#tbh i reuse themes??? a lot???
asoulwithadream · 15 days
This may be a Doctor Who spoiler, since it's a theory that could spoil a potential plot point, so read at your own risk. But if you like being delusional, keep reading.
For those who can't, I'll summarise the points here: Essentially what Hazel (the OP) is theorising is that ROSE TYLER IS COMING BACK.
We've all noticed a lot of RTD references and ideas being reused in the specials and the old series, right? What was the first ever reference in the Star Beast? "ROSE, ROOOOSE"
In the Giggle, the Toymaker used ROSE petals
Allegedly, the store at the beginning of the Christmas episode with that big inflatable snowman is Henrik's. And who worked at Henrik's? ROSE TYLER
Hazel pointed out that Ruby Sunday and Rose Tyler also share a few things in common: - 19 years old - Bleach blonde - Working class - Parent(s) she never knew - Four letter first name beginning with 'R' that means something usually red.
They also make a few other visual points about costumes that are similar and so what, as well as episodes that correlate with similar ideas from his old runs.
But it may just be RTD reusing ideas, right? It could be, or it could just be him making us think that, because why would he reuse the idea for Mickey's band for Ruby, right? No reason, right?
Now, here comes the exciting part. We do not know who Ruby's MOTHER is. We know that there is something special with Ruby, that doesn't make sense. We also have been hinted about the Doctor and Ruby's mother having some form of connection. The changing memory plot and the pointing definitely alludes to the mother being someone we know.
She's important. Now, let me ask you this, repeating what Hazel has so eloquently put:
Who in the Whoniverse had a baby girl. ROSE. FUCKING. TYLER. AND TENTOO.
The underlying theory is that: Rose Tyler is coming back, she's the secret mother of Ruby Sunday, and Ruby is the Doctor's pseudo-daughter.
There is a reason they're connecting so quickly, there's a reason they're so similar, there's a reason that in this Universe they unwillingly sought each other out.
I may be delusional for believing in this, I may just be raising my hopes up for no reason, but IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES.
(And it didn't help that Billie Piper accessorised herself with ROSES for the BAFTAs.)
**OBSERVATIONS BY ME: Parents, I've noticed that's a theme. With the space babies, and Ruby, and in Boom. Parents.... Parentage....
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compacflt · 5 months
tbh it's all speculation and every source says that they HOPE cruise will return. considering cruise just announced he's moving to warner bros i think they're doing damage control and really hope they can do it because he's their cash cow. until cruise himself confirms it i don't believe it.
yeah im with you on this, a lot of people have been saying this which is good.
I actually believe a top gun 3 will never be made because you CANNOT reasonably convince people the f-35 is a bad plane for two movies in a row. So they have to use the f-35, but tom cruise will never agree to make the movie because there are no two-seater f-35s so they'd have to use CGI lol
*I wanna stress I'm not like Anti-topgun3... im just anti- creative bankruptcy for the sake of a profit incentive... which a lot of Hollywood seems to be engaging in these days. endless sequels & prequels to profit off people's nostalgia for inarguably better movies of the past.
I've tried to keep my criticism of TGM to a minimum on this blog bc it really is a good movie &I hate to be Such a Crank All the Time, but its exactly my criticism of TGM too. As a story, it literally just reuses the same themes and motifs of the first movie with a few character tweaks & modern-warfare set dressing. rebellious kid (only rooster goes slow and not fast) who got shut out of the Navy (which for recruiting propaganda purposes is the Most Desirable Place To Be) needs to connect with a father figure to get over the ghosts of his past and reach his full potential. okay. it's the same story. it's literally A New Hope versus The Force Awakens levels of "we've seen this all before."
like im racking my brain trying to figure out how they would possibly write a third movie with the available threads left to pick up... I hope tom cruise says "no thank you" and top gun 3 languishes in development hell because my only answer is "I think the story is gonna suck shit"
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genericpuff · 4 months
hello! i was wondering if you're familiar with the process of a canvas story becoming an original/how long it normally takes? there was a comic on canvas i was following that was supposed to become an original but after almost a year of no updates and no move to originals, the author made a post about merch and then dropped off again. can it really take a year or longer to make the transition or is it more likely the author lost interest in the comic? (and i understand that redrawing pages or preparing a buffer would take time, it's more the complete lack of communication/updates and only popping up to drop merch that seems concerning to me)
Ah, I'm not an Originals creator so I'm definitely not an authority on this or fully informed of how things work behind the scenes in any way shape or form, but there have definitely been loads of cases where Canvas series took that length of time to become Originals. It often comes down to a variety of factors including (but not limited to):
If a series needs extensive time for pre-production and building a buffer, this can be affected by the genre (ex. action comics may take a lot more time to put together than romance comics due to having a lot more dynamic scenes that aren't just characters talking to each other)
Some creators will opt to leave their original Canvas episodes untouched but others will decide to rehaul them entirely for Originals. This means a lot of redrawing which adds onto that pre-production process.
Preparing for an Originals schedule isn't just preparing a buffer and/or rehauling episodes, for many creators it's also building extensive reference libraries made up of head turnarounds, expression sheets, 3D models, etc. for all the things they can reuse during the production process.
Webtoons itself ultimately decides when a series is set to launch, so despite a comic being ready for release, its actual launch date is often left entirely out of the creator's hands and up to Webtoons. Obviously I don't have any insight as to what decisions Webtoons is making on the backend and why (and neither do its creators in a lot of ways tbh) but sometimes it can be based purely on what Webtoons wants to release in that cycle depending on genre, theme, etc. Don't cite me on this because I'm VAGUELY remembering this from memory, but there was one incident where a creator was on a hiatus in between seasons and Webtoons announced their series was returning in the promo banner reels... before actually informing the creator their series was coming back. So that, of course, led to a lot of scrambling on the creator's part to put out all the promotional material they could to get their audience prepared for their series' return. If I dig up their name I'll be sure to update this. Though I also have a pal (who shall remain unnamed) who's an Originals creator who also had to deal with some very annoying lack of communication between themselves and Webtoons as to when their series was launching, if I recall correctly it was basically left up to a last minute "they'll call you when they call you" type situation.
All that said, there's undoubtedly only so much this particular creator you're referring to is allowed to say, and for all we know, that creator may know about as much as you do in regards to when specifically their series is launching. Unfortunately it's just the way of the beast with Webtoons, they're not exactly great at communicating so that lack of information ends up being extended to their creators and their audiences as well.
Hope that helps give you a little peace of mind that the creator is unlikely "ditching their project" and more so just still in pre-production phase! Definitely sending y'all good vibes that it releases soon <3
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miss-bvnny · 7 months
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And what if none of their souls were saved? They went to their maker impeccably shaved
My own little spooky challenge for the month!! Two of my favorite things: Sweeney Todd 07, and giving fictional characters government assigned fursonas!!
Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett - Dalmatian and Red fox
When I started this, I KNEW I wanted Todd to be an animal that was black and white. The monochromatic theme in Depp's version of Sweeney is SO Tim Burton that I wanted to preserve it. ALMOST settled on a skunk, but the thought of dalmatian spots mixing with blood spots was TOO cool of a concept in my eyes. TBH there WAS a time when I was tempted to make him a fox, because Sweeney TODD. Get it? But I held off because I didn't want to reuse specific animals TOO much. Speaking of which-
Mrs Lovett was always a fox from the first second. It fits her entire character (Seductive, trickster, lots of red, not to be trusted) FAR too well. The way her ears are posed are also supposed to bring a pair of horns to mind. Something DEEPLY wrong with this woman <3333
Lucy Barker/Miserable Woman - Afghan hound
PROBABLY a very uninspired and obvious choice, but...I wanted to draw ''hair ears'' lmao. Sweeney describes her blonde hair as one of the only things he remembers about her, so I wanted a dog breed that naturally had long blonde hair about it. I de-saturated her colors for her ''Miserable Woman'' look to make her look sadder and dirtier.
Anthony and Johanna - Mutt and Golden dalmatian
Yes I KNOW they look like Scamp and Angel okay. The inspiration was intentional but I might've accidentally strayed...TOO close to the source.
Johanna was one of two characters that took me on a bit of a trip. First she was an Afghan just like Lucy, then she was a doe, but I decided to have a little more fun with her. I made her a golden dalmatian, with the ''dalmatian'' coming from her father and the ''Golden'' coming from her mother. I imagined she's a bit like Oddball from 102 Dalmatians, where she's actually ''blank'' aside from the spots on her face and the two on her shoulder (she gets these ones from Todd) The black on her ear is also from Todd. I could have chosen the easy way out and made her look like her mother, but in my own silly way I thought it'd be fucked up if she looked like her father, considering the scene they share near the end of the movie.
Anthony is a sailor, so I gave him a very ''Sea dog'' mutt look. I just kind of...combined a bunch of traits and characteristics that I thought would work for him. You can see a LITTLE of Toughy from LATT in him, only because I liked the eye patch and all the scruff.
Tobias Ragg (aka Toby) - Bat
Toby was a fun one!! Oh, look how adorable he is!!! Since Toby has the final kill of the movie, and he kills Todd at that, I wanted him something small and cute but...potentially very dangerous. I settled on a bat, because they're very cute and they can carry rabies!!
And yes, that's his wig he's carrying. Didn't know how to portray him holding a pie, and I wasn't about to draw him drinking a bottle of gin, so I thought his little wig might be cute. He was honestly one of my favorites to draw <3
Adolfo Pirelli - Ring-tailed lemur
Pirelli is a ring-tailed lemur for two reasons. The first reason, is because since all the other animals are quadrupeds, having a bipedal animal felt more ''exotic'' to go with how he's seen as very special and from out of town. It makes him stick out naturally as someone of note.
The second reason he's a lemur.......is because he's played by Sacha Baron Cohen in 07.
Beadle Bamford and Judge Turpin - Hyena and Vulture
Yeah I'm just gonna come out and say it - Beadle Bamford is one of my fav characters in this movie so I made him a Hyena out of pure favoritism. Having Timothy Spall play him the same year he was Nathaniel in Enchanted was just for me, I think.
Originally, Turpin was a lion. Because...Bamford's a hyena...and they're the villains...sooooooo....yeah. And I WOULD have stuck with that, but....he's described as a vulture in No Place Like London. And while I knew my designs didn't have to adhere to that...I felt like ignoring it would have been stupid on my part. Glad I stuck with it, since...I gotta admit it works REALLY well for him. I've never drawn a vulture before, and it was fun to try something new anyway <3
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
Your japanese themed outfits for them were astronomically cute- drop ypir references PLEASE they looking so FINE where did you get those designs avduslfko
tysm! if you're wanting info on how i decided to design them then prepare for a rant under the cut, here we go
Not gonna lie, 90% of my original inspiration for Raph's outfit came from mutant ninja midlife crisis and the battle nexus outfit F!Leo was given. I mean just the description alone made that outfit root itself in my brain for months it's so cool-
Obviously I didn't want to just copy-paste someone else's work onto my AU though, so I did my own research (which I went in-depth about here)
And for the rest of them it was the same process of researching different types of Japanese clothing and consulting The Archives (aka scrolling through the depths of pinterest) for design inspiration, then just throwing something on paper. So they're not 100% accurate to traditional Japanese clothing, I wasn't really going for accuracy as much as aesthetics, but the inspiration is clear enough I hope
Unfortunately, I don't have any specific references to share since these designs came from looking at tons of different pictures and artworks, but I'll go into a little detail on each one:
I wanted to keep the cloud motif but also give each outfit its own little special detail. Donnie of course had a dragon (mostly inspired by his association with the purple dragons), Leo's was the biggest deviation from Japanese inspo with the lightning bolts, which I think is Greek and/or Roman centric? And Mikey got lotus + multiple color privileges. A bit of a treat from one artist to another, lol
Cassandra's had the red sun as her motif, and for April I just reused her jacket's design. It looks a lot like the moon in the context of the outfit's design, which was pretty convenient. Not sure what importance the moon has, but it was a cool contrast to Casey's. And Sunita got cherry blossoms! Mostly because it fit her color scheme the best, though the symbolism didn't quite fit her character. Still, I think it turned out cute and that's what I was going for more than anything tbh
All I can say is to remember one thing above all else: pinterest is your friend but also do your research (especially if you're as culturally illiterate as me 👍)
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quillyfied · 10 months
Things I’m noticing on this rewatch, which I’m hoping to take slow and ponder on but we will see how it goes, PART FOUR (obviously major Good Omens season 2 spoilers throughout, specifically for S2E4)
- Lesi?
- Shax really does have creepy down pat.
- Aziraphale not sensing her, though. They really do play Calvinball with the rules of that, it seems.
- “You don’t seem his type at all” mirroring “I am so not your type” between Nina and Maggie last episode ;A; “you have no idea,” Maggie said. Aziraphale thinks. I weep.
- Sometime in the last 18, 19 years…would that have put them square in the “raising the Antichrist” years? Hang on. 4 years past the failed apocalypse…makes it 14…they were working on it for 11 years…no, that would put them before that, wouldn’t it? Wtf is that timing, Shax?
- “This Angel Gabriel, who I’ve never heard of” = “who’s Morales?”
- Shax really is the kind of infernally clever that’s perfect for tripping Aziraphale up when he’s already flustered and panicked. Love to see them interact.
- Opening theme detail today: one of the headstones reads Jane Austen. Wonder if the headstones change every episode too?
- “Here lies the former shell of Beelzebub” reads another, and “here lies Adam” with some text I can’t make out. Went back to the beginning of the graveyard bit now and “Peter Paintball”, and of course, “Every day.” If anyone gets good eyes on the Adam headstone, y’all gotta let me know.
- This episode’s theater feature: Nazi Zombie Flesheaters, with a still of the Nazis from s1 still alive. Nice.
- Seems odd to call the episode “The Hitchhiker” when it seems the literal hitchhiking is done by the time the opening credits roll. Time to refresh myself on why this episode might be called that.
- Did they reuse footage? Or reenact it?
- Yknow…none of the demons are wearing obvious animals this season. I think only Beelzebub, Hastur, and Ligur might have done it tbh.
- I love the details of Hell tbh. The fire cooler. The sheer number of Nazis. The way Shax moves so mechanically but so cool and collected.
- Does Shax actually have any higher demon ears? Or is she baiting Furfur? Hard to tell for her.
- Yknow the teeth aren’t helping in figuring out if Shax has an animal aspect.
- The besotted Aziraphale bit here. I cannot BELIEVE this all happens immediately post church bomb.
- Okay but the Nazis not disputing the fact that they belong in hell, just that they’re dead based on trickery. Nice.
- The tongue bit. Yuck.
- OKAY. Crowley has present day hair color for this adventure. That feels significant. Is this minisode a flashback?
- Okay the signage of Hell. Always a favorite. But the “heaven looks down on you” sign. Hmm. Bit odd.
- Ah. Because I couldn’t see the bottom half of it. “Because you’re…” something. Move it, Furfur XD
- Pathetic. “Heaven looks down on you because you’re pathetic.” …hmm. Still an interesting take, tbh.
- Happy to be in the probable minority that likes the zombies bit XD which is interesting bc I normally hate zombie fiction. They do it the way I like, though. They’re conscious and sentient in their zombieness.
- Also the brain repeating on him XD what a gloriously stupid and delightful detail
- And okay yeah the dead rising from the grave thing from Jimbriel’s prophecy and the Nazi zombies here feels like a big ole clue for s3. I’m Mormon so my upbringing around the Second Coming is probably weirder than other Christians but a big part of it for us is the emphasis on the resurrection of the dead, ALL the dead. Putting a properly macabre spin on it feels like a very Good Omens thing to do tbh.
- There’s the dirty donkey again! It DIDNT move, Crowley LITERALLY planned his heist ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE BOOKSHOP. I WORK IN SOHO I HEAR THINGS INDEED.
- David Tennant what is that voice XD
- Lots of emphasis on sleight of hand this…entire show :P it does make one suspicious of The Final Fifteen Minutes. But also I don’t want to rob them of their power? Because damn. DAMN.
- (The lip reading. It. I. I will wait for the end but GUH)
- He’s so pleased with himself for getting it right XD
- They are SO. IN. LOVE. KILL ME.
- Natural dexterity. Like the magic words, I’m waiting for that one to come true.
- The way Pat tries to have some integrity XD
- More importantly, does he still have that???
- …does that mean Aziraphale’s fired a gun when Crowley hasn’t? What does this mean for the paintball gun bit? Does your derringer lend weight to a moral argument, Aziraphale??
- Hang on have to squeal for the way Aziraphale just grabs Crowley’s hand in both of his. So excited. So cute.
- HA, the wrong ring XD
- Sad to see Pat get eaten. But the framing of it is really cool actually.
- Fell the Marvelous. That poster. How in the heck.
- Aziraphale having stage fright tho.
- Jiggery pokery indeed XD
- Omg the miracle blocker is a punch card. The worldbuilding implications.
- I wonder at how hell would have taken Aziraphale handing Crowley a rifle tbh.
- “Aim for my mouth, shoot past my ear” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
- the way they’re both shaking and nervous. The camera itself shaking. CROWLEY shaking
- The feather boa. I WEEP. He’s so happy.
- I know the implication is that Crowley, like Jim, is missing his memories, but. Also. The idea that maybe Crowley is just terrible at remembering people who aren’t Aziraphale. Poor Furfur.
- The sleight of hand is very subtle. Which is the point. But also. Idk man people have said it better and apparently written 16k essays about it, I’m just proud of him for pulling it off.
- Okay but. But they’re zombies. Neil they’re zombies. Aziraphale and Crowley just let three Nazi zombies wander off Neil. NEIL. WHAT IS THE PLAN WITH THEM??
- Dagon is in top form this season tbh
- I got it right the time that mattered ;A;
- I knew you would come through for me. You always do.
- You said trust me.
- And you did.
- “If you were truly as evil as you like to paint yourself” the levels of deep seated misunderstanding and flawed foundational concepts I’m CRY
- Though it’s AZIRAPHALE who brings up shades of grey. A glimmer of hope.
- Can someone who knows accents tell me what is going on with Shax’s
- Beelzebub’s thanks and “good work” as a discordant note, but also their command for Shax to take an army to attack the bookshop knowing full well she isn’t going to get that kind of support…wut.
- Peter Anderson’s screen effects are my favorite thing.
- Hate to see the way Nina is so broken down by Lindsey tbh.
- Yeeeah…Crowley seems to be purposely living in his car tbh. Retreating directly to it. I can’t tell if Aziraphale never thought to offer cohabitation or if Crowley turned him down but my money is on they’ve never discussed it despite both of them thinking about it very loudly.
- A night to remember! Never bodes well.
Okay. That’s it for tonight. An episode that seems out of place but has many good tasty morsels and I think more than a smidge of s3 foreshadowing. Why is the episode called The Hitchhiker? Maybe for Furfur trying to climb the greasy pole of bureaucracy? For the Nazis hanging onto life? Literally just for the one part at the beginning that sets the whole climax into motion? Who knows???
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I love the score of ac3 so much holy hell
Main theme and combat music kick absolute ass but there’s some p underrated tracks too
I am an absolute slut for character-specific themes and we get a lot of that with Connor especially with Connor’s Life and how parts from Connor’s Life are reused in the track Farewell
And tbh if I had to pick a character specific track to represent Haytham I’d 100% use Escape in Style
I think it’s bc I keep getting stuck in the prologue sequences so I had to hear this a LOT but it’s just. It’s so good. I think the harpsichord really sells the English high-class but sinister energy for me that screams “yeah that’s haytham”
But yeah sorry ramble anyways I love the ac3 score and I wish the unreleased tracks were included in the main stuff
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ataraxixx · 9 months
Hey oomfieeee !!!
Since u want more asks than just art reqs, what are you favorite and least favorite:
Main Characters
Side Characters
Hope u have fun letting this ask rot and decay in your askbox for like half a year or something (pls dont do that i actually rlly want the answers to all of these) >:33cc
youre so lucky im procrastinating an assignment rn so im goingto answer it immediately
fav season: sons of garmadon
least fav: skybound
fav eps: tick tock, snake jaguar, game of masks (embarrassed about how much of harumi's dialogue i know by heart here), cursed world part 1+2, return to primeval's eye
least fav eps: once bitten twice shy, literally everything in skybound that isnt echo zane, like the first half of roots..(tbh a lot of s16 i hate)also every ep of the show that includes weird racism stuff like s11 the island etc
fav soundtracks: like the entire s8 ost is so fucking good guys .....i particularly really like mr e vs snake jaguar and garmadon's true potential. i also really adore falcon chase / zane's theme. no least favorites really its hard to dislike ninjago music but i do get annoyed how often they reuse the overture in tracks that dont really need it :P
fav villains: besides harumi and mr e.... and garmy poo... i really like aspheera and unagami my sillies. AND RAS!!!!!!!!!!RAHHHHH
least fav villains: i actually really hate how morro is executed in canon sorry guys i think they made bad writing choices i could do it better. hes fine though obviously i like him as a character just not his writing as a villain. and the obvious Nadakhan and the weird personalityless villains like overlord and omega or whateva.
fav main chars: zane <3 forever my top fav ninja but i like lloyd and cole too. and pixal my WIFE ever since the day i saw her i was a pixal stan from day 1 from minute zero. she has my whole heart
least fav main chars: im kind of a jay disliker..hes like fine sorry i just dont care abt him that much and his arcs are always executed really poorly LOL. fanon is carrying him hard i fear
fav side characters: skybound is good for giving us the most banger side characters (echo and the sky pirates) and thats it. clancee nation forever
least fav side chars: i dont like shade why does he randomly flirt with nya in s9. girl we are in the apocalypse. also dorama is annoying
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gamingstar26 · 8 months
Yes, you are exactly right about totk!! A lot of my own complaints come from the story (or lack thereof). To be honest, it's a rare LOZ game that has a particularly complex or nuanced story, but in my opinion, the best ones more than make up for it with their characters.
My favorite game that I've played is Skyward Sword, and I desparately want to play Wind Waker, because the both of them have such fun and compelling characters that I don't really mind the simplicity of the narratives (and Wind Waker even hints at nuance the other games won't dive into!)
Tears of the Kingdom tries to use plot driven storytelling, but... expects us to be far more invested than most of us ever really are. There's hints of character driven story in there, but it all just falls flat in the end and feels really superficial, ESPECIALLY when you look at how they treat the women in this game. Zelda is JUST the sacrificial maiden (again) whose only autonomy comes from choosing to give up her autonomy. Mineru is JUST the smart character who magically technobabbles the solutions. Purah is JUST the scientist that tells you where to go. Most indicative of Nintendo's attitude in this, to me, is with Riju. The way they treat her, it's clear they want her to fill the role of the sexy one, but they know that won't go well if they go all out because she was canonically a young child in the last game. Still really gross, Nintendo you're not subtle.
All this to say that TOTK thinks it's more clever than if is, and fails to pull its own weight in any meaninful way.
All of this!!
I’ll add a bit more that I forgot to add:
Yea usually zelda games have simple plots overall (with some expectations of course) but they do make up for it with memorable characters, etc, etc…
My favorite zelda game is Ocarina of Time cause of the lore (also gameplay of course) and the how interesting it is to me and the overall themes it goes into being tragic and relatable, even tho the surface story is simple overall.(the hero of time games being my favs cause of the story driven nature yet also have fun gameplay) Also other games like skyward sword having a good engaging story with good characters (Groose is the best), wind waker being a simple coming of age story, but also having the king and ganondorf both cling on to the past, etc.
Like you said totk thinks it’s clever and fails to deliver on making us invested in a meaningful and exciting narrative, in a way it’s using tropes from previous zelda games like oot, botw, SS and link to the past without even knowing why they worked in the first place. While failing to reuse tho tropes in a more unique way like previous games have done. It’s true there are hints of character driven story it’s just ignored or mentioned in a half assed way.
Also like I said in the post the lack of consequences with the main story at the end, like Link’s arm just being restored even tho furry rauru had said it was beyond saving, and zelda being recalled back to normal, so her “sacrifice” was not worth it at all (master sword is also worse somehow like wtf zelda)
I’ve also noticed the way totk treats the main women it’s very not good, like you said with zelda she’s just sacrificial maiden turned into a dragon, mineru being exposition dump lady cause that’s all she does tbh, also has the worst Sage ability in the whole game, etc.
zelda being the worst one. (Tbh botw/totk zelda is mixed overall she’s overrated) cause she’s dumb as hell didn’t even recognize that Ganondorf and Calamity Ganon could be related, she does nothing until furry rauru and sonia are dead. Also being a terrible princess, she didn’t even do any meaningful things to hyrule’s rebuilding efforts other than build a school and some small memorials and fuck around doing whatever the hell she was doing pre totk. Also she stole links house damn it.
there’s also the way the gerudo are treated in the zelda series as a whole, but that’s a whole other topic others have done better at that. Like with totk and botw (mostly totk) being helpless yet also warriors needing help from hylians to even survive in their own home?! Like how ingame they explain that zelda of all people was the one to help them get to know the desert and how to survive better wtf? And the secret heroine side quest end, how it’s just some random hylian guy to be the hidden 8th. (There goes the 7 sages and the 8th being the hero of time theory)
Also the way the botw events are treated. they just pretend that none of the ancient tech never existed at all and refuse to mention anything about botw, only in small passes. And the side quest with the Hateno school mentioning the original calamity.
The depths having potential to be better but we’re just empty and massive instead, I like the bargainer statues those are cool as an concept. And the sky islands being boring and copy paste the same few islands throughout.
Holy shit this game makes me write entire essays of complaints. I’m sorry if I repeat myself I’m terrible at explaining stuff at times.
Now I’m going to play the zelda games I’ve never finished to cleanse myself of totk.
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casgape · 1 year
I agree with you quite a bit and I must say I do not understand how fans of one character will shave off all the rough edges and flaws in their favorite character just so they don’t have to deal with nuance. Like Sam is objectively a bad person (as is almost everyone on the show. They’re serial killers. Even if it’s usually justified narratively all of the main characters have at least one Super Bad Unforgivable Crime that they’re responsible for)
I especially don’t get why people want to act like certain traumas are one characters thing when half the time they experienced it together (albeit differently) or they experienced incredibly similar things at different times because the show likes to reuse plotlines. It always turns into “well actually John only truly abused one of the boys because they have different feelings about it” trying to paint someone as Thee good victim and someone as the bad one which is shitty to read not for Stan reasons but because. Real people actually deal with that kind of shit
Yeah no for real!!! I'll be honest, having been like. A person. Targeted by abuse. It didn't make me fucking nice! It made me an asshole. I catch myself repeating the same shit my mom said to me in arguments with my girlfriend and then I have to put myself in timeout because like. I AM NOT FREE. I PROBABLY NEVER WILL BE.
And that's what I use spn to explore tbh, because the extremely layered/contradictory writing makes it so you can just kinda pick and choose what's interesting to you. And. Well. They put the abuse and family is hell themes on the show!
What fascinates me about Sam is how he's a John mirror, with all of the righteous fury that entails (esp in early seasons, I gotta say ive watched up to s9, and then half of 12 and then I just read about the rest). And I think it's very easy for someone with that type of response to a traumatic environment to be like "what the fuck is wrong with you" to someone you perceive to be a doormat in the same situation. Cause for you, as someone who is feeling unsafe, their pliancy in the face of violence almost feels like gaslighting, like am I overreacting? And that kind of reaction from Sam to Dean seems reasonable (laughing when John verbally abuses him).
Abuse doesn't make you a good person, or a perfect martyr, or self-sacrificing.
And it's especially funny to me when people are like, "Sam puts others before himself," like. DID WE FORGET ABOUT THE LUCKY CHARMS. IS DEAN CHOPPED LIVER HERE?? GIRL WHAT.
But anyway!!!
Yeah, I feel like a lot of fan arguments about dean and sam either boil down to projection, an inability to perceive younger/older siblings as victims due to your own trauma, and needing to be morally correct at all times.
And I just think it's not helpful? Like. I think a lot about how mothers pass down their trauma and teach their daughters the same harms they were taught. 'Cause that's kind of expected when you're raising someone who is perceived to be woman-shaped. And am I going to say that child abuse is cool and normal? No.
But what I would say, is that there is more harm done when we treat the abuse victim who has reprehensible beliefs as equivalent to an abuser. What I mean by that is like. Trauma warps you. And can make you into a person you don't want to be, often without even realizing it. The nature of processing that trauma means you will probably hurt other people unintentionally.
If we consign all of those people who are causing harm, but are doing so because they are struggling with their own trauma, to the category of irredeemable bad person, there is no pathway to help people change. And they can.
And it's sad. Sometimes. Traumatized people have bad opinions that they've internalized due to their trauma. This does not make them *bad people*, and honestly, I don't think that kind of category is even useful.
Tl;dr, saying that someone has bad opinions doesn't mean they're irredeemable and if this is how you approach fictional characters, I don't really believe in your capacity to treat flawed, traumatized people with any degree of empathy or mercy.
The worst of us still deserve help and compassion.
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ratwavegamehouse · 2 months
FOR UR ASK!!! the devil!
The Devil — What motifs or mechanics do you just keep coming back to? OR What is a game you’ve enjoyed playing in the last year?
@puddle-witch pointed out on Game Soup that I come back to characters rejecting the narrative that is placed on them a lot.
I notice I use shifting dreamscapes a lot (Terminal, Infinite Dancefloor, the Dreamtlands, the dungeons in PSYCHODUNGEON, probably more) and a lot of stuff I work on has repeated cycles of events but tbh Terminal is the only finished thing that does that.
I think with mechanics I have less I return to loads but there's things I've built on or revisited (like Transgender Deathmatch Legend built out of the card mechanics of a one page fighting game I did, PSYCHODUNGEON builds on the way I wrote BoB in Swamp Creature, I'm working on a game that reuses the Reputation and Challenge mechanic I used in Terminal). Interestingly I feel the mechanics I avoid are more prominent. Like it's very rare for a game I make to involve stats at all.
More broadly I say most of my games are about alienation and connection but that's more big themes than reccuring motifs.
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fastcardotmp3 · 4 months
1, 2, and 20 for the fic writer ask game! 💕💕💕
hello friend thank you for asking!! <3
✨fic asks✨
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
this is a boring answer, but it really does depend! at the end of the day I just really enjoy finding the best way to tell a story in my head and a big part of that is deciding whether it's a contained one-off or a lengthier thing with multiple parts, and when you feel the answer to that click it's just so much fun to be able to start seeing that daydream story becoming real <3
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
I usually know most of the major beats and have a general idea of how many chapters it'll take to get from one to the next, but I outline specific scenes chapter-by-chapter as I go because I tend to outtalk myself and change things in the process fjaskdlfj. sometimes this means saying "ooh I really wanna write X, I'll put that in chapter 4 because it should happen right after this beat" and sometimes that means writing a string of dialogue at the bottom of the document and saying I'LL FIGURE IT OUT LATER
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/ expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
........ yes FJASDKLFJ i feel like I am the most predictable writer on the planet most of the time tbh which is maybe boring but I like what I like what can I say! I'll be trying to figure out how to write about grief for the rest of my life probably and I'll likely never stop being a sucker for the messiness of healing and the hope it is capable of breeding in a person and you know what! I shan't apologize for it! the constant reuse of certain phrases and words though i will apologize for i'm WORKING on it shhhhh
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theorphicangel · 11 months
hi angel, hope you're doing well 🌸
for the writing asks: question 2, 16, 20 ~
Hellooo Flo :) I’m doing great thank you for asking and I hope you are too !! Thank you for sending in an ask <3
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
it really depends on what the plot is tbh, I have a very vague idea of how I want the story to go and plan out chapters briefly. But then sometimes ideas just pop in randomly when I write so I’ll say it’s 50/50
16.How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
A lot. Like an unhealthy amount. I’m literally running out of storage in my Google docs because I have so many drafts and ideas. Currently started a tangled!au with Levi I don’t know how far I’ll get but I’m writing it whilst the idea is still fresh.
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc
I think I reuse a lot of my vocabulary lmaoooo, I do have a thesaurus on hand but I do catch myself slipping on repeating myself which is why I’m exploring different styles. I don’t really reread my works to be looking for patterns though 😬😬😬
Send in an ‘get to know a fic writer’ ask here!
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loserchildhotpants · 1 year
Get to know your fic writer asks please 18-22, 67, 39, 54
fic writer asks
18] Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
Titles are my worst enemies. The answer to your question is that it depends on the fic. A monster of a fic i've been writing for a few months now [42k words today and abt halfway through] is STILL untitled, but my ficlet Lost in the Sauce (a food kink prompt fill) was named as I put the first few sentences down lol. What i CAN say is that i have NEVER named a fic BEFORE writing it. Vibes determine too much and i never know what the vibe is gonna be til i start writing slkdfj so i only ever title during or after, and if im unable to come up w something wholly original myself, i use song lyrics bc im basic. Usually tho i like titling my fics after some important or key piece of narration or dialogue from the fic itself, so that u can have that Dicaprio Meme Moment of pointing at your screen
19] What is your most used tag on your AO3?
It appears to be a tie between Mutual Pining and Love Confessions sdkjfhsd
20] Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
oh my fics definitely have recognizable patterns slkdjhffksjdh i think my writing style is a specific flavor and so if u open one of them up, u basically know what you're getting. not that that's a bad thing!
words/expressions -- idk! there's the obvious overuse of 'sigh' 'says' 'glances' -- stuff like that, but that's just the curse of writing so many interpersonal interactions lol tbh im unsure! if anyone wants to call me out on words or expressions i abuse in my fics pls let me know kjdsf
common settings: i am a canon-divergence lover so sets get reused all the time skdjfhsdlkj
themes: living, working through, or succumbing to grief, dealing w fear, finding forgiveness for past selves, reconciling who we are w who we thought we would be, generalized queer panic/denial and other identity crisis issues... uhh... i mean i also like to think im romantic tho sljkdfhsjkldfh
21] Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
I have! This is a recent development! I don't usually collab bc i am fearful of Judgement sjkdfh like i get scared of what people will think of my writing process or how clunky or bad it sounds when it's just a draft -- i don't usually like anyone seeing what i'm writing until it's finished, but i've recently started collaborating a lot w majorly 2 of my friends : ) growth ✨
22] Are there certain types of writing you won't do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
hmmmmmmmmm. years ago i switched from writing Past Tense to Present Tense and i'll never go back lol i LOVE writing in Present Tense. i feel like it adds an element of tension and the feeling that the future is still v malleable.
i don't know that i could write something good in first person POV :T like, i don't have anything against first person POV, i just don't think that's where my skill set lies and my execution of it would probably be really bad and cringe skldjfhfjk lol so i probably won't do that
there's no genre i can think of that i'd be opposed to trying my hand at and that goes for tropes too. there's loads i haven't tried yet, mostly bc they don't like, independently spark inspiration in me, but if given a prompt for it, i'd probably try! there's lots of dead dove topics that'd probably be really fun to write and i just haven't tried yet bc i am Soft and tend towards pining and love confessions skdljfh lol
39] Share a snippet from a WIP
"“Oh — oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to — oh, I always muck this stuff up, that must have been so out of line, I’m so sorry —”
“Samuel,” she interjects gently, her voice practically a whisper, “I don’t know that I’ve ever met someone with a kinder heart. I don’t know that anyone has ever made such a well wish on my behalf. You’ve just startled me is all… you do that.”
Feeling that Rowena crying is very simply, unnaturally wrong, Sam stops resisting the compulsion to touch her and reaches with his free hand across his chest to swipe at the tear near the apple of her cheek.
The tips of his fingers on that hand come in contact with a lock of her hair and the outer shell of her ear, and he gets chills up his arms and back from that alone; Dean was right, he might spontaneously combust at anything more.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he says, though he thinks she already knows that, “I would never mean for that. I had rather hoped to make you smile.”
“You tread carefully now,” Rowena warns him, her lips twitching, eyes shining, “or I’ll steal you for myself, Samuel, like some terrible witch of the woods, and I won’t return you to whatever world you come from.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad to me,” Sam confesses softly, smiling back at her.
For a thrilling moment, he sees Rowena’s eyes gentle, sees her consider him seriously, as if she might just be thinking of him the way he hopes beyond hope she might.
She goes to say something, but —"
54] What's your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
i just love looking at a blorbo and being like 'let's put that guy in a situation.' top tier writing experience. i love taking an established character and really thinking hard abt what i know abt them, whether i want them to grow or i wanna study who they are without forcing evolution, thinking abt how they'd navigate some circumstance or conflict, consider what has already been written for that circumstance or conflict in fandom, and what new interpretation, in my own style, i can bring to the table to offer something new and interesting. it's like taking a beloved recipe of something that can't fail, and just seeing what cool new thing ur own perspectives and styles can do w it!
67] Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
Sort of a mix of both? I love prompts, they send me on Brain Trains (destination: Dissociation Station) and the thing is, i usually stray from hard lines. like, i sometimes work off of being INSPIRED by a prompt rather than following the actual prompt? challenges sometimes scare me off bc once i have a Due By Date my brain will shut off creativity and get frightened lol i really love my independent ideas, but i have my best independent ideas while discussing prompts and challenges w other folks and spinning limbs off that original prompt or challenge until what i want to do is outside the guidelines of that prompt or challenge.
that said, i LOVE getting prompts from anons and stuff. there's something really flattering and happy-making abt someone popping into my inbox to be like 'i'd like to see YOUR specific take on this' ; u ;
anon thank u so much for sending me so many asks!! T A T <333
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daydadahlias · 1 year
16, 17, 20, 40🗿, 44, 56 for the writer game :D
how are u today?
why thank u for asking <33 im very curious abt this little face emoji and cant wait to figure out the reasoning when I go look at question 40. also i'm great! I finished my sophomore year today!! summer and fanfic here i come <3
from this ask game <3
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
oh too many. always too many. literally cannot even count the amount of docs in my google drive. i'm trying to focus on MiM right now but there's this fucking weird mashton fic tentatively called Sweet Tea I want to write at some point that's about Ashton owning a rodeo. it's like... subversive sugar daddy.
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
talk to friends! If I'm really struggling with something I'll hop on over to someone (usually Ashley these days <3) and say "hey, do you have any ideas for this?" Or, sometimes, I just like to talk through things and I'll solve my own problems by just discussing them w/ someone!! Molly and Crystal especially are great sounding boards <3
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
yeah, to be honest I think if you've read all my stuff, you'll notice I'm a bit of a one trick pony. I reuse the same lines, the same style, over and over again. I say "just" a lot and "well" and "made to love" and stuff like that. My dirty talk is basically the same in every fic lol. I incorporate writing/theatre into a lot of fics as well! And I'm a whore for some violent imagery. Like the whole "it's so BLANK it hurts." Usually it's shit, like, "it feels like home so much it hurts." I love describing love as being painful <3
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
hehe ok now i know what the little rock guy is for. well, I'll just say that fanart is literally the nicest thing ever and I dont think I will ever have enough words to accurately express just how much I love receiving stuff for fics. getting art/moodboards/edits is just a whole other level and something I never really considered I would get when I first started writing fanfic. and I have a little folder on my computer where i save every moodboard / piece of art anyone's ever made me for a fic bc it's a really really beautiful thing I'll never take for granted. As for specific stuff... uHhh. I don't know!! I can say that I always love black and white style the most and, like, sketchy stuff. I don't know, my favorite thing is seeing what people choose to draw / make!! i wanna know what readers like; it doesnt really matter what I like. <3
44. What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
most of my mistakes are html formatting. and, then, grammar stuff is usually just, like... I happen to look over it. i swear i know grammar you guys i do it for a living :sob: but sometimes it sneaks through the cracks. im also an overwriter by nature.
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
oo my dialogue. I think I make people talk like people and that shit is hard to do. because my dialogue used to be <33 really really bad <33 so there's definite improvement. I think you can see it just between my earlier fics and now tbh. I've definitely improved as I've kept writing!!
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bobatealie-archived · 2 years
the first time i wrote this tumblr reloaded and deleted it <\\3 but anyways
ok here are their names and talents for easy reference
ayaka fujiki - shsl baker
hachi (i can’t remember their last name) - shsl florist? gardener? one of the two
koemi hayashida - shsl ??? (shsl mastermind)
akemi enatsu - shsl beauty pageant winner
so basically back when i actually thought i’d finish the cast….or write it out….or. anything. the main theme i decided on was pessimism vs. optimism
ayaka and koemi are our reps for optimism and akemi and hachi are our reps for pessimism
so ayaka (who is the first protag). dies in the third chapter! its ok bc her replacement is hachi who has nonbinary swag
so instead of what i consider(ed) the conventional dynamic (optimistic protag, pessimistic mastermind) we end with the opposite (pessimistic protag, optimistic mastermind)
and ok. pre-ayaka death hachi and koemi already hate each others guts. because hachi can see through koemi’s positive exterior and realize theres something Off about her. and koemi doesn’t like that they’re onto her
and also pre-ayaka death theyre both the ‘helper’ characters to ayaka so they have to hang out with each other because nobody wants to hurt ayakas feelings
post-ayaka death the ‘helper’ character is a repurposed oc (em1-k0 / emiko, shsl science experiment) but i only count her as part of my fangan gang sometimes because her entire character is copy pasted from an old oc. literally the only new thing is that i copied kiibo’s name thing and that she was scouted by hopes peak. thats it.
akemi is. ok shes a bitch i wont lie. i wrote her in a very 2d way and shes just. bitchy with a tragic backstory. and not even ‘bitchy but she means well’ kinda way. but she had a crush on ayaka before she died and so AFTER ayaka died she killed the shsl matchmaker. i think it was bc akemi asked about the compatibility between the two of them and the matchmaker said it was good and so after ayaka kicked the bucket she got really angry and killed them lol
akemis execution (and therefore, ultimate talent) literally came to me in a dream. no i am not joking
oh god this got long whoops
anyways they sound so cool tbh,,, esp hachi <3 nb swag real !!! [also awesome talent i wish i cld grow stuff LOL]
the theme u picked is sick too :o ! i feel like a lot of fangans tend to reuse themes [which isnt bad but its cool to see other themes ykyk]
also very curious abt akemis execution mwhebbdjxnx
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