soaricarus · 6 months
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this palette with rivulet?
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alternate design time go
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wavesalwayscrash · 5 months
if its okay for me to ask; another person said something about chapter 5 page 5? are these pages up on a patreon or something or am i misunderstanding?
That person mistyped and meant the 5th panel of page 5! not chapter 5 (Since i don't even have a chapter 3 of WAC done yet lol)
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They were talking about this panel!
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boyswhowawa · 8 months
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some gift art for some of my friends aka the hat gang
@dramaticuser @draagu @sugarr-moon and then of course myself Foxficer
It's a delight hangin' out with y'all, thank you for having me
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kayochinyo · 3 months
just wanted to say i think u r pawsome…
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pansear-doodles · 7 months
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sorry for being annoying with tags sdflsdaffdse
@picopubbydawg @tialary @soggymuppet @azrielfiend @woopdeloopei @twocakesinacup @sugarr-moon @ninten-draw @rubicons magicajaphet on twitter
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pookapufferfish · 5 months
doodle requests?... Rivulet pool party... (whether with other rivulets or the other scugs)
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I like rivulets
decided to just draw a random few i like
@0303emily @pmpwbrrs @sugarr-moon @draagu @pansear-doodles
would tag you too zari but this is your ask im answering lol
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distant-towers · 7 months
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The Hunter
'Strong and quick, with a fierce metabolism requiring a steady diet of meat. But the stomach won't be your only concern, as the path of the hunter is one of extreme peril.'
Designs include - @pansear-doodles @skybristle @verdeltiathedead @draagu @fauxbia @soaricarus @eeveekitti @frogseight @bitsbug @cordycepsbian @kenzieofeverything @erratic-pulsee @booksofstars @stargazer0001 @isnt-a-blog-blog @cosmikazie @rivsimpersonator @infinite-echoes @sillycryptid @semi-sentient @toastedbreado @squenble @pookapufferfish @druidshollow @sugarr-moon @emperormoth101 @olmplush @badgerfrost @neattnat @jax-but-tumbling-down @0303emily @sparkdoesart @siftingsand5 @thyminell
time taken (in total) - 5 hours and 26 minutes
WOOOO its finally DONE!!!! i am so proud of how these turned out
apologies to anyone whos designs didn't make it into the final piece!! i forgot to get their refs and by the time i realised i was already done, extremely sorry again,,,
also sorry if i got any of the designs wrong!! i usually worked on it when i got home from school every day so i was very tired
edit- forgot to add but there is 64 hunters here in total! and this only took me 5 hours, thats the same length as an art fight attack with like 7 characters lmao
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
hi angel !! i hope ur doing well.
what do you think sevika would be like with a witchy partner? like a partner whose always slipping crystals into her pockets or using makeup to draw protection sigils on her arm (me lol)
disclaimer! i know a bit about witchcraft, being a lesbian and all, but i'm not super familiar with rituals, or cultural practices, so this is all kinda just guessing.
men and minors dni
the thing is... she tries so hard to be a skeptic.
she scoffs every morning when you gently tuck a black crystal into her side satchel, promising it'll protect her.
she rolls her eyes when you talk about astrology or the phases of the moon... like the planets have powers.
and any time she walks in on your burying a candle or some herbs, she just shakes her head and chuckles, then kisses your head and goes about her day.
but... and she fucking hates the fact that it's true... your little potions and spells and whatever else you do... it seems to work.
she asked you one night after she got home, as she was cooking dinner and you were unpacking her satchel for her, why you don't just leave the 'little rock' in overnight, so you don't have to pack it for her every day.
you giggled and explained to her that half the protection is the way you bless it, the symbols you trace into it every morning.
"what kinda symbols?"
"well, i made a special one for you. for when you go to work. that you'll come home safe to me."
and you kinda take her breath away with that answer.
and, worst of all, it seems like it works. each day since you've moved in and started the little morning ritual, she's come home safe and sound, excited to see you.
(she convinces herself it's just the placebo effect, until she comes to terms with the truth when you're too sick one morning to pack her little satchel for her, she forgets the crystal, and gets the shit beat outta her. twice in one day.)
sometimes you anoint her forehead or pulse points with little oils: petals and herbs and other little goodies in the jars. she'll ask what it's for and you'll shrug.
"this one's for peace of mind. you look all far away." you said one night, when you caught on the couch watching tv in the middle of the night.
she was snoring on top of you within minutes.
"this one's for communication." you said on the morning before she asked silco for a raise.
which she ended up getting.
"this one's... well... you'll see." you said mischeviously, before pressing a kiss to her cheek and winking at her.
when she had your ankles by her ears, her strap balls deep inside of you, you giggled and bit her earlobe. "it was an arousal-- ah! arousal oil."
"figures." sevika grunts.
anyways... you know that despite the teasing sevika respects it. she's always bringing you 'cool rocks' for your crystal collection-- you don't have the heart to tell her most of them are just pebbles, so you just add 'em to the shelf. she'll pick up anything and everything that looks a little mystical for you: from cool black matches, to candles whose flames burn different colors, to real crystals, and bones or taxidermied critters.
(she kind of loves the witchy-gothy vibe of it all, loves that there's always candles burning, and incense by the windows-- little jars of goodies and ingredients everywhere. she thinks it's cool. she'll never admit it to you, though.)
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub
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rubicons · 5 months
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super fun guys to draw!!
@sugarr-moon @soaricarus @pookapufferfish @sillycryptid
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soaricarus · 3 months
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i love ur riv so much
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jetsimpersonator · 5 months
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(For context, I asked for peoples rivulet designs like a month ago and I got a few)
This was seriously a challenge for me but I'm so happy I managed to pull it off. There's like.. 14 scugs in there. I would've added my own but I really did not want to take more time on this oughhhhh
Designs featured, left to right, sorted by plushie or not plushie:
Left of Pebbles, non-plushie: @cheddar-inq, (Cheddar I noticed that you changed your Riv design but by the time I saw it I had already finished your Riv I am so sorry) @sparkdoesart, @neattnat
Left of Pebbles, plushie: @eggobuggo, @sp1resong, @soaricarus
Front of Pebbles, plushie: @subwaybug, @cordycepsbian
Right of Pebbles, non-plushie: @notchaoticferal, @dusty21134, @cookieeevee
Right of Pebbles, plushie: @sugarr-moon, @stratusstormcloud, @fishsfailureson
I'm. Really sorry if I messed up on anyones designs and I am sorry again for taking so long. I feel very free now though so that's awesome
Drawing took 8 hrs btw . That's longer than how long some of you SLEEP you nerds go to bed. Right now
Oh and in case it wasn't obv, the Pebbles design is mine, kind of
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wavesalwayscrash · 3 months
sorry for another ask, but just wanted to say your arts stunning, especially your shading and backgrounds. would love to see your process!
Thank you very much!! Sadly my process is pretty basic and not very noteworthy (nor am I a very good teacher on these things) perhaps in the future I'll make a post about doing bgs and such bc that's one of my favorite parts of the process. again thank you very much for the kind words!
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emperormoth101 · 6 months
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tags and notes under cut!!!
@rubicons SO SO HAPPY TO HAVE MET YOU!! You are so cool!!! Tysm for introducing me to cherrypie I love them with my whole heart
@sugarr-moon And thank you for introducing me to bathbomb!!! You’re an awesome person and I think you’re ver cool :]
@tomfoooleryy YOU!!! You are amazing!!! I love your art and your rainworld designs and au is so cool :D
@cheddar-inq YOU TOO! I love your dark au sm I swear i’ll start sending in more asks soon, my last one was to moon about sacrifices (that was me yes)
@weeeeblr HII I’ve not known you for very long but I still am such a big fan of your designs and art :D
@pookapufferfish I may not know you that well but still drew your little guy!!! You seem like a really cool person and I love seeing your stuff on my dashboard
@draagu !!! You are so so awesome! All of your designs are so unique and amazing and I love seeing your pufferfish content!!!
@sleepinginmute Hello!!! I think you’re so cool and I also love seeing your stuff on my dash :] your art is awesome and I love seeing it all
@druidshollow Been a fan of you for awhile now, im so invested in your iterator story and I totally would’ve drawn Phrases or River if I could figure out how to draw iterator…still, i love reading your rw thoughts and comics
anddd @failed-inspection ! I only found you a couple days ago but I love your slugcat designs! Im also a very big fan of spearmaster campaign :D
If anyone wants separate images I can grab them!
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scrufflesksunnide · 7 months
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This was a lot funnier in my head.
Colors based off of @pansear-doodles Hunter and @sugarr-moon Rivulet respectively
Survivor likes cool colors :)
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draagu · 7 months
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batnip · 3 months
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@sugarr-moon .. bathbomb ceo ! i have been nicknaming peoples ships. in particular, i call sugarr-moon's bathbomb "sunset bathbomb" with the coloration and sunset upon the robots they help. i want to make a blog for these nicknames.. uh.. placeholder maybe @rw-shipper-naming
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