eclipse-moon96 · 5 months
Takeru would gladly pick Yusaku in his arms princess carry style just to spite Ryoken.
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*Both of them fall asleep again inside each other's embrace. When the sun finally rises, they are woken up by their son, Takeru*
Mm... what's wrong, baby?
Takeru: Mama... Takeyu hungy...🥺
You're hungry already?
*The toddler nods. He continues to shake Kenshin's shoulder*
Takeru: Papa!
*Lily pouts and looks away as she sulks*
Lily: Fine, if you are leaving me then I will sleep with Chimaki.
Kenshin: hmm… are you hungry, takeru?
*He wakes up at his son’s voice, getting up from bed*
Mitsuhide: lily..
*He gets closer, cupping her face lovingly*
Mitsuhide: are you upset with me?
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insomniac-jay · 2 years
A baby Takeyu!!! Don't remember if you said their baby was a boy or girl but went with girl here
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kikkokkokko · 4 years
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Takeru*Yusaku kiss[comms]
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ariasphirance · 5 years
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So I really thought about how these hacker nerds (minus Takeru) would react if they encountered a bunch of thugs irl.
Takeru: I’m that thug you wouldn’t want to mess with. Ryoken: I might be the leader of the Knights of Hanoi and the most dangerous cyber terrorist but well, R U N.
I bet Ryoken can’t fight even with that perfect body of his...
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scratchface · 6 years
Do you like firestormshipping?
Hell yeah I do! They have so much potential, and I like how things between them are developing slowly and naturally. I’m really looking forward to how their relationship grows this season.
So far, between the two of them, it’s been all business. Yusaku keeps everyone at a distance, so there’s not often many bonding moments between him and other characters, even Kusanagi who has been there from the start. 
But these two are obviously very compatible while still being distinctly different as people. Takeru seems to be very easily influenced by people and his judgement of others is so far very fickle, the polar opposite of the distant and steady Yusaku. Takeru’s rougher around the edges, more unstable, but also a lot more vulnerable. Vulnerability is something Yusaku shows very rarely, and for good reason: he can’t afford vulnerability. But I think Takeru could and will drag it out of him in due time. Takeru, meanwhile, is very sensitive to the words of others, so Yusaku’s quiet, no-nonsense nature of only saying what he feels needs to be said will certainly spare Takeru a great deal of hurt.
I think my favorite, but very brief moments between them so far is when Takeru comes back after his duel with Go. 
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“You’re okay.” Yusaku says, like he wasn’t quite expecting him to be. Like he’s impressed, and Takeru’s little smile is so charming. Yusaku has apparently gotten used to the people around him being unreliable or incapable, and came to terms with the fact that the people that join his side tend to not come back. Now, here’s someone that can actually keep up, not someone he has to leave behind for their own good.
It’s not easy, though. Yusaku is still a little awkward with splitting the work, but  it’s good for him to have someone to count on, even if it takes him time to get used to it. Takeru also has the best chance at forcing Yusaku to confront a lot of his issues with endangering other people and accepting help. (Even now, just about the only entity in Vrains Yusaku has willingly approached for help is Windy. Take that in. Absorb it.)
Even more so, all this time, Yusaku has been operating under the impression that only his special person can save him. But Takeru challenges that, and does so without all the baggage that weighs down the relationship between Yusaku and Ryoken (but we all know I love that baggage). He’s already taken one hit for Yusaku, and will probably take many more. Takeru is, frankly, refreshing to Yusaku, as someone he can both relate to and can rely on.
And it’s obvious Takeru wants to protect people. He’s gentle with his grandfather even as the guy tosses him around like a sack of potatoes, and goes to Kiku’s rescue even though it means dealing with Flame and dueling. And now he wants to protect Yusaku, and even makes such a sweet, concerned face.
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I think Takeru is in the best position of seeing who Playmaker really is, under his cool, under his infallibility: more so than any other character, even Kusanagi. To see how much of himself Yusaku puts into a given task, to the point of near self-destruction should he fail. He’s getting to see exactly how Playmaker operates, and what makes Yusaku tick, and experiencing first hand the struggles and dangers that come along with being Playmaker: the SOL agents, the constant and frustrating challengers, and the groundless aggression that faces Yusaku everywhere he turns. One could certainly make the argument that Takeru is getting more protective by the episode considering his tendency to throw himself in front of their enemies first, and once he recovers from Blood Shepherd’s recent bullshit, I figure he might very well be even more protective. After all, he knows that Yusaku is really the one BS wanted to torment, and there’s no way he’d want Yusaku to go through that. Especially since, going by that face above, Takeru seems to be the only character so far to recognize just how much of a ticking time bomb Yusaku is. 
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Meanwhile, Yusaku refuses to abandon him. Yusaku, who already had to accept the reality of losing allies, who had to move on even as everyone he knew turned to data. Yusaku wants to protect people too, but for him that means involving himself with others as little as possible. Takeru does the opposite, and challenges Yusaku’s notion that it’s easiest to protect people by keeping his distance. 
Not to mention that Takeru’s the first character besides Kusanagi and Ai to be set up as a companion for Yusaku. And the first besides Kusanagi to be someone Yusaku doesn’t mind working with and spending time around from the get-go. If all goes well, Takeru will help Yusaku open up, and take some of the burden of everything off his shoulders.
The show is clearly going to take its time building the relationship between these two. If the current opening is going to stick around ~40 episodes, we’re going to see these two working up to the closeness we see there and probably a bit dramatic season finale about their bond.
But I really hate the ship name, so I never use it. It makes it just sound like Not-Datastormshipping, which isn’t fair to the gradual trust these two have been building at all. I just call it TakeYu or Torchshipping.
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How about Predator, Genesis, Datastorm, TakeYu, and Angelmaker for the shipping meme? :D
Predatorshipping- 😍I ship it because in my opinion, they would work together. Serena would be like the strong mommy of the family if they ever were.   
Genesisshipping- 🙂I ship it but It’s not my favorite because they hardly ever interacted in the anime. I will admit they look good together. 
Datastormshipping-😍 OH MY GOD YAASSSS!!!!! This is one of my otps for a very good reason. Plus, Ryoken (plus Revolver too) is a hottie. 
TakeYu-🙂 Still not used to Takeru Homura yet but he’s growing on me. 
Angelmaker-😍 J’adore this pairing on the same level with Datastorm. Yusaku would protect Aoi at all costs, even in Link VRAINS. 
Thank you for asking. 
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*Cherry smiles at the adorable little girl*
Ken, do you want to stay here with Himeko?
Takeru: Takeyu wants pway! Oujiyo...
Oh? You want to play with Oujiro? Hmm...
Oujiro: want to pway with take.
Selena: I can look after them, don’t worry!
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*Shingen returns to his room and he brings some snacks with him. He immediately goes to hug Selena's waist from behind*
*Cherry sighs when Sakura is crying. She was napping with Ken but woke up when her brother is being too noisy. She puts down her tea and takes Sakura into her arms, gently rocking her*
Takeru, what did I told you about screaming when your sister is sleeping? You have disturbed your little sister.
Takeru: Sowwy mama...
Ken: Takeyu too loud. Bibi and Ken can't sheep. 😤 (Takeru was screaming too loud. We can't sleep because of him)
*Selena was startled, she smiles at shingen and kisses his cheek*
Selena: you are back.
*Kenshin came back and saw what was happening, he had just put Kanetsugu in charge of his duties to help his wife*
Kenshin: my love, let me help.
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*Cherry kisses him many times on his chubby cheeks, making him giggles. Sakura yawns adorably and snuggles her papa*
Ken: Takeyu shilly (Takeru is silly).
Takeru: Mama!
Ken, don't tease your brother.
Takeru: If mama papa yoves Takeyu, Takeyu yoves bibi.
Kenshin: we will always love you two, now would you like to give your sister a hug?
*Kenshin brought the baby closer to takeru*
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Takeru: Papa mama don't yove Takeyu anymore. 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
Kenshin: that’s not true, takeru. I still love you just like I did, your mother also loves you, takeru.
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*Ken giggles and runs towards Cherry, hugging her*
Ken, what did I told you about teasing your brother? Don't make him cry.
Ken: Takeyu didn't listen to papa and mama.
I know, but you can't make him cry because of that.
*Ken nods and hides his face on Cherry's chest. Takeru pouts and hugs Kenshin tightly*
Anata, can you please have the maids deliver the dinner here? Please also tell them to prepare the food for my brother.
Kenshin: of course, my love.
*Kenshin was hugging takeru tightly, snuggling the baby while carrying him. He calls for the maids and informs them to make dinner for all of them*
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Great, we should do that as soon as possible. Have you eaten anything yet, big brother? It was a long journey from Azuchi.
Ken: Papa, uncle gave Takeyu candy.
*He points at Takeru who is hiding the bag of candy behind his back*
I haven’t, so I shall join you in eating.
Kenshin: did he, now? Takeru can’t eat candy because he had too much lately.
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ariasphirance · 5 years
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Forgot to post this. Yusaku needs to work out.
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scratchface · 6 years
let’s give them the small-town blues
small-town conspiracy AU has a summary now. I think I’m gonna try to make it a one-shot of ~12,000 words. Here’s the gist of it!
It’s been ten years since he and five others were snatched from the elementary school and the unspeakable occurred. It’s been nine years since a total of six kids became five victims. Seven years since the pale-haired boy “fell” from a tree and broke his neck. Six years since the boy sent to the far-away institution escaped his room and “threw himself” off the roof. Five years since the long-haired boy’s body was pulled from the river. Four years since the girl went to a Halloween party out of state and “took” a handful too many drugs. 
Three years since Fujiki Yusaku disappeared without a trace. 
Homura Takeru isn’t going to be next. Not even if the whole town is out to bury him and the tragedy he carries. 
He’s not going to be next, because he’s certain Fujiki Yusaku is alive. 
Basically, the Hanoi is a religious cult that kidnapped a bunch of kids, who all escaped back to town.
Town is filled with cultists. Or rather, the town is the cult, and they don’t plan on letting that get out.
Yusaku escapes the attempt on his life and runs away, only to return three years later completely different with a dog, cracked finger-nails, and the sharpest eye-liner Takeru’s ever seen. Takeru, who wears leather jackets and carries knives and isn’t going to die, even if he has to intimidate the whole town. Takeru, who sleeps in his closet in case they come for him at night, who can’t get a car because they might cut the brakes. 
Because any one of their neighbors, their teachers, their doctors, their police--any one of them could have been involved in their kidnapping, in the disappearances. Any one of them could be the wolf in sheep’s clothing, ready to strike.
Yusaku’s come back to put the whole flock on trial.
It’s def going to be TakeYu, but Ryoken has a pretty big role too, at least in the backstory. But I haven’t figured out what to do with him in the present of the story yet. Whoops!
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scratchface · 6 years
After seeing your thoughts about takeyuu, I was wondering what your thoughts on disastershipping might be? I'm really looking forward to see how Ryoken and Takeru will interract with each other
I don’t really know about it yet. I tend to not ship stuff until there’s an established chemistry between the included characters. It’ll really depend on how any interactions between Takeru and Ryoken go, which we have yet to see. There’s no knowing if there will be an interesting dynamic yet.
Takeru and Ryoken interactions have the potential to be pretty interesting, and I’d love to see them duel. I’d probably be rooting for Ryoken the whole time, but hey, it would be fun. Takeru seems like he’d be more susceptible to the whole “the Ignis might be evil” spiel than Yusaku, so it would be interesting if we saw him wavering over it and wondering if he’s thrown in with the right lot. Recent episodes have already shown how much Flame cares about Takeru, so a confrontation with Ryoken could certainly test how much Takeru cares about Flame. 
But to be honest, I’m far more interested in their respective interactions with Yusaku. I’d rather see more interactions between Ryoken and Yusaku, now that they know how deeply they’re connected, than any of that stuff.
In terms of shipping, with how intense the feelings are between Yusaku and Ryoken, I don’t really see Takeru, well, fitting in. Getting an equal share of the pie, I guess. It was his first meeting with Ryoken that started everything for Yusaku, it was the voice that kept him alive and fighting, and now Yusaku’s been trying to find Ryoken for ten years. Ryoken has been Yusaku’s goal, all this time. Meanwhile, Yusaku is the crux of Ryoken’s guilt and failures, and the person he became completely obsessed with. From the moment Yusaku revealed he was the specific child from ten years before, Ryoken was hopelessly hooked. Yusaku was the one to defeat him, to stop him from committing a terrible atrocity and from killing himself. Yusaku and Ryoken give each other purpose; a reason to keep going despite how painful it is. They drive each other further and to new heights. There’s a lot of passion, frustration, and longing between them, and that’s not even getting into how they’re “destined” and “chained” together by fate.
It kind of feels like adding Takeru to the mix would just be shoehorning him in, especially at this point. Maybe once he and Yusaku are much closer it will feel less forced, but as of right now, it feels like he doesn’t compete.
I also question the validity of it. We have no reason to think that Takeru will have any sort of positive feelings towards Ryoken; after all, Ryoken may have ended the experiment, but he also played a role in it and could have ended it much, much sooner. Had Ryoken made the call earlier, Takeru’s parents would be alive, and I’ll be very surprised if Takeru ignores this fact. I don’t see any reason that Takeru should be grateful to Ryoken, or even like him, considering all the awful things Ryoken has done since. I would actually love to see an antagonistic relationship between them, because two of the victims have already forgiven Ryoken; having one vehemently refuse to would be far more interesting than adding another to the list. Plus, it would stoke the flames of Ryoken’s guilt and self-loathing, which I always love to see in him. In terms of a rivalship I guess I can see that; I love love-hate relationships so that would certainly be more likely to win me over to the Disaster side.
But I don’t think Ryoken has any particular feelings towards or about Takeru specifically. To Ryoken, Takeru’s probably just another bothersome personified guilt-trip. Not like Yusaku, who is the one that ruined everything, who is the opponent Ryoken needs to defeat at any cost, and not like Spectre, who is Ryoken’s friend and supporter, the one that keeps Ryoken on track. Ryoken already seems to care about both fiercely, in his own way, and I’m more invested in how those relationships develop and grow than watching another start from square-one. I don’t ship Spectre and Ryoken, but I like what we see of their weird, awkward friendship a lot.
Still, I’m a multi-shipper; I can ship RyoYu and TakeYu at the same time. I don’t really see any reason to combine the two, but that could change once all three are on screen at the same time if they have an intriguing dynamic. Currently, inserting a third element to either ship just doesn’t seem to add anything.
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