#strobe is my favorite oc guys
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I wanted to post my oc strobe tonight but I realized that DESPITE being my second ever tf oc not only does she not have a full reference design sheet but she doesn’t even have any UNFINISHED SKETCHES of her BY HERSELF so here’s some shitposts and animatic things that have her I love strobe
ALSO BLITZWING IS IN THIS POST YAY trust me HES IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!! also I drew Blitzwing differently in the video because that animatic is OLD. AS. BALLS. I changed how I draw him a while ago after I saw this AMAZING design of him
Anyway here’s all you need to know about Stroeb I can’t give lore because my mutual rp friends follow me and they aren’t allowed to know yet :(
Strobe is a joke character but she did make my friend cry for like 2 days when she died in rp so I guess she does have an impact or something LOLOL
STrobe is a super romantic high-energy FIEND who hates other women and wants to be One Of The Boys. Though she lacks common sense and a filter, she’s actually pretty intelligent when it comes to math, engineering, health science— all that jazz. Not very good in the English department though…
Strobe is known for getting in people’s business and holding grudges. If you wronged her once, even if it was megacycles ago, she still remembers it and is still plotting how to get back at you. And since she’s so nosy and curious and knows how to ask around and get good information, she knows exactly how to ruin your day… OR LIFE!!!! Maybe not that dramatic maybe not life but emotionally she’s pretty angry all the time lol
All in all basically a very unstable pick-me-girl who will have a vendetta against if you identify as a woman or instantly want to marry you if you’re a guy. She loves men btw she loves men a LOT…. Specifically BLITZWING… but it’s not mutual LOL
To elaborate on that random fact (and to explain why Blitzwing is in every SINGLE DRAWING) Strobe is compleeeeetely in love with Blitzwing and follows him around really wants him to like her but Blitzwing is too busy watching football and eating veiner schnitzel or something to notice idfk. Blitzwing really sees her as like a semi-annoying younger sister than a girlfriend (and plus I lowkey headcanon Blitzwing is just asexual + aromantic leaning in general THATS MY HOT TAKE he’d rather sing nursery rhymes and kill people than hold someone’s hand!!!) so would never date her she gets friendzoned constantly
(I also headcanon random is gender fluid I DONT KNOW WHERE ELSE TO PUT THIS headcanon But It’s here LOL ANYWAY)
ALSO I should probably end this with saying IN THE Little toddler phone thing with the stupid bugs and blitzwing the pink bug is NOT strobe’s child that is her clone. Very long story. But she has a clone. The clone’s name is chitter and she is a very sweet little baby who has gotten kidnapped at least 3 times so far in the rp she’s in Oops
ive had someone ask before if chitter was blitzwing and strobe’s child and the answer is No! but the more I look a chitter especially when she’s colored in the more I realize she does look like it….
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celandeline · 4 months
Summer of Like // Farleigh Start x OC (23)
If there’s one thing you can say about the Cattons, it’s that they know how to throw a party. 
The extravagance is overwhelming - hundreds of people are scattered about the grounds and in the house, all dressed to the nines in midsummer night’s fashion. Glitter seems to float in the air from how the strobe lights flash pinks and blues into the night, catching on every slightly reflective surface and amplifying tenfold. Though it's been hours since the sun disappeared behind the maze, the heat of the day still lingers, trapped between all the sweaty bodies. On the lake, lotus shaped lights drift with the breeze. 
Music blasts through the grounds, and Venetia hasn’t let go of my hand since the crowds first started rolling in. It feels like Cambridge again - the dancing, the drinking, the way that it’s just us in a sea of people, laughing and smiling and shouting at each other over the music. It’s a high on it’s own - though there’s copious amounts of coke if I wanted any.
A man bumps into Venetia and sends her stumbling into me, gripping onto my shoulders for dear life. Still dancing, she turns as the man leans down to apologize, picking up my arms and wrapping them around her middle. I rest my head on her shoulder as the man retreats, and our dance renews, swaying and grinding to the beat. 
We simply dance for a while, until Venetia tips her head back to speak into my ear. “I need another drink!”
I press a wet kiss to her cheek before letting go. “I’ll catch you later?” 
“Always.” She says, winking at me before sauntering off towards the house, her spiderweb dress like a string of prisms in the night. 
I reach down to adjust my own dress - a strapless sheer thing peppered with strategically placed peaseblossoms to cover all my bits. Left alone, the craving for a cigarette hits me, and I wander off the dancefloor in search of something to smoke. 
Even off the dancefloor, the crowds are thick. I wish Venetia had chosen something a little more substantial for me to wear - something, preferably, with a place for me to store a pack of cigs and a lighter - but I can’t pretend that my dress isn’t simultaneously the sexiest and prettiest thing I’ve ever worn. And, this quest for a cig will be a chance to meet some new people that I’ll likely never see again - a favorite pastime of mine. 
The squeeze past a gaggle of girls all dressed as fairies, following the scent of smoke. I spot the burn of a cherry in the throng, and cut through the crowd until I’m standing in front of a guy that I don’t know on the edge of the crowd. In the distance, a fire flickers on the lawn, a pig slowly rotating over the flames. 
His eyes sweep over me, and he grins around his cigarette. “Hi.”
“Hi.” I return, putting out a hand to shake. “I’m Evelyn.”
He takes my hand, and shakes it twice. “James.” He says. “What can I do for you Evelyn?”
“I was looking for someone willing to give a pretty girl a cigarette.” I say, batting my eyelashes at him. “Are you my guy?”
He laughs. “I’d be willing, for a price.”
“What kind of price?” I ask. There’s no world in which I have sex with this man for a cigarette, but I’m curious to see where this goes.
“I’ll give you a cigarette,” He steps closer, narrowing the distance between us and pulling his cigarette out of his mouth. “If you give me a kiss.”
I grin. “Sure.” 
Tilting my head slightly upwards, I plant a kiss on his waiting lips. It’s too wet, and he slips his tongue in too early, and it makes me miss Farleigh. Farleigh knew how to kiss. 
James pulls back, and digs a cigarette out of his pocket, handing it to me. I press the end to his to light it, and tuck it between my lips, sucking greedily. 
“So.” James says. “You wouldn’t happen to know who’s birthday it is, would you?”
“Oliver.” I say. “Little guy, about my height, big blue eyes. I’m sure you’ll see him around at some point.”
“Oliver.” James rolls the name over his tongue. “I don’t know him.”
“He’s a friend of Felix’s.” I say. “From Oxford.”
James hums, placing his cigarette back between his lips. “I used to go to school with Felix, when we were both in secondary school.”
I nod along, my eyes drifting away from him and back towards the flickering fire in the distance. Two silhouettes stand in front of the flames, one with antlers coming out of his head - Oliver - and the other, tall with a halo of curls…
I watch the taller silhouette bend down, getting in Oliver’s face. It can’t be anyone else. It can’t. 
I turn back to James. “I’m really sorry, I just saw someone-”
His gaze flicks over to the fire, and then back to me. “It’s fine.” He cuts me off. “You’re not really my type anyway. I don’t make a habit of fucking Americans.”
I only acknowledge the comment by flipping him off as I slip away, making a beeline for Farleigh. The walk to the open fire isn’t long, and it’s made even shorter by the speed at which I dash over. He stands up from Oliver, and I catch the sour look on Oliver’s face as he stalks away, back towards the house. I breeze past him.
He turns, his face splitting into a grin when he sees me. “Eves.” He drops the head of his costume in favor of sweeping me up into a hug. He squeezes me for a moment before he realizes what he’s doing and sets me back down. “Sorry.” He says, sheepish. “I just- sorry.”
I can’t help but giggle. “No, it’s okay. It’s so good to see you. It’s been so boring without you here, I missed you.”
He smiles. “You make a girl blush, Eves.” 
“So did you sneak in, or..?” I prompt, raising my eyebrows. 
“Believe it or not, I was actually invited.” He says. “They just can’t resist my boyish charm.” 
“Is that what it’s called?” I tease. 
“That’s what I call it.” He says, dipping two fingers into his sleeve and pulling out a little baggy of white powder. He reaches down, grabbing one of my hands and shaking a line of powder onto the back before running his nose along the skin and hoovering it up. I watch, wide eyed, as he licks up the excess, never breaking eye contact with me. 
Letting go of my hand, he wipes his nose, and jiggles the little baggy. “You want some? It’s pure - I made sure.” 
“Why not?” I say, taking the baggy from him. He holds out his hand, and I do what he just did, shaking a line across the back of his palm and snorting it up. Only, instead of running my tongue over his hand, I simply look at him. “Go on. Lick.”
Pupils blown wide - from the coke or my words, I don’t know - he licks the back of his hand, swallowing the rest of the powder. 
“Where's Venetia?” He asks. 
I glance behind me, back towards the manor house. “Dunno. She went to go get a drink a while ago. Probably throwing herself at Ollie by now.” I look back at him. “Why?”
He shrugs. “Just wondering if she was going to tug on your leash anytime soon.” He says. 
“Farleigh.” I give him a look.
Undeterred, he continues. “Since she’s left you, how about hanging out with me?”
I grin, stepping closer to him. “I’d like nothing more.”
< previous part | next part >
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pastelbatfandoms · 3 years
ABCs of your OCs
A list of oc questions in alphabetical categories - i made each category based on the first word I could think of in alphabetical order, so enjoy!
Decided to try and answer these using Gifs and Images of My characters (aka who or what reminds me of My character)
.Doing this for My OC Michelle Riley in My Riverdale Fic. 
Michelle is “played by” Ksenia Solo (Teen) &  Kaya Scodelario (Young Adult)
A: Aptitude 1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young? Writing,solving Mysteries,has always had an interest in the occult and anything different and unusual.
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2. what activities have they participated in? Michelle is a bit of a Loner but she has done Cheer and writes Poetry in her spare time as well as mysteries. She also was a camp counselor & Lifeguard with Betty and Cheryl over the summer. 
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3. what abilities do they have?  She’s human but Michelle knows a bit of Karate and was taught how to fight by FP.
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4. what things are they bad at? Being Honest,Indecisive,
5. what is their most impressive talent? Writing and Dancing
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B: Basics 1. what is their hair color?  Dark brown. Dies Black or wears Blond wigs. 
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2. what is their eye color? Brown but wears Light green or blue contacts
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3. how tall are they? A little shorter than Jughead
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4. how old are they? 15 (Story start) 19 (Story end) October 7 2000
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5. how much do they weigh?
C: Comfort 1. how do they sit in a chair? Usually leaning forward.
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2. in what position do they sleep?
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3. what is their ideal comfort day? Reading or watching TV,eating,doing something creative,learning new things (especially about the occult or conspiracy theories),writing poetry,mainly being by herself on her down time.Although she’s an ambivert so she does like hanging out with her BF or Friends after her alone time. 
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4. what is their major comfort food? um Anything lol She’s literally a female Jughead in more ways than one. Burgers and fries,Milkshakes,Pancakes,Chips and salsa...
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5. who is the best at comforting them when down? Betty or Mom. Most of the time Jughead. (unless it’s about him)
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D: Decoration 1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name? Minimalistic with plants,charming and attractive yet simple and comfortable. Small neighborhood.
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2. how would they decorate their child’s room? Michelle doesn’t want kids
3. how do they decorate their own room? Shabby Chic,Girly mixed with rustic. With of course darker undertones. 
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4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear? Goth,Grunge,Edgy,had a preppy phase. (Casual Artsy in Middle school) 
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5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends? Yes.
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E: External Personality 1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality?  Sometimes. She’s not as tough as she portrays. 
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2. do they do things that conform to the norm? Sometimes. If on her own.
3. do they follow trends or do their own thing? No
4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads? Only E-Girl and Mod Goth.
5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own? Is shy at first.
F: Fun 1. what do they do for fun? Shopping,Dancing,hanging out at Pop Tates Malt Shop,Drive in movies,Art,watching Horror movies,writing poetry,Solving Mysteries,going out to a club or the biker bar The White Wyrm. 
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2. what is their ideal party? See Above. Dancing,Strobe lights,Band,Underage Drinking/Sex. Unless she’s 18 or 19 then. Decorating for parties and liked having Clue inspired Sleepovers in middle school.
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3. who would they have the most fun with? Her girls. B,V & C.
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4. can they have fun while conforming to rules? When alone yes.
5. do they go out a lot? Yes.
G: Gorgeous 1. what is their most attractive external feature? Her eyes and smile.
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2. what is the most attractive part of their personality? 
3. what benefits come with being their friend?
4. what parts of them do they like and dislike?
5. what parts of others do they envy?  IDK if I’m going to finish this.
H: Heat 1. do they rather a hot or cold room?
2. do they prefer summer or winter? Spring and Fall
3. do they like the snow? Not really.
4. do they have a favorite summer activity? Thrift Shopping and Sleuthing
5. do they have a favorite winter activity? Reading inside or Sleuthing.
I: In-the-closet 
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1. what is their sexuality? Pan Sexual 
2. have they ever questioned their sexuality? yes
3. have they ever questioned their gender? No
4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT? Yes they are very open minded.
5. how long would/did it take for them to come out? High School
J: Joy 1. what makes them happy? Art,writing,shopping,mysteries,love,music.
2. who makes them happy? Her Family (Blood and none)
3. are there any songs that bring them joy? Wow I have a whole playlist...
4. are they happy often? More or less
5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
K: Kill 1. have they ever thought about suicide? I don’t write that. They may have dark thoughts but never act on them,this is not 13 reasons why.
2. have they ever thought about homicide? No
3. if they could kill anyone without punishment, would they? who? No
4. who would miss them if they died? Um all her Friends and Family
5. who would be happy they died, anyone? Penny Peabody lbr
L: Lemons 1. what is their favorite fruit? 2. what is their least favorite fruit?
3. are there any foods they hate?
4. do they have any food intolerances?
5. what is their favorite food? Already said. She also really likes Chicken with chips and salsa.
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M: Maternal 
1. would they want a daughter or a son? 
2. how many children do they want? 
3. would they be a good parent? 
4. what would they name a son? 
what would they name a daughter? 
5. would they adopt? Possibly
N: Never Have I Ever
1. what would they never do? Kill Innocents.
2. what have they never done that they want to do? 
3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do? People do alot of shitty things. Killing Kids and animals would be one of them.
4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done? 
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do? Um get drunk and sleep with her boyfriends Dad??...Or cheat on Jug with Veronica. SPOILERS! But I probably won’t finish this story lbh.
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O: Optimism 1. are they optimistic or pessimistic? Both
2. are they openly optimistic?
3. are they good at giving advice? Yes
4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them? Throws lol I suppose her Mom or Betty. 
5. were they always optimistic? 
>>>P: Personality 1. what is their best personality trait?
2. what is their worst personality trait?
3. what of their personality do others love?
4. what of their personality do others envy?
5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
<<<Will do this later
Q: Questions 1. do they ask for help? Sometimes
2. do they ask questions in class? She did yes,when she was trying to be a straight A student.
3. do they answer questions that make them a little uncomfortable? Yes
4. do they ask weird questions? Yes
5. are they curious? Yes
R: Rules 1. do they follow rules? Sometimes.
2. would they be a strict or laid-back parent? A good balance.
3. have they ever been consequences for breaking a rule? 
4. have they broken any rules they now regret breaking?
5. do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous? Nope
S: Streets 1. are they street-smart? Yes
2. would they give money to someone on the streets? Probably
3. have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets? Yes
4. has anything happened to them on the streets? Other then Fights,no.
5. are they cautious when out? Now yes,but she can take care of herself.
T: Truth 1. are they honest? More so now yes.
2. can they tell if someone is lying? Yes
3. is it obvious when they’re lying? Yes
4. have they lied about anything they regret lying about? Sleeping with FP
5. have they ever been talked about behind their back? I’m sure.
U: Underdog 1. have they been bullied? A couple times but they stopped once she stood her ground,same with standing up for others (like Jughead)
2. have they bullied anyone? No
3. have they been physically attacked? Yes
4. have they ever been doubted? Yes.
5. have they surprised people with being good at something? Yes,alot of Guys (and girls) underestimate her.
V: Vomit 1. do they vomit often? 2. do they get lots of stomach aches? 3. are they good at comforting someone ill? 4. what do they like as far as comfort goes? 5. do they burp, cough, or hiccup most when nauseous? when vomiting?
W: Water 1. do they drink enough water? 2. have they learned to swim? 3. do they like to swim? 4. can they dive? 5. can they swim without holding their nose?
X: Xylophone 1. what is their favorite genre of music? Oldies,Indie & Goth Rock
2. do they have a favorite song? Prince-Die 4 U
3. do they have a favorite band/artist/singer? The Cure,Prince & The Neighborhood.
4. can they sing well? Sure
5. can they rap? No
Y: You 1. how old were you when you created them? It was in 2017. 
2. what inspired you to create them? Watching Riverdale for the first time
3. were they different when they were first created? No
4. do you enjoy writing them more than other characters? No
5. what’s your favorite thing about them? Her style and sarcasm. 
Z: Zebra 1. what’s their favorite animal? Cats and Dogs
2. do they like animals? Yes
3. cats or dogs? Both
4. what’s their dream pet? Panther or Dragon
5. do they have any pets at the moment? Shares a Sheepdog/Mutt with The Serpents,named Hot Dog.
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So remember this lovely boyo that I made a post about a while ago. Well, here's some more information about him!!
Name: Toru "Snappy" Ocman
Gender: Male
Age: somewhere between 40s and 50s
Job/occupation: ran a arcade from the early 80s to the early 90s. Some experience with fixing arcade machines.
Cause Of Death: shot to death by a teen robber that Snappy banned from his arcade earlier that day. Then stuffed into a arcade machine, making him one with the machine.
Voice: Snappy doesn't have a normal speaking voice, he makes 80s-90s arcade game sounds, especially PacMan noises.
- Calm but can be angered easily.
- will become angry over very little things.
- Will automatically hate someone if they remind him of the teen who killed him. Snappy will bug or even hurt the person that reminds him of them and feel happy about it.
- so basically self-pity.
- will hiss and/or bite someone if they touch his arcade machines or glasses, he treats the arcade machines more like humans then actual humans.
- doesn't like to be touched or be in a loud room. since becoming a machine, he was always touched by random people and was always in a noisy area. now having freedom, he's just wants it to stop.
- Music from 80s and 90s can calm down Snappy if he ever has a outburst of anger. (Good luck getting the headphones on him without getting killed though)
- though he's not a funny person, he always had a sense of humor. So if you crack a joke a him, you'll brighten up his day maybe. Make it a good one or he'll get mad at you.
- isn't trying to redeem himself so doesn't act nice, the only reson he hasn't passed on is because he wants to spit on the grave of his killer. Only thing that backfires is that he doesn't know who they are, so he'll never know.
Random facts:
- His all-time favorite song is "PacMan fever" by Jerry Bucker & Gary Garcia.
- His favorite foods to eat are (unsurprisingly) cherries, strawberries, Oranges, and Apples.
- whenever he feels extreme emotions, he turns color. Mad is red, Blue is scared/sad, orange is nervous, pink is embarrassed
- loves to chew on things. Anything, really.
- Snappy has a collection of merchandise of old arcade characters, such as JumpMan, Donkey Kong, Pacman and much more.
- He cleans the arcade machines constantly, he even asks to touch them first because he doesn't want to touch them and them being possessed or something.
- knows sign language but never uses it because no one really talks to him.
Boss fight info/how it works:
- a must fight boss, can't spare him.
- He pulls you into the screen on a arcade cabinet and puts you into a mini fight with other game ghosts, after that you get sucked back out and now that arcade cabinet will be broken.
- Sometimes, Snappy when he's out in the open, he swings his hands and snaps at Luigi. Luigi can't use strobe bulb at this time because Snappy's glasses blocks the light, it done anyways, pixelated noises from the arcade owner.
- after breaking all the arcade cabinets, Snappy would flee and go into The "Ghost Man" cabinet, possessing It. The arcade machine is already broken. (Drawing is just what it looked like before) Snappy is having a outburst, he puts out the wires of the arcade machine and makes them into makeshift arms, swinging the arms across the floor.
- Luigi has to rip out the wire arms. then has to use the Super Suction to suck up the arcade machines, leaving The "Ghost Man" cabinet for last. (Welp, time to suck up the arcade machine)
- during the capture animation, Snappy will frantically make his way out out of the machine as it's getting sucked into the vacuum, the machine makes various noises but at the end before it gets sucked up, you can hear the PacMan dying sound effect from the machine. Snappy will also be sucked up, losing his glasses before they get sucked up as well.
Inspiration for this OC: Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon
I hope you guys like them! He's my favorite OC so far. Anyways goodbye for now, love you all!
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republicscum · 6 years
When Jumping into Battle Doesn’t Work
AN: 2,666 words
Male Sith Warrior x OC, Male Sith Warrior & Vette
I didn’t do this with anything particular in mind. I just wanted to practice my action/fight scenes and see how well my story paced prose does compared against my more Fancy(TM) pretentious prose. I also wanted to scribble things down for Grimm because he’s one of my favorite villains. I’m not sure how time is working for him yet in how my interpretation of events happens, so I just set this as though his apprenticeship happened at the same time it does in game and yadda yadda. It shouldn’t be too much different from my personal canon events except for some year transplanting.
Points to note: violence, blood, Grimm (Ansilm) treats Vette like property, and there is some mild language.
Past the Imperial barricade, the tombs were not restful. The rustles of other acolytes seeking their plunder carried through the cavernous halls from all points around, but there was a presence louder and yet all the more still to Ansilm Wx. In the murk there was an omnipotence breathing the stagnant air and biding the eons. Unheedful of things older than him, he pressed deeper into the temple.
The ground sloped into a steep fall beneath his feet. Eventually the shriek of wind blasting around sharp desert outcrops faded into a dull moan and the silence of the grave pressed in. The going for a while was painful and slow, since the sizable Pureblood had to fall back onto his haunches to avoid careening carelessly into a K’lorslug or another acolyte in the gloom. He found himself gritting his teeth. The physical part of his body told him that his muscles were expending laughably little exertion, but frustrated desires whelled so deeply in his chest that it tensed the thin band of rationality keeping him in place.
Ansilm bared his lips back so they stuck against his teeth. Strange power rested here and it would be strange power that would be the undoing of many an acolyte already pushed to fervor as they jockeyed to become Sith. But fighting ones inhibitions was discordant with the natural energy of the Force, and Ansilm did not suspend the tugging in his chest lightly.
Then the ground finally evened. He couldn’t hear the wind anymore. The tomb of Tulak Hord glowed a soft yellow from ancient lights that hid more than they exposed. But the retinal glow of the Pureblood’s eyes provided him an advantage over his human rivals. He wandered for a while encountering nothing until nothing weighed very heavily on his mind. The rooms and halls were built so similarly to the untrained eye that nothing but K’lorslug slime differentiated features. The chambers’ various meanings and purposes once common knowledge to Ansilm’s ancestors was now lost to monotony on him. Occasionally the shouts of someone being killed in darkness rang out, which was an unnatural comfort over the repetitive shuffling and mutterings.
Around the corner, a scream bellowed. Unlike the echoes that might’ve occurred a few paces over or an antechamber away, this was sharp and desperate on the ears. Not residual but real. The taste of electricity laid over the back of Ansilm’s tongue in a thin coating just a second before purple threw the caverns into stark relief. He charged forward to the strobing violet flicker of the Force energy.
The woman who’d screamed lay in the thick of a pack. From their practical minded blades and clothes they were nothing more than tomb dogs scavenging after artifacts. From the mouth of another hallway intersecting the antechamber, Ansilm could see another acolyte drawn out by the yells swiftly unsheathing his warblade. She was blissfully unware. It was an unnecessarily vulnerable position she’d put herself in to antagonize a few treasure hunters, but it was a situation he could leave to resolve itself and pick off the winner. Yet yawning tombs were lonely places for victors of petty fights.
Ansilm sprang onto the other acolyte as he brought his hands down to strike the lightening user. There was a yelp of pain as Ansilm’s warblade broke his grip and wrists, sending the combatant and his sword skittering across the floor. He lashed out with the Force in desperation, pushing Ansilm with a crack into the wall. His back hit hard knocking the wind from his lungs, but his feet and head remained steady. Lightening flared dangerously close to his wine-dark skin and danced off of it in violent crackles as he bared his teeth and advanced forward. Ansilm could barely see from the disorientation and the strobe from slowly frying bodies, but he could feel. He thrust his hand down where he could feel the other curled on the ground. He could feel the breath knocked from his cracked rib cage. One handedly, he drove downward and felt a gushing spurt of what could’ve either the living Force or blood whell into the sucking chest wound. Ansilm brought his other hand to the back of the pommel and forced the blade forward until it sparked against stone. The life drained like an ooze from his body and into the sealed tomb with his last rattling breath. Lost forever.
It fell dark again. The stench of cooked meat filled like blood in his nostrils. Ansilm wrenched his blade from the dead acolyte’s sternum with the protesting jolts of electricity propulsing violently away from sinew and bone. Behind him, the woman, a Red Sith, was poised in a textbook perfect combative stance. One hand raised to Ansilm and his heaving sweaty bulk fearlessly. Almost fearlessly. There was a line of tension down her spine that curved away from him in a guard.
“Well met, sister,” he managed between controlled but massive gasps of stale tasting air and sheathed his blade. His tongue felt thick with electrical charge and exhaustion.
The tense line of her body relaxed into a mistrusting question mark.
“I’ve no quarrel with you. Those Imps got what they deserved.” Her voice, in contrast with his even timbre was high, sharp. It danced on points, like her lightening.
Ansilm wiped away locks of black hair from his face and back over the top of his scalp. “And what was that?” he asked. Dry amusement tinged his voice.
“A dishonorable death. May they shit themselves in the place they were trying to befoul.” She stepped out of her stance to reveal a long siding of wall. The glyphs carved into the heavy rock had been removed into a long gaping trench, like a wound in the temple. From it energy flowed raw and damaged. There were many such gaps like it in other rooms.
“And what of it? Sith don’t concern themselves with petty thieves.”
“Sith? Funny word for one to use who isn’t concerned with his own heritage being raped and plundered.”
Ansilm’s eyes narrowed. She was quickly beginning to pluck at his nerves. “Sith is a legacy; it’s more than any one race. Unfortunate as the rape and plunder may be.”
She scoffed. “If that’s what you think, then you know nothing.”
Ansilm felt the band of irritation begging him to cave in to slaking his fill of power. It expanded with the adrenaline fueled rise in temper at this infuriating ungrateful woman-- It was that swell that ultimately brought him back to a steadying breath. His lungs were still shaky after the disturbed ozone and roasted flesh, but the rawness called attention to his surrounds rather than the provoked pool of emotions within. “Then you can tell me about it on our way into the tomb.”
The woman blinked. “I—I suppose a truce is a good idea. Then you feel it too? The need to give into your worst senses?”
“Yes, it’s tempting. And I think it’s the failure of many an acolyte. A smart Sith is a thinking Sith – not a beast. But at the same time, only Jedi are stupid enough to batter their true selves down. I believe an alliance is the best solution. You’re a good fighter and passionate; if nothing else, we might at least be able to have an interesting conversation.”
The woman’s sandy orange eyes sparkled with interest in the dark. She approached him and held out her hand. “You’re very flattering when you’re talking sense. My name is Jikksi. If you betray me, I'll kill you.”
"Noted." His four clawed fingers practically engulfed all of her small but corrosively smoothed hand. “But pleased to meet you Jikksi as long as you give me an honorable death. I’m Ansilm. Ansilm gestured her forward. “Well, we can’t waste the day talking.” She threaded her arm through his instead.
“What? Can’t a lady even get an escort from the big strapping man who saved her?” Jikksi fluttered her eyelashes coyly. Her tendrils swayed under smirking lips. A snide edge to the words told Ansilm she was feigning for her own amusement, but he returned the smile anyway.
“Of course the lady can.”
Since then, his trials seemed long behind him. The jungle before him. 
“Figures you’d get out at the Imperial Spaceport then have to walk uphill five miles wading through man eating beasts to actually get to the city.”
Ansilm spared a sidelong glance at the Twi’lek slave and considered the shock controls in his belt. She stiffened every time his hand strayed too close, so giving her another jolt for speaking her mind seemed like overkill. All Ansilm Wx expected was obedience and competence. It was a paltry price for he would’ve demanded the same from any other companion of status.
For now she seemed content to stretch the durable woven fibers of her new armored gear. He’d had her change into the new jacket and pants during their last few uneventful hours on the Black Talon and had been relieved to see that it fit. After the simple hide tunic and pants he’d refitted her in on Korriban, she seemed reinvigorated by the proper wardrobe. More importantly, it gave her a suitable edge in combat, while reinforcing the idea that her sense of identity wellspringed from him.
“Can you keep up?”
“Uhh-h, yeah, guy. Tomb raider who got you that nifty glow stick strapped to your belt, here?”
“And I thank you for that.”
“I—you’re welcome. I think. Can we go before you start being nice to me?”
Ansilm shouldered his sparse haversack of belongings then started forward into the looming trees.
“What makes you think I wouldn’t be nice to you? You’re walking freely in the middle of dense wilderness, are you not? If I valued your servitude over your well-being I could easily have you on a drag line in front of me.”
Vette, a few paces behind his shoulder in case of threats, winced. “I’m sure you mean that nicely, but it still sounds creepy. I guess, it’s because this is a kind of everywhere to hide but nowhere to run to situation.”
Ansilm saw her glance up to the canopy cover. As they stepped over an invisible line, it swallowed them. Something made a trilling cry from deep within.
“That in no way negates what I said. I think you’re in a different arrangement for the time being and need to stop overthinking things. Your situation is plain and you’d do better taking it a day at a time for your own sanity. Paranoia will make even the strongest person go crazy.”
She fell contemplatively silent behind him and a smile curved Ansilm’s lips. Remarkably simple how punishment and kindness worked in conjunction to reform injustice to complacency. But one thing was missing in his quiet assurances: the promise of freedom. It was important that Vette not have a goal to work towards. Just a long haul day by day of getting used to her new life. When she reached that next milestone Ansilm would reward her with something nice. Something she liked. He just needed time to parse her out.
Aside from some sparse chatter where Vette asked Ansilm where he was from (Kaas City) and some comments on the weather, they continued the hike in silence. Coming from Korriban to a planet where the atmosphere was the same consistency as soup and well above sea level, the few kilometers felt like parsecs. Every step felt like an overexertion and he was beginning to feel the edge of a chill. Vette was doing better with her stamina for exploring, but even experience couldn’t negate the harsh barriers of rapid climate change. He could feel them both beginning to flag, when they encountered their first Gundark.
They had seen movement in the trees occasionally but nothing desperate enough to interfere with the man-made pathway. The exception was foraging just off the path with its head bowed and grunting into the soil.
It had been a while since Ansilm had seen a Gundark, and the reality of how gruesomely large they were was a daunting eleven-foot reality made of mealy smelling taut stretched hide.
Vette groaned. Fatigue snagging even the edges of that. “We sh—” she choked off then glanced hesitantly between Ansilm and his belt.
“We press on,” Ansilm said as if nothing was amiss.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I know you’re built, but that thing is you and then on stims on top of the stims its already on.”
“Come on,” Ansilm said again as though she hadn’t spoken and reached for his blade.
As he turned it on, the creature’s head snapped up. He felt Vette lurch back bloodlessly over his shoulder and knew she’d be useless. She had already succumbed to the terrifying elements and exhaustion. Ansilm would, as usual, have to rely on himself.
He coiled his legs into tethers of energy that he didn’t have and made an impossible leap with his arms poised in an overhead cut to bring down across the creature’s body. Hopefully the thick hide would tear like canvas and spill intestines on the ground. In slow motion, blurred by the speed of his surroundings, Ansilm watched one of the creatures tree trunklike arms come up effortlessly to bat him away. Committed now to his plan, Ansilm followed through with the cut and closed his eyes. It was like hitting a wall on a speeder bike. There was a beastial scream of pain, his bones folding into something solid, and …
Vette looked like she was vibrating; it made him feel dizzy.
The next thing he saw was cloth tarping and a Sith woman. She was beautiful. With a fine face, and elegant features piqued by a naturally mischievous demeanor and drips of gold piercings against her angular tendrilled ears and pouty lips.
“Jikksi? What’re you doing here?” The words came out too slow even though he was speaking normally. Almost like his tongue was too fast but his mouth too thick, but he felt good. Fresh. Cooler and softer somehow. “Korriban was a long time ago.”
“Do you know what year it is?”
Ansilm frowned. “Why would I need to? I’m fine,” he insisted a little hotly and leveraged his weight onto his arms to stand.
Quicker than he could comprehend, she grabbed his arms. The practical coarseweave was rough against his bare skin. Her fingernails dug into his slippery skin at the same time her light floral scent dug into his nose. She was strong. Ansilm – who had seen her control convulsive torrents of electricity while keeping perfect saber form - knew this, but it was another thing to feel it gird down through his muscles.
“Where’s my shirt?”
“What year is it Ansilm?”
He took a deep breath knowing there was no way to convince her he wasn’t okay when she was so assured that he needed medical attention.
“10 ATC.”
Her hands relaxed as he became less of a flight risk.
“Where are you?”
“A few miles from Kaas City.”
“Who was the master you were hoping to apprentice under as an acolyte?”
“Darth Baras, and he will be very unhappy if I’m late.”
Jikksi smiled and let go of the pinning hold on his biceps. He felt cold again after she left but not in a pleasant way. “So you were successful then.”
“Of course.” Ansilm blinked. “Vette.” He tried to bolt upright again, but a current of stiff pain that hadn’t been present before stopped him with a gasping grunt.             “You took a harsh knocking. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a few fractured ribs,” Jikksi replied and compelled him back down with both hands on his shoulders.  “I understand you have a lot to worry about, but if you try and get up again, I will restrain you. Anything you need, I can do.”
“You don’t understand. My slave—”
“The Twi’lek woman?”
“Yes, is she—?”
“After you were knocked out, she killed the Gundark and went looking for help. She found me, and we brought you here. She’s being attended to for her own injuries.”
Ansilm blinked back to Vette’s out of focus face and the thunderous sky framed behind her. He recalled retroactively the sharp scent of sap and ancient soil. She must have dragged him on his back.
“Here is where?” 
He tried to turn his head, but found that the stiff rod of pain prevented that too. Glows of a fire danced along the dark tenting material and conversation ebbed and flowed in the distance. It wasn’t enough to make anything out.
A mysterious smile played around Jikki’s lips. “I’m not at liberty to say anything except that you’ll have to be marched out with a blindfold on. But… She’s a very loyal slave. You should consider yourself lucky.”
Ansilm slipped his fingers around Jikksi’s wrist – where her palm still rested flat and even on his shoulder, like an afterthought. “I do.”
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beautality · 6 years
Fears & Ferris Wheels
Series: Hunter x Hunter with original character(s) Ships: Implied Chrollo x Malachi (OC) Warnings: Internal minor anxiety Extra Notes: Much love and credit to @terminallydepraved for helping me! Thank you! ♥ This is my first piece of writing so it’s fairly short. Malachi’s art is also by me. Please ask permission before you start to critique!
Summary: The summer fair has arrived in town and being the charmer he is, Malachi convinces the troupe that they need to go. The bad news is that a certain magician is also inviting himself, determined to cause a little trouble as he always does. Fortunately, Chrollo knows how to get under Hisoka's skin just right so that he can steal Malachi away for a special ferris wheel ride.
He didn’t think it could ever be this way. It never played out in his mind that he could be here, at a dusty county fair with its trademark flashy amusement rides and sinfully greasy eats, feeling like he had his place in the world figured out among people who never failed to win his heart over again and again. The colorful lights of the fairgrounds strobed to a song Malachi knew all too well, but his thoughts were too preoccupied to focus on the lyrics.
These are the people who love me. Accept me. They might not always understand, but they try.
He gazed around at each and every person, his left hand propping up his chin and a bite of scone drenched with honey butter in his right. Most of them were laughing and talking with each other, boasting little to no cares about the world tonight other than keeping their hands from getting sticky with the syrup and grease on their deep fried treats, but two certain people were watching him. Hisoka scooted closer on Malachi’s left, a faint but musical hum coming from his throat.
“Are you going to eat that?”
Hisoka teased with his usual saccharine tone, pointing a sharp, neon purple nail at the sticky sweet snack between Malachi’s fingers. It took Mal a moment to snap back to reality before he looked Hisoka straight in the face and stuck the scone in his mouth. The silly reaction made Hisoka laugh as he crossed his arms on the table and leaned on them.
“Hm, I suppose that’s your answer. You seem distracted... Is there something wrong?”
Sharp golden eyes were fixated on Malachi as Hisoka awaited an answer. It wasn’t easy to give him one; Malachi had always struggled to convey his feelings in the form of spoken words.
Hisoka, why do you always put me on the spot? I almost think you want to see me flustered. No, I know you do. You’ve always been like that.
“I just... Was thinking about stuff? I mean like... Uh...”
He didn’t have to flounder for long before a warm, lilted voice interrupted and saved him from needing to reply.
“Malachi, what’s your favorite part of the fair?”
Chrollo was watching Malachi with a curious smile from his seat across the table, seeming to completely ignore Hisoka. From the look on the magician’s face, it was obvious that he was displeased, but he kept his lips pursed tight. It appeared that even he didn’t want to cause too much tension when everyone was having fun.
Malachi pretended to think about it momentarily, tapping a finger to his lips before grinning over at Chrollo. His heart felt like it was going to burst, but after all this time around the beloved head of the troupe, he’d started to expect it whenever they talked. Hell, it happened just when Chrollo looked at him, but he wasn’t complaining.
It’s usually the rides I look forward to every year. Right now though, it’s him. I want to see him have fun and experience the things he never got to as a kid. I want to see him smile. Not the one he does to fool people or the one he does when he’s curious, but the one he does when he’s enjoying himself.
“I love the rides ‘cause of the thrill. Maybe it’s different for you guys but I always enjoy the rush of excitement I get from them.”
He paused with a soft squeak, glancing away as his face reddened.
“My favorite is the ferris wheel though.”
“That’s not very thrilling, Malachi!”
Shalnark laughed off to the side with a lighthearted tease, earning a nervous glance from Malachi. Even though he wanted to explain himself, Mal just couldn’t do it when words continuously failed him. The feeling of anxiety started to get the better of him and he looked down at his hands to stay calm as his chest tightened.
No no no, don’t do this to yourself. Shal isn’t actually judging you, you need to stop. Please. This is a night for relaxing. There’s nothing to be upset about. Please, stop freaking out, you’re okay. You’re going to be fine.
Seeing Malachi start to panic, Chrollo spoke up again. This time he had that light in his eyes like he did when there was something new and interesting right in front of him.
“Let’s go ride then! I want to see what makes it your favorite. It‘ll be just you and me.”
For a brief moment, Chrollo glared at Hisoka, who had opened his mouth with the intent to invite himself. The other’s eyes narrowed in disdain and he dug his nails into his arms.
“I suppose I’ll have to steal Malachi later then. Enjoy yourselves.”
“I appreciate it, Hisoka! You’re so nice, sharing your friend with me.”
Chrollo clapped his hands together gleefully, a triumphant smile crossing his face as he stood to leave. Malachi’s eyes darted between the two as he slowly rose to follow.
I wonder if they’ll always be this way? It’s... It’s almost as if they might literally kill each other at any moment, but they manage to still get along fine at the same time somehow. I’m so glad that’s not the case between us.
Malachi joined Chrollo in a casual stride towards the ferris wheel, taking deep breaths and looking straight ahead as he matched steps with the man beside him. Chrollo noticed how stiff Mal looked and gently grabbed his hand, interlocking their fingers together as they entered the waiting line.
“You’re important to all of us, you know.”
Chrollo... Is holding my hand?
“You bring a lot of happiness to my spiders.”
He is. He’s trying to comfort me again. But it feels... Genuine. It’s not like when people tell me I’ll be fine, that things will get better.
“You struggle a lot but you still put your heart into all that you do. Thank you for being you.”
This is too much, this is...
Malachi stared at Chrollo for a couple moments, a strange feeling overcoming him, and he realized what it was when tears threatened to pour over his cheeks. Chrollo’s smile was soft, warm, and completely real, one Malachi didn’t consider as a possibility before. If he had to pick a word to describe the emotion behind that look, it would probably be adoration.
This is love. I can’t help it, I truly love him.
After taking one more deep breath to compose himself, Malachi grinned back at Chrollo sheepishly. His cheeks were on fire but he paid no mind, instead squeezing the other’s hand. The touch was electrifying and he craved it.
“I’m so grateful to have all of you... Even Hisoka, I guess.”
He laughed softly, his ears perking up to show his mood lifting.
“But I should be thanking you too, Chrollo. You mean a lot to me and I--”
Before Malachi could confess his newly recognized feelings, the girl taking tickets cleared her throat and reached out for theirs. He hadn’t even noticed the line moving but Chrollo had it covered, lifting their entwined hands to show their bracelets for unlimited rides.
Wow, he’s on top of things and smooth as always. But... I should rethink telling him how I feel. That was close... And I don’t want to ruin things right now.
As Chrollo pulled him towards the open car excitedly, Mal bit his lip but managed to keep his anxiety at bay for the moment. Even though the car was big enough for six people or so, he took a spot nearest the door so he could look out over the fair. Chrollo claimed the seat next to him and inspected the inside with wide eyes.
“It’s a wonder that these old machines don’t just fall apart.”
He murmured as he stared up at the ceiling, although he didn’t seem at all nervous. Then again, Chrollo didn’t seem to worry too much about anything. That was something Malachi found amazing about him.
“They have inspections and procedures, but I think it adds to the thrill in a way!”
Malachi’s tail curled up high and wagged furiously as the cars started to move. Chrollo jolted just a bit at the sudden jerk and Mal couldn’t help but giggle.
“Well, since you mentioned thrills...”
Chrollo looked over with an unamused pout, crossing his arms as if he were about to chastise Malachi. A mischievous grin crossed the younger’s face as he tried to quiet his giggling.
“What makes the ferris wheel your favorite? It’s not fast and it doesn’t flip you upside-down like many of the other rides.”
The pout eased back into Chrollo’s intrigued smile as he moved his hands to settle in his lap. Looking out over the wall of the car, Mal waited to answer until they were near the top, the ride stopping for more people to get on.
“It’s not the same rush of adrenaline I get from the other rides. I’m so scared of heights, scared of feeling like I’m going to fall. But what makes it worth the fear is seeing down below.”
As Malachi spoke, Chrollo peered over the wall behind him. He saw the darkness of the parking field, barely lit by the carnival next to it. For a moment he was a little lost, but Mal gently pulled him over to look at the fairgrounds below.
“You can see Fei shoving a pie in Phinks’s face at the table. Bonolenov and Franklin are over at the game booths, watching Shizuku win countless prizes. Uvo, Paku, Machi, and Shal are doubled over laughing at Nobu, who just ran straight into a front window of the fun house.”
Mal’s eyes were lit up with joy as he pointed out the other troupe members from above. Chrollo watched him with fascination but still wasn’t quite sure what he was getting at.
“Even though I’m scared to be here, I can see how happy everyone is so clearly. Not just the troupe but other families, groups of friends, and... You know, couples.”
He laughed slightly in embarrassment but kept his eyes looking down below. The two sat in silence for a brief moment before Chrollo broke it.
“You don’t just mean the ferris wheel anymore, do you?”
He leaned over and rested his shoulder against Malachi’s. The motion startled Mal for a split second but he reciprocated it, happy to be this close to Chrollo. They both knew the answer and the silence returned again, this time warm and comforting.
He’s right, I don’t mean the ferris wheel anymore. I’m scared to be here, to be alive, but seeing people smile makes it worth facing those fears. Chrollo’s here with me though. He’s the one who keeps me from falling. I think I’ll be fine.
The two of them stayed quiet and soaked in the blissful moment before it was their turn to get off. Neither of them had to say anything as they clasped hands again either. They just walked back towards the rest of the troupe with knowing smiles on their faces.
No, I know I’ll be fine. That’s because I’m loved.
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