#sun's crk thoughts
plateaus-canyon · 16 days
Canyon's Crk thoughts: the beasts r yeasting (Beast-yeast 2)
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You know what? They killed me. I'm dead. Of laughter. Thanks cookie run kingdom writing team you have murdered me
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Red text?? Also thanks a lot shadow milk you SPOILED dark enchantress' PLANS
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Okay that puppet does look cool (is this the first time ive seen handsome??)
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They won't kill him? Surely they won't kill him? (They did)
Also animatronic? My guy thats a puppet
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Oooo the beasts make their appearance
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No way is that- no way- no way is that ddlc-
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WHY DO THEIR FACES MOVE LIKE THAT (dark cacao's?? Wha??? Huh??)
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MONOKUMA?? (two)
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Ya know, i think that whole statement was a contradiction
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I would make a reference but i don't have one. Anyway have you heard of this guy called fantoccio from billie bust up
Well there's the ending! Or an ending
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canyon-of-chaos · 6 months
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That is very much a dapper mustache,,, very cool
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This is why we need to make trains more popular than planes,,, you wanna ride this train sooo badly dont you
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Please don't pull a " holiday movie romance" on us thank u
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Linzer cookie? More like Linslay cookie
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Macaroni is very mecore <3
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oh no... social interaction
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Why did they let him on he's basically a criminal
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I wonder if eggnog is canon in crk or just crob
Aight bye folks!! Image limit didn't snatch me this time
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shmolish · 14 days
Hey I got inspiration from this other anon's ask and...gotta ask:
Same traits question...but for...well Royal margarine, clotted cream, shining glitter, cherry blossom, dark choco (after he redeemed himself), butter roll, red velvet, Caramel arrow and finally...cream unicorn.
If it's too many cookies at once...surprise me with who you choose from the List lol! (Sorry for so many...I simp for a LOT of cookies! Just picked a few from the list of cookies I Simp for.)
AN: I don't know some of these characters that well, so sorry if they seem a bit wonky-
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Multiple x Reader CRK
Warning: Some of these characters may be OOC, not proof read
Royal Margarine
First and foremost, Buttercream has to like you
If they don't, you're automatically out (sorry)
It shouldn't be that much of an issue as long as you are a halfway decent person
Since he's kind of a wimp, he'd definitely appreciate someone who can fight rly well
A person to take care of him when he's drunk
Oh, and you have to be able to handle his constant flirting
And he probably won't mind someone who flirts back as well
Starts blushing and kicking his feet at the thought /hj
So, someone outgoing and bold
Clotted Cream
Knowing his profession and all, his day to day life is very stressful!!!
Therefore, I think he'd like someone who can help him wind down a bit
Someone who is always put together and organized
Like housewife vibes, even if that's a bit stereotypical
A person to just help his life become a little easier and a little less dull
So, someone detail oriented and calm
Shining Glitter
Since music is such a big thing in her life, she'd enjoy someone who can create music with her
Or even just dancing along to her own would be enough
Someone who appreciates everyone's art
A person who never gives up on their dreams
Or a person with a lot of ambition and ideas
Since it reminds her of herself <3
So, someone determined and creative
Cherry Blossom
100% you need to go on picnics with her daily
Bonus points if you know proper tea-party etiquette
She gives off nice aunt vibes but gossips a lot
Probably enjoys someone who she can gossip with
Not only that, but I'm sure someone who can bake would do her some good
After all, you must bring plenty of snacks to a picnic
So, someone who always listens and is easy to talk to
Dark Choco
Enjoys a person who will always love and accept him, despite his past
It would be a sun an moon kind of relationship
He seems rather touch starved, so a cuddly partner will definitely serve him well
So, someone understanding and kind
Butter Roll
He'd like someone who appreciates and is interested in his work
A person who always listens to his rants and what-not
An upbeat person to match his sunny personality
And perhaps someone who can notice small details and point them out
Someone who's dedicated to their craft
So, someone focused and upbeat
Red Velvet
I think he'd be interested in someone who is very kind and gentle
Since he has a lot of dogs, (cakes?) He would appreciate someone who can help him take care of them
Not only that, but I think he'd enjoy someone who he can just rant to
I don't know why, but I feel like he has a lot to say
So, someone gentle and caring
Caramel Arrow
She would be attracted to a person who always looks out for others
A person who fights to defend those who can't defend themselves
Even if they have to defy authority
You two would share that struggle
So, someone who looks out for others and has integrity
Cream Unicorn
Though they are very kind, they are actually rather calm
Therefore, I think they'd need someone a lot more extroverted to be with
A person who always tells them about their day
They just find you so interesting
A person who is kind to everyone
Someone with lots of energy
So, someone who is energetic and loves to talk
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azlrse · 2 years
Hi could i request pure vanilla being jealous over a kid because the kid Propose to us please and thank you love your work too!
The Flowers (Pure Vanilla Cookie x GN Cookie!Reader)
CW: soft jealousy and fluff (the kid proposing is just pure platonic btw <33)
A/N: it's been a while since I write something for CRK. It's quite short but i hope you guys like this small drabble!
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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
"Mx. Reader Cookie!! Mx. Reader Cookie!!" The sound of a small voice coming afar woke you up from the small nap you take in the sunny fields of your boyfriend's kingdom. It was a very beautiful day indeed, lots of breezy, cool air surrounding you and the sun shining throughout the village and on the castle too.
It seems like your nap carried you away, taking a look around you to search for the source of the childlike voice from afar. How long did you slept? Did your boyfriend, Pure Vanilla Cookie had forgotten something and went back to his castle? Or is it perhaps he wanted to surprise you with the pie you always wanted? 'Maybe he just forgotten the pie..' you thought while your eyes searched for the cookie who called by your name.
A small cookie came running towards you, carrying a small bouquet of handpicked flowers. It was the same cookie who tend to the sheep's whenever the king himself was in his absence, He maybe small but his intelligence when it comes to agriculture was no doubt fascinating, even for his small age.
"Ah, it's just you Cotton Puff Cookie. What brings you here in this warm, sunny day? And what's that on your hand? It looks very pretty." From his hands alone, you saw his hand shaking in nervousness. The child then pulled out the small bouquet and asked you a question. "W-will you marry me?" You only giggled in response and took the flowers he picked out just for you. You decided to play along with the small cookie's roleplay, in fear that you didn't want to break this poor cookie's heart.
Cotton Puff's face lighted up when you replied with a simple yes. The small cookie was about to speak when a large shadow was casted above him. "Is that a proposal I see? Why do you do this to me, my love?" Pure Vanilla jokingly spoke while gripping the fabric of his clothes, where his heart was located. You laughed at the small roleplay the three of you established and it turned into that one soap opera you and your boyfriend used to watch every evening.
Soon after the small commotion, it was time for Cotton Puff to say good bye to the both of you as he continuously wonders towards the spot where he wanted over the sheep and the birds. However, you noticed on how Pure Vanilla held your waist tightly and became oddly clingy towards you. His actions alone means only one thing to you.
"Love, are you jealous towards that kid? You know I only wanted to marry you. If it makes you uncomfortable, I'm so sorry.." Pure Vanilla looks at you in shock at first but his face became soften as you apologized, even you didn't do anything that would make him upset or mad at you. "No no, it's okay. I'm not jealous and why are you apologizing, sugar? You know that I'm having quite the fun back there. So don't worry about it, okay?" You nodded and closed your eyes, feeling the warmth feeling as your boyfriend pressed a soft kiss on your head then on your lips.
The two of you enjoyed the rest of the picnic and ate the pie he forgot to pick up form the local bakery shop you loved the most. As you talk about your day while eating your pie, Pure Vanilla caressed a small trinket in his pocket, an item that could symbolize his enteral love for you and you alone.
A golden ring was waiting for it's rightful owner and for the future ruler of the Vanilla Kingdom.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Do not republish, edit, or repost to other websites.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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crispy-bonnie · 1 year
Hey There !
Oneshot For Bain And Female H/N ( Dating ) Where H/N Gets To See Bain's Face For The First Time ? 👀
Been A While Since I Requested Anything—
gonna use this request as an excuse to write a concept-ish scene for the dating sim so i hope you like spoilers because there’s gonna be a shit ton . also yes the title is a crk reference hush hush
keep in mind that this is probably gonna be ass bc it’s been a hot minute since i wrote something LMAO
Underneath the Slumbering Moon — BAIN X FEM!READER
You stared out the window at the various buildings that passed you within the van, very few vehicles on the roads that Twitch was taking you down. Bain had told you that this was a very important mission, but he prompted you not to bring any weaponry. Apparently this is supposed to be a peaceful information trade, and if you end up bringing anything then everything would be screwed over. Luckily, you wouldn’t find it difficult to kick ass if you absolutely had to.
Adorned in casual wear, you made sure that you would blend in with any passing civilians so that you wouldn’t alarm anyone. After all, you don’t have the proper equipment to deal with the cops. You eventually were pulled out of your thoughts when Twitch took a swift turn down an alleyway, your surroundings now darkened and barely being lit up by the sunset behind the buildings. The van started to slow, making its way down the alley before coming to a calm stop.
“Alright, here’s your stop.” Twitch hummed as he set the car to park, leaning back in his seat and kicking his feet onto the wheel without a care. You nodded, carefully opening the door up and hopping out. You slammed the car door shut before proceeding down the cramped and damp alleyway, your shoes squelching every now and then against the muck that was scattered along the ground.
The stench of the alley and the grime coating the ground started to slowly disappear as you proceeded down the narrow path. You could see a few trees and shrubs ahead, fairy lights and various flowers intertwined in the branches. The soft light lit up your ever shortening path as the sun continued to hide itself beneath the horizon.
You don’t know what Bain had set you up for, but it definitely wasn’t going to be an information trade. You soon found yourself in a little corner of the alley that just barely met with the forest behind the city, vines and strung up light bulbs upon the brick walls. There was a boombox to the corner of this space, a picnic basket sitting next to it as well. It seemed a lot more like a date spot rather than a secret trading area.
You opened your mouth to question Bain’s intentions, but he had already beat you to it as his voice spoke to you through your earpiece:
“It’s been nearly a year since we started dating. We’ve had so much fun over that period of time.”
You could hear a faint echo of his voice, almost as if he was nearby the place you found yourself standing in. You swiveled your head around in an attempt to find the source of the aforementioned echo, but your attention snapped towards a particular direction when you heard the sound of gentle footsteps approaching from in front of you.
“I remember that one night, during that masquerade ball, when you told someone about how you longed to dance with someone.”
You could see the silhouette of a man start to peek out from the few shrubs that lined the small opening to the forest, the earpiece soon shutting off as his voice spoke to you, clear as day.
“I thought that maybe…”
The man soon stepped out from the shadows of the opening, revealing a tall and fair-skinned man. His black beard was well trimmed, and his silky long hair was brushed back neatly. He wore a white t-shirt, black jeans, dress shoes, and a slightly beat up leather jacket.
“…I could share that dance with you now…?”
You stood there, your mouth ajar and your eyes wide with shock. Not only were you taken aback by his sheer handsomeness, but also with the fact that Bain really trusted you enough to reveal himself to you. Tears started to well up in your eyes, causing Bain’s calm smile to morph into an expression of worry.
“[Y/N]? Are you oka-” He was about to take your hand into his, but paused when you suddenly wrapped your arms around his torso, pulling yourself towards him and hugging him as tight as you possibly could. “I- h-hehe… this… this is nice…”
The two of you stood there in that hug for a moment, swaying back and forth ever so slightly. Bain even had his hands resting on your back. It was only a few minutes until you finally pulled away, yet it felt like forever. You looked up at him, a soft warm glow being casted onto his face by the soft string lights and the slumbering moonlight above as you quietly responded to his proposal:
“I would love to dance with you.”
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nightmyst14-blog · 1 year
CRK/ CROB Valentine Day HC pt 1-4
Sorry for me dissipearing yall, I've been a little busy.
But I'm back with some Valentine Day's headcanons for Cookie run!! Up to the 14th
I'll be doing one Romantic, one Platonic, and Familial headcanons. I labeled them so no one can call me out for shipping children with adults (DISGUSTING).
Btw, these are all MY headcanons and thoughts. Don't leave any hate messages here if you don't like something.
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Romantic- Millennial Tree x Ananas
-Ananas fell for the Nature god first, but was nervous to share their feelings. Millennial Tree is only one to see Ananas' softer side
-They adore bringing each others gifts, With Ananas bringing Millennial Tree fresh fruits and jewelry from their islands, and Millennial Tree giving them flowers from his grove.
-Their first date was a slow dance on the beach at night, during a meteor shower.
-Nicknames- Ananas to Millennial Tree " My jewel or flower" Millennial Tree to Ananas " My sun or my darling"
Platonic- Cotton and Sherbet
-Sherbet gives Cotton gifts from his travels, like a seashell from the beach or a flower from the jungle
-Cotton likes to sew up Sherbet's cape whenever it gets torn, he appreaciates it.
-Sherbet has cold hands and Cotton has warm hands, excellent for hand holding ( Don't come at me for that meme)
-Sledding together is always fun, with Sherbet always making it snow or pulling her along as he flies
Familial- Eggnog, Butterbear, Tiramisu, and Lollipop
-It shown that shown that Eggnog and Butterbear are siblings(which I LOVE) , they are not blood related, they have such a strong bond they see each other as brothers
-Butterbear is the older brother, only by like a year
-Tiramisu and Lollipop likes to spend the day coming up with ideas for toys for Butterbear
-Butterbear made Tiramisu's hat and antlers while Eggnog gave Lollipop her large bow
Butterbear and Lollipop likes to work to swing music, sometimes end up dancing around the toyshop.
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kasagiggles · 11 months
Could we a crk tk fic lee dark choco and ler dark cacao maybe dark choco feels regret after coming back to the kingdom for hurting his father and cacao cheers him up I headcanon that when he was a kid there was this game that they used to play together where cacao would put dark choco on his lap stick his fingers under his sons arms and just hold him captive while he tickled his son on his lap I headcanon that dark chocos spots are his stomach neck sides and ribs
→﹒☓ lee dark choco cookie
→﹒☓ ler dark cacao cookie
warnings : tickles !!
nsfw blogs please dni (>。☆)﹔
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“i see..” dark cacao cookie muttered, “you were under the influence of that wretched sword.” he choked out the words, bewildered that this information was unknown to him for so long. his eyebrows furrowed, “i do love you, my son. but i fear it will take some time to fully mend our relationship.” he placed a cold, firm hand on dark choco cookie’s shoulder. the young man felt a lump in his throat that rendered him unable to speak. “go. get some rest.” his father said sternly, “i will see you tomorrow morning.”
dark choco cookie had a long night, for multiple reasons he was unable to relax. by now it was early morning, the sun peaked over the snowy mountains in his old bedroom window. his head throbbed as he sat up, taking in the nostalgic room around him. he missed being a child dearly.
his reminiscing was interrupted by the creak of his door, in the hall stood dark cacao cookie. his dark eyes met his son’s, dark choco cookie felt a chill up his spine.
“how did you sleep?” he asked gently, approaching the cookie in his bed. normally dark cacao cookie had this stern and determined facade, but his energy was simply calm today.
“i slept fine, thank you.” he replied, he couldn’t deny it, he was extremely anxious. he averted his gaze, gripping his blankets tightly. he felt the mattress sink beside him as his fathers presence made itself known.
“i know this is going to be difficult.” he started, “but this is a new beginning for you. it’s time to put down the past and focus on growing as a cookie.” dark choco cookie cherished his words, they felt like a warm embrace, a shield from the negativity that hindered his joy for so long.
“thank you, father.” he mumbled. they sat there in a peaceful silence, just like the old days. the sunlight was pouring into his room, highlighting his dark brown dough and covering him in a sheet of warmth.
after a long period of silence, dark cacao cookie finally spoke, “do you remember what i used to do when you were sad?” he said, a pang of sadness in his voice. dark choco cookie thought carefully, hoping to be able to answer the question. and it struck him.
“i do.” he said bluntly, but with a short chuckle afterwards. “why don’t we go back to those times for a moment?” dark choco cookie felt his body stiffen. it’s been years upon years since he has received any kind of love or affection, will this really be okay?
“sure.” he croaked, feeling his body tense up further. dark cacao cookie let out a joyful sigh, and proceeded to skitter his fingers along his son’s sides without warning.
dark choco cookie immediately retreated, letting out a confused grunt. dark cacao cookie stopped out of confusion.
“ah, i see. it’s been awhile hasnt it? just try to let loose and laugh freely, okay?” dark choco cookie felt tears forming in his eyes, did he really deserve this love and care after what he had done to his nation? a part of him wants to think that it wasn’t his fault, he had no control, alas, he just couldn’t bring himself to believe it.
over time, the feeling of love had become foreign in to dark choco cookie. but he didn’t want to disappoint his dad any longer. he nodded, preparing himself.
dark cacaos fingers raked featherlight along his sides. he could feel laughter bubbling in his chest, eventually he found he could hold it no longer. awkward, deep laughter became pouring out of his mouth as he couldn’t resist the urge to laugh his heart out.
dark choco squirmed on his bed, his laughter growing as he immersed himself in the playful experience, his fathers nimble fingers were teasing every nerve in his dough. it felt nice. he didn’t have to think, he didn’t have to hide himself. he could just be free and happy again.
after several minutes of gentle, reassuring tickles, dark cacao cookie found himself laughing with his son, cherishing the moment just like they did years ago. the journey of healing would be long and arduous, but dark choco cookie new now that his father would be there for him.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
hope u enjoy dear anon! :3
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r7iverett · 5 months
Intro Post
Hello, my name is Mist, but you can call me River, Riveret, Soup, or really any other name under the sun that isn’t inappropriate.
I made this blog to chat with others and express myself to those who I know will validate me.
Here’s my pronoun page, please read it as it’s important.
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I have quite a few interests, but my main ones are:
Object shows
The Pink Corruption
CRK / Cookie Run Kingdom
Note: just because they’re my interests doesn’t mean I’m always going to post about them.
Another note: I do not associate myself with being in the jsab fandom and never will. I just like the game.
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I would appreciate it if you don’t interact with me if you:
Fall under basic DNI lists.
Are a NSFW, NSFT or minor DNI blog.
Support people, ships, or other miscellaneous things that are problematic.
Are a proshipper / comshipper (technically falls under above rule but I want to make sure y’all understand this one).
Strongly enforce / project your religion onto others.
Go to blogs to be an asshat.
[ NOTE: I am fine with adult blogs interacting, just don’t be weird or creepy. I am a minor, I would NOT like to deal with that. ]
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I also have a few tags I use (which may be added onto).
Mist’s Shenanigans - Out of context posts, shitposts or just me being chaotic.
Mist’s Art - My art based posts. [NOTE: Some posts may contain vent art: these are tagged vent art and have a “continue under cut” as well.]
Mist’s Ask Responses - Ask responses.
Mist’s Submissions - My submissions.
Mist’s Thoughts - My thoughts, negative and positive. [Please look at the tone tags on these posts; I’d appreciate it.]
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Right before we get to the last of all of this, here’s some notes about me.
I am a minor. Please don’t be weird with me and keep that in mind when interacting.
I dislike the topic of religion due to past and current events in my life. It’d be immensely preferred if the topic is brought away from me.
I may have hyperactive-impulsive adhd (I am not diagnosed) meaning that I can be very disorganized, chaotic, forgetful and hyperactive at times I shouldn’t. Please bear with me, I’m trying my best here.
I curse; if you don’t like this, please tell me and I’ll try to tone it down.
I find it difficult to tell what tones people are in sometimes, so it’d be appreciated if you use some form of tone indicator like tone tags.
I love it when people interact with me. I love seeing notifications! Feel free to mass like and/or reblog my posts, as I don’t mind in the slightest.
I am the embodiment of the word ambivert. (Half joking here; I’m just extremely ambiverted.)
I myself may mass like and reblog people’s posts, please tell me if you don’t like this.
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Lastly, here’s some boundaries of mine. Please respect them.
If you know my real name, please do NOT use variations of it. I genuinely hate variations of my name being used on me and it makes me uncomfortable.
I dislike the topic of religion, as seen above. Please don’t bring it into casual conversation, as I’ve already been exposed to enough toxic religion related stuff.
Don’t reblog my vents unless there’s a tag explicitly saying you can. Please just comment or ignore them.
Please don’t censor tws. I have a few things filtered out and I don’t want to see them.
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Here’s some userboxes; thanks for reading!
(By the way, the only userbox that is mine is the minesweeper one; the others are not mine.)
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[ The separators were made by @cafekitsune, please go give them some love and check them out! /nf ]
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flightofaqrow · 3 years
qrow x Libra ( @hvithale​ ) [incomplete]
qrow thinks of Libra this morning, heads her way, still grateful she’d gotten the hell out of haven in time, even if it meant facing a different type of terror. he could swear that woman always found a way to beat the odds.
unsurprising that he seeks out the company of a raven, in his journey to a new normal.
her too, he thinks, Libra’s recovering too, in her own way.
early. so damn early, but qrow’s gotten so accommodated to the schedule he walks down the street bright-eyed after one cup of coffee. he carries another with him, for a friend. one hand busy, and the other in his pocket with far less frequent of a tremor. the sun shines in the morning sky, and for the first time in awhile, he feels good. no matter that the weight of the past and the world still presses down on him.
maybe everyone felt something like that in atlas.
qrow knows Libra’s schedule makes her wake with the dawn as well. she always helped lighten things up for him. he thinks of her this morning, heads her way, still grateful she’d gotten the hell out of haven in time, even if it meant facing a different type of terror. he could swear that woman always found a way to beat the odds.
which is probably how qrow always manages to find himself at her door. no matter where that home may exist.
he knocks.
Gods what is someone doing at her door this early in the day? Rolling over out of the sheets and puffy comforter is a chore in and of itself, and her still sleep addled brain is having so much trouble putting sweats on that she goes stumbling down the hallway before just outright falling to the hard wood floor.
Sure she could just not answer and hope they leave, but Libra knows that anyone here this early is Atlas personnel and they aren’t going to leave until she shows up. Spite is powerful fuel, even for the half asleep and ragged.
Locks turn and click and the door is pulled open, only to have the faunus hiss and wince back in the morning sunlight- too bright too bright! Just another pain in her ass to add to the list.
“What is it?” Comes a snap before her eyes can adjust enough to see just who paid her a visit this morning. “Oh.. Hey Qrow.”
At a worse time qrow might consider harsh face and scathing voice a normal to reaction to his presence, disgusting aura. but he’s learning to look at things more closely, let his mind work again and see reality clearly. squinted eyes burn from nothing but an unwelcome sun.
of course the one day rain and its dim gloom might be beneficial…
it’s nice to know through this whole ordeal Libra hasn’t lost her attitude.
“Hey, Lib,” qrow looks right at her and saunters in like he has his own room in the place, takes change in tone as permission; head pulling past while wearing a casual curve to his mouth, long limbs to follow. he closes the door with his shoulder, pushing it right out of her hand, shutting out the offending light before it and Libra started a glaring contest.
pupils dilate in his own adjustment to surroundings, and considering the person contained within it.
he sets the coffee down on the nearest flat surface and turns to the tall raven-woman, red eyes soft and longing. he could care less about how she looks right now or what she wears or if a crabby attitude rains down upon him instead of the sky. none of it matters as long as she’s safe.
silence, as he stares, for gears turning smoothly in his head again doesn’t change how helpless he’s always been when trying to speak his heart.
Libra continues to stand mutely, blinking and squinting until her eyes can adjust again to the change in light. Normally he isn’t so brazen. Normally he’s also not awake at this hour unless she’s cooking or waking him up for a morning romp.
He was starting to act like them, wasn’t he?
Eyes close as Libra yawns deeply, baring her teeth like some feral animal. “Sorry Qrow, no breakfast, you woke me up. Do you need something?”
He came all the way out here to her mother’s old home, at this early hour no less, clearly something was needing done or he’d have just called instead of trying to push back sleep with coffee.
Long fingers rub a dark, tired eyes and she can’t help but sigh, trying to bite down another yawn, only for it to bubble back up halfway through her sentence. “Let me get clean- hhhhhaa- cleaned up. We can go after that…”
normally, he’s drunk. normally, he’s ashamed, and scared, and overwhelmed, and weak. and maybe qrow is still guilty of the vulnerability he was raised to believe unacceptable, but he’s trying not to let the expectations of other people weigh him down any longer. Qrow Branwen, born to fly.
for the first time in his life, in his goddamn fuckin’ forties, he’s starting to act like no one but himself. still feeling that out. unsurprising that he seeks out the company of a raven, in his journey to a new normal; familiar lines and skin and feathers, who always gave him an entire sky full of space to find his own happiness in, without ever having to ask.
her too, he thinks, having his assumptions about her schedule proven so wrong in state and statements. Libra’s recovering too, in her own way.
he doesn’t care about breakfast either. finds comfort in lack of manners or decorum, gaze taking every tired movement in. and maybe he feels a little bit better about falling behind when a woman pushing fifty can still look so childishly adorable.
qrow reaches out, yet again, like every damned time before, and dares to hope for better this time. he extends his hands and pulls Libra in, tall legs to match her own allowing her to rest against his chest; arms impossibly long embrace her torso, wrapping so tight around, his forearms can reach all the way across her back for battle-worn hands to grip at the crest of her hips above elastic waistband and hold on; tucks his head against the column of her neck and buries his face in the curve of her shoulder.
and he breathes, and her hair and feathers are oiled and her scent is more musk and sweat and the crust of sleep instead of blooming apple; she wasn’t kidding about needing to clean up, and he still doesn’t mind at all.
doesn’t give a damn about all that. cares about her, and nothing else right now. it’s so good to see her.
does he need something? yes.
qrow hugs Libra, pours every ounce of his affection into it. grounds himself there in her arms from the high of life following withdrawal of a head so used to aching, and pretends like maybe it’s not just selfishness driving him, but that his presence helps her heal too.
tears threaten to fall from wet eyes as only one thought even enters his mind, let alone as he tries to dig up courage to finally put in words what he feels. voice soft, for all its rough edges, “I don’t want you to go anywhere, Libra.”
“Qrow it’s just-”
He’s half crushing her against himself, it hurts and his head against her neck makes it hard to breathe; it’s him, its what he’s doing..
dont…go CRR-CRK
Gods he’s looking at her- stopstopstopnomoreeyes - no no why is he looking at her like that?? Why is he changing too? At this rate she’s not going to be able to save any of what’s left of this broken old mask.
“-just a shower…”
Teal eyes close when she feels that final crack reach into her heart and a bone deep agony echoes through her body as tremor after tremor, her limbs turning to lead.
Knees shake and buckle out beneath her, taking away the last shred of dignity, her upturned face, away from her as it’s brought to his level exposing her grimace and tears.
Exposing her.
Years of work, years of careful cultivation of her image, its gone its gone don’t look please- at least leave her that.
As quickly as she can, Libra turns her face away, colors drained and muted like tarnished silver, and tries to untangle herself from Qrow’s embrace, damn his spindly arms and legs.
Not him- Gods please not him- he can’t see her like this.
first, qrow feels the tension, and wonders yet again if he’s done something wrong, overstepped a boundary, pushed some hidden button. but then she shakes and goes limp. with his arms still tight around, rail-thin he may be, but  his steady frame keeps her from collapsing.
eyes dry fast, widening as he loses his own color in a near-panic at seeing the anguish in teal blue he suddenly recognizes holds the same glow and depth as Jinn and her lamp.
and he has so many questions right now. but that can wait.
“Lib?” he chokes, while sinking with her, brings them together in a controlled drop down to their knees. she squirms; it doesn’t seem full effort, upset but not desperate; he doesn’t let her escape until they’re here, close to the ground.
his heart races for entirely different reasons than a minute ago. his worries leap right over whatever prior feelings stirred, and switch into reactionary instinct of protection before all else. tries not to drown in thoughts that he just fucked up, or that Misfortune takes it out on her for qrow to dare be so close to someone. that a detail in her delicate medical state goes wrong now of all times.
whether it’s true or not, he needs to keep his head on straight to do any good about it. besides, setting himself aside to help hold strong women together when the facade becomes too much is nothing new to him. did it for most of the first half of his life.
but her particular struggle is new. her particular needs are.
so is caring that much about them.
“Libra. hey.” qrow does look at her, and sees nothing more and nothing less than the kind companion, complex person, that she’s always been, but clearly troubled by something.
( whatever image she thinks she needs to maintain, he never paid enough attention to before, and holds no expectations of now. )
he reaches for her again, loosely, a grounding grip around her arms. his brows bend in concern, “…what’s wrong?”
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plateaus-canyon · 20 days
Canyon's (formerly Sun's) CRK thoughts: beast yeast time (EXTREME SPOILERS FOR THE ENDING OF BEAST YEAST CHAPTER 1)
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They won't kill him right? Surely they won't kill him? (They didn't)
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I am Very Concerned
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I love devsisters abilities to make eldritch horrors. Anyway why does that guy sound like bill cipher
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Its him
Bill cipher
Shadow Milk Cookie!!
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Ah yes the infamous nickname. This might be one of the only times ive seen a character get a nickname
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Monokuma?? Is that you????
(There's so many characters i can compare this silly guy to)
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Pure vanilly is silly
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canyon-of-chaos · 10 months
Crk thoughts: Sweet sixteen
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Huh we’re fighting him? Okay
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Epic fight scene momen
(Blink again??)
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I swear the gingergang are literally just there to exist right now
Also mood
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Oh no he’s PISSED (also he has eye slits? Is that just a cacaoian thing)
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He’s fuckign dying oh no
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✨P l e a s e g o a w a y✨
welp that’s it folks, I’m gonna release 17 today as well bcs I have too many darn screenshots
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atintintintin · 4 years
ENIGMA and global neuroscience: A decade of large-scale studies of the brain in health and disease across more than 40 countries.
ENIGMA and global neuroscience: A decade of large-scale studies of the brain in health and disease across more than 40 countries.
Transl Psychiatry. 2020 Mar 20;10(1):100
Authors: Thompson PM, Jahanshad N, Ching CRK, Salminen LE, Thomopoulos SI, Bright J, Baune BT, Bertolín S, Bralten J, Bruin WB, Bülow R, Chen J, Chye Y, Dannlowski U, de Kovel CGF, Donohoe G, Eyler LT, Faraone SV, Favre P, Filippi CA, Frodl T, Garijo D, Gil Y, Grabe HJ, Grasby KL, Hajek T, Han LKM, Hatton SN, Hilbert K, Ho TC, Holleran L, Homuth G, Hosten N, Houenou J, Ivanov I, Jia T, Kelly S, Klein M, Kwon JS, Laansma MA, Leerssen J, Lueken U, Nunes A, Neill JO, Opel N, Piras F, Piras F, Postema MC, Pozzi E, Shatokhina N, Soriano-Mas C, Spalletta G, Sun D, Teumer A, Tilot AK, Tozzi L, van der Merwe C, Van Someren EJW, van Wingen GA, Völzke H, Walton E, Wang L, Winkler AM, Wittfeld K, Wright MJ, Yun JY, Zhang G, Zhang-James Y, Adhikari BM, Agartz I, Aghajani M, Aleman A, Althoff RR, Altmann A, Andreassen OA, Baron DA, Bartnik-Olson BL, Marie Bas-Hoogendam J, Baskin-Sommers AR, Bearden CE, Berner LA, Boedhoe PSW, Brouwer RM, Buitelaar JK, Caeyenberghs K, Cecil CAM, Cohen RA, Cole JH, Conrod PJ, De Brito SA, de Zwarte SMC, Dennis EL, Desrivieres S, Dima D, Ehrlich S, Esopenko C, Fairchild G, Fisher SE, Fouche JP, Francks C, Frangou S, Franke B, Garavan HP, Glahn DC, Groenewold NA, Gurholt TP, Gutman BA, Hahn T, Harding IH, Hernaus D, Hibar DP, Hillary FG, Hoogman M, Hulshoff Pol HE, Jalbrzikowski M, Karkashadze GA, Klapwijk ET, Knickmeyer RC, Kochunov P, Koerte IK, Kong XZ, Liew SL, Lin AP, Logue MW, Luders E, Macciardi F, Mackey S, Mayer AR, McDonald CR, McMahon AB, Medland SE, Modinos G, Morey RA, Mueller SC, Mukherjee P, Namazova-Baranova L, Nir TM, Olsen A, Paschou P, Pine DS, Pizzagalli F, Rentería ME, Rohrer JD, Sämann PG, Schmaal L, Schumann G, Shiroishi MS, Sisodiya SM, Smit DJA, Sønderby IE, Stein DJ, Stein JL, Tahmasian M, Tate DF, Turner JA, van den Heuvel OA, van der Wee NJA, van der Werf YD, van Erp TGM, van Haren NEM, van Rooij D, van Velzen LS, Veer IM, Veltman DJ, Villalon-Reina JE, Walter H, Whelan CD, Wilde EA, Zarei M, Zelman V, ENIGMA Consortium
Abstract This review summarizes the last decade of work by the ENIGMA (Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta Analysis) Consortium, a global alliance of over 1400 scientists across 43 countries, studying the human brain in health and disease. Building on large-scale genetic studies that discovered the first robustly replicated genetic loci associated with brain metrics, ENIGMA has diversified into over 50 working groups (WGs), pooling worldwide data and expertise to answer fundamental questions in neuroscience, psychiatry, neurology, and genetics. Most ENIGMA WGs focus on specific psychiatric and neurological conditions, other WGs study normal variation due to sex and gender differences, or development and aging; still other WGs develop methodological pipelines and tools to facilitate harmonized analyses of "big data" (i.e., genetic and epigenetic data, multimodal MRI, and electroencephalography data). These international efforts have yielded the largest neuroimaging studies to date in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance use disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy, and 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. More recent ENIGMA WGs have formed to study anxiety disorders, suicidal thoughts and behavior, sleep and insomnia, eating disorders, irritability, brain injury, antisocial personality and conduct disorder, and dissociative identity disorder. Here, we summarize the first decade of ENIGMA's activities and ongoing projects, and describe the successes and challenges encountered along the way. We highlight the advantages of collaborative large-scale coordinated data analyses for testing reproducibility and robustness of findings, offering the opportunity to identify brain systems involved in clinical syndromes across diverse samples and associated genetic, environmental, demographic, cognitive, and psychosocial factors.
PMID: 32198361 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
via pubmed: autism https://ift.tt/2QwiKbB
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canyon-of-chaos · 7 months
LCS thoughts: Part 2 because THEY RELEASED ANOTHER EPISODE ALREADY?? I haven’t even finished my thoughts with the first one
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Disclaimer! This post does not support Dark Enchantress Cookie.
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Caramel Pep Talk!!
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i mean yea there is a cookie of darkness that’s a lil concerning
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Overlapping text gives me vibes to another webseries i watched
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Red velvet mvp!!
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real life jumpscare?? purple mushroom is real??
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hmm yess relay races, these can never go wrong ever
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also “HIYA!” hecking HIYA?? HUH?.? Top ten things i didn’t expect this character to say ever
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well DARN if it isn’t my good friend image limit, bye for now folks
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canyon-of-chaos · 7 months
crk thoughts interlude: total drama cookie island stat analysis
featuring a bunch of my favs
(how many of these type shows gotta do with islands like darn why not pick somewhere else??)
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it’s official,, he has stick arms
strategy stat 10??
why is puzzles a different stat from strat actually
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“Thanks for taking the L” HHHHKSJXHDNAIAKNFD??
1 stamina?? ig they’re too tired to walk much
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why are the stats an almost perfect slope (math jumpscare)
I like the background colors they’re pretty
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1 social 💀 he can NOT talk to people
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10 social!! i don’t think anyone would assume otherwise
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canyon-of-chaos · 9 months
Crk thoughts: I’m back again (18)
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She misses him :(
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Why are we still fighting cookies
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👋 👉🚪 (to the monsters)
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I don’t remember the context for this but y e p
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Custard don’t mention something very unfitting (impossible) also it’s snowing so GL wip that ig
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uh oh
Very nice letter though :D
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he misses his friend :(
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canyon-of-chaos · 10 months
Crk thoughts: 17 (because I don’t have a special title for this one)
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That is both terrifying and cool looking at the same time woa
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Uh wait this wasn’t intended??
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Why is he so intensely shadowed
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✨Life lessons✨
Dark Choco speaking facts
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this is like the only story sprite showing a cookie from the back
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Bye, he’s outta here
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Awwww sad poison mushroom :(
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