#tfa megaop
wyrm-with-a-why · 3 months
I know it’s been months forgive me I’ve had writers block for that fic
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Addition to a previous TFA megaop post
I neglected to address that many megaop shippers, in addition to butchering Megatrons characterization, also did the same for optimus.
Bro is so heavily damselfied in this ship it's not even funny. He goes from being a humble, and decisive leader who is haunted by his past
To fuckin
UwU-soft-helpless-daddy issues- everyone hates me-and I need a big strong "Marxist" "miner" man to fuck the sad out of me pwease
Like um, was thou indulging in thy devils walter white crumbs whilst thou wast watching thee show??
TFA Optimus is for the most part: levelheaded, though a bit doubtful of himself and his ability to properly lead. He's able to think on his feet under pressure. He hates making tough decisions, but will make them anyway for the sake of either cybertron or his friends, even if it means being stern with them because in the long run, it means that they will be okay. He's willing to make peace/ put his differences aside to work with people who've personally wronged him for the greater good of others, and at the same time refuses to be a punching bag.
I see those mfing headcannons talking about how Optimus would just let sentinel die or something and that is completely false
This mf wouldn't let anyone die, not if he can help it
Its a core aspect of his beliefs
That the autobots are supposed to protect all life
Its quite a shame that life includes shitheels like sentinel but it can't be helped I suppose.
Tangent end----
He can be stressed, angry, snarky and rude, and honestly I don't blame him
This motherfucker puts up with way more shit than he's ever deserved
Honestly, he's very charming for it
TFA Optimus is also canonically the most skilled autobot to ever set foot into cybertron's autobot academy
Hes more than able to handle himself in a fight, even against megatron- Perhaps not for a long while, though I can imagine the little bastard is more than capable of outmanoeuvering him.
It just really irks me when he's Babiefied cuz he's the shorter one
Its givinnnnnnngggggggggguuuuuuuhhhhhhh
9 0 ' s Y a o i b r a i n r o t
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gentleeclipsey · 2 years
I swear Megatron has a thing for biting as like a love language. Like he bites Op's cheeks because they're squishy and it's how he shows off his gentle side while Op is nervous he's gotten get chewed into like cake because dear lord Mega has big teeth-
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klaudia96art · 3 months
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tfa redraw megop💕♥️
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firebunartblog · 1 month
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i accidentally closed the file this was from without saving QAQ
have some MegOp: Little Archivist version that i screen shot while i go scream into a pillow
pay no mind to the body in the background
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goigoig · 1 day
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im trying to sketch a little bit but my arm still hurts :в
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 month
alrigjy, so I absolutely love your tfa aus (also your other stuff but that's not relevant here), specifically secret deception leader Optimus and Orion pax reborn things. What if you stacked them
Specifically organized for maximum nonsense, make Starscream figure out that op is op and decide to throw a coup against the new deception leader nemesis prime about it
Does anybody know the whole picture? Who knows
Hey thank you so very much i'm so glad you like them.
YES! I love that idea so much Starscream hears Optimus do Orion's disappointing mentor voice and just knows it's him.
And like well no-one is running Decepticons but Orion.. welp TIME TO OVERTHROW 2 DECEPTICON LEADERS! Cue far to many elaborate assassination attempts.
(He believes he had connected all the dots... he;'s looking at the wrong ones)
But what if Starscream comes up with the Nemesis Prime idea? Like if he realizes Optimus is Orion and is like Well time to get you in charge of the Decepticons.
After Starscream finally stops crying and lets Optimus go is like 'Ok so what's the plan are you taking over the Autobots form the inside? Thats genius'
'No! No we are not Starscream'
'Ah I see so you'll be taking over the Decpticons then?'
'I no Starscream I'm an autobot still... I mean... it's complicated'
' I understand'
He did not understand and he sets up Optimus's whole alterego and the entire other Decepticon fraction in record time... they just blink and Starscream has already started the coup.
'i've been imagining about overthrowing Megatron for years, I have all the plans. All of them'
Bonus: Starscream starts trying to match-make and finding someone who is good enough for Orion.
In the Sumdac lab Megatron feels an urge to kill Starscream one much stronger then normal.
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slickver-draws · 9 months
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cozzzynook · 6 months
blitzbee double date with megop?
- Megatron teases Blitzwing for having a size kink constantly.
-In return Blitzwing teases Megatron that he has a size kink too, not to mention how star optic Megatron gets when he makes Optimus curl with energon around the faceplates.
- They always banter before landing on the clearing to meet their autobots. Optimus is fussing over Bee who looks ready to fry Optimus circuits. Optimus doesn’t know what Blitzwing means when he calls Optimus a “natural creator” while smirking at Megatron who fires a blast his direction that gets misdirected by Bee.
- Blitz thinks Bee know exactly what it means, he just doesn’t see any point in telling Blitz to stop since its true and annoying the yellow bug. When Bee says he hopes their breeding kink kicks in soon so Optimus can stop parenting him, Blitzwing cackles so hard his random persona almost bites his own glossa off.
-Only Optimus is clueless as to why Megatron is refusing to look any bot in the optic as he swells with energon on his cheek plates making Optimus worry and creator him further proving the two bots point.
- Megatron pulls out a special blend of high grade and oil for himself and Optimus while Blitzwing enjoys being fed copper and nickel sheddings that Bee seasoned to perfection with energon.
-Optimus tells Megatron things he’s learned while researching forbidden archives while Megatron listens star optic and captivated. Completely spark sick for this caring bot who has no idea the power he holds. If he so much as asked Megatron to seize every forbidden datapad from Cybertron itself, he would.
-Bee and Blitzwing shake their helms at the two spark sick leaders while also being quite touchy and affectionate themselves.
-Blitzwing has to hold Bee, needs to feel his frames warmth to be assured he is safe and whole while Bee needs to feel Blitzwing beside him. Within optics search and servo’s reach. Both have some ugly scars of the past they only share with the other and they understand. It was not at all rushed in their opinion when they spark bonded very very early in the relationship. They didn’t tell others knowing how it would look but they knew each others sparks and each other as well as themselves.
-they could not survive nor live let alone exist without the other and so they bonded. They could see Optimus and Megatron were in the same boat except they waited a normal rushed pace to spark bond.
-it was odd meeting like this so often to simply be with their other so intimately while with another couple but they felt a comfort in their double dates as well.
-it was both a safety and familiarity in having frequent double dates.
- strength in numbers and Optimus had a horrible time away from Bee. The bot bonded to Bee early on before meeting Megatron or even leaving Cybertron when he accidentally sire bonded with the younger mech. Bee was still not happy about it for reasons only Blitzwing and oddly Prowl, a far closer friend to Bee than the others beside Blitzwing, knew about.
-As much as Bee still didn’t like it he loved it. He had a hard time staying away from his now sire and felt utmost comfort and safety when in the presence of him and his conjunx.
-a far strangled distant connection was felt to Megatron as well and while they didn’t comment on it, Optimus was always happy to see them acknowledge and sit in comfortable silence with the other by choice. At times going out of their way to find the other even.
-Not to say Blitzwing didn’t have a more friendly relationship with Optimus. The two simply enjoyed their shared love of fine arts together. Blitzwing was more into physical art but he did enjoy novels and literature too. They compared their favorites to those of Earth who learned could be quite talented even with such a short lifespan.
- they enjoy going out on solo dates yes but they much prefer their double dates more often than not. But none will admit it aloud. It was known. Just never spoken.
As always from the river to the sea.
May every oppressed be free.
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eragonda · 1 year
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Megop Week Day 3: Marriage/Tears
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horselulu · 7 months
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numbur1goobah · 7 months
@asimp4bee I finally drew Fortnite Megatron lol.. I said I would eventually draw one of them!? So yeah, I might draw Optimus or Bumblebee separate sometime, but yeah!! Here he is..
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@pastelpaperplanes gave me permission to draw their feral megaop child
This is like, probably the first time I've drawn someone else's oc
I had fun with the colors though!
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klaudia96art · 1 month
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Hi all guys, since the Mermay period is approaching, I have decided to open the Mermay commissions with special offers that will last until May 31st 💕🧜‍♀️ if you are interested you can contact me on my various social networks I hope to hear from you
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wyrm-with-a-why · 8 months
You want a Megop au with weird plot I’ll give you a Megop au with weird plot(no one asked)
Ok so it’s Tfa and his repair crew gets scattered by the space bridge explosion and end up on earths moon. On the dark side of it they find a shipwreck so they investigate, cautious and slow. As they enter they notice there’s a weird amount of white flowers somehow growing from nothing all along the walls. Whatever, they continue. Into a specific chamber they go and there’s a corpse in there, sitting on its knees, head slumped forward. It’s Megatron, Optimus recognizes the frame from his history videos. Flowers cover his what looks like dead body. Then as the bots get closer he sits up a bit. His eyes are dull and hopeless. The Autobots freak out and run. Megatron’s sigh is heard echoing through the ship, hopeless and exhausted. Everyone’s back on the ship but eventually Optimus feels the overwhelming curiosity to see Megatron again. He had questions. So he heads back into the shipwreck when no one’s looking and approaches Megatron slowly. He was intimidated for sure but Megatron didn’t seem as intimidating in such a sad state. Megatron senses him enter and sighs and looks up. His eyes go wide with sorrowful horror. He cries out in pure grief. To Megatron, Optimus reminds him too much of his deceased sparkbond. Kiloton
Megatron’s grief is like an infection. It spreads rapidly like a shockwave. Soon, Optimus is feeling a terrible sparkache and he can feel himself crying. He can’t understand the grief but he’s just so sad, as if he’s lost someone. Megatron is hunched more now as tears fall which causes his body to shake as he sobs, and his tears are mirrored to everyone affected by his overwhelming grief.
Optimus wants to help because Optimus is the goodest boy. He doesn’t understand Megatron’s sorrow but will try.
And the story may dramatically unfold. Optimus sort of being like therapy to the absolutely shattered Mech. Then bam, he catches feelings when Megatron musters the strength to leave the room he’s been rusting away in.
This will be continued more often istg I kinda like it. But I’m sleepy. Also, this au will be called Mourner Megatron and is inspired by Hollow Knights grey mourner.
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I’ll probably make more storyline and little scenarios to come. But I need sleep
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aroayr-shuk · 2 years
Everyone: "What if Megatron and Optimus Prime were bitter exes! Haha haha hahaha"
Me *having read the books by Irvine": They...they are. They literally are.
They were leading a revolution with together, theywent on dates through the Pits and Iacon, and it got to the point that they couldn't differentiate whose ideas were whose anymore. And they only fell apart because Megatron is easily jealous...and not the one with the brains in this relationship, okay.
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