#tf2 was actually a lot more confusing so there is that
averageludwig · 2 months
Before I got into tf2, I had this very wrong. very random idea. of the game/lore. Which was that what Both the teams were basically performing a sport (of some sort) being watched by everyone in this dystopian futuristic age where the matches took place on this protective bubble around this arena so the audience can watch cute guys kill each other . also thought the female mercs were real (imagine my disappointment)
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prettyboypistol · 11 months
It says requests are open but please feel free to ignore if not and ofc don't do it if you do not feel like it or don't have inspo but may I request the mercs (tf2) reacting to finding out the reader (male ofc) has a voice kink and got turned on hearing them talk? Thank you in advance! have a nice day/night !! - transleviathan
Tf2 Mercs Realizing You Have a Voice Kink! || x Male!Reader +/18
Oh God, he gets so turned on when you tell him.
He already dirty talk babbles, now it's a hell of a lot more intentional.
Pulls you close and whispers dirty things in your ears
"Hey there, baby boy, wanna have a quickie?"/"Hey there prettyboy, you doing anythin' later tonight?"/"I got a bucket of chicken-"
Jeremy HAS and will CONTINUE TO take this as a massive ego stroke that makes him feel high as a kite.
Has asked to see if just his voice can get you off. (embarrassed when it can)
He's really confused at first, but understands it after you lay on the compliments about how manly and hot his voice is.
Likes viewing it as him being superior to you in an authority figure in a military sense.
Solly likes dropping his voice suddenly to make you scream in surprise. He likes how you tense up and blush.
High key wants to kiss you when you get embarrassed.
Thinks it's funny when you giggle eagerly when he insults you in a deep voice.
He's kinda caught off guard that you find his voice hot, but takes it and sprints with it.
Absolutely turns up the Scottish pet names and slang terms to fluster you. "Attaboy, there's a good lad." Is his favorite way to praise you.
Think it's cute how excited you get when he mutters under his breath.
Tavish grumbles an exasperated "Jesus christ.." and suddenly he has a cute Lil boyfriend in his lap and trying to kiss his face off.
Oh this man takes it and runs with it. As soon as you tell him you like, really, like his voice, he feels his heart flutter
High key wants to role-play a cowboy and outlaw scene where he catches you and you 'convince' him not to turn you in.
You get "howdy"'d a lot more lol
Can't help but drop his voice and feel you up, God, he loves the reaction you give. You better be prepared for hot hyperfixation rants
Overjoyed that someone actually likes their voice- not in the invasive way. When you confess that you find the muffling of their voice from their gas mask.
They like that your Kink isn't more... explicitly their voice, moreso the muffling.
The heavy breathing and little whines that you can hear when you're close.. nobody else hears that but you, and it turns you on.
Pyro likes talking to you through little orders that are easy to understand. (mmt./sit, mhpay./stay, mm mny./good boy)
Likes grabbing you by your hair and pulling you close to make you listen to the hissing of air from the gas mask.
GOD. DAMN. This man goes above and beyond with his accent and russian talk around you after you tell him
He's super flustered but also really happy that you find his voice attractive! He's always been insecure about how he sounds in English because he sounds stupid when he talks in English.
When you express attraction to Heavy's voice, he gets all happy and confident.
"Oh? You like Heavy's voice!" Heavy pins you against a wall, his laugh shaking you. "Good."
"Oh, but listening to me talking about vivisections grosses you out?" kind of teasing
HUUUUGE ego boost to him, def likes teasing you with his voice and gently touching you in little ways (grabbing thighs, petting stomach, rubbing neck) ALL TOUCHING FROM BEHIND JESUS CHRIST
Again, loves holding you from behind and growling things int your ear as he kisses your neck. (please introduce him to mirror sex PLEASE)
German. So. Much. Fucking. German.
Wants to teach you German so so so badly!!!!
he knew you had a voice kink as soon as he talked to you.
He loves sneaking up on you and whispering dirty french in your ear. You don't know exactly what he's saying, but you know it's said to make you blush.
Only translates the dirty talk to english to fluster you further with an "Oh, I'm sorry dear, let me translate.."
Spy loves making you flustered with different voices, especially with roleplay scenes (loves dressing up in elaborate roles i'll die on this hill)
Pins you against a wall and whispers into your ear, close enough for you to feel the warmth of his breath. "Oh, so you gotta thing for Aussies then? Right, I can work with that, darlin'~"
This man WILL bring you on a sniping mission and order you to get off as his eyes are trained on the target.
Likes how he can just order you to be aroused, just by a certain word or inflection in his speech. He grins like a predator when he realizes his power over you and God. You know it's over for you.
Has offered to dirty talk his way into getting road head
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dinanikto · 6 months
The characterization of tf2 characters is very interesting to me. Especially Demoman and Soldier.
At first, all, and i mean ALL of them were just a hyperbola of fiction tropes.
Crazy evil german doctor. Big, angry and stupid giant (who is also a strong russian). Patriotic Ammmmmmerican 🦅🦅. Elegant french guy that fucks every woman he sees just because he can. Warm and kind Texan. A boy that plays boyish balls games and runs fast. Drunk scottish lad that blows things and speaks weird english.
And it was okay. TF2 was a game first. But as the time has gone on, it evolved. It needed its characters to grow. Especially Medic, who was specified to be too young to be a n@zi. He's actually very open now, childish even, and smiles so wide when he sees his friends it's creepy.
Or a french guy, that actually smells, and has left his newborn child with his mother and seven brothers. Just because he was scared.
Or texan that is actually evil and doesn't care a bit about ethics, his co-workers, his friends and even family legacy. The guy that is comically smart, and seeks nothing but more knowledge.
Or Heavy, that is actually very very not stupid (guys listen he has a PhD in uhhhh... russian literature?? guys did you hear it please don't be mad at us, him being a dumb-dumb was just a joke please).
As you might know, Valve (and fandom) have its favorites. For example, Spy is Gabe Newell's favorite class! So it seems only logical that he got the most character growth, even if he became a horrible person. He's nuanced, he has a backstory, and Valve is not afraid to show his dark side.
At last, we have Demo and Soldier. They are complete opposites in the way their stories were handled, yet they are pretty similar.
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First and foremost, Demo is a black guy. If creators were to lean in the fact that he blows people, drinks a lot, can't make two coherent sentences, is heavily depressed, it would paint a BAD reputation for Valve. And even without the reputation thing, they wouldn't want to make anything that paints an only non-white person in the series as "haha he's bad and worthless" guy.
So, instead of helping character grow forward, they gave him a "backstory ". I won't be reciting it here, i suppose you all know how grand and unique it is. What I want you to keep in mind right now - is that Valve were AFRAID to make Demo look bad. They tried to make him badass, you can clearly see it in how they handle his character in the Halloween comic. No gibberish, no nothing.
And then they just forgot it. Like yeah, he's rich, he has a mother, so? Almost every merc is the same. Valve made Demo so boring that they don't know what to do with him anymore. And fans don't know either!
On the other hand, Soldier has no backstory. Well, he has, but it's so silly you just can't take it seriously. And yet, it makes him admirable.
He has no mother, no father, no friends besides his co-workers. He constantly does things so atrocious it makes other mercs worry about his (and theirs) well-being.
He's crazy. He shoots his legs with bombs. He fights people with a shovel. He's xenophobic, but actually he's not and is just confused as to what he's supposed to think. He sews his hands back because they keep falling off. He's loyal to no end. His roommate is a wizard. That wizard hates him. He's a bad guy, and he's bad at being bad.
Soldier is so much, yet he has nothing behind his back. Demo is nothing, yet his back is so heavy he barely walks.
Maybe we need to let Demo be silly. Be weird. Be bad. Be wrong.
Let Demo be fun.
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leorawright · 1 year
TF2 mercs finding out that Soldier, has an older sibling? Maybe S/O is part military and they hold the rank of "Colonel" maybe they tracked down Soldier and in soldier fashion broke into the base to see Soldier
They aren't on the same level of insanity as Jane, they are actually Sane but doing crazy shit just runs in the family I guess? They look similar like soldier with the helmet but they wear a colonels coat and their medals, plus instead of screaming they'll talk to you in a normal voice, even having a regular conversation instead of just proclaiming their love for the USA
They don't mind hanging out with the other mercs hell if they visit a second time they might bring them "Presents"(Its sometimes MRE's or maybe some other cool stuff) but all in all they're more of a tame soldier
No one knows HOW the two are related they just share the last name of 'Doe' (Cuz I remember Soldiers full name is Jane Doe, idk I'm tired) they're taller than soldier by 1 foot but they never make fun of soldier instead they just pick him up on their shoulders so Soldier can yell and act like a drill sergeant
That's so cool! (Sorry, they're kinda bad😭 i only did a couple cause for some reason i was blank on ideas)
Mercs finding out Soldier has a sibling
For a second, he thought you were a clone of Soldier or something
But when he realized you were Soldier's sibling, he was very intimidated
He's confused when you talk to him about normal stuff and don't yell, but he's very glad you're not a carbon copy of Soldier because we don't need another one
Over the absolute moon when you show up to the base
Expect to be tackled by him the second you show up
You are one of the few people he respects in this world
When you first show up he almost never stops talking to you about what happened with Merasmus and about all the other mercs
He's missed you a lot, and he's not afraid to admit it
They like your medals are so cool and shiny
They've listened to Soldier ramble on and on before so they're surprised when you have a normal conversation with them
When they see you put Soldier on your shoulders, expect them to ask you to pick them up too
Absolutely fascinated when he learns Soldier has a sibling
And most of all you don't act a lot like him
Medic has had some conversations with you and every single one has surprised him
You look similar to Soldier with the helmet, but you talk to him normally
Definitely wants to get to know you more
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rayclubs · 1 month
Do you have any advice on how to improve writing characters and character interactions?
Yes! Oh my god, this ask got me so excited I’m actually typing out the response in a word document. Let’s fucking go. I’ll try to omit any well-known advice like “read other books” and “practice a lot”, y’all know that already, so I’ll get straight to practical tips. I’ll also be bringing up examples from my TF2 fics because it’s easier for me to make my points this way, and also because my fics are epic and you should totally read them.
Branch out from the widely recognized go-to emotion signifiers. Watch the people around you and notice how often they raise an eyebrow when confused, or tilt their head when inquisitive, or clench their fists when angry – it’s not entirely implausible that they do it, but chances are, they also do something else that’s way more unique, more interesting, more “them”.
It makes emotions personal, but it also makes gestures and non-verbal interactions personal. In the beginning of my fic “Kill the Red”, Soldier salutes Pyro in the way of encouragement because that is how Soldier acts when he’s trying to be reassuring and confident. At the end of the fic, this happens: “(Pyro) glanced up, found Soldier’s eyes, and gave him back that salute he owed.” It’s a very small bit, but it reinforces Soldier’s characterization as an assuring, commanding presence, as well as Pyro’s impressionable but proactive personality, and helps define their unique dynamic. I could have had Soldier give Pyro a pat on the back instead and be done with it, and the fic wouldn’t suffer too much, but what I went with in the end is way better.
Dialogue is my favorite part of the writing process, but it’s also the easiest to mess up. Here’s few important things to keep in mind when writing dialogue.
Get to the point. Skip the vocal fills, greetings and goodbyes, and all deceivingly human junk that is so easy to get caught up in. Have your characters say what they want to say, in the way that only they would say it, and be done with it. If there’s no consequence or weight to the way someone says “sorry”, write simply that the character apologized, but don’t dignify it with quotes and a dialogue tag. That’s for special occasions only.
Make dialogue tags into actions. There’s a bunch of examples for this in all my fics, here’s some from “Close Call”.
“Coming to a professional?” Spy smiled, eyes narrow like those of a mischievous cat.
“Where?” Soldier squinted and leaned forward but seemed to be looking in the wrong direction, just slightly too far to the left.
“I wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.” A cardboard folder was pressed into Sniper’s chest. Spy grinned proudly. “Take a look.”
He clutched the steering wheel. “It’s the only big enough clearing in these bloody woods.”
Like, it’s such a technical advice, but I read fanfiction and I know how many people struggle with this, and it just helps the flow of conversation so much? You can say “said” and “replied” and other such words, but it really does wonders to intersperse them with actions that do not imply speaking at all. This is also how I manage conversations among multiple people without constantly going “X asked” and “Y answered”. It establishes the presence of every character in the scene in a proactive manner but doesn’t overburden the text with needless clarifications.
Count your lines. That’s a simple one. Count your paragraphs to make it so the characters’ lines alternate. Even if nobody says anything, count that paragraph as a line too. It just makes text so much clearer.
Make characters say what they think. This is so basic but like. I saw the exact opposite advice once and it bugs me so much. No, you don’t obscure the characters’ intentions and feelings in fifty layers of unnecessary misunderstandings to create pointless drama, that’s the opposite of a good story! That’s how you get the one part of Shrek 1 that literally everyone criticized! Goddammit!
There’s a weird example of this with chapter three of my “Vignette Collection”, ironically titled “misunderstanding”. The gist of the fic is that Pyro communicates via gestures and social cues that Medic is too autistic to understand. It works – again, ironically – because both of them say exactly what they mean, even if they don’t understand each other and see the world differently. The resolution is fucking hilarious fitting because the conflict doesn’t exist strictly on the level of phrasing, there is an actual clash of interest in there. Does that make sense? I feel like it doesn’t make sense. Good god.
Make characters be wrong. It’s hard to explain but there’s a really good example in my “Acceptable Losses”. The context of the scene is that Medic is injured and Spy is worried about him, though, importantly, he doesn’t say it verbally. The story is from Medic’s POV, and at some point this happens: “Spy reached into his front pocket for the cigarette case, but reconsidered, for some reason.”
The “for some reason” bit is Medic’s thoughts. I know the reason. You – the reader – know the reason. The reason is that the man is concerned and doesn’t want to smoke up the kitchen when his friend needs clean air and a healthy meal. The only one who doesn’t get this is the point-of-view character. This characterizes him as someone who is accepting of other people’s occasionally strange disposition, but ultimately oblivious to social clues.
This bit alone doesn’t amount to much, but this trait reinforced like fifty times throughout the story works to built that character trait well.
Incorporate metaphors into characterization. I fucking love doing this so much. I have two fics that practically do nothing but this – “What’s it called, Engie?” and “Seasons”. I could write fucking essays about my thought process for both of them but this is already so long so let’s just briefly consider the former. On a side note, I hate that I named it that, I usually have nice names for my fics but that one fucking pisses me off. Anyway.
In “What’s it called, Engie?” Soldier and Engineer alternate POV’s as the story sees them build a close relationship over the course of several unconnected scenes. The core theme is that Soldier cannot express his emotions verbally in a manner that makes sense, so he works through associations instead, and Engie helps him navigate it, all while learning more about the way he sees the world in the process. Well, within this metaphor, Engie is a bee – a busy creature with a nurturing nature and an unexpected sting, while Soldier is an old tree – big and easy to stand out but purposeless and “dry”, as in emotionally. So here’s a few lines from the fic that practically state that directly:
Dell’s voice sounded like watching a bus leave seconds before you could reach it. Like waking up in the middle of the night finding no water at the bedside. Like winter striking too early and forcing the bees to hide.
Bees picked the nicest flowers with open petals, overflowing with nectar and so full of pollen it made people sneeze. Jane couldn’t imagine why such a hard-working genius bee would waste its time trying to nurture a dried-out old twig.
He stayed quiet. Like the silence of a flower to the buzz of a bee, sometimes no answer was an answer too.
And here are a few lines that are not about any of that at all:
“Here, how’s that feelin’?” – and up went the metal case, unfolding into a dispenser, adding its soft hum to the buzz of the workshop.
The clock ticked and tacked like a woodpecker fussing over a worm-eaten tree trunk.
There was a long pause before more words followed, shaky like tree branches in the wind.
“Can I still keep coming to your workshop though? I like how it buzzes.”
Here’s the kicker: THEY’RE ALL THE SAME IMAGERY. They’re the same fucking thing. Trees, bees, hums, buzzing, they’re the same metaphor. There’s one metaphor in that goddamn fic. This is so easy to write but can be so effective, it feels like it should be illegal.
(Another side note: I could write a dissertation about all the shit going on in that fic, like, there’s the naming of characters, the vibrant metaphors of Soldier’s POV contrasting with the practical view that Engie has of the world, the tiny little bits of blink-and-you-miss-it characterization, etc etc okay sorry to brag so much I’m just insane)
This is getting REALLY long so here’s just a few more points with very brief examples to wrap up, and let me know if you want to hear me ramble about writing some more because I love it to a ridiculous degree like. Okay.
You can use association to built unique metaphors. Try to imagine a feeling in your head, pick a few things that feel similar, and then tweak them so they fit the overall theme. My favorite theme is nature and weather metaphors, and my favorite example of this is this line from “Falter” – “Demo plowed through the ocean of their misfortunes with the ferocity of a steam engine, and Soldier clung to him like a flea to a fur coat.”
A character arc does not necessarily have to change your character in a big way. Sniper goes through a character arc in “Close Call”, but it manifests in really small ways, such as him resolving to call his parents, or him letting Spy have his coffee maker.
Also like. Basic but you need to have an idea of where the story is going and why, even if it’s a really small-scale story with very low stakes. That way you can introduce things in the beginning and then call back on them at the end. It’s called a circular plot structure, but on a smaller scale it does not have to be the whole plot, it can just be individual elements that aren’t plot-relevant, like the coffee maker described above.
Use nomenclature as a tool of characterization. Decide what words your characters use to refer to others and to themselves, and stick by that. Differentiate them this way. It’s fun.
Anything can be a bit of characterization. It never exists in a vacuum. You have to get into your character’s brain and just sit there all the time. Good luck.
Hope this was at least a little bit informative. Cheers!
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violent-optimism · 2 days
TF2 Mercs reactions to you giving them a gift
Scout: Pretends to be indifferent at first with a “tough guy” attitude, but that soon falls away to him genuinely thanking you. Mentions how he always had to share his presents growing up.  
Soldier: Regardless of what the gift is, he acts like this is the greatest thing he’s ever received. It’s the best day of his life. He vows to repay you in the blood of your enemies.
Pyro: Is overjoyed and gives you lots of big hugs as a thank you. Wants to show the present to everyone they see afterwards and won’t shut up about it.
Demoman: He’s confused at first and thinks you’re just showing him something you bought. When he finally realizes that its for him and he gets to keep it, he’s all smiles and thanks.
Heavy: Is grateful, but feels bad that you spent your time/money on something for him. Like Soldier, he also promises to get you something in return, only a bit more practical.
Engineer: Is equal parts chuffed and fascinated by what you got him. Brings it up all the time in conversation moving forward. Wants to display it as a trophy instead of using it.
Medic: Shocked that someone went out of their way to get him a gift. He’s so used to people constantly asking him for something that he’s not sure how to react. Eventually remembers to say ‘thank you.’
Sniper: Similar to Medic, it takes him a moment to process that you actually got him something. Awkwardly trips over his words trying to express how much it means to him.
Spy: Gives a very brief and stoic ‘thank you’, leading you to believe that he didn’t like the gift. Later, you see him admiring it when he thinks no one is watching.
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plutonium-sky · 6 days
Headcannons list for Cackling Cannoneer (and also the Abyss crew in general cause I got overboard) specifically so far because I just thought of a really stupid but funny one
Cut because the list Is Very Long And You Should Be Intimidated Because I Have More
I like to call him Thane (or Thaen)
Scottish, has an accent that gets worse the more emotional/distressed he is
nicknames everyone he likes (e.g. Abyss guide (Abby) as "Little Kitten" or Anxious Angler (Fern) as "Songbird")
Has about 5 different guns but only keeps 2 of them on hand at all times (2 different harpoon guns, one that we see in the memory that's basically a sniper and one for fishing (aka has a rope attached to harpoon), 2 flintlock pistols as backup, and another flintlock as a backup to the backups)
Has a knife on him at all times, even while asleep (so do the rest of the crew. Yes even Abby)
Ever since he nearly drowned and got eaten by the beast, he has a slight (lie) fear of deep water
Abby saved him from the beast before because she conveniently had a lighter on her when she found his boat and dived down to fetch him, freeing the manta with it
Has very small acid scars on his legs from lying down in beast stomach acid for a bit
Is the reason why a tower in Treasure Reef is missing a lot of it's structure (had too much fun with the ship cannons)
Assigned as the weapons man for the ship, looking out for threats. Otherwise he's on land watch because that doubles as looking for threats (aka spends his time in the nest of the ship)
Has never met his biological father, instead considers the Ceasing Commodore (or Alemez, as I call him) to be his dad. His mom is alive and he visits her whenever the crew comes back from an expedition
The ship IS a pirate ship, but they're licensed. They scavenge for resources, and find stuff that can be reused. They are also sometimes hired by merchants to protect them from Actual pirates
May seem self absorbed and uncaring, but that's because you haven't got him to open up yet
You don't want to hurt a crew member while he's around. You're gonna have a bad time running away or defending yourself from a very rageful Thane
Tends to play up his stories for the sake of other's entertainment
Strong Sibling Vibes with most of the crew (he would absolutely "increase gravity" on Abby)
Doesn't get seasick easily, but it does happen from time to time
Fucking hates snow. And ice. What is this slippery cold floor why is it a thing (as an extension he avoids Valley at all costs)
Don't let him go to somewhere cold, he's gonna get a fever Immediately
And another name list cause it might have been confusing: Cackling Cannoneer = Thane/Thaen, Abyss Guide = Abby, Ceasing Commodore = Alemez, Anxious Angler = Fern, Bumbling Boatswain = Ismael
And the funny joke headcannon:
Names his weapons like Heavy from tf2 does as a joke
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 5 months
I do! I've actually liked it for years. Um, I'm going to be kinda cringe for a minute before I get into the actual game it's self. Spoilers?? Do I need to warn that?
I actually fell into the game when I was in 5th grade, I couldn't even play the game and it still managed to get a grip on me. I watched every video I could find about it, mainly getting sucked into videos reading comics about the game. Me and my friend at the time both loved the game so we would talk about it for hours and real fanfics on Quotev and Wattpad. I actually remember seeing "Down To The Bone." When/ around the time dropped, I listened to it on repeat. I also watched the "Undertale If It Was Realistic." A lot too. ALSO, the undertale parody of "Stronger Than You" was quoted a lot. My friend was a huge fan of Temmie and they used to talk like her and I remember always thinking that was cool. I was always a huge fan of Papyrus, Mettaton, and Sans. Mettaton specifically (more on that later). And I guess I just remember, wanting so bad to be able to be apart of the fandom, but not being able to. I begged my mom to get me merch for the game while trying to hide how I knew so much about the game. (I wasn't allowed on YouTube or social media so I had to tell her I loved it bc my friend did.) I did not get the merch I wanted btw, but um, I guess it's just, it's my childhood in a way. I also used to try and draw the characters but I couldn't draw so I ended up just imagining scenarios in my head. I used to swing on the swing set at recess and just imagine stuff about the game.
Okay so the fun not cringe stuff but still cringe in a way.
So, when I finally played undertale for the first time, oh my god??? It fixed something in me, what it fixed, I don't know. I remember being super confused and trying to look at a guide for everything. I also felt so bad because I killed a few monsters in my first run and when Undyne told me I was killing them I cried. I also cried at her fight because I was dying over and over and I didn't know what to do. And also at the time I thought there were two endings, Pacifist and Genocide, and I cried when I couldn't save Asgore because I thought did something wrong (because at this point I had reset the game and killed no one). Fun fact, I have never played the Genocide route because I can't kill Papyrus. I can't do it man. I'd rather die. I love the sound track, and I love all the characters. And I love the game. I want to get an undertale tattoo at some point I love it that much.
I guess the last thing I want to say is that the game probably made me realize I was queer, in some way. Like it might not have been an instant thing, but it definitely opened my mind to queer ideas when all I had been fed was gay people bad, trans people evil. I think Mettaton was a huge thing to me, I wanted to be like him, I thought he was so cool. I didn't know men could be feminine and be cool, that it wasn't some joke. I just, I think it made me realize something some how. Also seeing a lesbian couple made a little switch in my brain flip, like oh, I like them, and they're gay, so why don't I like other gay people? (I had a LOT of internalized homophobia and transphobia and it was somehow fixed by undertale go figure 😭)
I don't know, maybe this isn't the best breakdown or what you were looking for, and to be fair it's probably unintelligible rambling. But it did give me a chance to look back on my past and how much this game really changed me and made my life better. So thanks! Um and sorry I suppose.
Also! Shocker, and probably insane to admit, but... I never thought I'd find a game that made me feel like Undertale did and then I found TF2. TF2 is my new Undertale and that's horrific </3
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Hello everyone welcome BACK to: I talk about Benrey for a minute here!
Today we will talk about everyone's favorite: Mischaracterization in Fanfiction!
[I want to preface this with a very important note. Anything I bring up here is NOT something I'm complaining about. I LOVE mischaracterizing my little guy sometimes, especially by making him more like me, heart emoji. I just also know what's wrong so I mischaracterize him in a better and more accurate way /ref]
Now, the most common little thing is him showing basically any emotion in a human/allistic way. Laughter is pretty much the only exception, followed only by whining. He would NOT apologize and he would NOT break down sobbing. In fact I don't believe he has tear ducts he forgor to make them.
[as user needsmoreexplosions has said in the replies, this is hyperbolic! he does show plenty of emotions, just more muted than you'd expect. The first act has more bursts of emotion than the later acts as well. They brought up the "dont FUCKING talk to me" and I mentioned him yelling to Tommy happily. However, there's still not MANY examples. I'm going to rb this with every example of strong emotion he conveys and itll probably be shorter than this post. again. i love people making him emotional anyways, even if its not quite in character]
If he were to learn that Regular People Can't Respawn, he wouldn't go crying and apologizing to Gordon. He would go "oops." He would complain that no one told him. He would make fun of Gordon for not being able to respawn.
"Benrey's not on this team anymore, apparently."
"Yo what- why would you say that, that's so mean."
[Whining, not crying. Always]
SPEAKING OF WHICH. The arm thing. A LOT of people tend to go with "he was trying to get the trackers out/hev suit off," when Dr. Coomer literally says, "I think they're just spiteful." He was getting back at Gordon for all the times he like. Shot him or somethin idk. People are right that he didn't expect the soldiers to cut off his arm, but he also DID expect them (and hype them up) to kill him. Not so he'd respawn without the hev suit or with his passport, just because "hey everyone else has died. And you are so mean to me. Your turn."
He doesn't act like a cat or crave attention, I'm so sorry fic writers [again, it's so fun and I love it tho, so keep doing it please] In fact, he loves to fuck off and leave the team, he does not need their attention. And, when given attention, he tends to just be mildly confused or antagonistic.
And he's not obsessed with the passports, guys! Let me get my fuckin 26-page document up rq... He says Passport/ID 26 times in Act 1 [yo what the fuck what a cool coincidence..... That's actually fucking awesome], then literally once in Act 2 and it wasn't even directed at Gordon. He doesn't say it at all in Act 3, though he does say One (1) time how much he loves his. He says it 6 times in Act 4, ALL of which are during his Boss Fight.
People make him a gamer. Yes, he is 100% but they make him the wrong KIND of gamer. He's not a Minecraft Animal Crossing Mario Kart gamer, he talks about Heavenly Sword, God of War, Halo, MAG, Grand Theft Auto and TF2. 2 First Person Shooters, 3 very violent action/adventure games, and TF2.
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[actually, speaking of this image, did anyone else catch Gordon referencing the stairs bit but with ropes? Gordon has canonically read Homestuck]
The only TV he references is All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 and Fighting Redemption which are WILDLY different. And also whatever Ms. Pebbles is.
Not necessarily a common mischaracterization, but an important tidbit is that Benrey tends to be pacifistic towards Xen creatures, and not towards scientists and later security guards. Lots of people headcanon Experimentation which, while there's not really any evidence for that, there's also no evidence against it and it's a good headcanon that I like a lot.
He likes taking pictures. (shakes fic writers) give him a photo album!!!! SCANS OF GORDON'S FEET WOULD NOT BE IN THE ALBUM HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY HAVE THOSE. IT WAS NOT A FOOTSCANNER HD HE LIED.
The things he does know vs doesn't know are. Difficult. He isn't clueless about "human Things" he understands that shaking = nervous and balled fists = angry. He doesn't know what pigeons are but he does know mayonnaise and Big Mac with Freesh Fries.
The final important bit of info. Canon is kinda... flimsy? Canonically, according to Gir, Bubby is a straight guy who FUCKS. Canonically, according to Holly, Bubby is agender and married to Dr. Coomer.
So like. Go fucking crazy! Go stupid! A a a a a!
Just be aware when you're wrong LOL
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some-pers0n · 8 months
Im the prev anon, but yeagh a few stuff: whats with medic and the baboon uteruses also a few critiques of tf2 :0 when I first got into tf2 i noticed some things
Okie pokie.
With Medic and the baboon uteruses, that's a joke that follows up on the things established by Meet the Medic. The heart that Medic replaces Heavy's normal one is a mega baboon heart if I remember correctly. It shows that Medic uses exotic animal organs for his surgeries.
The baboon uterus part is also foreshadowed earlier in the comics. Literally the first moment that Medic is introduced, he mentions it.
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And then later on its reinforced.
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Until finally...
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And then Cheavy dies, blah blah blah..
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And then boom. Baboon child.
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Okay, so, time to put on my bitchy WoF fan mode. It feels weird to just actually talk and complain about TF2 because, unlike WoF, there isn't really anything that FEELS like missed potential and or just poorly handled. It doesn't jump out at you as much.
However, I will say that the Saxton Hale subplot in the comics did feels...very unimportant. I get it if it was to build-up something for the final comic involving some sort of confrontation between the mercs and Charles Darling along with the Administrator, but it's just. yeah. I don't care for it. Maggie doesn't exactly offer much in terms of character stuff other than being Saxton's girlfriend.
On a similar note, Zhanna. The comics in generally feel like they introduce a lot of ideas, yet don't really follow through on them. Again, this is because we are literally missing the final piece of the puzzle, but Zhanna doesn't exactly. do much. Her role in the story is just as another comedic relief character and a foil to Soldier. Literally we've already got enough foils for Soldier. Merasmus, Demoman, etc. Zhanna doesn't really do anything.
I hate this panel. I don't even know how you can defend it. I'm retconning this to death and back in my fic.
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There is no The Funny. It's just the TFC Soldier and Scout talking and then at the very end being like. pedos?? Ermm,, how about NO??? Valve, why would you make the only kinda canonically queer couple in TF2 be pedos. Can you not? Please?
Hmm,, erm.. hmm... The lore itself is generally delivered in a confusing and convoluted manner. Yet again, I feel like that we would've gotten a great and amazing summary and explanation for everything in the final comic, but I need you to understand that I genuinely get migranes from trying to understand and piece together the lore, much more with actually trying to rewrite it and make sense of it. I'm at a point where I feel maniac joy from learning that green is the inverse of purple.
I'm kinda scraping at the bottom of the barrel here. I don't have too many thoughts on the Lore for now. Of the game? I mean, I'm not too into the actual game itself other than watching countless video essays, clip dumps, and generally just enjoying it all. I think that Dustbowl sucks.
OOH!! I randomly just don't like how New Zealand was sentenced to being an underwater desolate place that we barely explored. Boo!! Be like Rapture!! I think it would be so very cool if The Gang explored either what is literally just the underwater utopia city of Atlantis, or Rapture post-civil war. I think there's a lot of potential with New Zealand that's never touched on.
Scratch that, Valve (and the general fandom) is sitting on a literal GOLD MINE when it comes to Australia. Australium mine if you will. You have this futuristic utopian society that's got plenty of potential for weird shit and NOBODY talks about it. I feel like pulling my hair out whenever I think about Australia. It SHOULD be a important part. It should be something that's talked about more. Yet, nothing. Sjdbsmsbwjsbsh,,,
There should've been more Demo comics. Demo gets treated so, so, so bad by Valve man. I wish Demo's character was treated as more than just a silly goober. Like his parents literally abandoning him for a bit before readopting him, him losing his eye, his alcoholism, etc. I get it that it's the funny silly goofy game, but it's also the same silly goofy game that reveals that the Pootis Russian Guy's father was killed for his political views and he himself and his entire family was imprisoned in a gulag.
Clicking my tongue and tapping my desk trying to think of stuff. Hmm,, there's a lot of potential missed with the TFC team. They were introduced pretty late and we only really got two comics of them being threats until they all died. Fred and Cheavy especially I think wayyy too much about. Also Cmedic but eh. I love Fred and I kinda wish he would be there in the final comic. I do think that Cheavy had a good reason for getting mad at Medic, that being that Medic's literally sewing god knows what into him and his fellow coworkers as well and spending their entire budget AND reviving Sniper.
Miss Pauling's SFM design >>>>> her comic one. Her purple and white button shirt VS solid purple block dress.
I dunno what else to complain about. See ya.
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can you help me with something?
I feel like you're the sex wizard and so I've turned to you to help me.
I know this is something I need to figure out on my own but I would like some second opinions.
I don't know what my sexuality is.
I'm a man, and I thought I was straight for the longest time.
then I thought I was ace straight because even though I jerked off I never really wanted to have sex.
(but also I didn't like the sight of open vaginas, I don't know if I'm just squeamish or if there's something more to that though)
then I started liking some men.
which is strange because I didn't really like how penises looked.
but then I actually jerked off to men (granted the photos didn't include genitals)
and then everything has been a mess as I've realized "oh yea men can be cool too" and "although I wouldn't initiate it I'd be open to sex if it made my partner happy."
I am so confused on what's happening
please tf2 sex wizard, please help me.
Full honesty? I wouldn't worry about it! Sexuality labels are really useful for some people (myself included), but not so useful for others. I'd mostly just ask myself "What do I want out of my sexuality?" and "What do I want my sexuality to communicate to others?" instead of some form of "What am I intrinsically/ontologically/etc.?" My bisexuality is important to me, and I'm interested in dating/having sex with people of all genders, so it's both personally significant and relevant to other people that I identify as bisexual. If you're interested in pursuing relationships with men, I'd probably stop identifying as straight, but that's not necessarily a rule either, I'm not the boss of you. A lot of sexuality rules and boundaries are completely arbitrary and u can kinda do whatever u want forever. Figuring yourself out can be really hard sometimes, I definitely understand that lol, but I hope this can make it a little bit easier on you
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free-chozo-hrt · 1 year
The Metroid game most badly in need of a remake:
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Bear with me here. I've got some Ideas about this game.
Metroid Prime Hunters is, for sure, one of the black sheep of the Metroid series. Its premise and game structure are pretty different from every other game, since it puts a large focus on multiplayer in a series defined by isolated single player experiences. It's hard to get a hold of, and it's not as fondly remembered as the rest of the Prime games. But why?
Admittedly I haven't personally seen all that the game has to offer, so don't consider this a full review. However, I have a copy on DS, and I've played enough to develop some insights about the game:
Hunters must be driven primarily by its multiplayer gameplay. Though I never got to experience it, I've heard good things about the pvp combat from those who have.
The game does have a pretty significant singleplayer campaign, but it feels very half-baked. Maps are supposedly borrowed straight from multiplayer arenas, making the layout of some parts of the game a bit unintuitive and confusing to navigate. Upgrades are also borrowed from multiplayer, and come in the form of alternate arm cannon weapons... and not much else. The adventure on each planet you visit is pretty repetitive. It didn't offer enough original material to keep me engaged until the end of the game, so I never finished.
The game is severely held back by its original hardware. For a full 3D adventure game where it's important to recognize details in your environment, the low resolution of the DS screen makes that task difficult. The aiming system using the touch pad is creative, but holding your DS in that position can be hard on the hands for long play sessions.
The game has plenty of shortcomings, so what good do I see in it? Well, Metroid Prime Hunters attempted some really unique ideas, and I'm intrigued by what would happen if they were executed better.
For starters, like I mentioned, the game's competitive multiplayer is well remembered. This isn't the only time the Metroid series has attempted multiplayer experiences, either pvp or co-op, but none of them are particularly well received by fans. That's understandable given the nature of Metroid games, and what we come to expect from them. But I'm fascinated by the possibility of a full-featured Metroid competitive shooter with a lot of effort put into it.
That brings me to my next point: the characters. Any good competitive shooter needs a diverse cast of player characters to choose from. And oh boy, the characters introduced by Metroid Prime Hunters are probably my favorite part of the game. It's the first game to put forth the idea that Samus shares the galaxy with other bounty hunters like her, and it gives us a whole gallery of freaky aliens for the roles, all with unique backstories and abilities. And then they never get used for anything outside this game! Wasted potential! I want to know more about them!
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Let me lay out my ideas for a dream reimagining of Metroid Prime Hunters:
It needs to have fantastic online pvp. I'm no expert on the genre myself, but something in the same team shooter vein as Splatoon, TF2, or Overwatch is what I'm envisioning. You need to be able to start matchmaking and get right into a fun, well-balanced match whenever you want.
The characters need a wide range of abilities with very different playstyles to suit everyone's tastes. In fact, it wouldn't hurt to give them some personality too: voice lines would be welcome. Samus, of course, would take her place among the playable cast.
Because I want to have my cake and eat it too, this game should have a great singleplayer campaign. It doesn't have to be too long or complicated, but it should at least be creative and dynamic the whole way. It would star Samus, of course, but imagine the story potential if the other hunters were allowed to be more than just boss encounters, and actually contribute to the narrative in their own way.
So, what do you think? Do you think the ideas behind Metroid Prime Hunters have a lot of potential? Do you want to see how they could be executed on modern hardware, with a bit more care and ambition? Do you think Metroid is the right choice for Nintendo to branch out into the more mature competitive shooter genre? (Can you tell this idea excites me?)
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leorawright · 2 years
Tf2 reacting to their friend S/O who is a comedian? Lmao they've got Charisma 11(Fallout stats lmao) and can make anyone laugh, hell they even know how to speak different languages thanks to their career taking them almost around the world
Thats so cool!
Tf2 with comedian friend
He always finds your jokes hilarious
He'll often chime in with his own jokes even
If you laugh at his jokes his chest swells with pride
Your lighthearted personality fits almost perfectly with Scout
He often goes silent for a second after you make a joke before bursting out in laughter
He's not used to having someone around with actually good jokes (no offense Scout)
I swear his laugh can be heard from several miles away lol
He adores your jokes
He hates how serious some people in the base are so your charismatic personality is a relief
His jokes are pretty good as well and you too are often found laughing
Little side note: I like to think that if Demo laughs for a long time he'll collapse into breathless giggles you know? I think it's cute
They love your jokes and your bright personality
They find it amazing that you learned so many languages so you could go and preform in other places
They definitely encourage you to go and preform around the world and they insist you'll be super popular
Since he's not the best English speaker he loves when you tell him jokes in Russian
It's one of the few times the other mercs hear how boisterous his laugh is
He understands you much better in Russian and it makes him happy that you've learned so many other languages in order to make people laugh
If you tell him jokes in German he's stunned for a second before he erupts into laughter
Like full on wheezing and leaning on a table laughter
His jokes may be dark but he loves to tell you them
His laughter is a lot more quiet than some of the other mercs but he does find your jokes hilarious
He laughs a lot louder in private
Don't be surprised if he hides in your shoulder to smother his giggles when you two are in public
His laugh is more refined and since he does laugh you know he finds you jokes funny
In private his laughter is more loose and giggly
Please tell him jokes in French because not only does he find them funny but seeing the mercs confused faces on why he's laughing is hilarious
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Also many fans and viewers (even hater) agree that optimus design in last knight is very badass and powerful. I watch review that they hate queentesse, they hate the lore 'who or what create tranformers'. I meant in tf1 and tf2 definitely showing Allspark that created many cybertron and in tf 2 there's alternative to create 'robot babies' , and optimus is born from other primes.
Now the last knight basically erase the cannon tf1 and tf2 by making queentesse as optimus 'creator' and as all transformers 'creators'. Now in origins while queentensse can create transformers dan know how to bring back them from dead and know transformers body system, they are not the creator self. The first queentensse is a prime, then they have defendants.
The problem in last knight whole bay trying make human dan tranformers history connected to each other, but i think it only make everything more confuse, who is creator of cybertron, specially with the whole knight thing. I very confuse with that it's like the knights are other version of primes. Yeah I definitely understand why many dislikes last knight plot.
I have seen a lot of people like the Knightverse design of Optimus. It is pretty cool.
I thought Quintessa was alright. The plot definitely seemed to change from the first few films. Though Wiki says that Quintessa is a liar so all her words about creating the Cybertrons may not actually be believable.
I do think if we look at The Last Knight film as a stand-alone, it's more enjoyable. But it can be tricky to pair with the others due to it having different views from the first films.
All the live-action movies liked to throw everything together, just because it would be cool even if it countered the last movie's plot. Going from the cube to Unicron, to the knights.
This does make me want to have a TF movie marathon and watch them all and see how the plot just shifts.
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fru1tt0ast · 1 year
hey y'all i am a super giant nerd so i decided to assign all the tf2 mercs (plus the administrator) magnus archives entities. i think about this an ungodly amount lolz.! i'll start w/ the ones i have actual explanations for and then do the silly ones.
starting with the administrator. i feel like this one is somewhat obvious but she's being assigned the eye and the web. She spends her life sitting in a surveillance room watching the mercs, learning everything about them. As for the web, she's spent 100 years working for both RED and BLU without telling anyone why, and actively tries to avoid anyone finding out that she's doing this. At this point, the battles are pointless. both Redmond and Blutarch are dead . yeah saxton hale and gray mann have whatever they've got going on but my point still remains. The administrator just enjoys lying and violence #tbh
secondly, pyro would be the desolation and the spiral. The desolation is for obvious reasons. pyro *has* to be the fire entity lol. Now, the spiral, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated than that. Pyro is spends all his time in pyroland, and on the surface it looks all happy and colorful and fun. However. it is much more sinister. pyroland is meant to confuse and distort reality, and hurt people. Now, sure, it's heavily implied that he's just drugged 24/7 or his goggles on his mask are weird and fucked up, but either way pyro still has a couple screws loose. And pyroland is still a distorted version of reality no matter what, is it not?
moving on to spy. He is most definitely aligned with the stranger. As a spy, his job is to not reveal his true identity to anyone. And he actively attempts to convince others he is someone he's not. for example, he can literally shapeshift into the other team's mercs and change the way he walks, speaks, and acts based on who he's pretending to be. He also is extremely meticulous about nobody finding out who he truly is. bro literally kept his balaclava on when he fucked scouts mom
Last of my ones that have actual good reasons is heavy. He would work with the web. Heavy is extremely smart, and a lot of the time people assume he isn't, due to his broken english and him being a big guy. Dude has a PHD in russian literature. I feel like people take it for granted that he's stupid, and while i don't think heavy would manipulate anyone unless he had to, he definitely could.
now we move on to the silly goofy ones.
soldier is the slaughter; just because the slaughter often manifests itself as soldiers lol
demoman is also the slaughter, because he is fairly violent and also there's that one episode of tma where they walk through a domain of the slaughter and there's bagpipes in the background
medic is the flesh just for the sillies!! idk how to explain why, but the flesh just fits him yk?
Engie is the spiral and the eye. He's soooo insane. he's genuinely insane. like. wow. i love you. he also has ELEVEN phds. bro is just collecting knowledge for no reason. nobody needs 11 fucking phds
Scout is the end but only because he died and then came back from the dead.
Finally, sniper. He is the hunt because he hunts go gun snipe them 👍
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ask-the-tf2-mercs · 2 years
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Info About Shipping | Ask AUs | The Intern
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all OOC posts will be tagged: "//mundeez nuts" all fanart posts will be tagged: "//mannmail"
Asks will be posted at 10AM, 2PM, and 5PM CT (Central Time) Fanart will be posted at 12PM CT (Central Time)
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"why hasn't my ask been posted yet?" I queue / schedule posts, and often I have several days in queue. chances are it's in there and will be posted at some point so I ask you to be patient. however, there is always the possibility it's one I deleted either due to me not knowing how to respond, or not feeling comfortable responding
this is not an RP blog. I may be roleplaying as the Mercs answering your questions, but please do not send asks roleplaying as yourself or your characters, and please do not reply to posts doing so either
please keep your questions directed to no more than three Mercs at a time. if you have a question for more than three, I encourage you to ask my main headcanon blog, doobnnoob-tf2 and I will go on and answer that for the whole team. this is because the Mercs will most likely be interacting with each other on the post and I don't want them getting too long
vague asks will be deleted. i.e, asks not directed at anyone in particular; "this is for whoever sees it", "for any of the mercs", "to whoever opens the letter", etc.
do not god-mode your way into forcing a reaction. this means either by spamming asks to try and change the answer to fit your narrative, or sending an ask where you detail out how you want the Merc(s) in question to react. this is a headcanon blog, accept I will respond how I think they would
there is no RED vs BLU. this blog follows "actual" canon, not in-game canon. as in, the comics. there may be asks that reference the BLU team but I will no longer be doing so to avoid confusion
transformation/"specific scenario" asks (for lack of better description) are their own AU. things like Pyro being a dragon, TentaSpy/TentaScout, etc. are all their own timelines separate from any general asks. this is to reduce people spamming "and now I've fixed it" asks in the inbox
do not tag/reply to/reblog a post with things like "kin" or "me" or anything of the sort, especially not "self-ship". it makes me uncomfortable
for personal reasons, I will not answer genderbent asks or child-related asks
no questions pertaining to Merc x Reader/OC/generic S/O character. I'm willing to tackle ficlets involving these topics, however I would prefer to be paid for them as they require a lot of work to get right
if you intend on reblogging a post just to "correct" it, I encourage you to simply make your own post. it's simply rude and uncalled for
this is a SFW only blog. do not send non-SFW or even suggestive asks. I will not give warnings about this, I will just block you - anonymous or not
you can ask other characters questions. Pauling, the Administrator, Saxton, Bidwell, etc. however these may not always be answered, depending on how well I feel like I can portray that character at the time
I wish to reiterate this: this is NOT a roleplay blog. please do not follow/interact with the hopes of roleplaying with this blog
that said, I may be willing to be lenient on the above rule in the future, but at this current moment in time I'd like people to respect this
I block pretty freely, plain and simple. I'm here to enjoy myself and my time as much as everyone else, and that means limiting people who indulge in content that makes me uncomfortable from interacting with my blog
if you are a proshipper, you're disgusting and fuck off. you're not welcome here
I may not answer every ask. either because I can't think of a good answer, or it's a topic I'm just not comfortable answering. but I will try to get to everything I can
I'm very picky about ships I'll answer things for on this blog, please see my shipping page for more information. and please do not tag non shipping posts as shipping
About the Mod
Daniel / Mundy / Aster
he/vamp/bat, gay-ace transman
28, Oct. 6
main tf2/headcanon blog ⛧ furry art blog ⛧ personal blog
I am open to roleplaying outside of this blog! however, only with people 18+ since I myself am an adult
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