#tabata nana
idolsgeneration · 8 months
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rakugunp-sorak · 17 days
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Mindset Check – NANA ♡ I-LAND 2: N/α
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khakilike · 2 months
I would root for any Produce 101 Japan The Girls contestant, just out of nostalgia for a show I loved watching---but when it's a contestant I really liked, like Nana here, I'm going to root even harder! Not gonna lie, though: I was a little more excited about her when I looked at the thumbnail and thought she was Hana Yoshida. They were both early PD101 frontrunners for me,* but I always had a hard time keeping the two of them straight in my head. Guess that hasn't changed.
*I think I liked Nana more at the time, but Hana stuck around longer and left a stronger impression because of that.
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toastedcrumbs · 2 months
About me!! TW:ED
Hi!! I'm Nana, I'm an enby (f presenting) highschool student/ballet dancer, I love kpop and working out (I hear Chloe ting cheering my fat ass up during workouts in my dreams LMAO)
Got my ana/ortho ass reported at the end of 2023 and I'm back on my weight loss journey cause those 20 pounds aren't gonna disappear by themselves!!
My interests!!
Kpop!! I'm a big multistan lmao I love so many groups and soloists, Korean and global!!
I LOVE BAKING AND COOKING FOR OTHERS!! Making other people happy AND getting rid of junk food around my house?? COUNT ME IN!!
Ballet is basically what my life is rotating around rn other than my crippling ed XD, I've been doing it since I was 3 and other than motivating my glow up, it literally distracts my goofy brain from thinking about food and eating
Working out: I love love love working out!! Burns calories and gives me a good mood boost 💕
My fav safe foods ⭐
(to clarify, I also eat other stuff but this is what I can eat in normal amounts without feeling bad about myself)
EVERYONE HAS DIFF SAFE FOODS, this is just my list!!
Sunflower seeds!! Ironically I hate oil but seeds are my fave lol
Black coffee w sweetener (yes I'm a pu$sy that can't drink straight unsweetened black coffee 💀)
Frozen grapes!! (They might be straight up sugar balls but at least they have fiber and water)
Sf chewing gum!! I don't think I need to explain it
Rice/Corn cakes ( I found some that were 6CALS EACH at a supermarket!)
Fruits and veggies in general but with some criteria: Small, fresh (no freeze dried stuff or whatever), Cooked w no oil/the least oil possible (for veggies)
Chicken breast deli slices (it's literally 63kcals per serving!!)
Unsalted air popped popcorn is the GOAT!!
(Not exactly sure about them, my scale got tampered with)
Hw: ~45kg (after a meal)
Cw: ~40kg
Gw: 39kg
Gw 2: 38kg
Gw 3: 37kg
Uugw: 35kg 💕💕
Workout regiment
~2hrs of various yt workouts!! 2x/day (Gainsbybrains,Pamela reif,Chloe Ting, Emi Wong and Eylem Abaci,kpop workouts or whatnot)
min 6k steps a day on weekdays, 8k min on weekends (I don't give myself a maximum,the more the merrier, I usually use a treadmill at 6-7km/hr)
HIIT full body training/tabata 2-3 times/week for 30min-1hr
I mainly train core,abs and full body (cause I do ballet already)
I SUPPORT RECOVERY, I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE TO BE IN MY SAME SITUATION!! For those who are in my same place, I honestly hope you succeed at whatever you want to do!!
Stay safe💕
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produce101blog · 6 months
my prediction results!
first off: i created a site where you can view the SNS of the eliminated members: https://elim.ju.mp/
i was pretty much straight on with my predictions, even with karen being at the top of the "slightly likely" list to be eliminated
i crossed out the ones that got eliminated (i was right) and bolded the ones that didn't (i was wrong). so i had them 95% right!
the only one that got eliminated that i was surprised about was aruha btw
lightly likely:
Otsubo Karen
Kikukawa Aki
Yoshida Ayano
Ueki Mimi
Hosoi Ayaka
Hamasaki Aiko
Matsushita Miyu
Okamura Nana
Shiromaru Maho
Bando Fuka
Oyanagi Emi
Tanabe Karin
Highly likely:
Tabata Nana
Iyota Hana
Sato Ameli
Kawagishi Runa
Kurokawa Honoka
Tanaka Hana
Wakimoto Mihaya
Kataoka Rio
Shibuya Mei
Aoki Yuka
Uchiyama Rin
Kino Riko
Okabe Nonoka
Moro Anon
Almost certain:
Furuhashi Sayaka
Kamada Moe
Kobayashi Sae
Kato Airi
Motohashi Meika
Tani Seia
Sano Jueri
Nakayama Honoka
Nakamura Aoi
Tabuchi Miu
Yamaguchi Misaki
Kato Konomi
Sugai Natsuho
Sekiguchi Rikako
Shinzawa Mika
Nakamura Riro
Shibagaki Arisa
Ota Sara
Kurihara Kano
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Assistir ― Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Filme Online Dublado Legendado
Assistir Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Filmes Online (2023) Baixar Filme Completo Dublado Legendado Online em Português HD Torrent.
Onde Assistir Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Online Dublado Legendado
🎬☞ Clique aqui para assistir filme Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago
Onde Assistir Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago filme online grátis?
Se você é assinante do Disney Plus, pode assistir gratuitamente aos filmes My Fault na plataforma.
Qual é o filme do Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago?
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago é um filme de animação japonêsdirigido por Ayataka Tanemura e produzido por Pierrot . Baseado na série de mangá Black Clover de Yūki Tabata
Quem é o Elenco principal do filme Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago?
Ficar Gakuto Kajiwara Yuno Greenberryall Nobunaga Shimazaki Noelle Silva Kana Yuki Yami Sukehiro Junichi Suwabe Júlio Novacrono Toshiyuki Morikawa Conrado Leto Toshihiko Seki Edward Avalache Hōchū Ōtsuka Príncipe Funnybunny Miyuki Sawashiro Jester Garandaros Fumiya Takahashi Millie Maxwell Maria Iitoyo Vanessa Enoteca Nana Mizuki
Quando o filme do Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago é lançado?
O filme foi lançado nos cinemas japoneses pela Shochiku em 16 de junho de 2023. Recebeu um lançamento de streaming internacional na Netflix no mesmo dia.
Jim Caviezel afirmou que este foi o segundo filme mais importante que ele já fez. Ele classifica isso por trás de seu papel como Jesus Cristo em 2004, A Paixão de Cristo.[14]
Em 30 de março de 2023, a Variety informou que a Angel Studios havia adquirido os direitos de distribuição do filme em todo o mundo, com lançamento planejado para o segundo semestre de 2023. Posteriormente, foi confirmado para ser lançado em 4 de julho de 2023.
Dados completos sobre o filme do Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago
16 de junho de 2023 na Netflix / 1h 50min / Animação, Ação, Aventura, Fantasia, Ficção científica Direção: Ayataka Tanemura Roteiro Johnny Onda, Ai Orii Elenco: Jun'ichi Suwabe, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Toshihiko Seki Título original Black Clover: Sword Of The Wizard King
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago no Disney Plus?
Não há vestígios de Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Trail no Disney+, prova de que a House of Mouse não tem controle sobre toda a franquia! Lar de títulos como 'Star Wars', 'Marvel', 'Pixar', National GBlack Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago graphic', ESPN, STAR e muito mais, o Disney+ está disponível por um preço de assinatura anual de $ 79,99 ou uma taxa mensal de $ 0,99. Se você é só fã de alguma dessas marcas, vale a pena se inscrever no Disney+, e nem tem anúncios.
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago no HBO Max?
Desculpe, Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Way não está disponível no HBO Max. Há muito conteúdo do HBO Max por $ 14,99 por mês, essa assinatura é livre de anúncios e dá acesso a todos os títulos da biblioteca do HBO Max. O A plataforma de streaming anunciou uma versão suportada por anúncios que custa muito menos por US$ 9,99 por mês.
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago no Amazon VidBlack Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago ?
Infelizmente, Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Path by Water não está disponível para transmissão gratuita no Amazon Prime VidBlack Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago . No entanto, você pode escolher outros programas e filmes para assistir a partir daí, pois possui uma grande variedade de programas e filmes que você pode escolher por US $ 14,99 por mês.
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago no Peacock?
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Way não está disponível para assistir no Peacock no momento da escrita. A Peacock oferece uma assinatura que custa US$ 4,99 por mês ou US$ 49,99 por ano para uma conta premium. Como seu homônimo, a plataforma de streaming é gratuita para jogar com conteúdo ao ar livre, porém limitado.
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago no Paramount Plus?
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago The Road to Water não está no Paramount Plus. O Paramount Plus oferece a opção de assinatura adequada: a versão básica do serviço Paramount + Essential suporta um anúncio por US$ 4,99 por mês e um plano premium sem anúncios por US$ 9,99 por mês .
Onde posso ver filme Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago de graça?
dd.filmy-zilla.lat é um site que oferece mais de 20.000 filmes gratuitos de streaming de todos os gêneros gratuitamente. Ao fazer login, você encontrará filmes em alta definição e sem limites, um grande catálogo para consultar e uma barra de pesquisa para permitir que você pesquise todos os filmes que deseja ver.
Você está se perguntando como assistir legalmente ao streaming gratuito do filme Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago ? Se assim for, você ficará feliz que isso seja realmente possível, porque atualmente existem vários sites na Itália onde você pode assistir a filmes de todos os gêneros e épocas gratuitamente. Em alguns casos, pode ser necessário se registrar por e-mail ou usar sua conta online para fazer login.
Vou lhe contar em detalhes como você pode usar os sites mais populares da Internet, serviços online e aplicativos de smartphone/tablet para transmitir filmes gratuitamente. dd.filmy-zilla.lat é um dos melhores sites, A gama de filmes disponíveis vai desde os filmes mais recentes aos clássicos da história do cinema, dos filmes americanos aos filmes italianos, dos filmes de terror às comédias… enfim, a liberdade de escolha, o número de filmes é impressionante. Claro, você não o encontrará se for ao cinema.
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Thinking of making another sideblog for non-markov generated names.
Anyways: Farbaddan names
Abana Ada Adam Adat Addá Adgar Adna Adrán Adránna Adwan Adward Adárda Ag Agnas Aktar Alaka Alaká Alan Alana Alasa Alasan Alassa Alava Alavá Alax Alaxandar Alaxandra Alaxas Alazabat Albart Albarta Alda Alfrad Alfrada Alga Alla Allan Allasan Allá Alma Almar Alsa Alsá Alvan Alvara Alána Alánar Alása Ama Amala Amalá Amanda Ambar Amma Ana Anata Anaz Anda Andra Andraw Andrá Angal Angala Angalaka Angalana Angá Ann Anna Annatta Anná Anra Anraqá Anrátta Antana Antaná Antánatta Apa Apal Apral Ara Arak Araka Arald Aran Arana Aras Arbart Arlana Arma Arman Armanda Arnald Arnast Arnastana Arra Arrát Artar Arvá Asabal Askar Aslá Assá Astalla Astar Asák Atal Attá Ava Avalan Avan Avanna Avaratt Avatta Award Azal Bab Babba Babbá Bakka Balanda Ball Balla Ballá Ban Banjaman Banná Baran Barbara Barnadatta Barnaka Barnard Barra Barta Bassá Bat Batana Batsa Batta Bavarla Blanka Brad Bradgat Bradlá Braka Branda Brandan Brant Bratt Brattana Bráka Brán Bála Bátraka Dabara Dabbá Dabra Dala Dalaras Dalla Dalá Dan Dana Danald Danasa Danna Dannas Danál Danálla Dara Darak Daral Daras Darata Darla Darlana Darrakk Darral Darrall Darran Darán Dasará Dastan Dava Davad Dawn Daxá Dwagt Dwána Dáglas Dán Dána Dánna Dása Falaká Falax Fanná Farnanda Flara Flaranka Flád Frad Frada Fradarakk Fraddá Frank Frankas Frankaska Franklan Fát Fä Gabrál Galbart Gana Ganava Ganaváva Gangar Gara Garald Garaldana Gardan Gartrada Gladas Glan Glanda Glann Glará Grag Gragara Graka Gratkan Gwan Gwandalan Gá Gádalapa Gál Gála Gárga Gárgá Ja Jada Jadat Jaff Jaffara Jaffrá Jakab Jakk Jakká Jakqálan Jakqálana Jall Jalá Jalán Jam Jamas Jamma Jammá Jamá Jan Jana Janaka Janas Janat Janatan Janna Jannafar Janná Janá Jarad Jarama Jardan Jarga Jarra Jasa Jasafana Jasan Jasap Jasapana Jasas Jasmana Jassa Jassaka Jassá Jastan Jasá Javár Já Jáka Jál Jáma Ján Jána Jánata Jánatta Jánn Jánna Jánnatta Jánná Kad Kada Kakal Kakalá Kala Kalla Kallá Kallán Kalsá Kalvan Kalá Kam Kamalla Kambarla Kan Kanda Kandaka Kandra Kannat Kanná Kanstanka Kant Kantá Kara Karal Karala Karalan Karalana Karan Kark Karl Karla Karlana Karlas Karlatta Karlá Karman Karra Karrá Kart Kartas Kará Kassandra Kastar Kasá Kata Katarana Katlán Katran Katrana Katá Kavan Klada Klaffard Klaftan Klantan Klara Klaranka Kláda Kládá Klára Klátan Kras Krasta Krastal Krastan Krastana Krastapar Krastá Krastán Krág Ká Kála Kártná Kát Ladá Laka Lakalla Laká Lala Lallá Lallán Lana Lanatta Landa Landsá Lanka Lann Lanna Lanná Lara Larana Laratta Larra Larrána Lará Lasa Laslá Lastar Lataká Latä Lavarna Lawas Lawranka Laz Llád Lá Lág Lán Lána Lánard Lára Láran Lárá Lás Läs Läsa Mabal Mabla Madalana Magan Maggá Magál Maka Makala Makalla Makál Malada Malanda Malaná Malassa Malba Maldrad Malla Maltan Malvan Mamá Mana Manaka Manaqá Manda Manná Manál Mara Maradat Maralan Maranda Margarat Margarata Margá Margárata Marjará Mark Markadas Markalla Markas Marká Marlana Marras Marsa Marsall Marta Martan Martla Marvan Mará Marál Marám Marán Maránn Maránna Masta Mataw Matkall Mattaw Mattá Max Maxana Má Máraka Márán
Nadana Nakala Nakalas Nallá Nalsan Nana Nanka Nara Narma Narman Natalá Natan Natanál Natasa Nattá Nál Náma Padra Pagga Palap Pallap Pallas Pam Pamala Panna Parra Pat Patar Patrakk Patraká Patsa Patta Praskalla Pál Pála Pálana Pálatta Párl Raba Rabakka Raban Rabart Rabarta Radná Rafál Ragana Raganald Ragar Rakal Rakalla Rakard Rakarda Rakk Rakka Rakál Raland Ralp Raman Ramana Ran Rana Ranald Randa Randall Ranná Raná Raqál Rasa Rasalá Rasamara Rasamará Rass Rassall Rasá Rat Rata Raxanna Rá Rál Rámand Rán Sabrana Sadná Sadá Salla Sallá Salvadar Salvá Salá Sam Samanta Samál Sana Sanda Sandra Sanja Sannan Saná Sapá Sara Saral Saran Sargá Sarlá Sarra Sasan Sasá Sat Sawn Sawna Sazanna Skatt Staka Staká Stalla Stanlá Stapan Stapaná Stava Stavan Sá Sála Sán Tabata Tad Tadd Taffana Talar Talma Tam Tama Tamara Tamas Tamata Tamma Tana Taná Tara Tarana Tarasa Tarra Tarranka Tasa Traka Traká Travas Trá Tádara Vakka Vakká Vaktar Vaktará Valará Valma Vanassa Vankant Vara Varanaka Vargal Varganá Varna Varnan Vaván Vála Válat Wada Wallaka Wallard Wallá Wallám Walma Waltar Wanafrad Wanda Warran Waslá Watná Wána Zakara Áda Ádrá Ágana Ála Álanda Álán Án Ánaka Áran Árl Átar
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nanakibh · 3 years
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Tokimeki★Final Fantasy Madouin Perystilium Suzaku ~May the Crystal guide me to love★~
A fake project presented on the Square-Enix channel broadcast in September 2012, this is the apparent precursor of the popular fictional YA novel series "Tokimeki★Akademeia" which appears in Final Fantasy Agito. (Which began its own development in September of the same year.)
The following is a translation of the slides presenting the characters and details regarding this fake game.
If you’re a Type-0 fan, this is probably the deepest layer of the iceberg. Enjoy.
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Khalia Chival XXV, the heroine who recently enrolled, is currently the only female cadet at Akademeia. Entrusted with a "certain role", she encounters cadets with unique personalities as she goes about her everyday school life.
What kind of predicaments await in her future?! And what is the tragic destiny she's shouldering?! May the Crystal guide her through her dokidoki school life!
The following are plans for the game
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◆ Khalia's Destiny
The female protagonist's true motive is revenge.
She was once told the story of the tragic death of her ancestor, Khalia Chival VIII.
She bears the sad destiny to eradicate the descendants of Class Zero in order to avenge her family.
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◆ A Day's Schedule
- Wake up - Breakfast in the cafeteria - Class - Lunch break - Afternoon mission - Dinner - Bedtime
◆ Days off (Weekend) are allowed to be spent freely
- Wake up - Breakfast in the cafeteria - Free to do whatever you want - Dinner - Bedtime
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◆ ATB System
In this game, the protagonist performs various actions which are all advanced via the ATB system.
- Active Time Lesson - Active Time Talk - Active Time Battle - Active Time Lecture
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◆ Active Time Lesson
Active Time Lessons begin when class starts. Do your best to not be outdone by other students by making full use of your magic and abilities to solve the teacher's rapid fire questions.
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◆ Active Time Talk
You can interact with NPCs during your free time. These conversations are also managed with the Active Time system.
Grasp your conversation partner's mood and favorite subjects to create an enjoyable back-and-forth to deepen your relationship.
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◆ Active Time Battle
Active Time Battles are fought with ATB commands. This will be used in training exercises and other battles. With this system, you'll never lose a battle in this game. You can fight together with the boys you meet by adding them to your party. If one of your party members is knocked out, your other acquaintances will appear one after another to fight.
If you run out of boys, you should run away. You'll definitely be safe that way. This is because the rate of escape in this game is 100%.
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◆ Active Time Lecture
If you don't follow school rules, you'll be reprimanded by Kurasame-sensei.
Even when you're being scolded, you can have an Active Time conversation.
- If you're discovered while trying to sneak into the boys' dorm at night, you'll be scolded by Kurasame-sensei.
- If you dress inappropriately, you'll be scolded by Kurasame-sensei.
- If you talk to Kurasame-sensei too much at school, you'll be scolded.
Character Introductions
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Khalia Chival XXV Class: Zero CV: Nishi Asuka (西 明日香)
"I'm going to do my best! Because I want to see everyone in Orience smile!"
The main character. A hardworking, somewhat withdrawn girl. She infiltrates Akademeia to fulfill her mission to eliminate the bloodline of her family's sworn enemy, Class Zero. Through her encounters at the academy, she is torn between her destiny and love.
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Aoi Futatsuboshi Class: Second CV: N/A
"The Crystal's guidance... That's just a load of nonsense. The Crystal won't protect you..."
A calm and serious honor student. He is a member of Class Second, known for being at the top in terms of combat strength. However, because of this, he has lost many friends and has adopted a cold attitude to hide his sadness. At first, he acts unfriendly towards the heroine, but as they grow closer, his true feelings come out.
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Yotsuba Tokijiku Class: Fourth CV: N/A
"You're trying too hard on your missions. Here, I'll cast Cure for you. Let me take a look."
He gives the impression of someone who's blunt and difficult to get along with, but he's actually an extremely considerate young man. Belonging to Class Fourth which specializes in healing magic, he aims to become Agito because he wants to save everyone. He takes care of the heroine any way he can while she's still getting used to Akademeia.
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Mowegi Itsukaichi Class: Fifth CV: N/A
"*yaaawn*... Huh~? Hey, have you seen a pink moogle doing a backflip around here~?"
A mysterious boy who always seems to be sleepy. He never remembers who other people are and constantly makes airheaded remarks, so he does poorly in class, but he demonstrates his genius ability in real combat. The heroine, who he met while taking a nap, is one of the few people whose face and name he can remember.
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Sakurano Nanafusa Class: Seventh CV: N/A
"What's with the gloomy face? C'mon, get on my Chocobo!"
He greets the heroine, who is new to Akademeia, in a casual and friendly way. Obsessed with Chocobos, he promotes the Chocobo Research Club, also known as the "Choco Club", where he studies Chocobo physiology. He's sensitive about his height, so mentioning it is forbidden.
Note: This seems to be the same "Choco Club" Izana asks Player to join in FF Agito.
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Kohaku Kokonoe Class: Ninth CV: N/A
"Were I to describe you... You are my Megalixer. You will shine radiantly in the final battle!"
A handsome young man from an esteemed family, he's expected to have a promising future as an elite...... But he's kind of overly self-conscious and has an unfortunately strange way of thinking. He has his eye on the heroine and is always exuding an absolutely bizarre energy. In actuality, he's a member of Class Ninth, which takes on Akademeia's "dirty work." His lighthearted attitude is a response to the melancholy missions he must carry out.
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Mashiro Tootoichi Class: Eleventh CV: KENN
"Watch this! My Flare Bullets will hit their break sights! ...YEOWCH IT’S HOT?!"
The king of inventions who's always getting ahead of himself. As part of the research class, Class Eleventh, he spends his time working day and night to develop new weapons, though his skill isn't quite up to par yet. He even carelessly loses control of his magic and gets the heroine involved in his mess?!
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Asagi Hitotose Class: Twelfth CV: Hiroki Yasumoto (安元 洋貴)
"I would appreciate it if you would refrain from talking in the Crystarium. If you are truly a cadet like me, then behave in a manner befitting of Agito."
Although he's a straight-laced person who receives excellent grades, his uncooperative personality is his downfall, earning him a place in "the oddball group", Class Twelfth. His thorny words make it easy for him to be misunderstood, but he isn't trying to be malicious. He's simply awkward. As a result, he's concerned about having no friends. He gets along with the heroine on a mission, but he just can't express himself...
What's in a name?
The names of these cadets seem to be referring to their class number and mantle colors.
Aoi: Blue Futatsuboshi: From "futatsu", two
Yotsuba: Four-leaf Tokijiku: (Not sure. May literally mean “time axis.”)
Moegi: Light yellowish green Itsukaichi: From "itsu", five
Sakurano: From "sakura", pink cherry blossoms Nanafusa: From "nana", seven
Kohaku: Amber Kokonoe: Ninefold
Mashiro: Pure white Tootoichi: Literally "Ten and one"
Asagi: Pale blue-green Hitotose: Literally “one year” or “some time ago"
To wrap it up...
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◆ Girls-Only Gathering Transmissions
With "Girls-Only Gathering Transmissions" female players can improve their girl skills! When you have a girls-only gathering, your girl power will greatly increase instead of being depleted.
When girl power goes up... 1. If you receive a gift item from a male character who likes you, the real item will be delivered to you.
When girl power goes up even more... 2. You can purchase items from Amazon with the gil you've obtained in-game.
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◆ Product Information
Compatible Hardware: Smart phones Development Engine: Luminous Studio Release Date: TBD Estimated Price: TBD
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Active Talk Preview Image
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Event/Cutscene Preview Image
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That's all! Thank you very much!
Production Department 1 Tabata Team
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buniyaad · 2 years
WIP Meme / Tag Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Then tag some people for a no-obligation mutual wailing/cheering/complaining session!
I was tagged by cousin k aka @bobafvcks
chimera 2.0 (the sequel to my first chimera post-canon fic)
apollo 55 sequel (to that one gay ass fic i wrote years ago crying over ryusuke taguchi and fergal devitt hopefully reuniting (they never did))
gintama scraps (literally just that, half-assed drabbles sitting in my WIPs for almost ten years that never got published bc sorachi pissed me tf off with his manga ending)
chlark earth two (a smallville post-canon fic (not including anything after season ten) that incorporates the earth two characters, been also sitting in my WIPs for almost ten years, will eventually see the light of day, inshallah)
jjba drabbles (scraps, scraps, scraps, will likely post some when i EVENTUALLY resume stel bull ran)
like wings of a demon (the ending to a fic that has been sitting incomplete.... for ten years LOL)
ryght fic (the gay ass human au of light/ryuk i will write one of these days)
nana & ofa fic (darkfic galore, outline done, now just need to regain interest in bnha long enough to write it)
mito fic (my naruto pre-canon epic novel that’s still ongoing)
prison playbook post canon (the outline is finished, but lizard brain picked up six other special interests at the time and vomited several fics that were not prison playbook, will EVENTUALLY return and write this fully when brain calms down)
charmy epic 2.0 (sequel to my charmy backstory fic, will be written when i regain interest in black clover)
hikasai epic (been in the works for YEARS, and finally coming to fruition in the coming months as it is my ramadan writing project hehe)
asuliebe orpheus & eurydice AU (outline done; waiting for tabata to influence me into writing it)
forest of secrets pegging fic (number three of a planned trilogy)
forest of secrets gay people (number two of a planned trilogy)
psychopath diary post canon (the one where in woo gets victimized by dong sik)
Some of these WIPs are really edging on being a decade old LOL. I don’t feel bad tho, they’ll get written EVENTUALLY. life is long, alhumdulillah, y’all will see them come down the pipeline one of these days. don’t be surprised if you see me posting shit hours before my own wedding. i will probably be writing fanfiction until i die tbh
I’m tagging: @spindaonateaspoon, @backwardshirt, @loafingdragon, and @crazedstoryteller, @oedotai, and @saathiray. have fun, cousins!!!
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Bookshelf Briefs 3/28/20
The Ancient Magus’ Bride, Vol. 12 | By Kore Yamazaki | Seven Seas – I’m still really enjoying reading The Ancient Magus’ Bride, but there’s no denying that it’s become almost a totally different manga from where it started, even if it does bring back a few guilt-ridden special guests. Chise is all grown up and now has grown-up problems, albeit grown-up student problems. We continue to worry away at labels—what is a bride, what is a daughter, etc.—which makes sense given that this is a world of magic, where names and relationships carry far more importance than they otherwise might. And we even get to have an old-fashioned camping trip, though unfortunately that ends up going very badly for Lucy, who suffers the cliffhanger ending. Still top tier, but very different. – Sean Gaffney
Black Clover, Vol. 20 | By Yuki Tabata | Viz Media – This long arc STILL isn’t over, but we do get a few good highlights, as with any good Jump title. The start has “my dreams become reality” magic, which ends up leading to a fun confrontation between the real, possessed person and their fake, good other self. Gauche and Marie are still possessed by elves, and their relationship remains fascinating both despite and because of that. And, in the final chapter, we get a revelation about Charmy that makes sense and is also completely hilarious—let’s face it, we just assumed she was superdeformed because it was funny. But it looks like it’s her appetite more than her size that’s needed here. This is meat-and-potatoes Jump, never great but usually decent. – Sean Gaffney
Blood on the Tracks, Vol. 1 | By Shuzo Oshimi | Vertical Comics – I wasn’t a fan of Oshimi-sensei’s Flowers of Evil, but the psychological suspense aspect of Blood on the Tracks appealed to me so much that I gave his work another try, and I’m glad I did! Seiichi Osabe is a meek thirteen-year-old who learns from his cousin Shigeru that other family members think his mother is overprotective. Throughout this first volume, Shigeru repeatedly draws Seiichi away from his mother’s side, culminating in a potentially deadly incident during a family hiking trip. The best part, though, is how expertly Oshimi cultivates an ominous atmosphere. From the first panel, Seiko’s control over her son is emphasized and a sense of foreboding pervades every scene, from her creepy facial caresses to a wordless pair of pages in which Seiichi blankly watches his mother vacuum. By the end, it’s finally obvious to Seiichi that something is very wrong. I’m looking forward to volume two! – Michelle Smith
Can an Otaku Like Me Really Be an Idol!? | By Wacoco Waco | KUMA – Takumi Suzuki is an otaku in his second year of high school who’s been crushing on his classmate, Misaki Hayakawa, ever since the entrance ceremony. After Suzuki discovers that Hayakawa is a fan of the same idol group he is, Hayakawa attempts to secure his silence by taking compromising photos of him cross-dressing as an idol. Turned on, Suzuki forces himself on Hayakawa and later agrees to try to become a real idol as a way of making up for his criminal deed. Obviously, the consent issue here is concerning, but I was gratified that Suzuki takes it seriously, and Hayakawa later says he would’ve been the aggressor if given the chance. Mostly, this is the story of two guys getting to pursue the thing they love with the person they love. Some parts are kinda wholesome. Some parts SUPER AREN’T. – Michelle Smith
The Conditions of Paradise | By Akiko Morishima | Seven Seas – This author has been long awaited in coming over here, and this is a collection of some of her stories from Comic Yuri Hime. The main story, which gets the cover, has a woman who has a structured life and her best friend and not-quite girlfriend, who is a freelancer in all senses of the word. They’ve known each other since school, and getting together feels both natural and right. The other stories also deal with relationships between adult women—the only high school seen is in a flashback—and that’s the selling point here. We’ve seen more of these manga lately with actual adults in yuri relationships. It hasn’t gotten old yet. This doesn’t feel as groundbreaking as it might have in Japan, but it’s still very good. – Sean Gaffney
Love Me, Love Me Not, Vol. 1 | By Io Sakisaka | VIZ Media – Love Me, Love Me Not is Io Sakisaka’s most recent series and features two co-heroines, something I don’t think I’ve seen since NANA. Yuna Ichihara is a shy, innocent girl who dreams of a destined, fairy tale love. Her new friend Akari Yamamoto thinks it’s possible to will yourself to fall in love with a boy who is available. They’ve just started high school and already they have romantic upheaval. Yuna has fallen in love with Akari’s princely brother Rio (which worries Akari since Rio is notoriously only interested in girls’ looks) and Akari’s been dumped by the boyfriend she thought loved her. She ends up confiding in Kazuomi Inui, Yuna’s childhood friend whom Akari hoped to set up with Yuna but who seems to have other ideas. Despite this synopsis, it’s not too melodramatic… until a reveal in the final pages. I’m already hooked. – Michelle Smith
The Quintessential Quintuplets, Vol. 8 | By Negi Haruba | Kodansha Comics – The start of this series had a lot of quintuplet-swapping antics, but it died down as Futaro got to know the others better. That changes here, as the majority of the book takes place on a trip to a hot spring he wins for his family… a hot spring that it turns out is run by the quintuplets’ grandfather, and they’re all there as well. What’s more, because of plot, they’re ALL dressed as Itsuki. What follows is mistaken identity shenanigans galore, showing off that Futaro still can’t guess which is the correct girl (which means he’s not ready to romance one) but also showing one of the quintuplets giving him a kiss… and we see in a flashforward it’s the bride. Who is the bride? Well, we have six volumes to go there. – Sean Gaffney
Snow White with the Red Hair, Vol. 6 | By Sorata Akiduki | Viz Media – Shirayuki and Yona may both have red hair, but it has to be said that Shirayuki is a more traditional heroine. Not that Yona doesn’t get captured as well from time to time, but the kidnapping here feels a lot more traditional. It also feels the prince riding to rescue her, which surprised me, as I thought we would continue the tradition of “he has to stay behind and be a prince.” We do get to see Kiki kicking ass, though I wish she’d finally get a storyline of her own. This series does a good job balancing its politics, romance and action sequences, and it actually does the commendable job of making me remember who the minor cast members are, always a danger. I’m still very happy this finally got picked up. – Sean Gaffney
By: Sean Gaffney
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sparda3g · 5 years
Did you see that bullshit Tabata pulled with the recent chapter wow talk about a major asspull that’s much worse than Deku’s six quirks. Right?
Not really. There were hints prior to this chapter that Charmy was not ordinary gluttony human. She defeated that villain a long time ago easily, with a scary face no less. She was a gag character hidden away a scary feat waiting to unlock. When you recap, nothing has gotten her to the brink of death, let alone tarnish her food and nearly get away with it. Now it happened. Also, the Wolf was also hinted back then; I just found out as well. So everything connects. Not to mention, chapter 2 never show her but rather a different figure.
What’s better is the details of expanded lore. Not only we have established Dwarf’s existence, but there is a half-breed as well. Not to mention, they can gain two attribute magic based on it. Now with Deku, it would have been fine with him communicating with predecessors of OfA. However, Kohei decided to give him Six Quirks simply because OfA is evolving; in other words, Deku gained it at a convenient timing. There’s no hint towards it and when there’s one, it’s within the arc. It’s cheap; it’s cheaper when All Might and Nana never experienced it. This is done to add more on “possibilities,” even though the previous way of OfA was good enough.
Deku’s Six Quirks feel like a takeaway whereas Charmy’s secret feel rewarding in many ways.
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idolsgeneration · 7 months
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produce101blog · 6 months
Episode 5 Elimination Predictions
They will eliminate everyone from 51 and lower. With 96 contestants, that would be 45 eliminations. Here are my predictions for Episode 5 eliminations:
Slightly likely:
Otsubo Karen
Kikukawa Aki
Yoshida Ayano
Ueki Mimi
Hosoi Ayaka
Hamasaki Aiko
Matsushita Miyu
Okamura Nana
Shiromaru Maho
Bando Fuka
Oyanagi Emi
Tanabe Karin
Highly likely:
Tabata Nana
Iyota Hana
Sato Ameli
Kawagishi Runa
Kurokawa Honoka
Tanaka Hana
Wakimoto Mihaya
Kataoka Rio
Shibuya Mei
Aoki Yuka
Uchiyama Rin
Kino Riko
Okabe Nonoka
Moro Anon
Almost certain:
Furuhashi Sayaka
Kamada Moe
Kobayashi Sae
Kato Airi
Motohashi Meika
Tani Seia
Sano Jueri
Nakayama Honoka
Nakamura Aoi
Tabuchi Miu
Yamaguchi Misaki
Kato Konomi
Sugai Natsuho
Sekiguchi Rikako
Shinzawa Mika
Nakamura Riro
Shibagaki Arisa
Ota Sara
Kurihara Kano
By the way, my current debut predictions are:
Kato Kokoro
Yamamoto Suzu
Kasahara Momona
Ebihara Tsuzumi
Sakurai Miu
Sasaki Kokona
Ishii Ran
Takami Ayane
Tanaka Koto
Kenmotsu Nano
Kitazume Sakura
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vietnamesebeauty · 4 years
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Vén áo để lộ body thần Vệ nữ: Gymer Phan Thiết, Thanh Hóa gây bất ngờ vì điều này -
Bật mí cách sở hữu body hoàn hảo từng cm của các gymer đình đám. Thời gian gần đây, trào lưu vén áo khoe body đang gây chú ý ở châu Á.
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Nhiều người đã tham gia thử thách, trong đó số lượng các gymer rất đông đảo. Và đương nhiên, các hot girl phòng gym Việt Nam cũng không nằm ngoài hot trend này. Trần Bích Hạnh là một trong những người gây chú ý khi vén áo để lộ body như vậy. Cô nàng 9X này từng bị trêu chọc là “rùa rụt cổ” vì thừa cân, béo phì. Thế nhưng nhờ tập gym mà hiện tại cô có thân hình cân đối, săn chắc, đặc biệt vòng eo nhỏ 58cm.
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Theo Bích Hạnh, để có rãnh bụng sắc nét và sâu, bạn nữ cần đốt mỡ trước tiên. Mỡ giảm đi, cơ bụng mới có thể hiện ra. Bài tập áp dụng trong trường hợp này là tập tạ kết hợp cardio. Lưu ý, tập cardio không chỉ bao gồm chạy bộ mà cần đan xen thêm các bài tabata, đạp xe, bài tập đập dây,…
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Gymer quê Phan Thiết – Nguyễn Phương Trang cũng gây nhiều chú ý khi tham gia thử thách vén áo khoe body. Khi mặc chiếc áo rộng, người khác có thể hiểu lầm dáng vóc của cô không nổi bật nhưng khi vén áo lên thì kết quả bất ngờ. Phương Trang có được body hiện tại nhờ quá trình tập gym kiên trì gần 5 năm qua. Ban đầu, cô là người gầy còm, số đo vòng 3 chỉ đạt 85cm. Hiện tại, chỉ số này đã cán mốc gần 1 mét.
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Theo kinh nghiệm tập luyện, hot girl phòng gym Phan Thiết cho hay: “Eo nhỏ hay không chủ yếu phụ thuộc vào việc ăn uống, dinh dưỡng. Gập bụng hay tập các bài cho bụng chỉ giúp cơ bụng khoẻ hơn, chứ không hẳn là giảm mỡ bụng.” Người muốn giảm mỡ phải tuân theo nguyên tắc lượng calo nạp vào nhỏ hơn calo tiêu thụ.
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Hot gymer Thanh Hóa – Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh tập các bài đa dạng, gồm cardio, HIIT để nhanh chóng đốt mỡ dư thừa. Phương pháp này giúp cô có được những múi cơ săn chắc, hình thành đường cong rõ rệt.
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Siêu mẫu Minh Tú cũng từng gây chú ý khi tham gia trào lưu vén áo khoe body khỏe khoắn. Từ một cô gái gầy gò, thân hình thẳng đuột, giờ đây đường cong hình thể của Minh Tú khiến fan ngưỡng mộ.
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Bên cạnh trào lưu vén áo thì trào lưu túm áo khoe body cũng hot không kém. Gymer Hà Nội – Lê Xuân Anh tham gia thử thách này với dòng trạng thái: “Đừng nghĩ mấy đứa con gái hay mặc đồ rộng là không có gì.”
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Thời đi học cấp 3, thân hình của Xuân Anh không có gì nổi bật, nặng tới 65kg. Tuy nhiên, nhờ bén duyên với bộ môn gym gần 5 năm trước, dáng vóc của cô nàng 9X đã thay đổi tích cực. Hiện tại, cô sở hữu chiều cao 1m67, cân nặng 50kg cùng số đo hình thể nóng bỏng 96-60-96 (cm).
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Hot girl Quảng Ninh – Dạ Thảo gây chú ý không kém khi quay clip túm áo khoe body. Cô nàng này từng có thân hình mũm mĩm, nặng 56kg. Để giảm cân, cô chỉ ăn khoai lang, táo đỏ kết hợp tập gym nên giảm còn 49kg. Hiện tại, Dạ Thảo sở hữu số đo hình thể ấn tượng là 90-62-93 (cm).
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Với số đo 3 vòng lần lượt là 90-63-102 (cm), gymer Đồng Nai – Nguyễn Sương xuất hiện nổi bật giữa trào lưu túm áo. Cô nàng này từng nặng đỉnh điểm 80kg nhưng bây giờ đã giảm còn 60kg.
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Trào lưu túm áo để lộ đường cong hình thể còn được nhiều cô gái khác ở châu Á làm theo. Hot girl Instagram – Nana Chew thu hút hàng ngàn lượt tương tác chỉ với câu hỏi fan: Mặc rộng hay bó sát đây?
Xem chi tiết tại: Việt Giải Trí với bài viết Vén áo để lộ body thần Vệ nữ: Gymer Phan Thiết, Thanh Hóa gây bất ngờ vì điều này
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daycattocgiare · 4 years
Vén áo để lộ body thần Vệ nữ: Gymer Phan Thiết, Thanh Hóa gây bất ngờ vì điều này
Thứ Bảy, ngày 23/05/2020 09:54 AM (GMT+7)
Bật mí cách sở hữu body hoàn hảo từng cm của các gymer đình đám.
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Thời gian gần đây, trào lưu vén áo khoe body đang gây chú ý ở châu Á. Nhiều người đã tham gia thử thách, trong đó số lượng các gymer rất đông đảo. Và đương nhiên, các hot girl phòng gym Việt Nam cũng không nằm ngoài hot trend này. Trần Bích Hạnh là một trong những người gây chú ý khi vén áo để lộ body như vậy. Cô nàng 9X này từng bị trêu chọc là "rùa rụt cổ" vì thừa cân, béo phì. Thế nhưng nhờ tập gym mà hiện tại cô có thân hình cân đối, săn chắc, đặc biệt vòng eo nhỏ 58cm. 
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Theo Bích Hạnh, để có rãnh bụng sắc nét và sâu, bạn nữ cần đốt mỡ trước tiên. Mỡ giảm đi, cơ bụng mới có thể hiện ra. Bài tập áp dụng trong trường hợp này là tập tạ kết hợp cardio. Lưu ý, tập cardio không chỉ bao gồm chạy bộ mà cần đan xen thêm các bài tabata, đạp xe, bài tập đập dây,... 
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Gymer quê Phan Thiết - Nguyễn Phương Trang cũng gây nhiều chú ý khi tham gia thử thách vén áo khoe body. Khi mặc chiếc áo rộng, người khác có thể hiểu lầm dáng vóc của cô không nổi bật nhưng khi vén áo lên thì kết quả bất ngờ. Phương Trang có được body hiện tại nhờ quá trình tập gym kiên trì gần 5 năm qua. Ban đầu, cô là người gầy còm, số đo vòng 3 chỉ đạt 85cm. Hiện tại, chỉ số này đã cán mốc gần 1 mét.
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Theo kinh nghiệm tập luyện, hot girl phòng gym Phan Thiết cho hay: "Eo nhỏ hay không chủ yếu phụ thuộc vào việc ăn uống, dinh dưỡng. Gập bụng hay tập các bài cho bụng chỉ giúp cơ bụng khoẻ hơn, chứ không hẳn là giảm mỡ bụng." Người muốn giảm mỡ phải tuân theo nguyên tắc lượng calo nạp vào nhỏ hơn calo tiêu thụ.
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Hot gymer Thanh Hóa - Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh tập các bài đa dạng, gồm cardio, HIIT để nhanh chóng đốt mỡ dư thừa. Phương pháp này giúp cô có được những múi cơ săn chắc, hình thành đường cong rõ rệt.
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Siêu mẫu Minh Tú cũng từng gây chú ý khi tham gia trào lưu vén áo khoe body khỏe khoắn. Từ một cô gái gầy gò, thân hình thẳng đuột, giờ đây đường cong hình thể của Minh Tú khiến fan ngưỡng mộ. 
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Bên cạnh trào lưu vén áo thì trào lưu túm áo khoe body cũng hot không kém. Gymer Hà Nội - Lê Xuân Anh tham gia thử thách này với dòng trạng thái: "Đừng nghĩ mấy đứa con gái hay mặc đồ rộng là không có gì."
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Thời đi học cấp 3, thân hình của Xuân Anh không có gì nổi bật, nặng tới 65kg. Tuy nhiên, nhờ bén duyên với bộ môn gym gần 5 năm trước, dáng vóc của cô nàng 9X đã thay đổi tích cực. Hiện tại, cô sở hữu chiều cao 1m67, cân nặng 50kg cùng số đo hình thể nóng bỏng 96-60-96 (cm). 
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Hot girl Quảng Ninh - Dạ Thảo gây chú ý không kém khi quay clip túm áo khoe body. Cô nàng này từng có thân hình mũm mĩm, nặng 56kg. Để giảm cân, cô chỉ ăn khoai lang, táo đỏ kết hợp tập gym nên giảm còn 49kg. Hiện tại, Dạ Thảo sở hữu số đo hình thể ấn tượng là 90-62-93 (cm).
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Với số đo 3 vòng lần lượt là 90-63-102 (cm), gymer Đồng Nai - Nguyễn Sương xuất hiện nổi bật giữa trào lưu túm áo. Cô nàng này từng nặng đỉnh điểm 80kg nhưng bây giờ đã giảm còn 60kg.
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Trào lưu túm áo để lộ đường cong hình thể còn được nhiều cô gái khác ở châu Á làm theo. Hot girl Instagram - Nana Chew thu hút hàng ngàn lượt tương tác chỉ với câu hỏi fan: Mặc rộng hay bó sát đây?
Nguồn: http://danviet.vn/ven-ao-de-lo-body-than-ve-nu-gymer-phan-thiet-thanh-hoa-gay-bat-ngo-vi-dieu-na...Nguồn: http://danviet.vn/ven-ao-de-lo-body-than-ve-nu-gymer-phan-thiet-thanh-hoa-gay-bat-ngo-vi-dieu-nay-5020202359552354.htm
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Hot gymer Hà thành sở hữu body hoàn hảo với số đo khó tin 96-60-96 (cm).
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sarahhenrez018-blog · 5 years
Best tips to lose belly fat
Excess weight in your midsection can be annoying—not only because it’s so darn tough to ditch, but because it also has an impact on your overall health. Extra belly fat ups your risk of issues such as heart disease and diabetes, and, according to certified strength and condition specialist Michele Olson, PhD, life is filled with sneaky little saboteurs that make putting on the pounds in this area way too easy. “Due to changes in hormones, daily stresses, lack of sleep, coupled with possibly pregnancies, the fat women gain is often stored increasingly in the belly area,” explains Olson, also a senior clinical professor at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Alabama.
Related Article : http://www.weightlossforover50.com
And while you can’t exactly spot reduce, you can make lifestyle changes that can help you lose belly fat—and fast. Here, healthy-living pros offer their best science-backed strategies for winning the battle of the bulge.
Clean up your diet
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times: Abs are made in the kitchen. Unfortunately, if you regularly eat ultra-processed foods (think chips, store-bought baked goods, and candy), you won’t be able to see yours. “These foods are produced using sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup, which in high amounts has been shown to promote visceral fat accumulation in the liver, leading to weight gain, inflammation, and related diseases,” explains Rachel Fine, RD, owner of To The Pointe Nutrition.
Instead, opt for eats that have healthy amounts of soluble fiber such as oatmeal, sweet potatoes, avocado, and citrus fruits. Research reveals that an increase in these foods is linked to a decrease in visceral—aka belly—fat.
Slow down on spirits
Reducing alcohol intake can also help, says Fine. Alcohol contains about seven calories per gram—"just under fat, which equates to nine calories per gram.” And because alcohol is absorbed quickly, “when over-consumed, alcohol metabolism impairs metabolism of other macronutrients, such as carbs and fat, promoting…fat storage rather than breakdown,” she says.
For Younger Looking Skin
While you’re rethinking your drinks, limit your consumption of carbonated beverages as well, advises Vanessa Voltolina, RD, a New York City-based registered dietitian, noting that those fizzy drinks, though yummy, can cause belly bloat. (Sorry LaCroix!) Instead, stick to water, which Emily Incledon, RD says can act as an appetite suppressant, as well as help flush out your body to decrease the feeling of being bloated.
Make sure you exercise
Great news: Working out is good for more than just adding years to your life, boosting your brain health, and reducing stress levels—it can also help you rein in your gut. In fact, research in the journal Cell Metabolism reveals that exercise specifically helps reduce visceral fat. The key to losing belly fat with exercise, though, is making sure your sweat session is intense. You’ll want to be working at 85% of your max heart rate at least, says Olson. “The higher your heart rate, the higher the release of epinephrine into the bloodstream and cells,” she explains. “A positive side effect of epinephrine is that it also activates greater release of abdominal fat into the bloodstream to be used for energy.”
firming arms after 50
So what type of exercise is best when it comes to burning belly fat? Olson recommends intense weight training, Tabata interval training, sprint-style cardio, and kettlebell exercises. Of course, a little ab work won’t hurt either—especially moves (like dead bug) that target the transverse abdominus, the deep core muscles that act like a girdle for the waist, cinching you in all over.
Don't skimp on sleep
Falling short on zzz’s is also a surefire way to put your waistline in jeopardy. That’s because sleep deprivation knocks your hunger hormones out of whack, leading to an increase in ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, and a decrease in leptin, which signals when you are satiated. What’s more, research has shown that when you aren’t well-rested, you’re also more likely to reach for junk food (hello Ben & Jerry’s!)—and it may even become harder for you to build muscle mass. To help keep belly fat in check, aim to cuddle with your pillow for at least seven to eight hours each night. And if possible, hit the hay at the same time each night—one study found that women who did so and clocked around eight hours of sleep per night had lower body fat.
Just relax
Stress, which can come in many forms, can wreak havoc on your health. Whether it’s something you consider to be a “big” deal, like working on a project to meet a crucial work deadline, or something smaller, like someone cutting you off on your morning commute, your body treats it all the same way—by enacting your fight or flight response.
“As your body’s perception of stress increases, cortisol, often called the stress hormone, is released from the adrenal glands,” explains Nana Yaw Adu-Sarkodie, MD, a board-certified family physician practicing home-based care in Baltimore. “Normal levels are released when you wake up in the morning or during exercise. Chronic stress can lead to increased cortisol and other stress hormones, leading to increases in sugar in the bloodstream, weight gain, digestive issues, depression, and a host of other health effects.”
Keyword: Exercise for Flabby Arms for Seniors
A study in Psychosomatic Medicine confirms the link between stress and weight gain, revealing that women who are most vulnerable to the effects of stress are more likely to have excess abdominal fat and higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. One reason could be that women tend to eat more, especially sweets, on days they are stressed, according to a study in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology.
Which is why it pays to keep your cool. One way to do so: practicing mindfulness. According to a 2011 Journal of Obesity study, women who experienced the greatest reduction in stress by effectively mastering stress-reduction techniques tended to lose the most deep belly fat. So go ahead and take some deep breaths, hit the mat for some anxiety-relieving yoga, or open up one of those guided-meditation apps. Your belly will thank you in the long run.
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