#tf2 australian christmas
number1yisuchongfan · 7 months
Seasons Greetings‼️🎁🦌❄️
An early Smissmas comm for @/turdleowo on Twt or X of his Soldier oc, Carter
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alkalyart · 4 months
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the smissmass incident of '94.
the day before i was randomly searching for some tf2 stuff mostly characters from the comics, so then i searched some old nick stuff and encountered with a comic called "this isnt over, jack" which is a sequel of a smissmass story but twisted with analog horror in it, it reminds me of the days i used to write tf2 stuff back in 2015.
so i drew this storyline feat. my characters called "the smissmas incident of '94" based on that comic and as i see it, its like those 90s horror movies with action in it.
the description is in the pictures.
(note: i havent posted art in years, i pretty got better)
the sequel is basically Hal, now with 22 years old facing against merasmus.
the author of "this isnt over jack" is @swamp-gremlin
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hollowtones · 1 year
hi holly what is your favorite tf2 update
Engineer update. Australian Christmas update. Mann vs Machine update. I'm nostalgic about the first couple Scream Fortress ones too.
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leorawright · 2 years
Overwatch masterlist 2
Sombra meetin untraceable reader
Hanzo with shy crush who eventually opens up
Overwatch with friend who uses roller skates
Hanzo with s/o who plays with his hair
Overwatch with s/o who likes strong women
Overwatch with s/o who has low self esteem
Junker Queen having a crush on short reader
Zarya first date hc's
Overwatch with reader who has a bad burn
Junkers with artistic s/o
Junkers with pirate s/o
Overwatch with werewolf s/o
Junkrat trying to impress you once he figures out you like Marvel comics
Overwatch with mute s/o
Overwatch with s/o who has an army of murder monkeys
Overwatch with s/o who makes 'your mom' jokes
Kiriko with a crush
Moira with s/o who calls her their wife even though they're not married
Cooking with Moira
Cassidy with a crush on shy reader
Moira with an ethical scientist s/o
Junker Queen with s/o who is critically hurt in battle
Overwatch being afraid their crush won't accept their confession
Kiriko with s/o who has raynauds syndrome
Junker Queen with people pleaser s/o
Parent Reaper finding his grown child fighting for Overwatch
Overwatch first thoughts
Overwatch with friend who's like Pyro from tf2
Zarya with s/o who uses chainsaw scissors
Overwatch hearing their Australian s/o go full Aussie
Moira with short s/o
Moira with a crush
Overwatch with s/o who has a persistent ex
Overwatch with s/o who has murder monkeys (2)
Overwatch figuring out their s/o lost their legs
Lazy morning with Mecy after work
Overwatch with s/o who fights with a sword
Working with Overwatch in their lab
Overwatch with s/o who picks at their skin when they're stressed
Widowmaker with s/o who was an experiment of Moira's
Overwatch being scared of rejection 2
Widowmaker finding her grown child in Overwatch
Overwatch with s/o who can turn into a possum
Overwatch with tired s/o
Junker Queen's s/o getting kidnapped by Junkrat and Roadhog
Overwatchs s/o passing out during an argument
Genji with cyberpunk s/o
Overwatch with blind s/o
Junkers finding out their crush is their secret admirer
Hanzo teaches his s/o to use a bow
Overwatch with s/o who loves their accent
Junkets seeing their s/o go feral on the battlefield
Talon with s/o who tucks into their side when scared
Overwatch with an eldritch deity s/o
Kiriko with a sick s/o
Junkers with s/o who chirps when they stim
Ashe and her petnames
Overwatch's reaction to their s/o learning their language
Sleepy mornings with Moira
Soldier 76 seeing his kid in Talon
Overwatch with Netrunner s/o
Overwatch with s/o who can open a pocket dimension
Overwatch with s/o who uses a crossbow
Overwatch with s/o who has a personality disorder
Overwatch with s/o who's gun is disguised as an umbrella
Supports with an affectionate s/o
Ashe relationship headcannons
Overwatch with s/o who collects dolls
Overwatch with s/o who falls asleep when you scratch their head
Hanzo with s/o who wears a mask due to body dysmorphia
Spiderman kisses with Widowmaker
Junkers finding out their s/o is being bullied
Overwatch with s/o who's a seamstress
Genji with a skittish s/o
Sigma with an s/o who has a personality disorder
Overwatch with s/o who cries easily
Sigma's child in Overwatch
Sigma with techy s/o who loves to listen to him ramble
Moira and mistletoe
Christmas time with Overwatch
How the Junkers show affection
Junkers with s/o who's a ray of sunshine
Shimadas with s/o who has phoenix powers
Reinhardt meeting his mentors grandchild
Brigitte with s/o who saves her
Cuddling with Mei after a long day
Genji coming home to cuddle with his s/o
Talon with s/o who makes their home food
Overwatch with s/o who's had a bad week
Shimadas seeing their dead s/o get resurrected
Kiriko with fox-ish s/o
Talon with s/o who's good at extracting information
Moira with cuddly s/o
Overwatch with s/o who has bad mood swings
Overwatch with s/o who's a fantasy nerd
Genji introducing his secret kid
Reaper's child moves to Talon
Overwatch with flirty s/o
Reinhardt winter fluff
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the-slender-doll · 1 year
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Part 1/2 - My TF2 weapons and names for them.
My current collection of names on my TF2 weapons. I love puns.
Some were gifted to me (like the Australian Christmas Miracle) while others are a staple to my collection and are well known to those who are close to me (Case in point: The Bitchwacka)
I can be funny while I slay away 💅
I'll post some of my cosmetics next.
Hope this makes your day.
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cloudcountry · 8 months
Uhhh others are putting much more effort in finding you a match than my Indian parents which is honestly hilarious
So I wanted to help because this is group effort
Old Nick X Auburn
I did extensive research on the topic and apparently HHH is a character from Team Fortress 2 based on original HH, and I thought 🤔 if we're basing it of off a character from TF2 we should also use the TF2 version of Santa which is Old Nick, the spirit of Australian Christmas
I'll show you some excerpts from his official wiki I found, I kid you not this is real:
-might be a holiday themed wizard
-Old Nick was originally a settler that went to the South Pole and presumably gained immortality. He then borrowed money from a foreign mafia and later created a shop at the North Pole, where he went to kidnap children from across the world so that they could make him various items that include weapons and toys.
-wears coala hide and, instead of reindeer, travels with rabid kangaroos
-He appeared in the TF2 comic "A Smissmas Story"
OCCUPATIONS--- spirit of Australian Christmas
POWERS/SKILLS --- Magic, Marksmanship, Global Traveling, Abduction methodology, Cunning
HOBBY --- Kidnapping naughty children and using them as slaves in his factory.
GOALS--- Keep his business running.
CRIMES--- Mass kidnapping, Slavery Torture, Attempted, murder,
TYPE OF VILLAIN---Corrupt Businessman
"Uhhh others are putting much more effort in finding you a match than my Indian parents which is honestly hilarious"
also i love that you listed his crimes. that got a chuckle out of me ngl
you know i love me a corrupt businessman (side eyes azul)
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11cleyvaart · 2 years
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That one part in the TF2 Comics where Pyro was a bean listening to Engie read to them about Australian Christmas.
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thebeepboops · 3 years
The winglets video An Australian Christmas Bloody Miracle is so much more funny now that we know Sniper’s technically not Australian.
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talariis-m-blog · 5 years
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New Tag Dump 3!
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atomic52 · 2 years
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here we have old Nick! he’s a bunyip. 
if you guys don’t know who he is, old Nick is the spirit of Australian Christmas 
so marry Christmas to all my TF2 babies!
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noroalia · 4 years
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guess who got back into tf2 after not playing it for years!!!!!!! me
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boned-spy · 4 years
TF2 Secret Santa 2019!
Merry Christmas/Smissmas @trashiny-draws​!!! I was your Secret Santa this year! I heard you really love Scout and specifically fanfics of Scout so I did my best to make sure you got exactly that this holiday!
You offered so many great prompts to pick from so I decided to mash some together for you! I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful day of celebration!
Also, your Secret Santa was super enjoyable for me to write so don’t feel bad for wanting so much Scout content! You deserve it, man! Also, I apologize if my writing is bad. It’s been years since I last wrote these characters.
Prompts I mashed together: “Takes place right after End of the Line”, “Scout is a Dumbass™ and needs help while stuck in the snow”, “Scout completely forgot about Sniper- BIG UH OH TIME”, “Team bonding and being a loving murder-family”, “Dad!Spy”(Strongly hinted)
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“Yo, hardhat! You drifting off on me? I didn’t even get to the best part yet!” Scout tittered, still sitting on the edge of his seat, wide-awake.
“Boy, you’ve been goin’ on about yourself for hours; from how ya woke up to what you ate for lunch. We’ve had a pretty long day ourselves and wanna get some shut eye before we start cleaning up all the debris outside tomorrow.” Engineer sluggishly bit back, cranky from exhaustion but unable to put any real heat into it. His eyes were clearly burning as he pulled his goggles off his face to rest along his neck, pinching the bridge of his nose to dispel the ache bundled there. With a sigh, he tried a little more gently as he met the runner’s gaze again, “You reckon you can wrap your story up soon, son?”
Scout took a quick glance around the dining hall and only then just noticed how worn out everyone looked. Medic, Spy, and Heavy looked bored. Tired bored. Demo and Soldier had settled down with their hands holding their heads, stubbornly trying to beat the sleep threatening to take over them any minute. And then there was Pyro. Scout couldn’t tell if Pyro was sleeping or still awake since they had been resting their head on the table ever since everyone sat down to eat a few hours ago.
If he wasn’t careful, Scout was on the verge of completely losing the group’s attention. And Scout could NOT have that.
“Psh, fine! I’ll get to the juicy bits then. Now where was I…? Oh!” Scout suddenly leaned forward conspiratorially as he began talking with his hands, hoping to get everyone in the room more invested in his story by doing so. “So there I was, freezing my ass off in the lookout. It must have been, like, negative 400 degrees. Probably. I couldn’t feel my toes, my fingers, or my gorgeous face! But did that stop me from my incredibly important duty? Hell no! I patrolled the crap out of that crappy shack like my life depended on it! And it totally did! Cause, ya see, right after circling the perimeter or whatever for like, the two hundredth time, my incredible Scout-hearing picked up the screeching of that train before it even passed by! You know, the one that almost killed us and all those poor, defenseless cat orphans?”
The room deadpanned at the expectant pause.
“Anyways, that’s when I turned to Snipes like the badass I was and told him to get his van started for us to chase it down. The guy was basically lost without me! ‘Was super busy peeing in jars and cleaning his rifle or whatever--“
“And where exactly is Sniper to back up these claims? I’m fairly certain he would have already poked a hole or two in this unbelievably long-winded and far-fetched tale of yours.” Spy cut in dryly, his stony expression largely unchanged since first sitting down earlier that evening.
The whole room stilled at the question, as it was a very good question.
For the first time in hours, the room stirred as seven sets of eyes (and Demo’s single eye) sleepily searched around the room for the Australian. After a moment, however, brows soon furrowed and heads turned at greater angles as they inspected the hall more attentively. Typically it wasn’t odd for the marksman to be missing, as everyone knew how much he enjoyed his privacy, but the team was well aware they hadn’t seen Sniper since the incident that day. Or with Scout afterwards, for that matter.
At the quiet but unified revelation, all eyes leveled suddenly on the Bostonian who was now sitting with his back ramrod straight at the scrutinizing stares, never mind the dawning horror that manifested quite clearly on his face.
“Scout? Where is Sniper?” Medic repeated the question cautiously, slowly. The air felt uncomfortably stiff as mere seconds of silence threatened to deafen them all.
The last Scout had seen of Sniper was when his van crashed into that rundown building hanging off the edge of the cliff after he jumped onto the train to try and stop it. He hadn’t seen if Sniper’s van stopped dead in the building or if it ran clean off the edge. And if it did happen to be the latter…
“Oh, my God.” Scout stood abruptly, banging his knees off the table with a yelp. “Aow! Oh, my God! Oh, sh- I gotta go! I GOTTA GO!”
The runner was already out the door and sprinting for the RED Bread truck by the time someone managed to shout after him to wait and explain himself. Scout had barely registered who it was and didn’t care to as he reached the garage and practically leaped into the driver’s seat to fumble with the keys already sitting in the ignition. He started the vehicle as quickly as he got inside of it, slamming the stick into reverse before peeling out of the base with a loud scream of wheels.
“Oh crap, oh my crap. Snipes, man, you better be super alive out there.” Scout muttered in a panic to himself, foot pressing harder on the accelerator as an intrusive thought interrupted his focus regarding how long the hopefully still-alive Australian had been missing for out in the extreme cold. The runner dared to sneak a peek at the digital clock resting above the vehicle’s transmitter and paled.
Seven hours. If Sniper was alive, he’s been sitting in the cold for seven freakin’ hours.
“Oh, God, this guy’s freakin’ dead! If he wasn’t dead before, he’s super dead now! He complained about the cold the whole freakin’ time and now he’s a Snipe-cicle. The poor bastard barely had a chance!” Scout ranted and raved out his nervous energy, still unfalteringly speeding towards the lookout up the mountain despite the words coming out of his mouth. “I should have offered him my gum, man. Chewing keeps you warm like talking keeps you warm. Now he’s gum-less and frozen to death. Way to go, Scout, you killed a guy by not giving him some damn gum!”
The video transmitter suddenly started blaring from the dashboard, startling Scout enough to veer the van off the side of the road with a terrified scream before hurriedly readjusting right back onto it, foot never letting off the pedal the whole incident. Hardly able to catch his breath from the scare, Scout blinked down at the ringing device before punching the button to ignore it. Whoever it was could wait. It was taking all his concentration to not crash and a conversation was the last thing he needed right now.
The dangerous drive up the mountain towards the wreck site took less than thirty minutes thanks to Scout’s reckless regard for his own safety, the bread van’s engine practically screaming for mercy by the time he wrenched the vehicle to the side of the snow-covered railroad tracks before hopping out.
It was a thousand times colder than it had been earlier in the day, nightfall dropping already cold temperatures to an insanely low degree. Sure, Scout had been spouting about Sniper’s death the whole drive there, but it was only then he realized how very probable it actually was.
The revelation had the runner feeling sick to his stomach, but he still pressed on and attempted to ignore his own hang-ups for his teammate’s sake. Flicking on the flashlight he had hurriedly stowed in his jacket pocket before launching himself from the truck, Scout approached the now dilapidated building with a sizable van-shaped hole. Light snowfall calmly blanketed the ground as he trekked, so thick that the runner had to lift his knees higher from the ground to avoid dragging them through the frozen terrain. Even the air felt harder to breathe from how cold it was.
“Snipes?” Scout called out with uncertainty, shining his light around and wincing at every broken board and tire tread mark he spotted, “You, uh, huddled in a corner around here or frozen to death or…?”
Scout finally reached the end of the destruction at the other side of the building, his flashlight illuminating a hole complimenting the one he entered just moments ago. His heart dropped into his stomach, sure that Sniper really had driven off the mountain and to his death, until his light reflected off a cracked side-door mirror that blinded him.
“Ugh!” Scout squinted with an annoyed grunt, perking up immediately when he realized exactly what he was just blinded by. As fast as he ran on the battlefield, he mindlessly sprinted for the driver’s side with a huge grin of relief, feeling silly he ever doubted Sniper’s survival to begin with. “Yes! Oh, thank God! Sniper, man, I thought you were—“
The runner stopped himself short as he shined his flashlight into the van, the door already kicked open and stuck, frozen solid. Small icicles formed along the roof of the interior, a thin coat of frost encompassing the entirety of the dash, and Sniper…
Sniper was curled in his seat, feet pressed flat against the window, arms braced against the back of where he sat, skin pale and violently shivering. Scout took a step forward instinctively to try and offer help only to squeak in surprise as he caught himself before walking completely off the edge of a cliff. A cliff, he finally registered, that the whole van had been teetering on for at least seven hours now.
“Oh sweet Jesus.” Scout grimaced, placing both hands on top of his head as he took in the puzzle he had to now solve, by himself, in zero degree weather.
He could totally do this.
“Okay. So, time to use that big brain of mine...” Scout muttered partly to himself as Sniper continued staring at him, too ridden with frostbite to speak or move. The youngest had no doubt that if the marksman had control or feeling in his facial muscles, he’d be glaring daggers at him right now.
The van seemed completely frozen, tires included, so Scout was pretty sure it could take a nudge or two without nose-diving off the mountain. Still, Sniper was frozen to the van too, so the Bostonian would need to do more than nudge to get him out.
Scout clapped his hands together with determination, his resolution so plain on his face, Sniper’s brow just barely managed to knot in deep concern.
“You gotta work with me here, brotha. Just relax and let the expert get to work.”
Sniper’s eyes widened in alarm as Scout strode closer and leaned his body out over the edge to reach for the huntsman, fingers outstretched with effort before clamping down like vices into the frosty, stiff sleeve of Sniper’s shirt. His weight made the van groan, the vehicle budging by millimeters as Scout placed more of his weight into the front of it in order to get a better grip.
“S-s-s-st—S-top!” Sniper chattered desperately through gritted teeth, seeing more than feeling his van lurching ever so slowly forward towards the void below as Scout strained to gather more of his clothing into his hands.
“I got you, man! Just…! Almost!” Scout grunted with the effort, white clouds from his panting filling the air around them as he finally managed to gather Sniper’s jacket into his other hand. “Gotcha!”
Just as Scout poised himself to jerk Sniper out of the icy prison that was his seat with all his might, Sniper’s van tottered violently forward, dragging Scout with it as he lost his footing from the edge.
Scout screamed from the top of his lungs as he felt himself get pulled off his feet, fingers clenching for dear life onto the still-stuck Sniper in the van as he dangled in mid-air helplessly.
Wait. Dangled? Shouldn’t Scout be at the bottom of the mountain by now, body horribly twisted in metal and covered in broken jars of jarate?
“Well, that was idiotic.” A nasally voice chided from where Scout had been standing just seconds before.
Unable to swivel his head around to see who it was, Scout squawked as he felt the entire van tilt backwards and somehow reverse back onto solid ground, his body half-buried by snow as it was dragged away from certain death like a lifeless doll.
“Danke shoen, Heavy.”
With a groan, Scout pulled his head from the unforgivingly cold fluff his face had been buried in and blearily blinked up at his mysterious saviors.
“Guys?” Spy mocked, replicating the runner’s voice perfectly as he glared down in disapproval at Scout shakily rising to his knees, moodily tossing his spent cigarette into the blackness below. “The next time you decide to run off and ignore our calls, I may conveniently forget I placed a tracker on you and leave you to whatever fate your stupidity leads you to.”
“Tracker?!” Scout started patting himself down frantically.
“You will not find it.” Spy informed casually, shaking his head before turning his attention to Medic and Heavy, who had already dragged Sniper out from his van and were carrying him into Engineer’s truck to get him warmed up.
“What in Sam Hill were you thinking, boy?” Engineer came over to bend down and pick Scout back up on his feet, brushing the snow off his shoulders a little too roughly as he scolded him. “Running away without telling a soul where you were going or why, just to end up out here and nearly killing yourself and string bean over there. Did you knock your head earlier today or what?”
“I get it! Jeez!” Scout snapped back defensively, arms flung up in exasperated defeat. “But Sniper’s been sittin’ out here for hours! I had to do something!”
“And you could have done that something more effectively if you simply explained to us what had happened.” Spy bit back, his agitation and concern simmering under a cool, stern façade.
“Alright, that’s enough bickerin’ now. I’m too damn tired to put in the effort and it’s too damn late to be doin’ it.” Engineer wiped a hand over his face before slapping it onto Scout’s shoulder to give a firm squeeze. “We worried about ya, is all. We thought we lost Sniper and you and, well… We already dealt with a lot today, and you runnin’ off didn’t help much.”
Spy refused to meet Scout’s eyes as he nonchalantly pulled out another cigarette, avoiding Engineer’s gaze as well when the laborer glanced over pointedly at him as he spoke. Scout shot the Texan a confused look before Engineer shook his head with a sigh.
“Just don’t do it again.” Engineer patted Scout roughly on the back before moving away to check on Sniper, who was still sitting in his truck and trying to recover. The windows of the pickup glowed red from Medic’s medigun, doing his best to help the Australian along in healing his frostbite. He’d be in perfect health and ready to head back to the base in no time, Scout knew. And thinking back on it all, considering how easy saving Sniper was when everyone was involved, maybe it would have made more sense to bring the gang out with him.
Maybe Scout had kind of overreacted and made the whole rescue mission way harder than it needed to be. Especially on Sniper.
Feeling like a moron now despite genuinely trying to do the right thing, Scout stood and watched with his arms crossed as the other mercenaries milled about around him, rubbing his arms in an attempt to warm himself after rolling around in the snow.
“You’ve got guts, son!” Soldier’s voice boomed suddenly from behind him, causing Scout to yelp when a large, calloused hand slapped his back a little too hard. “Your bravery deserves a medal of honor! No man left behind! That’s what I like to see in this unit! Stop by my quarters later and we’ll celebrate your efforts the proper American way by training! With me! Hehehehe!”
Scout coughed and tried for a convincing smile at the offer, a small part of him appreciating the little bit of praise he was getting that night. He waved half-heartedly after the patriotic man with an uneasy chuckle as he passed him by with a massive grin on his face. “Oh, sure, yeah. I’ll have to try and remember when we get back to, uh, totally do that.”
“Ach, donnae worry, lad. It’s the wee hours of morning. ‘Ain’t a chance he’ll remember on the car ride home. He’ll be bloody asleep by the time we get back.” Demoman nudged Scout’s arm from behind as they watched Soldier march back to the truck to also check on Sniper. The two stayed standing side-by-side and observed for a few moments as the majority of the team hovered around the marksman just to make sure he was okay. Scout found himself smirking a little to himself at the rare sight.
“Like a fooked up family, we are. Eh?” Demo chuckled, pulling Scout into a quick, friendly side-armed hug. The Bostonian allowed it, but made a bit of a face at the affectionate contact, still feeling out of sorts from the whole incident he couldn’t help feeling was partly his fault. The demolitions expert picked up on it easily, however, and released him with a sigh. “Don’t let this eat’ya up, laddie. Just like I said, right? We’re one bloody mess of a family. If yer gonnae do something stupid, ya might as well include us.”
Scout snorted genuinely at that, shrugging but with a small smile on his face. “Yeah, yeah. I got enough brothers at home. I don’t need a bunch of dads to match.” He replied jokingly to deflect the rather sappy sentiment.
“A family’s what’cha make of it.” Demo shot back easily enough, earning him a look of surprise from Scout at the sincere wisdom from out of nowhere as the explosives expert idly searched his own person for his flask. He muttered to himself in dismay when he turned up with nothing, eyeing Sniper’s van before giving a groan of resignation. “Ach, mother o’ mercy. Must’ave left the bloody thing back home. Guess I’ll be in the van taking a bleedin’ nap until we get back then.” Demo gave a two-finger salute as he turned to leave. “Nighty night, lad.”
“Yeah, night.” Scout called after his shoulder.
The Bostonian turned back towards the loose crowd still hanging around the truck and allowed himself a warm, heartfelt smile.
Scout really had to pee now.
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greaserink · 4 years
Oh neato, what's that? [I'm not too up to date on tf2 stuff]
It’s your Australian Christmas. Hopefully you’ve been good this year so you won’t get kidnapped by “Old Nick” and be forced into child labor.But on a slightly more serious side, it’s where tons of people come together on tumblr to make a gift for another fan and surprising them with your gift on “Smissmas”. Godda make a lovely Pyro piece so I’m kinda excited-
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