#sukuna would be just laying back and act like nothings going while he watches u lose ur mind
sttoru · 2 months
im glad you're thinking about sukuna's mouth on his tummy because i think about it every single day
literally its so 😵‍💫😵‍💫 the things he could do with that good lorddddd . just imagine sukuna being a tease, not allowing you to ride his cock(s) & instead just sits you down on his abdomen. you’d think he’s encouraging you to pleasure urself by grinding against his abs, but no :3
itd literally be a jumpscare bye omg that mouth on his tummy would open suddenly and start eating you OUTTTTT . it’d be nastyyyyy 🦭 like it has a mind of its own i swearrr
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jujutsubabe · 3 years
(How the boys from jjk cuddle u 😌🌸)
Itadori’s love language is touch so cuddling and holding each other all night is so nice
if you come anywhere near his bed he’s pulling you in for an instant cuddle
Will snuggle his face into your chest/arms and give you a bunch of quick kisses all over ur face cause he’s excited
He will talk and put kisses all over ur face at the same time.
You two would be wrapped up while he’s talking, “I’m so—“ kiss “happy I get to—” kiss kiss “see you.” Kiss
Whenever you talk expect him to wrap his arms around you and rest his face on your belly (he wants you to scratch his head as you talk)
(If you stop petting him for some reason, he will pick up your hand and put it on his head or look up at you until you pet him again)
Will pass away if you rest your head on his lap
He doesn’t know what to do, just worrying about where to place his hands, he accidentally poked your eye one time even though he was trying to gently pet your head.
He grabbed your face and apologized, squishing it way too hard for you to say anything back.
Won’t admit that he likes being little spoon, but he gets happy when u can just… tell he wants to be held.
Very light fluttery touches, like he’s scared of messing up
Loves it when you grab his hand yourself and intertwine fingers
he doesn’t wanna seem clingy, but when he’s too tired to care, expect him to hold you like a koala and bury his head in your shoulder.
He’ll give you back hugs and hold you cause he just likes it a lot…
Gets flustered when you two hug normally, he usually looks down but when you grab his face he will! blush!!
Will watch you with the lightest smile.
Kisses your hand when no ones looking
He really likes to do secret kisses, like on your neck or the top of your head, he likes not letting you know where he’s gonna kiss all the time!
Comb through his hair and he will pass away
Poor guy, he doesn’t get touched enough, if you comb your hands through his hair he will sigh really loud and lean into your touch, but then get embarrassed for getting too relaxed with you.
If you embarrass him too much he stuffs his head into his pillow and groans until his blush is gone.
He whispers “I love you” when you sleep/ cuddle
I’m sure he’s cold too, so he’s always blowing on his fingers until you stuff his hands into your pockets.
If you both have cold hands expect the both of you to have a war on who gets to be warmed up first.
You would probably place ur cold feet on his back while he puts his hands on your neck❤️ the both of y’all need to invest in a heater
This Giant yeti man will trick you into being big spoon.
He’ll act like he will hold you from behind, but as soon as you get into the bed his back is facing you. Turning his head to see if you’ll hold him
He likes it cause he feels secure, you have a good hold on him, makes him feel like a baby
Idk he will probably want you to pet his face/ massage it but will randomly stick your fingers in his mouth. :/
no one asked for that...he just grabs your fingers and rams them into his mouth and acts like he did nothing when he takes them out...
Wtf is wrong with him…
He wants you to hold him all the time
When ur cooking expect him to lean on you, wrapping you up.
Walking? His hands all around your shoulders, keeping you close
Working? Plz wrap your arm around his neck.
He’s so clingy, he’s the type of guy who needs to hold hands with you while you pee❤️
if you run your hands through his hair while you cuddle expect him to possibly go quiet. Take advantage of that silence, that quiet blissful two seconds where he stops talking…
I feel like he would have sugar daddy vibes when you cuddle…
Like he loosens his tie, leans back with both arms on the couch, and motions for you to come by tapping the couch.
Will pull you in for a side hug and bury his nose in your hair
Forehead kisses? Forehead kisses.
Rarely puts his hands on you, I don’t think his language is touch but when he does I’m sure he’d rest his hand on your head or hips
He dips his head down when he kisses you, and very gently holds your jaw.
Whatever touches he puts on you are very gentle
Will fall asleep if you massage his back!! Like his head will go low and he’ll sigh
Will randomly hold your hand and press it to his lips.
Run your hands through his hair and he discombobulates!!! He literally feels amazing and he just falls asleep
He’s just a sleepy cuddler tbh….
Will lazily have his arm wrapped around you as you sleep.
idk maybe puts you in a chokehold
One time he tried to kiss you while he was just a mouth on Itadori’s cheek….
Bear hugs you from behind
Slaps your thigh and then grips it
Has you sit in his lap no matter what, it’s like a villain who has a cat in their lap all the time.
Definitely wraps his hand around your neck when you kiss😌
Hickeys.., I just…. I know he does so many for no reason
Squeezes your face until you pout at him, then he gives you a kiss
If you guys go on dates, he doesn’t hold your hand when you walk, he holds your arm.
Play with his hair and he’s so confused… like why do… your fingers in his hair feel nice??
Will tell you to stop, but when you do he asks why you stopped.
He lays on his back and opens his arm for you, pulls you close as he stares at the ceiling
You will wake up and he will be straight STARING AT YOU
Unblinking too just: 😐😐😐
is it a loving stare?? Angry one?? We will never know
*That one Junpei episode spoiler warning *
First of all….He lives in a sewer so where r u two going to be cuddling🤨🤨🤨 def not on ur bed cause he has bugs.
He stuffs your face in his armpit
Touch his hair and your hands will be wet with grease….
What else do you want me to say….
Okay but he def lays on his back or stomach. If he lays on his stomach he wants you to use his butt as a pillow❤️🥰
Probably holds you around the waist as you two commit crimes together, Bonnie and Clyde style
He’s super ticklish… you guys can barley cuddle cause he’s kicking you off him
Once he gets the hang of holding you, he still lets out little giggles cause!!! It tickles!!
No kisses on his neck though… he will throw his head back laughing and knock you off of him.
Wraps his arm around your neck from behind
hickeys are too scary cause he will just bite you and not let go…. like he truly does bite you, I think he’s trying to eat you...
If you guys hold hands he talks about how quickly he could morph you into a rabbit….
Gives you quick pecks on the cheeks before killing Junpei 😐 you monster….
Idk even if u die he will still cuddle u dw….🧍🏽‍♀️
Yk how Nanami has sugar daddy vibes? This man has mafia sugar daddy vibes
Probably calls you pet names
Literally motions you to his side with the flick of his finger.
Gets close to your ear and whispers about how pretty you are
Strokes ur face and then dips in for a kiss.
When he sleeps he has you lay on top of him, he likes being able to hold you
He’s very slow with his touches and kisses, like you know he’s going to lean in but he stares for so long before he does so
Prolly grabs your thigh when you sit
When he holds your hand he kisses it and doesn’t break eye contact
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ginneko · 3 years
Itadori twins
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•Itadori twins, whoever saw them couldn't say no to them at first glance. They gave a guarantee to their parents that their kids would be happy here and there would be no problem in the child center. Well, all said that at first, as their parents smile and pray it would turn out fine.
•But the smile of the caretaker soon fade away after a week, as they gave up and advice their parents to put them to another child center. Well, both twins were chubby, had pink hair, and were so cute the only thing that makes them different was the color of their eyes, as Yuji had light brown eyes while sukuna had a dark shade.
•Then what was the reason? Reason Sukuna Itadori, as Yuji was so sweet, innocent type and he always just got along with other kids but sukuna was opposite of it he looked same at first but then he shows his nature. Like he made other kids cry, take their toys or we could say snatch toys from them, If a caretaker tries to scold him then he scowls at him all time made them uncomfortable or cause trouble more. Act like superior to others, don't take to others, and ignore caretaker.
•Even his first word in the child center was 'worthless trash' as he said to one of the kids as caretaker just stared in shock thinking about how a kid could be like this? Even when their parents invited babysitters at their home like no other choice was left. Well, the first babysitter was an 18-year-old boy, but he quit.
•Why? Well, he accidentally made Yuji cry as Sukuna got annoyed by the fact that his bother not going to be calm at least for 10 minutes now, so he launched the steel Hotwheels car at the babysitter's face as he fences in pain and stepped on lego. While Sukun pat Yuji to stop cry. Well after that all toys were replaced with soft toys.
•Some babysitters say he is not even a child. While his parents worried about how their kid learned such things. Well, that's how your number comes as you gave a genuine smile to their parents and said them to not worry, you will take care of them. They smile while telling you about them and but there was a worried expression still on their face, as they took leave.
•Well, you tried your best to get well with them. As you entered and greeted them with sweet smiles as you looked at their adorable faces as Yuji was holding a tiger stuff toy. And introduce yourself after a second, Yuji gave you sweet smile in return as your heart melt while sukuna gave you a deadpan look which made you nervous but you tried to be confident.
•if you tried to play with them, then only Yuji would be there as sukuna didn't pay any attention to them at all while Yuji handles you a stuffed toy to play with. While Sukuna just holds his black and white stuffed dogs in his hand, his back turns to you. Sukuna chan, kun or san didn't work on him you just had to say 'Sukuna sama' for his attention.
• He just tries to hit your limit to see you frustrated calling you ordinary or servant. Well, your mom uses more sold words and nicknames so it didn't matter much to you. Sometimes he just disappeared and you had to search the whole damn house. He enjoys if you fall on your face or your foot fit table leg.
•They eat normally, ya one thing where there was no pride, you thought as you tied sukuna to chair and feed him. On the other end, Yuji was jealous of it and asked you to feed him too like his brother. Then playtime with hiding and seek...NO! other things would be fine. As their sleep time came up, Yuji asked you to read a book to him. And you did as his big eyes shut down and he falls asleep. As you closed the book and thought that's all. As you hear the word 'bullshit' in a bubbly voice laced with annoyance.
•"Huh?" You turned and looked at Sukuna who had a frown on his face, disappointed with the story.
•" The story was bullshit." He repeated while laying underneath the blanket.
•"Sukuna-sama you should not use such words." You said in a calm tone as you looked at him.
•"Shut your mouth servant." He busts out.
•"Well, then what story you wanted to hear my king." You play along with him. He just looked at you for a while, then stand up and bring a book which was not something happy-go-lucky type. Well, you read at least read 5 or 7 books to him to put him to sleep while pouring you all energy to entertain him and put him stay still. Well at the end you also fall asleep at the side too. As their parents came back and wake you up. Little shock to see that you came the next day with a smile.
•In the end, whenever you wave them bye, Yuji always way sweetly back while sukun said 'let's meet the tom servant ' sometimes his mother scold him about it.
• Well he was not so bad. Call you servants never changed. But he always gives instructions to you what to do. What to play and what to read.
•🌟Bonus 🌟
•Yuji was looking at you, as you were standing saying that you were going to show them a magic trick while sukuna just pretended to be busy. As you pull the white sheet over your head and drop it while run away and hide at the stairs. Watch them from a view.
• As sukuna also stoped little surprised and left his toy, walk to the sheet.
•"y/n?" Yuji said in a weak voice in shock. As both twins looked at the sheet. Sukuna even lifts the sheet and found nothing.
•"y..y/n" Yuji hiccup as his eyes filled with tears.
•"shut up," Sukuna said in an annoying voice as he looked at the sheet again.
•"y../n gonnm be..cause... you" Yuji shutter as tears slide his cheeks.
•"I.. said shut... u..p" Sukuna also hiccup as they both start crying.
•At the end, you show yourself as they hug you and you felt a little regret of doing it. And sukuna warned you to not to do that again.
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