#tae su mi
cardiganv · 2 years
suyeon you have only one red flag and that’s that you like minwoo
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pursemongerstuff · 2 years
Can we give a shout out to the casting director? They did an amazing job casting Young-woo’ family. Legit looked like they copy and pasted Tae-mi!
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sweetsuenos · 2 years
I really don't think Youngwoo's words to her mom was supposed to be just an inspiring speech saying her life is worth living, I saw it more as her standing up to her birth giver that suddenly wanted to intervene in her life for her own benefit.
She even tells her dad, I lived all these years without having anything to do with her, so why should I have to go hide?
To me it was her saying it's okay if you didn't raise me but my life is not any of your business to intervene in nor will I allow you to condescendingly treat it as some sort of lonely tragedy you're saving me from.
Taesumi tells her through that PR guy that she can move abroad so she "won't be lonely". So Youngwoo uses the beluga and narwhal analogy to tell her she isn't lonely at all.
I think Taesumi spent her life closing herself off from everything and chasing after power as a means to break free from control until she lost herself, so she can't understand living a warm fulfilling life you choose for yourself rather than just bending to the will of powerful people, she almost laughs at Minwoo for saying he wouldn't live like that anymore.
Everything in her life, from her job to her husband, was all chosen for her, she had no say in the matter. Her only rebellion in her whole life was giving birth to Youngwoo, her only mistake. And when that mistake threatens her ultimate grab for power and freedom, she tries to get rid of her.
Basically it felt like Youngwoo not allowing herself to be condescended to by someone who is basically a stranger, who actually knows very little about her life.
And I think in Youngwoo confronting her, Tae Sumi realizes that she has become exactly like the people who controlled and orchestrated every important facet of her life.
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the tilting shot when tae su-mi find's out woo young-woo is her daughter??
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awetistic-things · 2 years
okay so one thing that severely annoys me about extraordinary attorney woo is how they make su-mi out to a “bad mother”
now, she did not want young-woo. she was in her final (i believe) year of law school and was set to inherit a law firm. she did not have the time, therefore she did not want her, and wanted to abort her
the father literally told her that if she were to give birth to young-woo he would leave her alone and su-mi would never have to see him or young-woo ever
but then he gets so offended on the fact that she didn’t come around to see young-woo? like, make it make sense?
i understand young-woo being upset, but the dad? you did this, so why you getting so offended when you’re the one who made it this way?
yes, su-mi could’ve come around, she could’ve found the dad and young-woo at any time, she could’ve played a part in her life, but she didn’t, and why not? because the dad made the deal, so he needs to stop acting like he’s a victim, because he’s really not
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thepersona · 2 years
Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Thoughts on episodes 15-16 (spoilers!)
All good things must come to an end. Now that the dust has settled in my brain after my third watch (lol), let's unpack this week's two-part season finale (spoiler alert!)
First of all, writer Moon Ji-won and her team sure know how to weave metaphors and imagery like it's nothing I've ever seen in a K-drama. Definitely her strong suit. Some are blatant while others are so subtle most people miss it without a rewatch. Seriously, I could name several off the top of my head and I've probably missed twice as much. But let's focus on those present in eps 15-16.
I want to start with the introduction and characterization of Young-woo's half-brother Choi Sang-hyeon. Love her or hate her, I can't wait to see how brilliant Tae Su-mi actually is considering she's 2 for 2 in giving birth to geniuses. In his first scene in ep 15 alone, we are told that Sang-hyeon and Young-woo are alike yet different.
Throughout the show, circles have been associated with Young-woo. The title credits, the little details Young-woo's room, her headphones, the revolving door, Young-woo's name in hangul (우영우), even Dong Geurami (whose name means 'circle')! But what about Sang-hyeon?
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It's all squares with this kid, who mirrors the opening credits in ep 16. And they both love gimbap! Perhaps even for the same reason that they like to see every detail of the thing they're dealing with (Young-woo with the law and whales, Sang-hyeon with computers). Better yet, they share a tendency to lean towards what's morally right, socially just and transparent, despite being in fields that are known to exploit people who aren't well-versed in their complexities.
I definitely like how he didn't take his frustrations out on Young-woo, instead assumed that she would understand him better than their mother, and he was right. I wonder what he sees during his Eureka moments, but we'll have to wait for season 2 to hopefully find out.
Now let's talk about this case. I can't tell you how much I LOVE that ep 15 started with spear phishing. It brought me back to this moment from ep 6 so fast I could almost feel the wind coming and hear the whales jumping. (Sorry for the noob gif quality)
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Once we learn who the baby whale in question is, we're compelled to ask if Tae Su-mi is willing to make the same decision twice. And while she was ready to bury it to save her candidacy, she ultimately lets Sang-hyeon out himself as the hacker and participate in the trial, putting her political ambitions at an end - or more likely on hold.
The hunter/ress throwing the harpoon in this case, you guessed it, is Han Seon-yeong. Throughout the show, CEO Han seemed to be playing a game with CEO Tae, though the latter didn't seem to acknowledge the game at all. Where CEO Han spends most of her jealousy-driven time thinking of how to take her rival down, CEO Tae doesn't pay her as much attention, instead preferring to use her energy on her next professional conquest. Sound familiar?
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The result for CEO Han is lukewarm. Tae Su-mi isn't outed (yet) for having a child out of wedlock and manages a relatively graceful exit from her nomination, Young-woo gets to keep her peace, Sang-hyeon is publicly disgraced but keeps his dignity and honor. So far, Han's bark has been louder than her bite. She's never made any significant contribution to the cases she injected herself into. Whereas CEO Tae would have won the Seodok-dong case if it weren't for Young-woo's genius. Maybe she held back because of her humanity towards the innocent parties. On the other hand, she could also be waiting for a bigger scandal to take her rival down for good. In that case, we have reason to expect her to be the antagonist in Season 2, though I would have liked to see more hints scattered prior to ep 16 apart from the deleted scene in ep 8.
With Sang-hyeon now in her orbit, I'm looking forward to more brother-sister interactions in Season 2. Choi Hyun-jin did a great job with his portrayal (am I the only one who likes his eyes?). There was some tightrope walking between sinister and brilliant going on there, his introduction felt like a scene from "Juvenile Justice". Bravo.
Last week, I told you (!) that Young-woo and Jun-ho would be endgame. All because it was hinted by the case, the monk, and the dialogue during the breakup, among others, that they were both capable of looking beyond the surface of their problems.
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I also said that Young-woo shouldn't be so criticized for letting go of him without a proper explanation at the time because she was trying to be selfless (for a change, or so she thought). So this week, we got another metaphor from Jun-ho this time about unrequited love for a cat, but that it's okay because the owner is happy with the cat just being there no matter how selfish the cat can be sometimes. Message received, and our whale couple is back together.
While I'm very happy that we were not given the 2521 treatment, the execution of this storyline leaves a bit to be desired. It's the same issue I've had with it since ep 11, in that they've been cutting the scenes so abruptly, especially those filmed near Young-woo's house. The scene where Young-woo finally tells Jun-ho her reason for the breakup and then it just holds the pause after she bows then that's it. I know they probably didn't want to cram more progress into ep 15 and focus more on the trial scenes but it resulted in some uneven storytelling.
Btw, I adore that scene where he gets all defensive when the Taesan messenger startles Young-woo but he doesn't pry. Kang Tae-oh was just majestic. Though this was something that Young-woo's dad could have seen so he'd give her a nudge to say Jun-ho may be right for her after all. Another could be the hospital fiasco, where instead of driving off with douchebag Attorney Jang, Jun-ho could have been caught on camera shielding Young-woo from the press, leading her dad to the same conclusion. Although driving off was one way to show that he can also make poor snap judgments and that's ok. I know I'm getting nitpicky but I just wish there was something so their makeup on the way to the trial could have a little more meat. But all is well since we got the result we wanted.
Should I even write about (still trash, now compostable) Kwon Min-woo and my girl Choi Su-yeon at this point? They really went the route of "let's introduce a worse character so the guy you hate doesn't look half bad". I mean Attorney Jang is where Min-woo would be if left unchecked after about 15+ years. I'm okay with redemption arcs, I really am. I just hate when they happen overnight or when they're being given out like candy.
And while I don't underestimate nor belittle the things love can make you do, I can't get on the "I can change him" trope. It's so beneath the Su-yeon that we know. And it taints the sincerity of Min-woo's 'change' in that every good deed he does from here on is based on pleasing her and not because it's the right thing to do. He's lucky she has a great moral compass. The attempt at fistbumping Young-woo was just cringe. Would he have done that if Su-yeon hadn't been there? Exactly.
If the writer's intention was to keep his suspiciousness, then mission accomplished. I won't be surprised if they break up and he regresses to his old ways, or he regresses then they break up. If the goal was to transform him into a loveable character, then I just hope he's given a chance in season 2 to make morally sound decisions (at his expense) while he and Su-yeon are apart. It's the only way to get him back on track. I've been very critical, but seeing how things turned out, I'm optimistic we the audience will get the storyline we deserve next season.
Lastly, I like how Jung Myeong-seok's reconciliation with his ex-wife was left open-ended and dependent on how ready he would be to leave Hanbada for good. But even if he left the firm, old habits die hard. He may choose to represent less affluent clients like the temple, but his devotion to his work could make him relapse (in more ways than one). It would be interesting to see him slowly shift into someone a little more like Attorney Ryu from ep 12 and even work with her for a change. Better yet, start a firm with his babies and take on social justice cases going head to head with Taesan and Hanbada like David v. Goliath. It's another way to see what both CEOs are really made of once Young-woo takes off with her real family.
And that's where the season ends. Where the first episode only had one floating whale during Young-woo's commute, the conclusion showed several as she no longer feels alone.
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Overall, I still think the two-part season finale was more than satisfactory with enough room to elaborate in season 2. I'm excited to see what's in store for Young-woo and co. now that the writer and producers have at least 2 years to figure out the best way to continue this extraordinary saga. Until the next Whoa Whoa Wednesday!
Check out my midseason (episodes 1-8) review, thoughts on episodes 11-12 and 13-14.
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This is probably my last unpopular ish opinion surrounding Extraordinary Attorney Woo but:
1. At the end of the day y’all cannot convince me that Tae Sumi was in the wrong for wanting to abort Youngwoo. Nor can you make me hate her for not being a mother to Youngwoo when she was forced (strong word, I know) to have her by the father who begged her to let him have her and he’d disappear.
2. Like I get the whole thing is that “look at Youngwoo who’s a genius so her life was worth it and the TERRIBLE MOTHER WHO DIDNT BOTHER REACHING OUT TO HER SHOULD FEEL SHAME” but I’m sorry maybe y’all should’ve framed it as her actually walking out of Youngwoo’s life at a young age and not a woman who was convinced into not having an abortion whilst also being pressured by her family.
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thedramanotes · 2 years
Me: Stuck on TRUCK OF DOOM wondering if it accidentally sped into the wrong drama
Everyone else (already moved on): DID YOU SEE YOUNG-WOO'S SKIRT HAD POCKETS?!
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sapphorarelyreads · 2 years
kwon min woo and tae su mi have lost the tiniest amount of respect i had for them.
so fucking cunning and god they truly are horrible. I did sympathize with tae su mi at first, like how young woo's dad basically emotionally manipulated her to give birth, but now c'mon, getting your daughter, who is, need i remind you, one of the top lawyers in the firm, fired or quit, just so you can get the post in ministry of justice without letting anyone get in the way.
truly disgusting
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stop-or-ill-tell · 2 years
Lmaoooooo my mom is apparently watching extraordinary attorney woo as well after I gushed about it. She called me tonight around midnight (to be fair it was 10 her time) and just said "DID YOU SEE ATTORNEY WOO TODAY!? CAN YOU BELIEVE THE ENDING? I am so mad that Young-Woo's mom is being such a bitch!"
Not even so much as a hello. And the whole point of the call was to talk about the ending of the episode. Anyway, my mom and I are both waiting for tomorrow with baited breath
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kdramasforever97 · 2 years
Me, after watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo:
“ Who wants to hear facts about Whales?” 🤓🐳🐋
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Can we please talk about how amazing the camera work is during the scene between Youngwoo and Sumi in the café when Youngwoo lets Sumi know that Sumi is her mother? Wow, just wow! I love how the camera slightly turns to the left and to the right, expressing how overwhelming the hole situation is for Sumi. Incredible camera work!!!
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hwaception · 2 years
one thing about tae sumi is that she will birth a child that is so autistic
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februerik · 2 years
in defence of tae sumi
(rewatching the finale again, and i got to the part of her public apology(?) in front of the reporters after sanghyeon’s witness statement in court)
we know from sanghyeon that she has been a good and fair mom to him. We also know that as a lawyer, she’s good at her job, being heralded as “King” in court, as well as showing it to us in ep 7-8.
so, i think that this whole minister of justice thing, coupled with the revelation of the child she already gave away years ago, has been affecting her mentally and emotionally. even though for the past 27 years she’s been working hard in every aspect of her life, the way everything suddenly feels like its derailing and getting out of hand, anyone would have a hard time, to say the least. and then she finds out that her own son is the hacker in a case her own law firm is on the prosecutor side of, and she breaks.
yes, i still think that was selfish of her. to put her own career and public image above what her child wanted and needed, which was to receive his due consequences for his actions. to go as far as to get the police on her side, and to send her son off to another country to evade his punishment. all just so she could be the minister of justice.
but, i’m glad both sanghyeon and youngwoo pointed this out to her, and helped her see that it was wrong, because ultimately she needed that. in her tunnel visioning selfishness and self preservation, it was her children’s words that got her out and see the big picture. the child she abandoned and tried to hide, and the child she’s been raising to be a good person. she needed both of them to remember how to be a good mother and a good person.
even though i still don’t have a totally favourable opinion of her, i am excited to see tae sumi in season 2 and how the writers will continue to develop her character.
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standardlilith · 2 years
all i gotta say after episode 10 is
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thepersona · 2 years
OK so if Tae Su Mi is as brilliantly evil as they are trying to build her up to be, she probably gave Min woo that side project to have time to double cross him since they didn't put the agreement in writing nor were there any witnesses lol. I'm so looking forward to see KMW have his ass handed to him, and for Young woo to put TSM in her place
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