#supervisor management
Pray for me please, I’m having problems at work that are 90% my fault and I have to discuss it with my supervisor tomorrow.
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girlneuter · 2 months
holy shit corporate work is so hilariously disorganized. my supervisor told me to check my work email for updates on when my device will be here. i ask him if it's the messages in the online program i was trained on. he said it is a separate work email on outlook. i have not received any information about this work email on outlook as part of the online training. like it didn't mention it at all. so on tuesday i emailed hr to ask how i'm supposed to get in. it's saturday and i still haven't heard back. i told my supervisor the same thing and he hasn't responded in a few days. today i reached out to the person organizing the training and she gave me the default password for the email. i go to log in and it hasn't been set up. she asks if i've done the two step verification. this was also never mentioned before. she said i'll need my device nearby for it. i do not have a device. and i cannot check the shipping status of it because i don't have access to this email. that i need the device to access.
so i'm downloading an app on my phone and calling it to set it up so that i can get my work email set up. so that i can check the shipping status for my new device. that i will be using to access my email. that post that was like just log on to weewoop and log your hours in to TimeyLog and then report your mileage to Udrive.... it's so true
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kittkattys · 6 months
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They forgot something at the Pizzaplex.....oops
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fauvester · 9 months
going down a cretak rabbithole. i LOVE older women in authority who I think would be good bosses
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
✨manifesting that my silly time off requests get approved✨
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"WE are the bosses (Welcome to the supervisors)" #TOONYs2024
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There it is! My Toony Awards entry! I've waited until the awards day to post it, even if I was too impatient for it AAAAA
As you can see scrolling my blog, I'm IN LOVE with the supervisors. Their designs, their music, their battles and how all shows each personality of them is something that just enchanted me. That's why I decided to participate doing a tribute to them and their bosses. I'm not used to work digitally, so the whole drawing was a challenge for me and I'm very happy with the result.
If you didn't watch the awards, I can tell you that...I didn't win and I wasn't a runner up. But I wasn't expecting to win or anything, I just wanted to show my appreciation to the supervisors and make a contribution to the ToonFest from Latin America!
I also want to congrat Nicole, Chance and David for winning and being runner ups! 🫶🏼🎉
That's it, hope you like this drawing the same as me :')
PS: I know that CEOs head base is not shaded and the Clerk earrings are in a wrong color...I noticed that AFTER sending the drawing 😭
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littledigits · 6 months
directy directory ramble incoming
I wanted to type out my thoughts on the role of director and how its viewed. Especially coming from a perspective of seeing the streaming bubble pop and just..intense scope creep..and yeah , anyway. No reason specifically just my surface level musings that i always have. Its been 5+ years since I went from an animation supervisor to an animation director, to being able to do my own episodes. It wasnt something I wanted in the sense of a title, but I just like taking whatever the next step or challenge is. I've always been team oriented too, so that will always be in the back of my mind when being in a position with more power. The level of power you have as a director is not something I was expecting to have,so I try not to take it for granted.
Over time I really found that there are two viewpoints of what the job and the expectations of the director are. People have asked me for advice on the job and Its through these conversations that I really see the split opinion. The strongest camp is the one that represents the word least to me, and thats the people who think that the director is 'in charge' in the sense of always doing what they say. There are good and bad of course, but the directors job is to make the hard choices and to push boundaries and to enact a VISION (be it their own, a clients, ect). Their expectation soley revolves around the creation of the creative product. The other camp is the one that sees the Director as a leader first and foremost, who has a responsibility to their team as well as the product, and that leadership and team management skills should be on the roster as well as creative prowess. one thinks its about creative vision first and minimal people skills, and the other thinks it should be 50/50 at the very least. I'm in the second camp, and I have so many people that go 'YES, THAT IS WHAT A DIRECTOR SHOULD DO!' and as much as I agree, I also have to point out that is often not the actual reflected expectations that Directors get - expectations play a big role after all. When you enter a job or grow in a job you should know what your new responsibilities are, and if not you are left to fill in your own gaps. Studios in GENERAL are terrible with clear boundaries and job expectations, so its really no surprise that the stronger creative voices become the loudest in the room. Even the most well meaning people can get into an impossible mindset because no one has told them otherwise...we all know passion and creativity can take us places after all. Sometimes, one is thrust into a position of power without even knowing just how much their choices may impact the team. There are some notorious asshole directors of course but for the most part I've found that creatives in the director realm are well meaning. However, that doesnt change the reality that as well-meaning as you are, there is an entire team of people who can be effected by your mindest, choices and problem sovling for good or bad.
I've talked about this before, but a mindset can vastly change how you problem solve something. A director with no leadership skills may see work that does not meet their expectations and their first thought was that the artist did not do their job properly. A director with leadership skills may see work that does not meet their expectations and understand there are many factors. Heres a few questions I ask myself.
did that person receive proper expectations for the task ?
was there a communication mishap ? ( this happens ALL THE TIME. its ART !_! the amount of times i've written a note that i thought was super clear and someone takes it in a way that..i didnt expect but it also made sense ? SOMETIMES IT DO BE THAT WAY. WE WORK ON OUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS TOGETHER)
did they have enough time to do it ? or feel rushed?
is everything ok ? Everyone has bad times and blips in the production so its reasonable that sometimes things come in not 100%
if it is a hard skill issue, is it a one off or is it ongoing? how are we helping them work on it? The answers to these questions are FAR more valuable in actually getting your vision done to the best of your time and energy then just simply thinking someone doesnt have the skills or needs to learn more. ALL OF THIS TO SAY. That even just having good faith and a connection to your team as a director is incredibly valuable for your information gathering and problem solving, (you learn way more about your pipeline and where the real issues are.) but is vastly underrepresented as an expectation of the job. SO. IF YOU WANT TO DIRECT. you may not get told that your team is part of your responsibility, but if we want a sustainable and healthy industry we have to divide our passion for the project into our team as well as the creative end game. Take some leadership classes, learn about different communication types, or at least have people around you who can do that. You dont need to be everyones bestie, but you do have a responsibility for their experience on the project. ill post some tips and such about working with people later cuz this is long enough
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cumulus-catto · 9 months
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what the fuck
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slothquisitor · 5 months
Thinking about Gale this morning, and that comment he makes in the epilogue about how he uses the threat of the bomb in his chest as a classroom management strategy. And…my guy. That’s….As a high school English teacher, I’ve got some bad news.
That’s not a deterrent. That’s a fucking challenge.
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silvr-skreen · 3 months
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Facility Managers again!
Left to right: Lance, Pepper, Nyx, Kaddie
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mothsgotghosts · 5 months
tma aus where they work at like a fast food joint or something but the fears are still showing up are so funny to me like
Jon gets promoted to general manager but he's basically just a glorified crew member with more work to do and he Still does not get paid enough to deal with the weird customers that for some reason want to tell him their horrible life stories
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gorgugplushie · 8 hours
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robotpussy · 13 days
ummmm I did 3 hrs over time yesterday and my supervisor doesn't want to put down that I did??? I'm not sitting here knowing I did 3 hrs of unpaid labour you're going to pay me.....
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I took a rest after doing a big supervisor artwork...Doing more supervisor artwork :'D
I still love them 🫶🏼
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marnz · 7 months
me: I don’t want this job
Partner: okay! So don’t apply for it. The question is, What do you want?
me: *rants for a solid 25 minutes*
Partner: I couldn’t help but notice that everything you want would be achieved by getting this job.
Me: yes I know. What do I do???
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