#ten notes and i will talk to three (3) random mutuals. if we get to twenty i will continuously roleplay on tumblr
hero-dualies-pog · 5 months
i can make a tumblr roleplay blog i can talk to any mutual i want as long as their dms are open i could roleplay i could have a fun little chat i am not rendered helpless because of anxiety i can do whatever i want <- lying to itself
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saturnznct · 3 years
sungchan’s family | jsc
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➸ request from anon; idk if your rq are open rn, but if they are could you tell about pregnancy/birth with sungchan and his daughters? thank you <3
➸ note; thank u for ur request anon!! i may have gone slightly overboard so i hope you like this!
➸ word count; 2471 words
➸ (by end) mira; aged 4, nayoung; newborn
nct masterlist
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Jung Mira
Sungchan is always the absolute sweetest with children
If you have siblings/cousins etc with children he’s so kind and so doting, they have him wrapped around their little fingers
So finally when you’re married and ready you mutually decide that you want to start having the children you both wanted
Not long after you start trying you fall pregnant and he’s so excited 
comes home the next day after finding out from work with a baby grow and like blankets and stuff and you’re like woah I’m only like two weeks gone
Sorts literally everything for you
Books like three months worth of appointments as soon as possible
He just claims its because he’s so excited but bless him he is slightly excessive in a cute way
Scan picture is everywhere
It’s Sungchan’s lock screen, it’s in Sungchan’s wallet, he frames it, he probably has a little keyring of it for some reason 
Everyone on planet earth has seen your scan photo
You’re not actually too sick, but he still treats you as if you’ll break in half if he were to touch you
One day he like properly scolds you because he sees you carrying a heavy amazon package and when he opens it its full of books about pregnancy and parenting which he studies religiously as if he has an exam coming up
Highlights things he thinks are important
He buys you a rather expensive pregnancy pillow which you kind of accidentally replace him with 
He doesn’t mind because you look so cute and comfortable and that’s all he wants
You get a lot of hot flushes at night so you sleep with the covers down at your hips so if Sungchan is watching you while you’re asleep he can see the baby kicking and moving and its so incredible to him
You decide not to find out whether it’s a boy or a girl just for funsies tbh
Sungchan secretly hopes its a girl… he can picture himself as a girl dad 
Two words. Baby. Moon. 
Think jeju island or like just somewhere along the coast 
It’s like September and he’s covering you in suncream lmao
Tells you how much he loves and admires you every ten seconds
Big on loving on your bump and you of course
Cuddles, kissing, sappy pet names, never leaves your side, very handsy, attentive but its sweet
Waits on you hand and foot, which at times you slightly take advantage of but he does not mind
Foot rubs and shoulder massages all day whenever you ask
He books you a prenatal massage and its just absolute heaven, the first time you lay on your front in so long
Sends you off on a little spa day trip with your best friend(s) while him and a few of the members paint the nursery, so you can avoid the paint fumes and stress
as you decided not to find out the gender, the nursery is painted lilac (your choice)
You glow throughout your pregnancy, Sungchan loves it you look so healthy
Talks about random shit to your bump all day
Songs he’s recording, comebacks he’s working on, random memories from inkigayo days
Speaking of Jihoon and Yujin send cards and flowers and stuff bless 
Will do a gentle rap occasionally (mainly to make you laugh when you feel a bit crap)
I feel like Sungchan is like the ‘you can’t name the baby until you’ve seen them’ so names aren’t hugely discussed
Every time you bring it up he’s like ‘relaaaax, we have ages’
You’re not even sure of any names that he likes
Your baby is overall really healthy over the pregnancy
Always doing cute things during scans like rolling over and sucking their thumb
You go into labour during the night
You have cramps and stuff in the evening but you kind of brush them off, and eventually go to sleep
But then you wake up in the middle of the night by an intense stabbing cramp and ur like no.  not braxtons definitely not 
Honestly ur already sleep deprived from all the kicking and general discomfort so in a questionable moment of judgement ur just like. This is fine. Ill go back to sleep now
So for like five minutes you lay there just like dropping off and then you feel like you’re being stabbed yet again and ur just like yeah no that’s not ok
You wake up Sungchan who basically has like you know the panic the male sims have when a sim goes into labour that is him
You literally have to coach him through driving to the hospital 
Eventually you make it and you’re admitted straight away
Sungchan is super supportive the whole time, holds you and lets you squeeze the life out of his hands and just takes it when you swear and shout and cry
Holds your hands through an epidural
Which calms you down quite a lot
After something like eleven hours you’re allowed to push
About an hour later your baby is born
‘It’s a girl!’ The midwife announces, and your heart basically melts to liquid
You just love her so much
Sungchan is like sobbing in your ear when they lay her on your chest
He is obsessed straight away
Skin to skin all the way
He loves the feeling of bonding with her
She loves it too, when she’s a bit distressed he just holds her and she calms straight down
‘I think she looks like a Mira,’ Sungchan murmurs later that evening
‘I like it,’ you stroke her cheek with the back of your index finger 
She was also born on a leap year?? 
29th of February baby
So you can only imagine the jokes she’ll have to endure
Things are pretty hard when you get home
Mira cries a lot and incessantly 
You and Sungchan try your best to support each other through all the sleepless nights and confusing new experiences
Sungchan is incredibly patient I think
If she’s up late at night and he’s tired I don’t think he would be annoyed, he would just accept it and stay awake with her
He loves being close to her, feeding her with her bottle and cuddling her
Her first bath is actually so wholesome, Sungchan holds her and you clean her with the warm soapy water
It’s a nice memory that you’ll never forget
Anyway Shotaro is her godfather you cannot change my mind 
The members love her she’s so cute and friendly and just likes to be cuddled by anyone
Which makes Sungchan worry about her sense of stranger danger but we move
She grows up far too quickly for Sungchan’s liking
She was just his little baby but she can suddenly sit up by herself and roll over and everything 
When she teethes Sungchan is your hero 
Neither of you can stand seeing her in so much pain and discomfort but Sungchan is just an absolute trooper, buys the best teething toys around and lets her chew at his hand if there’s nothing else
Will try and keep a straight face if she nibbles his shoulder or neck
Her first birthday is very confusing
Should you celebrate on the 28th February? 1st March?
You decide 1st March lol
You have such a fun day, she eats her cake well and you have the doljabi
She’s a fun toddler
Has her fair share of random and pointless tantrums and destructive moments, but she’s playful and curious and has the cutest shrieking laugh
Sungchan’s favourite concert attendee
Loves performing in front of her, looking for her and pointing at her in the crowd which makes her shy
Such a sweet girl, charms every adult she meets, makes friends easily
Adapts to learning and new things well, and generally without a fight
The day she leaves for nursery Sungchan is a WRECK
His little baby doesn’t need him anymore 
Hes so dramatic takes a photo of her like everywhere he goes as if he’ll like never see her again
Although it does make him feel better that she goes with Shotaro’s middle child, Sakura who is only a month younger than her (and her bestie)
Nursery is actually kind of fun for him in the end, Mira brings home like kind of weirdly abstract artwork, telling Sungchan about the toys that she played with that day and the friends she made or played with and Sungchan is like o.0 this baby I made is now like a little human with experiences and will have a life of her own some day 
He doesn’t really know what to do with his day when she’s at nursery
He helps you with housework and you get to spend some quality time together but something is missing from his day
‘Y/N, what do you think about having another little one?’ He asks one night when you’re laying in bed, head on his chest while he strokes your hair.
‘Another baby?’
‘Is if because you miss Mira?’
‘I mean, we always agreed on two kids. I’ve just started to have the same feeling as I did before we had Mira.’
‘I must admit, I also do feel ready. Maybe we should give it a little more thought? Go through the next few days imagining as though we had a baby with us and then regroup?’
If that’s what it takes.
Sungchan spends the next few days daydreaming about having another baby, re-experiencing the baby smell, having another tiny human in his likeness as well as seeing Mira interact with a baby sibling
Eventually you warm up completely to the idea and you begin trying for another baby
About six months after you start trying you fall pregnant
Your second pregnancy is really very similar to the first, you experience a lot of sickness and are pretty bed bound for a couple of weeks at first
Your second pregnancy is really very similar to the first, you experience a lot of sickness and are pretty bed bound for a couple of weeks at first
Sungchan is absolutely ecstatic that you’re going to have another baby
Mira is unsurprisingly worried about you, so you try your best to keep a brave face for her 
Once you safely move past the twelve week mark you feel comfortable telling Mira
You’re like ‘how would you feel about having a little brother or sister? Just like Sakura?’
And at first she really questions what you mean but you manage to get through to her
She seems kind of apprehensive but the second Sungchan mentions the word ‘play’ she got super excited and decided she thought it was the greatest idea in the world
Of course she’s only four, so she doesn’t really understand fully
When you get your little bump you do show her
She is quite concerned I mean ‘mummy/mommy what do you mean there’s a baby in your tummy?’
Pregnancy is not always smooth sailing, again you struggle a lot with sickness and headaches again
At five months you decide to find out the gender this time just because Mira was constantly asking whether she was getting a brother or sister so you just kind of gave up and bent to her will
Sungchan couldn’t believe you were having another daughter
Honestly he is such a girl dad by nature, he just wants to take care of all of his girls 
Mira feels slightly threatened by the idea of a sister, the same as her
But she does start to get excited, especially when she sees the baby move around and you encourage her to talk to her
For the most part, your pregnancy is healthy and there are no signs of anything wrong
Until your final scan, at about 34 weeks
The nurse doing your scan looks a bit concerned, as she does feel around at the bottom of your bump
‘I’m not sure how to say this, but your baby is in a breech position, so instead of being head down, she’s laying bottom first’
‘What?’ Sungchan looks terrified, ‘what does that mean for the baby?’
’To clarify, there isn’t always a reason  why this happens. It could be the position of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, anything. In terms of what we’ll need to do now, I would recommend having to schedule a C-section for a certain date.’
Sungchan immediately glances at you, ‘how does that make you feel?’
’She’s ok, right?’ You check with the nurse.
‘There really rarely is much to worry about in these cases. It just means giving birth naturally would not be an option. She’ll be ok.’
‘I’m fine with the section,’ you assure Sungchan, squeezing his hand lightly, which he reciprocates, ‘it’s the best thing for the baby.’
Sungchan brings your hand up to his lips and kisses it, ‘I just want you to feel confident going into it.’
‘I’ll be in good hands,’ you smile, ‘I’m sure you’ll be there the whole time.’
‘If anything, you’ll be able to choose her birthday,’ the nurse quips, holding up a desk calendar from the space next to her computer.
You decide on December 18th, exactly a week before Christmas, because you will be pretty much full-term then
You wanted to keep her in for as long as possible
‘Do you not think having a birthday before Christmas is a bit of an issue?’ Sungchan randomly asks when you’re laying in bed one night
‘What do you mean?’
‘Well I mean it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare, with you know, Christmas and-‘
’Sungchan, our other daughter’s birthday is on a leap year. I think this will be much easier than that.’
Eventually the day comes and Sungchan finds himself in scrubs in the operating room, hand threaded through your hair to help you feel calm
‘Will you hold my hand?’ You murmur, a mixture of tiredness and medication taking over.
‘The whole time,’ he nods, ‘Y/N, I love you. And Mira, and whoever this one turns out to be. Everything will be fine. Just relax, I’m right here next to you.’
The surgery doesn’t take very long
Neither of you can see anything due to the sheet blocking your views, but a surgeon does narrate the process for you
You don’t feel much, just a slight tugging and Sungchan’s hand in your own
After a short while, you hear a shrill cry fill the room, followed by a ‘here’s your daughter’
She’s on your chest a few moments later, Sungchan letting go of your hand to cut the cord
Sungchan is so relieved that you’re all ok and safe 
once you are wheeled back to your room and you’ve spent some time alone with the baby, you begin bouncing names off each other
‘What about Nayoung?’ you suggest, ‘I like it. it’s so pretty.’
Sungchan nods, ‘I like it. Hi Nayoung. You have a family and a big sister who all love you so much.’ 
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demonwifey · 4 years
I was wondering if you could write a fic where the reader has a think for beetlejuice’s voice. Like a voice kink.
I struggled with it a little bit  because I’ve barely written full on smut before so I hope you guys enjoy. I decided to do a different take and do a succubus reader instead of a human reader.
But still got through it and @paxenera actually got an ask like this as well so go check hers out too!💚💜🖤
Warnings: NSFW +18, succubus!reader 
Word Count: 3,453
After a full 2 weeks in the human world Y/N was finally home. Back to the grim darkness that filled the sky. Back to the eerie sounds of wails and moans on the air. Back to a never ending sight of the dead walking around freely. The Netherworld. Home, sweet home. 
And it wasn’t easy being one of the Netherworld’s most infamous succubi. Y/N took the position after having met an early death when she was only 27. She practically lived a boring life when so why not find something a little more exciting and fulfilling in her after life. That’s when her case worker assigned her to work at the hottest Netherworld brothel, Dante’s Inferno. After spending what seemed like 3 months, actually 2 years in human time, she worked her way up to a full fledged succubus. 
Of course, being a succubus came with it’s ups and downs. The upside was that Y/N felt more alive than ever. She had sexual power over desperate men. They made her feel in control in every single way. But that was also the downside. Her victims were only in it for their pleasure. They wanted her to take control as they filled their fantasies of being dominated by a sexy seductress demoness. But sometimes she wanted…less. Maybe Y/N wanted someone else to take control. Maybe she wanted to give the power to someone else.And there was only one man that gave Y/N exactly what she wanted. And his name was Beetlejuice. 
The demon man came into her life just a year after fully becoming a succubus. The two ran into each other at Dante’s Inferno. Y/N was back to visit her old brothel friends and Beetlejuice was there for a good time. He spotted Y/N as soon as he walked in the door and knew he had to talk to her. The other succubi warned her not to mess around with Beetlejuice but Y/N was way too intrigued. After a night of endless flirting, she pulled the demon man into what used to be her old room. And the two were hooked on each other since 
The pair were like ‘friends with benefits’. But friends that had deep mutual underlying feelings for each other that they would never admit. Whenever Y/N was home she would invite Beetlejuice over. While sex was one of their main bonds, they still just enjoyed each other’s company. Y/N loved Beetlejuice’s sweet talk and the ability to make her laugh. Beetlejuice loved her dominant personality and the fact that she always listened to him talk about anything. 
Although Y/N genuinely liked listening to Beetlejuice’s wild stories, she also had her own selfish reasons for being so engaged; she loved listening to man’s voice. Most people in the Netherworld thought of Beetlejuice’s voice as literal nails on a chalkboard. But whenever she heard his deep scratchy voice scream out “Babes!” when he walked in the door, it drove her wild. Don’t even get her started on when they have sex. Hearing Beetlejuice’s voice moan and grunt over her was like she’d been sent to heaven. 
Y/N wasn’t actually sure if Beetlejuice actually knew about her secret fixation or not; spoiler alert, he did. And she always took note at how he’d get more vulgar when telling certain stories. His yelling and swearing louder at the peak of a story made Y/N more aroused than she’d like to tell. And, of course, he’d never complained when she stopped him mid-sentence to attack his lips in a fever-ish kiss.      
Y/N walked out of her bathroom finally feeling refreshed from a steaming shower. Although she loved her succubus title, she hated the stench that would linger after spending a night with a human man. The smell of desperation and sex was perfect in the moment but she wanted it off of her once the high came down. Although many Netherworld occupants didn’t feel the need to follow basic hygiene since they were dead, Y/N did. 
She sat down on her bed and pulled her long coily black hair into a low ponytail. After every feeding, the purple tips in Y/N’s hair would go back to their beaming tint. It symbolized that her demon needs were met. But yet again, her personal needs weren’t met. 
While she was gone, Beetlejuice was also gone. Out trying to find unsuspecting humans to say his name three times. Another one of his far fetched plans that Y/N listened to but never took too seriously. And although both demons were in the human world, they never found time to see each other. Y/N was handling her own responsibilities so she never had time to stop and entertain the green haired demon. 
As Y/N walked into her living room, she looked around for something to do. She was dressed in only her silk black robe and a pair of lace black panties with her breast remaining free. She plopped herself down on the couch and let her brain think. One of the many sources she had of entertainment was Beetlejuice. But he was gone so she had to find something else to keep her busy. Maybe she could just rest and rela-
Y/N rolled her eyes and groaned loudly. It was finally her day off and some random person had to interrupt that. Y/N got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen. Everything in the Netherworld was vintage and antique. Which made the 20 year old in her excited when she first moved in and saw an old landline phone hanging on the kitchen wall. This had better not be those dead football players again, she thought. Y/N grabbed the phone after the 4th ring. 
“Hello~?” Y/N said in her now normal seductive tone. One of the things her mentors taught her was to always answer the phone like she was a sex operator. ‘It adds character’, they always said.   
“Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to answer their phone.” The all too familiar voice of Beetlejuice echoed through the phone. Y/N felt a faint shiver run down her spine. She was caught up in her own thoughts for a second before clearing her voice and speaking again. 
“H-hey, Beetlejuice. Long time no see, or hear, I guess.” She stammered a bit. Dammit, she was supposed to be one of the fiercest succubi in all of the Netherworld. Yet here she was losing that whole persona over a demon who wears stripes for a living. 
“And whose fault is that, babes? I’ve called you like 100 times and you’ve never answered.” Beetlejuice claimed with a mock snarky attitude. Y/N scoffed.  
“Okay, I’ve been in the human world working. Not all of us get to be free ghosts that come and go as we please.” She shot back, playfulness all in her voice. She then leaned her body against the wall next to the phone. 
“You were in the human world? Why didn’t you tell me, babycakes? I could’ve made arrangements to see you!” Beetlejuice practically screamed through the phone.
“I did tell you, Beetlejuice. You just have very selective hearing when your hands are on my ass.” Y/N explained and the phone grew silent for a moment.  
“…As true as that may be, we are going to disregard that.” Y/N laughed at the demon’s comment. That’s when he proceeded to tell Y/N about the new couple he was watching, the Maitlands. An average, middle class, white suburban couple. Apparently it was almost their time to die and Beetlejuice was going to use them to haunt their house. While listening to Beetlejuice mouth off about the couple, she moved back into the living room. Sitting herself back on the house while twirling the phone’s spiral cord between her fingers. 
“Is that why you called, BJ? To tell me your new master plan? And how are you calling me from their anyway?”
“Oh, the Maitlands have an old rotary phone in their attic. Apparently the husband, Adam, likes to collect antiques. And I called cuz’ I wanted to check on you, duh. Gotta make sure my babes is okay.” Beetlejuice attempted to mumble the last part but the demoness still heard him. Pulling her finger out of the phone cord, Y/N placed her hand over her heart.
“Aw, isn’t that sweet? Mr. ‘Ghost with the Most’ does have a beating heart after all.” She mocked. This time Beetlejuice scoffed.
“Don’t go spreading it around, kitten. It only beats for you.” Y/N would’ve dived more into that last part had she not been too distracted by the pet name he used. Hearing his scratchy voice call her ‘kitten’ aroused her more than she’d like to admit. She squirmed in her spot on the couch, rubbing her exposed thighs together.  
“Mmm, Beej you know how much I love it when you call me kitten~” Y/N purred out. She began moving the hand on her chest down the front of her body. His gritty voice mixed with the silk of her robe against her body was making her more and more aroused by the second. 
“Getting a little worked up, are we, babycakes? You missed me that much?” Y/N could almost hear him smirk though the phone. 
“Don’t get cocky, Beej. You already know which parts of me missed you.” Y/N’s hand grazed its way down to her thigh, not quite ready to touch herself completely. 
“Hmm, let me guess. That pretty little pussy already wet for me?” And that was it. As his gruff tone echoed through Y/N’s phone, it was just enough to make her go further. She undid the band that closed the robe around her before pushing the silk fabric away and slipping her hand into her lace panties. Y/N slowly grazed her middle finger over the tip of her clit. Chills covered her body as she felt her pussy entirely soaked. She was too wrapped up in her own world to realize that she didn’t even answer Beetlejuice. And he didn’t like that one bit. 
“I asked you a question, babes.” He practically growled through the phone. This caused Y/N’s succubus senses to heighten as her body was beginning to be overtaken by pleasure. Every instance of arousal she’d feel would be boosted by ten.     
“Aaah~ Yes, baby. It’s so wet for you, Beej. Only you.” Y/N moaned as she began to circle her finger around the sensitive skin.   
“God, kitten. You’ve got my dick rock hard right now.” Beetlejuice groaned out. The huskiness in his voice made her get even more wet, if that was even possible. And Y/N wasn’t oblivious. She knew Beetlejuice was touching himself as well. And, God, if that didn’t turn her just as much.
“Ahh, oh Beej~ I need you here. Please, I need you right now.” Y/N begged as the room was filled with nothing but her moans and sighs. She was never ashamed of begging for Beetlejuice, especially when she knew that’s what he wanted. His groans got longer and lower with each word she sighed out.
“Oh, babycakes, you trust and believe I’d be there right now if I could.” Beetlejuice moaned out. He wanted her, of course. He wanted to feel every inch of Y/N with his own hands. But right now, this is as close as he could get and he was going to make it worth her while. “Your fingers are in you, aren’t they?” 
Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut, feeling more pleasure rise to her pussy as she went to slip her index and middle fingers into her wet opening, pumping them in and out slowly. “Mmm, yes. Ah, Beej, baby. And I’m so close.” 
“Good. Now stop.” Beetlejuice commanded. Y/N’s eyes shot back open. He couldn’t be serious. Not when Y/N was getting so close to her desperate orgasm. One she’d been rightfully needing after two weeks.
“No, Beej, please. I’m so clo-” Y/N whined and protested but continued to rub herself. Beetlejuice knew this and wasn’t having any of it. When he told Y/N to do something, he meant it. 
“I said stop, kitten. I wasn’t asking. ” His voice then got seriously stern, making Y/N feel all too timid. The man was how far away but she still felt the need to follow his commands. Although she let out a quiet whine, she moved her fingers away. The lack of contact made her upset but she still did as told. Beetlejuice knew Y/N all too well and he knew when she’d follow his demands.
“That’s a good girl. Now, stick your fingers in that pretty mouth of yours.” The green haired demon spoke. Y/N couldn’t do anything but oblige. She slowly moved her hand from her throbbing pussy upwards. She lifted her fingers to her lips and placed them slowly into her mouth. Y/N let out a long, drawn out,  breathily moan as she tasted herself. Beetlejuice’s groan mirrored hers.   
“Mm, fuck yeah, babes. You taste yourself? You taste how desperate you are for this dick?” Y/N continued to moan at his words as she moved her fingers around in her mouth. “Get your fingers all wet for me, kitten.” 
Demoness just followed suit. She moved her tongue along her fingers to wet them excessively. Y/N let her imagination wander, thinking of them as Beeteljuice’s fingers. Thinking of how he would wet his fingers with her mouth and then slide them smoothly into her aching pussy, while whispering sweet nothings into her ear.
“Mmmph, Beetlejuice~” Y/N mumbled behind her fingers. She was getting restless. Fantasies could only take her so far before she wanted the real thing again.
On the other end of the phone, Beetlejuice was getting close to finishing himself. He stood in the Maitland’s attic, phone in one hand and leaking dick in the other. He stroked himself roughly, wishing it was Y/N’s mouth around his hardened erection instead. Taking a guess at how she looked in that moment made the man helpless. She was probably sprawled out on whatever surface with her legs propped open widely as an open invitation for him. He listened to her muffled moans through the phone’s receiver intently. God, the people he’d kill to see Y/N in such a helpless position again. Stuck in his own pleasure, Beetlejuice decided he couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Okay, babes. Are they nice and wet now?” Beetlejuice asked, ready to give Y/N everything she needed. 
Y/N pulled the fingers from her mouth and a small trail of saliva followed behind them. God, she thought, this was about to be too great. “Yes, baby.” She sighed out. The groan Beetlejuice let out was almost enough to make her come right at that moment. 
“Mmm, perfect. Now put them inside you, kitten.” The demon man spoke though his own moans. 
Y/N didn’t need to be told twice. Her body was hot and aching from her paused orgasm. She quickly moved her hand back into her panties before pushing them into her throbbing pussy entirely. Y/N practically screamed out at the missed contact. Beetlejuice growled louder at her scream and that only made it worse for her. She got back into the previous motion of fingering herself, this time more feverishly and without a slow pace. As she curled her finger against her g-spot as she spoke again. 
“Beej, please. I want to come. Please let me come, baby. Oh god, I wanna come just for you, baby.” Y/N begged without hesitation. Her voice was getting higher as she was right on the edge of her orgasm. 
“Come for me, kitten. Make that pretty pussy come for me.” Beetlejuice growled through his husky voice one last time as he was right on the edge with her.
Y/N’s moan could’ve reached all of the Netherworld as she finally got the release she so desperately craved. She arched her back against the couch as her pussy clenched and spasmed against her fingers several times. She grinded her hips up and down on her fingers as she rode out the sensation to its end. Beetlejuice wasn’t far behind as he pumped his dick just a few more times before his cum spilled all on the floor in front of him. Even though neither beings needed to breathe, the both gasped and panted like the wind had been knocked out of them. The only thing heard through the phone were harsh breaths back and forth. Finally, Beetlejuice was the first to speak. 
“Hot damn, babes. We have got to do that more often.” Beetlejuice sighed out heavily. Y/N sighed along with him in agreement. Her body started to relax as she came down from her high. 
“Mmm, believe or not Beetlejuice, I’d actually prefer the real thing.” She spoke while still rubbing below her. On the other end, Beetlejuice tucked himself back into his pants. Y/N also made an effort to get herself together. She removed her hand from her panties before pulling some on the robe back over her. Y/N didn’t even realize how tightly she was gripping the phone in her hand. She loosened her tight hold on the phone and then heard Beetlejuice chuckle on the other end at her comment.
“You and me both, kitten.” Y/N simply smiled at the man’s voice as Beetlejuice grinned on the other end. 
“Honestly, you should just send one of your clones next time. That might make things a little easier.” Y/N joked. That’s when Beetlejuice let out a loud cackle and Y/N giggled with him. “No chance, Y/N. As if I’d let the boys enjoy you without me there.” He joked back. Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. She finally fixed her position on the couch back to how she laid before.
“Don’t you think that’s a little selfish, Beej?” She asked while grinning, already knowing what his answer would be. 
“I can be selfish all I want, babes. It’s part of my character.” Beetlejuice said matter of factly and it was Y/N’s turn to let out a loud laugh. Once she stopped the line grew silent between the two for a moment. Y/N turned on her side, clutching the phone closer to her ear. 
“Beej, how long are you gonna be gone for? I really do miss you.” The demoness spoke fondly. Again, the fiercest succubus in the Netherworld, but she would only let her shy and timid side show for Beetlejuice. Once the demon man heard those words, his dead heart ached longingly. 
“Oh, babycakes. I don’t really know. But I promise, as soon as I’m done with these dopes here, you’ll be the first person I come to see.” He reassured sweetly. Y/N felt a small blush creep its way to her cheeks. 
“You promise?” She asked flirtatiously. Beetlejuice let a wide smirk fill up his face. 
“Yeah, kitten, I promise.” He spoke lowly and Y/N felt like she was melting. Before Y/N could say anything else, “Well, I gotta run, Y/N.” 
Y/N sighed with disappointment. “Alright, have fun watching the Maitlands.” She said as she sat up on the couch. 
“I’ll do what I can, babycakes.” The man spoke. 
“Bye, Beej.” Y/N stopped but she wanted to say more. Yeah, she wanted to talk more but she wanted to add something to her goodbye. Something long lasting. Something like an ‘I love you’. But she didn’t. 
She ended with, “You’d better keep your promise.” Before she heard Beetlejuice laugh one last time.
“I will, I’ll see you sooner than later, kitten. Bye.” And with that, the dial tone rang through her phone receiver. 
Y/N sighed and let her body hang loose on the couch. Her hand fell to the side off the couch as the phone hung loosely in her finger. Y/N placed the back of her other hand on top of her forehead before getting lost in thought. She had it bad for Beetlejuice. And one day she was going to have to admit her feelings. Maybe when he came to see her after he was done with the Maitlands. She’d come straight and say ‘I love you, Beetlejuice’. One day she would have the courage to let the words out. Even though the demon man was already gone, all she could say was,  
“Sooner than later, Beej.” 
Thanks for reading💜🖤💚
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hellotinywonder · 6 years
(re)Generation 2018: meet your heroes.
DAY THE FIRST, Wednesday:
Snow. Darnit.  I’m going delay my trip a day.
DAY TWO, Thursday:
I got up at 5:30a, trekked down to my conveniently already-packed car through the snow, but the streets were clear, and I began my drive westward and northward. Dawn over snowy mountains is spectacular.
I visited with puppeteer friends in Richmond, saw their local makerspace, and hung out with an old friend from my touring days and her new dog, Dave, a rescued sweetheart from Puerto Rico.
DAY THREE, Friday:
Off to DC, with literally NO traffic. I had brunch with the incredible JoJo (Burlesque Poetess), who is a Doctor Who nerd of equal or greater value, and extended bandfamily from ten years ago.  It’s been so great to reconnect and talk art and ideas and nerdy references. And how we engage with the universe, and how sometimes the universe engages right back.
After brunch I headed to visit my friend Matt and his wife.  It was great.  I met Matt a few years ago at a convention, all because I had PuppetCapaldi with me, Matt used to write and draw for Doctor Who comics, and has since become one of my closest art friends and advisors and person to send random texts to in a crisis.  Good people, but this is the first time we’ve hung out in person since our initial meeting.  It was great.  A few hours later I was off to Baltimore.
It took 3 hours. Which didn’t mean much to me, as I don’t drive DC to Baltimore often.  But yes… I later learned it should be a 45 min trip. I parked eventually and made my way to the hotel for ReGen.  I knew only one person going in, and I promptly sought him out: Drew Meyer.  I snuck into the back of his panel (it’s worth mentioning that I met Drew the same day I met Matt, and PuppetCapaldi did those introductions too) and tried to use context clues to make out what it was about.  I got as far as Drew referring to the Tardis as “sort of like a windowless van”, when I abandoned that notion and decided I’d just make a note of it, so I could mock him in my end of trip summary… like… now.
After touching base, and handing off my puppet suitcase (Drew was storing it onsite so I could attend the March for Our Lives the next day without needing to worry about a giant rolly-bag and crowds) I caught Irene Richard coming out of the panel she had just hosted with Rachel Talalay.  I feel like I’ve known Irene for years, I think it’s how decidedly New Yorker she is, but this was our first time actually meeting.  We hit it off, as I knew we would, and then by some twist of awkwardness and fate, I was standing at a table with Rachel Talalay admiring a scribbled storyboard movement sketch.  I love things like that.  Process-peeks. I realized I didn’t have anything to say to Rachel (aside from the whole: You’re awesome, inspiring, and your eye is fantastic), which is bothersome, because I’m a fairly interesting person at times, and I want to learn so much from her, she’s a powerhouse in the industry I am just starting to dabble in, and am always keeping an eye on.  I didn’t have any puppets with me to reinforce that I make stuff, etc.  That’s fine, there was a whole weekend ahead.
I skipped out to dinner with Drew and his friend Brent, and shortly after went home to my friend’s house, where there was a party.
The party, I won’t get into too much, but I walked in and it was like knowing everyone.  They were activists, peers, they had a prison letter writing campaign going on in the dining room.  I had such a wonderful time meeting everyone, it was a completely unexpected bonus.  I miss my punkrock anarcho activist friends. Good to see organization like that in Baltimore.  I slept in a room with multiple accordions.  Perfection.  Thank you Jonathan for your hospitality and your excellence.
DAY what is it now? Four? FOUR, Saturday:
I got up early, mostly because I had been and would be antsy about giving my panel on puppet and prop-making that night.  No one else in the house is up, and I need coffee and to get to the March.
I get a Lyft to town, remembering seeing a Starbucks a block or two away from the hotel. I’m traveling with just a little backpack and my travel mug as my puppets are stored at Drew’s so I get out and head off to it.  *Normally I’d avoid Starbucks and hit up a local cafe, but the Baltimore Harbour is rather commercialized I couldn’t find an indie place to scope out.  I was not alone in this…
I walk in, an amalgamation of bleary-eyes and nerves, and to my left I see a familiar figure and hear a voice, and at first I dismiss it, as I don’t quite place it- holy damnit.  It’s Peter Capaldi. ***Now, I am going to stop you here.  Peter Capaldi is a big deal to me.  I met him last year, PuppetCapaldi in tow, and some friends got me to make a 24 hour comic about it. (It’s here https://tinyurl.com/y9cfma2t) worth a read, and it’s flipping cute, and I might reference it once or twice more.***
He’s talking with Rachel. I make my way past them, because they are having a conversation and the day is young, and I am about to go shake my fist at government, and I need coffee and… While I’m waiting in line, they finish their conversation and get up. Fine, universe, I might as well, I wanted to reconnect with Rachel anyway, so I do.  I say hello, I explain that this is a very bizarre and rather delightful start to my day at least. Rachel introduces me, Peter shakes my hand. “I’m Peter.” “Valerie.” We talk for a short while. Peter grabs my travel mug and inquires about my Scottish flag sticker with EU stars super-imposed. I explain that, while I am not from the UK, I’ve kept up on Brexit and I talk about meeting with the remainers outside of Westminster, and when I was in Glasgow- Glasgow?  Oh yes, and then I point to the sticker next to it, which is a map of one of my favourite cities in the world: Glasgow (my travel mug is adorned in stickers from places I’ve been recently, namely Glasgow and Berlin, and Tokyo…) Peter doesn’t quite recognize it, so I point out The Clyde, and it clicks. “Oh!”  He says, then we start to talk about Glasgow.  It’s brilliant.  He points to a place on the map and shows us: “I have a flat right around here.”  I show him where I stayed, across from Kelvingrove. “Oh, that’s the West Side.”  He’s right, but I act jokingly incensed.  Glasgow, Glasgow, Glasgow, and then it’s time to go.  We say our goodbyes.  And they are on their way and I will see them later and…. I need coffee.
I walk back to the hotel a few minutes later (to set eyes on puppets, make sure everyone’s all set, and tuck them away at the Pixel Who booth, who have lovingly adopted us for the weekend), glowing.  It occurs to me I just got to talk to Peter Capaldi about Glasgow.  Not Doctor Who, not The Thick of It, not Puppets, just Glasgow, a city we have a mutual fondness for.  This is somehow the best thing ever.
Okay, get your head together, Valerie.  It’s time to go to the March.  So I do, it’s about 4 blocks away, an easy walk and the whole time I’m overwhelmed with what today might end up being like. The March is indescribable.  I went to the local Baltimore version, knowing DC would be too much to contend with if I am to teach a puppet workshop that evening, but I believe it was worth stepping out wherever and being counted in the hundreds of thousands of people demanding better gun control in the US.  Kids are on the microphone, empowered by their peers, and finding their voice, and demanding their safety, and I’m already just emotionally dilated and I begin to cry. It was such a powerful morning.
After a couple hours, I’m starting to fade.  I leave the March, return to the hotel, get some food and grab my date, a 3 year old, beat to hell, semi-retired PuppetCapaldi.  He is the goshdarn belle of the ball when it comes to conventions like these, especially when Peter is present. We go to a panel interview of Peter.  As he’s my aforementioned ArtHero, I am terribly interested in what he has to say, but I don’t care as much about meta Doctor Who information unless it’s fun anecdotes of monsters and puppetry, of which there are a couple.  The only thing I am interested in him answering related to Doctor Who is what was it like to make something like this in the world of Brexit or Trump, or how does Doctor Who intersect with our current reality, because sometimes it seems to offer direct commentary, and Saturday (with the March) was just a particularly important day.  A sort of: did Doctor Who, the franchise, feel it has a duty of care, with how it couches its viewpoint in media, etc.  I never got to ask that question, but someone asked one similar. His answer was lovely, talking about how ultimately Doctor Who is being made for kids, and giving them the globalist (universalist) perspective of The Doctor will help shape their thinking and the world as they inherit it.  That world leaders should be afraid, because Doctor Who is communicating with the generations that will replace them. It wasn’t quite the question I had, but it was close enough.  Thank you, whoever asked it.  I looked for her after (she had blue wristlets), but never found her.
I ran into Rachel again after this, and donated to WhoAgainstGuns and got a lovely postcard of the (now dismantled) Tardis interior, which I love, a set I desperately wish I could have seen, could have been on, and I did try.  She signed it to me. “To Valerie from Starbucks” and we talked about how we both ended up there that morning for lack of other options.  I apologized for bothering them, but there was no need.  It also caught me offguard to be remembered. That’s a long time problem for myself.  I’ve written about it many times before.  I am getting accustomed to the concept that people do in fact have object permanence when dealing with me.  It’s nice to be remembered.
I’m about to go get our little family photo taken, when Michelle Gomez passes by and sees PuppetCapaldi she makes “the face” as I have come to call it. “Whaaaaarghourgh!”  She yells as she’s rushed by.  I make a note to find her later.  She made the “I know that guy!” face, and I think she wants a picture with it.
I am currently, in present as-I-write-this day, realizing how darn wordy I am.  I’ll try to condense. We have our photo taken.  Peter puts together that I am me.  The woman from this morning, but also that we have met before, once he sees the puppets.  I let him play with the finger puppet, and before I know it we’re looking into the monitor (THEY HAVE A MONITOR, BLESS YOU!) and I’m talking about finding focus, etc.  A photo is taken of me adjusting Peter’s arm while he stares down the camera, and then one where I look at the camera but he, and all puppets present, are focused on the monitor. Both are super adorable.
We’re removing puppets, etc and Peter says “You made all these, yes?”  Oh yes.  Someone prompts me and I mention the puppet I brought that is loosely based on Armando Iannucci, not that anyone would recognize it.  “I would recognize him”  Peter says. “Bring him by and show me.”  So, that’s that.  I’m off.  A bit thrilled that I’m getting a reputation as the puppet lady.  I mean, I’m certainly working at it, but attaining it is an altogether different feeling.
I’m sitting outside in the hallway playing with two little girls who were there for photos and talking to them about puppets and Sesame Street, and that sort of thing, when Peter and his folks pass us.  The girls and I (and PuppetCapaldi) wave at them, and I continue to pack my photo into my Spacejunk sketchbook and then I’m alone in the hall.  I head for the elevators and as I turn the corner I walk into the most wonderful scene:
Young Theo Tidemann (who I did not know at the time) has just started playing ukulele at Peter’s request, while we’re all waiting for elevators. Theo starts “I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You.”  It’s wonderful.  It’s sweet. It’s about to get even better.  Peter starts to sing along, then slowly we all do.  A bunch of strangers, singing in impromptu harmony.  It’s so magical. Singalongs are like my religion.  That metaphysical energy of communion through song?  It’s transcendent to me.  Early on I realized that I was in a perfect moment, and I thought of this kid I was about to meet, and he deserved a video of this. So I juggled my puppets a bit and took some poor quality video with my phone, it pans up and fades out, and it doesn’t matter. It’s the perfect moment, and we can rewatch it anytime.  (It’s on @hellotinywonder’s instagram… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bgt7jO8Ar25/ and BBC-A put it in an article about Doctor Who’s Day recently) Other things happen that day.  I get a moment with Michelle, she takes a photo with PuppetCapaldi, but I’ve never seen it since.  I am still looking for it.  It’s a great exchange, though. Showing someone your art because they are excited about it.  I’m pretty proud of that. I play ukulele in a room of other ukulele people… it’s ukubiquitous!
I sit in a dark corner and just breath a bit. I end up talking about puppets with the custodial staff, and it’s one of the most delightful conversations of the weekend. Throughout, I am adrift.
PUPPET PANEL!  It went WELL!  Kathy O’Shea David helped out and brought her army of puppets as well, I would go on, but really, it was mostly just me talking about puppets, how to build, what to use, asking questions, answering questions, and corralling  a puppet petting zoo.  Unexpected hit of the posse was Kyle the Fish! Everyone loves Kyle, I demonstrated my feelings on ventriloquism with him (when using a puppet, in my opinion, moving your mouth doesn’t matter, if your focus on the puppet is correct, and your manipulation is believable and you hit your lipsync, people will just accept it.) As I started to put puppets away, when my panel was over I looked up and saw Kyle, some kid was manipulating his mouth, and it was so moving.  I make reference puppets like I do fanart, to expose people to the other stuff I do. Do you like PuppetCapaldi?  He’s a portrait puppet, a skill I possess, and can do for anyone! Do you like this Rick from Rick and Morty? He has moving eyes, a mech I designed, and also use over here… People fell in love with Kyle, who is my very own intellectual property, and that meant the world to me.
At some point, I and my puppet rolly-bag float away to bed.
I drive myself in this time, so I can scoot off when I’m done. Puppets stay in the car, with the exception of PuppetCapaldi, my date, and Armando, who I debate quietly… I mean, he’s janky, he’s not quite right, he’s not a portrait puppet, he’s just *based* on Armando Iannucci… do I want to show a piece to Peter that I don’t fully stand behind?  I’ll decide later.  I stuff him into my travel tote which I realize then is my tote from the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.  I sigh. I am the biggest nerd ever, even when I don’t mean to be.
I have Coffee with the Creators.  This is delightful.  I get to pick some people’s brains, and let others just tell me about what they do.  I am thrilled to get to speak more with Simon Fraser, a comic book artist for Doctor Who, I swear, I do collect them as friends, it seems. I also get to meet Steve Gostelow whose table I’d been eyeing throughout, but we missed eachother.  He was a monster maker, and sculptor, and having a materials and process geekout was fantastic.
There’s a moment when Rachel is about to come to our table, and she has to get up and leave, we make this brief sort of eye contact and I realize as she’s headed out, that it’s fine.  We’ll catch up later, that is such a strange and wonderful feeling.  She tells me later she had to run up and get her photo taken with the three Doctors.  Adorable.  Flipping Adorable.  I will see her again in a little over a month, and that is spectacular.
I am walking around the con, taking it all in and Peter and his small group walk by, I’m talking with my new fellow blue-haired early 30’s lady friend Gale at Nightengale Needles, and I look up and see him.  I have nothing to say to him so I resort to my clown communication skills and make a friendly, but decidedly silly face.
It is returned.
This is a professional milestone, in my book.
Later I am in the vendor area, and I meet up with Simon Fraser and his family.  We talk a bit more, he likes PuppetCapaldi (really, that puppet handled nearly all my introductions, it’s great).  I am looking through his portfolio of work for sale, mostly because what he is selling is traditional blue pencil and ink, and I like just looking at people’s work, understanding how they develop a peice.  Then I see the page.  It’s 4 vertical panels of Osgood throwing her scarf to a falling Twelfth Doctor.  She saves him.  He is appreciative and grumpy.  She looks like me. I’ve seen this page, I’m told it’s from a Free Comic Book Day issue, from Titan, I assume.  I was eyeing a wallet made out of it on Etsy, I love it.  I love the composition, the dynamics, the SHELOOKSLIKEMEness of it all.  And here it is.  Waiting for me.
I rarely buy things at conventions, but this page has been in my mind for almost a year? And I love it, and now it’s mine. And in some strange cosmic organization, it was always mine.
On my way out I touched base again with Steve Gostelow.  I show him my “Celastic: Do It Old School!” button.  While he didn’t use Celastic, he still appreciates it. We talk a bit more maker shop and it’s wonderful.
Okay, the last line for meet and greet and autographs.  As I said in my comic, these are the people PuppetCapaldi was made for.  We had time, and I struck up conversations with all the lovely people around me, especially this woman, Michelle, who gave me a clif bar.  Smart folks.  I showed her the comic, which gave her a bit of context into what was about to happen.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting an 8x10 glossy photo signed, but that is not where I am at.  When people set down what they would like to have signed, I pulled out my do-not-lose-me-orange A4 #Spacejunk notebook and open to a random page.  That is what I want signed.
When I’m about to meet Peter, again, I take off PuppetCapaldi, that’s not what this is about. The woman in front of me is having her Missing DoSAC Files book (one of my favourite books ever) signed “by Malcolm”.  Peter pens a short, furious, and F-laden diatribe for her. She thanks him and wishes him a happy birthday. “Ah yes!” He says. “Thank you.” He goes on to sign a photo she had in her collection of signables. “You know, I’ll be 60,” he starts, “and when you’re 60 the government gives you a little pass.  And I can take all the buses and trains for free.” The public transit junkie in me is thrilled. It’s always nice to have common geekery with the people you look up to.
Oh, then it’s my turn. Okay, then. I try to briefly and calmly (everything is madness around me) explain that I am here to ask him for some advice, or encouragement, that I, and many like-minded friends of mine are all at these weird professional empasses, and I look up to him, and have for some time, even this puppet has gotten me work out in the big crazy world of TV and Film.  He smiles and grabs a blue sharpie (which I realize I had secretly hoped he’d use blue, despite the several black, silver, and gold sharpies on the table).
“Shall I make it out to you?” “Sure.”  I say, (I mean, fair is fair, I’ll share the advice, but this is my letter, sorry kids.) “...I’m Valerie.” I continue. “I know.” He says and continues to write.
I’m again caught off guard at this display of object permanence. This hero of mine knows me.  Knows my work…
He is writing, but stops. “Have you got your Armando with you?”
Ulp.  More object permanence.
“Well, I mean, yes, but it’s not quite-” “I want to see it!” He puts the pen down. He’s written something about stars aligning.
I dig Armando out, explaining that he’s only *based* on him, for a show I’m building… I slip my hand through the secret hole in the sleeve, and lift the puppet’s head.
Peter makes what I have described earlier as “the face”.
He gasps, giggles, then buries his face in his hands. Armando looks around a little frantic, and a little jangly, scratches his head.  Peter lifts his head, locks eyes with me, locks eyes with the puppet, and devolves into laughing.  “It’s *so* like him!”  he says.  “I need to show this to him.” His handler takes our photo together.  Peter explains “this one is special, this is for a friend of mine.”  A woman who I guess knows Iannucci’s likeness also gets it and now she’s laughing.
“I’m going to send this to him!” Peter tells me while his friend takes the photo, “He’ll love it!”
Peter sits back down, again telling me how much Puppet Armando is like Proper Armando and recomences writing. He just keeps going, we’ve stopped talking, and it’s rather quiet, surrounded by the din of the convention. Sharpie on paper, scratching.
Someone behind me taps me on the shoulder and checks to see if I am doing okay. I tell them I am fine, and I am. I am perfect.
He’s stopped mid-sentence, and is just writing “work” over and over in the margins.
He finishes.  Having filled the page, which is adorable. “There. Is that alright?”  He asks.  I tell him it is. And I thank him. “Good luck.”  he says, handing it up to me.  “And have fun.” (I will.)
“You are very talented.”
All of this means so incredibly much to me, I don’t think I can properly explain. I thank him again and look up. The rest of the world races back into my consciousness.  Michelle, my new friend from the line, is only a little bit crying.  “Are you crying?”  I ask.  “Maybe!”  She says. And I realize she is, because she gets it.  Because she read a silly little comic about this weirdo art girl who is just collecting advice, inspiration, and encouragement from the people she looks up to, and somehow today it’s coming together perfectly. 
Empathy Abounds.
Peter and I say good-bye, and I’m off to put Armando away more properly.
(Oh, I also scurry back to the table to pick up Armando’s eyebrow which fell off.  Peter looks up and I hold the eyebrow up to my own and it all registers.  Such a puppeteer move, you guys.)
After that it’s just a farewell fanfare finale.  I say goodbye to everyone and then I am off.  Completely rejuvenated artistically, emotionally, professionally… I can’t describe it all, and I’ve been doing nothing but describing it all for seven pages of a google doc!
I drive through the evening and end up in Staunton, VA, just as the sunset turns to night, to stay with my friend before heading home the next day.  We order Chinese, as she’s also just come back from performing and we are prolevel ladies that deserve a night in.  We’re talking about art, and Fringe festivals, my weekend, and hers, it’s great to continue this creative thread outside of my Baltimore adventure. I open my fortune cookie, which says: “Watch for a stranger to soon become a friend.” That’s sort of how I’ve been living my life, as of late. We make more tea.
Pan Up.
Fade Out.
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Life with you (5/?)
Pairing: Ten x Rose, AU Rating: Teen Words: 1920 Beta: lovely @doctortenny
Note: *looks shyly from around the corner* hi I'm back with this, after exactly 5 months. I'm not sure if anyone remembers this, but I'll leave it here. Bye. *hides again*
read on ao3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
“Mum, could you look after Ian tomorrow evening?”
“Sure, bring him over, we will play board games. Some quality time with my grandson. What plans do you have, love?”
“Not nosy at all, mum.” Rose laughed.
“Oh, shush.”
“I’m going out… it’s a date.”
“Oh! Who’s the happy guy?” Jackie asked excitedly.
Rose hesitated for a moment. “It’s James. James, is taking me out.”
“James! That’s good. He seems to be a decent bloke. He is a doctor. Is he good looking, Rose? You’ve never shown him to me.”
“Mum, please, stop it.” Rose laughed on the other side of the line. “We met again barely a few weeks ago. So, can I drop Ian around 6?”
“Sure, you can pick him up in the morning.”
“Really? I mean, I can come to collect him after the date.”
“Nah, sweetheart, there’s no need. Don’t rush and have fun.” Jackie said with a suggestive voice.
Rose was happy they were talking on the phone and mom couldn’t see her blushing face. “Yeah, thank you. See you later. Bye.”
— James told her to wear something ‘not too fancy, but elegant’, when she asked him. The black dress she chose was classic and simple, reaching down to her knee. It was her favourite one and she hoped that James was going to like it too.
Rose really was excited about the date. She loved the relationship they managed to build during the last few weeks. James was lovely. And Ian adored him with mutuality, which was important. If something more would happen from the dating thing, she wanted her son and partner to accept each other. Just thinking about it made her smile.
She was about to finish doing her hair when her phone rang. She looked at the ID and it said it was James.
“Hallo?” She said happily.
“Hi Rose,” he sounded tired, maybe a little sad? “Listen, I’m very sorry, but I won’t be able to make it to our date.”
“Oh.” Rose mumbled.
“I’m really sorry, darling. I was looking forward to it and I hoped I’ll be able to do it, that’s why I’m calling this late, but there’s no chance,” he sighed, Rose imagined him rubbing at his eyes. “That virus that Ian caught, it got even worse. And the hospital needed help, my friend called me and I really can’t leave them alone now. I’m so, so sorry.”
“No, that’s fine. I mean, I’m sad we won’t be able to go out, but they need you. I understand.” She really did. It was his work after all.
She heard some noise and caught his name being called in between. “I have to go now. I’ll call you tomorrow, if you still want to talk to me. So sorry.”
“It’s fine, James. Now, go be a hero the kids need. Talk to you later.”
“Yeah, bye.” With that he hung up.
Rose looked at her mirror reflection and sighed deeply. She made a messy bun from the hair she was carefully arranging a few minutes ago and changed into pyjamas. She went to the kitchen and prepared a cuppa deciding to spend the time relaxing. After all, her mom volunteered to babysit for the night and she still could make use out of it.
She flipped through some TV shows, but nothing caught her attention. She turned the TV off and went to the bookcase, then grabbed one of the books she’d been wanting to read from some time, but never could find a spare moment.
When, after a few hours, she was approaching the end of the book she felt her phone vibrate. She fished it out from underneath the cushions and saw James’ name on it again.
She tapped the accept button. “Hallo?”
“Hi, did I wake you?”
“Nah, I was reading. Everything fine?”
“Yeah, most of the kids went to sleep and the other doctors will handle it during the night so, they sent me home, but…” he hesitated. “I don’t really want to go home. I was wondering, can I come over?”
“Oh,” Rose smiled. “Sure.”
“Good. Give me fifteen minutes?”
“Okay, I’m waiting. Bye.”
“Bye, Rose.”
She took the leaflet that was lying on the table and used it as a bookmark, then she went to the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea for the both of them. Just when she was emerging from there she heard knocking. She left the cups in the room and went to open the door.
On the other side stood James with a plastic bag in one hand and bouquet of roses in the other. His hair was ruffled more than normally and he was visibly tired. Rose smiled at him.
“Do you mind if I come in?” He said.
“Oh, I don’t know.” She teased.
“I’ve got chips.” He lifted the plastic bag.
“Well then,” she stepped aside. “You know how to win a woman over.” Her smile got wider.
He came inside and she locked the door after him. When she turned around he stood very close to her.
“Hello,” he murmured, his eyes flicked to her lips. “Sorry, about the date.”
“Hello,” she answered her voice shaking a little from the proximity and excitement. “That’s okay, you…” she never got to finish the sentence, because he leaned in and kissed her. It was slow and full of affection. When Rose felt his tongue shyly asking to let him in, she happily obliged and opened her mouth, nearly melting on spot. He smiled and continued kissing her for a few more moments. Then he stepped away a little, but gave her three more tiny kisses.
“Hello,” he said again. “Sorry, but I had to. Was thinking about it all day,” he furrowed his brow. “Was it okay?”
“Yeah, totally.” She said breathily and tugged him down for one more, quick kiss.
They smiled at each other and then he gave her the bouquet of colourful flowers. “Oh, these are for you. Sorry about it. Was meant to give you a proper bouquet, but at this hour Tesco was the only place I could get any.” He finished sheepishly scratching the back of his head.
“Nah, that’s okay. I love them, these are beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as my Rose.”
“Your, ehhh?” She jabbed him with her finger and smiled with her tongue.
“Well,” he blushed. “I just thought that maybe… I just… I guessed… I…” he closed his mouth and swallowed looking terrified.
“That’s okay, Doctor. I’m okay with being 'your Rose’,” it was her turn to blush now. “I’m quite happy about it.”
“Oh,” he grinned. “That’s good. Yes, good. Quite brilliant even.” He nodded his head.
They stood in the hallway for a few more moments grinning to each other.
“Shall we go to the room or are we going to stay here all night?” Rose finally asked.
“Yeah, of course! Room, room is good.”
She giggled. “There is tea waiting on the table, you can unpack the chips. I’m just going to grab a vase for these,” she nodded at the flowers. “I’ll be right back.”
When she came into the room he was sitting comfortably on her sofa, popping a chips into his mouth.
“Wanna watch Netflix?” Rose asked while putting the flowers on the side table.
“Yeah, why not?” He nodded a few times. “A comedy maybe? Something light?”
“As you wish, sir.” Rose winked and sat next to him, she stole a chip from the portion he was holding and then started preparing hers.
“Hey! That’s mine.” James said with a fake irritation, Rose just smiled innocently.
“It’s not fair, you know? I can’t take one back, because yours are swimming in vinegar,” James pulled a face. “You disgust me.” That earned him a slap on the arm and they both started giggling.
They chose a film at random, that none of them had ever seen before and continued with the eating.
When they finished, James put his arm around Rose and pulled her to his side. She laid her head on his chest and put a small kiss there, making James giggle happily. They laid like this in silence for some time watching the movie. James was playing with her hair and she was drawing circles with her finger on his chest and belly.
The movie turned out to be a crappy one and he finally remarked it. Rose laughed and agreed with him.
“I’ll just turn it off.” She said, and without looking patted the sofa behind her, not wanting to disturb the comfortable position. She finally succeeded and the TV went black. The only source of light now was coming from the street lamp on the other side of the street. Rose cuddled even closer to James and he put his arm around her.
“Are you comfy?” He asked quietly.
“Very.” She purred.
“Yeah, I was told before that I make for a good pillow.” James answered cheekily and could feel Rose smile. They returned to the comfortable silence from before.
Rose loved it. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d done that. Just lying with someone you care for, feeling safe.
After some time James spoke again. “I’m really sorry about tonight,” it was slightly muffled by her hair. “I really wanted to do this properly.”
“Stop apologising to me, James. It’s alright.”
“I had booked a table in this fancy restaurant, was going to buy you a proper bouquet, it were to be perfect…”
“James, it was perfect,” she cut in. “I don’t like the fancy restaurants. I mean, I appreciate that you wanted to take me someplace nice, but it’s so difficult. You never know how to behave there and which fork you should use.”
James chuckled at that. “Quite right.”
“And I really loved today’s evening. You bought me chips and we had a nice cuddle. I don’t really need to go somewhere, the attention is unnecessary.”
James hummed. “But you deserve it, all the attention, all the nice places, everything that could make you happy.”
“You made me happy.” Rose whispered.
“I’m very glad.” He put a small kiss on the top of her head.
The silence fell again and Rose heard James’ breath change. He was probably falling asleep, after the whole day of working he must have been exhausted. “Are you sleepy?” She asked.
“Yeah, I probably should go home. I have to go back to work in the morning.” He started standing up.
“You can stay here. We can share the bed like the last time. Or I can take Ian’s and you take mine.”
“Oh, I guess we could? I’m a little too tired for the journey home, I suppose.”
Rose lifted her head from his chest and smiled at him. “I can give you the shorts again. Do you want a towel?”
“Nah, I’ll shower in the morning.”
She stood up and started to walk away, but James caught her hand, pulled her on his lap and kissed her slowly and sweetly. “Thank you for today. I had an brilliant evening.”
“Mmm, me too,” she said playing with the hair on the back of his head. “Best date ever.” She smiled with that tongue-touched smile and then stood up again.
She gave him the clothes and they went to bed. James cuddled her immediately, so that she was the little spoon. “Goodnight, my Rose.” He mumbled sleepily and put a kiss on her neck.
“Good night, Doctor.” Rose smiled and fell asleep herself shortly after.
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r3almellow · 7 years
Nothing More Chapter 4
A/N: It has just occurred to me that this chapter was never posted on here. I keep doing this and I’m sorry!
Rating: M
Ship: Nalu
Series: Fairy Tail
Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3
Friday soon reared its beautiful head and by the end of the day Lucy was ready enjoy the next couple of days at home. Lucy found walking to be a really good thing. It made up for the fact that she would rather eat her way to happiness, instead of going to the gym like a normal person. Having an apartment that was about a ten-minute walk away also played within her favor. It was partially the reason why she decided to work late on this very night.
However, there was unsettling feeling that Lucy could not get rid of. Halfway into her stroll she felt as if she was being watched. It was almost as if someone was waiting for the right moment to pounce. It was then she became hyperaware of her surroundings. While the streets were not completely deserted, Lucy did not want to leave anything up to chance.
It was a message from Erza. Lucy had almost forgotten she had sent out a text to her friend earlier in the day, asking to meet up over the weekend.
Erza: Meet me at Fairy Tail tomorrow morning.
With her intention to respond, Lucy had not noticed an oncoming stranger and soon found herself colliding with the person's chest. She rubs her nose slightly trying to soothe the faint pain that lingered.
"Sorry about that I-Dan?" Before her stood, Dan Straight, former captain of the Magnolia Knights and Lucy's ex-boyfriend. The two had met during Lucy's junior year of college and had dated for almost a year before Dan moved away. They both, mostly Dan, believed a long distance relationship would never work for them and mutually broke things off.
The brown haired man smiled widely at Lucy. "Lucy, fancy meeting you in these parts!"
She returns his smile with one of her own. "I didn't know you were back in Magnolia."
"I just flew in today for business thought I'd see the sights." He gives her a good glance over, causing the blonde to blush slightly. "Is it possible for me to think that you've gotten even more beautiful since the last time I saw you?"
The blush deepened on her delicate cheeks. "You've always been a sweetheart, Dan."
"For a pretty lady such as you I just can't help myself." Lucy pushes a few strands of her hair behind her ear and laughs. "It was really nice seeing you again, but I really have to get home."
"Wait! I know this is sudden, but would you like to go out for coffee? Maybe we could catch up?" His request completely caught Lucy off guard.
"That's sweet of you to ask but… I… uh… well…" It had been awhile since Lucy went out on an actual date. The string of luck she had with men really wasn't something she was proud to speak of. They were either only after her money or sex and sometimes both. Dan was a bit different. He treated her like a princess throughout their entire relationship. He gave her flowers, bought her things she really didn't need and was more than supportive of her interests.
"Do we have a problem?" A male voice called out.
Lucy looks past Dan to see a tall young man with jet black hair, who had an evident scowl on his face. Next to him stood a woman with blue hair that almost reminded Lucy of Levy's, but it wasn't as dark. Her expression on the other hand was one filled with worry. "Gray? Juvia?"
Dan folds his arms over his chest, completely unmoved by the death glare Gray sent his way. "Not that it's any of your business, but Lucy and I were in the middle of a conversation, Fullbuster."
"Lucy is always going to be my business and from the looks of it, she doesn't want anything to do with you, Straight."
Lucy's friends never cared for Dan in the slightest. Gray Fullbuster happened to be one of the more vocal ones who greatly disapproved of their relationship. Gray was very protective of Lucy when it came to the men in her life. It was never in a jealous boyfriend kind of way, but more like an older brother. He made it perfectly clear that if any of them so much as made her cry, they'd be in the hospital in a heartbeat.
Dan gave an annoyed sigh before turning his gaze back to Lucy. "It seems we'll have to cut our meeting short, beautiful. I'll be at the Legion Corps building all week if you want to talk." And just like that he was gone, leaving the three friends behind.
"Thanks," Lucy said with a sigh of relief.
Gray shrugged, placing his hands in his pockets. "Don't mention it. You know I can't stand that guy."
Juvia locked her arms closer around Gray's, pulling herself closer to him. "Juvia has never been very fond of him either. He always gave weird looks in my direction…"
"Dan has always been a weird one," Lucy said, giving Juvia an apologetic look.
"Want us to walk you home?" Gray finally asked before motioning to the direction of her apartment.
Lucy waves them off. "You guys don't have to do that for little old me."
Juvia shook her head. "It's no trouble! Juvia wants to make sure Lucy gets home safe."
"Yeah, with all these random kidnappings, there's no telling who's next." Gray added.
They both had a point and right now, Lucy wasn't ready to deal with anyone else. She wasn't completely defenseless, but if men half her size had become victims to these kidnappings, then a good Lucy Kick wouldn't mean a damn thing. She took the couple up on their offer and they soon began their walk to Lucy's apartment.
The trek to the apartment wasn't as unnerving with Gray and Juvia to keep Lucy company. Gray spoke of his grueling hours in front of cameras for his latest photoshoot. The modeling world wasn't really his scene, as he would much rather put his artistic abilities to better use. His father was an ice sculptor, known for his intricate designs and attention to detail. Gray had hoped to follow in his footsteps, but it seemed as if fate had different plans for him.
He had a horrible habit of discarding his clothes at inopportune moments. In the middle of a fight with Natsu? He was practically half naked. Trying to convince cops you weren't trying to have a skinny dipping party on private property? Stark naked. Once you get over the initial shock it was really a normal thing for him to be without clothing. Not that many complained; his body was a work of art all on its own. Gray took pride in his appearance and if he wasn't at the gym, he was doing other things to keep his body in check. Which is how he was scouted by a modeling agency halfway into college. A body someone could bounce quarters off of and had no problem stripping? The modeling world ate him right up.
Lucy knew Gray couldn't complain too much because if it weren't for the job he had now, his relationship with Juvia wouldn't have flourished like it did. The mild mannered young woman did everything in her power to get Gray to notice her. After a little perseverance and a bit of jealousy, the pair made their relationship official. Lucy made a mental note to ask Juvia for tips for future relationships later on.
Once they made it to the large apartment building, Lucy bade the couple goodnight and made her way inside. Reaching into her humble abode, Lucy turned on the lights and rested her things on the nearby counter.
"What took you so long?" A more than familiar voice mumbled, causing Lucy to cover her mouth to suppress a scream. There on her couch laid Natsu and a blue bundle of fur she deduced to be Happy casually laying on his chest. The two of them looked quite comfortable laying there, as if it was completely normal for them to passed out on her couch.
"What are you doing here? How did you eve- I don't want to know." Natsu, who still had his eyes closed, shifted slightly on the couch and yawned. Happy sat up from his spot on Natsu's chest once he heard Lucy's voice and trotted over to nuzzle himself against her, purring softly. Sure, he was craving for her affection now, but when he got too comfortable he was a major brat.
"We're giving you one last chance," Natsu said tiredly. "Either you play a role in your son's life or suffer the consequences."
Lucy looked at Natsu in disbelief. Was he trying to turn this into a custody battle over his cat? She picked Happy up and carried him back to his owner. She lightly tossed the cat back onto Natsu's chest, earning a groan from the man. He scrunched his face up and opened one eye to see Lucy staring down at him with a look of discontent.
"First of all, I'm not his mother. I don't know where you got that idea from. Second, you're the one who stopped coming by. I'm not traveling uptown just to feed Happy or you for that matter. That is not my job." She mumbled that last part and looked away with a huff.
Natsu sat up and frowned. "I didn't stop coming by. You were avoiding me, remember?" Lucy huffed and walked into her bedroom to change into comfortable clothing, completely ignoring his retort.
"We made a verbal agreement to take care of Happy. You gotta take care of me so I can take care of him." That almost made sense. Too bad this was Natsu and he never made sense. She reemerged from her room clad in only a pink tank top and red sweatpants.
"Lisanna made that agreement void when she became your girlfriend." Lucy had hoped her statement didn't sound as bitter as it did to her; thankfully the pout that was etched on Natsu's face told her he didn't pick up on it.
"All we want is a nice home cooked meal. Is that so wrong?"
"Why is it my job to give that to you? Besides, I haven't gone grocery shopping yet so you're out of luck."
"We stocked your fridge with stuff, so no excuses." He let out another yawn.
She looked at him in confusion. "You what?"
"Check it out," he said while falling back onto the couch.
There was no way Natsu took it upon himself to buy food just so she could cook for him. She couldn't have been more wrong. Her fridge and pantry were completely full of her usual snacks and other edible items that ranged from meat to milk.
"How…?" She asked in disbelief.
He looked over at her as if she had six heads. "With money?" He made it sound like that was the obvious answer. "And I've been here for hours, so I had to pass the time somehow."
She was still in complete awe at the amount of ingredients and snacks that filled her kitchen. "This is… I… Wait, did you spend almost all your money on food for me?"
"Who said all of that is for you? Kind of selfish, Luigi." There was a sound of hurt in his voice, but Lucy paid it no mind.
She glares over at him from the kitchen. "I can't stand you!"
"And yet here we are." He grinned, finally taking it upon himself to get off of the couch. Happy leaped off of him and made his way to some unknown part of the apartment. With little to no effort, Natsu finally managed to convince his friend to attend to his wants.
In about an hour, they had found themselves sitting around Lucy's small dining table eating while Happy preoccupied himself with cut up pieces of fish in a small bowl. Natsu practically inhaled his meal as Lucy carefully ate her own food. All of her training on proper etiquette was still embedded within her; there was no way she could ever eat the way her friend did.
Looking over at him cautiously, Lucy bit down on her bottom lip. There were unanswered questions she had for Natsu and maybe this was the perfect time to ask.
"Lisanna left this morning, right? How are you taking it?"
His dinner seemed to be a hell of a lot more interesting than she was, but he managed to answer her all the same. "I'm not crying over it if that's what you're asking."
Her eyes narrow at him. "I'm not expecting you to cry. She's going to be gone for a long period of time. Doesn't… doesn't that bother you? If it were me I'd want to call her at least once a day. Or visit her as much as I could.
"Are you even listening to me?" He looked up at her for a minute with his mouth still full of food and blinked blankly.
"Got any seconds?" He asked.
Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose together and sighed. "Why do I even bother?" She pushed her own plate over to him and with no hesitation, Natsu devoured what was left on the plate.
Natsu leaned back in his chair and happily pat his stomach. "Can me and Happy spend the night?"
"You're already here so might as well." She sighed.
Natsu stared at her in disbelief. "You're not gonna fight me on it?"
Lucy shrugged. "What's the point? You're just going to do the opposite of what I say."
"You know me so well." She rolled her eyes at that and got up to clear the table.
"You still got some of my stuff here?" During his many visits, Natsu had a tendency of leaving his clothes whenever he slept over. It was to the point that Lucy decided it best to keep them in a separate drawer for occasions like this. Did Lisanna even know about their sleepovers? That would probably be a weird conversation to bring up. "They're right where they always are and I think I still have your old toothbrush." Was her reply. She looked behind her to Natsu had already walked off to find his clothes.
Ten minutes had past when Lucy had not heard from the man and went to check on him. Halfway across the apartment loud snores emitted from her room. Did he really pass out in her bed? There was no need for any further questions when the answer stared her in the face. There he was, almost in the same position she found him in earlier, fast asleep in her bed with Happy curled up at his side. Drool slowly rolling from his mouth to his cheek and his hair already showed signs of bed head. The sight alone made Lucy want to giggle softly to herself.
As much as they were a bother from time to time, Lucy had to admit that she missed having Natsu and Happy around. Having solitude in this spacious apartment wasn't all that it was cracked up to be.
Lucy walked over to the opposite side of the bed and carefully sat next to the duo. She smiled softly and reached over to gently caress Natsu's salmon colored locks. She used to joke about them being pink, only to have Natsu become adamant about his hair being salmon. A small smile formed on Natsu's lips and he leaned into her caresses. This time Lucy did giggle. That had to be the cutest thing she had seen in a long time. He reminded her too much of a kitten in this state. It was odd to compare Natsu to anything adorable when he was like a fire breathing dragon, especially when provoked, but in this moment, he looked so vulnerable.
What was it like to see this side him? What was it like to see the sweet side of Natsu Dragneel and know that all that he did and will do was because he loved you? Was it wrong to want to know the feeling of being with him, waking up to him, and being loved by him? There were many nights Lucy thought of his arms wrapped around her in a loving embrace as if to protect her from the rest of the world.
"She's so lucky," Lucy said softly as a single tear rolled down her cheek.
Why was this so hard?
A/N: Done! *collapses* Hope you enjoyed this part and get ready for chapter 5! It'll be in Natsu's POV! *gasps* Maybe we can find out why he's not really talking about Lisanna? Have you guys noticed that? And will we see more of Dan? Maybe?! Stay tuned for more stuff coming soon!
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