#taz fagerström imagine
born-to-lose · 2 years
Family Dinner
Pairing: Taz Fagerström x reader
Requested by @fedorable-killjoys
Summary: Never bring your best friend to family dinner - unless you want to spend the holidays being asked if you're dating.
Tags: fluff, Christmas
Words: 546
A/N: I love projecting onto fics to distract myself from that fact that I can't be with my boyfriend over the holidays
Tag list: @warriorteam1924 @slashscowboyboots @losers-yurio @lost-in-the-80s @jennyggggrrr @tuffduff @jonesyownsmyheart @rhyetaylor62 @smells-like-perfect-senses
Tip me if you want!
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You and Taz had been best friends for years and naturally, your parents had met him on multiple occasions. This meant that it shouldn't be a problem to bring him with you to your family dinner on Christmas.
Of course you had the keys to your own parents' house, so you just unlocked the door with Taz following closely behind you.
Your sister was rearranging the decorations in the hallway and immediately welcomed you with a hug as she hadn't seen you in an even longer time than your parents due to her being busy with work lately.
"(Y/n) brought their boyfriend!" she called.
"It's just Taz, my friend," you quickly corrected her, but then your mother already came down the stairs with a huge smile on her face.
"Oh Taz, I didn't know you were dating!" she said, hugging you first and then him.
"Um… that's because we're not," you explained.
"Aw the denial phase!" she grinned teasingly before beckoning the two of you over into the kitchen. "You can take a few cookies until the others arrive and then we'll have dinner."
After she disappeared into the living room, you looked at Taz with raised eyebrows and he just shrugged with a small smile.
When it was dinner time, the relationship questions didn't stop. "I heard you finally got a boyfriend?" your uncle asked at some point and for a moment, there was silence at the table.
Taz never replied to these questions, most likely because he didn't know what to say and he didn't want to seem rude towards your family, so you always took over.
You closed your eyes for a second when you secretly wanted to roll them. "I didn't. We're just friends, best friends, nothing more," you insisted, perhaps in a too snappish voice.
Your slightly irritated tone every time you were asked about your nonexistent relationship with Taz was probably a dead giveaway that you, in fact, had a crush on him. That's also why you invited him, because there was no other good reason to do so. His family wasn't on vacation or anything, he could have gone home for the holidays, but you wanted to microdose on spending Christmas with him this year - and for some reason he agreed.
When the two of you finally had a moment alone while getting wood for the fireplace, Taz asked, "Do you like me?"
You were caught off guard by this question and blinked before answering, "Of course I do."
"I mean romantically," he clarified.
"Oh… Why do you think that?"
He picked up a few logs, explaining, "Well, you do sound a bit too defensive whenever someone asks if we're together."
You bit your lip, debating with yourself if you should tell him the truth or not. If he had been indifferent and absolutely considered you just friends, he wouldn't have started this conversation, right?
"Maybe… maybe I do, yeah," you murmured, looking into his eyes for a split second before looking away again. Then you cleared your throat and took some logs off his hands. "But let's talk about this later before it gets suspicious how long we've been outside."
He nodded and on your way back inside, he said softly, "I can only say the same."
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thetimecrystal · 2 years
Good evening Mica 💞
I found this pic of your mans looking cool on a bike and I needed you to have it so here u go <3
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Hope you are well and your day was a-okay :)
Love uuu 💞💞
good evening, julia!! 💖
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i am feeling way too many things over this photo. just okay, alright... We Are Doing This Now and I'm- [Screaming] even if it's just a bicycle i am feeling things (and i don't even ride a bike?) and just hiiii [fiddling with my hair] lmfao
and alsoooo
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fluffy babe <3 he looks so goddamn gorgeous and his side profile?? wowwwww
love youuu toooo 💖
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rainyswriting · 7 years
Noisy Neighbor (Tazzy Cruz - Santa Cruz) REQUEST
Request: you had just moved into a new apartment you absolutely loved, if it wasn’t for your neighbor playing drums all the time. 
You were absolutely in love with your new apartment, it was perfect, just like you had imagined it. It had everything you had always wanted and you already felt completely at home after only a few days. But it wasn’t long until you had discovered the biggest downside: one of your neighbors seemed to have a huge passion for playing drums, and decided to practice at the craziest hours. So far you hadn’t said anything about it, but you weren’t sure how much longer you were gonna deal with this.
It was late on a Saturday night, you had just gotten back from hanging out with some friends, and you were incredibly tired. Thankfully for once it was quiet in the whole building and you closed your eyes as soon as your head hit the pillow. The peace didn’t last for long though and you soon heard noise coming from the apartment next to yours. You pulled the pillow over your head but it didn’t seem to help much. You glanced at the clock next to you, it was nearly midnight. What was this guy’s problem?
Groaning you threw away the pillow and got back up again. Quickly you got dressed before stepping out into the hallway and knocking on your neighbor’s door. There was absolutely no reaction, the drumming only continued. He probably hadn’t even heard you. Again you knocked, this time harder and he abruptly stopped. You heard footsteps coming closer and only a few seconds later the door in front of you opened.
In front of you stood a quite tall, skinny guy, with long blonde hair. Blue eyes were looking down on you and you forgot what you wanted to say for a second. “Can I help you?” He wondered. “Yeah I.. uhm.. I don’t think we’ve met before, I’m Y/N, your new neighbor.” “Okay, Hi, I’m Taz. But isn’t this a kind of a weird time to introduce yourself to your neighbors? It’s the middle of the night.” “Yeah, about that… I came for a reason. I’m not sure if you’ve realized, but sleeping while your neighbor is playing drums isn’t really easy. I get that you have to practice at some point, but could you maybe do that during the day?” “Oh, oh shit, I’m so sorry, I really didn’t think about that.” “Yeah, I noticed.” “I’m really sorry, I’ll make it up to you, okay? How about I invite you for a drink tomorrow?” “Actually I already have plans for tomorrow.” “Oh… well how about we go out right now?” “What? No, no, I’m really not prepared to go out right now.” You had just come home and had been prepared to sleep, you really weren’t in the mood to get ready to go out again. Taz’ smile told you he knew exactly what you meant. “Well I’d say you look great anyway, but if you don’t want I guess there’s nothing I can do about it.” “You don’t have to invite me for anything anyway, just don’t play drums in the middle of the night and everything’s fine.” “No, I feel bad for keeping you from sleeping. Now that I think about it, if you don’t wanna go out we could just have a drink here. My apartment is a huge mess though, I didn’t expect any visitors.” “Well if you really insist.”
You couldn’t deny that he was quite cute and seemed like a really nice guy, and even though you had just met and he was a complete stranger to you, something told you he was fine and you followed him into his apartment without a second thought. The mess he had told you about was mostly music related. CDs, Vinyls, music magazines and equipment was lying around everywhere, and he wiped a bunch of drumsticks off the couch before he told you to sit down. He disappeared into the kitchen to get you something to drink and your gaze wandered around his apartment until his return. In addition to everything that was lying around, there we poster of various bands all over the walls, even more CDs on a shelf, and of course, his drums standing in the corner, which you were pretty sure was right next to your bedroom.
Taz soon returned from the kitchen with two drinks in his hands, handing you one before sitting down next to you. He noticed you looking around and chuckled. “I warned you, it’s a mess.” “It’s fine. You seem to have a great music taste from what I can tell.” You told him with another glance at the posters on the wall. “You like those bands?” “Most of them, yeah.” You answered him and immediately a smile spread over his lips. “I should have been playing drums more, so you would have come over here sooner.” You couldn’t help but laugh about his remark. “Well I’m here now. And you managed to get me here within a few days, so I’d say you did a pretty good job.” “You know, I’m serious though, I’d love to invite you for a drink sometime.” “I’d love to have another drink with you sometime.” You answered him, smiling. You had kind of expected you wouldn’t really get along with your neighbor, since it had seemed to you like he didn’t care if he kept people awake with his music, but instead you had just met one of the nicest guys that had ever crossed your way and even had a date. This day couldn’t possibly have ended better.
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born-to-lose · 2 years
Pal-entine's Day
Pairing: Taz Fagerström x reader (platonic)
Requested by @smells-like-perfect-senses
Summary: For Pal-entine's day, Taz forces you to watch the original Star Wars trilogy with him.
Tags: fluff
Words: 485
A/N: I've never watched Star Wars so this one is kinda bad and rushed, sorry for that. Don't lynch me please
Tag list: @warriorteam1924 @satans-vengeance @thetimecrystal @sunflowerpumpkinpie
Tip me if you want!
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Sharing an apartment with Taz was always fun and made you feel less lonely, especially when your other friends had no time and even more so on occasions like Valentine's Day when everyone but you was on over-the-top dates. Thank God for your flatmate who was also single and didn't have any other plans for today.
"This Valentine's Day is officially Pal-entine's Day," he announced, putting his phone down after ordering pizza for you two.
"Isn't that the emperor from Star Wars?" you asked as he opened the fridge and put two bottles of cola on the coffee table before sitting down next to you.
"No, that's Palpatine," he corrected you, yet still appreciating the reference.
You shrugged and took a sip of your drink. "I don't know, I've never watched those movies."
"What?" Taz gasped, clutching his chest in a huff. "We need to catch up on that then. Don't go anywhere, I'll get my DVDs."
"You're such a nerd," you laughed, watching as he scurried away and came back with the box set a few seconds later.
He put the first part in the DVD player, turning around to grin at you. "Now it's too late to escape, you're watching the original trilogy with me."
You threw your legs over his lap when he sat on the couch again. "Wasn't planning to do that anyway."
There was a short pause before he turned to you once more, a confused look on his face. "Have you really never seen a single Star Wars movie?"
"No," you repeated, suddenly feeling like you had a gap in education because apparently it was an essential movie franchise and Taz kind of made you feel like the only person who had missed out on that. "I was never really interested in it, so I didn't bother watching it."
"Get out," he said with a serious face, pointing at the door. "Just kidding, but you better change your mind after this."
You waited for your pizza - which arrived within a couple of minutes - because who even had a movie marathon without something to eat? "Wow, how romantic! Pizza…" you said seductively after Taz closed the door.
He opened the lid of the box and showed you the pizza. "Hey, why are you even complaining? It's heart shaped, look!"
"Oh yes, you wanna light some candles too?"
"No," he deadpanned, waiting a moment before laughing. He dramatically kissed the back of your hand. "If that is your wish…"
You smirked, thinking for a second whether or not to ask for a candle light dinner with pizza and cola. "No, get your ass here before the pizza gets cold."
"I expected the reason to be that you can't wait to watch the greatest works of cinematic history but okay, let's start." He playfully rolled his eyes and put the box on the table before grabbing the TV remote and pressing play.
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