#entzule bigarrena
cruciferous-spatula · 1 month
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Hello and welcome back to too many effing babies. Here we see visiting good guy ex Entzu's bonding with his son
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While responsible older sister/cousin Eallin puts the other babby in bed
before getting to have her birthday finally
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Also I'm so sorry Eallin, but life's about to get a bit less breezey.
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She wants to move out, and as this family is slave class, she'll be moving in with and working for an upper class family. She takes the name Goalmmát as she won't be continuing the Vuosttamus line
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Piggy and Wiola are coming with her, look at how many are in this household otherwise lol
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Bye Eallin, hope your new life treats you well over with the Leheniks.
More on that later.
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cruciferous-spatula · 3 months
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Part of why I've been hesitant to start the Roman Stage properly is that the first household we'll be spending time with, the Qallariq family, is one where nothing's really gonna change much. These guys are slave class, the only class who'll stay living on their old lots, so gameplay will look very similar to the neander stage. But anyway
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Entzu is visiting... I'm still not getting them back together, I don't care what they do
Inti's about to be way too busy for any of that nonsense anyway. Teh twins are aging up!
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I gave Wakin a haircut but unfortunately forgor to get his picture aftewards, whoopsie
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You can sort of see him in the background there as Inti's struggling with her pregnancy.. yep, that's happening too. She's not as young as she once was but she wants 10 children damnit!
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T'ika's bonding with little Sacha
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Piggy the cat is also getting some love
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Little Wakin's taking his first steps
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cruciferous-spatula · 7 months
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Day 2 with the Tuawhas. It's a new day and a bunch of aunts uncles and cousins visit
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Luma's not feeling too great. That was quick wasn't it? She only just had a baby last night
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Said baby is shown here meeting her uncle Entzu.
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meanwhile her older siblings are working on their artistic skills
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She might not be the baby of the house anymore, but Wuruhi's aunts and uncles are still lining up to hug and play with her
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When Miharo grows restless, she likes to go to the beach. Despite being shy and a Loner, she's still a popularity sim and likes to challenge herself to socialize with the other kool kidz
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Today uncle Tapu and aunt Luma convinced her to bring Tomuritanga along. He seems to be pretty self-sufficient so it's not even a hassle really
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Meanwhile Oye Keji and Nerea Bigarrena seem to be hitting it off playing tag on the path. One approves.
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Like any introvert, Miharo needs a break from the kool kidz now and then, and finds that there's nothing better for it than a good swim. Meanwhile Tomu's befriending T'ika Qallariq, one of very few fellow kids in he neighborhood he's not related to, just making a note of that to myself don't mind me
back home:
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lol what, also girl you care way too much whether boys like you
Anyway yeah Aworan visits and I have them go steady. Miharo has also been courted by Aitor previously but I want better things for her and he prefers Moemoea anyway
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positive memories all around! and yeah most of my sims' memories are of relatives' birthdays now, that's how this goes i guess
moar soon
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cruciferous-spatula · 8 months
I'm back! Ugh, the world is too real. Let's sims!
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Aunt Luma visits the Bigarrena's along with Sanma who has the worst luck with rock-papyrus-sharpened shard of flint
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and Otis grows into a senior dog. Looking right dapper good sir!
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I missed it but I think Nerea just punched her baby brother really hard. You're lucky we're not in the Victorian stage Nerea or you'd be sent away or something
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Miretsi on the other hand plays really nice with her little sister Poza. One of them had a want for a swing around but I forget which one
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Chatting over slop dinner about thing that don't exist yet
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Brief beach trip that yielded only one screenshot because I'm bad at this lol
My main objective with these is to just have the neighborhood kids meet each other for easier drama-weaving later tbh
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Meanwhile I try to learn some sun&moon sets Entzu does some resource extraction labor in preparation for needing to know a trade by next challenge stage. I think he's grinding up some sulphur here?
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our final day with this household this round draws to a close
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Miretsi shares some unfortunate traits with her cousin Aitor, the noogie menace
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Nerea sleeps watched over by her papa and goodest girl Maggie the dog
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who grows into a sweet old lady that following morning. Time flies!
on that note, that's all from this household for this round
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cruciferous-spatula · 8 months
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Lunchtime with the Bigarrenas
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Why hello Eallin
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These 3 dogs are the best dogs. The Bigarrenas have raised them well
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Auntie Ausarta's also here today, hanging out with her lil nieces
That evening, Miretsi grows up
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She grows up feeling pretty good and looking awesome
and that's all for today
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cruciferous-spatula · 8 months
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Bigarrenas round 13 part 3, in which we encounter the sass with which Miretsi eats some berries
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Elsewhere, while twins Nahia and Nerea sleep, the doggies party.
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As do The Parents, in their way. Guys you're supposed to be broken up and angry
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Aitor and Moemoea should be heading home by now, but paused on their way out to autonomously catch the Big Feelings. Or Moemoea does at least, Aitor is somewhat distracted by her stank
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Morning. The pears are ready for picking and the dogs are in a playful mood
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They won't play with just anyone tho, and this random stray called Menice got a telling off, poor thing
part more soon
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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Hello and welcome back to the Bigarrena household. It's a brand spanking new day and Aitor is visiting with his grumpy unapproachable self, but Miretsi still tries to make a friend.
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Inti is also visiting. Entzu's feelings are inscrutable
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As is Moemoea autonomously apologizing to her? How did I miss out on whatever beef they had
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Uncle Entzu does not appreciate being hit in the face with a big sack, and he's too tall to noogie, so Aitor can't figure out how to interact with him.
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Maggie is easier to befriend
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Inti hanging out with her kiddos
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and we close out on the little dogs having a little nap
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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Bigarrenas now, where lil' guy Izar is sad. Actually both the toddlers are in aspiration failure because their parents divorced last round, so that's fun
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One thing Izar does have going for him rn is wants. Specifically, learning nursery rhymes wants. And fortunately big sis Miretsi agreed to help make that happen
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Somewhat less musically inclined, Poza gets back in the green by earning a counting-stones skill point, discovering a passion in life along the way
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Nahia and Entzule discuss things over some soup. I think Entzu is opening up to the idea of meeting someone new. Not knowing how exactly to feel about that, Nahia just kinda nods
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Later, Nahia runs into her mom, who is hanging out just outside the house for some reason.
next day,
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Para is visiting, as is the wolf who's taken a liking to tormenting her lately. She gives her a good telling off this time. Also uncle Indartsu drops by, and Maggie befriends this stray doggie called Poppo.
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And Inti is here, seeing one of her littlest ones.
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There's a lot to miss here. Most of her kids, watching them grow..
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and her ex's hawt bawd
end of part 1
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cruciferous-spatula · 1 month
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Well. That's a new house.
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And a different, more exciting-looking new house behind it there. We'll be seeing more of it later.
Anyway yeah hello and welcome to the Akoko household! Now moved to a new and improved house made out of real molded and sun-baked clay, rather than the ol' sticks and reeds. It's the new way of things.
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Here we see Suyana with baby Pataki. She's expecting again for the sixth and final time. She won't be aging into elderhood this round, but only just. Behind them, eldest child Aworan checks out the new garden.
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Cat power couple DD and Diddy came along, of course
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As did the Akoko goats :) and the children are now in school, with all the opportunity that brings
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This family is plebeian, so we aren't seeing much grandeur yet, but I'm really feeling the upgrade the new house is. Oorun, too, is glad his littlest child will grow up in this relative luxury.
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He even finds motivation to be even more of a breadwinner, as he's allowed to now. His choice of career is a surprise to his wife, he was always the serious one of the two (he has 4 points on the serious-playful scale, she has 7). But then he does have the Insane trait. And the "Become Rock Star" LTW. So it kind of tracks.
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Stuck at home, Suyana spends what free time she can find in between caring for the goats, crops and baby by entertaining friends and family. Her sister Mayu is actually Empress now I guess, so though the family ain't rich, they're not without powerful connections. But like, who isn't in this hood at this point lol. And Mayu and Harikoa's niece Aroha, also visiting, actually works for them at the palace now.
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That evening, Ibukun checks on his baby bro
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to find that he's rapidly becoming a lil less of a baby. Or more of one, depending how you look at it. A bigger one, anyway. He grew!
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And what a sweet lil guy he is now!
End of part one.
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cruciferous-spatula · 1 month
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Mutia's still not as close with all the Qallariq cats as she'd have liked.. when did she grow out of puppyhood anyway? The things I miss with my screenshotting, man
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Sacha's really cute.
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Cool big boy Johka drops by. The kids are his cousins, not that they'd know. Also pets playing nice, how about that. I don't use the controlpets cheat as a rule so it always a stroke of good luck when they're not fighting.
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We are allowed jobs now, but T'ika won't be going to work for some upper class household as that means moving out of this house.
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That leaves us only one other option, hehe. Our first professional, folks
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Mutia has some bad habits
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After tending the crops, Entzu pays a visit along with his sister and nephew
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Later in that afternoon!
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What's Entzu looking so pleased about?
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This is Entzu's 3rd set of twins to be born... and Inti's 4th. FML
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Two boys this time, that's a first for this hood I think? Yeah pretty sure it is actually! So that's something
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moar soonish
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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Heading over to the Akokos now. Both their nanny goats are pregnant apparently, that's exciting
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Speaking of pregnant :P
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Oorun got old! Although he doesn't even look older at all, his hair's just grey now
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^^ When the kids are literally falling asleep and still don't want to go to bed :P
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Aworan runs into this really pretty girl Miharo, and they get along great. Double bolts eh? In my book that means it's date time!
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Any excuse is a good excuse to get a break from a house full of kids and goats and cats and parents, so I sent these cuties to the beach
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as it makes for better conversation.
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Then again. the beach is also full of prying eyes and third wheels. Aworan's buddy and cousin Aitor is alright tho
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But after the sun sets, the lil lovebirds can get to really know each other
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and even share a milestone or two.
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Success! Now let's go home Denny
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One of the goats gave birth and is now producing a whole lotta milk to the delight and refreshment of all.
and that just about wraps up part one of this segment of this round. see ya around!
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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Hi y'all and welcome to round 13 - the last round of this challenge stage! Inti's cooked up a platter of corn on the cob to celebrate! Reminding me that I didn't have any this summer, how did that happen
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Meanwhile there's drama between the cats. we try not to judge what we don't understand
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of course the number of babies expected is 2 -_-
I don't check this ahead of time generally, but I was wondering as Inti wasn't showing even though it had been more than 25 hours, idk what that's about
Didan visits and goofs around with his niece
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and then ACR did this ^^ I'm so disappointed in you Didan
so yeah, this happened:
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I had her wish for 'power to cheat death' (just felt like something she'd do) and a long life, and saved the last wish for later :P
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Inti may not have gotten her 1st baby bump at all, but the 2nd showed up right on time
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You can tell they totally think they're being cute >:(
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Entzule drops by... Inti tries real hard to get back on good terms, while Eallin takes care of the garden
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Suyana's BFF's with Entzu and properly pissed off with Inti, but she still visits next morning. idk who she thinks she is to be judging tho
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maybe she should've stayed home actually, she's not feeling very well and almost barfed straight into the face of her concerned niece
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Maybe a bite to eat will help. Eallin's really pulling her weight with the butchering
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As is T'ika with the gardening
Moar soon
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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moar Bigarrena household... friggin toddlers
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Inti and Entzu have autonomously been trying for moar babies since the birth of the youngests because of course they have, but no luck yet
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Neighbors Waiata and Arvi are visiting, what could possibly go wrong
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once again acr destroys my game and life
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Entzu, like me, is devastated
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Meanwhile Indartsu and Suyana continue to make me mad. Arvi disapproves too but idk who he thinks he is to be judging.
Someone has to draw a line somewhere. We've seen a couple sims forgiving their cheating spouses and staying together, but I don't need that to become the norm, and I think this is a hard line for Entzu.
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Entzu: How could you, Inti? We made a vow to be true to each other! You've hurt me terribly and I can't have my children thinking this is an okay way to treat their spouses - or something they should put up with from anyone. We're over!
Inti: Over?? Entzu! We were just.. flirting..
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As angry and hurt as Entzu is, he can't help himself from checking Inti out until she runs off lot
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The toddlers slept through the breakup, but the older kids are crushed by the news.
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Entzu tries to comfort Nahia...
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Even the next morning is hard. Entzu's not used to waking up alone...
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Although he's not really all alone I guess. Duty calls!
And that's all from this household for this round :/
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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And now for the first time ever, we head to the newly established Tuawha household, situated here, in the deceptively named Reed Hut. Deceptively, because that's not even reeds is it.
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Lovebirds Tapu and Luma waste no time in trying out their new bedroom. I may have heard a little tune too ♪
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Meanwhile, Miharo meets a cute cat. I think this is Dudders.
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Tapu's niece Moemoea visits to congratulate the couple on their new home
But she and the other random guests will soon have more to congratulate em on
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Tapu feels this has been in the cards since he and Luma decided to move in together a few days ago, but is still touched almost to tears by how happily Luma accepts his proposal.
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No time to waste!
Luma's skirt is the one her mother wore when she was young, handed down and worn on special days like this one
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Their witnesses consist of niece Miharo, Dudders the cat and Tapu's older brother Puawai. There are other guests but they're busy playing kicky bag -_-
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There you can see them in the background. Entzu your baby sister is getting married ffs mate
And yeah Tapu and Miharo's skirts are the same... the fabric was on sale okay
Yeah I spent over a thousand moleys on that bloody wedding arch that we sold again immediately after because this household has like no money
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But they have each other. Luna the kitten sighting! She's learning that she's a good cat for peeing outside and not in the house she can't access :P
the next morning:
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oooo it's so exciting
Luma is a family sim so she's ecstatic about this, but I'm not so sure about that dress for her
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Luma's big brother Indartsu is visiting, but because of the rain they spend the day inside the barely furnished house. At least Miharo is having fun.
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Luma's OTH is Art, and she hoped to decorate a bit with her works, though selling is perhaps the wiser move at this point
the next morning
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the game reminds me that I must have some odd default pet eyes installed, because Luna's went from bright green to dark brownish upon growuppening. Oh well
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And bumpity!
more to come
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cruciferous-spatula · 11 months
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It's a quiet day for Mr. and Mrs. Bigarrena, and their twins
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And then the game reminds us that we are about to deal with three toddlers at once.
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Enjoying this relatively chill time while we can
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alright, I admit it. they're cute.
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Also Inti is pregnant again. When did that happen you say? Well I can't be everywhere at once can I
The 24 hours of juggling 3 toddles at once are up. It's Miretsi's birtday!
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Sorry her made over look is her in her pyjamas. She basically just grew her curls out.
and that's all from the Bigarrena household for now!
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cruciferous-spatula · 11 months
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Bigarrena household again! Woo!
Entzu is learning how to leatherwork, while Inti mostly dotes on baby Miretsi.
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And is congratulated on the expectation of more babies by SIL and bestie Luma.
Before their arrival though, it's time for Miretsi to grow up a little
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She's a Scorpio just like her mom! And I don't think any other sim yet born has turned out quite so stern-looking, lol
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but soon enough
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Twin girls! Welcome Nerea and Nahia. Their dad can't stop smiling, but his eyes have fully glazed over. A toddler and two babies! And after their babysitter moved back home, too :|
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Fortunately there's no real want of aunts and cousins more than happy to help with the babies... as long as they keep visiting
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and dogs. And uncles.
part 2 coming soon :)
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