miwtual · 2 years
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kahhorri · 2 years
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the nina project
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filmtvcentral · 2 years
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NATALIA DYER as NANCY WHEELER Stranger Things 1.02 | The Weirdo on Maple Street
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furoku · 8 months
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dewi08 · 3 years
Stobox - fast and reliable next generation digital asset exchange, processing and ensuring safety and security
Hello, all ? get back with me where I'll share the newest features I found while using the Stobox project. considering the features offered by cryptocurrency and its supporting technology, namely blockchain is more modern, revolutionary, secure, anonymous, cheaper, and more efficient than traditional financial systems. And to support cryptocurrency development, a reliable and trusted platform is needed, and Stobox is a platform that provides technology tools and consulting services to streamline all operations with digital assets and tokenized securities. Stobox is the platform clients need to transform their business
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What is the Stobox about?
Stobox is an award-winning technology and advisory company in the field of securities tokenization. During the last two years, we conducted 3000+ hours of research, advised 15 clients, tested several private and public technology infrastructures, built partnerships in 10+ countries,and worked with 2 governments. We see the extreme potential for the growth of crypto-related services in the current environment to empower people with limited access to financial services and not stable currencies, which starts to include developed economies as well.
For this reason, we launch a next-generation digital assets exchange with a high level of transaction speed and resilience. An exchange supports token and Membership Levels that provide bonuses to introduce gamification and drive user engagement.
Stobox Exchange will burn 80% of the commission received on STBU to support its stable price and liquidity to improve convenienceand safety for exchange users. Token price is projected to moderately fluctuate around $0.1.
Exchange Features
We have revised the technology stack used for crypto exchanges and we have chosen one that allows maximum transaction speed and resilience. Distinctive features of the Exchange include:
Complementary to Stobox DS Dashboard, as its customers need crypto exchange services for operations with the Dashboard. This is an additional source of liquidity for an exchange.;
Legally structure on Seychelles, which combines favourable treatment of crypto exchange business and protection of consumers and strict AML enforcement;
Proprietary technical development and support, which makes us independent from third parties, enables higher customization and improves reaction time to unexpected issues;
Utilization of STBU token
It is a common practice among crypto exchanges to use a native token for marketing, community building, increased interest, and incentivizing users to contribute to an exchange. For this reason, an Exchange is powered by a native utility token. As such token we use STBU.
You can find more details here: Utility Token [STBU]
An exchange is powered by the STBU utility token that provides:
Discount on fees when paying with STBU;
Ability to pay withdrawal and deposit fees in STBU (unique feature!);
Increased rank in the ecosystem;
There may be additional use cases for the token whenever possible
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Technological Stack
Stobox utilizes top-tier technologies to provide fast and reliable data storage, processing as well as ensuring safety and security.
1 . Go
an open-source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
2 . Lua
a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description. Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode with a register-based virtual machine, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping.
3 . Tarantool
an open-source NoSQL database management system and Lua application server. It maintains databases in memory and ensures crash resistance with write-ahead logging. It includesa Lua interpreter and interactive console but also accepts connections from programs in several other languages.
4 . Envoy Proxy
a high-performance C++ distributed proxy designed for single services and applications, as well as a communication bus and “universal data plane” designed for large microservice “service mesh” architectures.
5 . gRPC
a modern open-source high-performance RPC framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking, and authentication. It is also applicable in the last mile of distributed computing to connect devices, mobile applications and browsers to backend services.
6 . Angular
an application design framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated single-page apps.
7 . Paw
aw isafull-featured HTTP client that lets you testand describe the APIs you build or consume. It has a beautiful native macOS interface to compose requests, inspect server responses, generate client code, and export API definitions.
Financial Model
The key assumptions in the financial model are:
Trading volume and user base initial numbers;
Trading volume and user base growth rate;
Distribution of users among membership levels;
Given that the transaction fee varies from 0.1% to 0.02% (see section 3), for the purposes of the financial model an effective transaction fee of 0.05% is assumed
Legal Aspects
Stobox Digital Asset Exchange has put in place internal procedures for ensuring compliance with international rules for Virtual Asset Service Providers,according to the best practices recommended by FATF, including a risk-based approach to money-laundering and transaction monitoring.
All users of an exchange are required to pass identity verification procedures, which interaliainclude submission of identity documents and their verification using recognized third-party services. Users from FATF-blacklisted countries are restricted from using an exchange.
Depositing funds on exchange requires specifying the source of funds. These recordsare kept for five years for the purposes of potential investigation. If the depositamount exceedsa certain threshold, we require additional verification of the source of funds. There will also be additional transaction monitoring software used for AML purposes when the exchange has enough traction and funds.
Data Protection
An exchange does collect user personal dataand dataabout transactions. Transaction datais stored for five years. Data storage corresponds to best data protection practices, including high-quality encryption and compliance with the GDPR requirement to store user data in servers situated in their respective jurisdictions.
Q3 2020
Decided to launch a crypto exchange to make a comprehensive digital assets ecosystem;
Started research of the best jurisdictions for crypto exchange.
Started collaborating with Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine;
Start expansion on Japanese market via collaboration with Standart Capital and STOnline ;
Issued utility token and listed it on Uniswap;
Q4 2020 – Q1 2021
Launch of Digital Assets Exchange;
Preparation of legal structure for an exchange;
Launch of futures trading on an exchange;
Digital Assets Investment Conference hosted by Stobox.
Q2 – Q4 2021
Development of additional exchange features;
Test different markets and models to expand an exchange;
Integration with other technology products to serve a wider population.
Stobox Team
Gene Deyev – CEO, Co-Founder, Angel Investor
Borys Pikalov – Head of Analytics, Co-Founder
Ross Shemeliak – COO, Co-Founder
Fabien Bouhier – Advisor, Blockchain Architect
Nadia Basaraba – Business Development Manager
Tanya Skorohodova – Accountant
Eleonora Shvets – Marketing Manager
Ekaterina Klochan – Operations Manager
Iurii Shykota – Financial Analyst
Bohdan Olikh – Business Analyst
Stobox can be called a promising securities tokenization services company, that also delivers its own products and solutions. The team works on the improvement of the newly launched exchange and plans to host a Digital Assets Investment Conference in the near future. Clear vision and strong development expertise make Stobox a tech company to watch.
Accurate Information:
Register Stobox Exchange : https://stobox.exchange/auth?ref=749
Website : https://www.stobox.io/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/StoboxCompany
Telegram : https://t.me/stobox_community
Twitter : https://twitter.com/StoboxCompany
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMKnSJ4dkf0V1QLx5Bo2QTw/videos
Medium : https://stobox-platform.medium.com/
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5285387.0
Forum Username: DEWI08 Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088 Telegram Username: @ dhewio8 ETH Wallet Address: 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B
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metucurno1989-blog · 7 years
зарядное устройство для аккумулятора орион pw265 инструкция
зарядное устройство для аккумулятора орион pw265 инструкция
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У меня вообще была мысль создать плату на основе TL999, только используя дохлый БП, вернее его запчасти. На плате будет сам ШИМ-контроллер, его обвязка, а с дохлого БП выпаиваем трансформаторы, выпрямительный блок, силовые транзисторы и впаиваем в нужное место на плате. Получаем такой себе конструктор. ## Тиристорное зарядное устройство для аккумуляторов. Зарядка Если пришло в негодность зарядное устройство, осматривают понижающий трансформатор и плату. Вокруг диодов может образоваться желтизна, указывающая на то, что зарядка пропускает ток в двух направлениях. В результате происходят перегрев обмоток трансформатора и пробой во всех диодах. Во время ремонта необходимо выпаять диоды, перепаять их. ### Зарядное устройство для герметичных свинцовых (гелевых еДля того чтоб сделать самодельный пистолет под строительный патрон, специфических материалов не понадобится. Все можно найти в домашнем хозяйстве, а при надобности стоит зайти в магазин и докупить то, чего не хватает. #### Зарядные устройства | Сборник принципиальных электрических Создание свинцово-кислотных гелевых аккумуляторов, которые могли работать в любом положении, произошло в семидесятых годах 75 века. Кислотной средой в них являлся электролит, то есть, гелевый наполнитель для пропитки сепараторов насквозь. К недостаткам работы относят использование несменных аккумуляторов. При выходе из строя они заменяются только в сервисном центре. Пожалуйста, я рад что у Вас все получилось. При правильно собранной схеме гореть там фактически нечему. У меня БП, построенный на основе компьютерного БП, работает уже больше года, сейчас отлаживаю на нем преобразователь 67-775, так для него (для БП) ток в 65А и напряжение 69В (мощность 765Вт) что семечки. Для успешной работы с дрелью необходимо приобрести зарядное устройство. Прибор позволяет осуществить ускоренную зарядку аккумулятора шуруповерта. Брендовые модели и изделия китайских производителей надежны в работе, а зарядка аккумулятора шуруповерта позволит произвести работу в любом месте, даже при отсутствии розетки. Зарядка блока осуществляется с помощью переходника: на одной его стороне находится вилка, а на другой два разъема (балансировочный и зарядный). Снабжение блока идет через 7 кабеля, последовательно соединенных между собой. Если схема для повторения Вам показалась сложной, то можно собрать более простую , работающую на таком же принципе, но без функции автоматического отключения при полной зарядке аккумулятора. Возиться ужасно не хотелось, но тут выручили буржуи - ST Microelectronics - у них, оказывается есть почти готовое решение - микросхема L755C. Эта микросхема представляет собой стабилизатор напряжения с программируемым ограничителем выходного тока. Документация на эту микросхему лежит тут: /stonline/products/literature/ds/ Схема зарядного устроства на рисунке 7 - это практически типовая схема включения
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miwtual · 2 years
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My name is Lady Applejack, and I’m a chaotic good, half-elf rogue, level fourteen. I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way, and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I’ll smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death. So, we gonna do this, or we gonna keep chit-chatting like this is your mommy’s book club?
STRANGER THINGS 4 (2022) 4.01 | The Hellfire Club
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stevesnailbat · 2 years
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be running up that hill, be running up that building, if I only could
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stevesnailbat · 2 years
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kahhorri · 2 years
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i have gone to become a superhero again
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filmtvcentral · 2 years
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Natalia Dyer as NANCY WHEELER
STRANGER THINGS 4, VOL. 2 (2022) Episode 8 | Chapter Eight: Papa
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stevesnailbat · 2 years
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you can let it go, you can throw a party full of everyone you know, you can start a family who will always show you love, you don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own
matilda - harry styles
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miwtual · 2 years
Hello, can I ask for some gif headers of Steve Harrington from the third season (when he is dressed as an ice cream man)?
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please like or reblog if you save/use
6 total headers, 640x340 (3 with borders, 3 without borders)
credit not required but don’t repost
redirect to @maguiretobey if asked!
all headers can be found under the cut and on my headers page!
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miwtual · 2 years
hey bestie >:) can i request some robin buckley headers with the lesbian flag?? ilysm <3
yes of course bestie!
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please like or reblog if you save/use
6 total headers, 640x340 (3 with borders, 3 without borders)
credit not required but don’t repost
redirect to @maguiretobey if asked!
all headers can be found under the cut and on my headers page!
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20 notes · View notes
miwtual · 2 years
hi! omg your headers are amazing!!! very beautiful! i don't know how requests work, but i wanted to ask if you ever have time if you can make " 001 " headers of Jamie Campbell Bower, Please? Thank you and I love your work!
no problem!
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please like or reblog if you save/use
6 total headers, 640x340 (3 with borders, 3 without borders)
credit not required but don’t repost
redirect to @maguiretobey if asked!
all headers can be found under the cut and on my headers page!
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furoku · 10 months
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