#team fortress 2 lore
jevilowo · 1 month
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Tf2 Classless Update (2009) vs Tf2 Engineer Update (2010)
Gentlemanns, I believe I have uncovered what is either a PURPOSEFUL PIECE OF CENSORY LORE or a RETCON
(If you can't tell whats going on, in the first image the Quarterly Concern is credited to Zepheniah Mann, and in the second it is credited to him and Silas Mann. In addition, the second image has a section on "domestic occurance" which is replaced with an image of a zeppelin in the first image)
Edit: actually no on second glance the domestic occurance section has been moved further down. Its a section on "remarkable advertisements" that has been cut)
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u5an5 · 11 days
Explaining stuff from tf2 to someone who doesn't know the lore is wild.
Like, how do you explain that no, Medic can't return Demo his eye. Not because he's unable to, he've already done it multiple times, but because Demo's eye socket is cursed and each time he did regrow it, by halloween it always got possessed, flied out of his head and tried to kill everyone. Including going back in time to prevent them from being born by killing their parents. And that Medic have done it enough times that he removed part of Demos brain just so he stopped asking and doesn't remember thinking about it, and then be able to say with full confidence it isn't even top 20 weirdest things in lore
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quazies · 9 months
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A pre-head removal discussion.
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redmarqar · 1 month
Hey guys!! I was wondering, how did your band form in the first place?
oh, we've finally got to this question. well... take a look.
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People drawing like, sexy gay fanart of the "original tf2 team" as shown in the catch-up comic is unfathomably funny to me. Guys you know that Abraham Lincoln is Pyro, right. You know that "1800s heavymedic" is American folk hero John Henry and real life wacko doctor man Sigmund Freud? If people get the joke and continue with it that's hilarious and also iconic but also idk it feels like sometimes people aren't aware of the Sigmund Freud yaoi they're putting out into the world
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yewelshtabby · 2 months
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The Receptionist
A tough old lady with a long history working for both Redmond and Blutarch Mann. There are those who believe a good portion of the Gravel Wars was fought over her. She has been at work there on and off since her early twenties, giving her a stone cold approach to violence of any form. She is not averse to it, having recieved military training and keeping a trusty SMG under her desk in case of any would-be assassins. That being said, she is as professional as they come. A china set of delicious tea and coffee is at the ready at any time, and only the best bossa nova music playing in the waiting room. Waiting to get shouted at by your boss has never felt so good!
I had a lot of fun drawing her up! She took many iterations to get right, and having never drawn anything as big as this before (I've never designed a gun in my life!), I am so happy with how she came out. Hope you all like her too!
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parisoonic · 1 year
hey there, just wanted to say that I absolutely adore you're art style, such yummy shape it scratches my brain just right 10/10
also I'm in love with how you portray the start of heavy and medics relationship, like how they bicker and get on each others nerves a tiny bit,
I wanted to ask you what was the turning point from that to them kissing in the moonlight and whatnot
(sorry if this feels out of the blue I'm just really invested in the way you characterize them and I think your art is really cool)
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heya! no worries (and thank you for your kind words!) - this ask got me really excited as ive had a few ideas rocking around for a bit...depending on the day of the week i'll give you a different answer as to 'how' but the general gist is collegues who are bad at their jobs -> collegues who are GREAT at their jobs -> out of hours friends -> inseperable -> taking a chance on 'ruining' that friendship -> it all works out.
I tried to answer through a little bit of a comic...this is literally the 0th draft...needs an extra page or two and a few more drawings (and then overall....redrawing) but i need to post as otherwise i won't get any work done. I'll finish it one day! but enjoy! :)
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gobbogoo · 9 months
Everything We Know About Who Pyro Is/Was:
Obviously Pyro remains ​​⁠​⁠​⁠an enigma and I'm not going to pretend I have much in the way of definitive proof, however there ARE aspects of their background we can reasonably assume based on the skills and behaviours Pyro displays. First and foremost, we need to understand the extent of the disconnect between their consciousness and reality. Most folks understand it as mainly auditory and visual hallucination, however if you look at side-by-side moments in Meet The Pyro, you'll realize that there's a clear disconnect between Pyro's physical stance:
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What Pyro believes they are doing with their body and what their body is actually doing can be entirely disconnected. Furthermore, if you listen closely to Pyro's more comprehensible dialogue, you'll notice that what they say lines up more with what they're actually doing, and not what they THINK they're doing:
Put together, this implies Pyro possesses not just a disconnect from reality, but also a full-blown division of personality. There's Conscious Pyro, who is the bundle of joy frolicking through Pyroland, and then there's Unconscious Pyro, who is the maniacal murderer actively interacting with reality. Both of these personalities seem to play a factor in Pyro's behaviour. While Conscious Pyro clearly seems to possess a degree of control over how they act in Pyroland, the fact that all those actions also happen to be very effective methods of murder in the real world says that Unconscious Pyro is steering these decisions.
Now, these two are not ALWAYS so disconnected or extreme. When not actively burning things, Pyro's perceived reality seems to line up more closely with what's actually happening from a visual, auditory, and physical standpoint:
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Conscious Pyro's whimsy and Unconscious Pyro's murderousness both seem to drastically tone down in these circumstances, however both never fully go away. Pyro is ALWAYS capable of extreme violence/destruction:
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Speaking of extreme violence, Conscious Pyro DOES share Unconscious Pyro's capacity and willingness to cause harm. This implies that the difference between the personalities' behaviour is more-so the result of their perceived environments, not demeanour.
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To summarize, Pyro's disconnect from reality becomes more powerful when in the presence of fire/destruction, and this causes a divergence in Pyro's perceived and presented personalities. Moving on to in-game lore, it is stated that Pyro built/improvised the majority of their weapons (mainly out of stuff found in a garage.) This is immediately clear if you look at the individual components of their flamethrower:
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The primary exception to this is their shotgun, which is a standard weapon they nonetheless operate with a trained familiarity:
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Building a flamethrower is no easy feat. Besides being extremely complicated and dangerous, all information regarding flamethrower construction and schematics are strictly controlled by the U.S. government. Therefore I'd say it isn't much of a leap to suggest that Pyro's ability to construct and operate improvised military-grade incendiary weaponry must have been the result of formal training.
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This is further supported by the fact that their flame-retardant suit is not equipment provided by Mann Co, as they continue to wear it even after being fired. All this together implies that before becoming a mercenary, Pyro had a job that provided them with both the knowledge and tools of an incendiary specialist. This more-or-less confirms that Pyro was not ALWAYS so insane, as at some point they were considered stable enough to be trusted with such a dangerous job. Since Pyro seemingly hasn't taken the suit off since that job, it can be deduced that whatever triggered or inflicted the madness they now suffer from must have occurred during their service. It would also explain why all of Pyro's incendiary weapons are homemade while their suit is standard-issue. After being fired they obviously weren't allowed to keep any weaponry, meaning they had to construct their own.
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There are a lot of ways to interpret all of this, but my personal theory is that Pyro was at one point part of some Cold War experiment. One that sought to disconnect soldiers from the reality of their actions during combat, while ALSO allowing them to operate with brutal efficiency. Considering this was the era of the Vietnam War, a way to make soldiers not feel guilty or resentful while being ordered to commit atrocities would have been an invaluable tool for the USA's military. Pyro being a highly trained candidate for such an experiment is the only explanation I can think of for how they could be simultaneously highly trained in incendiary weaponry AND be too blatantly insane to ever justify such training. This would ALSO explain why Pyro is both so frighteningly dangerous and unstable, yet still somehow employable as a mercenary. While extreme, they remain capable of understanding and following instructions from superiors. Even if said instructions have to be delivered in a slightly different manner:
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frnrwnd · 15 days
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Hello tf2 fandom have a cat
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bread-is-my-life · 23 days
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(this animatic literally was the reason why I got into tf2 so GO WATCH IT IT'S BEAUTIFUL I PROMISE!!!)
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babycharmander · 4 days
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catsurfavs · 2 months
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Thank u for voting :] I suppose I'll post my human doodles here too, recenlt I've been really into drawing them in this chibi style lol.
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quazies · 1 year
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Not ideal, but much better than living in the back of a refrigerator...
I like the dynamic between these two, Spy stuck in this horrible situation, only to be shown kindness by the person who leaves 3rd degree burns on his backside. He’s forced to put his snobbiness aside for a bit. In return he gets ciggarettes and candy, good bargain when you’ve been in a fridge for a year or so!
(How will Spy Head get back home? His team needs some sort of bargaining chip...🐥)
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redmarqar · 5 months
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lmao found my 2018 wannabe-designer concepts and i love them they're so weird and unreasonable (even made some redraws what is wrong with me)
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Hidden "Soldier Needs a Home" story and illustrations from the Pyromania Update in 2012
(descriptions in alt text)
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