decorations for Christmas?”
Apollo nodded, even flashing Klavier that shy smile he tended to do when he was apologetic in court, “Uh, yeah -  Christmas is my favorite and once I got a place of my own, I’ve started quite the collection.  Takes up most of my storage space too,” he opened one of the boxes, “I guess let’s get started on the tree- Mrs. Alice in 5B is watching my cat for a few hours so he doesn’t get underfoot-”
It took them about five hours to decoration - 4 to transform Apollo’s apartment into a Holiday space that would be the envy of department storefronts in New York, and 1 for the offering of pizza and beer for Klavier’s hard work.
It had been a nice day actually - it had been some time since Klavier had decorated for the holiday, given that he’d been away from most of his relatives for years. And it was nice hearing the backstories to Apollo’s tree decorations and the set of nutcrackers he had.
It was a shame that it was now over, Klavier thought to himself as he walked back to his own apartment.  He had a niggling feeling that he and Apollo’s friendship had deepened....actually the more he thought about it today had been his more intimate experience with Apollo.
The ambient lighting, all warm and cozy- the two of them spending time to get to know each other, sitting on the floor exhausted with a pizza box between them (the table too littered with Christmas odds and ends for them to properly eat upon, and them too tired to actually want to clear the table). The disappointed look when Klavier declined to stay a bit longer and watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas- as Klavier mentioned he’d never seen it-”
Klavier stopped in his tracks in the middle of the hall.
So many thoughts were sliding through his brain. Past requests, the frequency of the asks, all lining up-  Apollo’s flustering and almost shy nature whenever Klavier came over.
Now that he thought of it, Klavier realized that they both wanted to hang around longer but, Apollo,  like Klavier was probably too scared that he was overstepping-
Overstepping- what...
The realization slammed into his mind.
“Oh meine gott, I am an idiot-” Klavier miuttered, fishing his motorcycle’s keys from his pocket and changing course for the garage.  There was something he needed to buy.
Two hours later he was back in front of Apollo’s door with Apollo’s surprised face peeking out from the door.
“Forget something?” he asked, stepping aside for Klavier to enter.
Klavier clutched the shopping bag, hoping his grip wasn’t too tight to damage the bag, “Um...neine...welll...I noticed that you’re missing a decoration, and if I am not being too presumptuous-”
If Apollo was nervous he didn’t show it.  Only curiosity read on his face as he opened the bag to reveal the festive sprig of mistletoe.
Apollo stared at it fo a moment and then looked up with Klavier with a smile.  Klavier felt the anxiety drain out of him and that he’d broken out into a wide smile as well.
“Would you help me hang it?” Apollo asked with a coy smile that Klavier definitely wanted to see more of in the future.  
“Ja, of course-” and leaned in to kiss Apollo.
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