dixie12 · 8 months
what if jonny wanted to try subbing for the first time, so he arranged it carefully with someone he met online. and he vetted the guy, and it turned out they actually got along pretty well, so now he goes back to him when he needs some relief, needs to not feel the weight of the world on his shoulders for just a few hours.
they work up to some more intense play time, with jonny getting tied up in various positions, bound and gagged, and he enjoys all of it, until the impact play.
he wants to like it, feels like he should like it- he's a big, strong hockey player who gets knocked around for a living, taking a few spanks with a glorified ping-pong paddle should barely even register for him, but something about it burns in the wrong way, makes his skin feel tight and his heart beat frantically in his chest.
he's trying to safeword, and he gets louder than he means to, driven there with fear and uncertainty, and apparently a neighbor heard him yelling, because the next thing jonny knows, the apartment he's in is getting raided, the door kicked down as police swarm in.
jonny's dom is loudly trying to explain things while he's getting put in handcuffs, but no one is listening, and jonny's brain just refuses to handle what's happening as he plummets into subdrop.
and of the course the cops have no idea what's wrong, think he's been drugged or he's in shock, so they cut him out of the bonds he's in, load him into an ambulance and suddenly he's surrounded by even more people he doesn't know, in the cramped back of an ambulance speeding down lakeshore drive with the high-pitched sirens loud and disorienting in his ears.
he's taken to the emergency department, with the paramedics yelling that they think he's in shock, and everything is happening so quickly, and he curls into himself more, barely understanding what's being said above his head.
he's nauseous and shivering through a cold sweat, head throbbing, wrists burning where he was straining against the ropes and he can't even open his eyes against the harsh light of the hospital room.
and then, there's a warm hand on the back of his neck, firm.
"you're doing really well," a voice says, and it's so solid and steady that he relaxes on instinct. "that's right, just listen to my voice," and jonny does. there's a hand on his wrists now, too, just holding them gently, and jonny feels safe for the first time since he got to the apartment tonight.
"i think you're dropping," the voice says, and jonny nods his agreement. "we're going to get everyone out of here except for me, ok? going to get you some juice and then you're just going to lay here and breathe for me, nice and steady, just like you're doing."
the voice is warming him up from the inside, and jonny uncurls a bit, opens his eyes to meet the gaze of the man standing next to him.
"there you go, good boy," the man says with a smile. "my name's dr. seabrook, but you can call me brent."
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shkretart · 8 months
A few sketches on MK1. I draw during breaks from work, give me strength.
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elisiafarias · 5 months
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I have envy of Jonny for have the privilege to take the arm of bi han
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mado008 · 9 months
Questions for mortal kombat verse:
What's your top 3 favorite ships?
Who's top? Kuai or Hanzo?
Question for you: do you like any anime?
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dava09 · 7 months
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Unos dibujos randoms que hice está semana, el primero es mi favorito, osea era hacer un dibujo simple no uno de mis mejores dibujos
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patzweigz · 4 months
genderfluid but in the way that the last two options during an optometrist visit are technically different but damned if most folks can't tell
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greyias · 1 year
For Jonathan 😘
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Made while listening to the first episode of Re: Dracula, which is absolutely fantastic! Loving the actors’ take on both Jonathan and Dracula
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Agressive or Technical...
Character Technical is good at blocking, his logic is intercepting or blocking punches. Aggressive doesn't think about defence and runs on the break. There are those who do not know what they are and act according to the situation. Star * is a master of All Defence or incredibly aggressive.
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revelation-56 · 10 months
This is currently living in my head rent free
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dixie12 · 7 months
what if jonny were a sub who refused to talk about his dynamic, was never seen out with a partner, never showed up with rope burns, and seemed vaguely unsatisfied pretty much all the time. not a surprise, right? it's jonny, of course he's not like other subs.
except he wants to be. he presented late, when he was 16 and already established as a phenom at shattuck. for him, it was like something was slotting into place; the unsettled feeling under his skin that he could never explain, the way he maybe enjoyed the post-game scrums and team bonding nights a little too much, tucked up against his teammates, letting them ruffle his hair and tell him how well he played. he loved when they all wrestled in the locker room, loved the feeling of being pinned down by someone stronger than him, even though he didn't understand it at the time. so when he presents, he's actually excited that he'll be able to get more of that, ask for more of it.
only that's not what happens at all. everyone thinks it must be a mistake of some sort, and he starts to bristle when people tell he can't really be a sub. he doesn't know how to prove it; he can't invite them into his head and show them just how much it gets him off to be pushed around, so he learns not to talk about it at all.
no one is doing much hooking up in high school, and even at UND, his focus is on his hockey, working harder than ever now that he has the sub label to contend with, feeling like he has to prove his worth even more than he did before. it pays off, and he's drafted in a great spot to a rebuilding team that tells him they respect that he's a sub, and they'd never try to change him. jonny is naive enough to believe them, but it doesn't last long. they pair him up with patrick, the other superstar rookie who might not look like a dom, but acts enough like one to make up for his angel curls and big blue eyes.
PR is very careful to never make it look like jonny's submitting to pat, making him look strong and imposing in all of their media, and not letting the media ask about his dynamic. they showcase his skills on the ice, his leadership, and the result is a lot of respect and a city full of doms who won't look at him twice, sure he's the kind of sub who hates to submit, who's more effort to take home than he's worth.
he doesn't know how to dispel the myth, short of getting down on his knees in public and begging, and even then, he thinks it wouldn't be taken seriously. he goes on a few dates with adynamics, and they're pleasant enough, but not what he wants, and he stops trying pretty quickly.
the dates with doms are worse. all he wants is someone to put a hand on his neck, a cuff on his wrists, and a cock in his mouth, and all the doms seem to want to do is talk about hockey and gently suggest that maybe jonny would like to kneel for them, but if he doesn't want to, that's totally ok, too! he tries, but they leave him feeling unsatisfied, like he's thirsty and there's a glass of water just out of his grasp, so close he can almost taste it but tantalizingly out of reach.
the worse it gets, the less he likes to talk about it, and the more his legend as an untoppable sub grows, a catch-22 that he can't solve. he thinks about using one of the services out there to get what he wants, but he needs the connection, wants to be good for someone that he'll see again, to see the pride shining in their eyes when they look at him, knowing he's earned it. he wants to kneel after a hard game and have someone understand, to take that burden from him and give him back peace and praise, and he'd never get that from a contracted dom.
he's out with pat after a game one night, and they'd both played well, jonny assisting on pat's game winner. they're tipsy, and pat's eyeing a hot sub up at the bar who keeps sending looks his way. pat picks up girls more often, but this guy is built and undeniably hot, and pat looks like he's thinking about.
"he'd look good on his knees, peeks," sharpy says, elbowing pat in the side while gesturing up to the bar. the rest of the guys chime in, asking pat if he wants to tie the guy up, maybe strap him, and they're getting rowdy with it.
"you ok?" pat asks quietly, noticing jonny's not joining in the way he sometimes will.
"sure," jonny says, not looking at him.
"i know you're not into that sort of thing," pat says, and jonny must be drunker than he realizes, because he downs the rest of his beer, slamming the empty glass onto the table and pushing back.
"not like you'd know," he spits, and turns to walk out.
pat catches him outside, waiting for a cab. "what did you mean?" he asks, and jonny can't help it. it's been eating him up inside, and it spills out without warning.
"everyone just assumes what i'll be like in bed, you know," he says, voice sounding raw to his own ears. "why wouldn't i want what every other sub wants? why can't i have that, too?" he asks, biting at his lip when he can feel his eyes burning.
pat looks at him, shocked. "you... want that?" he says, voice cracking, and jonny doesn't trust himself to talk, just nods tightly, praying for a cab to come and rescue him.
pat stares for another second, and then gives him a slow smile. he reaches out, getting a firm grasp on jonny's neck and tugging him in close, making jonny stumble. he holds him close to his side and whispers in his ear, " then let's get you home, baby."
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gay-dorito-dust · 8 months
sub zero anon again 😼 Can I request something where Bihan is very possessive, maybe he gets jealous that Johnny Cage or someone else is flirting with you and you get fed up with bihans attitude about the situation (not w you but with johnny) so you end up just going home and when Bihan is bitching about it you kiss him to shut him up 🙏🏻 i got my inspo from the jealously prompts page LMAOO anyways you’re the best <3
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‘Do you have a map, because I get lost in your eyes.’
Johnny’s voice was the equivalent to nails on a chalkboard to Bi-Han. It caused him to react in a viscerally violent way that grew harder and harder for him to ignore the more the arrogant man sat across from him opened his mouth to speak; Especially so if the words that left said arrogant man’s mouth were unsolicited flirtatious quips directed towards you. Bi-Han wasn’t oblivious to your beauty and he couldn’t put an ounce of blame on you for merely existing, however he could and would put every ounce of blame on Johnny for interrupting what was meant to be a private moment meant for the both of you.
Bi-Han had been planning this for a long while now since being Grandmaster took up most -if not all- of his time, leaving the only times where you could be together was during at night and missions, which were never truly enough for him when you were seemingly the only person who could elevate the stress of being Grandmaster from his shoulders and grant him the opportunity to being vulnerable. For Bi-Han it acted as a way of saying thank you for putting up with him for as long as you had for he knew he wasn’t the most easiest of people, so for it all to be tarnished within a blink of an eye by the arrogant buffoon who was too acted as though he was god’s gift to humanity; Needless to say Bi-Han wasn’t the most pleased and he doesn’t bother to hide his displeasure either with how tightly he scrunched up his fists and how hard he clenched his jaw from under his mask. He even went as far as to keep his ice cold glare solely on him as a way to tell Johnny how he was overstaying his unwarranted welcome.
But either the man was stupid or was just that full of himself because not once did Johnny spare Bi-Han a single glance, nor cared to, as all his undivided attention was focused on you as he spouted and and all sorts of one liners that only prove useful in fuelling Bi-Han’s fire. And as much as you liked Johnny as a friend, he certainly had the upmost worst timing ever. Impromptu hangouts is what he liked to calls them but when you saw him enter Madame Bo’s the same time you and Bi-Han were just getting settled, you knew the worst was yet to come. You knew Johnny had a tendency to flirt with anything that moves and breaths and often times does so during the worst of times, but this must’ve possibly his worst one yet.
You knew how Bi-Han didn’t get along with Jonny so you could only imagine the amount of effort he was putting in to not reacting to anything that was being said, but you weren’t an idiot. You could see him silently seething from the corner of your eye as you went to place your hand on his knee for reassurance, only for him to jerk it away from you, leaving you to question his sudden attitude towards you when you’ve done nothing wrong the entire evening. You even shot him several questioning looks, all of which were blatantly ignored by Bi-Han as his lack of emotional control had lead to the air becoming frigid. You could start to see small quantities of ice beginning to form on the edges of the table, creeping inwards to your ceramic mugs of half drunk, lukewarm teas.
You nudged Bi-Han with you shoulder. ‘I thought the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei was meant to set a precedence.’ You whispered. ‘You know Johnny is nothing more then a friend, and I know he kind of ruined our evening but that don’t mean you have to go this far just to get back at him.’
Bi-Han’s jaw twitched as the furrow of his brow deepened. ‘It’s truly an insult that you would believe that I would ever disgrace myself by stopping to his level. I’m merely warning him.’ He said sharply as the air grew even colder and the ice on the table had now rendered your tea undrinkable, much to your disappointment. You really liked that tea.
All of this didn’t seem to raise any warning signs within Johnny, who was oblivious to it all, which honestly baffled you at how he didn’t seem to acknowledge the change in the air, nor feel the ice that was threatening to encase the hand that was holding one of your own as his thumb gently caressed the skin there. All you wanted was a nice, easygoing evening, it was such a small thing to ask for but Bi-Han and Johnny were making things unnecessarily hard for you and now all you wanted to do was go home and head straight to bed to sleep this all off and hope that you have forgotten all about it the next day. ‘If being sexy is a crime, you’d be guilty as charged.’ Johnny said but before you could say anything in response, Bi-Han stood up abruptly, his eyes showing a man who’s reached his limit and so had you at this point as you tried to ease the oncoming headache to no avail as Bi-Han reached to grab Johnny by his expensive shirt.
‘Woah! Go easy on the merchandise dude, this shirt cost me a fortune.’ Johnny cried.
‘I have no care for your materialistic lifestyle Cage.’ Bi-Han spat venomously and that was about all you could take as you stood up from your chair and grabbing the cryomancer by the bicep, catching his eye for the first time that evening. ‘I don’t think Madame Bo would enjoy having to spend the rest of her evening clearing blood off of the floor and furniture now do you?’ You asked, taking the silence that greeted you as your answer as you again spoke pointedly, ‘We’re leaving. Now.’ Bi-Han knew it wouldn’t be wise to fight you once your mind was made up and he didn’t want to be even more on your bad side then he already was, and so he released Johnny unceremoniously as his body hit to the floor before following you out of the tea house without another word.
Back at the Lin Kuei wasn’t any better either as Bi-Han decided to make his thoughts known of how much he hated Johnny for not only ruining your evening that you’ll never get back, but also for blatantly flirting with you right in front of him. And at the rate he was going at, it only felt like the beginning of an extremely long night, and not in the sexy sense either.
‘Cage is an insufferable man child.’ He began. ‘Doesn’t know how to keep his hands to himself nor does he have an ounce of respect within his entire body.’ You internally groan as all you wanted to do was sleep, but it was clear that Bi-Han wasn’t about to let this go as easily as you were, and you knew that Bi-Han had an unhealthy tendency to withhold grudges until his dying breath. But even then he’ll still be carrying those grudges like it was his life’s purpose. ‘Johnny was only flirting with me to get a rise out of you my love, which was why I was trying to stop you from doing something you’ll come to regret later on.’ You explained, walking over to Bi-Han and placing your hands on his face, watching with soft eyes at how he’d visibly relax and lean into your touch, reaching his hands up to place over you own as a way to keep you there.
You loved this man more than words could describe, but you swore there were days where he could drive you up the wall and yet you wouldn’t trade it for anything. ‘The fool could use today as a learning lesson as to not try to go after what’s rightfully mine.’ Bi-Han growled possessively, had it been any other night you would’ve found this shamelessly attractive but tonight wasn’t the night despite the warmth that flooded throughout your entire body. ‘I’m sure he’s learnt a very valuable lesson and would do better to think twice next time.’ You told Bi-Han as your thumbs stroked the cheeks of his now maskless face, taking time to ingrain each and every facet that made up his beautiful facial structure, something you very much liked to do every night before wandering off to sleep.
‘There won’t be a next time if Cage wishes to keep his life.’ Bi-Han replied, his hands, which had now traversed down to your waist, gripped you tightly as they -rather roughly- pulled you into him until you were flushed against him. You smirked as the fluttering feeling within you raged on. ‘How romantic of you my heart, but I think you’ve done enough talking for one day, so allow me to give your voice a rest and put your lips to work in the only way I that know we’ll both enjoy.’ You didn’t allow Bi-Han to speak afterwards as your lips were already descended upon his as your hands had moved to lounge comfortably over his shoulders, your eyes closed in heavenly bliss.
The evening might’ve not gone how either of you would’ve wanted but that’s what made the kiss more rewarding but what made it even more rewarding was when Bi-Han’s hands slipped down to your ass, giving them a good squeeze, as he then walked you towards the end of the bed, where you fell into the mattress with Bi-Han following shortly after; whilst actively making sure to support most his weight onto his forearms that caged you underneath him before reconnecting his lips with yours feverishly, as your needy hands grabbed ahold of him however you could.
Maybe it was one of those sexy nights after all.
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elisiafarias · 7 months
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Kitana selfie 💞💞💞
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97buckley · 8 months
Play with you ──── jonathan crane.
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pairing: jonathan crane x reader
summary: jonathan desperately needs your help and will do anything to get it.
warnings: MDNI 18+, enemies to lovers, slapping, P in V, oral (f and m receiving), sub!crane, whiny crane.
word count: 1.3k
a/n: this is my first time writing ever so please don’t expect much. i didn’t read it over cuz it kinda makes me cringe. anyway there wasn’t enough sub!crane fics so i had to bust one out. enjoy!
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Jonathan made his way to your office, already regretting what he was about to ask you. He needed to keep working on his experiments with the fear toxins it’s almost perfect but he’s a little low on money. he knows you have more than enough money to fund his experiments. The problem is you and him have been enemies since college. you’ve always been the top of your class in highschool, as was he. but as soon as you guys were freshman in that college, you’ve been head to head. constantly competing for the top spot. You always teased him and made jokes at his expense. And here he was, about to ask you for money.
He knocked on the door to your office, palms beginning to sweat, unsure of the exact reason. “Come in!” you called out behind the door. He opened the door hesitantly, planning what he was going to say to you in his head. “Crane? To what do i owe the pleasure.” He rolled his eyes, already annoyed by you. “i need your help.” he couldn’t look at you, he felt abashed. You fold you hands atop of your desk, staring in his eyes trying to intimidate him “sit then.” Following your instruction he sits at a chair infront of your desk. “i‘m here to ask you if you will fund my experiments.” his voice sounding weak, clearly embarrassed that he has to ask you for help. you laugh, you didn’t mean to but you two have been rivals forever and here he is asking for your help, no, your money. it’s comical. “why should i help you crane? what’s in it for me?” you leaned forward on your desk looking him straight in the eye.
He let out a sigh, he explains to you his fear toxins and how he plans to use it to take over gotham. it intrigued you definitely, how sick and twisted Jonathan truly is. you stand up out of your seat and stand on the edge of your desk in front of Jonathan, looking down at him. he looked up at you, looking in your eyes for a sign that you’ll help him. “beg me.” he was taken aback, he didn’t understand if you were teasing him or what. “what?” you have always hated Jonathan but you must admit, you wanted nothing more than to take him and put him in his place, this was the perfect opportunity. if he wanted your help he was going to beg for it.
“y/n im not-” he started but you quickly cut him off grabbing him by his tie pulling him up to your face. “you want my help right?” he nodded, slightly afraid of you. “Then beg me crane.” he looked down for a second swallowing his pride. “please y/n, please help me. i’m-i’m begging you.” you smiled at him pleased but not satisfied. “on your knees.” you let go of his tie. “ok y/n that’s enough i’m not doing that, are you going to help me or not?” oh a sassy man he is. you slapped him across that face. his face turned completely, jaw dropped not expecting your hard strike. he looks back up at you and slowly gets on his knees. “there you go. good boy.”
He looked up you for what he has to do next. “how bad do you need my help?” he looked down, unsure of embarrassment or shame because he was getting turned on by your dominance. “really bad.” still looking down, not daring to look you in your eye. “come on jonny i know you can do better than that.” he said nothing, still looking down. stubborn man. “look at me when i talk to you jonathan.” he looked up at you, you can see the embarrassment on his face. red cheeks, glossy eyes, beautiful, just so beautiful. “i’ll do anything you want, just help me. please.” she scooted closer to you, putting his hands together as if praying.
“anything?” all the ideas running through you head of what you could do to him. “anything” he put his hands on you calf, running them up your leg. you sat down on your desk and spread your legs. “if you make me feel really good, then maybe i’ll help you.” he wasted no time pulling down you stockings and your panties. you were so wet already, he stuck two fingers inside your hot wet pussy. you moaned a little at the feeling of him curling his fingers inside you. your moans encouraged him to lick a long stride along your pussy. it sent an electric shock through your body making you moan loudly, making his cock painfully hard in his tight black pants.
You pulled at strands of his hair, making him moan into you. his mouth was wonderful, so much better at eating you then talking all the shit he does. you felt yourself getting close to the edge so you pulled him off. he was panting heavily, mouth all wet from your pussy. you grab him by his tie and pulled him into a teeth clashing kiss. he moaned and whimpered as you started kissing his neck leaving marks all over where people could see. he started to grind his covered erection against your heat. “please.” he didn’t even know what he was pleading for.
“please what crane?” he seems disoriented, still dry humping you. “i wanna be inside you…please.” without hesitation you start to unbuckle his belt, he helped pull his pants and his boxers completely. he thrusts into you as soon as it’s all off. “your pathetic crane, your acting like a whore.” he would never admit it but your words turned him on even more, all he could do was whimper on you ear. you reached down and rubbed your clit. you felt yourself coming to the edge again. “faster.” he pounded into you like a wild animal. you came so hard you saw stars. the feeling of you squeezing around him was bringing him to his climax, you felt him twitch inside you and pushed him off off you.
he was so desperate. you started whining and trying to come back to you. “please, why i was so close please.” you pushed him into the chair that he was sitting in before. “this was about me crane, not about you.” he started…crying? he was crying. the man who had made your life hell in college and still to this day trying to prove he’s better than you… is crying. “please y/n, i need you please.” you almost felt bad for him, he looked a mess sitting on that chair. his face all red, tears coming out of his face, his cock out, and he was mumbling little “please”s. this is when he looked his prettiest.
you got on your knees in front of him. “touch me and i stop.” he nodded his head vigorously. “yes yes thank you.” you lick the tip, tasting yourself. he moans above you, gripping the arms of the chair. you start teasing him, giving him slow strokes. hes so desperate he can’t stand your teasing. “please y/n, ive been good. just please use your mouth.” his voice was shaky, you decide to just give him what he wants, he has been good. you took him all in your mouth and he whined at the feeling. he was so deep you gagged a little.
“thank you, thank you!” he whined out. you hadn’t even been going for a full minute before you felt him twitching again. “i’m so close, so so close.” he was fighting himself to not touch you, his hands now furrowing through his hair. “go ahead baby, cum down my throat.” he didn’t need to be told twice. he shot his load down your throat, it was more than you thought it would be.
you pulled away from him and wiped your mouth, swallowing his cum. “i’ll give you the money crane.” you said standing up fixing your outfit. “really?” he was out of breath panting like a dog. “on one condition.” you leaned down next to his ear using the arm rests. “you let me play with you whenever i want.” just the idea if you using him whenever you wanted, made him excited. he had never said yes so fast in his life.
“come back tomorrow and we’ll discuss everything with the money yeah?” she walked out of her office leaving him there in that chair. this might be the best deal you’ve ever made in your life.
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cemeterygirlrocks · 10 months
TESTING | — j.c
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Summary; You’re testing a new type of chocolate you made on Jonathan.
Content; P in V, unprotected sex, dacryphilia, black fem reader, reader has female anatomy, sub!jon.
“Can you sit still? God.” You were standing over the doctor while he was in a straight jacket, sitting down in a chair trying to move even though both his legs were tied down to the feet of the chairs.
“I-It’s hard, you know. What the fuck was in that chocolate?” While turning hard to stifle your laugh, you turned your face away from his view.
A whine fell from his lips, licking over his swollen pink lips. This chocolate made him feel warm inside, too warm for his liking.
“Can you l-look at me Y/n, please?”
You and Jonathon didn’t share a home, but he always found his way into yours. It honestly made you mad, but no matter how many locks you get changed, he always finds his way in.
This time, when he arrived you weren’t there. Like he always does, he snooped. Throughout your living room, bathroom, only stopping in the kitchen.
He was so excited, you had made snacks.
There was brownies, chocolates, lollipops. You knew he liked chocolate, you were testing him.
So when he ate it, he couldn’t help but eat four out of the six you had made.
Why would you look at him, after his dumb decision.
You were in lingerie, pink striped bra along with the same itty bitty striped panties.
Your favourite, paired with black heels. You had just got out of the lab, and you came home to this.
The only reason you did it was to give him some sort of relief. It wasn’t in your plan for him to eat the chocolates, you were gonna test them on a random homeless dude you’d freshen up.
All because he was stupid, so stupid, that now you were in this predicament.
Although you couldn’t help but like how precious he looked.
Restricted and hot.
Jonathan really had enough, you were just watching him. His body language, the way he was reacting. Scribbling away in that clipboard of yours, lifting up your black glasses when they slid down your nose.
“Help me, c’mon?” Groaning, you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.
“I did! Took off my clothes just like you asked, why do you have to be so ungrateful?”
A choked moan escaped from him, every insult, every word you let leave your lips made his skin crawl.
He was heating up, just from your stare, “I’m sorry, mmfu—please? D-Do something.” You pouted, your hands falling onto your hips.
Jonny barely said please, surprised you. This really did make anybody beg.
“What do you want? I wanna see how it affects you, okay? Wait, so impatient.” Huffing, you began bringing your attention back to to your clipboard.
“The fuck are you doing in my house?” You yelled, jumping at the sudden presence of Jonathon.
He grinned at you, still stuffing his mouth with the chocolate. You tilted your head for a minute, until it clicked.
Running up to him, you took the last piece out of his hand, smacking him on the head. “You really shouldn’t have eaten this.”
The man rubbed his head, looking at you with the most confused look on his face.
“Ne—Need anything. I’ll take anything you give me at this point. Hurts so bad momma.”
He only ever called you momma once before. It was an accident really, you guys worked together you should’ve never got too close with him.
It happened though, you forgot it ever happened, blocking it out of your brain. He on the other hand, brought it up almost anytime you guys were alone.
You were done examining, now it was time to make it go away. Either he sat like this for at least twenty four hours; or, you helped him.
Crouching down a little bit, you smiled at him, “You want some relief Jonny?” He was sweating, eyeing her pretty pouty lips.
They were so big, so edible looking. “Mhm, p-please?” The doctor was panting, his heart beating out of his chest.
It made him so warm, he was feeling this unsettling warmness, and oh how it wouldn’t go away.
You unzipped his pants teasingly slow, a grin plastered on your face. His hips bucked up at the sudden feel, any touch by you made his stomach clench.
“Ohh f-fuck. Mhm, mmm. Please please please please?”
Giggling quietly, you watch him shake at the slightest touch. “Making you real desperate hm? Huh Jonny? Is it?”
You gripped his member, a shaky breath letting itself show, he wanted to cum, he needed to.
Two strokes in he was mumbling incoherent words to himself, a little tear falling down his face. He wasn’t sobbing, yet.
“I can cum? Fuck please? Oh shit, I’m gonna fucking cum. You’ll let me? I-I can’t hold it in momma.” You smirked, your covered tits hovering just in front of his face.
He could see, smell, but he couldn’t touch. The smell drove him to the end, made his legs shake and his heart pulsate way higher than the regular rate.
“I’m cumming, fuck I’m cumming.” Jonny couldn’t stop with the heavy breathing, made you get annoyed.
“Can you shut the fuck up Jonny? So loud, calm down.” He bit down on his bottom lip, stifling a moan as warm hot liquid shot from his needy tip.
Jonathan was shuffling so much, trying to get free from the straight jacket. It was so hard though; made him pout, and made happy you laugh.
“You aren’t escaping, you done? Ima little tired Jonny.”
“No! Fuck! Please please no, I can take more. I’ll show you, ju-just touch me again. I’ll give you more of me, I promise Y/n.”
Smiling brightly while playing with his cum, you kissed your teeth, humming a soft note.
Rubbing his warm nut all over his cock, you started again. This time you weren’t as nice, swiping your thumb over his tip while doing an up and down motion.
Jonny could feel it, felt so good but hurt so bad. You heard sniffling, moving your head up to see tears flowing down his face in a crazy speed.
“P-Please momma, I really want it. I’ll give you so, so much If you let me. Hm? How bout that Y/n? You want my cum?”
You clicked your tongue, rolling your eyes, “Every time we talk it’s always you asking the questions. You always wanna take the lead doctor, can’t you see you aren’t in the position to right now?”
“I’m sorry, oh fuck. It’s coming, it hurts so bad.” He sniffled, still more tears streaming.
“Oh stop that crying, don’t be a baby. You ate my chocolates, your fault not mine.” He couldn’t deny it was his fault, so stupid but so smart.
The knot in his stomach untied and he felt so little relief. He needed more, he wanted more.
“I-I know you’re tired, but I need more. I’m sorry, please?” You huffed. You weren’t tired, even though you made it seem so.
He was so needy, so dependent on you. Made your skin hot, made his skin hot.
“You’re gonna be begging me to stop.”
xo, liah
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patzweigz · 3 months
whoever did the voice direction for the dungeon meshi english dub... bless 'em
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