#thank you Fallout
sassenashsworld · 8 months
I remember, just a young teenager, a computer that today would be crashed by any calculator, under the attic of my grandmother’s house. I insert the Fallout CD into my drive and the installation begins. I, a lover of video games, from Colleco-Vision to PSOne, through Nintendo and the Sega of my friends, I fear what I will find. My friend who gave me this game told me that it was not like Daggerfall, much better. But that I had to be prepare to the worst. This same friend who gave me my English book of Bilbo the Hobbit. The application finally starts. Character choice.... Wait, it’s not like Diablo? I can customize completely? It must be like dagger fall, no matter really....
No, my choices, a wide variety of choices. I live myself through this first character... I live
Freedom of thought
Action and consequences
Alternative ends
It’s...... I’m crying
I cry with joy
I have no right to speak, to live, to think in my life and suddenly I have an escape
Thank you Fallout
Thank you Tim Cain
It’s all your fault, Todd
1 year since the 25th celebration of #Fallout and since... my life is upside-down
I have meet two wonderfull and incredible person, @chadfallout76podcast and Wes Johnson, I am about to finish my studio to became a new career, I am working on an incredible fanfiction project with @jasmineofthecommonwealth, I have a new community, peoples I think I can call my friends and I feel... less alone
Thank you, never enough thank you
Thank you @willinglyghoulified, @jasmineofthecommonwealth, @moths-in-a-sweater, @al3ssio97, @badastronaut27, @iamarti00, @space-kase, @nan4fallout, @atombonniebaby, @maccreadysbaby, @flowerpsyhosis , @rinasai, @tempestuous-tempest, @bleumanouche, @valentineenjoyer and to all of my 125 followers
Thank you to all of you
Thank you Fallout
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thebigolbee · 1 month
why do you draw Mr.House kinda… 😳
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The amount of hours I've spent thinking about this fool is genuinely bananas
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ohhyperbola · 2 months
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Him again.
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rad-roche · 1 month
Bad Habits
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galoogamelady · 1 month
I downloaded New Vegas partially because of Buttons, partially because I love the show and want to get to know the games. I’ve never died so many times in the first ten minutes of a game. I accidentally stole a guy’s milk and now he won’t stop following me and shooting me 😭. Anyway, love your content!! Thanks for introducing me to Fallout!
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thesightstoshowyou · 24 days
the ghoul catches a glimpse of you from behind bathing?🫣
he can’t remember the last time he’s seen the silhouette of a woman like you, unblemished and perfect. had to be at least a hundred years? the curve of your ass, where your waist dips in…you’d feel silkier than butter under his fingers
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It was an honest mistake.
Not much about the Ghoul is honest these days, so it seems necessary to point out integrity when it comes.
Fresh water, enough to drink, let alone enough to bathe in is a luxury in the Wasteland. So, when the two of you stumbled across a functioning water pump, you wasted no time partaking in the miracle. Being the gentleman he is, he allowed you first dibs and the gratitude in your eyes had almost stirred something in his chest.
He waited for his turn. And waited. The Ghoul had no doubt you’d had enough time to finish a decent shower and dress, so what the hell was keeping you?
After far too much time had passed, he’d come to check on you (give you shit about lingering in one place for too long). Some smart ass remark poised on the tip of his tongue, he rounded the corner only to stop so fast his boots skid.
You face away from him, oblivious to the way his throat has gone drier than the desert air. Your bare skin is damp, little droplets glistening as they trickle over your curves. His eyes trace the perfectly smooth expanse of your back, the beautiful dip of your waist, the tantalizing rise of your ass, and the gorgeous stretch of your legs.
He should leave, should turn on his heel and scurry away, tail tucked, belly on fire, but he can’t tear his gaze away. Beauty—like clean water—is a scarcity in this place. It ought to be admired.
You must feel his eyes on you because you turn your head to peer over your shoulder. He expects you to scream or curse or cover yourself. He doesn’t expect the small smile that pulls at the corner of your mouth.
“Yes?” you question, feigning innocence. In his chest, his heart pounds.
You’d planned this. This “accidental” discovery was intentional.
The Ghoul’s chin dips, the brim of his hat throwing a shadow over whiskey-colored eyes.
The water on your lips is the freshest he’s tasted in years.
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cozylittleartblog · 4 months
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8th annual nick valentine post! fallout 4 npcs Love sitting. they'll see a chair and ask "is anyone gonna sit here" and not wait for an answer. its like nick is on a personal quest to sit in every chair in the commonwealth. if he sees a chair its on sight
its because his joints are bad, obviously. he's like 140
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leona-florianova · 7 months
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Commission of Tommy the pacifist
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royalarchivist · 2 months
Vault Worker: Here you have the weapon, armor, everything is ok!
Pac: Is there someone strong and bald there to help protect me? No? You won't understand this, that didn't make sense.
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dimeadoesnt · 1 year
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@fagsarecool and I were talking and we’ve come to the agreement that Nick has entered his Twilight Zone era after Death Shroud
(original under the cut)
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Obviously, everyone sees Prewar!Cooper as the softer version of himself overall (accurate), so it seems like a lot of people fixate on The Ghoul when they want the rough kind of sexy fantasy. But, hear me out...
Post-divorce Prewar!Cooper who is going through a bit of a dark time after everything is finalized. He's lost his family, his home. His heart is broken by the person he'd thought was the love of his life betraying him, by the realization that she wasn't who he thought she was. All he has to keep him going is his dog and shared custody of his child. And even those things could be erased off the face of the Earth by a nuclear blast tomorrow.
Prewar!Cooper who turns to having one or two too many drinks on Janey's nights with Barb to numb the sadness, the anxiety.
Prewar!Cooper who meets someone who stirs up feelings he thought he was finished with; someone kind, agreeable. Maybe a neighbor, or another divorcee. He's definitely not ready for another relationship, emotionally, but sex has always been a good stress reliever for him, so he enters into a somewhat ill-advised "friends with benefits"-type rebound situation.
Prewar!Cooper who wants to try all the things he was too nervous to bring up with Barb (who I see as maybe a tad more sexually straight-laced with what little we're given about her, and Coop seems the type to be perfectly happy with whatever she's offering), because, who knows? The world could end tomorrow.
Prewar!Cooper who unwittingly falls in love with his rebound, his complicated feelings making the sex complicated.
Prewar!Cooper who takes his frustration with himself, with the world, out on her, tossing, pinning, and fucking her with an abandon he's never allowed himself before.
Prewar!Cooper who discovers he likes to see her cry a little. It makes her look like a pretty little damsel in distress.
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acapelladitty · 23 days
Just a cute lil idea that’s stuck in my head even though it’s probably very out of character for the ghoul but cooper carrying reader through the wasteland when she has a fever and bonus point if he lets her wear his hat
Aye aye captain 🫡 have this little thing! 💋
And In Health
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/Fem!Reader
Summary: Falling ill as you travel through the wastelands, Cooper is forced to take care of you. Sadly, not in the assassin way.
Fic Masterlist
Link to AO3
Dropping against the wooden information board which was too rotten and devoid of actual intel to be of use to anyone, your body chose to add to the mess surrounding the small board you as you drop your head to the side and vomit once again - the burn making your eyes water as you retch pathetically.
The fourth time you'd been sick that day, not that you were counting.
Having moved in silence for the last while, Cooper had been maintaining a rapid pace which you struggled to meet as your worsening condition hadn't proven too much of a hindrance until stopping for a moment had apparently allowed each element of your various ailments to assault you like a bonafide firing squad just waiting in the shadows.
"Not looking too hot, sweetie. Something you ate?"
"Probably." Groaning out the word, the taste of bile stings in your throat as you gaze up at him with bleary eyes. "Knew that meat you roasted up was foul."
Standing with a straightened spine, Cooper gazes back at you and you can feel the heat of his assessment like a host of ants crawling across your sweat-slicked skin.
"Didn't do me no harm. Quack doctor in the next town would have what we need for you to get that sweet ass back on the move. Chem, stim packs, hell - he probably has shit stowed away that even I wouldn't take. And that's a very, very small list."
Not trusting your voice as you keep your focus on breathing evenly, a sick hope alights in your gut as you blink up at Cooper and take in his contemplative musings.
"Can you walk?"
You shake your head carefully, every movement making your brain feel inflamed as even that small motion sparks fresh nausea in your throat.
Cooper grunts with displeasure at that, making no effort to hide his growing irritation with your pitiful state.
"Can you defend yourself here while I go and fetch what we need? That nasty little projectile skill you've developed there should keep the worst of the raiders and deathclaws away."
With inhumane effort, you raise your hand enough to flip him off very shakily before dropping your wrist back to your lap, the mild effort making your joint tremble and ache.
With a deep sign, Cooper shifts his body as he bends towards you. Strong hands lock around your frame as they pull you heavily to unsteady feet before swinging you up into his arms - the motion making you dry heave as you carefully tilt your head away from his body.
"Can't have you dying on me, sweetie. You owe me twenty caps after proving to be the shittiest gin rummy player I've ever had the misfortune to share a table with."
Held bridal-style against his chest, the little showcase of strength is enough to make you hum out an interested noise as his hands wrap around your knees and upper body. Borderline delirious as your vision swims and shakes, you swear you can hear the tiniest hint of genuine concern hidden beneath the sarcasm in his tone but you chalk it down to the ravages of infection.
The scent of him floods your senses as you tilt your head to push your face more roughly into his chest, desperately trying to block out the sun as it threatens to burn the life out of your eyes. Leather mixed with the definite tinge of coppery violence which always seems to hang around him is the most potent scent he usually carries but this close, with your nose practically touching his skin, you can pick up the faintest notes of sweat and natural musk which his lifestyle often hides.
"For someone on the brink of death you sure do seem to want to yap your hole a lot." Grumbling, he indulges you regardless as he begins to stride quickly in the direction of the town hosting the quack doctor he seems to know. "But what do you want?"
"Will...'m gonna die?"
"Oh, I doubt that. Too stubborn for sure. Why? You got a final request in mind? I don't sing so you're shit out of luck for a funeral chant."
Too out of it to think up anything witty as a comeback, a hiss escapes your lips as his head shifts and the sun glares down into your squinting face - the sudden brightness like an inferno alighting behind your sockets.
Sighing, Cooper bends his body enough to allow his curved knee to support your legs as his hand slips free from beneath your knees. In a single fluid movement, he pulls the weathered cowboy hat from his head and drops it across your eyes; the instant darkness soothing your pains a little as the scent of fresh sweat and leather swirls across your senses.
"Thank you." You squeak out your gratitude, the second word more of a noise than a word as Cooper slides his arm beneath your knees - once more pulling you close as he continues his journey.
The hat acting as a delightful barrier to the harsh rays of the sun as he refuses to acknowledge your thanks, your weakened grip on remaining conscious seems to flee you in an instant as you allow the steady beat of Cooper's heart to lull you into a restless nap.
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felixcarlucci · 1 month
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FALLOUT — 1.05 "The Past"
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rad-roche · 4 months
It's Valentine's day! You there, browsing the tag. Have you ever thought 'I like Nick Valentine, but I wish he starred in two novels lovingly written in the prose style of a detective noir from 1943, and so help me God, I don't want to pay a cent for it?' No! Nobody has! What an unusually specific dream!
But it's too late, I've already written them.
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More than that, I've filled them with art, too.
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If this sounds like something you'd like, you can find the full series (the two books and two small side stories) here.
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thebigolbee · 1 year
The way you draw Hancock so smol has me dead
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Silliest little critter in the Commonwealth
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galoogamelady · 6 days
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