gemini-sensei · 10 months
Not What You Think | Tattooist!Hawk x Chubby!Reader
Tattoo Parlor AU ○ Based off of this POST ○
CW: suggestive themes, vulgar language, mentions of needles and healing processes (unedited).
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"So did she actually get a tattoo or did you fuck her?" Tory asked. She was sitting at the worktable in the lobby, working on a drawing for a client. Her eyes stayed on the paper, but her ears were pert as the parlor fell quiet.
Hawk was trying to eat a granola bar, having just sent his newest client out the door with a "have a nice rest of your day" and an appointment card to come back for any touch ups her tattoo. She'd been very sweet, very easy to work with. She sat well, except for one little uncontrollable thing...
She moaned a lot during the session. Hours on hours of moaning. Fairly loud moans as well.
He almost choked on the granola and chocolate in his mouth upon hearing the question. It still made him cough and as he did his best to not die, Tory barked with laughter. She was the only one.
Then Robby spoke uo. "I thought he might very been killing her."
"Oh my god, I know," Tory groaned. She stopped drawing and sat back in her chair, finally looking up. "No one should be making those kind of noises back there."
Hawk finally regained his strength amd wits, taking a sip of long overdue water. "Shut up. Everyone reacts differently to getting a needle stuck into them a thousand times. And I was tattooing the the backs of the thighs, she's a little thick, so they were sensitive."
"I'm sure she enjoyed you grabbing her thick ass thighs," Tory snickered.
Hawk glared at her, but she only smirked in response. However, before he could come up with a witty comeback, someone else interjected.
Demetri grimaced. "I can't stand here and listen to this anymore. It was bad enough hearing the... noises coming from your room. I don't need any speculative imagery to go along with it. I have a two o'clock coming in soon, so maybe don't talk about it anymore either."
With that, he let the room and walked down the hall to his work room. He shut the door for some peace and quiet. Tory rolled her eyes and gathered her stuff.
"Whatever, she's just lucky she was the only one booked while she was here. I saw how embarrassed she was walking out of here, so I can only image how much worse it would have been had the rest of us has someone here," she said. Then she stood up and sighed.
Miguel let out a huff that was between disbelief and astonishment. "Yeah, my client had to reschedule. Kinda glad he did."
Robby shrugged. "I'm just waiting on walk-ins honestly."
Tory smirked and looked at Hawk. "Lucky, lucky you."
"Shut up, Tory," he spat, tired of the teasing.
They all cleared out of the lobby except for Miguel and Hawk. Miguel was at the reception desk, working on the computer as the phone rang. He greeted the person on the other end with his usual enthusiasm and Hawk walked outside, looking for some fresh air.
As soon as he was outside and leaning on the wall, Sam was walking up from her car. She smiled brightly and pushed her sunglasses up. "Hey, Hawk!"
"Hey," he grumbled.
Her smile quickly turned into a frown. "What's wrong?"
If anyone had a fix to a problem, it was Sam. That was part of her job after all. So even though it was a little embarrassing, he told her about what happened. "I had this new client come in. She was looking for a new shop to go to because all the ones she went to before never wanted her back. I wasn't worried about it. She's really sweet, too, so I didn't understand what everyone else's problem was."
"Did he kick and scream or something?"
"Break something?"
"Then what did she do?"
"She moaned. A lot. Like, the whole time I was tattooing her."
"Oh." Sam's pulled an awkward face before fixing it. She became thoughtful. "So what's the problem?"
"She's coming back for touchups and the second half of her tattoo."
"I see," she mused.
Things became silent and Hawk thought there was no way to fix this. There wasn't even a "real" problem to solve, but it sure did feel like there was. He rested his head back on the brick wall behind him and sighed. Just as he thought there was no hope, only further awkward situations, Sam let out a loud,
"Aha! I got it!"
"What?" he asked her, standing from the wall and turning to her hopeful.
She smiled. "You have your own studio at home, right? I know you've tattooed Miguel up there plenty of times. So why don't you just invite her out there for a more private setting. Surely that will be a lot better for you and especially her."
"Invite a stranger to my house? Are you crazy?"
"What's the difference than picking up a girl and taking her home?"
They were quiet for a moment, then Hawk sighed, knowing she was right. He supposed it wasn't a totally bad idea either. So he relented and nodded to her.
"Okay, I'll call her in a few to rearrange some things. Can't be too hard, right? And it's just a tattoo. What's the worst that could happen?"
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 2 months
My Mate - Chapter 9 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Flinching as the buzzing needle made contact with his skin, I gripped his hand tightly, wincing as if his pain was my own.
I couldn't help but to glare at the man directing the gun.
Robert chuckled, gaining my attention.
"It's okay, it'll be over soon," I assured him, returning to glare at the tattooist hurting my Mate.
"Tory, do you see how many tattoos I have? I think I'm use to getting them by now. It doesn't even hurt."
I pouted, still not trusting the male with the tattoo gun.
Robert was just too prideful to admit that it hurt.
It's okay though, I'm holding onto his hand.
We were suppose to be making arrangements for our ceremony with our moms but Robert wanted to come get a tattoo and I found it hard being away from him.
Even if he was annoying most of the time.
"Are you getting one next?" the tattooist asked.
I sputtered, missing the teasing smirk on his face.
"Of course not."
I wasn't going to admit that I was scared of the pain... and my mom.
"I'm here for emotional support."
The two older males laughed.
Ignoring them, I wondered how long this will take.
I have a dream ceremony to plan in a very short amount of time.
It has to be perfect, I can't accept anything less.
Getting up from beside Robert, I paced around the small room and looked over the pictures of tattoos on the wall.
Over the week, Robert and I have spent every moment we could together... getting to know each other as more than my brother's annoying best friend and his best friends little brother.
There was a lot to learn, especially when we haven't really been around each other in five years.
Robert remembers me as a tiny thirteen year old and I remember him as the pack bad boy always getting up to no good.
It was around that time he found out I was gay.
He was the first to, even though it wasn't much of a surprise to anyone.
At the time my bedroom was right beside Calvin's and Robert had been over like he usually was.
I spent most of my time alone and had thought my brother and Robert had gone downstairs.
To say the least, it was embarrassing to have my brother's best friend walk in on me kissing a picture in my yearbook.
That was also how he figured out I had a crush on Jasper.
I couldn't have made it anymore obvious with the big red heart I'd drawn around his picture.
He kept my secret though, even if he teased me about it.
It wasn't long after that when I accidentally came out in front of my parents, telling Mom I would never get a boyfriend with my new haircut.
They didn't even say anything, like they already knew.
I sat back down beside Robert, grabbing his hand again.
Whatever he was getting wasn't big.
There wasn't much blank space anywhere on his arms.
"Alright," the tattooist said, wiping ink off Robert's arm with a paper towel.
Leaning over curiously, I observed the tattoo in shock.
"Really, Robert?" I huffed.
"We wasted precious time so you could get Pooh-Bear tattooed on you?"
Glaring at the Alpha male, his smirk only further annoyed me.
"What? It's what I wanted."
I smacked the back of his head, standing up and walking out of the building.
I forgot to get the keys from him, so I had to stand beside the car and pout.
It wasn't long before he came out, still smirking and plastic wrapped around his wrist.
As if taunting me, he spun the car keys around his finger and took his time walking to the car.
My eye twitched from the contained anger.
"Wipe that frown off your cute face," Robby said, finally getting to the car.
My face warmed from being called cute, momentarily forgetting why I was upset.
He unlocked the doors and I got into the car.
I guess I was a little mean.
He can get what he wants, even if his choices are stupid and immature.
Leaning over, I kissed his cheek quickly before buckling up.
Robert chuckled and started up the car.
On the ride to the pack house, I was basically bouncing with excitement.
I have so many ideas for my ceremony.
I've been day dreaming about it since I was ten.
It's going to be huge, just like I always wanted.
Everyone in the pack will be expected to be there because Robert will be their Alpha.
When we pulled up, I didn't even wait for Robby to turn the car off.
I grabbed my backpack from the backseat and ran inside.
Following Mom's scent, I found her in a sitting room with the Luna.
I squealed excitedly and sat down on the couch across from them.
Mom looked at me weirdly.
We waited for Robby before I pulled out the thick scrapbook from my backpack.
"Oh my," Luna said.
I smiled, handing it over to her.
I've been adding things to it for years.
It's my dream ceremony.
"What the hell?" Robby said from beside me.
"You're insane if you think that's all going to be put together in a week."
"Robby, it looks like your suit will be a soft pink," Luna said, flipping through my book.
"Bullshit," he scoffed.
"Language," Luna warned, glancing at him shortly.
"This is my mating ceremony, I only get one," I argued.
"We were thinking something small that could be arranged quickly," Luna said.
"Yeah, I say we just go to the courthouse," Robby stated.
"My pup's not having a ceremony without a high priestess," Mom spoke up, eyeing the Alpha male.
She was still upset with him for feeling me up in front of half the pack.
He wasn't making it any better.
"That's understandable," Luna said to mom.
"We just don't have the time for anything big. Robert's inauguration will be the week after."
"But this is my mating ceremony," I said lowly.
I didn't want to have to rush through my own ceremony.
"It can still be lovely. A small affair in the back yard," Luna said, sitting my book on the coffee table.
She wasn't even going to continue looking through it?
"We can go shopping tomorrow for a few things."
"We can still do the courthouse thing, with a high priestess," Robert said, the last bit directed to my Mom.
"I though everyone had to come to the future Alpha's ceremony."
Crossing my arms, my eyes narrowed slightly.
"There's no point calling everyone here if they're going to have to come all over again the next week."
I didn't say anything and instead sat back against the couch.
The Luna and Mom talked some, making plans for my ceremony.
When they left, I grabbed my book overflowing with ideas and things I wanted.
"It's just a Mating ceremony," Robert said, as if it was some insignificant thing.
"Yeah, well, you're inauguration is nothing important either," I snapped.
"My Dad will be passing on the Alpha title to me. That's way more important than a fucking ceremony where we say a few words before running off to fuck."
I jumped up, throwing my book at him and storming out of the room.
"Torin, get your little ass back here."
"Screw you, Robert Killian."
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bethanyljones · 6 months
Advancement of the Tattoo Industry: The Psychology and Perceptions Behind Tattooing Today
The history of tattooing.
Tattoos are a form of body modification, involving the insertion of ink from a needle into the skin which produces a temporary or permanent design (Rahimi et al., 2018). Tattooing has been a known practice for centuries and is popular among many different cultures.  However, over time, the connotations associated with tattoos have evolved dramatically, resulting in mixed opinions and an extensive amount of stigma around the topic (Roggenkamp et al., 2017a). Despite this, tattooing is becoming increasingly popular in the 21st century and is considered to be one of the most notable trends in Europe. Ruffle & Wilson (2019), reported that 40% of Americans aged from 26-40 do have at least one tattoo. 
Why do people get tattoos?
Motivations for getting a tattoo differ in every individual and are personal experiences. Some people may get meaningful, symbolic tattoos which represent something special to them such as a belief or certain people in their lives. Conversely, others may have personal interests or have some inspiration from online images of tattoos that they generally like, but don't symbolise a particular thing. Nevertheless, most people expect their new tattoo to enhance the way they look to themselves and others and change their identity (Roggenkamp et al., 2017b). Swami (2011) conducted a study investigating changes in body perception before and after acquiring a tattoo. Topics such as confidence, self-esteem and social physique anxiety were involved. The results show that both men and women had higher levels of self-esteem and body satisfaction post getting their tattoo and had remarkably lower levels of negative thoughts suggesting that there are some positive impacts of tattooing.  Members of certain cultural groups often get similar tattoos in similar places as it represents something they believe in or are passionate about. For example, Maori tattooing, also known as moko, originates from New Zealand and is considered to symbolise power and ancestry. Maori tattoos are most commonly seen on the head and face (Young, 2018). Tan (2013) highlights the rise in popularity of Maori tattoos in recent years, with further discussion of how well-known celebrities such as Robbie Williams have one. 
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Despite being a cultural taboo in the past and often associated with certain social groups such as criminals, tattooing is more acceptable now due to the media. Over recent years, the use of social media has dramatically increased, resulting in more people acknowledging the tattooing industry. Famous celebrities uploading pictures of their tattoos on platforms such as Instagram, increases the likelihood of the viewers wanting or getting a similar tattoo due to it being widely accessible to millions of people and becoming well-known. Social media also allows tattooists to obtain new, modern ideas, resulting in the enhancement of their work and the possibility of previous clients returning and gaining new clients (Ryan Force, 2020).
So, why do some people not get tattoos?
Reasons for not wanting to be tattooed can vary, from personal preference, public views and health restrictions. Depending on profession, some people may avoid tattoos due to them being forbidden in the workplace and always having to be covered up with certain clothes due to them being considered unprofessional. Although this does still occur in some jobs today and is seen as a type of exclusion and discrimination, other professions have relaxed the rule and now allow tattoos to be visible given they are appropriate and don't show explicit designs (Rosario & Wollen, 2022).
Tattoo regret is significant in the 21st century and is continuing to increase. A study conducted by Altunay et al (2022) found that from 302 participants, 80 of them reported that they do regret at least one of their tattoos and within the 80, 34 of them admitted that they had one of their tattoos removed or covered with something else due to not liking their tattoo anymore. The results suggest that maybe not everyone has meaningful, sentimental motivations for getting a tattoo resulting in being dissatisfied overtime due to the tattoo originally being a spontaneous decision.
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What does having a tattoo signal to others?
The way in which a tattoo is viewed by the wearer and a stranger can vary. With tattooing being a controversial subject, tattoos can be judged positively or negatively. Roggenkamp et al (2017c) explains that individuals with tattoos often possess bad traits such as being violent, aggressive, being in prison or being involved with drug and alcohol misuse, although this was a more common stereotype before the 21st century. Also highlighted, is that some people believe that tattoos are more acceptable and appropriate in men and that women who have visible tattoos have the possibility of being viewed as sexually available and perceived more attractive to men.  Individuals who have tattoos, but aren't known to the public due to not being visible or covered up will be perceived as people who don’t have tattoos. This tests how tattooed and non-tattooed individuals are viewed as people and may provide opposing opinions for each group which contradict common beliefs. Zidenberg et al (2021) found that a psychologist with tattoos was not perceived as a bad person or less professional and in fact, was described as more likeable, interesting and confident than the psychologist with no tattoos. This suggests that people are sometimes judged solely on their appearance, but indicates that it shouldn't determine what kind of person someone is. 
Gender differences?
Past beliefs of tattoos being more socially acceptable for men, consequently resulted in a lot more males having tattoos than women. Heywood et al (2012) explains how this may still be the case with more men reporting having a tattoo, but an interesting fact from the study showed that younger women had the highest rates of tattooing (29.4%). Koch et al (2015) findings then highlight that women are more likely to get a tattoo than men, but are also more likely to undergo a removal. Both studies suggest that over the years tattooing is becoming increasingly popular among females, therefore possibly becoming more socially acceptable due to the media and diminishing any gender disparity. 
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Misconceptions around tattoos.
There are many misconceptions and myths around tattoos which can impact how non-tattooed people view the tattooed and why they decide not to get one. It is believed that getting a tattoo can increase the chance of getting skin cancer due to the pigments and chemicals present in the ink. However, Kluger & Koljonen (2012) report that there is no increase in cancers in the tattooed suggesting that there is no known, definite correlation between tattoos and skin cancers. 
So, have you or are you thinking about getting a tattoo? While there are a few things to consider beforehand, the tattoo industry is evolving every day and producing some amazing work. So... if you're sure, go for it and SHOW IT OFF!
The following studies will provide you with further information on the topics discussed in this article, go ahead and check them out!
Altunay, İ. K., Güngör, İ. E., Ozkur, E., Aydın, C., Manav, V., Ozden, H. K., Ertekin, S. S., Calikoglu, E. E., Erdoğan, H. K., Taskin, B., Ficicioglu, S., Memet, B., Gürok, N. G., & Ermertcan, A. T. (2022). Tattoos: Demographics, Motivations, and Regret in Dermatology Patients. Indian Journal of Dermatology, 67(6), 834. https://doi.org/10.4103/ijd.ijd_879_22
Heywood, W., Patrick, K., Smith, A. M. A., Simpson, J. M., Pitts, M. K., Richters, J., & Shelley, J. M. (2012). Who Gets Tattoos? Demographic and Behavioral Correlates of Ever Being Tattooed in a Representative Sample of Men and Women. Annals of Epidemiology, 22(1), 51–56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annepidem.2011.10.005
Kluger, N., & Koljonen, V. (2012). Tattoos, inks, and cancer. The Lancet Oncology, 13(4), e161–e168. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1470-2045(11)70340-0
Koch, J. R., Roberts, A. E., Armstrong, M. L., & Owen, D. C. (2015). Tattoos, gender, and well-being among American college students. The Social Science Journal, 52(4), 536–541. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2015.08.001
Rahimi, I. A., Eberhard, I., & Kasten, E. (2018). TATTOOS: What Do People Really Know About the Medical Risks of Body Ink? PubMed, 11(3), 30–35.
Roggenkamp, H., Nicholls, A., & Pierre, J. M. (2017). Tattoos as a window to the psyche: How talking about skin art can inform psychiatric practice. World Journal of Psychiatry, 7(3), 148–158. https://doi.org/10.5498/wjp.v7.i3.148
Rosario, N., & Wollen, J. (2022). Tatted not tattered. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 62(5), 1538–1541. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japh.2022.06.012
Ruffle, B. J., & Wilson, A. E. (2019). Tat will tell: Tattoos and time preferences. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 166, 566–585. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2019.08.001
Ryan Force, W. (2020). “Tattooing in the Age of Instagram.” Deviant Behavior, 43(4), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/01639625.2020.1801176
Swami, V. (2011). Marked for life? A prospective study of tattoos on appearance anxiety and dissatisfaction, perceptions of uniqueness, and self-esteem. Body Image, 8(3), 237–244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bodyim.2011.04.005
Tan, L. (2013). Intellectual Property Law and the Globalization of Indigenous Cultural Expressions: Māori Tattoo and the Whitmill versus Warner Bros. Case. Theory, Culture & Society, 30(3), 61–81. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263276412474328
Young, M. (2018). Tā Moko and the Cultural Politics of Appropriation. Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.11157/sites-id413
Zidenberg, A. M., Dutrisac, S., & Olver, M. (2021). “No ragrets”: Public perceptions of tattooed mental health professionals.. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1037/pro0000441
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magicalshitposts · 3 years
Purah, Robbie and Link have Tattoos! Although for very different reasons and in very different ways.
Purah has what she calls 'drunk tattoos', in which her and Robbie get plastered and they decide it's a good idea to put Robbie's drawing skill and Purah's homemade tattoo gun to the test. She has multiple tiny tattoos on her body of incredibly poor quality. One of a frog, one that says 'Dr Love' (referring to Robbie) and one that says 'Baddest of Bitches'. She has more, but listing them off would take forever. She loves them despite them looking like shit.
Robbie has a full sleeve up the his left arm, it started as a Yiga emblem and when he left the clan, he wanted to not cover up, but hide the design slightly. So he started getting more tattoos. The sleeve contains a multitude of things. Most of which relate to his and Purah's time together (Impa told him he'd regret it, he never does) or Gaurdians. He also has some drunk tattoos, although not too many as the application always makes him sick for a few days. He has 3, one on his neck that says 'Love Dr', on integrated with his sleeve that says 'bitch boy' and one that is a couple tattoo with Link.
It's the only tattoo Link has, and they both love and hate it. They hate they persuaded enough to let Purah do it but they love that now they and Robbie have matching tattoos like nerds. The discussion of what they would be was incredibly long and on one side incredibly slurred. But in the end Link made the executive decision that they were to be heart containers. Of course they looked like tosh and weren't too high quality, so after Robbie had recovered from the night befores alcohol and ink poisoning, he insisted they go to an actual tattooist and have it fixed up. Now it looks perfect, much to Purah's offence.
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laikcn · 4 years
hey, is that MARGOT ROBBIE in san amore? of course not, it’s just LAIKEN DE JAGER. SHE is 26 years old, identifies as CIS FEMALE and has been a resident here for ONE WEEK. they keep themselves busy as a TATTOOIST. though they may come across as OBSERVANT and DETERMINED, don’t be fooled too easily as they can also be SENSITIVE and ERRATIC. i wonder what trouble they’re going to bring.
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here is my new bby laiken! and below is a lil bit more about her background -- as always, hmu for plots <3
laiken amore de jager ( lay-kun a-moor dee yar-gur )
daughter of johannes and holden de jager; two men who used a surrogate and ended up blessed with laiken and her twin brother, phoenix wolfe.
despite being born in san amore (hence the middle name), laiken grew up mostly in gansbaai, south africa after the family relocated back to her father johannes’, hometown so that he could return to work.
at a young age, she developed a love for the ocean being right outside her front door but whilst she appreciated her father’s career as a shark researcher, she found herself leaning more toward her other dad’s career path-- tattooing.
as soon as she was old enough to practice holding a machine, she would spend hours with holden perfecting little lines on fake skin before giving both her fathers little tattoos of their own as keepsakes. she became an apprentice under holden and he taught her absolutely everything she knew before taking a full time role as an artist in his local shop where she managed to develop a name for herself-- instagram definitely helped.
she had always been close with her twin brother, despite being entirely different there was of course a bond that couldn’t be replicated elsewhere and not even their parents would ever truly understand it. 
laiken found herself wanting to venture out of south africa however, wanting to learn about holden’s american culture, about her real hometown where she spent the first year of her life. but phoenix wasn’t happy-- the two of them had never been apart for more than a few days and he wasn’t prepared to move across the other side of the world, abandoning everything that was in gansbaai, including their loving family.
the two of them proceeded to have a huge fight and she hasn’t spoken to her brother for over a month now, having refused to take his calls or answer his texts. as soon as she knew she had a job secure at love hate tattoo, she packed her bags and left without as much as a post-it note on her twin’s door to tell him she was gone.
now, laiken’s only been in san amore for a week so she’s the ultimate fresh blood. it’s a little bit of a culture shock and she’s not too fond of the weather just yet, but she wants to wrap herself up in as much of the american way of life as possible.
as always, i’m open to all kinds of plots! laiken is definitely going to need some friends to give her guidance (maybe take pity on her haha) and help her figure her way around this alien little town she’s found herself in.
i’d love for her to have a roommate so this is a possibe idea!
laiken is a lil reserved when it comes to dating, but if a man catches her eye, she’ll try to use her south african charm to schmooze her way in. just don’t expect anything long-term-- her plan is to eventually move back to south africa and a man will only get in the way of that (but we know i’m a sucker for angst so this is a definite idea i’m js; imagine falling in love with someone knowing they’re just gonna leave anyway ok and trying to make them stAY)
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harleyphd · 5 years
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welcome to the framework,  HARLEEN QUINZEL. we hear you were a ANTI-HERO going by HARLEY QUINN, and from DC. memories of that life will seem like a dream. here, you’ll be a ARTIST. we hear you can be RESILIENT but CHAOTIC. hopefully that won’t be a problem. 
name: harleen frances quinzel
nicknames: harley quinn
age: 27
faceclaim: margot robbie
gender: cis female
pronouns: she / her
civilian/mutant/enhanced: civilian, but only technically
family: parents nick ( ✝︎ ) and sharon quinzel, brother barry quinzel 
occupation: artist ( & illegal tattooist )
pets: nathan the weiner dog
education: phd in psychology
hobbies: painting, fashion, tattooing, relentlessly bothering her peers
family: parents nick ( ✝︎ ) and sharon quinzel, brother barry quinzel
affiliation: birds of prey / gotham sirens / herself
trained in: hand-to-hand combat, weapon use
weapons: a whole arsenal, if it’s available; particularly fond of her mallet, baseball bat, knife, & love / hate gun.
abilities: while not actually enhanced, harley has an extensive list of abilities, including genius intellect, peak human condition, expert combatant, master acrobat, expert markswoman, expert tactician, and pathological indomitable will.
what was your character doing when the gifted wars broke out?
when the gifted wars broke out, harley was institutionalized again at belle reve. before she was brought back to this prison, she was actually on the path to being a good guy – she long ditched the joker, having become wise to his abusive nature when he shot her in an attempt to kill her, and had in fact become an anti-hero. but when the time came and they came for her, she went quietly, believing that, despite all of her past crimes, she could prove that she was on her way to recovery and could be of use. it was nick fury who got her out when the gifted wars were around the corner, recruiting her for help. she was happy to oblige, and became a fierce soldier to help the side of the gifted. 
how was your character caught and placed into the framework?
she lasted longer than most non-gifted people, but she didn’t last as long as the more powered ones; she ended up in the framework about a year into the war. she was caught in a hideout with a bunch of gifted kids and families, having taken it upon herself to be a guard dog, caring less about her own life than theirs (though she wasn’t exactly fond of the idea of dying). she went down swinging.
what are the biggest differences in your characters life from the real world to the framework?
in the framework, harley never lost her mind to the extent she did in the real world. she never met the joker. the reason she dropped out of her career as a calm, collected, and a respected psychiatrist was because she felt like she was playing a part in someone else’s play... and there was a patient who got into her head. she became obsessed with him, and the desire to understand him, ignoring her own symptoms of anxiety and manic depression. but she ended up putting too much trust on the professional they developed, and he attacked her. it lead to a full nervous breakdown, and she was put on forced leave. by the time it was up, she quit, opting for a life that suited her less... organized mind. she became an artist.
every character has been given a single real world memory returned, what memory has you character gotten?
harley’s memory is of being shot by the joker. it doesn’t make a lot of sense to her at all; in the framework, she’s completely unaware of the joker as a person, and she’s never been a full-on criminal. a few cons and illegal tattoos here and there, but murder? and worse yet, she doesn’t remember surviving the gunshot. she knows enough about the difference between memory and dream to know that this isn’t a dream, but she thinks it’s just another sign that she’s snapping again, so she’s trying very hard to push it out of her mind and pretend that nothing weird is happening at all. she doesn’t want to end in institutionalized again.
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harleyquins · 7 years
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my new harley tattoo! (please don’t remove caption or repost!) the shading on her face willl get much lighter and blend in more over time so it looks a little odd right now! I’m very happy with it. my tattooist (Sam) made it my own but also has that margot robbie feel and i’m very happy right now! :D
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7shangrilas · 6 years
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Used a new technique developed from my colleague @nicole_i_tattoo and I love it! 1.5 years as professional tattooist and she's already schooling me! Thanks Hawkclaw! #7shangrilas #robbiehernandez #kingpintattooneedles @kingpintattoosupply #kingpintattoosupply #eternalink @eternalink @fkirons #fkirons #cheyennecartridges #slotlock @bishoprotary #bishoprotary #blackandgreytattoo #piratesofdiadelosmuertos (at 7 Shangri-Las Art Emporium, Robbie Hernandez)
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luktattooer-blog · 7 years
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Un (autre) portrait hyper réaliste de Margot Robbie. Contact: [email protected] #nancy #vannes #tatouages #tatouage #tattoo #tattoos #tattooed #tattooer #tattooart #tattooartist #tattooing #tattooist #traditionnaltattoo #oldschooltattoo #oldschool #traditionnal #neotrad #neotradtattoo #instatattoo #picoftheday #batman #harleyquinn #harleyquinnart #pauldini @tattoometattoo @tattoosnob @txttooing @tattoopia @tattooartistmagazine @tattooculturemagazine @tattooinkspiration @tattoos_of_instagram @risetattoomag @inkedmag @tatouagemagazine @globaltattoomag @tattoolifemagazine @tattoolifecommunity @tattootravelers @darkartists @tattoocyn @flash_addicted @flashworkers @harleyquinn_official_ (à Buzztattoo Vannes)
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gemini-sensei · 10 months
😂🤭✨️ @sensei-venus @miguelnation @may-moskowitz
Tattoo parlor au where Hawk books an appointment with Reader as a new client and she tells him a lot of artists never wnat her back. He thinks she must be difficult, but she actually super sweet and good to work with, it isn't until he gets her in the chair does he understand what went wrong before.
She moans. Loud. As she gets a tattoo done. And omg he's red faced the whole time.
Everyone outside of his room is left wondering wtf they are doing in there because Reader just is constantly moaning and it gets even louder when he hits an especially sensitive spot. Robby can't work for it, Demetri is in destress just naturally and even more so now, Migue is scared of what's behind that door and Tory is just plain annoyed.
But what can they do? They can't kick her out, she's a paying customer. And Hawk is so nice to her, he feels bad that all those other artists didn't wanna work with her again just because she moans during a session. He ones up them and tells her that she can come back any time she wants.
It also may or may not have turned him on a little bit 👀
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gemini-sensei · 10 months
@sensei-venus @may-moskowitz @miguelnation
I know at some point, we talked about tattoo artist!Hawk and piercer!Demetri, but what if Miguel or Robby works with them?
I can see Robby putting tattoos on people. Him and Hawk might butt heads from time to time but up, they could tattoo me at the same time
Miguel and Demetri could pierce me anywhere anytime. Just saying.
Just thinking of all of them in a shop together 👀 just think about it with me for a sec, yeah?
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gemini-sensei · 10 months
@sensei-venus @miguelnation @may-moskowitz I have a question
What does Sam do in the tattoo parlor AU?
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