#thank u for indulging me lmao
heartbreak-sandwich · 7 months
👅 (just imagine this is dacre’s tongue) lmaooo
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I just want to touch it a little, nothing weird, I promise lmao
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izzy-b-hands · 5 months
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
I used to feel like very Eh on Leon but your art has made him (and Sonia and Raihan tbh) some of my favorite Pokémon characters of all time, I love him/them now, so thank you for that :)
haha thank you! I'm glad to be the gateway for some folks. I really love them so fuckin much
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vacantgodling · 9 days
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@void-botanist THANK U FOR UR TAGS <3
(1) CHAOS MAGIC!!!!!! the root of many problems in this universe lmao 💀
(2) YEAH! even tho i feel like idyenhdop would flow better without the (h) in the middle of it (it’s silent technically you’d pronounce the name “eye-d-yenh-dop”) i wanted it to be an anagrams bc the moon is literally a mirror of the sun (in this world). so they’re basically the same. but different. but the same. LmaO.
(3) IIARAN discovering this is technically one of the Many plot points of book 2 lmao and she actually doesn’t react how i think most would expect her to. i could dive in the weeds about it BUT just know that the discovery of lapsundi & phyddione (and something called the rift as well as the thicket) is all are all apart of the plan haha
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bilbao-song · 11 months
so i kept seeing your url in the bee gees tag and remembered what i’ve been meaning to ask you!
which are your favorite vintage nail polishes?
this is a very late response (sorry!!!!) but!!!!!!!
(i’m going to put this under a read more and bold the titles because i ranted extensively…also i’m going to attempt to include pictures bc i missed out on that era like a decade ago when people had nail blogs that were basically just endless photos of nail polish swatches and i need to get that out of my system)
basically all of the revlon chrome polishes from 2003 (as well as the other ones; i THINK the other collection was from 2000ish?) but my favorite of those is petalchrome which is basically just a light blue chrome :^) i have two bottles of it that i got from my mom but both are running tragically low so i’m on the hunt
any and all revlon streetwear appeals to me for some reason and i constantly lament having missed the era when you could actually buy those in stores (thanks to chronic Don’t Exist Yet Disease followed by several years of infant syndrome) BUT my favorite that i actually own is called twinkle twinkle and it’s like, kind of a lavender shade with some iridescent glitter :~) i have been told it’s from 1996 but i’m not sure if that’s accurate tbh. they have another one called deception which i want SO badly but i tried to buy it on ebay and the person sent me the wrong shade and well!! we never got that sorted out. once bitten etc. hopefully someone else will list it eventually :’)
wild by bonne bell, which i got on ebay earlier this year and i’m positively obsessed with!!! blue-ish nail polishes with golden shimmer are kind of my weakness tbh. i thiiiink it’s from sometime in the 90s but i’m not sure? anyway shoutout to cassiecosmetics on ebay for being the nail polish seller of all time
as for things i don’t own!!! there are a few orly nail polishes in their satin hues collection that i would really like to find! there are several blues and purples that i’m looking for but i don’t remember the names atm
another that i don’t own, ciel de nuit by chanel!! it was the result of a contest from a 1996 issue of seventeen magazine and it’s like…super expensive to get a bottle these days, HOWEVER the person who won the contest somewhat recently shared the details of how they came up with it, and the person they shared it with wrote like…a whole entire summary to be shared with the Vintage Nail Polish Collecting Community and tl;dr it’s basically a combination of three different 90s wet n wild polishes which i now own >:) i don’t have very much of the glitter that’s involved, so i took the easy way out and just put the silver glitter over the metallic blue instead of mixing all three, but it’s close enough for me :’)
okay self-indulgent photo time
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here’s my ciel de nuit copycat >:)
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twinkle twinkle <3
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and two pictures of wild bc it’s so hard to get a good photo of for some reason
anyway!!!! thank you for sending this!! sorry it took 37 years to answer!!!
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
OH! If you want can you tell us about your arcane hunter??? (I love arcane builds)
Ask Sin Stuff ✨️
Omg thank you for indulging me I would indeed love to talk about my arcane hunter actually 💅 I guess I'll start with the actual gameplay side of it because they were a total accident to be completely fair; at the beginning, I'd wanted to main the Blades of Mercy and focus on Skill, but found that a bit unfulfilling to play so I switched gears mid-run to invest mostly in Arcane instead with some Strength and Skill still thrown in for good measure. Rather unexpectedly for me who knows very little about builds and the like, they became an absolute powerhouse of a hunter and incredibly fun to run because of it 😂
Currently they main the Holy Moonlight Sword (with the BoM still equipped as their secondary since those have some Arc scaling anyway). They don't often need to use their Blunderbuss that much since HMS just destroys everything that breathes in its transformed state, but they have it anyway for parrying's sake! Their most often used Arcane tools are the Tiny Tonitrus, Augur of Ebrietas and A Call Beyond. As you can probably tell, we are most enthusiastic about the Tiny Tonitrus and its ability to just one shot annoying kin enemies from a distance 😂 Please enjoy some not so HQ images of my little menace ✨️How they got so bloody I dont remember, just that it felt metal af to walk around like that against the snowy white scenery of Cainhurst tbqh.
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As for this hunter as a character, I kind of didn't have one in mind at first! This profile started as just a catalyst for a new playstyle initially. However, that has definitely since changed. They're still a relatively new and unpolished addition to my roster since the majority of my creative time is devoted to Ruza My Beloved, but I am pursuing an interesting??? Set of concepts for this hunter too lmao. This is probably not news to anyone who has been in the fandom longer than me, but I read recently about the blue eyed scourge beasts from UCW and was enlightened to the fact those were actually "ascendant" scourge beasts with kin-like qualities, such as being weak only to thrust damage; most likely created from members of the Choir who were steeped in the Arcane and rich with Insight by time the scourge got to them, hence they basically became a different strain of scourge beast. I also spied a reddit thread that proposed the idea of the abhorrent beast/suspicious beggar being able to freely control his transformations into his beastly self and that what primarily made this character unique was his complete acceptance of said self. A sort of Beastly Embrace, you might say? 🤭
So tl;dr, I am workshopping this character rn as an Arcane Beast hunter who can freely control their beast self and for that beast self to be modelled after the blue eyed kin-like scourge beasts. Perhaps a renegade member of the choir who turned against their faction? I haven't fully decided yet, but we will see 😤✨️ Oh, and their name (for rn anyway) is Aloysha.
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seoafin · 1 year
Saw this tweet and like, while I haven’t watched Trigun Stampede, I was like “…same” also love reading ur takes, they’re very interesting to read!
HIS GLOVES............THE PAT................
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sukugo · 2 years
as per tradition, being at the beach means it is imperative i partake in my favorite vacation activity: thinking about my blorbos at the beach
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apricotheart · 1 year
Azureshipping for the kid meme!
( if they had a kid / accepting !! )
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Name: Kaiba Ryūnosuke ( 海馬竜之介 ), 竜 ( ryū ) meaning "dragon" combined with 之 (no), a possessive marker, and 介 (suke) meaning "help, assist".
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Were it not for the way Ryūnosuke styles his hair, he would be the spitting image of Seto. They have the same angular face and serious expression; though Ryūnosuke is prone to showing more emotion. He has brown hair and his eyes are blue like both his parents, however they are a touch on the lighter side. By the time he reaches his final growth spurt, he stands just shy of Seto's height at 180 cm.
Personality: Calm, well-mannered and logical to a fault. He's an even mixture of Seto's intelligence and Anzu's compassion. He's a perfect gentleman with a touch of playfulness. He has always known that he would one day step into the role of President at his father's company and has always taken pride in it, even submitting ideas and his own designs for new technology as he grew up.
Special Talents: Photographic memory. This made studying for school a lot easier for him than it would have otherwise as he was and is able to recall details and facts with startling clarity. A lesser known talent is that he sings, but is a little embarrassed to let anyone hear him so he mostly does it when no one is around. Occasionally, though, you can catch him humming while reading a book or otherwise occupied.
Who they like better: Ryūnosuke may share a lot of similarities with Seto, but he actually gets along far better with Anzu. This isn't saying much though, since family is important to him and he loves them both.
Who they take after more: Probably Anzu, though he ( thankfully ) didn't inherit her temper.
Personal Headcanon: Ryūnosuke was an almost meticulously planned child. For Anzu, it was important to her that she be at a place in her life where she could devote all her attention to a child, when her career as a ballerina had gotten to a place where she felt comfortable starting a new chapter. This meant that Ryūnosuke was born "late" in their lives by the usual standard, being born when both Anzu and Seto were entering their thirties.
Face Claim: Artem Wing from Tears of Themis.
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teslas-lame-archive · 2 years
do you have any photos of your kitties 🥺
ask and ye shall receive! <3
here's gizmo and pumpkin (respectively)
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and this is the only picture i have of calley, without going to my parents' house and scanning a physical photograph into my phone lol (taken with my mom's old flip phone so it's a lil crispy)
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also some bonus cryptid kitties just cos these make me giggle <3
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Birb!!!! Once again, I'm so sorry BUT YOUR LASTS GoT POSTS GAVE ME A BLAST!!!!
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don't be sorry!! it's ok!!! i am so glad i can make u laugh!! MY SILLY JOKES HAVE FINALLY FOUND A PURPOSE ;A; sooo who do we have here....??? >:3c
1 - OH!! the lil girl!! mcdaughterburner's daughter!! u'll NEVER guess what happens to HER ;A; i referred to her as 'NOOO BABY NO!! ;A;' bc that's what i was saying in every scene she was in ;A; I KNEW THEY WOULD TAKE HER FROM ME ;A; didn't expect the fire tho, that was hard to listen to ;A;
2- ZOMBIE JOE'S BROTHER!!! aka uncle failson!!! he lost a fight with a fire poker or something, it was very sad 😔 i can't actually remember what happened to him tho?? i just,,,,lost track of him at some point?? so im going to assume he ended up at ned stark's castle where the remaining cast re-enacted the film 'dead snow' (2009 norwegian film about nazi zombies). if he WAS there he should have volunteered his services as a ladder for lydia mormon, the child warrior who somehow managed to be better and braver than any adult (except for BFF of course!! who could surpass SHE?? ;A;)
3- IT'S NOT-SAMWISE!!! he is almost a samwise gamgee!! but not quite!!! it's ok tho, nobody could ever REALLY compare to THE samwise gamgee. this lesser samwise is good enough!!! i liked how willing samwise was to adopt a random baby whose mother he met exactly ONCE, that was quite sweet of him. hope everything works out for him and jill or whatever and junior. good lot them 😌 (note: during the earlier seasons, i wanted him and redux jesus (then simply called ned stark's bastard) to MAYBE run away from snow gaol and kiss each other. but in the end samwise met jill and they seem very happy together!! pity about egret. maybe redux jesus should kiss that viking man instead. tormod ruadh or whatever. idk that's a viking name, right?? :P)
4- OH THIS GUY. ok i know. I KNOW WHO HE IS. i saw him in a film JUST THE OTHER DAY. it was a john wick film!! my mam LOVES the john wick films, she's in love with keanu reeves. uhhhh. his name is. it's. ok i don't actually KNOW his name but. BUT IN GOT, he played the role of MCDICK-IN-A-BOX!!! i called him mcdick-in-a-box bc, well, uh, u know 😳 am very glad captain ginger was able to rescue him from that snivelling lil shit, wannabe dexter. that clown was. extremely unpleasant. more unpleasant than any other character. not a fan of wannabe dexter. he took himself too seriously!! we get it, ur a serial murderer, cool story bro!! just MURDER then. don't be such a bitch about it. ur mad bc no one will kiss u (willingly), every day is a bad hair day, ur doggos won't talk to u if u don't feed them human flesh,,,, WE GET IT. he's what my father would call a 'langer' 🙄
poor mcdick-in-a-box. even when he's the photo u sent, i spend more time talking about somebody else. sadly typical for poor mcdick-in-a-box, smh 😔
hee hee, thank u for indulging my silliness 😄 i always appreciate the chance to make my dumb jokes 😊 hope i gave u a laugh or two! hope ur day or night goes well 💚💚💚
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
Please do talk more about Naruto, I have a lot of thoughts about The Boy. I wish the anime expanded more on the Uzumaki tbh, they seemed really cool.
Would’ve been nice for Naruto to learn more of his heritage/more about Minato and Kushina
I think at this point I know all the canon info on the uzumaki and I agree, I wish there was more but also that leaves a lot of room for speculation. Which is also fun. I have a lot of thoughts on kushina specifically bc as soon as she appeared she instantly became one of my top 10 characters
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vitospaghetta · 2 years
See also: I just really hate fanon in general. If a character is so drastically changed or if selective traits are so exaggerated that the characters hardly resembles their canonical counterpart, do you really appreciate that character? Do you understand how to analyze media?
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astrxealis · 2 years
small snippet ...... under cut bcs i'm shy ( no spoilers btw !! )
joie hadn't realized they had said that out loud until the man she had just accidentally complimented turned to her with wide eyes, his hand still on his chin in contemplation.
"ah, did you say...?" "n-nothing! think nothing of it, just a slip of the tongue!" themis slightly tilts his head to the side as joie swiftly jumps to explain themself, though they can tell his movement is not just out of curiosity (not fully that, at least) when he raises an eyebrow and the corners of his lips lift up.
"is that so, then? you don't think that i'm, well, pretty?" he muses lightly, a certain sparkle in his eyes.
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canarymemories · 10 months
HI I THINK YOURE SUPER COOL i like your fics a lot i need to read more of them ive been meaning to for a bit... also i think we're twt mutuals and i see you in my notifs sometimes and i just wave to you in my brain everytime
ASLDKGH thank u 🥺 i'm so glad u like them <33 sometimes i forget that people like. can read what i post which sounds so funny but sometimes i look at my ao3 and it's like oh hi. but yeah it makes me so happy to hear that <33 waving back to you in my brain now
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navysealt4t · 11 months
♫ joel and ellie?? i think thats their names? idk anything abt tlou
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about sarah (his dead daughter) and ellie (alive daughter but neither of them have the guts to admit it) ….. :( me when me whene father daughter duos and that love is the entire reason everything happens. btw.
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