undeerwater · 4 months
You casually leave Leaving me alone like this Longing for every trace I had to swallow the loneliness.
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wonashi · 3 years
✧┊ small trivial moments shared between you and sunghoon built on the foundation of four walls makes falling in love feels so brand new each day.
boyfriend!sunghoon x gn!reader / fluff / warnings: none / wc: 810
# loosely based of the mv for the song “in the bed” by sunwoojung 10/10 would recommend listening to it (о´∀`о)
main masterlist.
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1. afternoon naps
sunghoon wakes up from his afternoon nap feeling thirsty, as he felt around your shared bed in search for you he realizes you weren’t there making him let out a small puff of air. sunghoon stretches as he makes his way out of bed, walking past a sleeping you in the living room couch as he makes his way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
“you must be cold,” sunghoon mumbles while he takes a once neatly kept away blanket to drape over your form, making sure you feel nothing but warmth as the cold air seeps into the crevices of this home in the middle of september.
2. our favourite song
the midday sun shines through the living room curtains as you lay on the couch reading a book sunghoon recommended to you with folded clothes laying on the floor waiting to be put away to which you respectively folded prior to picking up your book.
alongside the bustling streets of seoul came the soft tunes of yours and sunghoons favorite song began playing. with the latter hearing this, he came out of the bathroom heading towards you, putting your book back on the shelf. you looked at him with puzzled eyes as he wrapped your arms around his neck and began slow dancing across the room. “it’s our favorite song,” sunghoon gives you a grin as he twirled you around “everytime this melody plays, we share a dance remember?” you let out an airy laugh as you laid your head on his chest “how could i?” you slowly close your eyes, basking in this feeling of love and content.
alongside the bustling streets of seoul came the soft tunes of yours and sunghoons favorite song began playing. with the latter hearing this, he came out of the bathroom heading towards you, putting your book back on the shelf. you looked at him with puzzled eyes as he wrapped your arms around his neck and began slow dancing across the room. “it’s our favorite song,” sunghoon gives you a grin as he twirled you around “everytime this melody plays, we share a dance remember?” you let out an airy laugh as you laid your head on his chest “how could i?” you slowly close your eyes, basking in this feeling of love and content.
sunghoon places a kiss on your forehead as the song slowly comes to a stop. opening your eyes you realized you knocked over the once folded clothes, sunghoon too, realizes and began laughing “it’s okay, we can fold these again” after he saw you pouting.
3. small kitchen acts
washing the dishes was something you’ve enjoyed overtime, you found it calming especially in times when everything around you becomes hectic. washing the dishes became a small comfort in which you could let your body go on autopilot while you think about everything. thoughts like what you’re planning to eat tomorrow, deadlines, chores and such.
without even realizing it, your sleeve starts to slip from its fold, you extend your hand out for sunghoon who was standing beside you cutting strawberries. he realizes your action and wipes his hands dry on a nearby rag, softly rolling your sleeves up to tuck them in place, as well as retying your hair back in its place so it wouldn’t get in your face “thank you” you faintly said giving him a small smile.
He nodded at you going back to cutting his strawberries. only if he knew that such small actions like this would still give you butterflies to this day. you knew it would lead to endless teasing so you refrain, keeping it to yourself instead.
4. learning your favorites
you stood up from your place on the bedroom floor scrolling through your phone, you went to see what sunghoon was up to. quickly noticing him in front of the stove preparing something for the both of you to eat, delicately giving him back rubs as you approached him.
“what are you making?” you asked as you gave his arms a small squeeze “your favorite” he replied, a small smile creeping up his face knowing the times in which he practiced making your favorite food when you were away at work.
you let out a gasp and wrapped your arms around his waist, giving him a small peck on the cheek as a thank you deciding to stay by him for a while enjoying the sound of cooking and boiling. everyone around you knew how fond sunghoon became when it comes to you, and you couldn’t deny it because you were as well when it comes to him.
5. mumbled i love you’s
as the sun goes down and everything falls into tranquility once night approaches. sunghoon comes out of the bathroom turning off the lights, heading to your side of the bed where you aimlessly scrolled through social media.
“bedtime” he drowsily said plopping himself on top of you, putting your phone away you wrapped your arms around him as he rolls onto his side of the bed. after a few minutes of silence sunghoon lets out a faint i love you before dazing into peaceful slumber with his face deep into the crook of your neck.
“i love you too” you let out a small sigh of content, falling into a state of slumber aswell.
every point in time in which sunghoon shares with you feels brand new. although it’s been 4 years, sunghoon swears it feels like he fell in love with you all over again.
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june 11 2021
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