#tallulah is a guide for the dead and can hear the dead ???
okaioh · 9 months
missing qsmp streams is crazy like what do you mean dapper summoned a sentient horse from hell that can talk and prophecise some of the eggs' futures
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dozyrogue · 5 months
Tallulah brought back the fact she can hear the dead!!!!!
She said she can hear bobby tilin flippa and trumpet
She said that theyre happy to be remembered
Can u believe this started from an undead horse named bonnie that told chayanne that he sees the essences of an old king in him and that Tallulah shall guide the undead when she leaves this world.
Phil how come whenever youre gone your children go through it
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itsgwencayyye · 5 months
Tallulah sensitive hearing because she's a guide to the dead who can hear dead spirits pretty much canon oh i used to pray
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Drabble gift for @lightningbig
I wrote for @mcyt-drabble-exchange I made a collection of my dabbles on ao3 here: Link or copy this link https://archiveofourown.org/works/56163751/chapters/142673137
(You can read it on Ao3 or right here)
Also p.s. Some have a second dabble of another 100 words separated by a line
Road Trip before Dawn
Summary: Family road trip Dabble, with death family!
"Shhh,' Philza hissed out to Missa, as the stairs creaked under his feet. Bags were strung over Philza's arms, clothing and supplies, everything you could dream of for a week road trip. Phil was moving everything into the car while Missa was supposed to grab the kids.
"Sorry mi amora," Missa gave a soft smile as he quietly rushed up the stairs. Phil chucked as he took the bags out, prepared for the hell that is taking teenagers and children on a car trip. The idea was bright along with taunting. It will be alright. 
"Come on, let's move!"
This trip will be great, as they move the little ones to the car, leaving before the sun kissed the sky, bringing day to the world around them. All Phil could think of was his family nestled in the back, sleeping soundly, leaning on each other as they stayed in the world of dreams. Technoblade the unofficial pillow in the back, being leaned on by both Tommy and Chayanne. Tallulah leaned on into Missa's side, him petting her little head as the car cugged along. It was perfect, Phil's husband rechecked the map directing his partner as they rolled along. 
On the Side of the Road is You
Summary: First Meet - Kind of meet cute?? Maybe but it’s just a dabble
"Phil you need to come back," Fit responded over the phone. His voice is the only sound other than the car engine's continuous hum.
"I will mate, I just..." The words hung in the air, did he know what he wanted? Did Phil really? "Need to take a break." 
"I know, we'll be here." With a simple click, the air was silent. It wouldn't remain that way, as soon, lights bounced off a purple hood and a young girl with a small orca. Eyes filled with a glimmering hope as Phil pulled over without a second thought and introduced himself.
Silly Reststops, which one to go to?
Summary: Techno and Phil argue about what rest stop to go to while Missa hangs with the children in the back (Tommy, Chayanne, and Tallulah). Reststops: 2 Duck Ant Goats, or Good Times (On the Road).
"Phil, we both know that going to Duck Ant Goat is a horrible idea!" Techno argued back. It was such silly bickering to hear. Missa grinned as his partner argued with Technoblade. Already an hour and apparently deciding the rest stop location was truly the deal breaker of the trip. Missa just rolled his eyes as he looked back to see the other three children focused on Tommy's game.
"FUCK YEAH!!" Tommy cheered lifting the game high, as Tallulah and Chayanne clapped along. Finally, the car slowed, pulling into Good Times and Missa smiled, excited for what's next.
The Moon Reflects Light to the Barren Ground
Summary: How the OSMP Members found the Valley, and how it was created for them by the moon goddess.
Mountains are treacherous to climb, much worse to live on. Phil couldn't fathom why Tommy was so insistent on living on the mountain or more so over it?? He didn't get it and Tommy couldn't explain it, he couldn't explain a lot of things his kids did, but Phil had faith in his kids, and the idea something was leading them past these mountains to something worthwhile. 
It did take a bit to lead a bunch of hybrids over the mountain in the dead of night but it was worth it, for below was a moonlite valley. A new home. 
She made it for them, plucking the weeds, and traps that could easily hurt them. Guiding them to the Valley of the Moon, the youngest saw her in her glory and followed her to the land below. Her home, and now a place for the hybrids prosecuted for living, and starving to finally breathe. The children ran down the snowy sides, and the old crow hybrid looked up to the moon, offering thanks to whoever led them to such a precious home, a home that accommodated all of them no matter their abilities. A home for hybrids young and all.  
Wake Up Bunny, the Birds are Stealing the Carrots
Summary: O!Tommy waking O!Technoblade up.
"YOU BITCH!!" Technoblade curled up, ears, laying flat against his head rising to help shut out the noise the came from the outside world. It was way too early for this. The voices agreed, arguing that he should kick the intruder and go back to sleep, it got rid of the stubborn princesses when he did. 
But Techno didn't want to move, so he did the obvious move of curling up and trying to ignore the annoying chirps from outside. 
Before Techno knew it he was out the door, shooing off birds. 
Crow Father tucks the Children into Bed
Summary: O!Phil moving everyone to bed, lol.
"I am!!"
"Really?" Phil looked unimpressed as Tommy shuffled closer to the Pube doors. 
"Yes, I’m going to bed!" Tommy was the last of the children, aka less than 200 years in Phil's eyes that need to be tucked into bed. Phil knew he was lying. 
"Go in." 
"I will I just-"
Philza cut him off the younglings off picking him up and carrying him past the pube doors, despite the squeaks and yells that bird gave. He knew the young need to all be together so that's where he brought Tommy to the nest room where everyone else resided.
Tommy pouted till he had a few blankets thrown over him. Screaks turned to curious chirps as Phil lifted the blanket to see Tommy's eyes dilated, hybrid side peaking out fully. 
"Now we sleep." 
Tommy pouted, his senses returning a bit, as he crawled further into the nest, and plopped onto Technoblade's belly. the bunny said nothing as he started to pet Tommy's hair. Phil pushed everyone close, taking his spot halfway between, laying down with his flock, his messy silly flock. Those he'd die for. He lay there covering them all with the only gift he had. His wings. 
Bunny Run the Hunters Prowl
Summary: O!Phil Save O!Techno from hunters!
Pouring rain was the only sound that could be heard over Technoblade's pants. Every step in line with the padder of the rain on the dirt below. Metal clattered occasionally as the hunters chased. A simple gathering mission turned into a nightmare as Technoblade ran. Birds flew away, their cries filling the bunny's ears as he fell. 
Tripping over a root would be Techno's downfall. But the nets never came, instead, a shadow leaned over Techno's head, blocking the rain, as he looked up. 
"Hey mate, how ya?" 
Techno stared in shock at the man, his wings blocking the rain. 
An elytrian, peered down at Technoblade. How? They were support to be extinct, hunted for their wings, giving humans the ability to fly. Yet here was one, dripping with blood, from his mouth, and coating his robes. 
"Those hunters were a pain," The elytrian lowered down, to brush the stay stand from Techno's face. "Having less of them is always better."
The Smile from the elytrian was too sharp, making Techno jump up, almost hitting the elytrian as he backed up, and fell back. The Elytrian just laughed as Techno stared at him in shock before he smiled too. 
Blind in Moonlight, but Deaf in Daylight
Summary: Blind Date for Missa and Phil set up by Kristin and Techno.
"Where is this place again??" Philza muttered to himself texting the question to Technoblade as he blindly walked. 
"To your left idiot ;)" Techno texted back, and Phil did as instructed to see exactly what he was looking for. The restaurant. A silly blind date set up by his best friend and his wife. Should Phil really be allowed to go on a date while he's married? No, but his wife figured he should have someone at home with him while she's gone, so why not a boyfriend? It's so silly that Phil couldn't help but giggle as he walked in. 
He wasn't expecting to see a man in a suit and tie at the table. His skull showed through his skin at certain angles as he pondered the menu. Dark messy hair, assumingly from the clock that dropped over his chair. 
"Hey, mate."
The man almost jumped from his chair at Phil's words, and Phil couldn't help but laugh, as he took his seat, loosening up the tie around his own neck as lounged in his seat. 
"Name's Philza," Phil reached out to the skeleton.
"Missa," the man replied taking Phil's open hand to his lips, with a small smile. 
Books lead to Cute Roads
Summary: Techno and Phil getting books and a meet-cute with Missa and Phil. 
Bookstores never get crowded at least in Phil's experience. Apparently, today was the exception, as hundreds of college students piled into the store, loud chattering could be heard. Overlapping words and reason, they tried to get the right textbooks for their classes. Techno just grabbed Phil's hand and led him to the back section already knowing where the books were. Phil's thankful that Techno looked beforehand so they didn't have to stay long. Phil let go of Techno's hand as they arrived. 
Soon a book fell and Phil stopped to pick it up meeting someone else's hands, and then eyes. 
Dark eyes stared at Phil as they quickly abandoned the book mumbling apologies, that sounded like gibberish to Phil, as he rose with the book in hand. A small blush on his cheeks as he handed the book back to the man with a smile. 
"You're all good mate, bet the book is good." The man's face mimics the blush dusting Phil's cheeks.
"Yeah, it's my like like uhm, favorite one." 
"Yo Phil got the books!" Techno called, Phil waved to the man and wished him well as he ran to Technoblade's side, rubbing his hand, the heat lingering.  
A Ticket to a Relationship
Summary: QSMP meet Cute with Phil and Missa.
Philza never expected a ticket raffle to apri up people when he accepted the invitation to join Quackity's server. Let alone that the pair would then need to take care of children. The latter for some reason is less worrying to Phil. He's taken care of kids before but being paired up with someone who he barely understands feels much more daunting than taking care of a young hybrid. 
Said hybrids were waving at him, and he couldn't help but wave back, missing his ticket printing and sliding below everyone's feet. Phil gave chase bumping into the skeleton hybrid, Missa.
Missa smiled helping Phil to stabilize himself and grabbing the ticket that he was able to pin beneath his feet. He smiled as he handed Phil the ticket.
"Sorry, about that mate," Phil said sheepishly, feeling bad that he basically ran into the other man. 
"No, it's good, sorry about getting in the way, umm Felipe." 
Phil chuckled as he gestured to the ticket machine and everyone talking to the children and their new partners. 
"Got to get your ticket mate," They both share a smile.
"Letter D." Phil sees on the ticket.
"I've got Letter D." Missa echoed Phil. 
Phil looked at him shocked, as Missa came back over to the Avaian showing his ticket to Phil, and indeed he had a D inscribed on his ticket. 
"Would this be... fate??" Missa chuckled as they looked around, for it was time for the latter option, grabbing a child. Phil looked around finding most of the parents grabbing a child already. He didn't want to lose Missa either in the crowd so gabbing his hand he marched forward, finding a child, in a little duck floaty, who would connect the two further than they ever thought when they pulled tickets. 
Kiss the Little Ones, One Last TIme
Summary: Forehead kisses for sleeping little ones.  Phil and the eggs go to his hardcore world.
"Sleep mi huevo, say holla to dreams. 
Fall into her lovely wings, her warm embrace to breathe.
Flock is there, holding your hands. 
Breath such a breath that no one will ever see."
Philza gave the little ones small peaks on their head, letting them drift off. They've all laid down, the reaper there in spirit, waiting on the other side for his family. Philza breathed his last breath in the QSMP falling to the other side. Gasping a new breath in a world all his own, a world where his children have thrived before and will thrive again: Home.
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