caitlynsdog · 8 months
whats your favorite pokemon?
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This lil guy! Piplup are so cute omg. Also idk any other Pokémons. Like the new ones lmaoo.
Then again Pokémon peaked with this design. Literally no other Pokémon looks cuter than piplup.
There I said it.
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favourite sbr character?
gyro zeppeli for SURE!! i love that silly little cowboy. diego and hot pants are also some of my favourites <3
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caitlynskitten · 8 months
(at least in the uk)
What’re you doing for Halloween?????????
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nofrndofmine · 8 months
happy Halloween! any plans?
Happy Halloween!!! I think my friends and I are gonna just get together and watch a horror movie and eat pizza or something :) I’m cowboy Ken for Halloween because I felt very normal about the Barbie movie (I watched it three times in theaters)
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gyro-daily · 8 months
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waiting oh so patiently for this one
better buckle in then bc if i remember right it's gonna be a bit till we get there loll
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kastavanes · 11 months
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Me and @caitlynsdog torturing @straightchillin1607 with a handful of puns
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rustyarcade · 10 months
Nurse Enid to The Rescue!
A sick fic requested by @straightchillin1607
And also a snuggle fic requested by @drunkenbartend
Here’s the ao3 link if you wanna read it there!
But if you’d like to read it here, then click continue reading :)
Enid woke up early.
She usually woke up early, with plenty of time to wake up before classes began. But the sun hadn’t even come up yet. Her eyes were greeted with the soft glow of the fairy lights she strung above her bed. Rain tapped ever so gently on the big round window in her dark dorm room. The mountain of plush animals and blankets kept her warm from the storm outside. Soft sounds of thunder rumbled gently in the distance.
After a moment of drowsiness, Enid had realized why she had woken up from her cozy slumber. She turned in her bed to face Wednesday in the bed on her half of the room. A cacophony of coughs and groans emerged from Wednesday’s bed as she tossed and turned in her sleep. Enid sat up, turned on the lamp on her crowded night stand, and put on her colorful rainbow unicorn slippers. She shuffled over to Wednesday’s bed quietly. She knelt down right next to her bed. Wednesday’s sweaty face was slightly illuminated by the light from Enid’s lamp.
“Wednesday… are you okay?” she whispered. She shook her gently to get her attention.
All Wednesday could do was moan in response and cough.
Enid placed the back of her hand on Wednesday’s forehead. It was alarmingly warm. Like Wednesday’s heart, her body temperature was usually quite cold. “Oh my God! You’re burning up!” Enid whispered hastily. She got up and knocked on Wednesday’s desk to awaken Thing. The hand groggily crawled out of the drawer. “Wednesday is sick. Can you go get a wet towel from the dorm bathroom please?” Thing made a motion of understandment and quickly scurried out of the room.
More coughs erupted from Wednesday. Enid put her hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder in response. “What’s going on, Weds?”
“My throat feels as if I'm swallowing daggers. Every infernal cough sends a rush of pain through my body. Everything feels so hot. I hate sweat. I cannot wait for the sweet release of death,” Wednesday mumbled out. She looked up at Enid. Her big brown eyes filled with a type of despair that was clearly not like the despair she likes. Enid felt her heartstrings be pulled at the sight.
“Shh… shh… I know, I know… you’ll be ok,” she assured her. Enid grabbed Wednesday’s warm hand that was dangling off the side of the bed and held it.
After a few minutes, Thing came back with a small wet towel. Enid thanked Thing and he ran back to his drawer to sleep. She placed the towel on Wednesday’s forehead. Wednesday let out a noise of relief. “There we go… feels nice, huh?” Enid said warmly. Wednesday squirmed and nodded in response. When the towel became warm and Wednesday affirmed she did not feel as hot anymore, Enid sighed out, “When the sun comes out, I’ll take you to the nurse so she can look out for you, okay?”
As Enid tried to go back to her bed, she was held back by Wednesday’s hand still holding onto hers. Enid turned her head around confused. ”Don’t go…” Wednesday pleaded weakly. Enid was nearly horrified at Wednesday’s state. Never could she have ever imagined Wednesday acting affectionate in any shape or form. She really was sick, Enid thought. Enid returned to her girlfriend’s side.
“Sleep in my bed tonight? Please,” Wednesday coughed.
Enid couldn’t believe it. She must have been dreaming or hallucinating. She felt excitement grow inside of her. Enid had been trying to reassure Wednesday that she can be more affectionate when they’re alone. And this time felt perfect. “Are you sure?“ Enid asked, smiling.
“If you make me ask you again, I will put you in a cardboard box outside of a gas station that has ‘free mutt’ written on the front of it,” Wednesday responded in her usual cold tone.
Enid nearly jumped onto the opposite side of Wednesday’s bed. She laid on her side facing Wednesday’s back and pulled her closely towards her. Her body wasn’t as warm as it was earlier, but she still felt pleasant to hold. She held onto her tightly and buried her face in Wednesday’s dark, unbraided hair.
“Is this okay?” Enid asked.
“Yes,” Wednesday confirmed.
Wednesday was too sick and tired to complain about how “affectionate and gross” she was snuggling her, which to her sounded like a better excuse than admitting that she was actually loving every second of it. Wednesday felt all of her pains melt away in Enid’s arms. She felt as if she could finally breathe again after a horrible night.
Enid was the first to fall asleep, snoring softly after five minutes of laying together. Wednesday closed her eyes too, knowing in the morning she’ll wake up safe and sound thanks to her hero, nurse, and girlfriend.
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johmamma · 11 months
Braids, goddamn braids. @straightchillin1607 knows what I'm talkin abt. Prolly knows who i am too.
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caitlynsdog · 8 months
you do not have to understand how many fluff fics I'm gonna have to read after this film man 😭
Did you watch it by yourself???? 😭😭😭I know that’s gonna fuck you up babe 💀💀💀
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caitlynsdog · 7 months
sup Caitlyn, how's it been going for you recently?
have you seen perfect blue? as in the Japanese psychological horror
YES! I SAW THAT MOVIE! My friend made us watch it and it traumatized me for a couple of days 💀 I think I remember I got mad at them because I wanted to watch something lighthearted so when they said they had an anime in mind I was like “okay sure, let’s watch it”
Never fucking again am I watching that
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caitlynskitten · 10 months
what kind of abomination is pineapple on hot dogs like how the fuck do you even come up with that???
@vaniloqu3nce STOP THE BULLYING
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caitlynsdog · 8 months
what is your first memory?
Like EVER?!
Omg. Uh…… I’m trying really hard to think…..
I think it was almost dying by choking on a Lego in elementary school? 💀
It wasn’t pretty I can tell you that much
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if I'm being honest I'm not personally too involved with JoJo fandom people so I have no idea what counts as a hot take or not lmao (apart from that one time a friend of mine rated joseph a 4/10. can never trust her again)
I think weather's my favorite member, honestly for no particular reason I just think hes cool. his backstory with pucci is really good though
also may be because of this meme
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this might have terrible quality I can't trust my phone
i’m definitely not as active in the fandom as i used to be (around 2018-2020) so idk if people still hate anasui? they definitely did back then lmao. i guess i don’t blame them though because he IS kind of a weirdo.
i love how people just accept weather report’s name and call him by that, as stupid as it is. goofy things like that are one of the main reasons i still like jojo after so long <3
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I really think stone ocean is under appreciated so yeah that's a good pick, pucci is a fucking awesome villain (and also kinda hot but which JoJo villain isn't honestly) and the ending is so well executed
shame we didn't get to see the iconic anasui mickey moment in the anime though :(
oh for SURE, the anime improved people’s perception of stone ocean a lot, but before? people just straight up used to shit on it <\3 very sad considering i think the last half of so is on par with steel ball run in terms of quality.
i love pucci as a villian too!! the made in heaven arc is peak jojo for sure. stone ocean also improved on jotaro’s character SO MUCH and i honestly think people don’t mention that enough.
(we may have lost the mickey scene, but at least anasui stayed pink <\3 i’ll take what i can get when it comes to anime adaptations lmao)
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caitlynsdog · 11 months
hey Cait (can I call you cait?) when you're on Tumblr do you just chill with 3 different tabs open with your accounts on them? or are you secretly 3 people
What are you asking me?
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Also it’s Caitlyn please. Thank you 💙
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caitlynsdog · 8 months
thought on k pop?
I used to listen to a lot of K-pop in middle school and then I just stopped 💀 I like listening to any trending K-pop music but I’m not into any boy/girl bands at the moment.
I’ve been listening to Gods by NewJeans a lot this month. But I guess that’s because I’m a league of legends degenerate 💀
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