#teppu MMA
ftdrawsssss · 1 year
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~Yuzuko VS Park Du-Na~
Alta pelea, en fin lean teppu ojalá lo continuen :(
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kodanshamanga · 15 days
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NEW Kodansha Digital:
👊Teppu, Volume 7👊 By Moare Ohta
🥊Relieved and exhausted, she falls asleep in the locker room…but as the cage door closes on the remaining semifinal match, Yuzuko’s place in the final match is far from assured.
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uraniumglassgirl · 2 years
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this manga is so funny to me
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retro-friki · 1 year
Teppu feels like that time in high school when you get really into a thing you're not particularly interested in but the person you're obsessed with really loves that thing so you gotta know everything about the Thing.
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mahoromouse · 3 months
Also just bringing up Teppu cuz the recent Bucchi ep seems to have a focus on wrestling, when it had been primarily about strikes (punches, kicks). Teppu made me appreciate the technique and fun of grappling so I was reminded.
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claremikas · 8 months
teppu is a 10/10 manga just because this panel is supposed to show the mc and her rival walking into an mma ring about to beat the fuck out of each other
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obstinaterixatrix · 4 months
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"Hey... Tomorrow, you're going to die."
Minazuki Satsuki, 16 years old. By all accounts your average 2nd year high schooler, apart from being a social misfit always declaring her classmates' impending deaths.
They've nicknamed her Usotsuki (Liar).
But her eyes alone are special. What she sees with them are...
The grand return of Ryoko-sensei, author of Shi ni Aruki!
A horror-suspense manga fighting backwards against fate.
--For every death(question), there must be a reason(solution)--
happy femslash february, this one’s going to be a weird one—it’s not a romance, but it is constant high stakes Heated Drama among female characters. right now it’s on its 9th volume, and it looks like the series is about to hit its last few arcs.
each arc is essentially the investigation of a future corpse in order find out time of death, cause of death, and other clues that can help prevent the death. there’s allergic reactions, science accidents, electrocution, premeditated murder, a beheading… it’s a very dangerous school…
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satsuki does this while being ostracized by the majority of her classmates because she has a reputation for telling people they’re going to die. there’s some pretty intense bullying and multiple impressively rancid high school gals. and abuse. it’s a pretty heavy series. but you see, the reason I have this as femslash february rec post—despite it not being a romance—is because:
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it really is Like This throughout btw, though komachi also has… well…
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This Stuff going on. anyway, it’s vaguely under the yuri umbrella in the same way teppu is (though liar satsuki hasn’t had two female characters symbolically depicted as getting married in the mma arena) (yet). this would be good for folks who like high stakes high tension action/mystery/supernatural stuff and also gay undertones
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warmcoals · 3 months
any yuri recommendations??
aw jeez, manga or anime? i mean frankly im not even the person to ask but heres two:
sound euphonium (s1 at least): i recently learned bloom into you was literally inspired by this all time top tier yuribait series. it's an (almost) all girls cast abt band, but like, concert band, the real thing. it's abt group dynamics, the different types of girls and the different types of love and hate relationships they hold, a bit of comphet/old-man crush criticism, how far you go for the person you love. one main character OTP, then several other ships (some polyesque) and flirts. it's completely realistic and grounded, in a specific high school setting that genuinely Feels like high school, but i think the themes of identity formation/entering the next phase of yr life which that setting enables rly speaks to trans girls at many ages n stages. the designs are very fluffy and high-effort animated and slightly buglike and varied, so cute. even the noname girls are cute. they even made that spinoff explicit yuri movie. anyway it got me and my dog gf together so thats as much testimonial as u need.
teppu: i love me some toxic competitive girls and honey, teppu's got it. girls mma manga with amazing art and love of the sport, sort of breakneck pacing, abt one nasty brand new serious girl who wants to kill, a genki short girl who is unkillable, and a spurned ex who changes sports just to get revenge (and her simp gf). old masc lesbian mentor, pretty side characters (catgirl OL who's a bad loser), genuinely quick read, lots of gloomy and chuuni stuff going on under the surface that spurs irl passion to move and compete. i did a whole post reviewing it in my teppu tag u can check that out. it's not so bad to train and fight and finally fall to the person you love.
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kc5rings · 3 months
So I picked up that ladies fighting/MMA manga last night because I miss Teppu dearly
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Starting off ok, she’s kinda cutesy so maybe it’s gonna be more of a lighthearted sports anime type thi-
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Oh she’s a little fucked up actually ok, I’m leaning forward in my seat
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Oh somethings very fucking wrong with her
This isn’t another Teppu
This is shaping up to be Girl Baki
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wonderful101gecs · 6 months
Have you heard of Strike it Rich? It's a woman's MMA manga that distinguishes itself from Teppu by being totally fucking insane. To put things in perspective, our primary protagonist/antagonist, Hongou Hina, is the adopted daughter of a cult leader who may or may not have been responsible for the cult's attempt at launching a coup d'etat of Japan through the use of biological weapons. It's basically Grappler Baki For Her.
i am SOLD, i'll be sure to check it out!
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ftdrawsssss · 1 year
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~Natsuo VS Yuzuko~
Mi pelea favorita, tremenda joya narrativa, enfin leanse teppu :D
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kodanshamanga · 3 months
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NEW Kodansha Digital:
Teppu Volume 6 By Moare Ohta
As the fight starts to slip away from her, Natsuo finds herself reminiscing about a time, long ago, when she and Sanae had been close…a time when so much in Natsuo’s world had been very, very different.
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aesterblaster · 2 years
If you like Blue Lock you'll like-
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Main premise: Boxing but on steriods, basically a kid/teenager who has lowered emotions but insane physical abilities gets recruited by an infamous boxing coach. Over the course of the series you get to see him conqeur every weight class, the emotional connection instead coming from his opponents' stories.
Similarities: A protagonist that could easily be seen as villanish, lots of ego/themes of trying to be the best by any means, interesting and fleshed out side characters, lots of beautiful symbolism in the art, an insane coach
Differences: This is a completed story! You can read it from beginning to end pretty much. It has many very heavy moments to do with child abuse, death and the bullying is much more explicit. It's a bit of a tear jerker.
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Main premise: A man named Kaiji in severe debt is offered a once in a lifetime chance to earn thousands in one night of gambling. Although the risks run extremely high with death and being trafficked on the menu for losers. Rising to the occassion, Kaiji discovers he has a knack for these death games and delves deeper into this gambling pit.
Special note: This was one of the main inspirations for Blue Lock!
Similarities: Very high stakes game run by a mysterious people, money involved to a degree, the protagonist is extremely smart and quickly adapts, sometimes he teams up with other characters, plot twists galore but it never feels too deus ex machina, also has an anime
Differences: The art style in Kaiji is pretty unique in its sharp shapes and thick lines if less aesthetic art is a deal breaker for you avoid this one, like literal torture and character death, the main action is gambling so some arcs can get very touch and go/repetative
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<english name: Teppu>
Main premise: A girl who is extremely talented in every field and therefore easily bored gets into mma fighting. After losing a fight to a member of the school's unofficial mma club she becomes determined to get better. Overcoming multiple obsticles to reach her goal of beating that original classmate, she fights in tournament after tournament.
Similarities: Will get you obsessed with a sport lmao, uses a lot of technical language and really shows you the ins and outs of everything, rivalry and hatred run soo deep the fights? top tier, characters can be straight up dickheads sometimes, the possible gayness is strong in this one, super bingable
Differences: Lower stakes/More focused on one person as the end goal, female protagonist and antagonists! Doesn't talk about psychology as much as Blue Lock does, has some violence/child abuse, finished series and warning the ending is a bit rushed
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canmom · 3 months
there's teppu, a women's mma manga
oh yea good shout! i read some of that one actually, it's fun
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tokiro07 · 4 months
Martial Master Asumi ch.32 thoughts
[And Then There Was One]
(Contents: speculation - cancelation)
I wonder how I would have taken the news that MMA was ending had Cipher Academy not ended at the same time?
I wonder how I'd be reacting if I hadn't been told prior to the previous review?
I wrote last week's fresh off of that news, so I almost feel like I already did my end-of-series review
I almost don't know what to write here, but I owe it to this series and Kawada to at least try
Like with Cipher Academy, the roadmap that we skipped is pretty well laid out here - we see the key opponents that Asumi would have needed to face in the J-Future Cup (Takanori obviously being one of them, and I'm willing to bet would have been the final one), we see that Baku had a violent and deadly past that likely would have been a major revelation that raised the stakes for the entire series, and finally we see Asumi vs. Kazuro, with Kazuro's bloodlust manifesting as fire to complement Asumi's water. I don't remember if I predicted that specifically, but it doesn't come at all as a surprise
I definitely would have liked to see other characters show off their bloodlust like that, and I think it's a tremendous shame that no one ever got the chance to. I don't have a good idea of what it is that prevented the series from catching on, but if I had to guess, I think it might be that it established itself as a continuation of Hinomaru Zumou without matching the level of escalation quite quickly enough
To illustrate: Hinomaru revealed the concept of bloodlust around chapter 60-ish as I recall, while Asumi did it around chapter 20; now that we know that they're using the same mechanics, we would expect to see it being used by other fighters just as quickly rather than having it sprinkled through, but the only glimpse we ever got of it after that was from Okiba. I think since Asumi reached the professional stage in about an eighth of the time it took Hinomaru, then we as the audience should have been given a glimpse of how the ceilings of the professional worlds compared
The moment we knew Kunisaki was here, I think it would have helped if we had gotten to see him fighting. Maybe we could have seen the fight that inspired Amagaki, or the first professional bout we saw could have been one of his rather than Okiba's one-sided beatdown. The sense of escalation was fine for me, but maybe it felt too laid back for everyone else. Hinomaru fans know that we could be seeing people with lightning coursing their entire bodies, why are we only seeing Asumi splashing a little bit of water?
Like I said, this is just my best guess, but I think the connection to Hinomaru established too strong of an expectation that wasn't really being delivered on. That said, wow did people not give it any time to do anything with it! It's been what, a quarter year since we saw Asumi enter bloodlust mode?? That's nothing! We only got to see two fights since then! But I guess maybe people were just impatient?
Or they just...weren't up for reading an MMA manga? Maybe MMA's not that popular in Japan? I think Hinomaru Zumou found a really good niche cus sumo itself is big, but also from how Kawada portrayed it, kind of dwindling. It seems like sumo is having a harder time connecting with the youth, so maybe Hinomaru helped bridge that gap, or appealed to the fans who felt like their favorite sport wasn't as popular as it should be?
Or maybe there are too many MMA manga. I don't read any, but I've seen a few here and there like Teppu, so maybe the market's oversaturated with them and I didn't realize it
There are so many possible factors, but in the end, knowing what to blame wouldn't really change the fact that another one of my favorites is gone. It's especially disheartening because of how Kawada seemed to take the news, berating himself in the author comments this week. Maybe his tone was more light-hearted in Japanese, but calling himself an amateur and blaming himself for his own failures leaves such a negative taste in my mouth. I hate to see an author I love get down on himself, and it makes me so worried that he's going to give up, like I said last week too. I want to see his work again; his art style is so pleasing, his choreography is great, and his character writing is fantastic. I think it would be a tremendous loss to the art form if he were to quit, but alas, he will never hear me say that. I hope someone feels like I do in Japan and sends him a nice, heartfelt letter expressing how much he means to people like us, and that we'll get to see him again as soon as possible
I'm going to stop here, lest I work myself up into a lather. I know I pretty rarely had engagement on these posts compared to UU and CA, but I hope that the few of you who read them enjoyed yourselves, and I hope it deepened your experience and appreciation for the series like it did for me. Hope to see you all again with Kawada's next work
Until next time
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pulpa-de-gorila · 2 years
Hello. I want to practise drawing fighting positions. Any tips ? Should I watch Boxing video/movies and draw what I see ?
Thank you and have a good day!
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Mang, I'm not gonna lie to you... I get super jittery about these questions because I don't feel like I got enough knowledge about fighting to tell you something solid. And I mean something like legit boxing, not all that Rocky stuff.
I ain't being despective, because if you wanna go for that direction and just draw cool people punching each other, go for it. References are your friend, and besides actual humans doing it, you can look at how other artists solve movement and anatomy to expand your visual library. I've been personally looking into Jyoji Morikawa's art lately (and Hajime no Ippo in general, because the guy was an actual boxer and the manga/anime manages it with a nice degree of realism):
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Speaking of which, if you want to draw more accurate fighting and being loyal to the sport, you can always read up the basics of each. Things like footwork, types of punches, styles, and other moves I don't know the proper terminology of :D. There's a lot of people online who break down fights, and something that I've learned is that boxers aren't just punchy machines. Some people are more cautious, other don't mind closing in that much, and so on. There's a nice psychological aspect to it that you can explore with your characters :}
Another great manga I've read that breaks down fights like a manual and has a very nice level of accuracy, is Teppu. Although it's MMA, I think it can give you a good idea of how things go.
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The moral of the story is to look all the little things up! It's all a matter of baby steps. I'll leave some links below that might help you out. And I'm pretty biased with my references, but I wholeheartedly encourage you to divert from it if that's limiting you.
Boxing Gems. An AWESOME channel with breakdowns and studies for athletes and fights.
The Modern Martial Artists, another channel that covers more combat sports and dwells more into the history of some outstanding fighters.
The subreddit for boxing, because seeing discussions about it can help you figure some things out :P
A blog talking about technical vs supernatural combat in manga.
Sorry for the rambling and good luck!
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