#t'ika qallariq
cruciferous-spatula · 3 months
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Hello and welcome back to Qallariqs
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it's birthday time for T'ika
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She grows up pretty good and is a family sim looking for a lad who cooks and looks good but not too confident
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Meanwhile Aunt Inti is embarrassing us all again
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Sky the cat isn't sure about raising a puppy as her own, but Piggy's all for it
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That next morning, after killing a pretty blue bird, Sky becomes Old
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Sacha learns words
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Greeting walkby!Johka was pointless, he's exactly what T'ika isn't looking for
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and also she caught the plague off him. Goddamnit
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I never find anything interesting to say about the economies of these guys, but having invented chicken husbandry has done wonders for it. Here's the latest litter I know it's not called a litter of chickens but like whatever mom
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Plague means a lot of sleeping during the day for T'ika
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But Aunt Inti will have her get up for comfort soup.
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Woop! Yeah this pregnancy hasn't been as smooth as her former goes, but
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cruciferous-spatula · 3 months
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Part of why I've been hesitant to start the Roman Stage properly is that the first household we'll be spending time with, the Qallariq family, is one where nothing's really gonna change much. These guys are slave class, the only class who'll stay living on their old lots, so gameplay will look very similar to the neander stage. But anyway
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Entzu is visiting... I'm still not getting them back together, I don't care what they do
Inti's about to be way too busy for any of that nonsense anyway. Teh twins are aging up!
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I gave Wakin a haircut but unfortunately forgor to get his picture aftewards, whoopsie
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You can sort of see him in the background there as Inti's struggling with her pregnancy.. yep, that's happening too. She's not as young as she once was but she wants 10 children damnit!
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T'ika's bonding with little Sacha
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Piggy the cat is also getting some love
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Little Wakin's taking his first steps
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cruciferous-spatula · 7 months
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Day 2 with the Tuawhas. It's a new day and a bunch of aunts uncles and cousins visit
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Luma's not feeling too great. That was quick wasn't it? She only just had a baby last night
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Said baby is shown here meeting her uncle Entzu.
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meanwhile her older siblings are working on their artistic skills
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She might not be the baby of the house anymore, but Wuruhi's aunts and uncles are still lining up to hug and play with her
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When Miharo grows restless, she likes to go to the beach. Despite being shy and a Loner, she's still a popularity sim and likes to challenge herself to socialize with the other kool kidz
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Today uncle Tapu and aunt Luma convinced her to bring Tomuritanga along. He seems to be pretty self-sufficient so it's not even a hassle really
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Meanwhile Oye Keji and Nerea Bigarrena seem to be hitting it off playing tag on the path. One approves.
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Like any introvert, Miharo needs a break from the kool kidz now and then, and finds that there's nothing better for it than a good swim. Meanwhile Tomu's befriending T'ika Qallariq, one of very few fellow kids in he neighborhood he's not related to, just making a note of that to myself don't mind me
back home:
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lol what, also girl you care way too much whether boys like you
Anyway yeah Aworan visits and I have them go steady. Miharo has also been courted by Aitor previously but I want better things for her and he prefers Moemoea anyway
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positive memories all around! and yeah most of my sims' memories are of relatives' birthdays now, that's how this goes i guess
moar soon
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cruciferous-spatula · 7 months
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guys what are you even screaming about
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ah ok fair enough
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And the rain put it out immediately of course.
Well then.
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Yay! I guess that fire was good for something
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Even with lil' bro Manawataki joining big sis Moea for a jog, there's been plenty kicking around the house by now, no?
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Beach time! Wahi had to stay home, she's still sick :/
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Ah, young love
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Dang it!
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No more kissing for you young lady, go sit and social distance from the other children
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while responsible older sister family sim Para gathers goji berries for the benefit of the general health and wellbeing of the family
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And they all head home. Manawataki wore himself out playing and gets to take an afternoon nap, lucky bastard
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Dang it!
moar soon
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cruciferous-spatula · 1 month
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this episode on Qallariq/Iskay household, the toddlers are getting musical
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T'ika's taking responsibility for the crops this growing season, in part to get away from the 17 4 screaming babies
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But what's this? Some of the babies are growing just like those crops
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Wakin had a more exciting toddlerhood than Sacha did, not that you'd known from my screenshotting
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Don't ask about the houses behind Wakin here. That's spoilers.
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At the beach, Sacha makes heaps of friends
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But Wakin does okay in that department too. Poza's actually his half-sister as well, isn't that neat
And that's that for the Qallariq household this round
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cruciferous-spatula · 1 month
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Mutia's still not as close with all the Qallariq cats as she'd have liked.. when did she grow out of puppyhood anyway? The things I miss with my screenshotting, man
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Sacha's really cute.
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Cool big boy Johka drops by. The kids are his cousins, not that they'd know. Also pets playing nice, how about that. I don't use the controlpets cheat as a rule so it always a stroke of good luck when they're not fighting.
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We are allowed jobs now, but T'ika won't be going to work for some upper class household as that means moving out of this house.
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That leaves us only one other option, hehe. Our first professional, folks
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Mutia has some bad habits
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After tending the crops, Entzu pays a visit along with his sister and nephew
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Later in that afternoon!
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What's Entzu looking so pleased about?
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This is Entzu's 3rd set of twins to be born... and Inti's 4th. FML
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Two boys this time, that's a first for this hood I think? Yeah pretty sure it is actually! So that's something
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moar soonish
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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Akoko householde round 13 part 2. Relations visit.
It's never long between birthdays in a household this full, and this evening it's Ibukun's turn.
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Popularity/knowledge, high-key a snob, low-key heartthrob
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Luma accompanying on drums while Aworan teaches Ewa a nursery rhyme is the sort of stuff I'm here for
Later that night
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It's a boy! He's called Pataki. And everyone lived to tell the tale
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Titobi stayed up past his bedtime to watch the birth, so he needs to have a long morning nap
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Ditto for his parents, for different reasons.
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The boys take a brief trip to the beach that afternoon. Ibukun gets to know his brother's crush. She's alright.
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Back home, Inti visits and meets the tinies.
Imma cut it there for now :3
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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Hi y'all and welcome to round 13 - the last round of this challenge stage! Inti's cooked up a platter of corn on the cob to celebrate! Reminding me that I didn't have any this summer, how did that happen
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Meanwhile there's drama between the cats. we try not to judge what we don't understand
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of course the number of babies expected is 2 -_-
I don't check this ahead of time generally, but I was wondering as Inti wasn't showing even though it had been more than 25 hours, idk what that's about
Didan visits and goofs around with his niece
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and then ACR did this ^^ I'm so disappointed in you Didan
so yeah, this happened:
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I had her wish for 'power to cheat death' (just felt like something she'd do) and a long life, and saved the last wish for later :P
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Inti may not have gotten her 1st baby bump at all, but the 2nd showed up right on time
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You can tell they totally think they're being cute >:(
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Entzule drops by... Inti tries real hard to get back on good terms, while Eallin takes care of the garden
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Suyana's BFF's with Entzu and properly pissed off with Inti, but she still visits next morning. idk who she thinks she is to be judging tho
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maybe she should've stayed home actually, she's not feeling very well and almost barfed straight into the face of her concerned niece
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Maybe a bite to eat will help. Eallin's really pulling her weight with the butchering
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As is T'ika with the gardening
Moar soon
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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Brief interlude-ish thing. Having no money to buy even an empty lot with, Inti moves back into her childhood home where her nieces Eallin and T'ika live. She's not intending to continue the Qallariq name though, that's T'ika or arguably Eallin's birthright and also Inti has a lot of children of her own already. So she takes the new surname Iskay, just... in case.
Also, at some point in time, this happened
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Inti fulfilling a want for a date caused some bad blood with her sister Suyana.
Arguably it was hasty to do this before Inti moved out but uh
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No one will notice if Arvi and Inti have a late night tryst at the beach, nothing could go wrong could it
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No part of this is a good idea
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And now even more people are mad at them. tbf Elewá you had no business getting it on with Arvi either but
yeah, that happened. Just had to share it even though I'm not proud of the part I played in this whole debacle
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What's this, Leheniks?
Yeah, we're supposed to move over to the Tuatahi household now, but I saw that Wahi's about to age up, and Aitor here is older than her... also the only eligible young lad for the million Qallariq-descended teenage girls around. He's 1 day or less from aging up anyway, so we're doing it lads
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A bi boy! Just like Aworan Akoko, but they're first cousins so that's not happening lmao. Also how handsome is this young man, so of course I had to make him a romance sim
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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Time now to start round 12 (whaaat) with this picture of itty bitty new kitty Wiola, looking spaced out.
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Auntie Inti visits. She and Eallin have a secret cool guy handshake and everything.
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Para is also visiting, helping out with little T'ika. No wonder how Eallin has been able to hang out all day at all her neighbor's houses since last round, there's no shortage of free babysitters around.
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The neighbors' cooking has had a bit of an effect on Eallin's waistline though, not that it's noticeable at all with that baggy robe
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When Eallin needs to tend the garden or slaughter poultry or sleep or something, T'ika's uncle Ife likes playing in her sandpile with her.
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But whenever she has a free moment, she prioritizes teaching T'ika her toddler skills.
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It takes time and patience, but as a knowledge sim, she knows the importance of having a solid foundation for learning, and giving T'ika that is worth every minute.
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Here's another thing that's worth every minute: smoked poultry sausages. When those meat logs are good and dry, Eallin will tear up some jerky, and that extra protein should help little T'ika grow big and strong.
That night something bizarre happened. Imole Nubbe walked by and I had Eallin greet her, hoping to introduce T'ika to another one of her aunts. Instead Imole ran straight to the upper bedroom that's not in use right now
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where it's all completely ablaze.
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idk when this happened, or why? don't think there was anything in this room that could spontaneously combust and cause this
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though apparently Tanna's firey ghost is around and actually shows herself to her sister. Could she have done this?
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Sky the cat is just hanging out in the flames as well, why...
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did Tanna just exorcise herself with the inferno? Her gravestone is still here but T'ika is feeling like the death just happened but it's days and days ago, i don't understand
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Imole decides she's seen enough I guess
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And the fire gradually dies down, leaving only the very flammable looking clothing hamper and manger unscathed. Also damn it Sky now your little feet will be all sooty.
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Meanwhile T'ika was sleeping through the night in the open air, watched over by the diligent Wiola.
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Who upon this day also grows a little less littler.
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Sky survived the fire unharmed to get hugs from Eallin who also slept through the whole thing.
well then.. part 2 coming soon
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cruciferous-spatula · 11 months
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Part 3 of round 11 at the forest dwelling. Eallin is trying her best.
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If you think your day was rough, just know that this teenager spent it sweeping up her dad and stepmom's ashes
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Her uncle Arvi dropped by to help out.
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thus giving Eallin a moment to give herself a more practical haircut.
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Running a household by yourself is hard work. On top of tending the crops and looking after a baby, Eallin's having to teach herself to slaughter the chickens she's grown up looking after.
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And cooking it, too. The old oven is gone, but she was able to replace it with an outdoor alternative.
Also, baby T'ika is growing
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Those neat and nice points would be a great help when T'ika is older, but she has the laziness, playfulness and outgoingness points to cancel that out :P
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And that's the end of the round for this lot.
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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round 13 part 2 at the Qallariq etc - Aitor is here, having a chat with his half-sibling while his half-sibling's other half sibling meets this very neat and sweet stray cat - whose name is Piggy!
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This is indeed the Piggy who ran away from the Keji household last round because of fire. Obviously we're taking her in.
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T'ika and Aitor could get along better
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But what's this? Tripe boltage? Hmmm.
Also don't mind Aitor's cat Balin watching this messiness go down.. he just does that.
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Aworan visits too
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And then things are happening for real!
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Also Waiata is here lol? Glad her husband isn't :P
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Two babies! Inti has a total of seven now. The baldie with red brows is Wakin, and Sacha's the black-haired one
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Yana's not besties with her lil' sis yet, but she's gotta approve of a successful birf and no dying. T'ika finds the babies cute
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Aworan gets to hold a baby
Indartsu still has major beef with Inti
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But he don't scare us, Inti can cheat death!
stacked cribs stacked cribs
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7 ain't enough for Inti apparently..
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Next morning... Piggy's settling in nicely
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Inti really wants to be friends again with the father of most of her babies...
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… and it seems he's warming to the idea. Well then.
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Not all of Entzu's loved ones are even mad at Inti any more. Her and Luma are as close as ever.
Also chickens, because we totally didn't forget that this family keeps chickens, of at least T'ika didn't
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And that's all for now from here
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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moar Bigarrena household, where visiting uncle Indartsu just can't figure out what to do with the loud smelly baby.
What's that about? Visitors will autonomously take very full and happy babies to the fridge to stuff not-on-theme bottles into them non stop, but can't even think to put the blighter down or hand them to another adult when they get stinky.
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It's birthday! Nerea and Nahia are about to leave toddlerdom behind
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Yay! Finally I can like these two.
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And papa Entzu can take them to the beach along with big sis Miretsi.
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They were less than lucky with the weather, but they were still able to enjoy the view, get tormented by a crab, and meet some fellow neighborhood kiddos
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:3 i can't explain how much i like it when the kids meet each other and make friends you'll just have to bear with me
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I also like that these 5 can have meals together as a family now, couldn't do that when Nahia and Nerea were toddlers could we, what are toddlers even good for amirite
Well, speak of the devil
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And twin toddlers again. joyy
see you soon with more from here
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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moar Qallariq household. Their cousin Moemoea visits briefly.
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T'ika gives their cat Sky some love
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then all of a sudden
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she grew up!
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Being big enough to help out means helping out. Eallin appreciates the lightening of her workload
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and with the work getting done almost twice as fast as before, she can treat T'ika to a trip to the beach. Bathing in the ocean is a new and fun experience to T'ika.
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Eallin is hydrophobic, so she prefers making sandcastles. Her cousin Wahi helps out.
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Wahi and T'ika don't agree on a lot, but succeed in making their own sandcastle.
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There's no shortage of fellow kids to try to befriend. Idja Vuosttamus is a very nice boy, but unfortunately T'ika's half-brother Aitor isn't.
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Miretsi shares T'ika's interest in maths, or at least she says she does.
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As evening creeps closer, the girls head home, spotting Wahi and her dad soaking in the hot spring on the way
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Back home, Eallin grills up some corn for the neighbors while T'ika takes a much needed nap. It's been an eventful day.
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But the next morning brings more work.
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And that's where we leave these guys for now :)
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cruciferous-spatula · 11 months
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And we've made it to round 11! Can I get a hoo-yaa?
We're back with the Qallariq family at the forest dwelling, where Eallin is busy with the harvest.
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She's also looking forward to being a big sister.
Which is happening
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In the black of night, T'ika is born. Sorry about how dark these images are, I'm a noob and don't trust myself to make screenshots brighter in gimp yet
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As one does, Tanna and Hatun get trying on their next baby asap
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When she isn't bonding withe her baby sis or growing her green thumbs, Eallin enjoys playing in the dirt, like most kids
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And hanging out with her aunt Ausarta, who has lots of cool stories about her encounters with aliens. She can be a bit reluctant to give up the juicy details though.
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The days are quiet, thus far.
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Almost like a calm before a storm...
till next time :)
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