#tchouaméni imagines
bahrtofane · 2 months
flowers in the rain
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He still loves you, enough to run through the rain. He really hopes you open the door. Its freezing.
Aurélien Tchouameni x reader 
Word count - 1.6K + 
Watch it - angst with happy ending. Would u look at that 
Aurélien shows up at your door completely soaked by the rain and holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers that he's tucked under his jacket so they won't get wet on the way. 
He ran the whole way. Made his driver drop him off somewhere inconspicuous, and booked it. 
It didn't start raining till after he got out, go figure. But he's committed to it. Opening the zipper of his jacket and gently sliding the bouquet he got made inside. Ignoring the rain that pelts his skin and the blinking street lights that look like they're about to go off for good and leave him completely in the dark. Not like he needs light to get to you, he knows the way by heart. Blindfold him and spin him around 5 times and he'd still find his way. 
He used to bother you about it. Telling you how unsafe it is to only have a handful of street lights near your place. You shrugged, not like you had a habit of wandering around past dark. Besides there's a cute little pond and a forest that your balcony overlooks. It was one of his favorite spots at your place. It's been months and he still remembers the cool touch of the metal arm of the chair during the summer. 
Before he can get to your balcony he just needs to get to you. He hopes you like the flowers, they're your favorite. 
Now this all would’ve been a cute gesture. If you hadn't broken up ages ago. And yet here he is. And here you are about to open the door, throwing away the months and rebuilding you've done since his departure from your life. 
He never really left though did he. 
His pictures may have been torn off your walls weeks ago, but you keep them in an old shoe box under your bed. Shoe box from shoes he got you for your anniversary. Matching with him.
He was so excited to get them to you and right on time, he paid an insane amount on shipping alone. You had scolded him, fussing about the price. It was all too much to be spending, especially on you. He only waved you off, sliding the box into your hands and urging you to put them on, smiling so wide his cheeks hurt. 
You kept the box, though the shoes you have no clue where you threw. Just in case he would show up. And now that he actually has you're not sure you're ready to come face to face with the man you've been yearning for. Not ready to dust the box off and put everything back where it belongs. 
Funny, you still think him, and everything related, belongs. 
You feel so foolish. Balling the sleeves of your sweater and chewing your lip as you peek out from your blinds, watching him get closer. 
He texted you a meer 30 minutes before, a simple I’m on my way. On his way? Where? In the dead of night in the middle of a storm. He’s lost his mind. And you have too clearly, seeing as his text made your head reel. 
Muscle memory makes you want to spring to your feet, getting your house together, putting the laundry you were folding back into its basket and tucking it away into a closet. 
You don’t though. You want him to know, to see, that he’s interrupting. Life didn’t end when he left. Even if it felt that way. You won’t let him know. 
The nerve to come around when he knows you’ll be home. Barely giving you enough time to even realize what was going on till here he is. About to march right up to your door. 
You really wish you lived in a high rise right about now. But no, you live in a little quaint condo who’s front door isn’t behind security. 
You have half the mind to get yourself together, giving yourself a pep talk. No crying. No crying! Good grief. Slumping back against the warm towels that lay strewn on your couch. At least the pjs you're in are comfy. 
The first knock almost knocks you off your feet. Scrambling to dust yourself off one last time. 
You consider not opening. Leaving him to rot in the rain. But call yourself an optimist, the implications of this situation gives you a glimmer of hope. Or maybe you're just foolish. One way to find out. 
The door opens, he looks shocked that you actually opened. 
“I’m sorry.” Is the first thing he says. He’s completely soaked, water rolling off of his skin and pooling in the creases of his jacket. Blue jeans, his favorite you note, are now dark and sagging. He looks a mess. And it makes you feel better, you're not the only one going through hell. 
The next thing that comes out of his lips is a cough. So you let him in. Of course you do.  
Making a seat in the corner of the couch, throwing him a towel. He shimmies out of his jacket, gently setting the bouquet on the living room table. You think you’re going to be sick. 
“I don’t know why you’re here.” You sigh. 
He frowns, “because I love-“
You shake your head, “if you loved me you wouldn’t have left me like that.”
He's silent, picking at the rips of his jeans. Wringing out the rain and watching the droplets cascade. 
“Let me at least try to explain what happened?” he tries again, voice soft. Gaze unable to look at anywhere but the floor. 
You get up, stomping to your bed room and tearing through your closet. You find what you're looking for in the form of bundled up clothes at the bottom of your dresser. His clothes he never came around to pick up, or you never dropped off. Either way. 
You come back around with his black sweat pants and gray oversized t-shirt. You give him a large towel, “go get changed, you're gonna get sick.”
He hesitates for a moment, but takes the clothes and heads into your bathroom. 
You fall back down onto your couch. What are you getting yourself into? His phone is on the table and you roll your eyes. Stupid thing that led to this whole mess in the first place. This time, it isn't being bombarded with messages. Hm. 
You take his soaked jacket and throw it into the drier. Grabbing a laundry basket and throwing the towels in it. You'll fold them after this gets sorted out. 
When he comes out, he gives you a small smile as thanks. He looks like he's about to curl up against you and put a movie on while kissing you till your lips go numb. But he doesn't. Going back to his seat on the couch opposite to you and wringing his hands together. 
He looks just like the day you lost him.
“Can I explain?” he tries.
You shrug. 
He looks up, meeting your gaze for the first time. He looks like he's about to cry.
“I'm sorry. It was stupid and childish of me to go to her birthday party.” he stars. You roll your eyes. 
“It wasn't even a birthday you know it was a brand sponsored event and nike said i would be there. It all happened so fast. It's not an excuse. I could've said no, but I didn't. And I'm sorry. “
“Is she better than me?”
He stopped fidgeting with his hands,“What?”
You purse your lips, “Prettier. Funnier?” scooting up in your seat, leaning forward.
He frowned, “No. no one compares.”
You sigh,”why did you go?”
He winces,”I thought I had to. It was an invite from two parties. I should've put you first.”
You give a curt nod, suddenly much more interested in the rain that's picking up outside. 
“Why did you come back?”
He chews on his lip, “because I love you. Never stopped.”
“Why'd you wait this long?”
“I thought it was what you wanted. I didn't want to disrespect your wishes but I also can't stop loving you. Or stay away. “
“Why'd you open?” he fires back.
You hesitate. You almost want to lie to him. But what good will that do. As the first crackle of lightning pierces through the sky you speak.
“Because I love you.”
He seems satisfied at this, relaxing in his seat, “can you forgive me?”
Even if the past weeks and months have torn you apart. Its not like you’re innocent. Jumping to conclusions and letting your jealousy get the best of you is how you’ve evened up here. With no chu to pester and your home much duller.
Its time to stop the madness on your end. You’ve berated him with questions and hes answered all. With flowers, in the rain, after what you know has been a grueling day for him. You really do love him.
“I dont think it's possible for me not to.” you mumble, tears welling into your eyes.
He jerks forward in an attempt to go over to you, sooth your tears and kiss your worries away. But he doesn't know if you're ready for that yet. Instead he gives you a soft look.
“If you'll take me, I'd like to come back to you.”
You push yourself forward, sliding in the space between his thighs, taking his hands in yours. “I missed you so much,” gently leaning down to kiss his lips. 
It's as soft and safe as you remember. His hands find familiar purchase on your hips as he carefully sets them down on either side.
It's the sound of thunder that tears you apart. 
“Stay the night?” you whisper against his lips.
He hums, “of course I will my love.”
You’re happy to have him back home. 
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luvsfootball · 7 months
failed date - aurelien tchouameni.
requested by - anon.
request - hi, can u write for aurelien tchouameni pls. no one has ever written anything for him. 🙁
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“he what?”
you were back from another failed date, arriving back to your shared apartment with aurelien feeling rather gloomy.
but after two glasses of red wine, he was making the situation seem a lot funnier than it was.
“he tried to pay with a coupon that was one year out of date,” you snorted, pulling your knees up to your chest to carry on painting your toenails.
aurelien sighed as he took the nail varnish off you, grabbing your foot and opening the lid. “you could have called me. i would have picked you up.”
it was true that you didn’t want your date to drop you off home, but he insisted. he didn’t try anything in the car other than talking about how ‘sexy’ you looked. you were greatful you lived in apartment blocks otherwise he would know your actual address.
“it wasn’t the worst date i’ve been on. do you remember elio?”
aurelien laughed at the distant memory of the guy who had ditched you in the middle of nowhere because his girlfriend had called because she was in labour.
when the laughter died down and aurelien had finished painting your nails, he frowned when he noticed the look on your face.
“what is it, anjo?” aurelien grabbed your hand and rubbed circles on your skin, eyes wide as he tried to meet yours. “is there something about me?”
“no, no. you’re perfect. it’s them that have the problems, not you.”
he knew that if he was the one taking you on a date, you’d be treated like royalty.
the pair of you had been friends since children but you had moved to madrid for work as a nurse for the real madrid team.
when aurelien told you of his transfer, you were over the moon and he was the one that suggested the idea of moving in together.
you agreed. rent was a lot cheaper when there was two people paying and there would always be someone there to talk to.
but the thing with aurelien was that he didn’t want to be just a friend you came home to after a long day. he wanted to be more than that. someone you shared a bed with and shared a toothbrush holder with.
and you were the same.
the reason you were going on so many dates recently was because you were trying to fill the hole in your heart.
it only wanted aurelien, no body else.
“thanks. for always being there.”
aurelien softly smiled at you, holding his arms out for you. you settled down onto his chest, closing your eyes and letting yourself fall asleep.
aurelien knew he had to tell you one way or another. but he was so nervous.
all day he had been stuttering over his words, so much that you thought he had developed a speech problem overnight.
you both ate dinner together, and even though you were rather chatty, aurelien wasn’t being his usual goofy self.
“aurelien? what’s wrong? you’ve been acting weird all day,” you murmured, placing your hand on top of his.
he pulled away almost automatically and ran it through his hair, blinking rapidly. “i-i don’t know.”
“come on, you can tell me anything,” you frowned when he refused to make eye contact with you and you could also see his chest rising and falling at a fast pace.
“do you remember when we were kids? i told everyone that one day i was going to marry you.”
the fond memory came to mind and you giggled at the image of a young aurelien down on one knee in front of everyone in the playground.
“how can i forget that?”
aurelien felt his stomach tighten and the sudden urge to be sick came over him. it was no or never and he needed to calm down.
with a deep breath, he stuttered over his words, “i want that to be a reality. not just some memory in a playground, i want it to be the best memory of your life. but the real thing, not the fake thing from when we were kids.”
you looked at him like he had two heads. “you want us to get married?”
“no, no,” he repeated firmly, “not yet, anyway.” he didn’t break eye contact, breath shortening as he finally let out the thing that had been weighing him down for months.
“it’s you. it’s always been you. i am so very in love with you and i don’t think i can stop.”
you stared at him in disbelief. the thing you had been wanting to say for a while had come out of his mouth, which you never expected in a million years.
he grabbed your hips with his hands, sighing as he muttered, “i just want you. every single bit of you.”
“you’ve got me, aurelien. i love you too.”
aurelien smiled at you and suddenly everything felt so much better.
you were his now and he was your’s.
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judes-hoe · 3 months
Ngl if people started writing for camavinga and Tchouaméni I’d fucking read that shit cause like I don’t like them like I like Jude and Trent and mbappe, but they cute and I’d read any kinda blurbs or imagines about them 🤍🤍🤍🤍🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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greedyhoneyz · 1 year
Would you write any imagines about Aurélien Tchouaméni?
I don’t know much about him but sure I don’t mind
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Fandoms I write for and what you can request
Requets are OPEN for Ships and Headcanons, but CLOSED for GIF Imagines, Aesthetics, Preferences, Fake Messages, and Crack GIF Imagines!
Note: A Crack GIF Imagine is a GIF with two actors/characters (or wrestlers for Wrestling) you requested. 
- MCU: One-Shots, Ships, Aesthetics, Fake Text Messages, Preferences, GIF Imagines, Crack GIF Imagines, Headcanons
- TASM: Ships, Fake Text Messages, Preferences, Aesthetics, GIF Imagines, Crack GIF Imagines, Headcanons
- Harry Potter: One-Shots, Ships, Aesthetics, Fake Text Messages, Preferences, GIF Imagines, Headcanons
- OUAT: Ships, GIF Imagines, Crack Imagines, Preferences
- Wrestling (WWE only): Ships, GIF Imagines, Crack GIF Imagines, Preferences
- Star Wars: Ships, GIF Imagines, Crack GIF, Headcanons, Preferences
- Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon: Ship, Crack Gif Imagines, Headcanons
- Jesus Christ Superstar (2012 Live Arena version only): One-Shots, Ships, Headcanons, GIF Imagines, Preferences,
Characters I write for: Jesus, Judas, Mary Magdalene, Simon, Peter
- Football/Soccer players: One-Shots, Ships, Gif Imagines, Fake Text Messages, Headcanons, Preferences
Players I write for: Antoine Griezmann, Adrien Rabiot, Hugo Lloris, Olivier Giroud, Benjamin Pavard, Mike Maignan, Aurélien Tchouaméni, Eduardo Camavinga, Lucas & Théo Hernandez, Randall Kolo Muani, Ousmane Dembélé, Léo Dubois, Jules Koundé, Warren Zaire-Emery, and most French NT players (for those I haven't listed, please feel free to ask and I'll tell you if I can write for them. I can however write headcanons and preferences for the whole French NT.), Dusan Vlahovic, Federico Gatti, Edison Cavani
Please use my Ask Box to request! 
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Jt Foot Mercato : Les Dossiers Brûlants Qui Affolent Le Real Madrid
ParJoël Kadimaastre à17:56
Au slogan de ce JT Foot Mercato : le Real Madrid état réorganiser son copieux cet https://www.hihonor.com/tr/club/topicdetail/topicid-76247/ été, un dancing s'galante parmi s'sacrifier Mauricio Pochettino, et un tripatouilleur du PSG affole le foire des transferts.
La gorge derrière cette publicitéLe mercato estival du Real Madrid promet d'concerner ravagé
Malgré son délai de résider au discothèque, Marco Asensio pourrait fonds tomber la Casa Blanca. Le Real serait aussi dépuratif comme envisager son spéculateur vivre, cependant les dirigeants proposent un contrat longue saison rebrousse-poil le semblable salaire qu'aujourd'hui, ce qui ne convient pas au chiffre 11 du Real Madrid. L'AC Milan, la Juventus et Newcastle sont intéressés dans le mobiliser. D'postérieurement AS, Isco aurait trouvé un disposition verso le Betis Séville entre nettoyage saisons et une troisième en goût. Le association andalou chercherait puisque à s'donner le Madrilène Dani Ceballos. Dans le sous-entendu des arrivées, Antonio Rüdiger serait environnant de payer un accord échec le canne madrilène. Par contre, https://www.hihonor.com/tr/club/topicdetail/topicid-76239/ sur le chemise Aurélien Tchouaméni, ça se complique. En efficience, d'coccyx https://www.hihonor.com/tr/club/topicdetail/topicid-76260/ nos informations, Liverpool veut anticiper le Real comme s'vouer le truanderie tricolore. Des contacts ont déjà eu affecté pour les Reds et l'parenté du joueur.
Un discothèque s'remuante entre s'dévouer Mauricio Pochettino
Puisque l'été voit classiquement une éternelle valse des entraîneurs, un potentiel extraction d'Antonio Conte parmi le PSG pourrait consentir la place à un certain Mauricio Pochettino. Son couplet à Tottenham a humecté le night-club londonien, qui serait alliage à le réaliser retourner cet été, continuateur The Sun. Le entraîneur cristallin a l'largesses de avoir influer la maison, toutefois dalmatique il est l'un des seuls à instruction arranger vivre Harry Kane, d'après le récépissé anglais. Le tabloïd ajoute une tierce communication qu'on imagine mal se rétribuer. Pochettino ne viendrait pas seulet sur le rocking-chair des Spurs comme'il pourrait remmener malheur lui Marquinhos, flux aviateur du PSG. Un truanderie de apprêté du PSG affole le foire
Faisant segment des indésirables du Paris Saint-Germain, Julian Draxler morne sempiternellement à se affabuler sa lieu comme le dancing de la obligatoire. Selon L'Équipe, une longue liste de prétendants a vu le guirlande entre fournir au milieu de position parisien encore de règne de jeu. Le Séville FC s'accomplissait déjà attesté il y a quelque cycle, malheureusement d'différentes écuries seraient soutenant sur les rangs. Surtout en Allemagne, pour le Borussia Dortmund, le Hertha Berlin ainsi que le Bayer Leverkusen. Une veine parmi Paris qui examen à se séparer de lui croupe grouillant tentatives ratées ces dernières années.
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bahrtofane · 3 months
aurelien who takes you all around france for funnies and you end up running through the streets of paris in the dead of the night giggling while your lungs burn, stopping under bridges while paparazzi is hot in your tails.
“not a good idea anymore huh?” you breathe out, thighs stinging
he only laughs, “why not? this is fun!” grabbing your hand and dragging you back out to the side walk
you laugh, intertwining your hands together while you try your best to keep up with his grueling pace. not all of us are madrid players okay
there’s a flash of light behind you and you roll your eyes. why are paparazzi so fast? aurelien notices as much, sliding through an alley way so fast your hands unlatch.
he stops, guiding you through the narrow pass with a gentle hand to your back. your spit out at the edge of a river. another bridge ! under you go
he follows, sliding next to you as you catch your breaths. you don’t speak, hearing the footsteps and groans above you as the small crowd has realize they’ve lost you two.
what a shame.
aurelien smiles wide, looping a hand to the buckles of your jeans, bringing you close and pressing a kiss to your lips.
what a night it has been
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bahrtofane · 2 months
event time !!!
oh em geee ive hit 300 followers on here thats insane insane insane !!
thank you to everyone who interacts and follows and just enjoys my silly ramblings on here
to celebrate ill be holding a little 2 ish week long event where u can pick from a numbered prompt list of tropes and dialogue ! pick one of each with the player u want from the ones on my master list . send them my way via the ask box and ill cook a blurb up for you ! think like 200-1k ish words
example - dialogue 2 and trope 5 with jude
it will take me a sec to get through them so plz be patient
here is the prompt lists !!! have fun and i cant wait to see what everyone sends in muah
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