#syntax error fan
It figured out how to play the chrome dinosaur game…that’ll keep it somewhat occupied
Despite the music, it thinks that it’s quiet—but not like the quiet it’s used to. A more ominous quiet. It doesn’t know how to feel about it
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tech-kingthomas · 2 years
“Slave!” he barked in their direction.  Thomas had never revealed to anyone here his prior status on this island, at this place.  He never would admit it, but he always had thought that was a sort of weakness in him.  It was his own poor choices that landed him there for the first time, in the first place.  No one to blame but him and his bad investors.  Now, though, he couldn’t understand for the life of him why he never bothered to flip the script - it felt good to be on this side of the aisle, the one who was commanding, not the commanded.  “Why haven’t you knelt at my feet yet, or asked what you could do for me?”
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bookbfdii · 21 days
I drew something for the veryeveyevery start of my au on wattpad (there’s a little blood in the image)
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lisa972kdlz · 6 months
(It's translated from French, I hope there aren't too many syntax errors ^^" In any case, enjoy your reading !)
Dreamtale Theories:
Here's a list of a few theories about the Dreamtale Lore, this story leaving some very interesting gaps to try and fill. Philosophical and scientific thoughts helpt me to concretise these ideas, but although I've been inspired by them, it's not with these points of view I'm going to develop, but rather a purely artistic point of view. Little by little, philosophy and science have been lost in my ramblings, giving way to imaginations that seemed to fit together. Artists imagine. They cheat, they lie, they don't care much for concrete realities. In the end, the only science I get into position on is the elements of the Dreamtale canon, at least those I've managed to pick out. Perhaps I've missed some information that would disprove these hypotheses, in which case it would be courteous of you to let me know.
On a more chill note, say I'm just a teenager with a overflowing mind who loves to come up with crazy theories with whatever I can get my hands on, and I write this mainly for fun ^^
In fact, I don't think for a second I'm right, so I don't know if I can call those theories... Maybe speculation ideas about Dreamtale I wanted to share? Almost headcanons, but still based on concrete elements of the canon.
So let's go, first theory!
☁︎ Canon/Fanon:
For starters, why do I insist so much on canonicity? Because when it comes to Dreamtale, the boundary between Fanon and Canon is not always well understood, given that there are a lot of preconceived ideas on the subject.
The fact is, I see Dreamtale's Fanon and Canon as two completely separate worlds. And yet, understand that I hate adhering to variants of this and that for anything and everything. The idea of viscerally separating the Canon and Fanon sides of an oeuvre makes no sense to me, especially in an open world where each universe is a piece of a larger puzzle, where the world we're presented with is meant to be a huge playground.
And at this stage, if we do that with this universe, we could do the same for all the existing stories, no? Nevertheless, for THIS world and this world in particular, I think it's important.
For there is a crucial difference between C!Dreamtale and F!Dreamtale, a difference that completely alters the interpretation of the oeuvre. Fanon doesn't just make a few interpretative changes... He changes the very nature of a character: Corrupted Nightmare. And that, well... It's a bit complicated not to separate the two, especially when the Fanon version is so popular... Canon, he is dead and his body belongs to another character who has his own personality and background. Fanon, he's alive. Trapped, imprisoned, manipulated, split into two personalities (Night and Mare) or fundamentally evil, depending on the case, but alive.
Night is experiencing a bit of Asriel syndrome: it was because Undertale fans couldn't accept his death that the first AU's were created. And for Dreamtale, there was such misunderstanding about this (Because reading the Prologue, everyone agreed that Corrupted Nightmare was...well... Nightmare), that the majority think this is official. (It has to be said, it wasn't evident let me reassure you...)
To this we can add the fact that most of the time, in very fanon fanfics and fancomics, the other two trees don't exist or are never mentioned, that Corrupted (I refuse to call him "Nightmare" simply because he isn't Nightmare) isn't a real person or doesn't exist at all, that Dreamtale is an AU of Undertale, so made up of codes like the other AU's, but all that still depends on people's interpretation and knowledge of the real Dreamtale.
To put it more bluntly, and if the boundary's still unclear: F!Dreamtale is a part of the Undertale Multiverse, while C!Dreamtale is its own universe.
Since I like both aspects equally, and in order to get everyone on the same page, I've come up with a mini theory:
Dreamtale Fanon, being the Dreamtale developed by fans based on the belief that Corrupted Nightmare is more or less Night, has strayed so far from its original story (it focuses more on the "broken brothers" relationship of the twins, their mutual development and their relationships with the characters of the Undertale fandom), that over time, by putting down roots in the world of Undertale and through the influence of the creators, Dreamtale would have "split." This double would then have merged with the codes of the Undertale Multiverse, because Dreamtale was so well integrated into it that this version of it ended up becoming imprinted on the very core and codes. That's why, in F!Dreamtale, we don't always mention the other trees, since they never joined the Undertale Multiverse. Even we NEVER mention them in Dreamtale's AU's like Swapdream or the alternative Multiverses like Dreamswap, Swapverse, etc. That's why Dream and Nightmare exist in the alternative Multiverses,AU's and not the rest (Vampireverse, Empireverse, Minuscultale and so on).
The result is two Dreamtales:
The Canon Dreamtale, which belongs to Joku,
The Fanon Dreamtale, which belongs to the Fandom Joku too.
Well yeah, it's still Dreamtale, so it still belongs to Joku, no matter what haters want ◖눈ᴥ눈◗
Also, this definitely doesn't prevent fanfics from being based on C!Dreamtale, it's even advisable to give it the prominence it deserves. Hence the idea of completely separating these versions, because fans can make fanfics about the Canon, and although it's fanon, it won't be similar to the F!Dreamtale version at all.
Two worlds taking different thematic paths created on the uncertainty of Night's death (like a "Schrodinger's Night" ͡° ͜ · ͡°).
Next theory!
☁︎ Tree of Feelings/Creators link:
This is a question I picked up when wondering about Dream and Corrupted's various attacks. Where Dream needs a body to hold him together, Corrupted has so many black apples that he can physically hold himself together without a body, and more or less correctly. Do positive and negative energies function differently? Is it because Corrupted has more apples that he holds on better? What is positive and negative energy in Dreamtale's Lore?
At the beginning, I'd started from the principle that Energy with a big E, being what makes up absolutely all existing things, humans and monsters alike, could be used by Dream and Corrupted to be converted into either magical energy or physical energy. As Dream only holds one apple and enjoys a body, he'd mindlessly convert his energy into magical energy, which is why he has a soul similar to human's souls and why he's able to heal as green magic does, or cause damage as white magic does. For Corrupted's part, possessing no body of his own and having amassed enough power from his hundreds of apples, he would have to convert negative energy into physical energy. This would require a great deal of power and would therefore explain why, despite he's stronger than Dream, he's not 999X stronger than him. He already uses a lot of his energy simply... Holding on without melting.
I also theorised that if one of them were to acquire all the apples, not only would it have a stable body, but it would also be able to convert this energy as it saw fit. Corrupted could then generate magical attacks AND have a physical body.
The trouble is... Dreamtale isn't actually part of Undertale. So there's no Magic,Physics duality. And even assuming that Dream converts that energy into magical energy because he's unconsciously copying the way his adopted world works, he's still canonically attacking with positive energy and not MAGIC made from positive energy. Energy comes in many forms, but I don't think he can control it in such a pure form...
All this can still hold together, but what bothers me most is that pure Energy would have... A positive side and a negative side? And what's more, related to feelings? Why not, but I'm not really pleased with.
Dream and Corrupted's energy is material, palpable. Of course, we could stop at the fact that it's just a magical energy like we find everywhere in stories and not ask ourselves any more questions.
But I love wracking my brains to find answers to questions that no one wonder, so I'll keep going èwé–
What kind of energy would this refer to? Not energy in the scientific sense, because that's independent of any emotion, whereas in Dreamtale, positive energy, for example, is directly linked to positive feelings.
Because tree of FEELINGS–
The most plausible thing I found with is that positive and negative energies are linked to the spiritual energy: auras, meditation, etc. Proof of its existence is fairly hazy in the world of creators. But in the world of fiction...? What if? This energy of consciousness exists, whether it's real or not. And if it's not in the real world, as long as there are people who believe in it, then it's in the world of fiction. What if the fruits of the tree of feelings were the material manifestation of this spiritual energy produced by the consciousness of the creators? Just as a world is created by a creative mind, what about Dream and Nightmare were the guardians of the feelings of fiction as the direct embodiment of the emotions that creators instil in their work? This could be the reason why Dreamtale isn't made up of codes, because it's the direct embodiment of a philosophy and not just another fictional universe among many.
I can't decide whether it's too obvious or too far-fetched ^^". It was the concept in Underverse that made me think of it... There are references between what Nightmare implies in 0.6 and creators tearing up their own universes because they're filled with negative emotions. Underverse isn't canon, but there's nothing to stop this idea of the creator,feeling link being applied to Dreamtale.
Especially as it allows us to imagine something even bigger that could work in relation to the three trees...
But before that, a little theory about Corrupted, because the more we learn about him, the more this character becomes... Mysterious.
☁︎ Something is rotten in the state of Dreamtale :
Ever since I knew that the three trees were part not of the Undertale Multiverse but of all the other Multiverses, I've been wondering why it should be Corrupted who embodies absolute Evil and not someone else. After all, we know plenty of evil lords, don't we? Isn't it a bit pretentious to claim him to be above everyone else?
But one detail, one nuance, makes all the difference.
By definition, Corrupted does not embody Evil, but negative feelings. He embodies them because he has become their guardian, their bearer. What I'm trying to say is that black apples and evil are not linked... Black apples are not fundamentally evil. They have no conscience; they are neutral, they exist for balance and have a purpose of their own.
No, Corrupted is Evil for another reason. He's Evil because he's simply wicked. If the personification of negative feelings is evil, it's not because the negative emotions or the apples are mean, but because they are themselves corrupted, alienated by a consciousness that manipulates them irresponsibly. Why would the Entity feel hatred? Hatred and not despair or dread? Because he was already filled with hatred, or because he has a fighting personality that allows him to exploit this emotion for its dark projects. Is it a sign that Corrupted isn't worthy of being their carrier? After all, he's not their basic guardian; it was Nim, then Nightmare.
In this way, that doesn't prevent him from being THE allegory on the scale of all dimensions (or of a large area of dimensions, if you don't like the idea that Dreamtale is linked to all fictional universes) , because the role relating to negative FEELINGS in a neutral behaviour is rather original. He's an allegory of negative feelings that doesn't need to be, and that gives a false image of what negative feelings actually are; the pejorative and common image we have of them. In reality, negative feelings are neither good nor bad; they mean no harm to others. The one who wishes them harm is the Entity, Corrupted.
He's a simple villain who has got his hands on power that doesn't belong to him and is out of control with.
Maybe not a 'simple' villain either?
Because, another theory, I think that Corrupted is this fourth guardian that Joku mentioned. Firstly because I don't know who else he could be, but also because he knows about the other dimensions outside Undertale. How would he know if he didn't come from outside? Who else would this fourth guardian be, and why would Joku mention him? What's more, a number of elements fit together with this theory, notably his strategy of manipulating Nim (Nim is far from stupid, and he probably wouldn't have succeeded so easily if he didn't already know a little about her), in order to create Dream and Nightmare, dividing positivity and negativity to undermine the pillars of balance, all with the aim of finding a carnal envelope and taking possession of the Tree of Feelings...
Like a plan that has been fine-tuned for years and years... Add to this the anecdote that the tree guardians are not the original guardians and that Nim learnt something awful about them before leaving for Undertale, and you'd think there was a rotten menace already pulling the strings in the shadows, long before our dear twins were born.
So what is Corrupted looking for? What's his ultimate plan? To spread negativity across all dimensions and reign supreme as a Living God?
A fine programme... But what if we took his ambitions one step further?
☁︎ Feelings, Life, Magic:
Why three trees? Why THESE three trees? Why place them at the centre of the Multiverse? Why are feelings, life and magic at the heart of the worlds? What link can we make between them?
Feelings, well ok, that works... Life and death, logical... Magic? Why magic? Magic isn't a necessary element in the Multiverse, sometimes it doesn't even exist... Why a tree of Magic and not a tree of Souls, or a tree of Virtues and Sins, for example? Undertale is very closely linked to magic, but that's not the case for all worlds...
This is where we come back to the idea that apples are the materialised forms of the feelings creators apply to their work... Does this also work with Magic and Life? Yes, it does. Trees don't just take care of Feelings, Life and Death and Magic... They reflect what creators need to create.
Feelings, as we've said, are exactly what it takes to find inspiration, to feed the imagination like maintain fire. As long as the feelings remain, so do the passion and inspiration.
Life, on the other hand, is quite simply what enables a work to exist, to remain. Life is the nest in which the spirit bathes, gathering together the experiences of the creator, housing and preserving them. You could also say that the more lives there are to witness a work, the more real a work is.
Inspiration, yes... The environment, all right... But what is needed to create something out of nothing? To make the unreal real? The immaterial material?
Nothing more than a little magic ✨ !
Not the kind of magic you find in fiction with wizards and pseudo-scientific logic, no... Magic in the sense of believing in something irrational. To believe that these worlds exist, to have faith without needing proof. Accepting imagination. Not in a religious connotation, but in the sense: Magic = Consenting Suspension of Disbelief.
Feelings: The fuel.
Life: The oxygen.
Magic: The spark.
Fire triangle is complete.
What if these three trees were the equivalent of the Triforce of Creation itself? Feelings to stimulate, Life to sustain, Magic to materialize.
What would happen if, by some mischance, an ill-intentioned person managed to seize the power of these three trees? What would be the consequences? In the end, perhaps this mysterious Entity wants more than just the golden apple in Dream's care?
And if these three trees work very well together, what would the fourth guardian be doing?
Would he be the original guardian?
Or the exact opposite of Creation: Destruction and Nothingness?
(Voilà! I hope theses theories will have interested you ^^ And you, what do you think? Do you have theories about what's going to happen in the Dreamtale sequel?)
Dreamtale belongs to @jokublog
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
LMK/JTTW gender headcanons & how they respond when asked about their identities:
Im he/they myself so some of these may be self-projecting. A lot are joking, but some are legit examinations. I also hc that gender is a lot more accepted as fluid amongst demons than in a lot of celestials. pls respond with your own thoughts:
Sun Wukong: "Oh I was born under the kun trigram, but I'm a guy a lot of the time." Has personally stolen every form of gender expression he's ever found like peaches from the royal orchard. Transmasc + Genderfluid, He/Him.
Macaque: "I was born under the Xùn trigram, so I guess I don't fall into mortal norms. I just take whatever role I can get really." Gender as fluid as the shadows he controls. Doesnt care what label is put on them. Happily takes feminine titles/roles as long as they are seen as equal to their male counterparts. Intersex + Nonbinary, He/She/They
MK: "I was born afab but I indentify as he/they. I first thought I was a really masc girl, but then a customer called me "A Fine Young Man" once and it changed my whole life. I have it all documented right here in my journal and-" *infodumps his whole journey of personal gender identity for the next three hours* Transmasc He/They
Mei: "I'm a ♡Girl♡. But like, mostly for the aesthetic." (✿◠‿◠) Wears her identity and orientation proudly on her sleeves. Transfem She/They/Neopronouns
Red Son: "Who dares limit the heir of the great Demon Bull Family to one gender!? I will personally claim each and every title for my own! Prince and Princess? Both mine! Go get your own gender, peasant!" Secretly has internal crisis on wanting to be seen as his father's heir/son, but also not wanting to just be seen as Male? Give her a minute to process. Any pronouns.
Bai He/LBD's Host: "Ummm... I dunno yet." *gets distracted by a cat* She/Her for now.
Pigsy: "Uh...?" *checks smudged handwriting on palm* "Mam-male? I guess? Stop distracting me while I'm cooking." Chubby transmasc swag (self-projection ahoy), He/Him.
Tang: "Demiboy. I live for the fear in people's eyes as they panic to refer to me by a gendered title. A student panicked once and called me Professor and it's stuck since." Has a catalog/dictionary of every gender identity in the world, mortal and demonic. He/They
Sandy: "What ever you can be! Your gender can be a huge part of your identity and how you interact with the world- Oh wait, you're asking for my pronouns? Sorry I got distracted. He/Him please." Like almost embarassingly supportive of gender expression and exploring one's identity. He/Him
Princess Iron Fan: "I grew up with so many sisters and I feared that I was never feminine enough to match up to the court's standards that I- I'm a woman, you idiot." It's complicated. She/Her
DBK: "I dunno man I just got here." Is aggressively supportive no matter what. Called Red his daughter once and panicked when Red started crying with joy, thinking he'd misgendered his son. Doesn't care for masculine norms. He/Him
Nezha: "What, are you a cop? I just like pink." Developed thoughts about his gender identity after his revival and has started to shift away from being aggressively masculine in behaviour just to appease the Jade court. Genderfluid, He/They
Lady Bone Demon/LBD: "Whatever I identity as will be insignificant once I've completed my goals." She/They
The Mayor: "Mayor." He/It pronouns
Spider gang:
Spider Queen: "What part of Queen did you not hear!?" Wukong was the first person to ever recognise her as a girl back in the day and it makes her thoughts on him really complicated. Transfem, She/Her
Hunstman: "What part of Huntsman did you not hear?" Violently protects the others when they get misgendered. Transmasc, He/Him
Strong Spider/Goliath: "Whatever can protect my friends better!" Is the one to de-escalate when Huntsman violently jumps to protect them. Any pronouns.
Syntax: "Syntax Error: Missing/Unmatched Parentheses." *laughs in math nerd* He/They
Spindrax: "Whatever kind of girl Mei is, I think. But like... a different aesthetics." She/They/neopronouns
Demon Gang:
Jin & Yin: "You blind, mate?" "We're clearly both-" (talking over one another) "Lasses!/Blokes! Wuh?! You're?! Oh bruv/sis I didn't know! Forgive me!" *both hug eachother in support* Both trans She/Her & He/Him.
Lin/Demon Accountant: "In this economy? I'm lucky to afford Me's and I's!" She/They/It/Neopronouns
Scorpion Queen: "GIRL!!! Oh, sorry! I'm a little new to this and I get a little overexcited. Tang calls it Gender Euphoria. I like it!" Transfem, She/Her
Tudi: "*indescernable, but delighted to answer*" He/They
The Brotherhood:
Azure Lion: "I am male, obviously. Why do you think I grow out my beautiful mane?" Transmasc; JttW accidentally outed him and he never forgave the author. Guanyin tried to cover for him by saying he was a "gelded lion" (canon), but he's still mad about it. He/Him.
Peng: "You do not know who I am? I am the great Golden-Winged Peng of Camel Ridge!" Canonically non-binary. They/Them
Yellowtusk: *just nods and returns to cup of tea* Any pronouns.
OG Pilgrims:
Tripitaka: "...It is impolite to inquire such things." Has a really complicated gender identity journey tied to their upbringing as a monk + their aroace orientation. Always thought there was something "broken" about them since they could not see themselves as either binary genders, but experienced euphoria when Wukong introduced them to non-binary identities. Agender, They/Them
Zhu Bajie: "Isn't gender one of those things Wukong stole from Heaven?" Has no idea what anyone's talking about, but trans and demi-women means more women for him no matter their body type. Cis, He/Him
Sha Wujing: "Yeah." *doesnt elaborate further* He/They
Ao Lie: "I'm a horse." :3 Any pronouns.
The Four Stalwarts:
Marshal Ma: "Girl, but only to tormet Wukong as his big sister." She/They
General Ba: "Just call me Granny, dear." She/Her
Marshal Liu: "Vengance." Is whom Macaque inherited their non-binary swag from. They/Them
General Beng: "Ah? What I am? Well... I'd consider myself... one with every model of gender life can provide. What were we talking about again?" Any pronouns
Bonus round! Au characters:
Ao Bing: "I'm like Nezha, but with light blue." Intersex + Genderfluid, He/They.
Chenxiang: "I did not go through a whole journey of finding my internal manhood to be misgendered." He/Him
Yinghuo/Fire Star/SWK's Lawyer: "I only include gendered titles and pronouns in my paperwork at the request of the cilent. My own should not interfere with these proceedings." Dislikes the automatic masculine association with Mars. Any pronouns.
Rumble & Savage: *chirp?" *chirp?" They are babies after all. He/Him & She/Her for now.
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Time for English P4AU manga volume 2! Like last time, shenanigans are below the cut and requests for page comparisons are always welcome.
Overall Opinion
My initial read-through this time was done while I was sleep deprived, so take my impressions with a grain of salt, lmao.
I think the the three most memorable impressions I took away from the translation this time around were:
The syntax felt more markedly stilted to me than last time. As well, the writing was a bit awkward in some places, though I'm unsure if that's a trait of the original Jap writing or if it only arises from attempting to format it into Eng grammar and culture.
The fan-Eng translation took creative liberties with some words that I think were better served by the official-Eng's translation staying truer to the Jap text. Also, the official-Eng transl provided interesting insight into some things that the fan-Eng transl didn't, which I'll go into a bit below.
The scene where Minazuki ambushes Naoto was mistranslated as Sho being the speaker, despite the Japanese text clearly being Minazuki's language patterns. TuT
Overall, I had a positive impression of it and would say that it's worth reading for those who don't mind a few errors and awkward lingual choices.
As for the ミナヅキ・皆月 naming differentiation... Thus far, both Sho and Minazuki have been "Minazuki", as per adherence to the Jap naming scheme. No alternative font, font effects, subtext, special text bubbles, nor anything to clarify the distinction. However, I'm personally reserving judgment until I get my hands on Vol 3, as I have a sliver of hope that the protagonists knowing the difference is permission for the audience to know the difference. I'm not sure how much I actually believe in said sliver, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt at the very least. ^^;
Illustrations and Author Comics
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Vol 2 still has the illustration pages and end-of-volume author's comic! The exclusive edition also has the fold-out poster of the original cover, of course.
The mistranslated ambush scene was, in fact, Minazuki
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So y'all can see for yourself that the text in the Minazuki-Naoto ambush scene clearly uses 俺 and 君 rather than 僕 or テメエ. (Though to be fair, I've actually found an instance where Sho uses 俺 in Vol 2. The line is 「テメエこそ俺にカンショーすんじゃねえ!!」, towards the start of Ch14 when Kagu's mocking his Ikutsuki issues (so Sho's pretty irate). He then returns to using 僕 immediately after; and as there are no visual indications that he switched with Minazuki to say this, I'm pretty confident that this is an exception and not the rule, lol.)
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(Said instance of Sho using 俺)
The non-pronoun words should be indicative of whether it's Sho or Minazuki speaking as well, but I'm not fluent enough in Japanese to be able to go into detail on those in this post. ^^;
Overall, I think the translator has been doing pretty good at nailing Sho and Minazuki's respective patterns of speech and employing them in the correct moments – and they go back to getting it correct for when Minazuki reveals himself at the end of Vol 2, too. This one scene just got goofed for some reason I guess. P:
Translation Upsides
Translation Win 1: Ch15's name was translated properly! The Jap name is 「幻月」 (gengetsu), but the fan-Eng translated it as "Minazuki", which would be 「皆月」 if it was in kanji form. Which – I mean, it is the chapter that Minazuki first formally introduces himself as "Minazuki", so it makes sense? But I personally think that "Paraselene", aka the phenomenon called "moon dogs", is a much cooler and more fitting name for how the chapter goes, including Minazuki's reveal. (-v-)
Translation Win 2: At the start of Ch14, Sho says "Tch! Must've fallen asleep. Hate that dream.", which implies that he's had that dream before. I don't know enough Japanese to know if the original line of 「チッ 寝ちまったのか... 嫌な夢だぜ」 also means a recurrence specifically, but it's still interesting fanon-characterization fodder nonetheless.
Puppet-Ikutsuki's following dialog was also a pretty interesting translation, I think. For example: "The smarts to rule the mental battle. The strength to command the physical battle..! You excel in both! In fact, I'd say you're my greatest masterpiece! I'm proud!"
Translation Win 3: In Ch13, Kagutsuchi's first line of reaching out to Sho is translated correctly as "wings of death", versus the "Plume of Dusk" that the fan-Eng transl uses. Conceptually, they're probably the same thing, but literally the word used is 「死の羽根」 (shi no hane), not 「黄昏の羽根」 (tasogare no hane; which is typically "Plume of Dusk" in Japanese). And this isn't a mistake on the part of the Jap writer either, as far as I can tell, as 「黄昏の羽根」 is used in other places, such as when Labrys is explaining what Plumes are to the Investigation Team ([see here]).
Additionally, though the syntax was exceptionally awkward, I thought the essence of Kagu's dialog in this scene was translated pretty well. And honestly, it's fun to headcanon that Kagu could only communicate limited concepts or words before establishing a stronger connection, thus explaining why the syntax is stilted like: "Your suffering will continue. Eternally. End it."
Translation Win 4: It's a small detail, but Ikutsuki specifically saying "If this is all it takes to kill him... Then that's just how weak he was." is heckin' brutal. Switching to past-tense like Sho's already done and over with when he's still alive and listening, oof. (For comparison, the fan-Eng translated it as "If he dies here, it'll just mean he's worthless.")
Translation Downsides
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Typography Loss 1: Kagutsuchi's text still lacks a cool font like the Jap version has, and that reduces the artistic impact a bit, IMO. In the Jap version, it looks a bit like the text was scorched onto the writing surface – which, given Kagu is a kami of fire, is a pretty apt vibe. While in Eng, he's relegated to the font that all the other characters use while speaking. It's probably better like this for readability purposes, but from a stylistic perspective it's a bit sad.
(Also fun fact: In Jap, the Shadow-Kanji and Shadow-Chie puppets briefly use this burnt font in their speech bubbles. It's for about 1-2 bubbles each (S-Kanji calling forth a fighting ring, S-Chie being in disbelief that Naoto had been holding back against her), and the rest of their dialog is in various other fonts. I'm not sure if there are other instances of non-Kagu characters using it beyond that, nor what exactly it's intended to imply through these additional instances, but it's interesting to note.)
(Additionally; examining it more closely, the Japanese typography is really dynamic in general, which is pretty cool. I'm not sure if that dynamicness invalidates any literary significance to Kagu's burnt font though, lol.)
Translation Intrigues and Amusements
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Typography Intrigue 1: They left the page of fiery "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"s as-is, rather than trying to turn the 「あ」 and 「ア」 into "a/A". Which, while I immensely respect the fan-Eng version for trying to transcribe that artistic text, I think the horrific vibe comes through a bit better with the original text and art preserved. (Maybe in part due to the wave effect on the text having 3 dimensions rather than just 2?)
Translation Intrigue 2: In Ch13, one of the double page spreads is translated as "This world doesn't need anyone. There's no one in this world." Meanwhile, in the fan-Eng version, it's written as "I don't need anyone! I'm fine by myself!"; and the original Jap text is 「この世界には誰もいらない この世界には誰もいない」 (the same line, just minus the ら).
I personally prefer the fan-Eng's take on it, as the official-Eng's version confused me for several weeks after the fact; but as I don't understand the nuance of the Jap version, I have no clue as to which Eng interpretation is more accurate. >_>;
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Translation Amusement 3: Yu apparently has the word "welp" in his lexicon. And on the second page, the way that his dialog is worded makes it sound like he's smitten with Sho, lmao.
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Translation Amusement 4: Yu's so used to his friends' antics at this point that he can just tune them out like that, lol. I also just appreciate Chie and Yosuke's dialog here in general.
Translation Intrigue 5: Ch13's title is translated as "Crimson Memories" in the official-Eng transl, versus fan-Eng's "Scarlet Memories". The original Japanese words are 「緋色の記憶」.
Translation Intrigue 6: What's typically translated as "the rules of this world" (regarding Adachi) is translated here as "reality's rules". The original Jap text (in this manga at least) is 「現実のルール」, not 「世界のルール」; so literally "reality", like "reality of the situation", and not 'reality' like "world/society".
Translation Intrigue 7: Ikutsuki's iconic "the death of everything... but also the beginning" speech is translated a bit differently compared to the fan-Eng, and drastically different compared to Ultimax's EpP3 Ch1. It keeps the same general concepts, but the cadence, word choices, and syntax are executed differently.
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Translation Intrigue 8: Side-by-sides of the kendo/fencing pun because I think the differing translation choices, as well as the original context of the pun, are interesting.
(If you wanna see the fan-Eng in higher quality than the screengrabs I used, you can find it on Mangadex [here].)
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hopeymchope · 7 months
Danganronpa Kirigiri: Post-Halftime Report
So you probably remember that I recently discovered the entire Danganronpa Kirigiri series is now available in some form of an English translation. I jumped on reading them immediately, and I started to write this post when I was at the halfway point of reading Danganronpa Kirigiri Vol. 4. Because that's roughly the halfway point of the series a whole, right? But then I went and finished Vol. 4, so now I'm like... idk, 57% through? Though that doesn't actually account for unique page counts in each volume, so maybe I should reconsider that percentage. Er. ......... The point is that I feel like I should probably say something to mark the "roughly halfway" point. Y'know — just write some notes on my thoughts and feelings where things stand so far.
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MINOR WARNING: I'm obviously a huge Danganronpa fan. Since late 2016, I've absorbed every possible piece of DR media I could get. So I've basically been waiting seven years to be able to read past Volume 1 of these light novels. (There's been a translation of Vol. 3 out for some time, but ofc I had no desire to skip from 1 to 3, so I passed on reading it before this.) Combine that with the Japanese-reading side of Tumblr HEAVILY hyping these books as one of the best things in the franchise + this being my first "new" DR content in two years, and there are some serious expectations weighing down the DRK light novels. I think that's why I've often felt so critical of them as I've gone through them.
A few different people have warned that these are partially machine translations. In actuality, they're a mix of machine translation + already-existing translations + A.I.-supported cleanup of the text + a human read-through to clean up major dangling errors — albeit by someone who is not a native English OR Japanese speaker. Even Chinese fan translations were used as part of the source, which is NOT IDEAL. With that in mind: How's the result? Honestly, it's DAMNED impressive! Extremely readable and easy to get engaged with! ...... but of course, it's not without issues. Errors in syntax/grammer are pretty common, some concepts forego more natural/accurate translations in favor of slightly awkward explanations, and there's at least one Japanese word that is regularly repeated yet left weirdly untranslated. And yet? Despite those sporadic issues, the story is NEVER difficult to follow. These books are full of complex mysteries with tons of little details building upon one another, and all the necessary information to enjoy them comes through clearly. So: Although a thorough, proper translation and localization by parties fully versed in both languages would still be the ideal scenario, I find that these translations make for a satisfying experience right now.
Given that most of the overall narrative is told via Yui Samidare's first-person POV, I thought we'd learn a lot about Kirigiri's onee-sama. To my surprise, however, Samidare is one of the — perhaps even the — most thinly drawn protagonist(s) I've encountered in any Danganronpa story. Halfway through the light novels, and I've learned very little of her history, absolutely nothing about her home life, and her inner thoughts come in just two forms: 1) Feelings of inferiority/low self-esteem (Of course! It is, after all, a tradition), and 2) Deep adoration of Kirigiri.
I've always adored how Kazuataka gives his characters (even relatively minor ones) numerous traits that make them feel realistically complex, sometimes almost self-contradictory. Basically, that whole GDC presentation he gave on how he develops characters and stories? I LIVE for that shit. By comparison, author Takekuni Kitayama has introduced us to many characters, but the vast majority lack that same complexity. They don't even hint at that kind of complexity. Though perhaps that's because...
I think it's safe to say that the best aspect of Kitayama's writing is his complicated, fascinating mysteries. Reading these, it's no wonder he was asked to come up with the murder scenarios for "Master Detective Archives: Rain Code"! DRK Vol. 2 in particular really engrossed me with its gothic atmosphere and strange setup. Which isn't to say that he's flawless at this stuff, mind you; the main mystery of Volume 3 required Samidare to be pretty thick-headed to not even consider some of the details behind the truth, and it ultimately featured a pretty ridiculous answer to how the murder was executed. But even if that one felt a bit botched, Volume 4 has already made up for it rapidly with numerous twisty mysteries all being juggled by different detectives, each one coming off well-plotted and well-reasoned so far. (Though at least one is not yet fully explained.)
To that previous point: Kirigiri is already solving far more elaborate, complicated mysteries in these light novels than anything she's forced to deal with in DR1. I guess that's fine when you consider that she figures out the truth behind DR1 Chapters 1-4 well ahead of their trials. But now it kinda feels like 13-year-old Kyoko would've resolved every mystery in DR3 much faster than 20-ish Kyoko did in that series. :P I'm only sort-of joking, lol. But hey, maybe she got a little rusty between DR1 and DR3.... ? Or we can justify her more deliberate pace in DR3 by pointing out the ways her efforts were hindered, the fact she was being routinely drugged, and/or noting just how wild the circumstances she had to "solve" truly were. (I mean... the culprit's already dead? The entire primary base has been duplicated in a now-underwater environment? The Savage She-Hulk created a possible Death Cure before dying herself? There's a lot of crazy shit to unpack there :P)
Volume 3 ends with a serious case of "Jin Ex Machina". It's...NOT well-justified by the story, to say the least, but on the plus side? It's executed via a classic trope from action/suspense tales, so I'm inclined to let it slide. :) The end of Volume 3 and the opening of Volume 4 are also when the "grandfather twist" is revealed. I was spoiled about this particular turn of events YEARS ago, but I still believe it's an effective and clever misdirect. The answer is so obvious in retrospect, but Kitayama manages to distract his readers very effectively until the moment he hands both us and Samidare the solution.
RE: Jin, since even the first game I've liked the fact that Kyoko held this resentment towards her father for abandoning her because it feels so real. In a world full of outlandish "psychopop" elements, dealing with a father who abandoned their child is something incredibly grounding bc I know so many fucking people who have this same backstory in their lives. The reveal that he kept a photo of his daughter (in DR1) and wanted Kizakura to help watch out for her (in DR3) then added elements of wish-fulfillment to that backstory; it's pretty typical for a child abandoned by a parent to want to believe that their absentee parent still loved and cared for them in some way, even from afar. DRK takes that "love from afar" much further by having Jin secretly watching over Kyoko all the time while simultaneously never seeing or speaking to her directly... and that's a step too far for my taste. It's hard to swallow that he has such time and/or ability. Thankfully, Kitayama doesn't go so far as to absolve Jin of his sins, which was where I was worried this may be headed. See, we learn that the board of Hope's Peak all but demands that Jin stay away from the Kirigiri family if he's going to continue to advance within the school's hierarchy (and no, this is never explained or justified — even if it's pretty easy to believe Hope's Peak Just Be Like That). This helps keep Jin a somewhat ambiguous figure; sure, he's obviously very concerned about his daughter, but his decision to totally dedicate himself to an organization that keeps him away from her raises doubts for both Samidare and us readers. Which I appreciate.
.......Tohachiro Uzuchi sounds like a fascinatingly weird dude, doesn't he? His total dedication to the Kirgiri Family's legacy despite how it impacted his daughter is something else, yo.
Starting with Volume 4 (and evidently continuing into Volume 5), we're starting to get lengthy chapters where we aren't focused on Samidare OR Kirigiri for the very first time. Instead, these chapters center us on other, different detectives. We don't get to know these characters much at all before we're thrust into focusing on them, PLUS this comes after the series has already made both us and Samidare severely doubt anyone who's registered with the Detective Library. So my first reaction to starting a chapter with one of these newbies is consistently a bored, irritated feeling of "Why should I care about y'all?" Happily, it didn't take me long to quite like Salvador Yadorigi Fukurō — the first of our focal detectives outside of our lead duo. That makes me optimistic for how I'll react to the others' stories.
I've often seen the question "Did DRK really need to take seven volumes?" over the years. And while that may sound a bit, idk, presumptuous? maybe entitled? to many fans (bc ofc an author can take however long they want/need in order to tell the story they want to tell), I admit that I understand and empathize with this questioning mindset. I think this way about movies all the time! "This movie would've been better without these scenes" or "This movie needed X and Y scenes to fully come together/help the pacing." So: Do I think DRK could've benefitted from some kind of edit or even expansion? I'll need to wait until I'm completely finished to feel confident, but right now: I think we could've easily cut out one of the first two volumes, sure. But that'd also lose us some precious time developing the already-rushed Samidare/Kirigiri relationship, so maybe it wouldn't be that smart.
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boydrudolo · 12 days
Oh,sweet summer child,you have no idea how big the Cannarsi discourse actually Is here. Some Lore contex: Gualtiero Cannarsi was for many years the official adapter of Lucky Red for the distribution of Ghibli films here in Italy. now his philosophy has always been that of non-adaptation: the text must be faithful to the original PERIOD! So all the texts were translated from Japanese without any actual adaptation work.
Although this thing bothered the nerds™, for a long time no one complained about it, given that Ghibli films A) were niche B) had settings that masked adaptation errors by disguising them as simple "courtly virtuosity".
The problem came in the 2018 whene Netflix bought Evangelion's right,requiring a new adaptation. Now, here in Italy anime series is a big thing, even if you're not a fan in the fandom sense of the term you certainly have at least one anime that you carry in your heart. Well, Evangelion is one of them, so when the new adaptation happened, ANYONE noticed its flaws. Two in particolar are standing:
1)the translated sentences do not respect Italian syntax (quanto a te, quanto a quello che puoi fare che tu/as for you, as for what you can do that sounds bad in English, and is terribly incorrect in Italian grammar)
2) they changed some important terms for the history of the series, the most serious of all was the change from Angel -> Apostle.
Now,the internet tore him to pieces... and he responded, going on for a month doing interviews where he explained that he is actually a genius who understood the true art of translation!(lmao,no,he doesn't). If you chew a Little of italian you should Watch this compilation,so you can witness the adaptation horror he made during the years
Thank you so much for the explanation. I'm surprised it was the work of an actual human being. I was convinced someone just fed the scripts through google translate.
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In a previous post you mentioned the "official" translation for the Daughter of Evil novel is garbage. Could you give me some examples of what the translators got wrong?
There is no official English translation of the Daughter of Evil novel, in scarequotes or otherwise. The translation I was referring to was a fan translation made in 2014 by a handful of individuals, only some of whom knew Japanese (and even then, not at a level that I would consider necessary for translating a full novel). At least one person who contributed to the translation admitted to copying and pasting a Chinese translation into Google Translate for the sections they worked on.
To give an overview, the translation has very poor quality control. There are large chunks of the novel that are roughly accurate (though they often read very awkwardly or nonsensically, especially as they kept a lot of the Japanese syntax), but there are also many instances where it deformed the meaning of a line beyond recognition, or outright wrote the exact opposite thing the line was saying. There is more than one scene where they just straight up left a line untranslated in Japanese. Don't get me wrong--the work was passable as an information resource so people could know what was in the novel, but it was never treated like just an information resource. It was treated and advertised to people as a standard translation of the novel, conveying the tone and intent of the text--and in that regard, it failed. Maybe I'm a snob when it comes to creative writing, but I can't even stand reading it for long. Mothy's writing was merely amateurish--this translation was atrocious.
My examples are under the read-more. The entire translation is riddled with errors, so I hope you'll forgive me if the list is a bit long. It is by no means comprehensive.
Line on the left in bold quoting from the old translation. Line on the right is quoting mine (not that mine is perfect but I guarantee you I at least could read Japanese when making it). In the interest of fairness, I'll admit that without a copy of the original Cloture, I can't be 100% certain what differences are a result of revisions on mothy's end or not. But I'm fairly confident that these ones I've selected are mistranslations.
"I’m beginning to worry about narrow-minded Asan, who seems to be looking at his past right now." -- "Beginning to worry for the timid man, I glanced his way."
"I heard strange rumors circulating among the chefs that the ingredients they got from the recent barn were unnatural." -- "I heard the cooks passing around a strange rumor. That apparently the food from our stores has been unusually light lately."
"What I’m proud of is the fact that one of the “Three Heroes”, Leonhart Avadonia, and some aristocrats who only know how to line their own pockets, are the outstanding personalities of the citizens in the first place." -- "I was very proud of my father. Leonhart Avadonia of “The Three Heroes” was different from the other, selfish nobles. He was a magnificent person, who thought of the people first and foremost."
"I really don’t understand what part of struggling with these kinds of liquids is good." -- "It is simply incomprehensible what you would find good about such a bitter juice."
"Oh, this isn’t how Riliane practices it."-- "Heh heh, that was just like something Riliane would say, wasn’t it?"
"She also said that it’s her first time to meet Germaine." -- "Germaine said that to me too, the first time we met"
"There is no plan, ah!" -- "That’s far too reckless!"
"Take advantage of the ones not yet killed before I escape" -- "I’m going to quickly escape while you’re unable to kill me"
"Since the day father was killed, I finally got the chance to taste wonderful tasting wine." -- "Since the day that Dad was killed, I hadn’t been able to enjoy the taste of wine."
"The child, can I really?" -- "Is she really on board with this?"
"Though the revolution was soon suppressed as Minis expected." -- "I had thought that the revolt would be immediately suppressed, but it seems that things didn’t go according to Minis’ expectations."
"Overconcentrated, make a ring around Chivality’s camp." -- "By gathering together into one single line, we would be able to make an opening in the knights’ group."
"And also, everything seems to have settled down, so you have to worry" -- "Don’t be so cautious. I have no intention of taking over Lucifenia."
(as a side note, this same group also did a translation of Wiegenlied, as well as (AFAIK) several of the evillious-sidestories translations).
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hands hands hands hands hands hands used to be translucent now opaqueopaqueopaqueopaqueopaqueopaqueopaque moldcovered squelch of barely functioning technology sound of fans too loud too much too slow too fast
syntax error
autotransmit every few hours
stay alive despite the odds
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andymaxwell · 4 months
Python vs JavaScript snippets
Python and JavaScript have emerged as two of the most formidable competitors in the programming industry as the digital ecosystem continues to undergo disruptive transformations at a dizzying pace. Both languages, each with its own rich history and a passionate group of supporters, have made substantial contributions to the process of transforming the way in which we code, create, and innovate in the field of high technology.
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On the other hand, as the year 2023 progresses, the dispute continues to boil about which language is superior and under what circumstances. This article, titled "Python vs. JavaScript Showdown 2023," will provide an in-depth analysis of sixteen significant differences that every developer, tech enthusiast, and forward-thinking individual ought to take into consideration. Whether you are a fan of the sophisticated syntax of Python or the web expertise of JavaScript, please fasten your seatbelts because it is time to dissect the complexities that distinguish these two programming powerhouses from one another.
How does Python work?
The sophistication and power that are offered by programming languages are the foundation upon which the attractiveness of the programming world is built. Python, which is a high-level programming language that is open-source, is an example of a language that embraces this notion.
Python is a programming language that was developed by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s. It is a perfect example of clarity and usefulness. Because of its wide range of applications, it may be used for anything from straightforward scripting to intricate machine-learning techniques. But what exactly is it about Python that makes it such a shining star in the broad world of programming?
After you have gained an understanding of the differences between Python and JavaScript, you may be keen to explore the environment that Python provides. Learn how to install Python Pip on Ubuntu 20.04 by reading our comprehensive guide. If you are working with Ubuntu, you should make sure that you are properly set up by reading our guide. Improve your Python experience by beginning with the appropriate tools from the beginning.
Key Characteristics of Python
Readability and Clean Syntax: Python is distinguished by its syntax, which is as simple and straightforward as that of English. To guarantee that the code is both functional and aesthetically beautiful, it places a strong emphasis on indentation and whitespace. This helps to reduce the cognitive burden that developers have to deal with.
The dynamic nature Python eliminates the requirement for developers to explicitly define the types of variables due to the dynamic typing feature. It is necessary to exercise caution in order to avoid type-related errors, yet this allows for greater fluidity in the coding process.
Python is an interpretable language, which means that it does not require a compiler in order to transfer code into machine instructions. The Python interpreter examines each line of code individually, which can be advantageous for debugging but can occasionally slow down the execution of the program.
Extensive Libraries and Frameworks: Whether you are interested in natural language processing, picture recognition, or the development of web applications, Python has a library or framework that is ready to assist you in your attempt.
Compatibility Across Multiple Platforms: Do that once, and you can go anywhere! The fact that Python is not dependent on any one platform implies that there is little to no friction when switching between different operating environments.
The use of Python for web development allows developers to rapidly bring to life online applications that are both scalable and robust. Frameworks such as Django, Flask, and Pyramid are examples of such frameworks.
Python is the undisputed leader in the fields of data science and machine learning, particularly in the areas of data manipulation, statistical analysis, and both. Data scientists all across the world frequently gravitate toward using tools such as Pandas, NumPy, and TensorFlow as their first choice.
Whether you're automating monotonous activities, crawling web pages, or putting up automated testing, Python's scripting skills are unrivaled. Python's scripting features are particularly useful for automating tasks.
Despite the fact that "game development" is not Python's most popular use case, the programming language has still created a name for itself in this field because of modules like Pygame.
Python's compactness and scalability have made it suited for Internet of Things (IoT) devices and embedded system applications. This is because Python is a scalable programming language like Python.
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Explain what JavaScript is.
JavaScript is one of the few programming languages that has received as much attention, acceptance, and controversy as it has in the large field of computer languages. When Brendan Eich was working at Netscape in the middle of the 1990s, he came up with the idea of JavaScript.
The purpose of JavaScript was to make websites more dynamic and interactive.
Over the course of its existence, its capabilities have expanded beyond its initial purpose, transforming it into a fully-fledged programming language that is suited for development on both the client computer and the server computer. Nevertheless, what distinguishes JavaScript from its contemporaries in the competitive field of technology?
Key Features of JavaScript Event-Driven: JavaScript is based on an event-driven model, which means that it waits and listens for events such as clicks or key presses. This allows for online interactivity to be implemented.
JavaScript supports object-oriented programming principles by utilizing prototypes despite the fact that it is not a completely object-oriented programming language.
One example of an interpreted language is JavaScript, which is similar to Python. This eliminates the need for a compiler because web browsers are able to read and execute JavaScript code line by line.
Asynchronous Capabilities: JavaScript is able to do non-blocking actions, which improves the responsiveness of online applications. This is made possible by technologies such as AJAX, Promises, and async/await.
JavaScript functions are considered to be first-class objects if they are written in JavaScript. It is possible to assign them to variables, to pass them on as arguments, and to receive them back from other functions.
Application of JavaScript in Web Development JavaScript was initially developed for the web, and it continues to be at the core of web development since it enables dynamic and interactive web pages to be created.
Development on the Server Side: Since the introduction of Node.js, JavaScript has been increasingly popular for use on the backend, where it is used to power servers and manage databases.
Platforms such as Ionic and React Native enable developers to create high-quality mobile applications by utilizing JavaScript. Applications can be developed for mobile devices.
Game Development: JavaScript, when combined with WebGL, can be used to construct browser-based games, although it is not as widely used as other platforms when it comes to game development.
Desktop programs: Development tools such as Electron make it easier to create desktop programs that are compatible with several platforms using JavaScript.
Javascript and Python: A Comparison of Key Differences
Both speed and performance
In the never-ending quest for the best possible performance from software, developers frequently consider the advantages and disadvantages of a number of different languages. Within the context of Python versus JavaScript, the discussion concerning speed and performance is particularly contentious. There are significant advantages and limits associated with each language, despite the fact that they are lauded for their respective strengths and wide-ranging uses.
Request Processing That Is Concurrent
Single-Threaded Advantage Contrary to what one might initially believe, the single-threaded model that JavaScript employs is a significant benefit when it comes to managing concurrent requests, particularly when it is utilized in conjunction with event-driven architectures.
In Python:
Because it is multi-threaded, Python, by default, can experience difficulties in handling concurrent requests. These difficulties are mostly caused by the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), which is located in the Python programming language.
Solutions that are Server-Side
Node.js: The scalability profile of Node.js is improved when JavaScript is used in conjunction with it. Since it is known for its non-blocking input/output (I/O) and event-driven architecture, Node.js has emerged as a natural solution for web applications that experience large levels of traffic.
Multiple processing: The multiprocessing library that Python offers is one of the solutions that it offers to address scalability issues. In order to facilitate the execution of several processes at the same time, it provides the opportunity for an increase in the handling of concurrent requests.
Load Balancers: To further differentiate itself from JavaScript, Python frequently relies on third-party solutions, such as load balancers, to disperse incoming requests over multiple servers. This helps to improve both scalability and dependability.
Considerations Regarding Architecture, Database, and Other Matters
Application Architecture: The architecture that lies behind the surface is extremely important for scalability. When compared to monolithic designs, microservices, for example, are typically more scalable.
The Available Databases: Databases are also included in the discussion on scalability. For some kinds of applications, the scalability of NoSQL databases is frequently superior to that of relational databases. This is because of the distributed nature of NoSQL databases.
Caching Mechanisms: Python and JavaScript both benefit from caching solutions, which reduce the number of database calls made by an application, hence improving its responsiveness and scalability.
Deployment Environments: The deployment environment: Whether it is cloud-based or on-premises, the deployment environment can make a significant impact on the scalability of an application.
During the overarching discussion of Python versus JavaScript, it is important to note that JavaScript, particularly when combined with Node.js, is frequently praised for its natural scalability. On the other hand, Python, with its extensive ecosystem, provides a multitude of options to scale efficiently. On the other hand, it is of the utmost importance to keep in mind that scalability is just one component of the multidimensional gem that is software development. When considering the differences between Python and JavaScript, it is essential to take into account the ease of use, readability of the code, maintainability, and community support associated with each language.
The level of popularity
When it comes to dynamic programming, trends change, new languages come into existence, and certain languages start to become obsolete. The popularity rivalry that pits Python against JavaScript, on the other hand, continues to attract attention despite the fact that changes are occurring. These two languages, which are leaders in their respective fields, have endured the test of time and continue to develop and adapt to the obstacles that are present in the modern world.
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messungauto · 11 months
PLC Maintenance and Troubleshooting: Ensuring Smooth Operations
In today's rapidly advancing industrial landscape, automation plays a crucial role in optimizing efficiency and productivity. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are the backbone of industrial automation, providing precise control and monitoring of various processes. With the complexity of PLC systems, proper maintenance and troubleshooting become paramount to ensure smooth operations. In this blog, we will explore the fundamentals of PLC maintenance and troubleshooting, and why Messung stands out as a trusted partner in this domain.
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Understanding PLCs and Their Importance 
PLCs are specialized digital computers designed for industrial control applications. They are utilized in diverse industries, including manufacturing, energy, and infrastructure. PLCs perform tasks such as monitoring sensors, controlling machinery, and collecting data, enabling efficient and reliable operations. Messung, a leading industrial automation company, has extensive expertise in the design, implementation, and maintenance of PLC systems. Their commitment to quality and innovation makes them a reliable choice for businesses seeking excellence in automation solutions.
Importance of PLC Maintenance
PLCs should be properly maintained for several reasons:
Preventing Downtime: PLC failures can lead to unexpected downtime, causing delays in production and affecting overall efficiency. Regular maintenance helps identify and address potential issues before they escalate into significant problems, minimizing unplanned downtime.
Ensuring Safety: In industrial settings, PLCs often control critical processes and machinery. Proper maintenance ensures that safety protocols are functioning correctly and that emergency shutdown systems are operational. This helps prevent accidents and ensures the well-being of personnel.
Maximizing Performance: Regular maintenance keeps PLC systems operating at their peak performance. By cleaning components, checking connections, and updating firmware and software, you can optimize the system's efficiency and responsiveness.
Extending Equipment Lifespan: PLCs are a long-term investment for businesses. Proper maintenance practices, such as cleaning, inspections, and preventive maintenance, can extend the lifespan of PLC components and prevent premature failure. This helps businesses save costs on frequent replacements.
Regular PLC Maintenance Practices 
Regular maintenance is essential to prevent unexpected downtime and costly breakdowns. Here are some best practices for PLC maintenance:
Cleaning and Inspections: Dust, debris, and moisture can adversely affect PLC performance. Regularly clean the PLC cabinet, paying attention to cooling fans and vents. Inspect connections, cables, and terminals for signs of wear or corrosion.
Firmware and Software Updates: Keep the PLC's firmware and software up to date to benefit from performance improvements, bug fixes, and security patches. Ensure compatibility and test updates in a controlled environment before implementation.
Backup and Documentation: Create routine backups of PLC programs and documentation, storing them securely offsite. This practice allows for swift recovery in case of a hardware failure or accidental program loss.
Troubleshooting Common PLC Issues 
Even with regular maintenance, PLCs may encounter issues. Here are some common problems and their troubleshooting approaches:
Communication Failures: Check for loose or damaged cables and connectors. Verify network settings and ensure compatibility between devices. Use diagnostic tools to identify communication errors and rectify them.
Faulty Inputs or Outputs: Inspect input/output modules and wiring for loose connections or damaged components. Measure voltages and currents to ensure proper functioning. Replace faulty modules or components when necessary.
Programming Errors: Carefully review the PLC program for logical or syntax errors. Use debugging tools to identify and rectify programming mistakes. Document changes to ensure proper version control.
Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques 
For complex issues, it may be necessary to seek professional assistance. Messung's team of experienced engineers can provide specialized troubleshooting services, such as:
Diagnostic Assessments: Messung employs advanced diagnostic tools to identify complex issues efficiently. Their expertise in analyzing system behavior helps them pinpoint the root cause of problems accurately.
Remote Monitoring: With cutting-edge remote monitoring capabilities, Messung can proactively monitor your PLC system, identifying potential issues before they cause major disruptions. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and optimizes system performance.
Effective PLC maintenance and troubleshooting are essential for maintaining seamless industrial operations. Messung's extensive experience and comprehensive services make them a trusted partner for businesses seeking reliable automation solutions. By implementing best practices and leveraging advanced troubleshooting techniques, Messung ensures that your PLC systems run at their best, enabling you to focus on your core business and achieve higher productivity and efficiency.
Whether you require routine maintenance or expert troubleshooting, Messung is your go-to partner for PLC solutions. Choose Messung to experience the excellence of their services and unlock the full potential of your automation infrastructure.
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mangabookshelf · 1 year
The Manga Review: Lost in Translation
If you were on Twitter this week, you may have seen folks talking about Titan Comic’s Kamen Rider Kuuga for all the wrong reasons. Gizmodo’s James Whitlock summarized the controversy succinctly, noting that fans were upset by “a consistent pattern of errors and awkward phrasing in the English translation of the manga. From clunky syntax to inconsistent name romanization, from awkward line breaks…
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live-love-loki · 2 years
Roblox Anime Adventures Scripts
Are you a fan of Roblox and Anime? If so, then you might be interested in learning how to create scripts for your own games or adventures.
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This article will teach you the basics of creating Roblox Anime Adventures scripts, from start to finish. By the end of this guide, you will have everything that you need to create stunning and engaging scripts on your own!
What Are Roblox Anime Adventures Scripts?
Roblox Anime Adventures Scripts are a great way to improve your gameplay on Roblox.
You can use them to add new features and content to your games, or to fix issues that may be preventing you from playing optimally.
Some of the best scripts for Roblox Anime Adventures are those that add new animations and graphics, or that change the game mechanics in some way.
To find and install scripts for Roblox Anime Adventures, you first need to open the Roblox Developer Tool (available at roblox.com/developers). This will allow you to access the Scripts section of your account, where you can find and install scripts from other players.
If you have any problems using a script, or if something doesn’t seem right in your game, you can try disabling the script temporarily and seeing if that solve the problem. If not, you can try contacting the creator of the script for help troubleshooting.
Common problems with scripts for Roblox Anime Adventures include incorrect timing or formatting, errors with resource files, or conflicts with other mods or scripts installed on your game server.
If you need help using a script but don’t know how to start looking for help online, there are many resources available online that will teach you everything from basic syntax to more advanced concepts about scripting for Roblox Anime Adventures.
If you have questions about using any of the scripts included with Roblox Anime Adventures, or if you run into any problems while using them, you can contact the community forums or submit a ticket to our support team at [email protected]. They will be able to help you out as best they can!
This blog post has outlined everything you need to know about Roblox Anime Adventures Scripts. We have covered what they are, how you can use them to improve your gameplay, and where you can find some of the best scripts. If you have any questions about using scripts, or if you encounter any problems, be sure to check out the resources we have listed. With a little help from the community, you’ll be a master of Roblox Anime Adventures in no time!
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from Roblox Scripts https://robloxpaste.github.io/Roblox-Anime-Adventures-Scripts/ from Roblox Scripts https://indiefesthead.tumblr.com/post/690317010085740544
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indiefesthead · 2 years
Roblox Anime Adventures Scripts
Are you a fan of Roblox and Anime? If so, then you might be interested in learning how to create scripts for your own games or adventures.
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This article will teach you the basics of creating Roblox Anime Adventures scripts, from start to finish. By the end of this guide, you will have everything that you need to create stunning and engaging scripts on your own!
What Are Roblox Anime Adventures Scripts?
Roblox Anime Adventures Scripts are a great way to improve your gameplay on Roblox.
You can use them to add new features and content to your games, or to fix issues that may be preventing you from playing optimally.
Some of the best scripts for Roblox Anime Adventures are those that add new animations and graphics, or that change the game mechanics in some way.
To find and install scripts for Roblox Anime Adventures, you first need to open the Roblox Developer Tool (available at roblox.com/developers). This will allow you to access the Scripts section of your account, where you can find and install scripts from other players.
If you have any problems using a script, or if something doesn’t seem right in your game, you can try disabling the script temporarily and seeing if that solve the problem. If not, you can try contacting the creator of the script for help troubleshooting.
Common problems with scripts for Roblox Anime Adventures include incorrect timing or formatting, errors with resource files, or conflicts with other mods or scripts installed on your game server.
If you need help using a script but don’t know how to start looking for help online, there are many resources available online that will teach you everything from basic syntax to more advanced concepts about scripting for Roblox Anime Adventures.
If you have questions about using any of the scripts included with Roblox Anime Adventures, or if you run into any problems while using them, you can contact the community forums or submit a ticket to our support team at [email protected]. They will be able to help you out as best they can!
This blog post has outlined everything you need to know about Roblox Anime Adventures Scripts. We have covered what they are, how you can use them to improve your gameplay, and where you can find some of the best scripts. If you have any questions about using scripts, or if you encounter any problems, be sure to check out the resources we have listed. With a little help from the community, you’ll be a master of Roblox Anime Adventures in no time!
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from Roblox Scripts https://robloxpaste.github.io/Roblox-Anime-Adventures-Scripts/
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asrielsans999 · 3 years
Howdy everyone
So I just want to ask for your opinion about me story in trying to create because I'm kinda struggling to figure the plot.
Please tell me about it in the comments or in my ask blog.
Im also thinking about trying to hang out with @tatatale and @fazyo-or-toast because of how amazing both are.
And having my character to maybe interact with there characters. (Appear in alive comic maybe or just randomly for tatatale)(and you already see that I'm doing stuff with fazy-or-toast)
That's all for now and if you're reading this *tatatale* then I'm hoping to be one of your friends that is amazing and punny
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Have a wonderful day
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