#thank u ur so nice for asking <3
everythingsinred · 6 months
For the writers ask: 2, 3, 4, 17
thank u for asking <3 <3 <3
2) What is your favorite fic of yours? i hope this isn't too much of a cop-out answer but my favorite fic is always the one i'm working on. a lot of love goes into each one and if i'm not fully enthralled in a story i'm writing i might as well not write it at all, imo. i'm particularly proud of atrad right now, because it took a long time, as well as lots of research and i really wanted it to be well-written. but rn, even though i'm on pause for a bit, subjectives is my fav bc it's the one i'm working on now.
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated? it's hard to say when it comes to the ga fandom bc there's usually not as many readers at all, but i must say lack of interaction is what caused me to put not what we should be on the backburner for a few years. i fully intend to write all of it some day, but it is hard to get motivated when it's also a fic i've received negative comments on ;-;
(w the fandom that won't be named, i really liked writing trust, but it was seemingly less interesting to others so i abandoned it. rest in peace...)
4) What fic of yours were you surprised by how popular it was? i am always shocked when any of my fics get attention! my first ga fics in the internship universe on ffn got a lil bit of attention and i was genuinely surprised! but my g*th*am fic play dead getting as much attention as it did really shocked me, especially bc i was on twitter back then and i had plenty of mutuals who would "live tweet" reading whenever a new chapter came out, and it honestly felt so touching... the higher u fly, the more u have to fall and all that.
when it comes to ga, i had surrendered to having no attention especially more recently, but i think atrad got a decent amount of attention for how small the fandom is! and lots of ppl would comment and give me their thoughts which meant a lot too, and which i wasn't fully expecting!
17) Do you have any wips that you can tell us about? What are you most excited for in you wip?
obviously, i still have nwwsb, which someone asked abt recently! i'm very happy there's ppl out there who are interested in seeing it continue bc i am too <3 i'm thinking after subjectives, i'll probably continue nwwsb for a while (tho i had planned on it being rly long so i might get distracted by another project eventually before finishing it lmao)
i also wrote ~7 chapters of a zombie au a few years ago that i enjoyed but never posted bc pretty much all i saw on tumblr back then were ppl hating on zombie aus. i think i'd have to rewrite what i have though if i were to post it, which is why i'm not as excited about that project. i don't like restarting lol
and i also have a restaurant au i like, but it would likely not be quite as long as my other fics <3
and what i'm most excited abt is just sharing more fics for people to enjoy! i love writing natsumikan fanfic and giving as much as i can to this fandom and tho it seems to be in a constant state of shrinking, i won't let myself get too discouraged! thank u to all who read and enjoy my fics <3 i very much appreciate it!
send me a fic writing ask if you would like!
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stuckinapril · 5 months
hi ily btw <3 you remind me of orchids. checking in on you!!!
i remind you of THESE… my heart is about to burst
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cruelsister-moved2 · 5 months
what are your favorite movies by people of color that have leads of color too?
i watched like 4 films that weren't animated this year. but there are 2 films focused on gnc asian people's experiences that more people should watch: drifting flowers by zero chou is a beautiful film with a gorgeous lesbian romance plus a very sweet bond between an elderly gay man + lesbian. and the documentary shinjuku boys which you can literally watch for free on youtube about the lives of transmasc entertainers and features a really memorable and funny&sweet t4t couple.
the following aren't specifically lgbt but this year i also really enjoyed a film called supermarket woman, a sort of unofficial sequel to another film I loved called tampopo. it's bizarre but ends up a lot more emotionally earnest than you're expecting.
and there's a film called kamikaze girls is one of my all time favourites that I'm meaning to rewatch soon, about the friendship between a lolita girl and a goth girl. and it's not gay but it is like.. kind of gay 😭
goes without saying that if anyone has seen a film recently with a masculine woman in they're required by law to tell me bc the pickings are slim out here
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seoafin · 10 months
hi Morgan! I hope everything's going well! I just wanted to stop by because, aside from ddao/fic updates, I really enjoy reading your posts & your blog in general (you're literally .. the stsg writer to me but i swear. this isn't going to be another ask abt me complimenting your work, I must be getting boring 😂) so I just thought of sending something in to have a chat but please feel absolutely free to ignore me if I'm bothering you or if you're busy :)) !
I've only now seen the rude asks you got recently (i've been living under a rock due to exams, sigh) and the Gojo hate anon had me flabbergasted . . as a Gojo girlie/fucker/everything myself (and a Gojo bullying lover. he 100% deserves it 🤩) the honesty left me speechless 😭.  Not to mention the person who rated your fic when bookmarking it on AO3 .. ?!?! that was so incredibly disrespectful. Maybe I'm naive but I could have never imagined it was a thing before coming back to fandom spaces - you aren't the first author I see pointing out this behavior from readers on the site .. I think it's just insane how people can be so gratuitously rude (and allow me to add tasteless. the 3/10 was definitely personal).
I've also seen your more recent posts about not wanting to write the next Gojo scenes in ddao (tbh i get that. he is the character I struggle to write the most & in general .. he is the hind of person he is yk what I'm saying 😂) but I'm glad you're finding some motivation to work through it! please stay strong 😂!! What do you think is the hardest thing abt them for you? As a writer, or personally, either point of view is fine! is it anything in particular like the dialogue .. any part of the writing process, or is it him in general (that would be an incredibly valid answer too 😂)? I personally find him pretty hard to write - it's likely a personal limit, but especially when some kind of romance or pining is involved. I mean the dynamics are probably already going to be some flavor of messed up and chaotic when he's in the picture (especially with Geto) .. hence why I think if I was in rip!mc's shoes i think I wouldn't have survived the mess 💀. He definitely wouldn't be helpful at all in such situation .. Geto is just so much better at presenting and promoting himself to others than Gojo is, despite being equally messy and messed up behind the facade. Which is a fairly obvious statement. But what makes him hard to deal with is the fact I think Gojo would likely open his mouth and say something outta pocket/offensive and/or misleading about his feelings and then act frustrated about how you can't see he's insanely pathetic about you. He might even think he's being obvious but he's actually being insufferable and in a way that would make anyone's brain hurt lmao. As of now, I think he somewhat tends to erroneously apply the same logic he applied to his relationship with Geto - except it's obvious their case was an exception to the rule (hence why he just creates more chaos and misunderstanding) .. he regarded him as a peer more than he did with anyone else,, and I also think Geto was more used to his bullshit than anyone else could be (re: your manipulation tactics post .. their love language is psychological warfare. so true). But this is my take and it's likely not 100% correct so I'd love to hear your thoughts if you wish to share any! I've actually been loving your characterization of him. It's been refreshing in the sense that I think especially a Geto stays!AU Gojo but also in general a younger version Gojo would've been a pain to be around and I think you really delivered that feeling well!
Also - I love every time you get a message with people telling you abt how you turned them into Geto fuckers. As a Geto hater (i want .. to kiss .. him ......) I can safely say I did that to myself too - it's inevitable. I started writing for him because I wanted to get rid of the thoughts but it backfired. I slowly turned myself into a fucker. truly dug my own grave. that's what he does to people 💀💀 !! I remember you saying how you wouldn't stand him irl (am i right .. ? I can't find the specific post so i hope i'm not making a huge gaffe right now LMAO) and tbh i think I wouldn't be able to stand both him and Gojo irl. I would literally have eyes only for Shoko. the only woman ever. sigh
Soo yeah, this is it for this silly ask! I hope this message finds you well - in the meantime, keep up the good work and have a good day😊!!
with gojo it's not rlly him that's difficult i think im just finding it increasingly difficult to write for a character that im not as personally invested in. at this point writing gojo is more of a habit than anything. i've been writing him for ages so i know the way i want to write his character and everything about how i characterize him so it's mostly free sailing now!!!!! im actually really excited for the expanded HI arc in the anime so i can recontextualize my fics through the added info and sashisu interactions in the anime!!!!!!
oh yeah i think gojo is definitely a bit blind to the nuances of other people and/or considerate in a way that comes off as inconsiderate (his treatment of ijichi). also he and geto just.....fell in love. and i like to think falling in love with each other was even easier than becoming friends. one day it just clicked. they understood that they loved each other the entire time so there was no need for an extended courtship. i think in regards to stsg's relationship there really was no big change. a lot of things actually stayed the same lmfao.
ripmc is difficult because she actually needs like....articulation of their feelings and something more than just patience. softness maybe. also where geto just intrinsically understands, the last thing gojo actually wants is to detail every single thing he loves about not just rip!mc but geto too. geto probably teases it out of him anyway LMAO gojo is still kinda mortified at his early behavior and treatment towards rip!mc although he has apologized for his antagonism. i just KNOW it keeps him up at night 😭😭😭😭😭😭 he's still growing out of his immaturity. geto never left. the blue spring goes on for longer. he gets to be a teenager for a little longer. you know!!!!!
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rillette · 2 years
Seeing your baby Jason makes me wanna cry. He's so cute and small and adorable and hopeful. Especially with the book fair. He reminds me of my younger self in the best way possible. I just love him so much and thank you for sharing the softer side of young Jason :)
AWWW TYSM!!!! T^T <3 <3 <3
I love baby jason so much dude he's the sweetest little guy ever he's like three apples tall and he loves his family very muchly. Anyone that calls jason the angry robin owes him a nickel so he can go buy himself bubble gum from a gumball machine.
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
im sorry you’re so worn out from your job </3 if it makes you feel better im a senior in hs and am also severely depressed and struggling!! so we’re both just having sm fun rn :)
awww, my love!!! :( i am ALSO so sorry you're having a rough time.
seriously: high school is hell school. but ur almost there at least!! <3
and that's the thing i guess, is i totally get it, you know? high school sucks and its super hard and SUPER stressful! getting all your homework done, parental pressures/not having positive adult influences ( which is why i try really hard to be one but!!! haha!! crying <3 ), figuring out what you want to do after hs, and...oh my god??? i can't even imagine how awful it must be to be in school w/ all the new social medias, like i would be crying every other day bc of cyberbullying/how you are perceived online/that level of anxiety.
( all i know is that even without the feeling that people/my peers are talking behind my back, being perceived online made me v unwell )
but for me, at least, i try to be as kind and gentle as possible w/ those students bc i know how horrible being in high school is...which is why its heartbreaking & pretty humiliating for me to b that vulnerable and just get none of that back at all? </3 but then, teaching is a thankless job. it pays dirt and its a lot of work. it is, however, worth it to me, to get regularly disrespected doing my job...bc i care a lot about kids getting the education they deserve in an environment that is safe and respects them...even if they don't respect me...like literally at all. yay :)
but enough of me bellyaching ( i'm not that girl i promise ), there is always a silver lining, my peach. i did...roll up to help the lil people w/ their backpacks and getting on their bus with my eyes all puffy and mascara busted up from crying and i got soooo many hugs <3 a girl gave me a cookie from her lunch...she is absolutely seeing heaven.
and you will too, my dear! you are much stronger than i. being a hser is Also a thankless job that you unfortunately, do not get paid for. and i am v sorry for that. but its my hope that you heal, my dear darling. and know that if you are struggling, you are always welcome in my box, which is the same thing i tell all of my students, i am here to support you. <3 i am not just a fanfic writer, but a warm presence?
i sincerely hope so at least...idk i'm trying my best. thank you for your kind message, i really needed it...i was not doing very well, lol. ;-;
-real crybaby fake teacher uncle nina <3
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fangedtracks · 1 year
just got done for the day and i have a raging headache :/
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padfootastic · 1 year
a voracious reader of all things padfootastic tried guessing the author's favourite lines in the new chapter
(also as usual, you are magical with a word doc that premises sirius and potters— my heart is Bewitched if you will)
1.Harry didn’t think he could control the horror on his face if he’d wanted to.
2.Simple. He couldn’t, so he didn’t. (and harry like a teenager he is was like I'm gonna change the subject what's 3+4?)
3.Harry shuddered. “They’re not my muggles
4.But Mt. Harry had been bubbling for a while now, and it was about ready to erupt soon. (yes bby go shout at everyone)
5.He’d never thought he’d miss something he never had this much and yet, the letters had undone something in him.
6.No, I think you broke into my aunt’s house, but despite that, I’ve always been taught to welcome guests properly so—”
7.Piss OFF, Sirius (i fucking loved that one if you can't tell)
8. you 🤝🏽 me and loving Mr armitage for being 1 adult in Harry's life who's doing shit
i absolutely devoured this in 8 am lecture so thankyou for that
have i once again told you how much i love all your fics but this one in particular
omg ash have i told i before how much i adore adore adore seeing u literally anywhere, dms/askbox/discord???
thank u so much for reading and loving FoD 🥺🥺
you are absolutely not wrong about these lines tbh,,,,i was having so much fun writing our snarky little boi getting his kicks in wherever he can. the tea scene and when he just,, refused to call remus anything but professor lol (and ngl, there’s more where that came from; remus is a bit of a masochist here and harry is not done schooling him)
also yes!!! so glad u liked the sirius scene because,,,,sometimes our harry just needs to release some steam ykno? my heart wants all sunshine & rainbows between these two but i’ve literally got like…three minimum conflict scenes drafted out so far lol clearly i’m in here for the long haul, and i’m planning on putting everyone through the wringer 💀
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woozi · 1 year
thank u for giving this lil blog lots of love even though i'm not as active as i used to be 🥰
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scorchedhearth · 1 year
Never actually read your old url properly you have always been saladzong in my head <3
ok that's hilarious, thank u for sharing this. u should meet that other anon who read the url as salzund / honig
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daydadahlias · 1 year
How are you doing?
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problemcore · 1 year
you're not a side character and you are not forgotten, even if it feels like that sometimes. you're very important and you are loved ❤️
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gg-selvish · 1 year
over time u keep mentioning stuff that makes me like 'whoa my individual life is not so unique and we are not so different, u & i :O' /pos like, dsmp, plus the raven cycle, plus a history of Mavin?!? of all fcking things????? what a world what a world anyway i nod and 'same hat' at your posts a lot & this makes me hold a certain casual warmth in my soul for u (no romo) so i hope you're well!!
omg thats so cool!!!!! its always interesting when i meet people in my current fandom who have the same kind of trail they followed to get to where they are. lmaoooooo not only did i ship mavin but i was an ot6 og fahc shipper... mavin + the lads were always my faves but most of the fic i read was ot6 and a liiiiiiiittle bit of joelay too as a treat. for trc i read the first 4 books a few years ago and then binged the dreamer trilogy in a couple of weeks. despite all of the pynch i reblog i was actually a ronsey shipper in the first arc and the only 'ship' i cared about in the second arc was matthew & declan's familial bond and their story together as brothers. surprise surprise theres not a lot of fic for that so i never really got into the FANDOM for trc like i have with other interests. oops this got longer than i wanted it too. anyway hi thats cool thanks for sharing love u bye!!!!!!
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batterygarden · 1 year
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Denji made you soup to feel better don't mind the purple that just adds flavor
WAAAHAHA omg how sweet and thoughtful of him!!! I’ll go ahead and .. put that in the fridge for later! ^_^
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
me going from being bored in my house all day to bored in my apartment by myself all day wow 😍
#i have no idea where my roommate is also i still like dont know ... how to live w a roommate i guess lol like#i would like to know if ur not gonna be here at night ...... esp when it's just us two in the apartment rn but anyway#i texted her last night when i was going to sleep and i was like hey dw about turning on the light and stuff if u get back when i'm asleep#lol and then she didn't come back and she hasn't responded :P ik she's been helpign friends move in and stuff#bruh i helped my brother move in yesterday and i was kinda like so jealous that he has his group of friends here#whereas i moved in and i didn't know anyone in my building and i hadn't rly talked to the ppl from my high school in a yr#and i like kinda panicked abt being alone a little bit but he has all his friends and i'm happy for him but bitch when can that be me#but also like he and his friends are all in the same residence hall and i was thinking like i can already tellllll y'all are gonna be the#guys being loud talking in the hallways at night lmfao#anwyay#i'm gonna try to do some research work since i don't have plans until the evening lmao thank god i have shit to do tomorrow XD#i don't mind being alone at all i do kinda like it but the fact that ig i could much more easily be out doing stuff w friends or something#more easily than at home anyway idk why do i keep doing posts like this lmao#jeanne talks#ALSO I GOT A COUPLE OF THOSE RLY NICE ASKS SAYING LIKE LIST 5 THINGS YOU LOVE OR WHATEVER I WILL ANSWER THEM AT SOME POINT I PROMISE#idk things i love apparently lmfao#IN CASE I FORGET AND DON'T ANSWER THEM SOON THO ILY THANK U <3
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sparklingchim · 2 years
Are we getting the summary to chapter 22 soon or do you think it’s gonna take long?
Sorry it’s just I’m obsessed with LWH, I recommended it to all my friends, it’s that good 💘
This series are eating me alive 😃
soon !!! <3
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